Pinned Post needed some updating.
Hi! I'm Aipiri Aquayey, I'm a Native American Marxist Leninist Maoist, Principally Maoist. I'm transfeminine and engage in a lot of transfeminine and Marxist politics, so be warned. I am a Marxist-Feminist and have politically been identified as a Rad-Fem, albeit I am staunchly against TERFist politics.
I engage in kink, fetish, and other NSFW content at times, so Minors DNI, if your age is not in your bio, if you are vague about your age, etc, please DNI. (Exceptions for strictly political interactions.)
I am PRO:
New Afrikan National Liberation
Proletarian Revolution
Abolishment of Men as an Oppressor Class
Malcolm X
And more!
My reading list:
Refutation of the Dogmato-Revisionist Tendency of "Hoxhaism" Beat Back the Dogmato-Revisionist Attack on Mao Tsetung Thought, I (marxists.org)
enver-hoxha-refuted.pdf (redlibrary.xyz)
Legitimization of Maoism as a Third, Higher stage of Marxism.
(Obviously have to put Interview with Chairman Gonzalo here) redlibrary.xyz/works/pcp/interview-with-chairman-gonzalo.pdf
Marx, Engels and Lenin on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (marxists.org)
Ready? Go!
S01-MLM-Basic-Course-Revised-Edition-10th-Printing.pdf (foreignlanguages.press)
(ARAK Activist Study ^)
fundamental-documents.pdf (redlibrary.xyz)
fundamental documents of the Peruvian Communist Party (Shining Path)
I encourage all of you to read much, much more than this! Marxists must read constantly and consistently, but must also put their reading into practice. I am open to conversation, but please don't expect me to immediately respond and especially not to bullshit arguments.
Expect me to call you out on your misogyny.
Explicitly Pro-Palestinian Liberation, and for the turning of the current genocide into a liberation of all of Palestine in a New Democratic revolution, to render it back into the hands of the Palestinian peoples.
TAGS: #commiegirl.txt
Textposts, probably political.
Textposts, probably horny.
Selfies, probably horny
Selfies, pictures, politically active pictures, propaganda, etc.
Feminist politics, definitely political.
Updated Spontaneously.
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