#commercial machines window tints
wrapcity · 19 days
Experience the Ultimate Car Tint Style Meets Functionality
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Elevate your driving experience with our top-notch car tinting services, designed to blend style, comfort, and functionality. Tint a car Our expert team provides precision car tinting that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your vehicle but also offers superior UV protection and glare reduction. Using only the finest materials, we ensure a flawless application that stands the test of time. Whether you’re looking to add a sleek look, improve privacy, or stay cooler on the road, our customised tinting solutions deliver exceptional results. Transform your car with our professional tinting services and enjoy the perfect combination of elegance and efficiency.
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ethanlivemere · 3 years
Half-Life²: Anticitizen - Chapter 3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The true citizen knows that duty is the greatest gift.
The true citizen conserves valuable oxygen.
The true citizen cooperates with his Civil Protection team.
The true citizen’s job is the opposite of slavery.
The Consul’s brief messages echo across the pavement, each one followed by a hollow chime. It has an almost hypnotic effect, as I find myself staring up at the cluster of screens hanging over the intersection. It’s an Orwellian sight to behold: the citizens going about their day while the Consul’s watchful gaze looks down from above.
The true citizen embraces the Universal Union.
I think back to my encounter with the Vortigaunt. It had been a shock to hear English words coming from the mouth of the alien. Its voice was guttural and rough, and it continually made insect-like hissing and clicking sounds, but it spoke English nonetheless. Quite eloquently, even. Vastly different from Black Mesa, where the hisses and clicks had been the only components of their communication. But perhaps the bigger shock in seeing the Vortigaunt was not what it said, but the way it spoke to me. Like I hadn’t killed dozens of its kind in Black Mesa after seeing them slaughter my coworkers. After such hostility, I expected this Vortigaunt to charge up a bolt of green energy and attack me, and my instincts wanted me to reach for a weapon I didn’t have. The last thing I expected was for it to greet me as an ally.
“Your presence gives us hope, Freeman,” it had said. “As you saved my kin in the border world, so shall you save us again on this miserable rock. For now that the lesser master lay defeated, the greater must also fall in time.” Ah, so that’s how it is, I thought. When I killed the Nihilanth, I freed the Vortigaunts from their enslaver, and now they expected me to do the same once more. I remembered the slave camps and factories on Xen, where, for just a brief moment, they didn’t attack me – until the Nihilanth’s Controllers arrived and forced them to fight. They must have realized I was their one hope for freedom. A freedom which, ultimately, was very short-lived.
The Vortigaunt then walked to the contraption that held another one of its kind in its dark liquid. It placed its two-fingered hand against the glass and, despite its alien features, I could see sadness fall across its face. “The Vorti-cells drain power from my kin to support the Combine’s machinery. Those who enter them seldom emerge. The few who do are weakened almost to the point of collapse. Truly, it is a fate far worse than the shackles I bear.” The shackles were different from the ones worn by the Nihilanth-enslaved Vortigaunts. Instead of shining green, they were a dull gray. Their design remained very similar, though. Wrist bracelets, a collar, but also a sort of codpiece that I didn’t remember seeing on the Nihilanth’s slaves. Apparently the Combine deemed it necessary to cover the Vortigaunts’ loins – even though they housed no visible organs of any kind.
The Vortigaunt proceeded to grab a broom from against the wall and told me it had to resume its duty or suffer punishment. It seemed rather ironic, almost comedic even, that an alien race powerful enough to power factories was also being employed to sweep the streets. Recalling the instructions Jeremy had given me, I asked the Vortigaunt if he knew how I could get to the Manhack Arcade, where Barney was supposed to meet me. “Ah,” he responded pensively. “The Manhack Arcade. The hall of the unwitting executioners.” He proceeded to give me clear directions. I was to go to a place he called the Stenographer’s Chasm and then continue in a straight line. I wondered what he meant by ‘unwitting executioners’, but before I knew it, he had already said his goodbyes and disappeared around the corner.
The strange encounter had left me confused and a bit shaken, but I resolutely continued my journey and followed the Vortigaunt’s directions. I had a hard time imagining what this ‘Stenographer’s Chasm’ could be, but I could never have imagined what it turned out to be. An enormous, Combine-modified warehouse consisting of one long room that extended far into the ground, filled with rows of workers perched on stools behind desks, frantically typing on typewriter-like machines. But the stools and desks weren’t on the ground: they were mounted onto single, suspended rails that ran across the room. There were multiple levels of these rails and desks reaching all the way to the ceiling and down into the chasm. The workers had nowhere to go. My guess was that at the end of their shift or when their quota was fulfilled, the rails transported them to a place where they could safely dismount their stools. Until then, they could do nothing but work. I didn’t know what it was they were doing. What kind of paperwork could the Combine have? They didn’t seem like the type to bother with those kinds of things too much. Then again, an intergalactic empire is bound to have some unavoidable paperwork. Probably keeping track of resources and the like.
More disturbing sights awaited me, though. It all began at a building that produced a continuous sound of whirring and chugging, like a giant steam engine. Looking through the window, I saw a black and white tiled hall that was filled with enormous, diagonal pistons moving back and forth. At their base, people were working on the large engines that seemed to drive the pistons. I then realized that the engines weren’t just large, the figures knelt at their base were also small… they were children. Children, no older than twelve, were working on heavy machinery under the watch of Metrocops. And that wasn’t the only factory where children were being forced into labor. A bit further down the street was a smaller brick building that housed a large furnace. More children were stationed at a conveyor belt that lead into the furnace. They took white, ellipsoid objects from barrels and placed them onto the conveyor. They weren’t being burned in the furnace: they reemerged out of the side, attached to the ends of poles, and were transported into another machine. I had seen the white objects before on the brown-robed, flamethrower-wielding beings in the station and on posters that Jeremy had referred to as ‘Cremators’. These were Cremator heads. I tore myself away from the windows and continued my way through the industrial area. I never looked through another window again.
The factories eventually made way for a busier commercial district, which is where I find myself now. It’s the busiest place I’ve seen in this city, apart from the military parade. This must once have been a street with many successful shops, but now most of the display windows stand empty. One of the buildings still in use houses the same ration dispensers I also saw in the station. Another one showcases multiple television screens, all of which display the Combine logo.
“Can you believe it? Free TVs!” says a citizen gazing through the window.
“Don’t get too excited,” his companion replies in a cynical tone. “Those things only have one channel: the Consulcast.” He points over his shoulder at the cluster of screens overhead, where the Consul’s many faces are still naming the values of a true citizen.
But the Consulcast nor the free TVs are the reason why there is so much traffic on this street corner. In fact, I’d wager the Combine strategically placed those here so that as many citizens as possible would be exposed to the propaganda. The real eye-catcher everyone seems to be here for is across the street: the Manhack Arcade. It’s a large building that forms the corner of the street. Completely Combine-made, no recycling of old buildings. The people in the street flock towards the wide entrance on the corner, which is flanked by two Metrocops. Above it hang a number of yellow posters and banners and even more screens, all showing Combine logos and imagery.
I wonder if I should go in. Jeremy told me Barney would meet me at the Manhack Arcade, but it’s unclear if that means outside or inside. It seem risky going into a Combine facility, but it doesn’t seem like the citizens get scanned like they did at the checkpoints, and I could probably slip by the two guarding Metrocops unnoticed by hiding in the crowd.
