#commander voorpret
mwolf0epsilon · 2 months
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Nothing wrong with checking yourself in the refresher mirrors once in a while...
Attack for @l0nesome-dreams who's clone commander I just had to put into a boobs and butt pose. I love the "I know I'm hot and I'm confident about it" types who are also deeply loyal and charming.
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l0nesome-dreams · 2 months
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started a doodle page if anyone wants to join (here)😌✨
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l0nesome-dreams · 2 months
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Had the idea of a colosseum ish AU where the hybrids were lined up as executioners/gladiators. Traitors, criminals, defects, people who disagree with the Empire, etc are sent to the “colosseum” to have a chance of freedom that no one ever received. The whole point was to give the public entertainment in the form of violence such as public executions and gladiator fights. In the beginning these events were held daily until Palpatine started to loose interest claiming it wasn’t exciting enough. Thus the addition of “champions.” Some of the clones, along with their hybrid counterparts were placed forced in this sick game, even those who’d managed to defect from the Empire. Voorpret was one of the ones who had been selected for the job. All of the clones and hybrids had their chips activated, thus making them puppets for Palpatine to play with. They were all stripped of their issued clothing and armor, left with little covering and leather armor (if you can even call it that) to display their physiques. The fights were always unfair, placing multiple clones against one prisoner, or the other way around. It was like pigs to the slaughter, and nothing could be done due to the activation of the chips. When it came to the hybrids the second their chips were activated they became wild beasts. Most were deemed unsafe to handle, and were often chained and muzzled. They were put up against various creatures, and on the rare occasion, against each other. These events were saved for the weekends when the seats were packed, and more credits could be made. Voorpret was one of the few who Palpatine personally chose to be saved for special events, such as the executions of high ranking or important individuals because of his explicit acts of aggression.
I plan to draw more concepts and possibly write a few things based on this AU. Feel free to make your own additions and what not if you’d like. (Drawing is based on this song)
Tags: @whiskygoldwings @gregorsmissingarmor @coldbrewarts @coffeeandbatboys @mire-draws-things
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l0nesome-dreams · 2 months
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felt the urge to doodle some traditional stuff 😌✨
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l0nesome-dreams · 10 months
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Here I didn’t think he could be any hotter…I was wrong. Halfling drake Voorpret ft Lee. Original concept by @gregorsmissingarmor 😌✨
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l0nesome-dreams · 10 months
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Voorpret’s get ups 😌✨
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l0nesome-dreams · 9 months
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I’m obsessed with the dragon hybrid concept so I drew more 😔✨
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l0nesome-dreams · 6 months
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Magma board with your local clone simps and fellow hooligans 😌✨
@gregorsmissingarmor @mire-draws-things @hyacinthquetzal
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l0nesome-dreams · 4 months
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“Let’s go somewhere where the stars kiss the ocean”
I feel like Voorpret would be someone who gets lost in his thoughts often (This drawing sorta portrays this). I went for a sad vibe at first, but the more I thought about it, the less sad it became. It morphed into a more bittersweet vibe than anything. This is shortly after the fall of the Republic when Lee was reported KIA, and Voorpret began loosing himself. Through the year following the collapse, Voorpret held onto the hope that somehow his lover had survived. Constant dreams of falling into a deep ocean enveloped his mind each night, but no matter how far he sunk into the depths he would never drown. The light shining through and the wisps are a resemblance of Lee’s mind, and her dreams tying in with Voorpret’s. I guess they also represent his grief because he blames himself for her death when he knew he couldn’t have done anything to stop the order. Lee knows Voorpret is alive, but Voorpret doesn’t know Lee is too. Despite their many trials in their love, they stayed true to one another and never gave up searching for one another. After a long year of searching they finally reunite, thus beginning a new chapter of their lives. Lil Aurora, or Ari as her mum calls her, comes along in that said chapter.
(Felt like this represents this drawing pretty well)
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l0nesome-dreams · 1 month
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Lil GIF because I got carried away…
Voorpret came to Lee after getting into a bar fight with some of the locals because they’d been harassing his brothers. The rest of the story is up to you because it’s 0200 and your girl is too lazy to come up with anything 💅🏼✨
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l0nesome-dreams · 4 months
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More song art because I can’t get enough, and I have no self control with these two hooligans🙄 Might color this (doubt it)
(@gregorsmissingarmor I did more…I’m too far gone smh)
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l0nesome-dreams · 6 months
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“You’re playing a very dangerous game Captain”
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l0nesome-dreams · 3 months
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They’re so in love~
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l0nesome-dreams · 4 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
taged by @whiskygoldwings
(I hope I’m doing this right 😂 I’ve never participated in a last line challenge before! + I don’t really know who to tag 💀✨)
I’ve been feeling extremely unmotivated to draw or write within the past few days despite wanting art of my kiddos. I scrambled through my documents and found some lil snippets of dabbles I’ve got sitting around. Here is one about the dragon hybrid Voorpret AU:
Voss gave Lee a leg up into the ceiling.
