a-law · 3 years
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I love scotch and myself. I tolerate Greendale.
Greendale Community College welcomes CHRISTOPHER JANSEN. They enrolled in Community College because WANTED TO START A NEW CAREER. They are a 39 years old, CIS MAN, (HE/HIM) and they could probably do with a new study group. Some people say they look like MICHIEL HUISMAN but they wouldn’t be caught dead at Greendale.
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communityhqs · 3 years
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Good morning Greendaliens! It is with great pleasure that i get to announce the opening of communityhqs. As we are all in different timezones, i will not be specifying a required time for opening. But we will be opening on 14/07/21. So please begin posting starters and replying to starters until your heart is content then. 
Just a quick reminder that we have a member’s checklist here to give you that starting place if you require. 
We also have a starter blog, so if you could mention @communitystarter in your starter’s that will make our administration team’s life easier. 
We will be using the following tags: communitystart, communityprompt, communityintro, communityooc, communityother, communityinsta
We do have an ooc blog. If you do not yet have the link, please message the administration team for the link. 
And finally HAVE FUN. This community is now OPEN! 
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PenLightenment Intro
Welcome to PenLightenment — A Wonderful Writing Community! 💖 PenLightenment, is your question? PL, as we abbreviate the name, is an Amino community dedicated to writers! If you're a story writer, novelist, poet, or even just a reader who loves to waste their time and emotions by reading pieces that are brought to you by the members of the community, I can guarantee you: your place is definitely here! In our community, you're allowed to let your imagination run wild and write pieces about anything that comes to your mind; but be aware of the fact that we do not allow mature content: the farthest you can get is the "sensual territory" (in other words: anything that you would allow in a PG-13 movie). But otherwise, the only limit in your writing is your creativity! But what about age restrictions? How should you use trigger warnings? No worries, we've got a solution for that too. With our colour-coding system, you can easily label your pieces according to the sesitivity of your writing. It's not obligatory though — but highly recommended. Besides being able to freely share your writing with us, we have some other amazing activities for you, such as challenges & events that are hosted by the staff of the community, or the clubs. Of course, these are all related to writing; if they weren't, then why would we be a writing community? As I mentioned it earlier, we have clubs too within the community. For example: the Horror Writer's Association, the Aesthetic Writing Association, the LGBT Support Squad, the Showcasing Committee, the Fanfiction Squad, the World-Building Association, the Deep Topics' Association, the Welcoming Committee, and many more! These clubs will come with many interesting posts, challenges, events, public activities, but what is the most amazing out of all is that you can join them — but let me whisper to you, only if you are lucky enough to find the applications open. ;) And of course, as the key element of any Amino community, among all these fantastic activities, you can also find a lot of nice people whom you can befriend while staying in the community. Don't be shy, no one bites truly. The staff will ensure that you won't get hurt. Speaking of staff, let me introduce us. The moderation team is made of sixteen amazing people, all being unique in their own ways. But of course, we have so much in common too. Here's a quote from one of our lovely curators, Looni. She once said, "About admin: They protecc. They attacc. But most importantly, they snacc." Alright, maybe not all the time. But we are always open for questions and concerns, so you can freely contact us, respecting the time zones, this way not only there won't be anyone bothered at night time, but you will most likely get a faster answer too. We will do our best to answer your question or find a solution for the problem you bring to us. But hopefully, there won't be many situations that will need our help. The fewer incidents, the bigger peace. 🎀 Are you interested in taking a look to us and help the community grow? Here you can join us: http://aminoapps.com/c/PenLightenment . Aaand you can also bring friends! ;) We will welcome you all to our writing hideout with open arms, and a long message from our Welcoming Committee. We wish you a nice stay in the PL Amino! Hope to see you around! 💜 - your curator, Kristina
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mallorcastartups · 8 years
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We are an oasis for a digital nomad or any independent location worker.
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mallorcastartups · 8 years
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Be Agile, my friend!
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mallorcastartups · 8 years
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PyData is a group for users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. We gather to discuss how best to apply Python tools, as well as those using R and Julia, to meet the evolving challenges in data management, processing, analytics, and visualization. PyData groups, events, and conferences aim to provide a venue for users across all the various domains of data analysis to share their experiences and their techniques. PyData is organized by NumFOCUS.org, a 501(c)3 non-profit in the United States.
The PyData Code of Conduct governs this meetup. To discuss any issues or concerns relating to the code of conduct or the behavior of anyone at a PyData meetup, please contact the organizer: Marc Garcia ([email protected]) or NumFOCUS Executive Director Leah Silen (+1 512-222-5449; [email protected]).
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mallorcastartups · 8 years
Communities: MallorcaSEO
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MallorcaSEO has been created as a meeting point to share knowledge of Online Marketing in general. 
We know that it is a world in which knowledge is power and in addition this information varies continuously, so it is more difficult to keep up with everything that encompasses this great profession. 
So if you want to share your experiences, knowledge, solve your doubts, know tips and tricks ... this is your group!
Web MallorcaSEO
Slack MallorcaSEO 
Twitter MallorcaSEO 
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mallorcastartups · 9 years
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This is a group for people doing stuff with JavaScript. If you are building rich Internet applications, working with libraries or crafting cool code, you'll find people to share your experiences with. If you are just starting out, come and meet others who have been there. This is a place to share knowledge, ask questions, teach and meet new faces. 
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mallorcastartups · 9 years
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The best Thursday is the last Thursday of each month when Majorca’s IT community assembles at the “betabeers” event.
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