#come over! me and the cat are just sitting by the window rn eating breakfast
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years ago
hi lea baby <3 i am sending u love and kissing u through the interweb <3
well well well, good fucking morning to me 🥰
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years ago
shinobu x female reader
I wanna kick uzuis ass again soooooooo
Uzui is being a dick to everyone because he is in a mood and make fun of shinobu (u find the reason nth comes to mind rn) and the reader having an awful day herself kicks his ass and brings him to his wives "next time that disgrace you call a husband insults my soon to be wife again I'm gonna cut his tongue of and shove it so far up his ass it will come out of his mouth again 🙃
have a good day ladies oh and do keep him a check or I will 🙂 byeeeee"
gl finishing all of those rqst
Bad Morning
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: I don’t know what’s up with me, but this threat was a bit too descriptive for me and since this is like, at least the third time we’re beating Uzui up, this one is kind of lackluster, apologies! Hopefully I still got the message across lol. Hope you still like it! Word Count: ~1,220
Uzui Tengen woke up on the wrong side of the bed earlier that morning. Which was to say Suma had accidentally pushed Makio out of bed, which in turn lead to Makio dragging her out of said bed by the ankles in retaliation. Tengen tried his best to ignore them and focus on Hinatsuru’s cute mumblings as she turned to lay on her other side, but Makio’s growls and Suma’s cries made it downright impossible.
“Could you two keep it down, goddamnit! Why does this have to happen every morning?!”
“Maybe we should invest in a bigger bed.” Hinatsuru murmured, pressing a pillow over her head.
“Or we just make Suma sleep on the floor. She kicked me last night too and I have the bruise to prove it!” Makio pulled up the hem of her sleepware to show the bruise her thigh was sporting and Suma wailed.
“I’m sorry! Let me kiss it better! Don’t make me sleep on the floor Makio, please!”
“Nobody is sleeping on the floor!” Tengen groaned. “I’ll get a bigger bed, okay? Can I just get one more hour of sleep—“
“Caw!” Nijimaru came in through the window with flapping wings and rattling beads. A damn fine, flamboyant bird if Tengen did say so himself, but he couldn’t think of anyone he’d rather see less at the moment. “You’ll be late for the meeting if you stay in bed any longer, Uzui!”
“Damn it all, that’s today?” Tengen shot out of bed, jamming his toe against the bedside table. He cursed and limped his way to the bathroom, now even more pissed because he would have to skip his morning skin care routine if he was going to make it to Oyakata-sama’s mansion in time.
He barely had enough time to bathe and put on his makeup before heading out the door. No time to even eat breakfast. At least Suma ran him some toast at the door and jumped up to give him a quick peck on the cheek. It certainly made up for the rude awakening at least, sweet girl.
Still, all the toast and kisses in the world couldn’t make him shake off the sour mood he was in. His morning routine was sacred. When his routine was disturbed, it honestly felt like his whole day was ruined.
People have bad days. It’s normal to maybe ask for a little space, to tell people you aren’t really feeling yourself, but the moment you use your bad morning as an excuse to be shitty to other people, then expect your day to get much, much worse.
“Iguro, come on man. Can you get your scrawny ass outta my way? Shouldn’t you be sitting like a broody tree’d raccoon by now?”
“We’re talking, walk around. It’s a fucking garden.” Sanemi was quick to shoot back as Obanai glared.
“Nobody can make anything easy today, can they?” Tengen sighed loudly, bumping into Sanemi as he walked past the two fuming men.
He rested in his usual spot, hoping to maybe get a little bit more sleep in before the Master arrived. However, Mitsuri was talking up a storm with Shinobu and (Y/n) and the excitement in her voice as she spoke made it hard for Tengen to relax.
“She made me dango for helping me get her cat out of the tree! Isn’t that great? It was really good too! And then—!”
“Gods, Kanroji,” Tengen groaned, “would it kill you to take a page out of Tomioka’s book and be quite for once?”
“Hey! What the hell is your problem?” (Y/n) scowled.
“Just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, it doesn’t give you license to make everyone else around you feel miserable as well.” Shinobu chimed in, she put a reassuring hand on Mitsuri’s shoulder while she gave Tengen a disapproving look.
“I’m gonna kill that bastard.” Obanai growled, Kaburamaru hissed in agreement.
“Perhaps you should take a page out of Tomioka-san’s book and butt out of conversations that have nothing to do with you, hm? Contrary to what your ego may tell you, the world does not revolve around you.” Shinobu added for good measure.
“Big words for somebody so small. I could crush you like a grape between my fingers.”
“Uzui, my friend! You should stop talking before you say something you’ll really regret!” Rengoku advised.
“So disgruntled,” Shinobu tisked pityingly, “Given how out of sorts you are this morning, I doubt you could even brush me with those meaty, perpetually sweaty hands.
Tengen took a deep breath through clenched teeth, but (Y/n) spoke up before him, her voice low, warning,
“Uzui-san, I’d listen to Rengoku-san if I were you. Act like an adult and let it go. With any luck, the meeting will be over in an hour and you can sleep the rest of the day away.”
“Tch,“ Tengen sneered, “how about this, you tell your little, and I do mean shrimpy, puny, girlfriend to zip it, and then I will too.”
“I am not her keeper.” (Y/n) said through gritted teeth.
“Well if she can’t keep her mouth shut, why should I?!”
“Ah, my deepest apologies, Uzui-san,” Shinobu began, not looking very sorry at all, “(Y/n) and I had a rather late night in the lab ourselves. My mistake for trying to hold you to the same standards we hold ourselves to.”
Tengen was seeing red. He wanted to wipe that perfect little smile right off of Shinobu’s face and before he could think better of it, he had thought of something to say that would hit her where it would hurt.
“Wipe that fake-ass smile off your face, little Kanae wannabe. You want to imitate her so bad, start by acting like less of a bitch maybe.”
Well, that sure made the smile fall from Shinobu’s lips. Her expression became impassive, an eerie blankness, but no one took the time to really notice because (Y/n) was already leaping to her feet, kicking up pebbles that scattered over Tengen’s thighs as she got closer.
“The fuck did you just say?!” Sanemi growled, his head snapping towards Uzui.
“Uzui-san, I know you can be abrasive, but that kind of talk is unacceptable.” Gyomei spoke up for the first time that day and that was how Tengen knew he might have really fucked up.
“Okay, okay, you are a fucking dead man now! I don’t give a damn about you not getting your beauty sleep, you wanna play nasty, we’ll play nasty alright!”
(Y/n) knew Shinobu could take care of herself, but she also knew that Uzui had hit a nerve. Like Shinobu had said, they had a tough night, tougher than Uzui’s, she imagined. She had been helping Shinobu with her latest experiment on her journey to find a poison that could end an Upper Moon.
Despite all of the promising research, the experiment had fallen flat, or well, more accurately caused a small explosion that (Y/n) and Shinobu spent the next three hours cleaning up after. Thankfully they had been wearing the proper gear during the whole ordeal, but they still smelt overwhelmingly of wisteria.
