#come trick or treat!!
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hippolotamus · 1 year ago
Trick or treat
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That gif is adorable AF. The things I would do for that tiny kitten! OKAY, you left me a glorious comment on a fic that I have yet to respond to (I get legit overwhelmed with emotion every time I try). For now, here's a little snippet of Eddie considering visiting his first boyfriend's grave in Texas.
In the truck, seated among Buck, Hen and Chim, the thought crosses his mind again. Not fleeting like before. This time it sticks a little longer. Enough to turn into a what if? and a why not?   Because it’s been too long and it doesn’t matter anymore. That’s why not.  Still, the idea pulls at something deep within him. Memories and feelings that have only recently been unearthed. Things he’s still not used to being dredged to the surface, demanding to be incorporated into his personal history.  Eddie looks down at Buck, fast asleep with his head on Eddie’s shoulder and a thin line of drool from the corner of his mouth to Eddie’s LAFD tee. Buck would probably tell him it’s a good idea. That it would be healing, and maybe even cathartic, to visit the grave and say his peace.  He does it with Christopher when they visit Shannon. Reasonably this shouldn’t be any different, but somehow it is. Eddie and Shannon had the chance to build a life together, no matter how fucked up it turned out to be. They had years with each other. Eddie has no shortage of thoughts and grievances to get out of his system when it comes to her. But Luke? They had months. Barely. What exactly is he supposed to say? Hey, I’m sorry we were two queer Texas kids and you died before it ever got to be anything like love. Sorry I couldn’t come see you when it happened and then I moved on and fucked up and got a girl pregnant. And oh, by the way, she’s dead now, too. Funny story about that. But yeah we had a son and he’s my whole world.  Seriously, what the actual fuck?
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hauntedautumnwhispers · 6 months ago
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shepscapades · 4 months ago
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trick or treaaaaat!!! there's a little bee at your door :]
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I can explain this one too okay um. Well you see it’s
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boopshoops · 4 months ago
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JADE LEECH - 1 2 3
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neillesart · 4 months ago
Can I trick or treat from Nightmare please? :o
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You gained Strawberry Truffles x2.
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hauntingjasper · 5 months ago
I was thinking about what costume I would draw for Fionna this Halloween and somehow I ended up landing on Gothic Princess Peach, it's gotta be one of the greatest things I've ever found so here she is
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I made some tweeks on her dress ofc but these were my two main inspos
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lowpolyanimals · 4 months ago
trick or treat!!!
Have some delicious macaroni and cheese made using my favourite recipe (not sponsored)
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thathalloweenyfeeling · 4 months ago
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halloween-sweets · 6 months ago
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halloweenisallyear · 4 months ago
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Do you still go trick or treating?
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hippolotamus · 1 year ago
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OMG they're so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, so a special response for you. I greatly appreciate you letting me borrow Cal for this (he does have the best ideas after all!) If anyone has no idea what this is in reference to, then you need to go read Spotty's fic Good Knight Sweet Prince
come trick or treat!!
“Hey, Eds, look at this.”
Buck shoves his phone at Eddie presumably to show him whatever recent meme he found interesting.
Eddie takes it from him, minutely adjusting the distance he’s holding it from his face. Only because the light is dim and not because he ‘probably needs bifocals’ thank you very much. On the screen is something called a great eared nightjar. A bird that supposedly looks like a small dragon. And it does for the most part.
“Have you shown me this before?” Buck scrunches his nose like he’s trying to work something out. And forgive Eddie, he finds it adorable as hell because, well, everything his boyfriend does is adorable as hell.
“Uh, no? Not that I remember anyway.”
“Huh.” Buck takes the phone back and chews on his bottom lip.
“They just look so… familiar. Like I’ve seen something like it before.”
He shakes his head and continues scrolling mindlessly through instagram. “Probably just a weird dream I had or something.”
A few days pass, and there’s no more talk about strange birds that look like mythical creatures. Naturally, Eddie doesn’t think about it anymore. At least not until Buck wakes up, hyperventilating in the darkness of their bedroom, desperately trying to inhale.
“Hey! Buck! Look at me!” Eddie grabs him by the shoulders, meeting his gaze so he can get Buck to follow his breaths.
Eddie tries to put up a calm front, to guide Buck through the practiced inhale and exhale they’ve both had to use more than Eddie would like to admit.
“There you are.” Eddie cradles Buck’s face in his palms, noting his breathing has become less ragged but the sparkling blue in his eyes is still dark and full of something like terror. “Shhhh. Buck, I’m here. It’s okay, baby.”
“E-Eddie. I remember. All of it.”
“Remember what, sweetheart?” Eddie asks cautiously. He honestly has no idea where this is going or what could have prompted it.
“The other day, I was showing you that nightjar-”
“The tiny dragon bird thing?”
“Yeah! Exactly. And I said it looked familiar?”
Eddie nods slowly, still not sure what to make of it.
“I was dreaming — at least I thought I was — and it all came back. Eddie, I wasn’t dreaming. They were memories. The reason it looked so familiar is because the little brownish one? It looks like Cal.”