I wait a little longer, hoping Barney will show himself. The clouds have gotten darker still, and before long a light drizzle starts pouring from the sky. Not only am I not dressed for rainy weather, I also want to avoid getting into too much contact with this water, which, judging from the greenish color of the clouds it originates from, could have all kinds of toxins or undesirable pH values. And so, when an exceptionally dense group of people approaches the entrance to the Arcade, I join them and walk past the Metrocops without either of them giving me a second glance.
Inside is a corridor that leads to the main room. Like the Stenographer’s Chasm, it’s long, tall, and extends down into the ground. Instead of rails with desks and tired workers, this room is filled with catwalks leading to strange machines. Citizens queue in front of them and when it’s their turn, they step onto a pedestal in front of the machines, grab hold of two control handles and lean forward to place their heads in some sort of virtual reality display built into the arcade.
A screen above the player allows bystanders to follow the game. A citizen near me has just started: at first, the screen shows only a grid of red lines in a black void. Then, the grid bends and reshapes itself into a three-dimensional environment that resembles a ruined building. Several humanoid shapes appear in yellow and orange tints, like heat vision, but with a clear red outline to them. The player navigates the environment, seemingly flying, and moves towards the outlined targets. The targets start moving around, trying to evade the player, but eventually he catches up to one. It’s not clear what happens, but when the player bumps into the target, the red outline disappears and a score of one hundred appears in the bottom right corner of the screen. “Ha ha, got one!” the player exclaims. Another nearby player is already at a score of eight hundred, when one of the targets suddenly rushes at him, holding up some kind of long object. The screen goes black and the words ‘GAME OVER’ appear on the screen. “Damn it!” the man shouts. “I was almost at my high score!”
Something’s not right. The way the targets move – it doesn’t look like a video game character. Much too erratic and lifelike. And from what I’ve seen of the Combine so far, I doubt they would put effort into providing ground-breaking AI technology for their panem et circenses. The Vortigaunt’s words echo through my mind: ‘the hall of the unwitting executioners’. I can put two and two together, but I don’t want to. I refuse to believe that what I fear is true. People slaughtering their own, cheering while they do it – and without ever realizing what they did. Or, at least, I deeply hope they don’t.
I don’t want to stay here any longer. Watching these innocent people enjoying the Combine’s twisted games turns my stomach. I have to find Barney. But how can I simultaneously hide from the real Metrocops and try to get Barney to see me?
As I pace through the room, I notice a Metrocop eyeing me. It’s hard to tell with the gas masks, but it seems like his gaze is following me. Is he Barney or a suspicious guard? I try to act inconspicuous and wait for a signal. Suddenly, the Metrocop turns away and walks towards a door. He interacts with the locking mechanism and it opens before him. He throws another prolonged glance in my direction before stepping through, out of sight. I wait. The door doesn’t close behind him. I cautiously make my way to the door. It leads to some sort of backstage corridor, clearly a ‘staff only’ area. I can’t see the Metrocop. I look around the Arcade one last time, but none of the remaining guards seem to notice me, so I enter the corridor. It’s cold and dark, and my footsteps are loud on the metal floor. I arrive in a small room with one of those Combine consoles. The wall is lined with a rack containing dozens of small, deactivated drones whose purpose I can’t discern. I hear the door I entered through close.
“Hey, you!” I hear from one of the neighboring corridors. A Metrocop – the one I followed in here – enters the room. “Do you have your identification?” He menacingly steps towards me. Seems it wasn’t Barney after all. Tough luck. “You are not supposed to be in here. I need to see your identification.”
Well, I seem to have gotten myself into a sticky situation. The Metrocop is trying to drive me into a corner, drawing his stun baton. “Overwatch, restricted incursion in progress in sector 8. Permission to enact civil judgement?” he says to seemingly no one. There’s a short blip and a burst of static following his question. I’m not thrilled about the prospect of ‘civil judgement’, so I decide not to wait until he gets his answer from whoever Overwatch is. I place my hands on my head, feigning surrender, while I scan the exits. The corridor back to the main Arcade hall is sealed and I can’t tell where the others lead, so I’ll have to trust my instincts.
Either the Metrocop has received his permission from Overwatch, or my eyes darting around the room have made him suspicious, because he suddenly swings his stun stick at my head. I try to duck and the blow lands against my elbow, sending a shock through my entire arm as blue sparks fly from the weapon. In response, I kick at his shin as hard as I can. He grunts and loses his balance, and I take the opportunity to dart down the nearest corridor. I hear the Metrocop’s heavy boots give chase behind me as he mumbles a status report to Overwatch. I round a corner, praying I won’t run into a dead end. I see a T junction ahead. Suddenly, I hear a deafening bang behind me, and the sound of a bullet hitting metal. Damn. He has a gun. I have to reach the junction as fast as possible. No time to look which way to go. As the echo of the gunshot fades out, I speed off into the left corridor just before another bullet plunges itself into the wall.
Suddenly, my surroundings open up into a larger room that’s two thirds Combine architecture and one third concrete rubble, remainders of whatever building was here before they installed their Arcade. I could get out through the collapsed walls and floors, but I’d be an easy shot. There’s also what looks like a Combine elevator with a bright red button inside it. I have milliseconds to make a decision. How far behind is he? Can I pull it off?
I slam my fist into the red button, rush back out of the elevator and then dive behind a half-collapsed wall. The doors close and the elevator starts to rise as I flatten myself against the concrete, bent rebar poking into my shoulder. My left arm is numb from the shock of the baton. I hear the Metrocop charging into the room. I hold my breath and pray he falls for my trick. It’s a trick as old as time. He stands still and I wait, my heartbeat ear-deafening.
“Subject is headed for top floor, secure perimeter around elevator.” I have to keep myself from sighing in relief. He isn’t gone yet. In fact, he seems to just stand still in front of the elevator. He must be waiting for the elevator to reach its destination. If he waits for the top floor units to report an empty elevator, my cover is blown.
“Copy,” he says. My functional right hand grabs hold of a loose chunk of concrete near me. I hear him walk a few steps, and then a couple of beeps. “Elevator power disengaged. Heading to your location.” With that, he walks out of the room, and I can finally breathe again. They don’t know the elevator is empty yet. They think they have me trapped in an unpowered elevator. Now to finally get out of here.
Easier said than done, as it turns out. The ruins are a concrete maze, and I constantly have to watch my step. It doesn’t help that the rain that seeps down through the broken ceilings makes everything slippery. The downpour has changed into an outright storm: the water beats down loudly on the concrete and every now and then a roaring thunderclap tears through the sky. Meanwhile, I guess the Metrocops discovered I wasn’t in the elevator after all, because I suddenly hear the cold, disembodied female voice – Overwatch, I assume – echo through the air once more: “Individual, you are charged with anti-civil activities: 63 criminal trespass, 148 resisting arrest, 243 assault on Protection Team. All local Protection units: code alert: locate, contain, prosecute.”
I spot one of the lambdas painted by the resistance group on a pillar. It leads the way down a slope of collapsed floor into a sub-street level area. Knowing the Metrocops are looking for me again, I try to speed up my pace a little while heading down – a mistake. The wet rubble gives way and I lose my footing. The world spins around me as I slide and tumble down the slope. I try to shield my head with my arms. I roll over the floor after reaching the bottom before coming to a stop.
