#comcert behind
dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 7 months
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(throwback) SHINee Seek Magazine Vol.12
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aismoker · 17 days
Part of the crew
Harry, Ben and Corey had heard of the concert by a mysterious dj in the night club tonight. The dj never had released a song and there was seriously no footage of his music or concert by him online, but the fora online buzzed about his music. "Life altering experience", "Intense" and "Mind blowing" were a few of the key-words that were in every message praising the live concerts.
The three guys were curious and decided to go tonthe concert. Unfortunately, it was already sold out before they could order tickets. Luckily Harry and Ben knew another way to get in. It was quite easy actually: Simply get in when they are building the stage and hide until the guests would come in and then they could easily mingle. Harry and Ben, having done this before, even knew the best hiding spot. There was a small balcony. From there they could see the whole venue without being seen.
Corey was hesistant, but his curiosity and his friends convinced him to come along. So, on the afternoon before the comcert theybstood in the alley behind the night club, drrssed in simple black t-shirts, just like the employees of the club.
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Harry and Ben walked confidently into the night club, followed by a nervous Corey. "Dude, don't act so conspicuously," Ben said, "you will het us caught!" But Corey couldn't help it. Luckily, the employees were all to busy preparing for the concert to notice. The three guys reached the balcony without any problems. They looked down to the dance floor and saw that the dj was about to start the soundcheck. Ben and Harry thought it was cool. Corey, on the other hand, was still not relaxing, looking all the time around him, still afraid of getting caught. "Are you sure, no one will be coming here?" "Dude, you really need to chill," Harry answered, "no one is coming and if so, what will they do? They probably kick us out and that's it." It didn't reassure Corey.
The dj started his soundcheck. No one knew it, but the track he was playing was specifically designed for the soundcheck. The bass pulsed through the entire building. Everyone inside stopped with what they were doing and started listening. The bass pulsed through their bodies and the tones filled their minds, pushing everything else out. "Wow," Harry said, "this is so good." "Yeah man, it's mind-blowing," Ben replied. Corey didn't say a thing. The music didn't seem to affect him. He was still tense, looking around to see if someone was coming.
The longer the music played, the more entranced Ben and Harry became. They just sat there, smiking with glazed eyes. Corey noticed something was amiss with his friends. "Guys, are you okay?" They didn't reply. They just sat there, there bodies pulsing with the music.
Suddenly they stood up. "Guys, get down!" Corey hissed, "someone might see you!" Harry and Ben just smiled. "No," they said in unison, "we need to join the crew." They then started walking down the stairs toward the stage. Corey jumped after them, trying to stop them. They stopped and turned around. Their empty eyes looked at Corey and their smiles broadened. Corey shivered in fear. "We all need to join the crew." They then both grabbed Corey and dragged him down the stairs.
Corey tried to get free... to flee. His mind was racing. But as he was dragged closer to the stage, the music got louder. The bass started to reverberate in his body. It felt... good. The music went into his head and remained there. It was like it was making a home in its head, to stay there and never leave him. A smile crept on his face. The music made it so hard to think. But he didn't need to think. He just needed to listen. And the more he listened, the more he seemed to hear a whisper, mixed in the music. The whisper told him to relax. There was nothing to fear. Corwy relaxed. Ben and Harry noticed the change in their friend and let go of him. Corey kept walking along with them. There were no thoughts of flwwing anymore. Juat whispers. Whispers that told him that he wanted to become a member of the crew. Yes, he really wanted that.
As the three friends approached the stage, they noticed that several employees of the night club were standing there. They kept walking towards the stage though, not afraid of getting caught. Why should thwy be afraid? They wanted to become part of the crew, just like them. Besides, no one was looking at them. They were all watching at the wall behind the stage. There was a red spiral, with the crew logo in the center of it. The three friends looked at it and their smiles broadened even more. It was beautiful. They couldn't look away from it. They didn't want to. They just kept staring at it. Their eyes reflecting the red light of the spiral.
They didn't know how long they had been standing there, nor did they care. They were completely mesmerized by the spiral and the continuous whispers in their heads. Suddenly, the music intensified and smoke started billowing from the stage.
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As the smoke reached Corey, he panicked. This was not the normal kind of smoke they used at concerts. This was something b-, but then the whispers took over his thoughts again. This was something better. This was Marlboro smoke...
The whispers told him to embrace the smoke. That it would make them part of the team. That there was nothing to worry about. He just had to take deep breathes and let the smoke in. The smoke would make him better. It would make him a perfect member of the crew. Corey -and all the others- did as they were told. They breathed deeply, letting the smoke in. It felt good, like they were feeding a fire deep inside. A fire that spread its warmth to all the muscles in their bodies. A cleansing fire that burned away their old lives, so they could start anew, as members of the crew. The more they breathed in the smoke, the more the fire spread. Their muscles started to contract, to grow. Their bodies started to spasm, moans started to escape from their lips, mixing with the music that was still playing. The smoke became denser. The guys breathed in deeper. The whispers in their head were growing more demanding. More. More. More. And everyone obeyed.
The smoke seemed to not just enter them through their mouths, but also through their skins. What started as soft caressing, turned into an iron grip. They couldn't move, they were completely in the grasp of the smoke. But it felt so good. So good! They wanted this. They needed this. The moaning became louder and louder until it reached a climax, after which it suddenly stopped. Everything stopped. The moaning, the music, the whispers. Everything. The smoke slowly started to dissipate. All the guys lied passed out on the floor.