“Okay next,” Voss motioned for Vance to come over to him, helping him up into the ceiling with Lee, “Jeez vod what have you been eating?” Vance poked his head out from the missing panel in the ceiling.
“Do you want help up here, or do you want to stay in the hall so the science freaks can come do experiments on you too?” He said resting his chin on his hand.
There was the sound of a door opening down the hall which alerted Voss still standing in the hall.
“Okay okay I take it back! Just get me up there!” Voss whispered loudly. 
He backed up a bit getting a running start before jumping into the air grabbing hold of his batch mates arm. Vance dragged him up, closing the panel before anyone could see them.
“You’re one to talk vod’ika. You weigh a ton.” Vance said a grin forming on his face as his brother looked up at him. 
Though his face was covered Vance knew Voss was deadpanning. 
“Come on you two we can sort this out later. Right now we’re trying to find Voor.” Lee said, crawling further down the vent system. 
The two clones followed suit crawling after her. 
“Hold up a sec,” Lee checked her vambrace, the location of where Voorpret was being held blinking softly, “we may need to get into the halls again the vents don’t seem to go that far, or at least this system of vents.” Lee sighed, continuing to crawl forwards.
They could still travel a bit further until they reached the end of the vents before they’d have to move around in the halls. This compromised their plan, but whatever shape Voorpret was in was what would determine their plan of escape. 
“How much further we-“ Vance was cut off by an agonizing scream.
They all stopped in their tracks. 
“What the kriff was that?” Voss whispered.
Lee looked down at her vambrace again.
“I don’t know, but let’s keep moving so we don’t find out.” Lee said, her voice laced with fear. 
When they did reach the end of the vents, Lee slid the panel aside and Vance lowered Voss down into the hall.
“Where is everyone? I haven’t seen a soul in this facility since we’ve been here. You sure this is the correct location?” Voss said, catching Lee as she hopped out of the vents. 
“Positive.” Lee said while removing her blasters.
Vance hopped out of the vents into his brother’s arms.
They moved against the walls keeping quiet. The trio was starting to feel uneasy at the idea that no one was here. This was a Separatist facility, they were typically crawling with people.
“This is the room.” Lee whispered, pressing the panel to open the door. 
When it slid open the trio was greeted by a massacre. Blood was splattered across parts of the walls and what looked to be a trail of blood that had been dragged from the door panel to behind an examination table. Bodies were laying around, some unrecognizable, limbs torn off, faces nothing but blood. 
“What happened here?” Vance said, flicking on his light that was attached to his helmet.
“Whatever did this,” Lee began as she stepped further into the room examining the mess, “wasn’t human.”
“They should’ve known better to keep wild animals in this place, let alone in cells like these,” Voss motioned towards the destroyed holding cell, “We’d best leave, it’s probably near by.” Voss said.
“We need to find Voorpret quick before whatever did this gets a hold of-” Vance was cut off by a creaking sound.
They all whipped around adrenaline rushing through their bodies. Nothing was there. 
“I don’t like this guys.” Lee said backing up from where the noise had come from.
She felt a drop of something cool hit the back of her neck. She looked up and nearly screamed. 
A mangled body lay over the pipes above her head Voorpret hovering over it staring down at Lee. His eyes were practically glowing, and they held an expression not that of a human, but rather a beast. So animalistic that even Lee couldn’t see through them to Voorpret himself. Pure lust for blood coursed through his begin, and something new that sent pleasant tingles through him when he caught the scent of his love. He was being driven by pure instinct at this point and no one would be able to stop his pursuit.
Lee backed away from him slowly as he climbed down from the ceiling a low, guttural growl emitting from him. 
“Voor? What’s gotten into you?” Lee said, putting her blaster away and holding her hands up, “Voorpret please stop. You’re scaring me.” 
He continued stalking towards her, Vance and Voss armed and ready to engage their threat. 
Voorpret lunged at Vance who proceeded to fire stun shots at him. Voorpret easily slid right past them, scaling the wall again. 
“Run!” Lee shouted, pushing the other two troopers out of the door nearly tripping over Voss’s foot.
They bolted down the halls of the facility splitting up. Voorpret went after Lee without any hesitation ignoring the blaster fire from his brothers. 