I lie on my back as my surroundings come back into focus. I’m in some sort of underground sewer chamber: I see a ladder on the wall leading up to a manhole cover and there’s a grate in the ceiling through which light and rain pours down in a small waterfall, though the ground I lie on is thankfully dry. I do a quick damage report: my palms are chafed and I’ll undoubtedly have a few bruises, but no lasting damage. I’m lucky I didn’t hit my head on any of the protruding edges of the concrete.
I become aware of a sound, just barely audible over the storm. It sounds like a fire – no, more like a flamethrower. At the same moment, I notice the dancing orange light on the brick wall, and my nostrils are assaulted with the stench of burning flesh. I immediately jolt up. Pain shoots through my back at the sudden movement. I look around and immediately spot the source of the sound: there’s a Cremator standing on the opposite side of the room. The two lanky, leathery-skinned arms sticking out of its brown robe carry a heavy flamethrower which, I notice for the first time seeing one up close, is connected to a spherical fuel tank in the middle of its stomach with a thin tube. ‘Flamethrower’ might be an incorrect word, however. Instead of producing flames, it shoots the green particle jets I also noticed being used to clean trains in the station. It must be some sort of corrosive liquid that only affects organic matter. The source of the orange light on the walls turns out to be a burning pile of charred flesh being sprayed by the Cremator. The flesh is being set ablaze by the green particles, but not only that: where the jets hit the flesh directly, it seems to blacken and disintegrate. Despite the fact that the corpses have turned black as coal and have been turned into an amorphous, ever-shrinking pile, I can still make out just enough to see that these were once people.
The Cremator stops what it’s doing and turns its white, oval head towards me, alerted by my sudden movement. Its tiny, expressionless eyes lock onto me. I hear mechanical breathing from the Cremator’s mouth-tube as it steps closer. It tilts its head like a curious animal before it points the nozzle of its weapon towards me. I could try to run, but I doubt I could get far enough to evade the scorching cloud. I briefly wonder if I should not have moved an played dead. It probably wouldn’t have saved me from being disintegrated.
“Cremator! Stand down!” A Metrocop charges in and stands between me and the Cremator. “This prisoner is property of Civil Protection and is to be transferred to Nova Prospekt for processing.” The Cremator tilts its head again, then turns around and returns to its previous work. The Metrocop turns around to face me. I should be worried, but I’m not. Despite its distortion, I have already recognized his voice. I once again hear the click of the mask detaching and am greeted by Barney’s smug grin. I’ve never been happier to see that stupid grin.
“So Gordon, is this what you call ‘not drawing any attention to yourself’? You’ve got practically every Metrocop in the sector looking for you!” He reaches out and grabs my arm to pull me onto my feet. The numbness from the stun baton is almost gone, though it now hurts from the fall instead. As I rub my elbow, I glance at the Cremator. It seems to be minding its own business, but I don’t feel comfortable hanging around near it much longer, and I wonder if it’s a good idea for Barney to unmask himself and be so friendly with me in its presence. Barney follows my gaze and says “Don’t worry about him, he won’t bother us again. They’re not too bright, these Cremators. Mindless synths. They were made to be janitors, primarily. Destroy biological waste, contain the Xen infestation…” He looks down at the charred corpses grimly. “… clean up after the Civil Protection patrols.” He beckons me and starts walking. “The reason he was about to disintegrate you is because you are not a registered citizen or Combine unit. So to him, you would have to be either a Xenian creature or a very lively corpse. Either way, you were considered ‘unauthorized biological mass’ and had to be disposed of.”
We enter an underground utility tunnel. The sounds of the storm fade away as we follow the cables and pipelines down the dimly lit corridor. “You’re lucky I found you,” Barney remarks. “Those Immolators of theirs can give you a nasty burn. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to meet you at the Arcade, I was held up by unforeseen complications on my shift. I had just gotten back to Dr. Kleiner’s lab when I heard the local CP units go crazy over some guy causing trouble at the Arcade.” He flashes me a smirk. I tell him what happened at the Arcade, with the Metrocop I had thought was him. “You got baited,” he replies. “Some CPs will bait citizens into breaking rules, like trespassing, just so they can enact some civil judgement.”
We march through the underground network in silence for a while before I cautiously bring up Jeremy. Barney sighs sadly and lightly shakes his head. “Yeah, I heard what happened.” He doesn’t say anything for a moment, seemingly choosing his next words carefully. “Listen, Gordon… don’t worry about it, okay? I can probably pull some strings to make sure he turns out okay.” He doesn’t sound all that certain. “Either way, don’t blame yourself. Each of us knows the risk in what we’re doing. We’re all prepared to... go all the way for our cause.” I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Barney is being uncharacteristically serious and grim. This is not the same man I knew before Black Mesa. Then again, the same goes for myself.
His face lightens up again and he slips back into his usual grin when we go down a side tunnel with another lambda, at the end of which is a short staircase with a metal door. “Well Gordon, looks like we’re finally here.” He opens the door and the sound of machinery pours out. Not harsh, loud and aggressive, like the Combine factories, but light beeps and clicks over a soft hum. A familiar sound that invites me inside. The sound of science.
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Consul screens
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Stenographer's Chasm
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Piston hall
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Cremator factory
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Manhack Arcade exterior + Citadel
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Manhack Arcade interior
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And for the first time, there aren't just images for reference, but also sound: here is the original Vortigaunt voice.
As always, really excited to share this new chapter of Anticitizen with you. We've finally reached Kleiner's lab, so from now the story will start picking up pace. And as always, please let me know what you think :)
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sepdet · 3 years
Okay, I'm still not entirely satisfied, but what artist is?
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"End of Endeavour," original painting for art class. Assignment was to paint an original painting in the style of Hopper. Based on a photo I took of space shuttle being wheeled past end of LA Coliseum on its way to California Science Center in October 2012.
Finished Aug 25, 2021 (the studio displays student pieces in its front window for a few weeks, whence the beat-up frame.)
WIP photo sequence:
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(studio setup with photo for drawing reference and Hopper painting for color reference. E.G. I changed to a Hopper style sky, used the colors of the gas station attendant's clothes for the space shuttle's grays/blacks, the color of the cement and buiding for the space shuttle's light-colored tiles. I tinted the back of the Coliseum stands a bit more orangey-red to match the pumps.)
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Not that color palette is the ONLY thing to worry about when trying to learn what makes another artist's artwork pop, but that's part of why Hopper's paintings have that rather subdued, late-afternoon loneliness.
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That and the isolated figures disconnected from one another, the objects isolated from their functions— buildings and lighthouses and pumps and locomotive boilers simplified to masses of geometric solids, giving them bulk and sharp edges and minimalist shadows, a legacy of Hopper's heritage as a commercial artist who designed a lot of posters. He commemorates the machines of his modern age while showing them as monuments just like medieval churches, already starting to decay and show their age.
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I deliberately chose to use one of my phptos that didn't show the NASA logo or the space shuttle's name. While Hopper included logos, I was trying to convey the sense of the space shuttle as a decommissioned spaceship, an object stripped of its purpose, no longer a space shuttle now that it was forced to be towed along the ground. And while many people came out to watch, I felt like it was a spectacle simply to watch a big thing— which it certainly was— with no reference to the science Endeavour had accomplished, her missions or her adventures. That was forgotten. The world was moving on. She, once the future, was being left behind.