(Y/n) got close enough to Uzui that he could smell it on her and the potency stung his nose. She grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and he engulfed her wrist with his hand—
“Oyakata-sama is coming!” Mitsuri squealed, noticing two of the Master’s children leading him around the building. It must have been one of his good days and he decided to take a stroll.
“I’m not done with you.” (Y/n) hissed, letting go of Uzui’s uniform with a shove before quickly dropping to the ground.
“You’re like a yappy little dog,” he sneered, “All I gotta say is, ‘boo!’ and you’ll be shaking in your sandals.”
“The first thing I’m gonna do is cut out your own tongue and feed it to you, asshole.”
Tengen grit his teeth together. The Master was much too close now to continue trading vulgarities.
Tengen started out the meeting boiling hot, but listening to the Master speak had its usual calming affects and before Tengen knew it, he was in a relaxed, meditative state. It was the closest thing to sleep one could have while awake. It was like magic. The Master bid them all farewell and Tengen inhaled deeply, then released a relaxed exhaled, tension leaving his shoulders. He felt so much better—
(Y/n)’s fist came sailing at him with all the force of a mantis shrimp and she decked him, making direct contact with his temple.
“Alright Uzui, how about you and me go for a little stroll?” (Y/n) grunted, heaving the hulking man to his feet was no simple task, especially now that he was having a hard time standing up himself after that vision spotting hit. She turned to look back at Shinobu with adoration and concern, “Would you like to come along, dear?”
“I suppose.” Shinobu shrugged before rising to her feet as well. Truthfully, she didn’t want to have to look at Uzui for another minute, but if (Y/n) accidentally killed him, that would be one less Hashira and they were already spread thin enough as it was.
The remaining Hashira, that cared enough to, watched on as (Y/n) pulled Tengen away from the mansion by his ear, very thankful they weren’t in his shoes at that moment.
Tengen shuffled down the path, bending with (Y/n)’s sharp pushes and pulls while the two women discussed what they should eat for lunch. Sadistic beings…
Though it was hard for his eyes to focus because of that sharp punch to his temple, he soon recognized the scenery and realized (Y/n) was taking him home, to what end, he was afraid to find out.
“Good afternoon, ladies.” He heard (Y/n)’s muffled voice through the ringing in his ears.
“Oh gods, what did he do this time?” Makio groaned.
“(Y/n)-san, I don’t know what he did, but please, be a little more gentle with him.” Hinatsuru requested hesitantly.
She was hesitant because she knew her husband had a track record of saying or doing stupid things. Even Suma, the most sympathetic of the bunch, could agree that sometimes getting slapped around a little bit was warranted when it came to their husband’s unfiltered words and uncouth actions.
“Don’t worry, I caught him off guard with the first punch, so I didn’t go any further. I probably nearly fractured his skull since he didn’t think to defend himself at all, don’t you think so, Shinobu?”
“Oh yes, given how he’s been wobbling, and that he threw up in the bushes on the way here, it’s safe to say he would have been in real trouble if you had decided to keep going.”
Makio, Hina and Suma paled, quickly taking possession of their loopy husband when (Y/n) offered him to them. It was difficult to keep all that muscle up right, so they could only imagine just how furious (Y/n) was to have been able to basically drag him all the way home.
“The next time your disgraceful, woefully un-flamboyant husband says or does anything that hurts my fiancée, intentionally or not, he may not make it back to you in one piece. Understand?”
“Yes, we’ll talk to him. I’m sorry.” Hinatsuru hung her head low.
“You have nothing to apologize for, but when your husband snaps out of it, you might suggest he start looking for ways to atone because I’m not quite so sure I could hold myself back if I see him again too soon. That single punch was not satisfying at all.”
“We’ll work on it.” Makio swore.
“We promise! Please don’t kill him!” Suma sobbed.
“I won’t kill him, too much paperwork.” (Y/n) promised, then after a pause added, “Well, I wouldn’t kill him on purpose anyway.”
“Here,” Shinobu stepped up to the three horrified looking wives and handed Hinatsuru a small paper bag, “I suspect he has a concussion. I have provided all instructions and materials needed to give him proper treatment.”
“Thank you…” the three answered in unison.
Shinobu gave them a short nod of acknowledgment before linking back up with (Y/n). The two strolled off like nothing had happened, smiling and gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes as they disappeared over the hill.
“We need that new bed stat!” Suma said with an exhausted sigh as the trio dragged Tengen into the house.
“I think our dumbass husband needs a personality check more.” Makio grunted.
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secretlynestaarcheron · 4 years ago
Angstmas Day Four 
Nessian AU // Hardest goodbye 
Nesta looks up at the phone that she propped up on her desk chair against three textbooks. She was sitting on the floor with her clothes sprawled around her. She scowls at the screen, “Stop laughing, its not funny,” she snaps, her scowl turning into a frown as she looks at the half packed suitcase. 
“It’s kind of funny,” Cassian replies, he had his phone propped up on the counter as she stood over his stove where he was finishing up making dinner for himself. “Why do you always wait until the night before you leave to pack?” 
Nesta groans, “Because I am a procrastinator and I don’t want to think about having to put all of this back. Why don’t you come visit me, huh?” she mutters, throwing a tee shirt into the suitcase and then pulling it out again. “What are we doing again?” 
Cassian stops stirring his food to look at her. “You’re coming for three days, we aren’t going to do anything,” he retorts. 
She runs a hand through her hair. “But what if we decide to go on a hike? Or swim? Or you get invited to a gala?” she questions. “I need to be prepared. You know I don’t like feeling not prepared.” 
He laughs. “Bring normal clothes and if any of that happens I will take you to a store and buy you what you need, but I doubt I will suddenly have the urge to swim or hike in winter or be invited to a gala,” he replies, pausing as he rubs his chin, “But uh-, I was planning a nice dinner for Saturday if you want to bring nice warm outfit.” 
“You can’t tell me that! I have six hours until my flight and I still need to sleep! Now I have to plan an outfit? It's fine, It’s fine, everything is fine, I’ll just bring a few different options,” Nesta replies with a wave of her hand as she gets to work. Cassian sets up his phone on the table as he eats his dinner making small talk as she finishes up packing. 
Nesta zips it shut and looks back at the phone. “Two hours, I’ll be at the airport! Three hours I will be on the plane! Seven hours, I’ll be with you!” she exclaims. 
Cassian smiles, “Remember to send me your flight information before you crash,” he says. 
“You know me so well,” she smiles. “I love you.” 
“Love you too,” he responds. “Can’t wait to see you.” 
The screen goes black after she blows him a kiss, she types in the information quickly and hits send before falling asleep on the floor. She had forty-five minutes to sleep before she had to get up and start heading towards the airport. 
She sits in the seat, watching the line of people walk by, she takes a picture of herself looking out the plane window and sends it to Cassian with the caption: Can’t wait to see my boo, bet he’s looking PLANE sexy rn. 
I literally hate you, get off the plane, go home. I am not picking you up. Cassian texts back almost immediately. 
What qualifications do I need to be your frequent flyer member? She pipes back, chuckling into the sleeve of the sweatshirt she was wearing which she may or may not have stolen last time she went to visit him.
She watches the three dots disappear and then his text pop up. You’re cringy. 
