#communications case3
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So the balance is a bit off...😇
#ghost and pals#ghost and pals fanart#communications#communications by ghost#communications case3#bri rodez#pathological facade#the queen of teeth#novocaine#trash dentist
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Asian American Political Alliance (AAPA). Berkeley Historical Plaque Project. (2018). http://berkeleyplaques.org/e-plaque/asian-american-political-alliance-aapa/
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives. (1965, October 10). https://history.house.gov/Historical-Highlights/1951-2000/ Immigration-and-Nationality-Act-of-1965/
J. Paul Leonard Library. (n.d.). On Strike! Shut it Down! (Exhibit 1999). San Francisco State
College Strike Collection-Bibliography of Secondary Source Materials. https://web.archive.org/web/20141129034818/http://www.library.sfsu.edu/exhibits/strike/case3-text.html
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Martinson, M., & Su, C. (2012). Contrasting organizing approaches. In M. Minkler (Ed.),Community organizing and community building for health and welfare (3rd ed.,pp. 59-77). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Media Studies. https://blogs.cornell.edu/asianammedia/2018/12/10/the-vietnam-war/
Nittle, N. K. (2021, March 3). Important events of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement.
ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/asian-american-civil-rights-movement- history-2834596
Staples, L. (2016). “Can’t You Hear Me Knockin’?” Organizing Models and Methods. In Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing (3rd ed., pp. [59]-[122]). Praeger. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX6484900012/GVRL?u=mlin_m_bostcoll&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=43d3c84f
Umemoto, K. (2016). 1. “On Strike!” San Francisco State College Strike, 1968–1969: The Role of Asian American Students. In M. Zhou & A. Ocampo (Ed.), Contemporary Asian America (third edition): A Multidisciplinary Reader (pp. 25-59). New York, USA: New York University Press.
Wallace, N. (2020, June 26). Yellow power: The origins of asian america - densho: Japanese American incarceration and Japanese internment. Densho. https://densho.org/catalyst/asian-american-movement/
Wei, W. (2010). The Asian American movement. Temple University Press.
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Lupine Publishers| Development of a Pulse Measuring System for Healthcare
Lupine Publishers | Journal of Health Research and Reviews
Mobile health care monitoring provides easy assessment of patient’s health status by looking at the changes in vital sign. The health care giver can have access to this data. In this work, a mobile heart rate monitoring system is implemented. In order to detect the heartbeat/pulse. The device works with an android application which receives the data and sends the gotten data to the health care giver. The system makes use of arduino board which functions as a microprocessor. The pulse sensor takes in the pulse readings and the arduino uno micropocesssor converts it to heartbeat via series of programmed instructions on the microprocessor.
Keywords: Mobile; Heart rate; Vital signs; Arduino
Mobile system brings patient closer to the doctor therefore bringing about a better awareness between the patient and doctor and equally reducing the stress and long manual way of patient having to visit the doctor often. It equally brings about efficiency in health care Andreas et al. [1].
Vital Signs
Vital signs are indicators of patient’s health status. Some of them includes: temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure (BP)and pulse oximetry. They are useful in detecting or monitoring medical problems. Vital signs and other physiological measurements can be the bases for problem [2]. The normal ranges of the vital signs are finely adjusted, and any deviation from normal may indicate disease. During the course of an illness, variations in the vital signs may occur and this may indicate changes in the patient’s condition.
Pulse Rate
The pulse rate is a measurement of the heart rate, or the number of times the heart beats per minute. As the heart pushes blood through the arteries, the arteries expand and contract with the flow of the blood. Taking a pulse not only measures the heart rate, but also can indicate the following: Heart rhythm Strength of the pulse [3,4]. The normal pulse for a healthy adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. The pulse rate may fluctuate and increase with exercise, illness, injury, and emotions. Females ages 12 and older, in general, tend to have faster heart rates than do males. Athletes, such as runners, who do a lot of cardiovascular conditioning, may have heart rates near 40 beats per minute and experience no problems.
There is a need for a heartbeat monitoring due to the fact that the heart happens to be one of the most vital organ in the human body hence it functionality is of vital importance to anyone [4,5].