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Benefits Of Car Detailing, Window Tinting And Tire Service
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Vehicles greatly help us in so many commercial and domestic activities, hence the need to ensure that your automotive machine is well-taken care of. There are so many individual mechanics as well as garages around the world that have dedicated themselves to offering quality auto repair services, hence the need to visit one in case of any mechanical breakdown to your vehicle. There is a wide variety of auto repair services offered by different garages and individual mechanics around the world, hence the need to make sure that you know the exact types of auto repair services that will correct the mechanical issues with your vehicle. There are several reasons why you should consider hiring professional auto repair services for your damaged vehicle, and for more information about the most common auto services and their benefit, I advise you to go through this article.
The first type of auto service that you should consider for your vehicle is auto detailing also known as car detailing. One of the key reasons why car detailing is very important is that it helps to improve the overall look of the vehicle. Avondale car detailing is one of the greatest auto services that is becoming so popular around the world because of the many benefits and advantages it provides to the auto owners. The first reason why car detailing is very important is that it improves the general curb appeal of auto machines. Just like a residential or commercial property, good aesthetics of auto machines result in its fast sale. It is also with the help of car detailing services that your car’s market worth can be boosted, thus enabling you to sell it for more cash offers. Car detailing services also boost the interior comfort and overall driving experience of the cars.
One way of protecting your car’s window from breakage, whether from an accident or attempted break-in is by tinting it. The penetration of UV rays in your car may negatively affect your skin and eyes, hence the need for window tinting to enhance UV protection. The other reason why window tinting services are crucial is that they enhance the general aesthetics of the vehicle. Read this article to learn more benefits of car detailing and other services.
Tire services are the last auto services that I would like to discuss. The performance of your vehicle is highly determined by the condition of its tires, hence the need to make sure that you take it for tire services to boost the traction of the tires, increase its mileage and overall performance for a better driving experience. A blowout or flat tire can greatly result in an accident, hence the need for having well-maintained tires for a safer and good driving experience.
Look here for additional insights: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto_detailing
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5 Advantages You Enjoy When Opt For Commercial Window  Tinting
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Discussing the benefits of tinting the panes of windows, they are not restricted to those of your home. The same applies to the commercial windows as well. 
Installation of protective films on panes of commercial windows, just like their domestic counterparts would reduce up to 85 per cent heat and thwart the entry of almost 99 per cent Ultra Violet glare. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are other benefits, as well. Let us find. 
It helps in cost savings 
Commercial facilities of any dimension and size will be able to maintain a balanced climate consistently. In fact, your business will perceive an immediate result of putting protective guards on the window panes of your office. 
It will result in a drastic cut in energy consumption and thus, lower the power bills every month. Thus, window tinting will directly help in cost savings, which is the principal motto of your business. 
They help with a comfortable working environment
A bright sunny ambience might be good for weekend leisure hours that you spend on a beach, but not in workplaces. It will lead to issues like glare and hotspots, heat and fluctuating temperature, which is not something your employees will appreciate while they deliver for your business. 
Therefore, one of your primary objectives is to keep your employees and clients, guests and other stakeholders as comfortable as you can. Putting protective screens on the glasses of your office windows will cut off a significant amount of UV rays, glare and heat that enter your office. 
Thus, it will soften up the indoor illumination, thereby balancing the temperature, and creating a working ambience that is comfortable and cozy, if not anything else. 
Thus, it influences the productivity of your employees in a significant way, and it reflects in your business at the end of the day! 
It protects the internal decor and furniture
Proper screening of windows will protect not only the internal decor, valuables and furniture from wear and tear in households. It does the same in offices and commercial places as well. 
It has been found that effective commercial window tinting not only protects the furniture, the walls, blinds and decors from wear and tear. It also lengthens the lives of electronic gadgets like computers, PCs, photocopy machines, televisions, scanners, projectors and the likes. 
Safety and Privacy 
High-quality films used on glasses of window panes adds safety quotients as well, as they make the glasses harder. For businesses that deal with liquid cash, like banks and insurance companies in some cases, they would provide a great deal of privacy, blocking the views from outside. 
It adds to the aesthetics 
Tinted windows always look much better than the non-tinted ones. Thus, when you have all the windows of your entire office tinted uniformly, it improves the look and feels of your office altogether. 
Thus, you see, tinting the window panes of your business property always carries with it, a series of advantages that have everything to do with the improvement of your business. 
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therealmarxistcamp · 5 years
i guess we’ll never know now Pt. 1
"heres your burger." he says, holds out two plastic white containers: one says ‘Escobar no. 1,’ the other ‘el chapo Guzman #2′--written in black permanent marker. "here,” he says,  “the head chef made it especially for you, you're number two, and I'm number one...." Well, somethin about the way he said it rubbed me wrong,---What  the fuck was he trying to insinuate? That i was some sort of drug dealer? Or that i was Complicit in his illicit activities, although only as his pawn or sidekick? Hesitatingly i grab the box, head downstairs as if to go eat it, though i have no intentions of doing so. Downstairs, it occurs to me that it could be Poison, the thing could even be Coated with Anthrax---then the Chef who made it mysteriously vanishes. . . . i throw it in the trash. “Did you eat your burger yet?” he calls from the top of the stairs. i know that he’s on to me, that if i don’t eat the burger, he’s going to come downstairs with his gun and finish the job....
Suspicious Commercial storage trailer parked across the street i travel suddenly the sound of gunshots startles me, tit's 4th of July in America: the scent of gunpowder is thick in the air, crackle of firecrackers, constant boom of cannon..... i decide that i’m on my way to some public place, the thing about bars is they’re Public places, open late, and usually filled with people, cameras. . . .
On the way to the bar, A woman sobs on the stairs outside of an apartment building. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it!"--I would press the issue, but I did just emerge from a shady cut and don't want to scare her.---What on earth was buggin’ her? i guess we’ll never know now.
Somewhere, a man sits alone at a country bar deep in the heartland of America: "Excuse me, sir, can I bum a cigarette?" I ask him.
“Yeah, sure," he says, extends a box of cigarettes towards me. Notice the intricate tattoos on his arm: Hawaiian flowers, v for vandetta mask. Something about his demeanor…. his melancholy is infectious. "You doing alright?" i ask him.
"no, not really..."
"Why? what's wrong? It’s 4th of July in America!!! The scent of gunpowder is thick in the air, crackle of firecrackers, constant boom of cannon!!!" He doesn’t answer and we stand there like that for a couple seconds watchin the street.
An anonymous white car with tinted windows pulls into the parking lot, stops directly across from us, the headlights remain on, shining directly onto us as if we’re actors on a stage--who is it? i wonder; i turn back to the man---i really want to know what’s bugging him, and i would press the issue, but it's obvious he doesn't want to talk to me, maybe it's the people sitting at the table next to him, maybe I'll try again in a little bit, so I thank him for the cigarette, and begin to walk away--pause to pick up a dime on the sidewalk--hey, that's a tip, a free ten cents.---And as i bend over to pick it up, a black beetle crawls in a random circular movement across the pavement: "please don't kill me,” it says to me, “Spare my life and I will give you 5,000 years of good karma.” I acquiesce and it hastily crawls into a crack and burrows into the ash deposited by the cigarettes of a thousand nameless bar patrons....
A classic rock melody wafts through the air: my back is really against the wall this time., i'm backed into a corner with no way out----“How do you feel about Rastafarians?'”---the perfect ice breaker. i must go back and say it to the man from earlier who didn’t want to talk, but before i can, he gets up, goes inside and pays his tab. A couple moments later, he comes back out and vanishes into the night--What was really on his mind?? i guess we'll never know now!