I bet I need a sophisticated navigation system to navigate myself to your heart. She texts back. She sends another one just as fast, I have turbulence in my heart everytime I look at you (uwu face). 
No (red heart) He replies quickly. Where are you finding these? Do you just have a file in your brain of cheesy plane pick up lines? 
If you wanna be a pilot, babe, I’ll teach you how to press all the right buttons. She replies. 
She watches as the flight attendants begin closing all the overhead luggage and telling everyone to shut off their phones. She looks down to see a new message from Cassian. Are you checked luggage? Because I’d wait an eternity for you. 
She bites back a smile. She really loved that boy. My flight is taking off. See you soon! She pauses, her fingers hovering over the buttons. Something inside of her told her she should write more, to tell him how she really felt about him. She quickly types a message, clicking send, as she puts her phone into airplane mood. 
Cassian POV
Cassian sits in the galley watching his friend and fellow lieutenant Rhysand tell a story animatedly to Azriel and Amren. “Earth to Cas,” Rhysand says, shoving his friend until Cassian looks up at him. “Did you hear anything I said? I just told a wicked story about how Tamlin got what was coming to him.” 
Azriel chuckles from where he was sitting across from Cassian, he smiled smugly at him as he explains, “His girl is coming to town tonight, he’s probably tracking her right now. How far away?” Azriel raises an eyebrow expectantly. 
“Two hours,” Cassian mumbles under his breath but loud enough that Rhysand and Azriel start whooping and Amren rolls her eyes at the scene. “I haven’t seen her in six months and it was only for a night, before that it was a year. Forgive me for being excited.” 
Rhysand snickers, “Whipped,” he says through coughs. 
“Who’s whipped?” Mor asks as she falls into the seat beside Cassian. Rhysand chuckles as he says, “Cassian. He’s a in loveee with Nesta Archeron.” Cassian reaches over and smacks Rhysand in the back of the head. 
“I think it’s sweet, at least he had a girlfriend unlike the rest of you,” she snaps back, pulling her phone out of her pocket as she leans back. “Oh my god,” she explains. “Have you guys seen what's trending? Apparently there was a massive crash a couple miles away from DTW.” 
Cassian’s world froze in place. Everyone around him was a blur. Azriel was saying something to him. Mor was showing Amren pictures. Rhysand was already running up to the front to have them change one of the TVs to the local new station. 
Cassian hands shake, as Mor grips his shoulder turning him towards her. “Where was she coming from?” she asks. He doesn’t remember saying anything, only his mouth moving, and the fear in her eyes as she looks back up at the TV. 
“There had to be tons of planes going from BOS to DTW, do you have her plane information?” Azriel asks, standing in between Cassian and the TV. The TV that showed a plane that was so destroyed you wouldn’t have even known what it was. The fire blurred in his vision, if she hadn’t died in the crash then she definitely-, Azriel shakes him. “Listen to me, we don’t know that’s the plane she was on. Do you have her confirmation?” 
Cassian swallows, tuning away from the blinding lights of the fire and the haunting memory of what she had possibly one through to pull up his phone. A text from her blinked back at him. She texted him, she was ok. He quickly typed in hsi password the text standing out to him. You’re my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye. I love you millions, Cassian.  
It had been sent three hours ago. She had sent it before she even left. How did he not see it? Why had she sent it? It’s like she had known this would have happened. He scrolls up to their messages from the night before and the screen shot of her ticket. He looks around until his eyes fall on the flight. The numbers 3529 blink back at him. 
He hands his phone to Azriel who scans the photo as well, his hopefully expression falling as he slides the phone towards Rhysand and Mor before pulling Cassian into a tight hug. How had she known that he would have to go through the hardest goodbye of his life? How had she known the impact of her words based on the weight on his shoulders. 
Was she scared? Did she know she was going to die? Was it quick? The thoughts ran through his head. Even his friends who swarmed around him couldn’t pull him from the tides that ripped through his mind. Nesta Archeron was gone. He would no longer see her bright smile, laugh at one of her cheesy pickup lines, or run a hand through her soft curls. 
He would never see the determination that shone bright in her eyes, or the curiosity or the passion when she was discussing a book she had read recently. How she mumbled in her sleep or how she had to be touching him when they slept. 
How her eyes lit up when he asked if she wanted to get coffee before they started their day or watching her favorite movie. How her lips were curved when she was hiding something that usually ended up with her dragging him through an animal shelter to play with cats or a weekend road trip that ended with a airbnb treehouse stay. 
He would never see her sing into her hairbrush again after she showered and was wearing one of his sweatshirts. He would never see rub the sleep from her eyes as he brought her breakfast in bed. 
She was his hardest goodbye.
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ghosttotheparty · 4 years ago
while the world ends around us (make believe with me)
5. We let the freckles on our faces make a million stars AO3
When Jens’s phone buzzed late last night, he ignored it, simply glancing at the brightening screen before looking away, back at the video game he was engrossed in. Lotte and his mom were both in bed, probably snoring, but he couldn’t fall asleep, hard as he tried. 
It was almost midnight when he finally took off the headset and shut off the tv, rubbing his sore ears and blinking in the dim light of the hallway seeping into the living room after staring at the bright, fluorescent screen for so long. As he moved down the hallway, it was like the music and booms and crashes of the game were echoing, rattling around in his skull, clashing with the deafening silence as he cracked Lotte’s door open and gazed at her for a second, his phone, notification forgotten, in the pocket of his sweatpants. 
He’d left his light off when he threw himself onto the bed, the door shut gently behind him. The windows were cracked open, the pale yellow curtains parted to let light from street lamps leak into the room, the quiet city just out of reach as he stepped between the window and his bed to grab his earbuds from the floor. 
He fell onto the bed, causing a quiet thump and he buried himself under his blanket, hiding from the soft breeze sneaking into the room. He finally pulled his phone out, struggling for a second before managing to plug in his earbuds, and he opened his phone, flinching as it shone too brightly in the dark. His eyes caught on a notification as the phone opened too quickly for him to read it beyond a phone number he didn’t recognise.  He let out a quiet “Oh,” as he swiped on the screen until his messages were open, remembering suddenly, his heart picking up its pace until he could hear it. 
l: hey this is lucas :)
Jens smiled, hurriedly sending a hey whats up?? before adding the number as a contact, as lucas :). (He’d used a smiley face in the initial email, so maybe it was a Lucas thing.) Before he could leave the app to open his music, Lucas had texted back. 
l: not much just staring at the ceiling
Jens had laughed lightly, rolling over so he was on his belly, propping himself up on his elbows with his phone in front of him. 
j: oh same
He paused before typing again. 
j: sooooo how are you liking antwerp
He watched as a bubble appears, and then disappears, and then appears again. 
l: im sure if i went out into the city and actually did stuff i’d like it more
Jens had chuckled, tilted his head understandingly.
j: very valid
j: it’s not the same rn bc of covid but there are still some cool places to see
He watched the bubble again. 
l: i haven’t really left my apartment since i got here :( but i do want to go places l: my friends are pressuring me to be adventurous
j: when it’s safe for people to meet up i can show you around
j: we can go on some adventures
After hitting send he paused, biting his lip, wondering if it was too… forward, straight-up, blunt. If it was too early, too soon for a let’s hang out invitation. But then Lucas responded with his little :)and it was fine. 