Design of the Proposed System
The proposed mobile health pulse monitoring system is meant to help in the effective monitoring of heart beats changes in the human body of a patient (as this is crucial to the health state of the patient) , hence keeping the patient updated about their heart health and making the health care giver aware of the functional state of the patient which in turn gives the doctor an updated information about a patient and the progress in their health [6,7]. The systems which consist of a heart beat measuring device (built with an arduino board) with an android application serves as an interface of communication between the patient and the health care giver hence sending the data in form of a Short Message Service (SMS) to the doctor [8,9]. The system hardware part is built with an arduino board which serves as the microprocessor, this processor has other hardware components which are connected to the board and all these are equally attached to the Vero board. These attached devices are programmed to be controlled by the microprocessor (Arduino).
Pulse Calculation
There are various means which pulse beat per minute of an individual could be gotten different method could be used all depending on the calculation method one choses to adopt.
In this method we have to read only five pulses. Then we calculate the total heart rate in minute by applying the model below
Five_pulse_time =time2 – time1;
Single_pulse_time = Five_pulse_time / 5;
Rate = 60/ Five_pulse_time;
Where time1 is the first pulse counter value and time 2 is the last counter value. Rate is the final heart rate.
When the first pulse comes the counter is started, by using timer counter function in arduino that is millis ( ); and take first pulse counter value form millis( ); Then wait for five pulses. After getting five pulses, again take the counter value in time2 and then subtract time1 from time2 to take original time taken by the five pulses. And then divide this by 5 times for getting single pulse time. Now that we have time for single pulse and we can easily find the pulse in one minute, dividing 60second by single pulse time [10,11].
Rate = 60000ms / single pulse time (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Initial implementation of the device.
Hardware Mobile Device Implementation
Figure 2 above shows the step taken to using the system, which involves placing the fore finger on the pulse sensor. However, one needs to use a support aid as we make contact with the system, which is meant to help maintain fixed contact with the finger so as to ensure accurate pulse readings. Display of a value of pulse reading from my device. Hence this hardware device measures the pulse rate per minute and displays the value on a screen which makes it accessible by the user (Figure 3). This device has a bluetooth module which makes it easy for the device to connect with the patient android device hence transferring the readings to the phone applications [12,13]. This data is the transfer to the health care giver mobile number in form of a message which contains the beat per minute and location.
Figure 2: Taking of pulse reading from sensor.
Figure 3: Display of a value of pulse reading from my device.
The Software Platform
The software application this data helps in the transfer of data gotten from the monitoring device this helps to transmit the data from the application to the doctor’s phone in form of a message at the click of the send data on the application by the patient (Figure 4). From the result gotten of test carried out on different people, it can be seen that the result varies, which shows the varying heart beats of different people and how it changes from person to persons (Figures 5 & 6). We got a value between ranges of heart beat from 60bpm to 100bpm for normal healthy persons, but for an athlete due to often exercise and training it is between the values of 155 bpm to 174 bpm. The ABNORMAL value gotten is from a person who was sick giving us a value between 175bpm to 151 and 160 bpm to 151 bpm [14] (Figures 7 & 8). The test was conducted on different healthy people and on an athlete and two sick people. From the result it can be concluded that the normal people have different heart beat readings which could be affected by their health states. The result has helped us to conclude and know the different readings and changes in the human heart beat. Hence providing us with accurate knowledge and values as shown in the (Table 1) and (Figures 9 & 10).
Figure 4: Heartbeat device.
Figure 5: Application Lunching.
Figure 6: Data accepting interface of the application.
Figure 7: Sample case1 data received on the application.
Figure 8: Sample case2 data received on the application.
Figure 9: Sample case3 data received on the application.
Figure 10: Sample case4 data received on the application.
Table 1: Test Result Analysis from Some Samples.
This work has been able to help in the development of a mobile pulse monitoring system, which is for the purpose of determining the heartbeat (Figures 11 & 12), it helps to monitor effectively the different changes in the heart beat of a user and it notifies the medical agent about the gotten data, hence keeping the medical agent updated about the internal changes or health status of the patients. The project was executed with the use of a microprocessor (arduino uno) and other hardware components like the sensors, Bluetooth module (Figures 13 & 14).
Figure 11: Test case sample 5 for an athlete data, received on the application.
Figure 12: Test case sample 6 for an athlete data, received on the application.
