#colored it welll to make up for like...lack of content?
Can you do head-rotating Mia?
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You just wanna...grab her head and hold it still in the proper position..
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anjelicjazz · 7 years
8th of Chapter of this thingie
So here is chapter * of this thing I’m writing. It got a bit out of hand at the end there but...welll...I may have enjoyed writing it a bit too much hehe/
Anyway,3,547 words later and I present to you chapter * of Daemon Lovers
An offer he can’t refuse
Mild smut warning.
If smut makes you uncomfortable skip Sean's dreamscape at the end of the chapter
"Caleb please, calm down. Everything's going to be fine." You groan, wiping a hand down your face. Your eyes follow Caleb as he paces the length of the stage, his hands anxiously running through his hair in his usual state of constant agitation.
"(Y/N) we need those pieces. If we don't have them you can't play the part and we don't have time to write a new script or get new costumes." the frustration was clear in hid voice and you shake your head and sigh at the sound of it.
"Caleb the lass told ye we could make them by hand. Why are ye continuin ta fret that pretty little head o' yers? We got (Y/N) on our side!" Darren waves a hand in your direction and you blush profusely as hr continues."Has the lass ever let us down?" Caleb pauses in his pacing to stare as the man of few words continues his rant. "Remember in Uni when the entire costume department got sick the night before we were set ta put on Hamlet fer the mayor? She spent the entire night sewin' an still managed ta make the audience weep with her portrayal of Ophelia!" Darren stands from the piano bench and walks over to place his hands on both of Caleb's shoulders. "She's the best of us boyo. An if she says we're gonna make it then by Jaesus we're gonna make it!"
Marcus jumps up from his spot at the edge of the stage and begins to cheer, clapping his hands and jumping up and down in his excitement. "That's right Caleb! Come on now! The longer we set here an fret the less time we have ta make this work!"
Caleb nods, the anxiety in his face melting away to be replaced with a look of determination. "Alright, well we need rigging for the Sidhe costume and the sword and LED lights."
You nod, clapping your hands with a smile. "To the crafts store!" you shout, Marcus' enthusiasm filling you.
(Sean's POV)
Sean groaned to himself, stretching his arms over his head as he pushed away from the computer desk. "Another day another two videos ready for upload." He smiled to himself proudly. Leaving his recording room he made his way down the hall, stopping off in the kitchen to look for a snack.
"Ah, shite!" he said to himself as he put the package of cookies he'd grabbed back in the cabinet. "Fergot ta check the mail..."
Sean made his way to the front door.Grabbing his keyring from the hall table he opened the door, shutting it quickly behind him. He hummed as he bounced down the steps, finding himself in a better mood. The first time in a while now that he thought about it. He riffled with his keys for a moment as he made his way to the bank of mailboxes along the wall beside the main door of the building.
Suddenly a crash sounded just outside the front door followed by a string of very colorful curses. Sean's head jerked up at the noise. "I know those fucks." he said with a smile. He turned and unlocked the door to find (Y/N) bent over a pile of bags, the contents spilled all over the sidewalk leading to the door.
"Well shite." He chuckled as he walked over and began helping her put the items back in their bags. "Planning on startin a kindergarten?" he asked as he held up a bottle of glue and silver paint.
(Y/N) looked up, glaring at the offending bottles. "No. Parts of our costumes never showed up so I get to spend the rest of the night making a giant sword for our play." She sighed, placing the rest of her items back in their bags and standing.
Sean stood as well, dusting off the knees of his pants and smiling at the irritated girl. "I could help if ya'd like?" he said, holding the door open for her.
(Y/N) quirked an eyebrow at him. "You'd do that? Don't you have like...work or something to do?"
"Na, I finished all my editing fer taday. And all my videos are already scheduled ta upload on their own." They began walking up the stairs together, Sean carrying two bags and (Y/N) carrying two more. "All I have ta do is check the videos once they've uploaded ta make sure they aren't corrupted and that the video and audio are synced. I can do all that from my phone." They reached the landing for their apartments and (Y/N) began searching for her keys.
"Well, if you're sure..." she said, sliding the key home and letting them both in.