Jens started getting sleepy as they chatted, as Lucas told him about Utrecht and about what he did with his friends. 
l: we used to get fries a lot l: too often maybe
l: no such thing j: so we’re getting fries when we meet up it’s decided
l: a man after my own heart
j: stomach
l: oh yea
He wakes up to shifting on his bed, and his eyes open, just a bit. It’s still a little dim out, too early for him to be worried about missing a class, too early for him to be worried about sleeping through an alarm. 
It’s the first time he’s woken up in the morning without earbuds tangled around him. He sees them when he opens his eyes, a fuzzy, white, tangled mess on the edge of his bed like he placed them there (maybe he did), and a part of him says huh, seeming to forget that it’s actually possible to fall asleep without his head full of noise. 
He glances down, still too tired to really move, and sees Lotte crawling up his bed, a little blurry. He moves his arm so she can climb under it, and realises his fingers are resting on top of his phone, also dangerously close to the edge of the bed. He pulls it closer and slides it up to a safe place before lifting his arm up more, feeling Lotte’s small hands pull at his bicep until it’s in the air, and she flops down next to him, narrowly missing his face. He scoffs and pulls her close, resting his chin on her head. 
When he wakes up again it’s brighter, and there’s a jolt in his chest before he reaches up, around Lotte (the arm she’s laying on it filled with static but he’s careful not to move her), and snatches his phone, bringing it close enough to his face to read the time. There are only a few minutes before his alarm is going to go off. 
“Lotte,” he whispers, and she just nuzzles her face into Jens’s chest. “Hey.”
She groans quietly and furrows her brows, a hand coming up and curling under her chin softly. 
“Lotte, I have a class soon.” 
“I don’t wanna go,” she mumbles, moving closer, and he sighs, running a hand over her hair. 
“Will you stay quiet while I’m in class?” he asks after a second. 
“Mm-hmm.” She nods, moving closer, but Jens sits up, pushing her away, and she ends up with her head on his leg, seemingly undisturbed as Jens bends around her to pick up his laptop and set it in front of himself. She’s snoring softly by the time the video call is open, by the time Jens’s glasses are on his face, by the time the teacher’s droning voice is talking about the homework Jens did last class, still with a few minutes before class actually starts. (Chemistry. Jens suspects Mr Claes is just about as done with virtual learning as the rest of them. Classes are quick, just attendance and instruction. The minimal amount of learning Jens does in this class is through the assignments: YouTube videos and Google Forms. Modern education.) 
Jens ends up running his hand over Lotte’s hair, waiting until Mr Claes dismisses them with too much time left over like usual so he can go and make breakfast. 
As Mr Claes is talking to Mathijs (“Why didn’t you do last week’s assignment?” Jens winces in sympathy for him.), Jens’s phone buzzes, back on his bed where he had put it before Lotte crawled in and he leans back, pulling it close and looking at the notification, a text from Lucas :).
i: i have dupont first l: any advice
Jens opens the messages, skimming the ones from last night, that took up too much of the night, that are probably the reason Jens’s eyes are struggling to stay open this morning more than usual, and types a response, lifting his hand from Lotte’s head to do so.
j: never had him :/ 
Lucas responds soon after a second. 
l: ugh l: disappointing
Jens scoffs, glancing up as Claes starts discussing the day’s assignment. 
j: my apologies j: good luck
He sighs, leaning back as he waits for a response. 
“So,” Claes is saying, his voice echoey. “It’s the same as last class, just make sure to turn it in before three today.” None of the other students have their cameras on, and Claes stares blankly, waiting for a response, reminding Jens of Dora the Explorer. After a second, he gives up and says, “Okay, guys, I guess I’ll see you Tuesday.” A pause. “Or I’ll talk to you next Tuesday, I guess. Email me if you have questions.”
Jens’s phone buzzes in his lap but he ignores it long enough to lean forward and unmute himself to say, “Bye, Mr Claes.”
He shuts his laptop quietly when he leaves the meeting, setting the assignment on a to-do shelf in his brain, and lifts his phone to read the text. 
l: ok he’s just telling personal anecdotes about his cats i think he’s bored l: but i am too so what’s up
Jens smiles again, pushing his glasses up his nose and pushing his laptop away.
j: my sister is asleep on my leg and my teacher just dismissed us j: so i’m going to make breakfast or something
Jens yawns after hitting send, arching his back as he stretches and hearing it crack softly, taking care to not move his leg and bother Lotte, who’s still sleeping peacefully. One of her hands is under her chin, her fingers pressed between her face and Jens’s leg, making her cheek squish, and Jens gently brushes her hair back.
l: wait that’s so cute how old is she l: also what are you making can i have some l: also dupont just dismissed us, do you want to call bc i don’t have anything to do
Jens grins, quickly reaching up to push his glasses again (they fall when he looks down at his phone; tightening them has been on his to-do list for a while), and responding.
j: she’s eight j: eggs probably come on down j: yes i’ll call you in a minute
“Lotte,” he says softly, clicking off his phone and tossing it away. He touches the top of her head, rustling her hair gently, and she lets out a disgruntled groan, turning her face into Jens’s leg. He laughs, rustling her hair again. 
“I’m going to make breakfast, but you have to get off me first.” She doesn’t move. “Do you wanna eat?”
Her eyes open and she glares at him groggily. 
“You can stay here if you want, I just have to get up.”
“But you’re so comfy,” she says, nuzzling her face into his leg again.
“Well so are pillows and that’s what they’re actually for.”
She finally moves, rolling off of his leg and squirming around like a fish until she finds the pillows, and she clutches the end of the blanket and she buries her face in them. 
“I’ll wake you up later.”
“Don’t,” she grumbles into the pillow, and he almost doesn’t hear her. 
Before leaving, he reaches over her, snatching his earbuds and pressing a chaste kiss to her head. 
As he makes his way to the kitchen, he struggles to plug the earbuds into his phone, lifting it closer to his face to see and bumping into the doorframe of the kitchen, wincing as his shoulder hits a sharp corner. 
He calls Lucas, hesitating for only a second to take a deep breath, as he opens the pan cabinet. 
“Hey,” he says when Lucas picks up.
“You said you’re making eggs?” Lucas says, sans greeting, and Jens startles, snorting and trying to stifle a cackle as he flips the pan in his hand and turns on the stove. His voice is different than it was during class, over the video call. It sounds... closer. Softer, even though he’s speaking with his chest more so than he did when he was in class. 
“Yes? What’s your problem with eggs?”
“I don’t have a problem, it’s just fucking gross.”
The laugh breaks through loudly as he sets the pan on the stove, leaning over the counter to grab the non-stick spray. 
“This is not a conversation I was expecting to have today— Are you vegan?” 
“No, I’m not vegan. Why, what’s your problem with vegans?” 
“I don’t have a problem with vegans.”  He spins on his heel to go to the fridge and pulls three eggs out of the carton, leaving two. He makes a mental note to get eggs next time he takes Lotte grocery shopping.