Everyone gets up to leave,--No, where are you going?? i ask the crowd, the show’s just getting started. It’s 4th of July in America, crackle of firecrackers, constant boom of cannon: hiss of Roman Candles. i look around. Sir George Berkeley sits at a table drinking beer, smoking cigarettes. a petrified look of fear on his face..... A cute Asian couple steps out of the anonymous white car with its headlights still on; they are both drunk, giggling, his hair is tied tight in samurai style bun. he pops the trunk, she looks inside. her mouth gapes wide open--what's in his trunk? i guess we'll never know now!'...
Actin on a hunch, i follow them inside some bar, posters hang on the wall, a raven, black as night, slot machines, electric signs, tye-dye samurais, cactus, wreath of chili peppers, poison frogs that crawl on neon pink teal colored wall digesting acid butterflies... system of a down - shimmy starts to play on the overhead speaker and i take my place at the bar among the last few remaining patrons; the bartender doesn’t notice me---tell me why it's always so hard to catch the bartenders attention? I perform a nervous double take, catch my reflection in a day of the dead mirror that hangs on the wall; and While i wait for the bartender to serve me i eavesdrop on the asian couple, they are both very drunk and speaking in Korean: "Yeow! Karl Marx!--should I do it?" "--Yeah, you should totally do it!" she says, "Aw, man, it would be sooo funny!---like ‘Karl Marx! Suck my dick!’ hehehe" A glass 9mm hangs one the wall.-- tequila glass. dip it in salt. fill with strawberry Margarita--”But, i wonder, What could it say??? it could say anythin. Fuck America, fuck trump!, launch the nukes, Start Word War III”--i guess we'll never know now!!!!!!!!!
To be Continued
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hvacservicesexperts · 2 years
Energy and HVAC Optimisation
The primary aim to achieve energy and HVAC system optimization to ensure load reduction. Reducing the load of the building allows the existing HVAC system to function more efficiently. A long-range plan shall be devised item wise with a view to reduce and conserve energy. A few strategies that can be adopted for load reduction are:
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- Add insulation to the existing windows and shells
- Install energy-efficient windows. Installation of double pane windows with a thermal break is an effective return on investment. Energy star qualified windows shall be installed. Consider installing Tinting or Low-E coated windows
- Upgrade the lighting system because lighting contributes significantly to the HVAC load. Average commercial building has a lighting density of 2-3 watts per square foot, this need to be seriously reduced to lower the cooling requirement of the building. Energy-efficient lighting systems emit less heat into conditioned space compared to the older incandescent lighting technology
- Select efficient electronic devices and equipment that have a power saver option to reduce the sensible heat gain in the space. Some machines under consideration are kitchen equipment, copy machine, computers and refrigerators.
- Have a balanced outside air to control ventilation conforming to the latest code requirements
- Homeowners should verify the HVAC system load by using ACCA’s Manual J calculation method and others should take the help of a mechanical engineer to have the load evaluated
- Commercial buildings have more specific requirements like minimum ventilation rates, code conformance and each building will have some individual needs
- For large commercial buildings, conditioning the outside air with a dedicated outside air unit should be considered. It will allow for downsizing of equipment saving on energy, improve any problems of humidity control and increase the comfort of the occupants
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- Economizers should be a consideration for commercial buildings. These units draw in fresh air from outside when the temperature (sometimes humidity) outside is lower than the temperature inside. Recent codes require economizers to be installed on equipment over 15 tons in size
Energy and HVAC system optimization can be also achieved by effective control of the system. With the advent of digital controls, programmable thermostats have been a great investment for small commercial buildings and the homeowner for saving energy. These are very comfortable to use and incorporate strategies based on-time scheduling.
Another step to achieve energy and HVAC system optimization is by ensuring regular maintenance of the units. This ensures reliability, efficiency and durable long life for the HVAC system.
Enjoy the best HVAC services from Engle Services Heating & Air -Electrical - Plumbing. Please
Engle Services Heating & Air -Electrical - Plumbing 208 1st St S, Alabaster, AL 35007 https://engleservicesheatingandair.com/alabaster-heating-and-air/
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wrapcity · 26 days
Crystal Shield  Elevate Your Windows, Enhance Your Life
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Transform your space with our exceptional window film solutions, where style meets functionality. At  [Wrapcity], we specialise in delivering top-tier, innovative window films that enhance privacy, control heat, and elevate aesthetics. Our unique selection of films offers a perfect balance of elegance and efficiency, tailored to suit residential and commercial spaces alike. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we bring you the latest in window film technology, ensuring your windows not only look incredible but perform at their best. Trust us to provide a stunning, professional finish that truly sets your property apart.
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anchorbypanasonic · 3 years
How to Reduce Electricity Bill at Home
One thing we all are trying to do is consume a lot of energy for various domestic as well as commercial purposes, while the electricity bills that arrive is a reason for us to fret around. We really wish to get a smooth ride when the electricity bill is processed, but unfortunately, many a time, it is impossible to exercise control over the usage of power.
A large number of service providers and power-related authorities are in fact, trying to help source out ways to reduce power consumption, meanwhile focusing on issuing tips to reduce electric bills. You can be part of such programs that are organized to provide audit checks to examine the overconsumption of power leading to a hike in energy consumption, which ultimately triggers the electricity bills.
But, such programs are limited to specific areas. If you are from an area where such programs do not happen, then, do not worry, we have some tips, which will help you to keep a check on the power utilization, helping you to save money on your electric bill.
Let us start with the gadgets or electrical equipment that run on electric power. These are the ones that we can find in every household and will be essential in helping each one of you run an audit examination of your electricity consumption:
1) Refrigerator and freezer
We all love to store food inside the refrigerator. But, sometimes it happens that there is nothing much to store. No leftovers from the previous night or no vegetables to be cooled, etc. This is one of the reasons that can cause your refrigerator to actually pull over a lot of power to help it stay cool. Here what you can do is stuff your refrigerator with a lot of food. The logic behind this is that your food here is the insulation point that will minimize the amount of time that your refrigerator regularly takes to run in order to stay cool.
2) Automatic dryers are good, but not good for the health of your electricity bill
The luxury and leisure that washing machines, equipped with automatic dryers offer has made us too lazy to get up and walk around. The process is very easy, we can’t blame ourselves for enjoying the luxury. You just have to switch the “dryer” button or the machine will automatically push in the clothes to the drying area, and swirl and rotate it and get it dried.
But, do you know this is not good for your clothes as well as for your electricity bill? Most of us are aware of this fact, but we are too lazy to acknowledge what is good and what is bad. So, next time instead of forcing your clothes into the dryer area of your machine, walk to the backyard of your house and get a cloth liner installed. Dry your clothes here. The sun will help them dry out, while you save some bucks.
3) Turning on all the gadgets simultaneously
In many households, a common mistake that people commit is they switch on all the devices simultaneously. While the mixer grinder is on the kitchen, someone is watching television, while someone is trying to charge on his or her laptop and someone is also switching on the heater, and all the while, someone turns on the air conditioner.
Here what you could do is plug these items into power strips and turn off the strips in the middle of the utilization.
See this simple energy-saving hacks can help you save a lot of money.
4) Do you use air conditioners?
