#combined with the fact that the pillars representing the gods of the night kingdom are obsidian
aromanticasterisms · 18 days
cool as hell cutscene. once again
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dracodemortem · 5 years
Because I’m clearly evil and want to subject everyone here to the torture you put me through, how about explain all the lovely dragons you’ve come up with.
So currently we have 20 dragons who belong solely to me that are named. The oldest and the progentitor of these dragons is the dragon deemed Fate, she absolutely massive even compared to the other dragons and serves as one of the ten ruling gods of the dragons. Size comparison wise she is roughly the size of uhhhh florida? More or less. She is actually three seperate conciosuness inhabiting the one body, and as a being who exists outside of more or less everything is nigh unkillable unless she wishes it. To clarify the dragons being named are called true dragons and are beings similar to elementals in the fact that their bodies are made from the magic for what they are named for. This would encompass the sixteen elements of my larger universe they belong too. Chaos, Creation, Destruction, Order, Antei, Matter, Time, Space, Life, Death, Darkness, Light, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Other dragons are made from lesser elements that would be a minor part of one or more of those six. Due to the nature of Chaos in the worldbuilding creatures that aren't actually from the universe it elementally originates, such as the dragon of Chaos, dont actually have the full abilities of that Chaos itself. This is why the dragon of Fate is actually an older god than the dragon of Chaos due to her being from that universe. All of the dragons are immortal due to their connection to their elements and the only thing that could pierce their hides would be something who believes they can better than the dragon believes theyre impenetrable, something thats highly unlikely and will rarely be fatal.
So continuing, first is the Dragon god of Chaos. This true dragon serves as the head of the council, the ruling figures within the dragons world. More or less his power appears as stroms of highly volatile magic, able to strip away enchanments and revert things to their most basic of forms. The color that represents him is actually iridescence, the appearance Chaos takes when introduced to the material world. He is also the primary antagonist of the world, having partially lost his sanity after his mates death.
After him is the dragon of god of creation, who serves as his polar opposite in every way except they have left from the rest of the world due to wishing to protect the world from their fits of madness. Creation holds a pink color and this dragon is similar in appearance to a dragon shaped distortion of pink light and crystalline flower petals.
Next are two characters who are more or less the main characters of the story that belongs to me. Dolkel au Maug Keshil and au Maug Rea. They are the dragon of Destruction and Restoration respectively. They are twins born in the same body but due to events in the past have been seperated into two new bodies over their original. Their magic works in that Keshil is able to cause things to fall into a State of Chaos or into a more primordial state of being should they not have said origin. Rea works to the reverse of this and restores things to whatever point she wishes in that objects path of Creation. Their only real limit they would have on this is to what extent they are able to expend their energy.
Keshil is also the ruler of an demiplane known as the Chasm. The Chasm is a plane of beauty, with the main kingdom area having purple crystaline spires serving as the buildings for the diverse population of near any sapient being and several non mythical beings as well. In between the towering spires are lakes lit by crystals that shine brighter than the stars themselves. The sky is filled with numerous visible galaxies, every so often the appearance of supernovas lighting the city more brightly below. To the north of the city is a primal forest, trees larger than skyscrapers reaching high into the sky, and people and creatures tending to forest and living in harmony with it. The eastern area of the plane is an ocean beyond compare, the shallows clearer than crystal with beaches in a rainbow of colors. The deeper oceans are green and blue across the spectrum the ships passing throughout floating palaces in there own right with smaller ships working as merchants, fisherfolk and messengers. The southren plane is plains and meadows and the bulk of the agricultural area in the plane. Eventually howeveor the valleys turn to canyons and eventually chasms in their own right, sometimes glowing with heat and smelling of sulphur in the deepest of them. To the west rise plateaus and formation of canyons far deeper than even the souths chasms. Running all through these are mines that crawl through the earth l, twisting in on themselves to gather the great riches of the world. Farther still rise mountains taller than the sky and beyond them a white waste of snow, colder than the Voids empty space.
