#colonel flag imagine
reveluving · 11 months
the bump in the night ; rick flag x reader
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summary: someone made Mrs Flag cry, and her family is not having it.
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, shadow-magic f!reader, reverse comfort & humour!
a/n: this AU is based on this piece I made a while back, 'cause you already know I can't do this special without hubby Rick and the kids! hope you enjoy it & don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» wanna know what I have in store this fall? come & check out my m.list for 'reve's quirky reverie 🕷️'!
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'For now, they had a plan, hoping it could bring a smile to your face.' ;
Coming home to his daughter's hugs had become an everyday thing if Rick didn't have to work overtime, but if the flicker of sadness in her eyes was anything to go by, something had to have happened while he was away.
“Mrs Bedford was saying bad stuff to mama while we were at the park.” 
It was the same thing she told her brothers when they got home from school, and just like them, it was enough for Rick to get the whole picture.
Ah, Mrs Bedford. Or as the neighbourhood youngsters, children and teenagers alike, like to call her 'the modern witch of the road', and not in the cool way. Her husband was no better, always bugging you at any given opportunity. The worst part was Mrs Bedford always antagonized you for it, even if she knew you didn’t entertain her husband’s behaviour. It was also extremely hypocritical of her, considering she herself has tried to make her move on Rick. A lot. Only to be met with disappointment each time. 
Her children were just as bad, too, to put it lightly.
“What did she say?” It was the green light Irene needed before she explained what had happened to a T, courtesy of her father’s eagle eye. Unlike most days, it was just you and Irene visiting the park since your sons had football practice. 
The two of you were feeding the ducks when Mrs Bedford came up to you.
“You on your own?” Was the first thing she asked you before you questionably said ‘yes’, despite Irene being there too, and the little girl realized Mrs Bedford wouldn’t have gone off on a tangent about you and your ‘possibly tainted history’ if her father or brothers were around in the first place.
“I don’t know what you did but I can see it in your eyes, Flag. You’re no saint. You can fool the others with your little flower shop and your so-called angelic kids, but not me.”
Though Mrs Bedford knew nothing about your powers or your time in Belle Reve, instead, spewing hate out of jealousy and hatred for you for being the favourable neighbour, she wasn’t completely wrong. You have hurt people, you’ve even killed some, but they were for the greater good. Since your freedom from hell on earth, you’ve barely used your umbrakineses. It wasn’t until the birth of your children, to which all three of them gained your abilities did you realized you couldn’t run from who you really were—it wasn’t right nor fair to them.
Then, telling them your story as a criminal and how their dad was once your enemy was another thing. You weren’t sure what reaction you were expecting, but it was certainly not amazement and sparkles in their eyes. As they grew older, they began to make sense of how their parents somehow knew people like Aunt Harley, Uncle Robert and hell, even Nanaue.
And at that point in time, Mrs Bedford reminded you of Waller, turning you into submission as you could do nothing but listen to her make a mockery out of you for turning over a new leaf. Irene had to watch your face drop as the woman insulted you, and she knew she had to tell her family about it. 
Irene insisted that she was fine about heading home early, even if you tried to convince her otherwise. She wanted nothing more than to do something about that glazed look in your eyes.
As soon as you stepped foot into the living room, a tear rolled down your cheek. You couldn't help but apologize to her, to everyone if they were with you then. You weren’t entirely sure if it was because you seemed weak over a bunch of words or their fate of ending up with you as the wife and a mother of their family.
Irene shook her head, hugging you with her face in your tummy.
"You're not a mean person, mama. You're the nicest and coolest mama we could ever ask for, and we love you." 
It was simple, something you've heard of thousands of times in your lifetime, but you very much needed it today.
Ever the sweet girl, she accompanied you as you lay in your bed, telling you random stories about what she painted during art class or what she ate at lunch, anything but the time Mrs Bedford’s son, Kyle pushed her off the swing while his older brother, Blake laughed and praised him for doing so. You didn’t need to know that. 
