misswitsandsarcasm · 4 years
I got tagged by @brokenrobe! Thank you! 
Rules: Answer 20 Questions, then tag 20 bloggers you'd like to get to know better.
Name: Namita
Nickname: Nams, Nami, Nam Nam, Asshole
Height: 5'2" 
Languages: English, Malay, most basic Spanish and really bad Punjabi
Nationality: Malaysian
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Flower: Blue roses 
Favorite Scent: Lavendar, teakwood
Favorite Color: Midnight blue, magenta
Favorite Animal: Dogs and penguins were my first but now I love all animals
Favorite Fictional Characters: oh boy...D’Artagnan, Dean Winchester, Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Aragron, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Anthony Lockwood, Lucy Carlyle, Helen Wrexhall, Richard Gansey III, Blue Sargent, Shawn Spencer, Emma Swan, Shane Madej, Ryan Bergara (I know they are real but I love them to bits)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: None of these
Average Sleep Hours: Anywhere between 5-9
Dog or Cat Person: Dogs but I like cats too
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 1 (I’m from a hot country) but 2 sometimes once I’m back in uni
Dream Trip: Anywhere really. There are so many places to see.
Blog Established: March 2013
Random Fact: I wrote a book on poetry and god knows if I’ll ever publish it. I’ve posted them on my side blog so I suppose that’s something. Once again, thank you Dayna @brokenrobe! <3
I tag @em-ori @ghostsurgeon @bigtimespnlovato @teammalek @herecomestheimpala @to-steal-the-sky @jfreak1334 @charmainediyoza @commander-anya @bbboken-fallen-angel @captain-america-on-the-normandy @winchester101 @commandermadi @the-secondstartothe-right @marrieddorks @mycaptainbellarke @daistarri @avengerdaisy @lovemesomespn @addiecbl None of you are oblige to do this :) I have been so off Tumblr but now I’m back (let’s see how long this lasts). Pretty much the most of you that I have tagged I have been following since my blog has been established and I always see you on my dash :) once again no pressure on doing it! I’m such some rando that loves your blog! Hope you’re all well! 
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im gonna pretend that in your icon, bellamy has his hand over clarke’s mouth because he’s telling her to be quiet so their friends cant hear them fucking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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clarkgriffon · 5 years
Pilot Bellamy (with his hair slicked back)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
let’s play hot hot is this character
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viviansternwood · 5 years
OMG KAT—YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN??? i’ve been trying to learn for so long now but i always take a break and when i go back to it, i’ve totally forgotten everything
i do akshkshs
idk how people can learn it, it’s so difficult, i wouldn’t be able to pick it up if i wasn’t a native lol
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brimay · 5 years
2, 14, 31, 64 for the ask thing please 🤪
2. Is your room messy or clean?
Right now, I’d say that it’s pretty clean. There’s a little bit of mess, as always, but it’s not nearly as bad as it can be. I tend to keep my space as organized as possible, though, because I don’t need it the added chaos in my life. 
14. If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
Not to be that person, but I could actually not imagine living anywhere but Denmark. I know, that sounds boring, but I just feel so safe and content here. I think it’s where I’m meant to live. I wanna travel a lot, though. Gotta keep roaming, I guess :)
31. 3 favorite boy names
Oh, that’s tricky. Hmmm...
64. Favorite dipping sauce?
Not to be a controversial foodie on main, but I love mayo, especially with fries. Salsa is good, too. And hummus, if you can call that a “sauce”. 
Want to get to know me better? :)
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nathanmillers · 5 years
👻 + ☠️
👻character i wish was alive: WELLS JAHA. lincoln. luna. roan. mainly including ones who were unfairly killed off and that’s the tea. 
☠️character i wish was dead: octagon could have been killed off in 5x13 but now they’re trying to give her a redemption arc and i’m Over It. also kane tbh because he hasn’t really done anything and hasn’t been on screen in six eps.
send me an emoji for the 100 ask game!  
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montygreen · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🥳🥳 🥳 (and congrats on hitting your goal! very well-deserved)
Aww thank you, Shay
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whitetrashjj · 5 years
📝 - Story from your childhood
Growing up I was really close with my cousins... they were kinda like brothers to me. Anyway one time when our parents were cutting up meat out in the shed - me, my sister and four of my cousins were hanging out in my grandparents house and we had my sisters video camera so we decided to make a ‘movie’ which was essentially an improvised one-take found footage horror movie where five of us pretended to be teenagers who broke into this old ladys house to hang out watch tv and eat all of her shortbread, while my eldest cousin jake threw a blanket over his shoulders and walked around with my grans wheely walker. 
To this day we quote the line ‘where are you? i know you're in here. probably in the kitchen... eating all my shorTBREAD!’ that jake mutters as we hide behind the couches... it’s ends up being around 10 minutes of us running around screaming, with heavy breaths as an increasingly more agile (14 y/o guy) old lady chases us around the house and garden.
The whole thing ends with me and my sister being found in the shower and an extremely sinister ‘would you like some shortbread deary’ and then us being genuinely invited to come have some tea and shortbread...
It was completely ridiculous but so much fun to make and to this day it’s the greatest creation i have ever had a hand in (unfortunately most of it accidentally got taped over) but we still like to look back to that day and have laugh.
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celestial-diana · 6 years
Do you ever think about with the Flame, Madi sees how beautiful the ground, polis, arkadia, etc. was and all the people and now she has to live in the wasteland and war with the last of the human race
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mllersjoel · 6 years
what would you do if you won the lottery? we're talking like a $500 million jackpot
i would buy the 100 from jroth and make bellarke canon
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bellblake · 6 years
psst, I not-so-secretly love you. anon or not, please pass this on to ten of your favorite blogs. spread the love, not hate.