There is a second area to the Chasm, a demiplane of the demiplane itself ruled by Keshils advisor Algin. These are known as the Depths and while considered by those living in the chasms bright lively plane a hell, to those who live here, it is a heaven. Massive pillars of jagged rock dot the landscape, pools of lava and sulphur pits bubbling merrily away between them. It is much darker than the chasm due to enclosing of rock around its realm but for those who live there it is perfect adjusted to the darkness and celebrating it. Algin himself is the oldest friend to Keshil and Rea and finds himself known as the Faebane due to his innate connection to iron in all its states and forms.
Aòdhagan is the dragon of order and younger brother to Keshil and Rea. His body is of crystal that shines witb hidden fires. Though srystalline one cannot see into his internal body though they can see through him. His magic grants him the ability to condense energy to form crystals of purified magic that will pierce through near anything, and also gibe him the ability to impose his will on those who break the laws of the council. For the beginning of the story he acts as an antagonist toward Keshil although eventually remebers the promise made to his siblings.
Tzerana is the dragon of Antei or beyter known as the Void. The void is the absence between the worlds of matter, an existence outside of Matter Time and Space to balance the three and to absorb them as they await Destructions hand. As such Tzerana hasnt a true from and is closer to a distortion within the material world over a physical being. However her magic is simple and strips Matter, Time and Space from what she wills, turning it into a pure absence of said elements. Her colour is white as that is the closet to a colour the void will ever have.
The dragon of Matter is perhaps on of the more simple of the dragons. Named Eoren he rules over Matter, or physical shape of the world. As such he can change any matter to another, water to superheated plasma, air into stone all are the same to him. His scales are platinum in colour and the only thing that shows his power is that which touches his scales, the air chaging states as it contacts him.
Nosae is the golden dragon of Time, and perhaps one of the more developed dragons being mentioned. The defining charecteristic is the effect Nosae has on Time. Around them Time seems to both flow in every direction yet stand still and as such Nosae uses this power as sparingly as they can due to them being one of the few dragons who prefers to company of mortals over their own immortal brethren.
The dragon with mirror for eyes is the dragon of Space. Their name is Quivusta and their magic will sitort and switch the area they focus on. From plains turning into an ocean to a city into a volcano they will distort whatever they fancy in whatever they please. As such they are also able to travel between points as they will it. They are silver in colour and as they move their wings leave trails similar to a comets tail.
Life is next and is overseen by the dragon Mivyss. The appear as a dragon made from silt and loam , blacker than than the night sky l, with willow tree wings. Around them life moves at an accelrated pace with the cycle happening in the span of seconds rather than centuries. Black is the colour of Life, as black as the good soil to grow life from.
Avyeros is of Death, the point in the cycle of life that people are entirely to hung up on. Their body is made from red sand with wings mummifed and wrapped in dessicated tissue like bandages. Their magic will force things to reach the point of death within seconds, howevor they also retain the ability to refuse somethings right to die and can only be overuled through powerful Life magic. As such they can cause things to reanimate with just glances.
Darkness is gray, and its Dragon is a living shadow with the halo of light it absorbs appearing around its body. Darkness is older than light as it had to be the state that existed before. As such it can quench any of the elements lesser to it or cause their absence but not their erasure. Its simplicity is what makes it dangerous , such as causing the absence of heat to create cold to extents of absolute zero. Their name is Kaziquell.
The dragon of Light is Verse and they are a living supernova to Kaziquell shadow. Each wingbeat blinds those with the flash and their scales twinkle on an on like a strobe. Light is energy and as such Verse is able to bend energy as they wish. Creating heat or force is nothing and light is second nature whether given a physical presence or only as enrgy it remains as their magic. As such Light's colour is yellow bright but still harsh to some.
Air is ruled by a small dragon. A hummingbird to the condors above. Bright green with four feathred wings, her wingbeats generate more force than the storms of the earth combined. Air is not only the magic of wind and storms, it is suffocation and poison when the air has left or been transformed to chlorine gas. Air is the gaseous state of the world and so the dragon called Malani commands air as so.
