This New Year 2023, make a commitment to save water!
This New Year let's commit to saving water! There are many easy ways to do this. OCTOG RO Water Purifier gives you an idea to start by taking shorter showers or turning off the water while brushing your teeth.
You can also look for ways to reduce water use in your yard, such as using a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering plants or installing a drip irrigation system to save on water.
Additionally, if you're doing laundry, always make sure to use a full load and consider a front-loading washing machine.
Finally, make sure to check for any leaks around your house, as even small drips can add up to a lot of wasted water over time.
Let's make this New Year the one where we all commit to saving water
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Are Microplastics in your drink ? Avoid it at all costs !!!
Heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and pesticides are
just a few of the unwelcome and undesired compounds that
microplastics can absorb. Consuming microplastics can increase
a person's exposure to these substances and may have harmful effects.
As a result, we require an OCTOG RO Water Purifier to remove unwanted and
harmful substances from water, as well as to maintain the PF level
and increase the minerals in order to boost the immune system.
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Is the RO water filter system loud?
Hi there! We are OCTOG RO Water Purifier Thanks for reaching out about the frequently asked question called, is the RO water filtration system loud?
The gurgling sound you may hear from RO water purifiers is the sound of wastewater flowing from the membrane to the drain. RO water purification systems are built in such a way that water flushes the concentrated contaminants out of the system. This flushing process prevents the unit from fouling. If you hear "hissing" sounds from your water purifier, contact a water specialist because there could be an issue with the air gap or the water pressure.
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