There is no need to explain why you have a run on your money when the electricity bill arrives if there is an air conditioner in your home. But, you can say goodbye to heat with some simple tricks rather than installing a big air conditioner in your home. Close the curtains and blinds of your windows to ensure the sun doesn’t hit indirectly. You can consider installing a tinted window frame.
Try this and see how it cools your rooms while keeping the sun at bay and helping you save on electricity bills. Or another option you can try is installing ceiling fans. Let us give some rest to the air conditioners.
Ceiling fans and table fans are also a great idea to keep the air circulation on inside your homes. This will ensure that there is no way heat enters your home while keeping it cool always.
You need to keep a check on the air filters of your air conditioner. Change it occasionally.
Also, plant trees around your house. We can save the environment and reduce the pressure on air-conditioners.
Ceiling fans will ensure that air circulation is happening inside your homes
5) Off-peak times could be a great idea
Aiwa … Is there a particular time that the electricity board of your area declares as off-peak times. Then, utilize it. You could run your dishwasher, washing machine, even heat water at this particular time, and then, check your electricity bill. We bet it has lowered down now.
To read further, please visit below blog post,
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sn-369 · 3 years
메이저사이트목록 21! Card Game for Loot! (Fortnite) #2978
Likewise, a craps player who does not understand the available options might make bets giving the house a 16.67 percent edge, when bets are available at the same table that limit the house advantage to .6 percent. By sticking to the basic Caribbean Stud Poker strategy guidelines listed below, you can help to keep yourself on the right side of variance more often than not, by making the correct decision to raise or fold based on your five cards and the dealer’s up card. In crapless craps, 2 and 12 have odds of 11:2 and have a house edge of 7.143% while 3 and 11 have odds of 11:4 with a house edge of 6.25%. Texan Decks were first printed in 1889 by Russel, Morgan & Co. in Cincinnati. All the elements of the English standard are present including many of the features we take for granted today, such as round corners and diametrically set corner side indices. The pattern here strikes an elegant balance and an attractive array of English court cards. The brand went out of print for more than 80 years but was more recently revived by the United States Playing Card Co. Texan 1889's are now published on high quality linen embossed paper, slightly tinted to give them that 'antique' look. The deck slides and handles well and is held in respectable esteem by card enthusiasts and sleight of hand professionals.
Before any cards are dealt, you place a bet in the "ante" box in your table layout. This ante bet can be any amount within the posted table limits.With each hand you may also play for the optional progressive jackpot. If you want to do this, you place a $1.00 chip in the chip slot in front of you. Dondorf of Frankfurt produced this pattern around 1900 and now it is used in Patience decks by many commerce trade worldwide. Number 1 and number 3 each cost 27 chips and pay 297 chips. Even after casino gambling was legalized in Nevada in 1931, its growth outside that state was stifled for decades.
Playing cards in America came along with European settlers, representing the countries they belonged to. https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=엠카지노 For example, if a player says "hop the tens" (6–4, 5–5, 4–6) the player must give the dealer an even number bet so it can be divided among the hard and easy ways. 48 card pack: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9 in each suit - two copies of each card Packs of this composition are used in northern Germany for Doppelkopf and in the USA for Pinochle. Before playing Caribbean Stud Poker, you might benefit from learning about certain notions of the game. These helpful tips and basic rules will give you a sense of what to expect before you get to the casino.Once you are at the table, don’t hesitate to ask the dealer any questions you may have. Helping you understand how the game is played is part of their job.
First place a bet in the ‘Ante’ box. You also have the option of placing an additional bet in the illuminated Jackpot area – this makes you eligible for Jackpot bonuses. After your Ante bet has been placed, all players and the Dealer receive five cards face down. One of the Dealer’s cards is then turned face up, providing a window to the House’s hand. Thus, French suits designate social class, and this historical development will be important when we examine the Revolutionnaires deck. In the 17 February 1965 episode of the classic series, Danger Man, The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove, John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) is injured in a car accident, and hallucinates he's involved with the nefarious manager of a London casino. By placing bets on a roulette wheel - at a predetermined time - with a croupier in on the scheme - money is transferred with information without any outside bettors being aware.Thomas Bass, in his book The Eudaemonic Pie (1985) (published as The Newtonian Casino in Britain), has claimed to be able to predict wheel performance in real time. The book describes the exploits of a group of University of California Santa Cruz students, who called themselves the Eudaemons, who in the late 1970s used computers in their shoes to win at roulette.
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The expected difference in total loss versus the optimum strategy over a couple of hundred hands is about half of one ante. "Bet Ace-King or better" provides more betting action at the cost of another half an ante per couple of hundred hands. What is less obvious to many is that the long-term experience rarely occurs at the player level. Thus from the management’s perspective, the “price” it charges is the 10 percent it expects to collect from gamblers over time. 코인카지노 The probability of a player hitting all 20 numbers on a 20 spot ticket is 1 in 3,535,316,142,212,174,320.
Since 2002, the Atlantic Lottery Corporation has been fully responsible for all VLT operations in the province, rather than having their costs covered by private owner-operators. That means that if the shooter rolls a 7 on the come-out roll, any players with active come bets waiting for a come-bet point lose their initial wager but will have their odds bets returned to them. In the dice game of craps—which is among the major casino games offering the gambler the most favourable odds—the casino returns to winners from 3/5 of 1 percent to 27 percent less than the fair odds, depending on the type of bet made.Shooters may keep rolling after crapping out; the dice are only required to be passed if a shooter sevens out (rolls a seven after a point has been established).
The casino industry has fought hard to keep a state lottery outlawed, despite the potential tax benefits. In the United States legal casinos were long operated only in Las Vegas and other locations in Nevada, where various forms of commercialized gambling houses have been permitted since 1931. Slot machines are designed to be appealing to the senses of sight, touch, and sound—the noises of the machines are electronically tuned to the musical key of C to be pleasing to the ear.Customers are invited to play for a chance to win cash and other prizes.
Players can also collect, buy and share virtual items with friends on the Facebook platform. $10 Place 5,9 bets 1.11% per roll, $11.32 per hour, $226 per trip Six may be referred to as "Jimmie Hicks" or "Jimmie Hicks from the sticks", examples of rhyming slang. On a win, the six is often called "666 winner 6" followed by "came hard" or "came easy".Each casino sets its own series of payouts, called "paytables".
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wrapcity · 1 month
Professional Protection Exclusive Window Privacy Film Solutions
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Experience unparalleled privacy and sophistication with our premium Window Privacy Film solutions. At [Wrapcity], we blend cutting-edge technology with exquisite design to offer you the ultimate in home and office privacy. Our films not only enhance security but also add a touch of elegance to any space. Crafted with precision, they provide exceptional clarity and durability, ensuring a long-lasting solution that complements your style. Whether you're looking to shield your interiors from prying eyes or reduce glare and UV rays, our window films are the perfect choice. Elevate your environment with [Wrapcity]'s unique and professional window privacy films.
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2damaxagency1-blog · 4 years
The 8-Second Trick For What Do Car Detailers Do? - San Antonio Consumers ...
The 6-Second Trick For Paint Correction & Auto Detailing Professionals - San Antonio, TX ...
Tar and water spots can also cause clear coat issues. They leave a stain that can affect the reflection of light off your car's body. There are also circumstances where the automobile owner himself is to blame for the poor condition of the clear coat. Poor cars and truck washing methods can leave swirl marks, micro-scratches, and other issues - Best Car Detailing Shop.