Not yet.
You listened with a warm smile, embarrassed but nonetheless thankful for how observant she was of your feelings before eventually dozing off. 
Irene was careful yet quick to jump off the bed, running downstairs to shush Richie and Ethan as they returned home. 
The more she explained, the brighter their eyes unnaturally glowed. Richie was starting to look like their father as he crossed his arms, listening to her like a police officer, while Ethan seemed like he was already thinking of ways to counter the Bedford’s undignified acts.
Basically, the Bedfords were not the greatest people. Each and every one of them. 
Though they had a myriad of ideas, they weren’t sure how much their father would appreciate it, even if it was for your sake. Still, they thanked Irene for being there for you, promising that something would be done, no matter what it would be.
For now, they had a plan, hoping it could bring a smile to your face.
After an unexpected nap, you came down to find your kids huddled on the couch, whispering and hushing each other. Curious, you approached them.
Ethan was the first to notice you, offering you a grin before showing you what was in their hands, “Look, ma, I think we got it.” 
You leaned in to take a closer look, only for your breath to hitch at the sight of life on their palms. There, they showed you the differing mass of shadows they conjured, a tougher one you just taught them about a week ago. You have always loved this trick as a kid, and it only aided your sanity when you were by your lonesome in the penitentiary. In a way, you were replacing what life truly was by making your own, even if they were temporary because there was no telling when or if you’d ever be free. 
Yet, here they were, prompting joy and pride as they held the wispy animals of their choice; Richie with what seemed to be an adorable little puppy, Ethan creatively emulated a bioluminescent jellyfish and Irene…
Oh, Irene.
She scarcely remembered how much you loved making her laugh by conjuring butterflies when she was still very little if not for the twins confirming it. 
The butterfly was as small as her hand, but the wings were majestic, idly flapping before flying over to you, leaving cloudy black trails and landing on your outstretched finger. 
You stared at their creations ever so lovingly, already on the brink of tears. You were just as mad at yourself for doubting your worth, and your potential, just because of the things you had to do in the past, for the sake of the person you were now.
You embraced Irene in a tight hug before pulling your boys in as well. You sniffled, absolutely joyous and blessed to be surrounded by the most loving people. Nothing could deter you from this, not even as the shadow puppy yipped and chased the jellyfish and butterfly in excitement. Your cat, Tofu, must’ve heard the commotion, too, as she came from the kitchen to check, only to be frightened and jump on the couch with you as the puppy came running to her.
Rick finally arrived about two hours later, coming home to hear laughter before he saw Irene running across the room, followed by Tofu and the shadow puppy in tow. The jellyfish laid on Richie’s head like a nest whereas the butterfly decided to make Ethan’s shoulder its home as they hung out with you on the couch.
“Daddy!” Irene greeted him before running over to him. He didn’t question the questioning look she gave him just yet and instead, hoisted her up, laughing as Tofu and the puppy pawed at his bootlaces.
“What’s going on here?” He raised his brows, amused by what could be described as a fever dream of a sight.
“The kids learnt how to make little lives.” You giggled, allowing Rick to sit next to you as you scooted over.
“And I got a new hat,” Richie gestured to the jellyfish, who he has now dubbed as Jelly. As if it understood, Jelly immediately floated away, leaving Richie’s hair flattened, “Never mind.”
You shared a laugh as he deadpanned before you turned to Rick, “Was work okay?”
“Yeah, the usual. Decorated the place today, actually.” He took his phone out of his pocket, opening his gallery and showing you and the kids the spookily tacky decor that furnished his workplace.
“Did you really paint ‘dead inside, don’t open’ on the entrance door?” The twins gawked.
“Fitting, ain't it?” Rick joked, prompting smiles and chuckles from you once more before falling back on the couch, “But at least I’m off tomorrow, so I was thinking we could eat out for dinner.”
“Oh! We should head to Pop’s since they’re also offering their apple betty.” Ethan suggested.