“Just like I don’t have a problem with eggs.” 
“Listen… I respect veganism.” He cracks an egg.
“Did you… Just tell me to shut up so I could hear you crack an egg?”
“I…” Jens looks at the eggshells in his hand. “That was not on purpose.”
“The amount of disrespect.”
“I just said I respect vegans!”
“And I just said I’m not vegan!”
“Oh my god…” 
Jens laughs as he drops the eggshells in the bin, turning back to twist the knob on the stove to turn down the heat.
“Anyway,” Lucas says lightly. “How are you today?”
Jens scoffs, grabbing a plate from the counter as the egg cooks.
“Fine? I’ve been awake for approximately ten minutes, so we’re going pretty good. You?”
“I’m dead inside, thanks for asking—” Jens interrupts him with a laugh— “But this class doesn’t seem too hard, so that’s nice.”
“Cool, which class is it?” 
“Oh, gross. I just had chemistry.”
“Biology is better than chemistry.”
“Incorrect,” Jens says after scoffing. 
“Actually, I’m always correct.”
“I think your brain is broken.”
Lucas lets out a quiet laugh. 
“Just a little bit.”
Jens laughs, carefully shimmying the spatula under the egg to flip it.  
“What have you been up to other than classes?” He asks after a second, and there’s a slight pause before Lucas answers. 
“Just hanging out in my room, I guess. I haven’t done much.” 
“You said you’re an artist, right?”
“Uh— Yeah,” Lucas says, sounding hesitant.
“What kind of art do you do?”
“Visual,” he says. “Mostly portraits in pencil or pen, but I really like watercolour.”
“How come  you don’t have art or anything on your wall?” Jens asks as he drops the cooked egg on a plate and sprays the pan again. “One of my friends is an artist and his wall is covered.”
Lucas sighs. 
“I would, but I’m not allowed to put anything up.”
“Like your landlord won’t let you put pins or anything?” 
“No, like my dad won’t even let me use tape, it’s ridiculous.”
Jens makes a face even though Lucas can’t see him.
“That’s stupid,” he says, cracking the other two eggs and mixing them together when one of the yolks breaks. 
“He is stupid,” Lucas grumbles, and his voice has changed. It’s lower, less playful than when he picked up.
“How come you live with him?” Jens asks, something in him recognizing the result of divorced parents. Lucas doesn’t answer, though, and Jens regrets asking as he hears Lucas let out a quiet sigh. 
“We can talk about something else,” he says gently. 
“Thanks,” Lucas says softly.
“So you only do portraits?” Jens asks, changing his tone so it’s more conversational. 
“Usually, yeah.” There’s a clicking sound on Lucas’s end, sounding like the mouse of a laptop. “Every once in a while I’ll draw something else, but it’s typically faces.”
“Do you do people from real life?” Jens asks curiously. “Or do you do like… I don’t know.”
“Both,” Lucas says. “I use references and I like drawing my friends with pictures they send me, but sometimes I just… draw whatever comes to mind. Random faces and stuff.”
“I wish I could do something like that,” Jens sighs. “My sister is the artist of the family.”
“I already love your sister.” “Everyone loves my sister.”
“What do you do?” Lucas asks, and Jens shrugs, mixing the eggs around a little with the spatula. 
“Not much. Before covid I went skating with my friends, I went to parties and stuff. Now I just play video games and play guitar on occasion.”
“You play guitar?”
“You’re an artist.”
Jens scoffs, laughing lightly, but Lucas insists, “You are! Music is an art and you make music. Artist.”
“If you say so.”
“I told you I’m always right,” Lucas sighs. “Ah, shit.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Dupont actually assigned homework.”
“He’s a teacher, Lucas, that’s what they do.”
Lucas sighs again, sounding forlorn. 
“Yeah, but I was hoping he’d be easy.”
“It’s biology.” 
Lucas groans loudly, and Jens winces, laughing. 
“Go do your homework,” he says when Lucas stops. “I’m gonna wake up my sister to eat. Are you still coming by for breakfast?” 
“If I’m ever going to your place it’s not gonna be for eggs. It’ll be to hang out with your sister, because she’s probably cooler than you”
“Did that hurt your feelings?”
“Little bit.” 
“Good. Build some character.”
Jens lets out a laugh that sounds a little much like a giggle for his liking, and his face burns as he turns to pull the fridge open.
“Go do your homework,” he says as he pulls the orange juice out.  (Lotte’s favourite. She would drink it like water if Jens let her.) 
“I don’t wanna….” Lucas whines. 
“My hands are full, you have to be the one to hang up,” Jens says, lifting a plate and trying carefully not to drop the juice. 
“Are you already tired of me?” Lucas asks, and Jens can hear him stifling a laugh.
“I’ve known you for less than twenty-four hours.”
“And yet…” Lucas sighs forlornly. “I’ll let you go, I guess.” 
“Text me later.” 
“Will do. Bye-bye-e-e.”
Jens sets the other plate on the table just as Lucas hangs up, and he stops, his eyes stuck on the table in front of him. Lucas’s voice is still rattling in his head, a stark difference from the sudden silence of the flat. He sounded like he could be in the same room, right next to Jens, teasing him and laughing with him like they’ve known each other for years. Jens briefly wonders if this is how Robbe felt when he met Sander, but he shakes his head, dismissing the thought. 
Jens twists his back, popping it, and winces in the bright sunlight streaming through his window that falls on his face. 
“And I want you all to get some fresh air today too,” Ms Peeters is saying. Her hair is tied up today. Jens has never seen her with her hair tied up. He’s reminded that she does have ears, even though they’re typically covered by her curls. “Take a walk or open a window. It’s nice out today.” “My window is stuck closed,” someone says after a second, the bubble with his initial in it moving as he speaks. Ms Peeters opens her mouth to say something before another student, Liam, interrupts, “Smash it.”
“No, I don’t recommend that,” Ms Peeters says, and Jens hears Liam’s snicker echoing in his speakers. Liam makes similar comments in class. 
Jens laughs, glancing down to the little box with Lucas’s face in it and feeling a little rush at Lucas’s grin. 
“Okay, anyway,” Ms Peeters says, and it takes a second for Jens to look back at her. “Matthew, don’t do that please. And if you do, I had nothing to do with it, I don’t want a phonecall from your parents. Anyway, you all remember what I said about a project, right?”
Almost every student throws their head back, rolling their eyes, and Jens sighs deeply, mentally adding the unexplained work to his to-do list. 
“Well, you’ll be happy, because you can really do whatever you want.”
“Does that mean I can do nothing?” Liam asks, and Jens wonders if he leaves his microphone on just so he can cut in easily. 
“Liam, I will fail you,” she dismissed him. “That means you can do an essay, a powerpoint, a poster, whatever. If we were still in person, I’d want you and your partner to present it to the rest of the class, but I won’t make you do that.
“Your assignment is to read a book. A classic,” she clarifies. “And to complete something, powerpoint, essay, whatever.” “Are you assigning partners?” Ella asks after a second, and Jens finds himself glancing at Lucas's box again. 
“No, you guys can pick partners yourself. No more than three to a book, and you can all probably find the books online as PDFs.” She pauses, her eyes scanning her screen. “Any more questions?”