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chants-de-lune · 6 years
rhododendron & sunflower! 💐🌻 (also congrats on your 4.0!!! i know how hard it is to achieve that and you should be veryyyyyy proud of yourself💗)
what’s your biggest fear? 
Bellamy staying with **** forever.  I fear that I'm going to lose the will to thrive, that I've missed out on enjoying how good life can be
sun or moon?
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star-kovs · 6 years
CONGRATULATIONS on 1k babe!!! 💜🍾 i’d love a blog rate please 🥀
Thanks Shay!
Url: don’t get it 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | TANDY BOWEN
Icon: not my fandom  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | TYRONE JOHNSON
Mobile Theme:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | CLARKE GRIFFIN
Desktop Theme:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | BELLAMY BLAKE
Posts:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | EMMA SWAN
Creations:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | KILLIAN JONES
Overall:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ALLISON ARGENT
Following?: not yet (i probably should) | f+ | of course | ‘till the end of the line
want one?
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viviansternwood · 6 years
Do you think we'll get a 1on1 conversation with Kane and Octavia in the finale? Cause I feel like they definitely do need to hash their shit out. 😂 And if that conversation does happen, how do you think it would go down? Like do you think their relationship can be salvaged or is it too late for that? Like who owes who an apology? I'd love to hear your take on it!
Honestly, at this point I just hope that Kane stays out of Octavia’s sight because not only did that hoe betray her and Wonkru many times, he also decided it was okay to condemn them all to death in that massacre or of starvation and it’s okay because he’ll “struggle to live with it for the rest of his life.” I have no patience left for Kane, ugh.
That said, if they do happen to talk, the petty answer would be that Octavia tells him to go and float himself, but realistically that will never happen because Octavia believes now that she broke Wonkru and that she deserved to die in that gorge. Which, ugh, don’t even get me started on it now.
Realistically speaking, she’d call him a traitor again and he’d say that she’s the devil and that she was that bitch who broke his will during the dark year and some philosophical shit about how saving their people is about more than just keeping them alive (and yet it’s okay for some reason to let them die in the gorge because who cares about saving them physically, it’s all about saving them spiritually right? ugh). And then he’ll say that it’s her fault that Wonkru is no more because they had the chance to do something better and she ignored it.
So yeah, I hope they never speak to each other again and Kane can choke for all I care.
Sorry, I can’t talk about Kane without trashing him anymore it seems. Forgive me and thank you for the question!
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montygreen · 6 years
congrats on 6.5k+ followers! 🤯 you should definitely check the show “the white queen” if you’re into historical fiction! i hope you like it 😭💗
I tried to watch that show when I was much too young for it haha. But I really should watch it now.
Icon: not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | RAVEN REYES URL: not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | AMY SANTIAGOsidebar: not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | TAHANI AL-JAMILtheme: not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | MYLENE CRUZ Posts: not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | LESLIE KNOPEOverall: not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | PAM BEESLYFollowing?: may we meet again | +f!! | ofc! | you are my people
want one?
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probably-voldemort · 4 years
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Happy BFSN Finale!
It’s been approximately 600 years since I’ve done one of these oops.  But I’m back!
The pics are of some orcas I saw while whale watching a couple weeks ago.  It was super cool.  We saw two orca pods, a bunch of humpbacks, and lots of seals and sea lions.
I started my teaching program!  Which means I’m officially one month closer to being a teacher which is super exciting.  Everything being online kind of sucks but generally everything’s going pretty good there.  I’ve got a presentation in like two hours though.  Ugh.  Wish me luck!
I’d also like to give a shout out to any of my British Columbia followers.  Make sure you get out there on Oct 24 and vote NDP.  Calling an early election in the middle of a pandemic wasn’t the greatest idea Horgan could’ve had, but if we let the Liberals get back in, Wilkinson is gonna cut PST for a year, yeah, but he’s also gonna bring back and raise student loan interest, which is terrible since we just got that eliminated and freaking Nova Scotia managed to get their student loan debt eliminated completely, which is the direction we should be heading.  Greens are usually kinda sketchy on non-environmental issues (I haven’t heard any of her promises yet, I don’t think, but that’s usually how they tend to go), and Conservatives are just an obvious no no.  So go out and vote NDP, please!
A new chapter of darling went up a couple weeks ago if you haven’t read it yet!  The next one is like half written and I’m hoping to get it up soon.  Depends on uni though and how much homework I have.
And the show.  I can’t believe that it’s ending.  I can’t believe what a shit show the last few episodes have turned into.  I can’t believe it looks like Murphy and Emori are going to survive the series.  I probably won’t be watching tonight because my siblings are a couple episodes behind, so no spoilers until after I’ve watched it tomorrow. 
This fandom has been amazing, and you guys are fantastic.  I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon (darling still has like 30+ chapters to go so you’ve got me at least until I finish that), so feel free to stick around for more Clurphy and random life stories.
Honestly still not entirely convinced the last few episodes haven’t been Clarke in the simulation machine.  Based on tweets and stuff, it doesn’t seem particularly likely, but as a writer its one of the few scenarios that would make any of this make at least a little sense, so my brain is still refusing to let that theory go until it’s proven otherwise.
Here’s hoping the finale isn’t as terrible as it could be!
@thelittlefanpire @pawprinterfanfic @talistheintrovert @eyessharpweaponshot @clarkesbells99 @little-oxford-st @kindclaws @braveprincess @johnmurphysass @bvrnes-bucky @commandermadi @sarahin @moonshoesreyes @paintingbellarke @the-griffin-green-blakes @the-most-beautiful-broom @shaeheda @historyofbellarke @captaindaddykru @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold​ @animmortalist​
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