Figure 13: Test case sample 7 for a sick person, data received on the application.
Figure 14: Test case sample 8 for a sick patient, data received on the application.
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こんにちは。 この記事はCoderDojo Advent Calendar 2020 - Adventar 6日目の投稿です。 2年ぶりの参加となりますが、今回もCoderDojo紫雲での活動内容についてお届けしたいとおもいます。
CoderDojo The community of 2322 free, open and local programming clubs for young people
CoderDojo – 世界中の子どもたちがともに技術を創造し探求することを可能にします
ちょうど1年ほど前に愛知県を舞台に開催されたDojoCon Japan 2019に、ぼくもスタッフとかチャンピオン相談員とかで参加しておりまして、その時の懇親会のライトニングトークで、やがてCoderDojoを離れていくNinjaたちのことについてお話しました。
年末から年度末に掛けては、一部の学生にとっては受験シーズンにあたり、出会いと別れの季節であったりします。たぶん。 NinjaたちのCoderDojoを離れていく理由についてはもちろん人それぞれの千差万別なんですが、成長につれて広がっていく社会的な世界に合わせて、自分たちの道を見つけながら逞しく進んでいってもらえれば、それはめっちゃ頼もしいやんけ! というふうにおもいます。
これまでも単発では絵を描いたりすることもあったんですが、継続的な取り組みが始まりました。ペンタブ持参でどんどん描き進めていくので、メンターとしては完成を見守るばかりですw グラフィックツールの作法とか概念的なものが、最初は分かりづらかったりするので、レイヤを組み合わせるというようなデジタルツール側のアドバイスを行っています。最近は別のGameJamで教わったBlenderで立体オブジェクトの作成にも挑戦したりしていて、成長が著しいです。田舎あるあるの、周りに同じような興味を持つ仲間が見つからないというのが惜しいところですが、年齢が上がるに連れて使用できるオンラインサービスも増えてくるので、いずれはそこで活躍の場を見いだせることができるんじゃないかなーと期待しています。
主な使用ツール:Krita | デジタルでのお絵描きと創造の自由を
次回来るときには、編集してみたい動画を撮影して持ってきてねって約束して、持参してもらったんですけど、その時気がついたんですよね、お手持ちのその端末はiPod なのでは? ということに! (※nanoではない) その日からは、急遽予定を変更してiPodでできる方法を使っていつでも自由に動画編集ができる方法を探っていくことにしました。コンピュータは、人の持つ力を増幅させる装置でもあるので、使う人の身近にあって自由に使うことができる端末である方が自分自身のポテンシャルをより良く引き出すことができるんです。しらんけど。
Scratch、その次に。というやつです。これはある意味世界中のCoderDojoの業であり命題なのかも。ということで我々は何の考えもなく唐突にC#に突撃して三ヶ月の激闘の末、ボコボコに敗北しました。 いや、これは、言い訳をすると、ぜんぜん駄目だったわけじゃなく、チュートリアルを完了して、だいたい基礎も理解できたとおもったけど、気がついたら太平洋の真ん中を当て所もなく漂流してたっていう感じです。例えるならばッ!