“Well, I think that’s a good idea, so,” Richie trailed off, raising anticipation from the rest of you before jumping off the couch and running up the stairs. Ethan and Irene simultaneously gasped before the former took his sister out of Rick’s arms to chase their brother together. You and Rick could only watch with delight as Tofu and the shadow creatures followed them too.
“Everything okay?” He wanted to know, but he wouldn’t pry if you weren’t ready to tell him.
“Yeah,” You nodded, gazing down for a moment before continuing, “Something happened earlier but…”
“Richie! You better not lock the door or I swear to God!” Ethan’s voice rang out from upstairs, followed by Irene’s ‘language!’, and you couldn’t help but shake your head in amusement. 
“It’s all good now.” You reassured him. You knew you could’ve told him, but it wasn’t worth dwelling on. You had children to nurture and a husband to take on the world with.
“The Bedfords?” He guessed. If it wasn’t them, then it had to be Mr Walker.
“The Bedfords,” You confirmed with a tight smile, “I’m just more upset that Irene was there to hear it.”
You didn’t explain any further and Rick took it as a sign to drop it. If they were able to make you this upset, then it was best to ask the kids instead. 
“I’m sorry,” He pulled you to his chest, planting a slow and gentle kiss on your forehead. He rubbed your back, sighing at the very mention of that family. Rick loathed that they were influential enough to be one of the higher-ups of the school’s PTA, though he was confident that money was involved in it too. He hated that they were reasons why you’d come home ranting about how Mrs Bedford bugged you again, or when he had to make sure Mr Bedford knew he was making a promise and not an empty threat whenever it involved their kids and his, "You know I can talk to them." 
It would do no good, but it was worth trying. 
"No, you know how the Bedfords are. Don’t worry, okay? Not now,” You kissed the inside of his palm before pressing your lips against his, soft, sensual and safe. Rick moved forward, deepening the kiss as held the nape of your neck. You pulled away but not before nuzzling his nose, “We should be celebrating.”
He nodded, though he knew it would only linger in his mind for a while. Still, he adhered to your wishes, standing up before offering you his hand to get ready, “Right, right. Shall we?”
You snorted, placing your hand in his the way a princess would when a prince asks for a dance. Unexpectedly, he twirled you around, wrapping his arms around you he pulled you in, chest to chest. You playfully smacked him, though it did very little to wipe off the pleased look on his face as the two of you headed to your room. 
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You and the boys were the first to head out to the front yard, chatting and evaluating the decors of the houses while waiting for Rick and Irene. 
“What happened today?” He asked his daughter quietly as they stood at the front door, helping with her shoes while she slid on a jacket. 
“Mrs Bedford was saying bad stuff to mama while we were at the park.” She whispered back, swinging her arms as she watched her father tie her shoelace, “Like, really mean stuff. No one was around except us so she was kinda loud, too.”
Rick fumed, clenching his jaw as he could already hear and picture whatever nonsense she loved to spit out. 
“Mama got kinda quiet when we came home, and then she started crying. About how she’s sorry she was a criminal and how we’re ‘stuck’ with her powers.” She added. If anything, she and the boys thought your abilities were the coolest thing to have ever happened to them. 
He shook his head—who wouldn't crack after being subjected to their ways for so long? He hummed, hiding the seething resentment by ruffling Irene's hair.
"Can you help me distract your mother while I talk to the boys for a bit?" She nodded diligently, skipping over to you before Rick called out to his sons, "Need some help, boys." 
They rushed over, glancing at you before Ethan spoke up first, "She told you?" 
"Yeah." Rick replied as he locked the door.
"Can't we do something about it?" Richie asked with a frown.
"You boys are not punching Blake again." Rick reminded them with a small smile. 
"You didn't seem to mind it," Ethan mirrored his father's amusement, "He was yelling at our teammate and encouraged his troll brother to push Irene off a swing." 