"Absolutely lass. How could I let ya do this all by yourself? I'd be a terrible friend." Sean smiled, placing the bags on the kitchen counter and turning back to grab the remaining two from the blushing girl.
"Friends huh?" she said as she handed them over.
"Sure why not? Ye've already crashed on me couch. We've gotten drunk tagether. And ta top it off I've seen ye bleed. Sounds like friendship status ta me."
(Y/N) cringed with a laugh." Okay green bean that last little bit of logic sounded a little on the creepo side. Wanna rephrase it or are we just gonna leave it at that?"
Sean shook his head, laughing as he began pulling items out of the bags and placing them on the kitchen counter. "Nah we'll just leave it at that and pretend it's a normal occurrence." He pulled a hot glue gun and large metal rasp out of one of the bags, holding them up with a quirk of his eyebrows. "Seem ta me yer already headed towards makin it a normal thing anyway."
She laughed as she took the items from him. " Those are for the sword goofball. Don't make this weird."
Sean shrugged as he turned back to the counter and pulled several boxes of magic clay from the bag, setting them to the side." Hey, I'm not one ta judge kinks." she squeaked, shoving his shoulder playfully as she grabbed the empty bags and took them to the recycling bin.
"It's not a kink!" she said as she made her way to the bedroom. "I've to to get the wooden bits I'll be right back." Sean nodded, sitting down on the barstool at the counter and turning to check out the living area. A large sofa sat pushed against the far wall and several postered hung behind it of different plays and classic films. A large fern stood in a pot beside the sofa and a table stood in front of it. The table was covered in piles of paper and several large books that looked to be retellings of classical plays in different languages.He glanced at the tv, a 45 incher on a black stand with a dvd player plugged into it. It didn't seem to get much use and he pouted a moment at the lack of gaming console.
(Y/N) walked back into the room, her hands overburdened with large wooden pieces cut into different angular shapes. Sean jumped up, snagging a few chunks of wood that were threatening to fall out of her hands and together they set them on the coffee table by the sofa.' Ya could have hollered for help ya know." Sean said as she sat on the sofa and began sorting through the pieces.
"Oh I know. I'm just so used to doing this all by myself, it'd be weird to get used to asking for help again. You know?" she said as she laid out the sword into what would end up being its final shape. Sean nodded and then whistled as the wooden sword began to take shape.
"That's one hell of a fookin sword there lass. How're ye thinkin ye were gonna make this in one night?" he asked as he watched her adjust the shapes.
"Oh I'm used to work like this." she answered as she stood and walked back over to the kitchen counter." I've learned a lot of shortcuts through the years to get things to go quicker." she smiled as she grabbed three of the bottles of glue and walked into the kitchen in search of a large enough bowl.
"Shortcuts eh?" Sean asked as he watched her begin to mix up a solution to make paper mache. "What kind of ingenious short cuts have ye learned then lass?" the process seemed to fascinate him and his eyes danced as she worked.
"Oh, well...the trickiest was learning how to get this funky stuff to dry quicker." she said, indicating the glue and water mixture." Make yourself useful and start ripping up this newspapers into little strips." she said, motioning to a pile of newspapers to the side of the sofa that Sean hadn't spotted before. He nodded, grabbing a handful and pulling them towards him so he could begin ripping them into long thin strips.
She walked back towards the coffee table, hot glue gun and power strip in hand." I found that making the core of a sword out of wood was easiest because it held its shape better and made it easier to adjust the balance."She plugged the hot glue gun in and sat across from Sean while she waited for the gun to heat up." Drying the paper mache with a hair dryer cut my drying time down from 3 days to less than six hours. And popping the smaller pieces in an oven made it even quicker if I remembered to keep an eye on it to keep the paper from browning or catching fire." Sean chuckled as he tore another sheet of paper up.
"I take it ya've experienced that at time or two?" he asked as he smiled over at her. She groaned as she checked the temperature of the hot glue gun.
"Oh god yes. I tried it in high school in one of those kilns that they use to fire clay pots and stuff? Almost set the entire art department on fire!" she broke down into a fit of giggles, the sound sending butterflies straight into Sean's core.