“Uhm,” Ella says, looking hesitant. “When is this due?”
Ms Peeters sighs, looking away from her computer. 
“I don’t know yet. We’ll see. Probably not for a while, I know you’re all busy with your other classes and, you know, the pandemic. Don’t put it off though,” she adds. “I don’t want you to skim your book and throw something together the night before it’s due. I want to see effort.”
“Ella, stop asking questions,” Liam interrupts, and Jens decides that he definitely leaves his microphone on just to be able to annoy people better. He wonders if he does it in any of his other classes. Maybe not. None of Jens’s other teachers are as patient as Ms Peeters. 
“Someone has to,” Ella retorts. “Are we still doing poetry?” 
“Yeah, we’re going to do poetry in class and your project you’ll have to do on your own time.”
“Any more questions? Comments, concerns? Debates, disputes, dilemmas?” Ms Peeters asks, her trademark end-of-class questions. “No?” 
Jens shakes his head, because he knows she can see him. 
“Okay, well I want you guys to enjoy today, so you’re free to go. Pick your partners and book and email me so I can keep track. Cool?”
Jens’s phone buzzes not five seconds after he leaves the meeting. (Ms Peeters always leaves last. He doesn’t know why, but he suspects it’s in case anyone wants to stay after and talk. She seems like that kind of person.) He shuts his laptop, leaning over his bed and pulling his phone up.
l: partners? I might already have a book
Jens grins, immediately typing a response. 
j: yea for sure j: what book do you have?
He lays back on his pillows as he waits for a response, pushing one of them under his head until it’s comfortable. 
l: the great gatsby? She never said it had to be a belgian classic
Jens scoffs, shaking his head. 
j: You’re turning into Liam  j: but sure whats she gonna do, make us start over?
l: I can send her an email and ask but i’m pretty sure shes gonna say sure
j: sounds good
Lucas responds with his signature smiley face, and Jens smiles at his phone before adding, 
j: i should warn you that youre making a mistake picking me as your partner though j: im not a reade
After hitting send he tosses the phone across the bed, stretching his back again and looking out his window. From his room he can see the buildings across the street. The windows are all shiny, reflecting the sunlight brightly, like the sun is inside the building itself, burning everything up except the structure and glass. Jens tosses his blanket aside, stretching his legs out and sighing before spinning to sit on the edge of his bed. His eyes drift shut as he sits there, supporting himself with his hands by his legs, digging into the mattress. 
It’s quiet, but he can hear Lotte’s TV show come through the walls and his door. The volume is low, per his instructions, and it’s just a gentle, inaudible hum. It makes him think of the music he’d be able to hear through the bathroom door at parties. 
His phone vibrates behind him and he reaches back to get it as he stands, opening his door. 
l: not to worry i like reading l: and ive read the great gatsby several times already
what are we gonna do our project on, though? Jens types, making his way down the hall, doing his best not to walk into the wall or door frame of the living room. like a powerpoint or an essay or??
l: powerpoint sounds easiest l: we can do like just a summary of it l: or analyze gatsby or something
j: whatever gets us a passing grade
l: got it
“Are you done with class?” Lotte asks, looking up at him with a cereal bowl under her face. She’s cross-legged on the floor in front of the television. 
“I’m done with that class,” he says, flopping onto the sofa. “My teacher let us out early so we can enjoy the weather.” 
“Are we gonna go on a walk?” she asks excitedly, spinning around on the floor, nearly spilling milk on the carpet. Jens raises an eyebrow at her. 
“We can if you finish eating first. And if you get dressed,” he adds, glancing at her pink pyjamas.
She eats her cereal as quickly as she can (Jens tells her not to choke on it.) before rushing off her to her room to change. Jens doesn’t bother changing out of the sweatpants and t-shirt he slept in. While she’s gone, no doubt wrecking her room by throwing clothes everywhere, Lucas texts again. 
l: I found my copy of it l: you should be able to find a pdf online but worst case scenario i read it to you over skype or something
Jens smiles. 
j: yea that could work
Lucas responds with another smiley, and Jens thinks about it. 
He supposes he could do something while Lucas reads it, take notes or work on the powerpoint. But part of him (most of him) wants to just listen. Lucas’s voice sounded different over the phone than it did during class. Jens wonders if it’ll sound different when it’s just the two of them.
Just the two of them.
Jens’s stomach flips over. 
He grabs a granola bar before he and Lotte leave.
He doesn’t bother putting in the effort to finding the PDF of the Great Gatsby online after Lucas says it’s a go. (Ms Peeters is indifferent. She says she just wants them reading.)
“Hey,” Lucas says when he appears on Jens’s screen, and Jens was right. He does sound different. He also, apparently, has freckles scattered across his nose, and a mole just above his lip that Jens can’t see when Lucas is stuck in a box as small as the one in class. After a brief pause, Jens turns up the volume a little on his laptop, adjusting his headphones as he sits back.
“So. Storytime?” Lucas holds up the book, smiling. It’s dim in his room, like Jens’s, the setting sun making stripes on his wall glow orange.
“Yeah,” Jens says brightly, sliding down so he’s propped up on his pillows. (A stack of three. His mom hates it, but it works for him.) “Do you want me to take notes or something?” He has a notebook and pen next to him already.
“You can if you hear anything worth noting,” Lucas says, shrugging. “I already have a ton of annotations in here, so I wouldn’t worry.” 
“Okay.” Jens leaves his laptop propped up on his legs and crosses his arms over his chest, burying his chin in his elbow. 
“Okay,” Lucas says, smiling as he looks at Jens. There’s a long pause before he inhales sharply, looking away and opening the book. Jens’s face feels hot. “Okay. I’m skipping the preface because it’s like w quarter of the book and kind of unnecessary.”
“Do you have notes in that section too?” Jens says, and it’s meant to be a tease, but Lucas says, “Yeah,” and Jens snorts. 
“It’s a good book, you asshole,” Lucas retorts, grinning. 
“Proceed,” Jens says, gesturing politely with his hand. 
“Dick,” Lucas mutters, and Jens snickers as Lucas opens and flips through the book. 
“Okay. Ready?”
“In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice…”
Lucas’s voice shifts slightly when he reads. It’s lower, less him and more… Nick, Jens supposes. He can’t tell if Lucas is doing it on purpose. He doesn’t think he is. He reads a little quickly, but not so quickly that Jens can’t understand him. 
Lucas reads.
And reads. 
And reads. 
Jens can tell Lucas loves the book. 
He barely even looks up (which means Jens doesn’t feel embarrassed about how much he’s just staring at him (although to be fair he doesn’t have many other staring options)), completely engrossed in it, subtly shifting the octaves of his voice for the voices of  Jordan and Catherine and Myrtle. Jens finds himself smiling. 
The only time Lucas breaks character is to say, “This is my favourite line.” 
“Tell me,” Jens says softly, almost holding his breath to hear it. 
“Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and I saw him too, looking up and wondering.” He pauses, taking a breath. “I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.” 
Lucas looks up, a small smile painting his face, and he looks almost proud. 
“Wow,” Jens whispers. “Do you have that highlighted?” 
