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collegevidya · 2 years ago
A group discussion, abbreviated as GD, is one of the most common screening tools used today in interviews for jobs and educational institutions. Here we have broken down the entire concept of a Group Discussion, its basics, the process and top tips and tricks to stand out from the crowd in a GD.
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andengkareng-keng · 7 years ago
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envisioning SHS2018 #stopmediocracy #notomediocrity #day1 #commontopics #visionboard (at Eurotel HOTEL - Makati)
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motherfucking Chessfucker JESUS Christ fuck dude mother fucking card game bullshit JESUS can you fucking believe this shit God damn came from Fusion and fucked it up more than before with commontops God damn rowing the boat God damn this shit I can’t even fucking believe this shit have you seen this shit fuck I just watched this shit fuck Chessfucker motherfucking electrocuting fucker you put in the time fuck put in the time motherfucking build shit with his bare hands fucking best friend shit Chessfucker I’m very tired no man I’ll just talk about the chess guy playing card games all day shit man you must be so interested in the shit I have to say about the chess guy fuck dude I just watched the year and a half ago fuck Chessfucker man man he fucked over Yuuya and commontops or did some electrocution fuck this guy who played a children’s card game I don’t like dying I can’t think of who the fuck fucked all the chess pieces all I can think is the nickname I gave the asshole who played with chess pieces who the fuck played with chess more than card games JEAN MICHEL ROGET
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themirrorkeeper · 7 years ago
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charlotte4b · 7 years ago
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🇬🇧 DREAMERS What do people look like where you live?
Maud Bivoit-Mignard and I are back with a new shared Instagram #project. Every month, we post a series of 4 pictures we shot in the current month around a #commontopic. February was all about boats.
This month, we chose to observe the #people around us. As you may know, it’s not especially my cup of tea, but this is what this challenge is about, isn’t it? : to make me explore out of my boundaries. However, I chose to remain discreet, catching how those #absorbed, #contemplating, #meditative, dreamers became intimately part of their environment for the time of a photo. What were they thinking of? What were they dreaming about?
These four pictures were taken by myself in the #english #southcoast. And now I see them altogether, I realise they are a good sample of the #British #winter #palette of colours.
In April 30th, our #monthlychallenge will be to post 4 photos of textures. Stay tuned!
A quoi ressemblent les #gens chez toi ?
Mon amie Maud (@mmignardises) et moi sommes de retour avec notre #projetcommun. Chaque fin de mois, nous publions une série de 4 photos autour d'un thème commun.
Ce mois-ci, nous avons choisi d'observer les gens autour de nous. Comme vous le savez peut être, ce n'est pas tout à fait ma tasse de thé, mais c'est bien tout l'intérêt de ce #challenge n'est-ce pas ? Me pousser à explorer en dehors de mes frontières habituelles. J'ai cependant choisi de rester discrète, saisissant comment ces rêveurs #absorbés, #contemplatifs, #méditatifs, se fondaient intimement dans le paysage, le temps d'une photo. A quoi pensaient-ils? De quoi sont faits leurs #rêves ?
Ces quatre photos ont été prises par moi dans le sud de l'Angleterre. Et maintenant que je les vois ainsi assemblées, je me rends compte qu'elles constituent un bon échantillon de la palette de couleurs de l’#hiver #anglais.
Le 30 avril, notre #challenge sera de poster 4 photos de matières. Restez connectés !
¿Cómo es la gente donde tú vives? 
Mi amiga Maud Mignard y yo volvemos con nuestro proyecto en común. Cada fin de mes, publicamos una serie de 4 fotos alrededor de un tema predefinido. El mes pasado, buscamos barcos.
Este mes, hemos decidido observar a la gente alrededor nuestro. Como ya lo sabreis, sacar fotos de personas no es mi especialidad, pero de eso se trata con este proyecto, no? Sacarme de mis fronteras. Aún así, he elegido seguir siendo discreta, cogiendo a estos soñadores cuando formaban intimamente parte de su entorno.Enque estaban pensando? Con que estaban soñando?
Estas cuatro fotos, las he sacado yo en el Sur de Inglaterra. Y ahora que las veo todas juntas, tambien me doy cuenta de que forman una buena muestra de la paleta de colores del invierno en Inglaterra,
El 31 de marzo, nuestra meta será publicar 4 fotos de texturas. 
  #bywordofmonthproject #regardscroises #instagramchallenge #photochallenge
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andengkareng-keng · 7 years ago
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Gloomy weather comes with muddy marks. Hello Tuesday. 😹😹😹 #day1 #mtot #commontopics #stayout
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charlotte4b · 7 years ago
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02.2018 : B O A T S
🇬🇧 RAW RAW YOUR BOAT How do boats look like where you live? As promised, my friend Maud Mignard and I are back with a new shared Instagram project. Every month, we’ll post a series of 4 pictures we shot in the current month around a commontopic. This month, we chose to observe the boats around us. These four pictures were taken by myself in the english southcoast.  In March 31st, our monthlychallenge will be to post 4 photos of people. Stay tuned!
🇫🇷 IL ETAIT UN PETIT NAVIRE A quoi ressemblent les bateaux chez toi ? Comme promis, Maud Mignard et moi nous lançons dans un nouveau projet commun. Chaque fin de mois, nous publierons une série de 4 photos autour d'un thème commun. Ce mois-ci, nous avons choisi d'observer les bateaux autour de nous. Ces quatre photos ont été prises par moi dans le sud de l'Angleterre.   Le 31 mars, notre challenge sera de poster 4 photos de personnes. Restez connectés !
🇪🇸 BARQUITO CHOCOLATERO ¿Cómo son los barcos donde tu vives? Como nos lo prometimos, mi amiga Maud Mignard y yo volvemos a inventarnos un proyecto en común. Cada fin de mes, publicaremos una serie de 4 fotos alrededor de un tema predefinido. Este mes, hemos decidido observar los barcos alrededor nuestro. Estas cuatro fotos, las he sacado yo en el Sur de Inglaterra. El 31 de marzo, nuestra meta será de publicar 4 fotos de personas.
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