"I'm mad, too," Rick was more than mad, but he couldn't let his emotions run wild, "Look, we'll think of something, alright? For now, just make sure she's happy." 
That's all they ever wanted.
The drive to Pop's was a lively one, and so was the dinner itself. Though you knew you'd be thinking about Mrs Bedford's words every once in a while, the smiles and laughter of your family were already a welcoming distraction as it is. 
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Midnight rolled around, and everyone had returned to their rooms with sore cheeks and a full stomach. You were the first to slip under the covers after a shower, hoping you wouldn't be too tired as you waited for Rick, though it didn't work.
By the time Rick got out of the bathroom, you were peacefully asleep, your face just a breath away from your husband's pillow as his scent soothed you like no other. 
Rick smiled to himself, changing into his PJs before sitting on your side of the bed. The dip roused you from your slumber just a little.
"Rick?" You murmured, fluttering your lashes tiredly.
"Forgot to get some water," He caressed your cheek before bending down to kiss it, "I'll be back." 
You mustered a closed-eye smile and before you knew it, you drifted off once again, lulled by the way he patted your back.
Once the coast was clear, he moved off the bed, silently slipping out and closing the door before heading over to the twins' room. He knocked on the door, just enough for them to hear before doing the same with Irene's door and headed downstairs.
Rick sat down at the dining table with a glass of cold water, arms crossed and lost in his own thoughts before hearing light footsteps approaching.
Richie, Ethan and Irene carefully pulled their chairs back before taking a seat, and just like that, the discussion began.
But it didn't seem like they were getting anywhere and at some point, they just started shit-talking.
"Man, I wish coach would just kick Blake out." Ethan groaned, his head falling back. 
"Tell me about it. He's shit at quarterback." Richie clicked his tongue.
"Boys." Rick warned them, partially because his youngest was listening.
"Sorry." They apologized but Irene didn't seem to mind.
"How about…" She chimed in, tapping her finger on her chin, "We scare them?" 
"Like…?" Richie cocked his head, hoping she'd say more than just that.
"I don't know, I just thought it'd be cool since it's Halloween and stuff. And, well, maybe we could use our powers, but I know mama and daddy wouldn't want that." She shrugged, pouting because she hadn't thought it far enough.
"It would be a miracle to scare them without using our powers in the first place," Richie sighed, looking over to his father, "What do you think, dad?" 
No reply.
"Dad?" Ethan followed suit as the three of them raised their brows.
“How far are you in your shadow puppet practice?” Rick asked out of the blue, staring ahead as though imagining whatever idea he had played out. 
“Uh, pretty far, I think? Ma taught us how to merge our shadows into one if we wanted to make a bigger animal.” Richie answered, earning affirmative nods from his siblings. 
“How big?” 
“Like, this big!” Irene opened her arms wide to let him know just how big of a monster they would be able to make if they wanted to. They haven’t, there was no reason to, but the more their father asked, the more it piqued their interest.
Rick thought it through for a moment. It has been a while since he has seen you make that one particular lifeform, but it was worth a shot. If it were able to render Waller speechless, then it’ll definitely make the Bedfords piss their pants. 
No actual attacks, and definitely no killings. But he’ll make sure they shudder at the mere thought of Halloween. Put the fear of God in them. They had it coming, too, stomping on other neighbours’ happiness for years just for the fun of it. 
He just had to play it safe. 
He slowly broke into a sinister smile.
“You three ever heard of a hellhound?”
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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» a/n: ahh hubby rick <3 ;; gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
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giowritess · 6 months
thinkin about rick flag.
people!! there’s this (+18) rick flag fic that i recently started working on. it’s gonna be finished maybe by mid-next week, and i was thinking about it…
it might turn out longer than i expected but with different scenes, so i was wondering what you prefer:
lemme know your thoughts ❤️‍🔥
our favorite cowboy just for clarification purposes
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Rick Flag x F!Reader)
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Main Master List       DC Master List
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Original Idea by @neon-supernova and in honor of it being December I decided to post this on the first to set off a month of festive fics (and others)
Rick lets out a giggle as you hush him, nervously looking around the downstairs of your house. If your kids saw their dad as Santa Claus, it would ruin Christmas for them, and you are not about to let your big goof of a husband ruin it for them. “You gotta be quiet honey.”