Utilizing the wrong buffing pad can injure your automobile's paintwork, too. Some car owners choose to polish their cars and truck themselves, instead of getting an expert to do it. It's fine if they observe the correct techniques of hand- or machine-polishing. But if not, then they may have a problem. Getting your car cleaned in an automatic cars and truck wash can also trigger issues in the automobile's clear coat.
The Ultimate Guide To Auto Detail Shop In San Antonio - Full Car & Truck Detail - Leson ...
Utilizing the incorrect detailing products can have a comparable effect. Fixing imperfections on the clear coat of the car requires thorough cleansing and decontamination. This is to remove any debris and loose dirt which can get snagged on the buffing pad. If this happens, you will be leaving much deeper scratches on the surface area.
Washing and cleaning the surface area prior to paint correction can likewise leave the clear coat smoother. Upon the elimination of dirt and particles, the surface undergoes claying. Vehicle detailers use a vehicle clay bar. This has a somewhat sticky surface area which can help remove bonded substances on the clear coat.
The 5-Second Trick For 10 Tips For Starting A Paint Correction Business - Small https://www.sanantonio-autodetailing.com/protection/paint-protection-film/ Business ...
A clay bar can. This item can get rid of particles from commercial fallout and tar areas. Claying enables you to see the actual state of the clear coat. This lays the foundation for the paint correction. Polishing the clear coat includes numerous stages. Detailers utilize various grades of polish. It starts with heavier-cutting substances to get rid of larger surface products.
Throughout this procedure, it is essential that the detailer utilizes a paint depth gauge. This is to make sure an even polish. A more crucial purpose is to assist guarantee you don't polish the clear coat too thin that it loses its structural stability. Another tool that detailers usage in paint correction is a specialist halogen lamp.
The Ultimate Guide To Auto Detail Shop In San Antonio - Full Car & Truck Detail - Leson ...
These synthetic lights simulate the effect of sunshine on the automobile surface area. It also allows detailers to assess the development of paint correction. It is unintended that some scratches are much deeper than others. Detailers will have to settle the edges of these deep scratches to make them almost invisible.
This removes oils and other substances left behind by polishing. This also helps reveal the car's true surface. It likewise reveals locations that the detailer might have missed or require some more work. Carrying out paint correction is not easy. It is a time-consuming procedure that needs eager attention to information.
The 25-Second Trick For What Is Paint Correction? - SA Auto Detailing
You can perform it yourself, however the results may not be as incredible as one that's professionally-done. The Ugly Secret Hiding in Your Brand name New Vehicle's Paint Forbes How to Repair Scratches on a Vehicle YourMechanic.
Paint correction is the mechanical leveling of clear coat or paint (clear coat is unpigmented paint, clear) to a point where all the paint is without swirl marks and light scratches. Swirl marks are essentially a "V" cut/slice in the paint where light bounces around in the valley of the scratch and exits.
The 8-Second Trick For Paint Correction Services - Interior Paint Correction - Exterior Car ...
If the paint was flat, without any valley, you wouldn't have anywhere for the light to bounce around ... that is where paint correction shines the best. As the polishing actions are carried out, there are various degrees of aggressiveness which are utilized for different levels of preferred outcome. For instance, not everybody needs or need to have "perfect paint," some are simply okay with much better, not best.
This can be a simple and simple process, or a really labor extensive process where experience and understanding are of the utmost value depending upon the car owner's expectations. We make the effort to figure out the proper actions and use the right products to attain the desired lead to a prompt style.
How The Importance Of Paint Correction - SA Auto Detailing can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
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Car Detailing San Antonio, TX Paint Correction on Black Car Window Tinting San Antonio, TX Car Paint Correction in San Antonio San Antonio Auto Detailing Ceramic Coating being applied on vehicle Advanced Auto Detailing
We have actually developed our plans in the paint correction category based upon the last 14 years of experience in this field. Our gloss enhancement is created for those looking for more gloss with a little bit of swirl mark elimination. The clearness plan is developed for those trying to find an excellent quantity of correction (removal of swirls and light scratches) and a lot more gloss.
Then there comes the reset plan. This includes a heavy compound step, a medium polish action, and great final polish action. The reset is for those seeking to truly turn their car's paint around and return to square one with about 90% to 95% correction. This is a varying answer and there are many reasons that it can vary from 5 hours for an easy one step, or 30 hours for a much more involved multi-step process.
How The Importance Of Paint Correction - SA Auto Detailing can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
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Car Detailing San Antonio, TX Paint Correction on Black Car Window Tinting San Antonio, TX Car Paint Correction in San Antonio San Antonio Auto Detailing Ceramic Coating being applied on vehicle Advanced Auto Detailing
We will carry out a couple test areas in order to make sure we get the outcomes we want prior to going around the entire automobile just to discover out we fizzled. Appropriate Paint Correction is not a fast or easy treatment to do properly, we comprehend that and have actually implemented a procedure to provide results each time.
This is the finest your cars and truck will ever look as it will have the flattest paint and the more mirror like shineWe have a few choices here, some much better than others, that include sealant wax, Ceramic Coating, finishing toppers. Each its place of where it would be utilized. We can discuss your car care process in order to ensure your investment is effectively preserved.
How Auto Paint Correction Services San Antonio, TX ... can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Discover more information here on the finishings page. We also have a finishing topper spray great for up to 6 months, or a paint sealant great for approximately 3 months. Option is yours, however we will discuss all your options with you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with at your earliest benefit to schedule a visit.
San Antonio Auto Detailing
6563 Babcock Rd Suite 109
San Antonio, TX 78249
(210) 255-8510
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Had the opportunity to tint this amazing machine in Cocoplum! 2018 Bentley Continental GT Supersports. 35% Ceramic window film from our friends at @midaswindowfilm love working with all their films, residential, commercial security films, and automotive. Tuve la oportunidad de polarizar este lujoso auto en Cocoplum! 2018 Bentley Continental GT Supersport. 35% material de cerámica de nuestros amigos en @midaswindowfilm Me gusta mucho trabajar con todos sus materiales, residencial, papel de seguridad para comercial, y automotriz. @windowtintingmia @midaswindowfilm @bentleymotors #windowtintingmia #windowtintingmiami #windowtintmiami #miamimobilewindowtinting #mobilewindowtintingmiami #carsofinstagram #luxurycars #luxurycar #luxuryrealestate #sportscar #sportscars #yacht #yachtlife #boat #officedecor #miami #miamilife #summer #summervibes #marines #veteran #businessowner #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #instagood #picoftheday #photooftheday (at Cocoplum Coral Gables) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAjp2eeH76d/?igshid=1dzjwcvg4tkbm
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nataliaapril · 4 years
Why Do People Prefer Auto Tinting In Summers
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There are many people who love dark and bold colors in their cars. Especially, black is the second most loved and opted color when it comes to buying a car. It is admitted fact that the sale and purchase of cars depend somewhat on the color of the car. Car color and window tinting matter a lot in the summer season. Now that summer season has started in many areas of the country people are looking forward to taking their cars for auto tinting services in Simi Valley CA. Some of the valid reason for tinting automotive windows in summer are as follows:
Tint Provides Protection From UV Rays
If the car color is dark then it will absorb more UV rays. These ultraviolet radiations are harmful to skin and eyes. In severe cases, you can suffer from diseases when get exposed to UV rays. Thereby, people tint their car windows in summer so that the ultraviolet radiation may not enter their cars and cause harmful health issues.