“LEE!!” Voss yelled as she took off down the hall, Voorpret in tow.
Lee rounded a corner not daring to look back. Voorpret slipped when he came around the corner, skidding into the wall then clamoring back up to his feet in a desperate attempt to catch his prey. Lee slammed her fist into the control panel, closing the door between them in hopes Voorpret wouldn’t be able to get to her. He obviously had no interest in either of his brothers, but Lee had no idea why he was after her specially. 
A loud scraping sound echoed through the halls as Voorpret grabbed hold of the door. Lee staggered backward as the clone began prying the door open. She took off again reaching a dead end in a large examination room. She scrambled around finding a medical cabinet to hide in breathing heavily as she heard Voorpret’s claws tapping against the cool durasteel floor. She clasped her hands over her mouth praying he wouldn’t find her.
“Oh mesh’la where’d you run off to with that pretty face of yours?” He purred, sounding awfully close to Lee’s hiding place, “You smell so good, I promise I won’t hurt you love. I just want to breed you.” He clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. 
Lee panicked, what did he just say!? She stopped breathing when he stopped outside of the cabinet, tracing the outside of it. 
“Where are you hiding lil one?” He cooed, walking off again to Force knows where in the room.
Everything went silent for what seemed like forever then Lee inhaled sharply when Voorpret was staring at her through a crack in the cabinet. 
“Hey mesh’la.” He opened the cabinet grinning wildly at her. 
"Voorpret, please no. This isn’t a good idea we’ve only just-“ Her words caught in her throat, face heating up at the way he was looking at her, “you know what I’ll just come out there.”
Lee carefully stepped out of the cabinet instantly Voorpret’s hands went to the wall on either side of her head caging her in. He would’ve already killed her if that was his intention, clearly he had something completely different in mind.
 “So compliant for me.” He said, his hot breath fanning across her face.
He no longer had blood on his face, but the wild look in his eyes still shown through. 
“Lee!” Voss came charging into the room, Vance right on his heels, “We thought he surely killed you but, oh.” Voss shut up the instant he laid eyes on the situation.
Voorpret was licking a stripe up the column of Lee’s neck, one thigh between her legs. 
“I’ll handle this, just get back to the ship and I’ll meet you two back there.” Lee said, grabbing hold of one of Voorpret’s horns and tugging his face away from her skin, “Just please leave before he changes his mind and kills the both of you.” Lee said, shoving Voorpret off of her.
The two troopers reluctantly left Lee to fend for herself closing the door behind them. Lee grabbed her blaster, switching it over to stun. 
“Voorpret you need to snap out of it. You’re not thinking straight,” Lee said, pointing the blaster at the hybrid as he stalked over towards Lee again, “Stay back Voorpret, or I’m going to have to stun you.” She hissed, backing away from him.
Voorpret grinned wildly, tail flicking back and forth, amber eyes locked on Lee’s.
“You know that has little to no effect on me Lee,” he said, voice sweet as honey, “I’ll just hunt you down all over again. Just put it down and let me have you.” He said, his hands twitching towards Lee ever so slightly.
Lee refused to lower the weapon and when he took another step towards her she fired a stun bolt at his chest. Like he’d said it had absolutely no effect on him. Lee let out a shaky breath when Voorpret returned to his original place directly in front of Lee…
(it gets a lil spicy after that, so I’m not gonna bother posting that at the moment 😂💀)
So uh yeah… he’s a lil crazy, must be that dragon in em. RIP Lee, your efforts and sacrifice will always be remembered 🫡🫣
I don’t really know how writing about others ocs works, but man I really wanna see how people write about these hooligans.
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l0nesome-dreams · 3 months
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It’s that time again, fucking depressing lore art. Comes with some music too so you can sob with me💀✨This one is pretty self explanatory… I won’t go any further because I’ll start crying again…
The scene is written below
They’d scouted the area with no sign of separatist action.
“No separatists in sight commander. I think we’re clear to camp out here for the time being.” Valkyrie exclaimed.
It didn’t take long for camp to be set up as evening approached. A fire was going and conversation was flowing. 
“Did you see me take out that trandoshan? He came at me and he was this close to cutting my head clean off!” Rhino said, holding his forefinger and thumb up to show the close distance. 
“Sure vod’ika.” Bronco says, clapping his brother on the shoulder.
