#commas don't work in tags on mobile they just seperate it into two tags.
ztmachine · 10 months
will you teach me how to use tumblr good sir you seem mostly qualified :3
Uhhh... ok here's a list:
1. if you want other people to see something, reblog it. there is no algorithm. likes are nice, but do literally nothing. I mostly just use them so i know "oh i've seen this before i don't want to reblog it again". If you would like somthing on Twitter you would reblog it on Tumblr. I'm personally pretty liberal with mine, you don't have to be
2. don't like someone? block em. Is someone trying to start an argument or bring you into "the discourse"? block em. this is a bit of an exageration, of course generally i take a quick look at their profile, bio, post history, etc. If i don't see anything worth my time they get blocked
3. mutuals are your friends, amazing people, all of them. I want to hug them all.
4. If you are putting negativity towards a character/ship/fandom, don't put it in that character/ship/fandom's tag. That's not why people are on the tag. it is perfectly fine to dislike something. be vocal about it even! but people don't go to the tag of their favorite ship to see people saying how much better their ship is.
5. You are not obligagated to put anything in your bio. pronouns? optional, sexuality? optional, nothing has to be there. I take the route that everyone is aro/ace and non-binary until proven otherwise. Do check their bio before you use any pronouns though, its just good manners.
6. the search feature is god awful, it doesn't even do a keyword search. Avoid it at all costs. I tag stuff with what media it relates to/what it's about if i think I'll want to find it later.
7. Tags are for your semi-private thoughts. if you want to put your thoughts in the world for people to see but not necassarily be dragged along when someone reblogs it from you or make a joke you might not want everyone to see.
8. It's a bit more text focused stuff here than Twitter and Reddit twitter has the character limit and Reddit is... Reddit. Don't be afraid to post a 8 paragraph essay or whatever. At least your mutuals will see it.
9. You might want to have a personal tag for when something is queued or for when you add something to a post. I inverted this rule with my catch-all tag of "#zt adds something" for me it just marks when something is NOT queued as a concidence whenever I don't add to the post (reaction image, character analysis, HCs, etc) that goes in the queue.
10. The queue! the magical place where I shove all my random reblogs so they get spread out over the day. It exists, idk what else to say. Use it, or don't I'm not the boss of you.
Tumblr media
big news! this is how news spreads. Dean at the top says "I love you" Castiel at the bottom says the news. It's from supernatural, I didn't make the rule I'm just telling you about it. It was a whole thing learn more here.
12. confession time! i have not been here very long (only 4 months or so) and most of this info is not time tested, it's just how I personally use the site.
please ask me more follow up questions if you need! (or issue corrections)
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