"Oh god yes. I tried it in high school in one of those kilns that they use to fire clay pots and stuff? Almost set the entire art department on fire!" she broke down into a fit of giggles, the sound sending butterflies straight into Sean's core.
He blushed for a moment, clearing his throat awkwardly as he went back to ripping up newspapers." So..um...ye've always wanted ta be an actress?" he asked as he pushed the growing pile of paper scraps to the side and began working on a fresh newspaper. She nodded as she began gluing pieces of the sword together.
"It started in primary school actually. One of those kindergarten plays." she smiled at the memory as she worked the hilt into its proper place and began spreading glue along the seams. "I got slotted to play Gretel in a Hansel and Gretel production. When I got on that stage and the lights were shining and the audience was clapping I got hooked. Been working towards it ever since." she put the glue gun to the side, lifting the sword slowly to test its strength. "Alright!" she said when the pieces didn't fall immediately apart.
"Oh nice!" Sean said as his eyes traveled the length of the 3-foot wooden blade. A stab of familiarity hit him at the shape. An unnerving feeling that he'd seen it before. But as (Y/N) lay it back down and walked back towards the kitchen he shook the feeling off, attributing it to a possible lack of sleep and the nightmare from the previous night.
"Seems yer pretty handy with that glue gun." he said as he finished tearing the last of the newspapers to shreds. She nodded as she came back to the coffee table holding the large bowl of glue solution, a plastic drop cloth draped over her arm.
"Sure am. I back part of a good production is props and costumes." she handed him the bowl and moved the sword. Placing the drop cloth over the table she replaced the sword and sat cross-legged across from him on the floor. "Could you hand me half of those paper scraps?" she asked kindly. He lifted up a large handful and reached it across the table. Their hands brushed as she took the scraps and Sean's heart fluttered briefly at the contact. He blushed a bit, pulling his hands away quickly and placing them in his lap.
Suddenly (Y/N) 's head jerked up, glancing around quickly. She seemed to suddenly be in a panic." Did....did you hear that?" she asked in a hushed whisper. Sean quirked his head, listening to the sounds in the apartment.
"No lass, can't say as I do..." he said, his own panic starting to rise. "What did ya hear?"
She shook her head quickly, returning to dipping the newspaper strips in the glue solution and wrapping them around the sword. "No it's probably just my imagination." she said. It seemed she was trying more to convince herself than him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he watched her work, her hands visibly shaking.
"Are ya sure lass?" he asked, concern etched in his voice. She nodded, shooting him a half smile as she continued working.
"Don't worry about it green bean. WE've got too much work to do here for some weird noises to bother me."
"Alright if ye say so." Sean said with a chuckle and they proceeded to work together at wrapping the sword in the paper mache mixture.
After several hours of intense paper macheing and waiting for the bits of sword to dry Sean walked into his bedroom, collapsing into his bed in happy exhaustion. They'd spent the majority of the night, almost into the wee hours of the morning, talking and laughing as they worked. Sean smiled to himself as he remembered the beautiful sound of her laugh and how it made his stomach flutter every time they'd share a glance or an almost touch. Sighing contentedly he buried his face in his pillows, hugging then close as sleep quickly took him.
*Sean's dreamscape*
Sean looked around, confusion gripping him as he took in the strange room around him. He didn't recognize anything and the panic that gripped him caused his chest to ache slightly. He'd never been allowed to view an entire room by the demon that haunted his usual nightmares. The walls were painted a dark shade of red, almost close to the color of old blood. There was a Queen sized bed in the middle of the room, piled high with silk sheets and throw pillows and to either side of it were nightstands made of a rich mahogany wood. The carpet beneath his feet was plush, coming up almost to his ankles and the same sickly red as the walls.
He walked forward slowly, fear gripping him as his hand trailed along the edge of the silken sheets of the bed. His eyes darted around the room, checking the shadows of the corners of the room for any sign of movement as he approached the nightstand to the right of the bed.