Rhino made an annoyed face swatting at his brother who proceeded to put him in a headlock. Laughter rumbled from around the fire as the rest of the squadron watched the scene unfold. Lee had been sitting between Bronco and Horus when the tussle broke out. She shot up onto her feet the instant Bronco went after his brother. She was laughing alongside her men when she caught Voorpret looking at her mid conversation with the general. He blushed madly realizing he’d been staring and turned back to Taleed acting like he’d been listening. Lee sauntered over to the pair greeting Taleed first then her husband. 
“The men have settled in well it would seem,” Taleed said, smiling at the clones across the camp site laughing with one another, “It’s always good to see them like this. You all deserve a normal life after this war.” the tall togruta said. 
Voorpret made a face, it almost looked like longing but Lee couldn’t quite fully register it. They slowly made their way back over to where most of the men were.
“As the war dies down from here, whatever happens know that you and your brothers are always welcome in my family.” Taleed said bowing slightly to the commander. 
Voorpret returned the bow. 
“Thank you general, I will keep your proposal in mind.” Voorpret said standing at full height now. 
Lee went to speak but was interrupted by Voorpret’s comm chiming. He answered and the hologram of the person appeared. Lee felt something in her heart tighten and she looked over towards Taleed, he must have felt it too. A disturbance in the force. 
“Commander.” The raspy voice that seemed all too familiar said, his cloaked figure concealing his face, “The time has come. Execute order 66.” It was the chancellor himself. 
Voorpret drew his blasters pointing them at the general and Lee both. The clones that had been waiting around too drew their weapons. Voorpret’s hands shook as he held his weapon up.
“Stay back,” He hissed through gritted teeth, “back!”
“Whatever happens, don't turn back, keep running.” Taleed said through Lee’s mind. 
Voorpret was fighting something, something Lee couldn’t help. A single shot fired, but it wasn’t from Voorpret’s blaster but one of the other soldiers. Lee ignited her sabers deflecting the shots as Taleed did. 
“Buir go!” Lee screamed, deflecting as much of the fire as she could as she backed away from the clones. 
Taleed hesitated for a moment, so did Lee and that was all the time for a single blaster shot to land a strike on Lee. It seared the flesh on her shoulder knocking one of her sabers from her hand. 
“Go!” Lee said using her uninjured arm to deflect the continuous shots. 
Taleed did listen this time and disappeared into the woods. Another shot scorched Lee’s leg causing her to lose her balance barely regaining her footing again and she stumbled. She cried out in desperation and she swung her saber madly deflecting more and more rounds. She needed to get out before she was completely surrounded. She missed another blaster shot this time it went right through her torso. 
It was as if time itself froze. Lee’s ears rang, her vision faltered, and she could feel her heart racing within her. She exhaled shakily, helplessly clutching her wound as her knees buckled beneath her.
Her other saber hit the ground, her body soon following. She wasn’t dead, but she could feel her body giving up. The blaster fire had stopped and she heard muffled orders being given. Tears streamed from her eyes as the pain suddenly struck her. They never said dying hurt this bad. She couldn’t move, all she could do was endure the pain until her body failed her and died. She heard her name spoken, almost a whisper. Then it was repeated, louder, and more urgent. A figure of a man hovering over her, the faint registration of a hand touching her face. 
“Fives?” Lee said, reaching up to cup the man's face.
She felt tears, wet and warm on her hands. No this wasn’t Fives. She wasn’t dead quite yet. Not just yet. Her eyes wouldn’t focus, but she could feel the scars on his face as she traced his features. 
“No cyare. Not Fives.” He said, his voice breaking, “I’m sorry. Just please don’t leave, not yet. Just wait a little longer.” 
Lee could no longer feel anything, the pain had become the only thing. She no longer felt her sensation of her hand touching his face nor the tears that ran down his face. 
“I’m tired.” Lee said, closing her eyes. 
“No mesh’la you can’t fall asleep you have to stay awake for me.” He said, trying to keep his voice even though it was breaking. 
She fought with everything she had left, even though her body was telling her that she should give up and succumb to death. 
“I love you.” She mouthed, she wasn’t even sure if she had spoken, but based on the pain visible in Voorpret’s eyes he understood. 
Two figures came up behind Voorpret hauling him up. Lee watched helplessly as Voorpret was dragged away from her. She could barely register Voorpret fighting back against the two figures, his screaming muffled. Her vision focused slightly when she turned her head towards the LAATs that had landed. Voorpret had his hands handcuffed behind his back and his brothers were holding him back as the doors shut. Lee forced her head to face back up towards the sky, it was dark now, the stars stunning as ever on this desolate planet. She sat there reaching out into the stars for anything, anyone that might hear her dying body. 