After a while, they started to wake up. When they opened their eyes, it was as if they saw the world for the first time. They looked down and saw their crew uniforms, tightly around their improved bodies. They stood up and flexed their muscles. They then reached for their packs of Marlboro and lit up like experts, savoeing the smoke as thwy inhaled deeply. Even though most of them never had smoked a cigarette before, as part of the crew they knew they were supposed to smoke. They wanted to smoke. They craved to smoke.
As they stood there, silently smoking, they looked at each other. They didn't know the names of the others. They didn't know their own names. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that they were one crew. As they kept looking a desire awakened in them. They needed to bond, to celebrate their oneness. But they knew they couldn't. Not just yet. They needed to prepare for the concert this evening.
They started working. Even the three intruders-turned-crew members knew what to do. They worked efficiently. No words were uttered. No words were needed. They were perfectly alligned to each other. They were one and they worked as one. And because of that they were able to finish the work in time for the concert to begin.
The concert hall was starting to fill up. Two crew members, formerly known as Harry and Ben, were qalking through the hall. They were part of the security detail now, making sure that no one would leave before the main act.
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People looked strangely at them, walking proudly around in their uniforms and their non-stop smoking. Most people thought that wasn't even allowed anymore, but they didn't gibe it much of a thought. They didn't really thin k a lot at all since they had come into the hall.
That was, because several crew members -among them the one that used to listen to the name Corey- were standing at the bar near the entrance, handing out special welcoming drinks. The recipe was a secret, but it made everyone who drank it nice and mellow and even more receptive for what the main act would bring.
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When the dj entered the stage, he was welcomed with thundering applause. When he started his first set, the crew knew their work was done... for now. Once set in motion, their was no way back. They retreated to the balcony where earlier that day three intruders had been hiding. It was finally time for them to bond. As they all lit fresh cigarettes, they felt their cocks rising. They started to explore each others bodies. First tentatively, but as the music became more intense, so did they. Caressing became groping. Kissing became snogging. Spit, seed, smoke, sweat... it all got exchanged, strengthening their bond. In the end, they didn't know where their own bodies ended and the others' began, but it didn't matter. They were one.
One hour, two hours, thrree hours, who could say how much time passed? But eventually, they fwlt that they had to go back to the hall. The dj was coming to the end of the last set and they had to be there when it happened.
As they entered the main venue, the dj just had stopped. The music was gone and the smoke was still dissipating. When they entered all the guests, now Marlboro Bros, turned around and looked at them. They could see the hunger in their eyes and they knew it was the same hunger they felt.
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The crew started spreading out over the dance floor and even though they had shot countless loads into each other, their cocks were still hungering for more. That is one of the perks of being part of the crew, to be always ready to share a load.
They walked around, caressing Bros here and there, sharing their smoke with them. Mounting them, riding them, planting their seed deep inside them. Bond with as many as possible. Make sure they would leave their innocence in a puddle on the floor. It was all part of the plan.
You see, as a Bro shoots his load, he will slowly start to revert back to his former self. The next day he will wake up and think that he has been to the best concert of his life. He might have a sudden craving to smoke Marlboro, but beside this, he will be able to function more or less normally. If they leave, however, with a crew load in them, they have changed for good. At first they will act like everything is normal, but eventually the seed that was planted inside them will blossom. It can take days, it can take weeks, it can take even years, but at a certain point, they will start hearing whispers, telling them how good it is to stop thinking... to become part of the crew... to become one... to share the bliss...
Eventually, they will return to where it all began and the crew will be waiting for them. Ready to accept the newest crew member with open arms and dripping cocks.
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stardustjie · 2 years
𝐯𝐢'𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚
very short headcanons because i missed my girlfriend
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vi only follows a small group of exclusive people. her siblings, her friends, the artists she likes especially musicians to keep herself updated on the dates of their comcerts. maybe some meme page, but those are exceptions. she will totally send you posts about said concert dates if she knows you like the band or even posts about the merchandising
vi mostly uses instagram, but she doesn't mind tiktok as long as her fyp is just funny video and edits. definitely not the type of person who cares about the drama. she already has a sister, it's enough
your girlfriend doesn't do social media, at least not like most people. she doesn't see the point in posting stories of you doing your business and food pictures taken while you are patiently waiting for her permission to eat. she would pretend to do it just tease you. her bio... she didn’t want to write that so she only wrote her city and maybe something related to you
she actually posts every now and then, mostly pictures of important days with the people she loves or photos taken at events she attended. you will also find random pictures her sibling updated for her, especially since jinx gets bored easily and loves meddling with her stuff. you will definitely find photo of her behind her father's bar while she is working just because
she has a post about you two on a date, on purpose. you wanted do to something cure really bad and she eventually surrended to your request. she liked to see your happy smile after. under the pic she just typed le love letter emoji.
vi loves birthday photos. she will post a picture of you during your birthday party, in front of the cake and with a cheesy caption about how much she loves her girlfriend. probably something along the lines of "to my favourite girl, happy birthday" followed with some heart emojis. she does something similiar for her sister, but for her brothers (and ekko)... she isn't really kind. mostly ugly photos with related joke caption. that's the sibling treatment
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allthebestcowgirls · 3 years
im still angry at the girls standing behind me at one point during the mitski comcert were started talking about how much they hate heat lightning when mitski was performing it i wanted to slap the shit out of them i can't lie
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