Tinting Maximizes The Privacy
Whether it is summer or winter commercial tinting services in Simi Valley CA are hired because in offices privacy is required. Not only in the offices but also in cars. Thereby, dark-colored car bodies and tinted windows make your car more like a concealed box inside which no one can peek. In the summer season when you want to feel the warmth and sunlight you can easily slide the blinds and curtains when windows are tinted. No one will be able to see inside your home, office or as long as the tint is intact.
Tint Protects Interior
There are different types of wall paint colors used in homes moreover, you are unaware of the coloring that is used in your wooden floors and upholstery. However, the harsh rays of the sun can affect the color of wooden floors and upholstery. Therefore, you need to install tint before the summer reaches its peak time. A tinted window will hinder the harsh sun rays and these rays will not decolor your wooden floors.
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Window Tint Keeps Temperature Lower
Tint plays another major role in the summer season. It keeps cars, homes, and offices cooler. It is obvious that it hinders the sunrays so the temperature inside will not rise. Air conditioning machines will work properly to keep your place comfortable. Moreover, energy bills will be affordable for you. Car ACs take longer in summer to make it cooler inside. But if windows are tinted AC’s working will be better.  
Now you are aware of all the reasons that are compelling enough to tint windows in the summer season.
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supersonicart · 7 years
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Interview: 1010′s “Fields” at Inner State Gallery.
Currently on view at Detroit, Michigan’s Inner State Gallery is renowned artist 1010′s visually stellar exhibition, “Fields.”
The exhibition is comprised of phenomenal aesthetic wonders developed as 1010 lives in Detroit for the 1xRUN x Movement Residency.  A mysterious, nomadic and philosophical individual, 1010 recently sat down with Pietro Truba of 1xRUN to answer a number of questions about “Fields,” his time spent in Detroit and more.
You can read the interview in full below, and if you enjoy his work be sure to check out his Limited Editions Prints on 1xRUN:
1xRUN: Let’s start with talking about this show Fields, how did you decide on that title?
1010: Fields for me refers to space, openness and possibilities. It’s also connected to Detroit and its history of course.  It fascinates me to see this city as an example of capitalism and its vast powers at work. Both in creation and destruction. Looking on it from the outside Detroit’s history represents the way the capitalist’s game goes in brutal directness.  As long as the industry flourishes things are kind of fine, but as soon as times become a bit critical the money flows back to the shareholders and the industry, or in this case the whole city and all the people get dropped. It’s kind of mind opening to experience such places. What really interests me about Detroit is what people have learned from this, or how they deal with this situation. I personally like places in transition because I mostly see so many fields of possibilities.
1x: Tell us a little bit about your time here for your residency. What are some of the new styles that you’re working on for this show?
1010: Roula and Jesse from 1xRun invited me to create something for this years Movement festival and to take part in the artist residency. Since I like electronic music and wanted to explore more of Detroit anyway I didn’t have to think twice. On top of that, my studio time over the last few years has been very limited and the residency at 1xRUN offered possibilities to experiment with different ways of productions. Since I’ve mostly worked with tinted paper before, where color range is a bit limited, my idea here was to use the fine art printers to widen the spectrum a bit. This technique also allowed me to play with gradients. Something I haven’t done yet.
1x: Let’s talk about the portals that you’ve created for this show. 
1010: Well, so far I’ve never painted these on a canvas before, so I wanted to try that here.  It’s basically my first painting in this style in small scale. Everything else up until this point has been done with different paper layers or laser cut acrylic glass. I don’t have one single canvas in this style. I’ve painted them on walls outside, but I always thought that I don’t want repeat what I’m doing outside in the studio in exactly the same way. No idea why, but I felt I might just try it here for the first time. And what I’ve relearned again is that painting with brushes just gets me into this quiet flow like mood.
1x: You’ve also created some of the works on paper here with your Broken Screens series…
1010: Yea. The idea for this series developed here last year when I was painting the Abyss for Murals In The Market. I mean it’s quiet obvious that I got inspired by all these broken windows here in Detroit and what they mostly represent. It just made me think about the future a bit. Will we be able to create changes in our system or will this pattern just continue and repeat? So far one change that you can directly see around the globe is that classic commercial billboards get exchanged to screen. We will see where it goes.
1x: When did you first start creating these portals?
1010: The first one was in summer of 2012 after several years of painting figurative works mainly. The Portals, Holes or Abysses have been a first step into completely abstract works. The portals really opened up things for me. I always liked to travel, but they have basically teleported me everywhere I wanted to go and kept me traveling for about the last 3 years. I painted in places like Panama, Russia, India and Hawaii and met a lot of great people in very different situations.
1x: You came out as the 2017 resident artist for the 1xRUN and Movement AIR Program, earlier you mentioned there were some parallels between your art and electronic music.
1010: Yes, I like to see parallels in the way electronic music is created and how I create my works. Musicians often record, or generate different tones, or sounds, and then put them together with different programs and devices. They cut, stretch, multiply, repeat and remodel them until it fits their idea. I mean they don’t have to play every tune themselves. They just use the machines as tools to create music. That’s inspiring. It took me a while to get to the point when I could appreciate all kind of technologies while creating art.
1xRUN: Where else can people find you?
1010: Instagram @1010zzz
Interview conducted by 1xRUN’s brilliant Pietro Truba.  Thanks for letting me share this!
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How to Reduce High Electricity Bills During Winters and Summers
High electricity bills during winters and summers are very common and a lot of people look for alternate ways to reduce their electricity bills. Here are a few tips that can help you save yourself from those extremely long electricity bills –
Check the meter readings It is very important to check the meter readings of your home so that you know exactly which line is consuming more electricity and current. Accordingly, you can either make changes to the circuits with the circuit monitoring tool or even replace any appliances or electrical units to reduce the load on the meter.
If you aren’t clear on how to go about this, you can ask the electric board to send a technician to your place who can guide you through the meter reading process. These professionals also help find any current leakages in the system.
Check for current leakages A lot of times, there are current leakages in your circuit board which can cause your electric bills to increase without any knowledge at all. If you are wondering how can I reduce my electric bill then this is a very important tip to keep in mind. Ask your electrician to come over and check the current leakages and compare this with the overall circuit and meter readings.
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This will help you get the best check on your current leakages and immediately rectify this. A lot of electricians have professional tools to help you find where the current is leaking and also if any electrical devices have issues of current leakage in their machines itself.
Use tinted windows in your house Green house effect can cause your rooms to get overheated and the overall air conditioning can go for a toss because the machine can get overworked. This is especially true in the case of summers and winters which is why tinted windows help you out. The tinted window prevents the heat from entering the room and allows your air conditioner to work effectively.
This is an excellent idea to help reduce your overall electricity dependence. TED pro home solar panels are another excellent addition along with tinted windows. There are a lot of solar and UV blocking tints that can help make this better for you when want to reduce your electricity bills.
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Get all your home appliances serviced It is very important to keep all your home appliances serviced regularly so that all your home appliances work effectively and efficiently. If you are wondering how do I monitor my commercial electricity service, be sure to service your household appliances. Right from your heater and even air conditioner, everything needs to be serviced so that your machines function efficiently without overloading and causing more electrical current consumption.
For More Info:-  Home Energy Monitor Systems
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