そんなこんなで、残された時間の2つ目の道は、Phaser3。これはHTML5を使った本格的なゲームエンジンです。ガリゴリとコードを書き続けることになるので、プログラミングぅって気持ちも高まることでしょう。しらんけど。 いろいろあって、限られた期間ながら、デザインスプリント的手法も取り入れつつ、最終試練シリーズ、「始まりと終わりのある遊べるゲーム」を作ることに成功しました。この成功を糧に、進み始めたエンジニアリング人生を逞しく生き抜いてほしいです。
これはもう、文章が長くなってきたので省略したいくらいNinjaたちには不評でした。オンラインが駄目っていうよりは時世の変化の影響が強いです。 参加してるNinjaたちのシチュエーションに合わせたオンライン環境を運営者側でうまく用意することができれば継続していくことはできそうですね。
大人はなんというか、ほしい物、必要な物があると、頑張って働いたりコツコツ貯金したりゴメンナサイしたりして買って手に入れますよね。では未成年の時はどうだったでしょうか。なかなか難しかったりしますよね。ぼくも道を踏み外して踏み抜きました。 さて、ここで回想には入らずに、ここ数年のお話なんですが、どうもNinjaの経験と成長に比例して、手持ちのデバイスが増えたりレベルアップしたりしてるんです。あれっ? 髪切った? みたいな勢いで端末が新しくなるので、話題には事欠かないんですが、そういうことではなくて、とても大切なポイントです。最初に、未成年欲しい物があっても一人ではままならねえ、みたいな事を書きました。Ninjaたち各家庭で���のような経緯があったのかを知る由はないんですが、一人ひとりの行動の積み重ねが、身近な人々の何かを動かしたことは間違いないでしょう。でももしかしたらやっぱ偶然かも。自信が無くなってきたので、この話は以上です。
CoderDojo紫雲は中学生が多いので、継続参加者向けのDiscordサーバを用意しています。みんな優しいので、ぼくがお知らせを通���しても、いつもそっとしておいてくれるんですが、志望校に合格したり、国家資格を取ったり、全国大会に出たりとかは、聞いてもいないのにガンガン投げつけてきてくれてとても嬉しいです。 わしがそだてた! わしがそだてた! って言いたいので、これからも自分たちの道を広げながら、誉れを重ね続けていってほしいなあとおもいます。あと、今月27日はお待たせしました起死回生の、無いかとおもった? やったぜ、ありますDojoCon Japan 2020 - Beyond the distance(距離を超えて) - フルオンライン開催が控えていますので来て。
明日は、CoderDojo Advent Calendar 2020 - Adventar の7日目です。たぶん。
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The amount of Graduate Colleges Should I Put on?
The district joins the Interdistrict Community College Selection Course at David Brearley High School, having actually been permitted on November 2, 1999, being one from the very first 10 areas statewide to participate in the plan. Always remember to enable your kid some 'by yourself opportunity' during the course of which he can easily loosen up and also merely perform whatever he wishes. Therefore, their students continue to be mostly Chinese to today even though the school on their own level to folks of all ethnicities as well as backgrounds. Throughout our current see to the XYZ School, Tommy pointed out to me the properly outfitted science lab and asked an amount of concerns regarding the science course of study offered to trainees at the college. Devices are a good way to spare a bit of money on electricity, yet the genuine cost savings can be found in changing the way the college acquires its electrical power initially.
However various other parents have no other way to understand that; application forms at that institution - as well as ratings of various other charter schools around the nation - still suggest that a Social Surveillance variety is demanded. At institution they didn't possess any kind of tasks or concerns as well as possessed however making any choices that will actually affect their lives. For people that are not capable to complete their high school education as a result of an incapability to be found at routine classes, there is actually an amount or even options that could help you acquire a senior high school diploma online. However, this fly research study produced powerful details related to the demand for college counselor cooperation along with parents in mathematics placement during the shift to middle school. Readying through discovering bodily treatment is the greatest point for getting involved in college (in my viewpoint). Celebrations like Founder's Time and also formal occasions away from school demand participating pupils to put on the professional outfit, which is composed of a dark vest, dark blue skirt, a long-sleeved shirt, court footwears, as well as the university association. Bear in mind though, your AS youngster may require that help given in a substitute format e.g. as opposed to in-class educator assistant help, your child could work better along with organisational help e.g. keeping an eye on when job schedules in; helping all of them collect/collate research information etc Yearly, many individuals discover they do certainly not possess the monetary means to participate in college. Of course, the Xtreme Adventures Family members Fun Facility gallery will definitely not be actually missed through adolescents and children. CASE3: Middle school trainee INTELLIGENCE 140 simply little one strongly verbal, energetic imagination and plays imagination activities. This lie often perplexes kids, considering that institution does not constantly experience safe to all of them. It is actually simpler to quickly begin believing behind the little one's bursting into tears and also to eliminate whatever is actually resulting in the kid soreness. Thirdly, unlike the elementary qualities, a lot of institutions supply individual work desks from 7th grade and up. These been available in an assortment of sizes as well as shapes, relying greatly on whether your university is healthyfit-blog.com suited for private knowing, collective discovering or even a mix from each. No, they will certainly certainly not, given that that's reach is limited, as I stated prior to the media is exactly what attaches us, that specific university will definitely certainly never be connected to the rest of the world as well as hence are going to ultimately cannot accomplish the desired end results.
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