Burning bright and hot a dragon bodied of magma stands to the front. Glowing in every colour that fire burns the dragon of Fire Yevrayal commands Fire, heat and plasma to his whims. His eyes are.minature stars while his claws are fire given a physical presence, the colour of fire is orange, and said colour is the safest of them all.
Sephu is the dragon of Water and represents it in all its states. Hindquarters of ice harder than steel with wings of green-tinged water vapor and the forebody liquid as the sea they control Water, that is to say any thing considered a liquid even if it is just molten metal that they control. Water is blue and so is Sephu predominantly as it should be.
Two hours later and we get to Earth, and Earth is a dragon carved of stone, scales of polished clay and eyes and claws cut jewels. The presence shakes the foundations of the world and a foundation must be as solid as the earth to be strong. Such as it is Gyavesh is who controls solids, known to her as earth, within all domains.
Oh and theres Fairlos but hes just Keshils court jester with the really badly chosen job of being the scribe out of the numerous better candidates. He tries his best, but honestly? He fucking sucks at his job. He is basically any shape you could imagine a dragon is plus every other shape you can imagine a dragon as. He changes between all of those and is the Dragon of Deception.
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flyingcarpettours · 5 years
Egypt Budget Tours
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Enjoy Cairo, Luxor and Hurghada Budget Tours
Day 01: Arrive Cairo
At the time your flight touching Cairo Land, one delegate from Flying Carpet Tours will be holding a sign with your name, transfer to hotel, relax from the inconvenience of your travel, overnight in Cairo.
Day 02: Cairo Tours, Pyramids of Giza
Taste the flavor of your breakfast at hotel, then Flying Carpet Tours guide will lead you to a ravishing tour to Pyramids of Giza, feast your eyes by visiting Pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinus, then your guide will take you to panoramic view of the pyramids, memorable photos available to the three pyramids together, next move to the Sphinx, scout the valley temple, Optional to visit the Egyptian Museum which contains amazing treasures of King Tut Ankh Amun, finally back to hotel, night at leisure, or choose from variety of optional tours, Either to try Dinner Cruise on the Nile River with Folklore show, Belly Dancer, surprises are waiting for you, or try optional to the sound & light show at the pyramids, overnight in Cairo.
Day 03: Cairo to Luxor, Visit Karnak and Luxor Temples
Enjoy the flavor of your breakfast at hotel, then one delegate from Flying Carpet Tours will lead you to Cairo domestic airport, fly to Luxor, arrive Luxor, beguile your eyes by visiting Karnak Temple, be witness for the glory of the Pillars hall, then move towards Luxor temple, finally transfer to your hotel to relax, at night optional to Karnak sound and Light show, overnight in Luxor.
Day 04: Luxor to Hurghada
Taste the flavor of your breakfast on hotel, Variety of optional tours waiting for you to scout, either to explore Valley of the Kings ( visit 03 Tombs Only ), or to visit to the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, known now with the name of El-Deir El-Bahary, or to watch the glory of the two huge statues Colossi of Memnon, Today one of Flying Carpet Tours delgates will escort you to Hurghada by air-conditioned van, Check into your hotel, overnight in Hurghada.
Day 05: Hurghada at Leisure
Taste the flavor of your breakfast at hotel, it is your leisure day in Hurghada, try a lot of Water sports, Swimming, Snorkeling, Diving, bask under the gleaming Sun, beguile your eyes with the awesome Red Sea, Or choose between the splendid Excursions in Hurghada, overnight in Hurghada,
Day 06: Hurghada to Cairo by Bus
Taste the flavor of your breakfast at hotel, then one of Flying Carpet Tours representatives will transfer you to Hurghada bus station, Ride your bus back to Cairo, at the time your bus touching Cairo land, one of Flying Carpet Tours delegates will be waiting for you at Cairo Bus Station, transfer to hotel, relax from the annoyance of travel, overnight in Cairo.
Day 07: Final Departure
Today is the valediction day, taste the flavor of your breakfast at hotel, then one of Flying Carpet Tours delegates will lead you to Cairo International airport, for the final departure.
For more info about Egypt Budget Tours:
Website: www.flyingcarpettours.com
Tel.: +201099906242
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