"H...Hello?" he called into the room. Not hearing anything except the echo of his own voice he decided to brave it and pulled open the top drawer of the nightstand. Inside were all manner of strange tools. Handcuffs and bottles of strange multicolored fluids. A large phallic shaped object lay tucked in the back and the sight of it caused Sean to blush as he quickly shut the drawer.
"The fook is this place?" he demanded angrily.
"I see you've found my toys." a voice breathed into his ear. He jumped, spinning around quickly to locate the source. Oddly enough there was nothing there and the lack of a source to the voice caused his anxiety to sky rocket.
"Who...who's there?" he demaned, nerves causing his voice to tremble slightly.
"I am." the same voice whispered huskily, this time accompanied by a warm breath on the back of his neck.
Sean spun around again, anger suddenly rearing up." What the fook?" he demanded, only to once again see a lack of anyone else in the room.
"No need to be so hostile dear Sean. I am no threat to you." the voice whispered. Sean found himself pressed close to the bed's edge and he clenched his hands as he struggled to regain control of his emotions.
"If yer not a threat why won't you show yourself?" he demanded angrily.
"Oh my dear boy..." the voice said. Suddenly Sean felt a warm hand press against his chest, forcing him down onto the bed and pushing his arms over his head. He yelped at the sudden pressure and inability to move his hands as he felt another hand begin to run lightly just under the hem of his shirt.
"The fook??? Let me up!" he squeaked, anxiety causing his voice to crack.
"Do not fret love. I am here to make you a simple offer. You may refuse it if you wish but you may want to hear me out." the phantom hand trailing along his chest lifted up only to return at the strings of the sweats he'd worn to bed. Sean squirmed beneath the touch, suddenly very uncomfortable as he felt his body react to the touch.
"What..what offer?" he asked, trying to keep his attention away from the wandering touch.
"I have seen your need. You feel your creativity is slipping away. Your channel is suffering for it yes?" the voice whispered, so close to his ear it made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.
"How do ye know about my youtube channel?" Sean said hastily. The phantom hand slipped beneath the hem of his sweats, trailing circles along his lower abdomen and causing his hips to buck against the touch. "Watch it!" he yelped, his cheeks burning a fiery hot red.
"I know many things. And I am here to help. You see, I can help fuel your creativity again. You would be able to finally please your viewers. Give them the content they so rightly deserve." a feather-light touch brushed against his lips, causing him to shiver and strain against the heavy pressure on his wrists. The pressure on his abdomen eased, seeming to pull out of his sweats. He breathed a sigh of relief only to have the air escape his lungs in a rush as something grabbed his already throbbing hard erection.
"H...help me how?" Sean said, his voice breathy as he panted from the pressure. The strange pressure gripped him tightly, moving up and down his length and causing his to moan without realizing it.
"I could fuel your need. Give you the push you need." at the word push the pressure increased,causing Sean to arch his back and groan with need.
"Ah...fook..." he panted, his eyes clouding over as he succumbed to the voice. A beautiful woman appeared above him, one hand pressing his wrists into the bed and the other holding him in a tight grip. She smiled coyly, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling down at in and her full lips spread in a smile of accomplishment. Her long brown hair brushed down around the sides of her face as she leaned into Sean,grinding her hips against him.
"All you have to do is say yes and I can fulfill that wish Sean."She said huskily, her breath warm against his cheek. She squeezed him again,causing his body to shudder violently and his eyes to roll into the back of his head.
"Y...yes...just please.." he grunted, relenting easily to her touch as his hips bucked upwards again. The strange woman threw her head back, laughing triumphantly as she released his hands. Sean pushed himself upwards, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her down to him, crushing his lips to hers and sealing the pact.
The woman pulled away from the kiss, a smile of satisfaction spread across her face. "Do not worry Sean. I will have my way with you. The time will come sooner than you think." Her hand moved away from him and he whimpered at the loss of her touch. She slid her hand up his chest, a sultry growl escaping her throat as she leaned in to nip at his bottom lip. "All in due time my boy....all in due time."
With that Sean woke up, bolting up in his bed back in his apartment. His breath came harsh and ragged and he groaned at the raging erection demanding his attention." The...the fook was that?" he demanded. But the empty room gave him no answer.
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