 Lee wasn’t aware of how long it had been since they’d left her there. She wanted to feel bitter towards her men, towards what had just happened, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She knew they couldn’t do anything about it, orders were orders. She cried, not because of the pain, but for her men, for the clones. She knew that they didn’t have a say in what had just happened, or anything that had happened or will happen to them. Fives had been right, Lee never doubted it, but now that it was actually happening it was too real to believe. He’d warned her, he had, but he wasn’t there to protect her nor tell her of the danger. He was gone. And now all Lee could hope was she’d see him once more very soon. 
She closed her eyes now, her breathing slowing slightly. When she opened them she wasn’t lying in the grass beneath the stars anymore, but standing in a cafe. It was relatively empty, but a figure sat in one of the booths. Lee approached the table, sucking in a breath when she realized who it was as she drew nearer. She paused and the man she loved, and still loved turned to face her. He was wearing civis, simple pants with a tight t-shirt and a light jacket. His smile reached the corners of his eyes, his warm eyes just as full of life as the last time Lee had looked into them, and his iconic goatee still complimenting his features. 
“Are you just gonna stand there looking like a bantha caught in the headlights?” He chuckled standing to his feet now. 
Lee didn’t hesitate, throwing herself into his arms. She could feel the beating of his heart, the warmth radiating from his skin, his lips against her temple. 
“I missed you so much.” Lee sobbed into his chest, clutching the fabric of his shirt. 
“I know, but you can’t stay with me just yet.” He tilted her face up by her chin making her look him in the eyes, “You still have a whole life ahead of you.” 
The shock dissipated from her, but she continued to sob into his chest.
“But I want to stay here with you. I don’t want to go back to that stupid universe without you in it.” She exclaimed, her voice almost pleading. 
Fives smiled cupping Lee’s face gently with both of his hands, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. 
“I was just a piece in the puzzle of your life, and if force allowed I would crawl out of my grave and back into your arms in an instant. However if I never had died you would have never fallen in love with Voorpret, or saved all of those people, or became the person you are now. I will always be with you mesh’la, you were the love of my life in the physical world, and you still are now even if I am gone.” He said. 
Lee sighed heavily, calming herself. What he said was true, she had to go back, she couldn’t just leave all of those people who loved her or the world that needed her. 
“Okay,” She said, “I’ll go back.” 
Fives’s smile never left his features, his hands sliding down Lee’s body to rest on her waist.
“That's my girl.” He said, resting his forehead against Lee’s. 
He tilted his head ever so slightly bringing his lips to hers in a chaste kiss. 
Lee’s eyes closed, melting into the sensation of her lover once more. She thought she’d never feel his touch again, express her undying love for him, or see his handsome face again. But here she was, in the world between worlds, giving him the goodbye she never got to give him.
“I love you.” Fives said, pulling away slightly, his lips brushing against Lee’s as he spoke. 
When Lee parted from him and opened her eyes she was met by the stars once more. She was still alive, but just barely. The warmth around her was gone and she felt the cold wind billow through the grass and over her skin. 
She didn’t know what brought her to do it, but she sat up. Maybe it was Fives helping her stand, whatever it was she got up. Most people would have already died, but Lee, Lee took a step, and then another until she reached the treeline. Like she’d predicted, Taleed was nearby. He’d been waiting until the coast was clear before he would go in search of Lee. The deep blue togruta approached Lee, catching her as her body collapsed. 
Lee awoke some time later laying in one of the tents they’d set up earlier in the night. Her wounds had been patched up best Taleed could do considering the equipment he possessed. 
“It’s good to have you back lil’un,” Taleed said, “you’re in pretty bad shape, I did the best I could to patch you up.” He sat down on the ground next to the makeshift cot where Lee lay. 
Lee groaned in pain as she turned to slightly face Taleed. 
“Thank you buir.” Lee said fondly, offering a pained smile.
Taleed nodded. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t come for you sooner. Is there anything I can get you?” He said softly.
Lee shook her head. 
“I’m alright. Just tired and hurting.” She turned her head back towards the ceiling. 
“Tomorrow I’ll go into the nearby village to gather supplies and see if any of the locals have a proper place to stay. For now we will stay here at camp, its the safest option right now.” The man said. 
“I’ll be alright here then, it’ll give me time to rest and heal.” Lee said quietly, closing her eyes. 
“I’ll be outside meditating if you need me.” Taleed said getting up and exiting the tent. 
Lee drifted off to sleep once more, tomorrow was a new day and Lee accepted it with open arms. 
tags: @coffeeandbatboys @whiskygoldwings @gregorsmissingarmor
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l0nesome-dreams · 7 months
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feelin under the weather today so doodles 😌💖💕✨
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