Jens hums. 
“Are you gonna fall asleep on me?” 
He hums again, moving his arms out of the way and rolling his head. 
“I’m sleepy but not like falling asleep, you know?”
 “Mm-hmm. We can finish this chapter; it’s only two more pages.” 
“How many chapters are there?” Jens asks, and he watches as Lucas flips through the book.
“Nine,” Lucas says after finding it. “And we have time, so…” 
“Myrtle pulled her chair close to mine…”
When the chapter is finished, it’s dark out, and Lucas closes the book dramatically and sets it to his side with a flourish. 
“To be continued,” he says. 
“You’re falling asleep,” Lucas says, looking at him skeptically, cocking his head and smiling. 
“Didn’t know my reading voice was so soothing.”
“Oh, so soothing. You should do stuff for the Calm app.”
“‘Stuff.’ Very specific.”
“I just said I’m falling asleep, and you expect me to be articulate?”
“Well I never expect you to be articulate.”
“Oof…” Jens winces, looking away from the computer as Lucas says, “Hah hah.”
“You’re too quick for me,” Jens says, sitting up slightly and pushing his laptop away. Lucas raises an eyebrow. There’s a curl that’s fallen in his face, and for a second, Jens wishes he could push it away. “I’m gonna have to kill you. I can’t have any competition.”
“Social distancing,” Lucas says, holding up a finger. “Murder responsibly.”
“Of course. Always.”
“Okay, got to bed, Jens. You look like you’re about to pass out.” 
Jens groans, shutting his eyes for a second, ignoring the strange flutter in his stomach.
“It’s only like ten.”
“Yeah, that’s bedtime by normal people standards.”
“Ugh. Fine. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
When they hang up, Jens finds himself smiling. 
He lifts his eyes from his blank laptop screen after some time (he doesn’t know how long, and he can’t be bothered to look), and shakes his head.
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splendidshinobi · 4 years ago
been awhile since i’ve watched but.... another day, another emotional rollercoaster 
episode 26: her reason
who’s her and what’s her reason
bother him ALLLLL you want maria ross...bother him all day long
he deserves it
dont yell at maria fuck off!!!! 
i screamed i did
i love sig and izumi sm!!!!!!
omg ed and al’s faces
why does she have an automail arm whAT
i feel almost insulted for paninya’s dope weapon legs
oh wait ive seen this arm wrestling scene before lmao
go paninya goooo
i do not tolerate this mr dominic slander
sucks to suck!!!!
i do think winry may have just fallen in love
ed is such a simp though
JUMBO????? his name iS JUMBO??????
al’s mousy little what?
yikes yeah you know what winry id be pissed too
she felt so good about her work!!!
crush over
jk theyre soulmates
wow roy ur so smart
damn oh ok they kept paninya’s legs too
so she only has 1 biological limb wow
paninya is definitely a lesbian 
we’ve all known that though i mean-----the camo pants
i saw paninya wearing army pants and flip flops, so i bought army pants and flip flops
oh my god winry you DEVIOUS BASTARD
i can see why people ship paninya and winry but im sorry im an edwin simp
young pinako is hot i get it dominic
kill him?? pANINYA think about that before you shoot someone!!! 
AWWWWWW ED!!!! “best automail in the world!!!!” IM CRYING
“hello sir” alphonse you sweet boy
sheska u good???
ed why are you sad
omg winry dont cry!!!! 
hahahaha sig
episode 27: teacher
izumi time lets gooooooooooooo
the ominous music lolololol
xerxes drop
edward you are being so foreboding
izumi queen of my life lets go girl!!!
umbrella king sig curtis!!!
ed you dumbass!!!!!
angry face boys
mom dad and the kids on the train!!!! makes me cry
awww win’s gonna miss the dudes
omg havoc plzzzz
why is he calling riza like she doesnt already know shes going too
do not leave my boy falman behind!!!
oh good ok
mason my dude!!!
“yes maam”
guys i simp for sig tbh
omg al scary boy
uh oh she SAWWWWWWW you!!!
aww i forgot about the dead cat goddamnit
ok but those baby kittens need some MELK
its all over for you two watch out
cant hide JACK SHIT from mama bear
she gonna kick your ass oof
hugs oh thats nice
episode 28: all is one, one is all
island timeeee
wait theyre on island time PART 2???? ok
the way sig’s HAND---- anyway
ok so creepy naked child??
im suspicious
clearly the boys didnt read my hero academia 
or the three musketeers
al really got YEETED
oh the kid has clothes on. leaf clothes
i know dublith is in the “south” but is it really a tropical locale?
aww the bunny
“kill it”
owie hope you dont get rabies edward
the ost man so good for both series
al really said J’ACCUSE
they didnt know the masked man was mason the first time around? aight
im really having trouble typing and eating dumplings at the same time
might pause for a dumpling break
i made these in the microwave theyre pretty good
def not the best ive had but they were, ya know, microwaved
anyways sad al hours
it’s the circle of life simba
getting REAL philosophical rn
“dont call me small”
now we’re getting REAL scientific
im just imagining these idiots on shrooms rn
wow what a yummy snake breakfast
izumi said 👁 👄 👁
izumi is so hot
that is the creepiest motherfucker i ever did see
ok im gonna go rinse this dish out be back in a min!!!
episode 29: the untainted child
i am the tainted adult
you SURE his parents are lookin?
i feel like izumi is being very loving towards this child
what happened to tough love bbygirl
im not saying shes not loving in her ways but shouldnt she by nature be a litttttleeee bit more sus of this kid???
dont tell me
this is sig and izumi’s “child”
theory pending
winry is such a protective lil egg
here’s whats cookin in my head
its sig and izumi’s child and ed’s arm and leg smooshed together into a homunculus...theory still pending but im definitely right
whole situation is a mess my dudes
what did u do kid????? 
“i know ed lies sometimes”
l oh fucking l
who transmutes themselves with a bed though
not the move kid
of course winry slept through this whole thing
sheska and elicia and gracia. my heart.
did the colonel just LEAVE HER BEHIND? god what a dick
sheska WENT OFFFFFFFF!!!!!!
yes maam!!!!!!!
u tell that dumbass!!!!!!
why does envy have to sit like that
gon make me SIMP
*debby ryan hair tuck meme*
i love the way al sits
hes so dainty
what a gent
oh that lil kid was in the gate!!!!
how a homunculus is born? please tell me more
ARCHER....my sister was texting me about him when she asked how far i was. i googled him i saw his....bod....
my brain waves are unparalleled
off goes the kid
why is she upset??? what did you realize izumi
that its your baby??? probs
im just that smart
episode 30: assault on south headquarters
seeing yoki and scar makes me miss mei chang
yoki really about to snitch
everyone showing up this episode
greed is gonna roll up with a venti frappuccino any minute now
archer is a creep
is this footage from the arnold classic?