Cal??? Who the fuck is that? Eddie racks his brain but can’t for the life of him think of anyone named Cal. Especially one that resembles a dragon.
“Cal? I’m not- I’m not quite sure I follow you, Buck.”
“Right. Because you don’t remember. Yet.” As if that should make perfect sense.
Buck’s hands are gesticulating wildly while he starts to tell Eddie about — and I know this sounds crazy, Eds but you gotta believe me — the two of them in another life. That information alone is insane enough before Buck gets going about how he was a prince and Eddie was a knight and there was a whole ass dragon named Calenth. Who could talk. At least to those who could understand.
The whole thing should be positively absurd. And it is, it definitely is. What’s even more absurd is the sudden sense of familiarity tickling at the edges of Eddie’s memory. Like there’s something he should remember but can’t.
“You don’t remember any of it?” And, christ, Buck’s voice warbles ever so slightly, breaking Eddie's heart.
It doesn’t seem fair to pretend that Eddie does recall any details, so he keeps the niggling sensation to himself.
“I’m sorry, Buck. I wish I did — if there’s really anything to remember — but I don’t.”
“If there’s really-” Buck cuts himself off and Eddie realizes his mistake. Buck thinks Eddie doesn’t believe him. “Yeah, I can see where that’s all a little out there, but-” Buck licks his lips and throws off the covers. “I, uh, I think I’m gonna go to my loft tonight.”
“Can’t we talk about this?” Eddie pleads as Buck gets dressed, grabs his work duffel and retreats to the front door. "It's 3 am!"
“Eds, we’re fine. Promise. I just need to sort all this out, y’know? It’s- a lot.”
“Yeah, I get it. Text me when you get there?” Because what else is he supposed to say?
“I will. Love you.” Buck leans in for a gentle kiss.
“Love you, too,” Eddie murmurs against his lips, like it isn’t killing him to watch Buck leave in the middle of the night over something Eddie can’t begin to comprehend.
Buck is thankful for having the next two days off work. It gives him time to adjust to the influx of memories that continue to flood in. Eddie arriving, Buck hating him – and then falling in love with him – Eddie leaving again, the tournaments and stolen kisses, Buck’s birthday.
How is it that he remembers but not Eddie? It’s all clear as day in his mind, like it just happened.
During their time off he still texts with Eddie, reassures him they’re okay. He even makes reservations at their favorite restaurant and arranges for Carla to watch Christopher on Tuesday night.
There’s one more thing weighing on him before their next shift. How to prove to Eddie that it’s all real. That Buck hasn’t lost his mind. He falls asleep fully dressed, with an open browser window full of endless entries on helping someone restore their memories.
Near the end of an exhausting twenty-four, Eddie can only assume Buck is trying to make him remember without actually saying that’s what he’s doing. First is the blue ribbon. Then a dragon figurine. And the knight figurine. A photoshopped picture of Eddie with a beard. All casually left in Eddie’s locker or at his seat at the table in the loft. It takes everything in him to bite his tongue and tell Buck it’s not working. And he’s just preparing himself to have that conversation when Buck catches him by the gym.
“Here!” Buck smiles, bright and bubbly while he hands a plastic play sword to Eddie.
Eddie takes it, letting out a weary, exasperated sigh. “Buck.”
“I know, I know. Just- try? Please?”
How is Eddie supposed to refuse? And that’s how, in the place where they had their first ever blow up, they end up surrounded by Hen, Chim, Bobby and few others from A shift while they have a sparring session. With toy weapons.
Despite how ridiculous the whole thing is, Eddie can’t help but notice how right the sword feels in his hand. The more they swing at each other, the moves becoming more intricate, it’s as if his body leads him in a dance of thrusting and parrying and dodging. He gets lost in the motion and swears he can smell dirt and grass. That he can feel the sun beating overhead, beads of sweat trailing down the back of his neck, even though it’s well past sunset.
Finally he sees it. A weakness in Buck’s stance. He doesn’t know how he knows that, but he does. Eddie lunges forward, causing Buck to overcompensate and fall to the mats where Eddie instinctively aims his sword at Buck’s throat.
Buck simply grins up at him, not seeming to care that he lost.
“You remembered.”
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stone-cold-groove · 4 months ago
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All Hallows’ Eve draws nigh.
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gejnialne-arty · 1 year ago
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(What's that? A rare instance of disaster twins spending time together and getting along?? Quick, take a selfie before the moment is gone!)
Some classic disaster twins with positive, fall vibes for @atomicmonkey1122 hope you like it! :D It's part of @rottmnt-secret-gifting exchange!
Also, the selfie in question under the read more!
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fallenclan · 4 months ago
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Trick or Treat!
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happy halloween!! you get Frecklefox's adult sprite and some mellowcreme pumpkins!
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fruitbythefoot7 · 4 months ago
bylerween day 5: trick or treat, freak (2x02)
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THIS. SCENE. in fact this whole episode.
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kit-screams-into-the-future · 4 months ago
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vampire marty as a late halloween treat :]
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