“the muscles did the talking for them”
archer is a creep
who ru calling a freak HAHA AL’s angwy voice
how IS hughes doing
pls not the pain
how did this kid come into the corporeal world
armstrong what
so he’s either wrath or pride ig
i dont think bradley is a homunculus in this one
yoki is basically michael yagoobian aka the bowler hat guy
there’s greed lmao 
with the ladies
izumi taking on the military
of course
kimblee JESUS 
this is rOUGH
there are so many parties vying for the kid
i still cant get over kimblee like WHAT
AGAIN it just seems like bradley is everywhere at all times
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jenniferlopez2020 · 5 years ago
Finding the Right Nursing Home
It is just another day, you wake up, walk to the bathroom, clean up for the day then remember you need to feed your cats. Your five cats together make up a rambunctious group. They have already been up for hours waiting for their breakfast. As they run to catch up to you, one of them knocks right into your leg causing you to fall. You slam into the cold hard kitchen flooring hip first. The pain you feel is more intense than anything you have ever felt. You try to call for help, until you are hit with the realization that you live alone. The pain keeps you immobile for hours. Despite the discomfort, you begin to drag yourself along the floor in an attempt to reach the phone. It is right above you but you can not reach it. You turn to see the broom is in arm’s length. You grab it and manage to hit the phone. Your grip begins to loosen as the broom crashes down to the floor, to far from reach. “Hello”, you hear. You recall hitting the phone. It must have dialed someone. “Hello”, you shriek! “I fell, please help me”, you yell! Unsure if if they can hear you, you yell louder. After a few minutes, you give up. Then there is a knock on the door. So faint you are not even sure if it happened or you just imagining it. A face peers through the window followed by a crash. It is the sound of glass breaking. Your neighbor along with paramedics come through the back door to provide assistance. Later you discover when you hit the phone with the broom it dialed you neighbor. Who knew speed dial could be so helpful? That knock on the door was your neighbor. She heard your screams for help and came to check on you. Once she realized what happened she called the paramedics. 
This happened to my neighbor, and I was the one who called the ambulance. It was a Wednesday; I was doing homework when my mom yelled my name. When I approached her, she explained to me our neighbor Mrs. McCoy called us. My mom said she could not understand what she was saying and charged me to go check on her. I agreed, not expecting what I found. When I knocked on the door I heard a muffled scream. I looked through her side window and saw her laying on the floor. I stared for a minute, not comprehending what she could be doing on her floor. I then realized she was hurt. I immediately dialed 911. I waited for what felt like an eternity. However, they quickly arrived.
Our neighbor Mrs. McCoy had lived in her home for over 40 years and had been my neighbor my entire life. She was like a family member. After this incident transpired, Mrs. McCoy’s daughter, who lived in another state decided to put her in assisted living and asked my mom and me to help. Her daughter said she knew her mom would not want to leave the state she grew up in, so until she moved back she needed our help to find the right nursing home. We began researching right away.
According to Strom and Associates (2020), “Under federal and state regulations, nursing homes and long-term care facilities that receive Medicare funding are required to uphold high care standards for all facility residents” (para. 2). Knowing this, my mother and I felt choosing a nursing home would be an easy task. However, after visiting a few, we realized it would be harder than we thought. Many concerns arose. Including the possibility of slow response to calls, poor food quality, staffing issues, a lack of social interaction, and disruptions in resident’s sleep (Murray, 2020). So it is crucial that we made a list of must-haves to make sure Mrs. McCoy would be comfortable and safe.
Must-Have 1: Adequate staffing
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Staff at nursing homes is the most significant part of finding the right place to ensure your loved ones will be looked after. The staff at nursing homes are the ones who ensure resident’s safety, so their expertise and professionalism are significant. Staff should be respectful yet still be well trained on how to properly take care of their residents. One essential thing to look out for is proper physician care at all times. According to the National Council for Aging Care (2020), “There should be a licensed nurse at the facility at all hours of every day. There should also be a registered nurse or RN, there at least 8 hours daily” (4). Nurses and staff should likewise be open to creating a plan with you so your loved one’s needs are always met.
Must-Have 2: Services
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Different nursing homes offer different services, so it is important to make sure the benefits offered at the home match what is needed for your loved one. Some examples of services are personal or health care benefits, such as non-prescription medication, walking and ambulatory aids such as walkers and wheelchairs, and medical appointments away from the home (Strom and Associates, 2020). Talking to your loved one about what services they want not just need is important. For example, food preferences and recreational activity options. According to the National Council for Aging Care (2020), “the meal and dining experience have been shown to make a big difference in the overall satisfaction of nursing home residents” (4). It is not enough for homes to only provide the basic services, but also what makes residents safe and happy. 
Must-Have 3: Location and Size
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As said in real estate, it is all about the location. A nursing home needs to be close enough to loved ones that it is easy to visit. If the home is too far, then family members and loved ones are less likely to visit. Murray (2020), “Dwindling family visits are often the cause for isolated feelings, and patients come to expect that staff members replace family in social interactions” (3). However, this is unlikely to happen. Staff is busy working and can not stop to provide each resident with the need for social interaction. In addition nursing homes should be large enough to encourage residents to interact with each other. Residents need to have sufficient room for quiet time as well as activity spaces for residents to engage in activities. It is also important for homes to have an area safe for residents to go outside and walk around (National Council for Aging Care, 2020).
Must-Have 4: No Red Flags
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According to Strom and Associates (2020), “Nursing homes are required to provide necessary help with a resident’s daily personal needs such as eating and drinking; dressing; grooming; bathing; toiletry; sitting, standing and walking; getting in and out of bed or a wheelchair, and communicating” (2). However, it is crucial to worry about more than homes providing basic demands. There are many red flags to look out for. Poor violation history is one such red flag. It is imperative to check for any record of mistreatment or neglect. Another big thing to look out for is high turnover rates. This may show a larger problem with the administration and staff. It is also essential to trust initial feelings when visiting a home. If it does not feel like the right fit, it probably is not.
Chronic illness, limited mobility, decreased cognitive health, and sensory impairment is some of the things that can happen as we age. For loved ones who have already reached that difficult age, it is vital to make sure they are as comfortable yet safe as possible. For my neighbor, Mrs. McCoy, researching and finding the right nursing home was a privilege. Her daughter was very grateful to us for finding the right home. It was wonderful to see Mrs. McCoy with her family when they moved closer to her. Her family, my mom, and I visited her often and the nursing home she went to provided much socialization for her. She has since passed and I miss her all the time, but I feel comfort in the fact that she enjoyed her time at the nursing home and was never alone. 
Works Cited
Strom and Associates. (2020).  UNDERSTANDING THE STANDARD OF CARE EXPECTED IN NURSING HOMES. https://stromlawyers.com/blog/2019/06/standard-of-care/
Murray, C. (2020).  The Top Complaints Residents Have About Nursing Homes. https://www.caitlin-morgan.com/the-top-complaints-residents-have-about-nursing-homes/
Strom and Associates. (2020).  HOW DO YOU STAY INVOLVED IN YOUR LOVED ONE’S CARE AT A NURSING HOME: THE NURSING HOME CARE PLAN. https://stromlawyers.com/blog/2019/10/nursing-home-care-plan/
National Council for Aging Care. (2020).  TOP 5 THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A NURSING HOME IN YOUR AREA. https://www.aging.com/top-5-things-to-consider-when-choosing-a-nursing-home-in-your-area/ 
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