“Don’t worry, darlin’. Quiet is my middle name.” You roll your eyes at your husband before returning to your task of laying down a light dusting of powdered sugar by the fireplace and leaving a trail towards the tree while Rick rocks on his heels, wearing a full Santa outfit, pot belly and beard included, though Santa probably wouldn’t have a wide shoulder frame, let alone be 6’2.
“Ok, so you’re going to step one by one and make a trail leading towards the Christmas tree, then you’re going to have to take a sip or two of milk and eat some of the cookies.” Rick goes from mockingly saluting you to falling pale in an instance, the thought of eating his kids’ cookies already upsetting his stomach. It’s not that they taste bad, as a matter of fact the dough tasted rather good, it’s the fact that you and your kids forgot to set an alarm and then got distracted with making decorations that the cookies burnt in the oven and if it wasn’t for Rick’s attentiveness, they probably would’ve burnt the house down. “They’re not gonna be that bad, chill out.”
“I don’t know, baby, they look like lumps of coal that Santa would give to a person who’s been naughty.” He jokes, moving toward the fireplace and stepping in the powdered sugar, looking down at his feet. “Is this good enough?”
“Yes Mr. Claus.” Rick offers you a smirk as he takes one step at a time, making sure to leave visible boot prints in the faux snow as he makes his way over to the lit tree with seemingly endless presents underneath. If there is one thing for certain, it’s the fact that Rick loves to spoil his kids. Coming to a stop in front of the tree, he looks at the cookies before looking back to you, a look of despair on his face as you stifle a laugh, unaware of a pair of eyes watching the interaction. “Go ahead, Santa, eat the cookies those sweet kids made for you.”
Rick visibly gulps and picks up one cookie in his gloved hand, inspecting it through cut out glasses before dipping it into the milk and taking a big bite, grimacing at the taste of burnt sugar before swallowing. If he’s being honest, he’s had worse. “Is that good enough?”
“Mmhmm, would you like your Christmas present now, or later?” Your arms wrap around his expanded torso, looking up at the former colonel with love as he adjusts his gray beard, impure thoughts running through his head.
“Depends, is it a naughty gift or a nice gift?”
“A nice gift.” You release one arm and reach behind you, pulling out two sticks as Rick’s eyes widen, glowing a soft gold from the light of the Christmas tree.
“Are you?”
“It’s not confirmed yet. I have a doc appointment on Wednesday, but according to this, yeah, I am.” Rick doesn’t hesitate to lift you into his arms and spin you around as you laugh in joy. When you and Rick had started dating and eventually got serious, you knew he always wanted a big family and now that he has time for it, you’re more than willing to give it to him.
“Oh sweetheart, this is the best Christmas gift ever.” Rick sets you down and drags you into him, pressing a soft but passionate kiss to your lips as you melt into him, a soft gasp causing you to break away and look to the stairs where a pair of feet can be seen running up the steps as you mentally curse yourself. You should have known John would be sneaking around, but Rick’s lips on your forehead stirs you from your thoughts.
“Hey, it’s okay. As far as he knows, I‘m just Santa. Now how about we get to bed? What says you, Mrs. Claus?”
“I think that sounds good. I love you, Rick.”
“I love you too, honey.”
The next morning you wake up at the first peep of light through your bedroom window, only to see John standing at the foot of your bed, a stuffed animal in his hand and in his dinosaur Christmas pajamas.
“Hey baby, what are you doing up?” He doesn’t answer you, instead, he rushes over to Rick’s side of the bed and climbs on top of his dad, waking the retired soldier.
“Hey buddy, what are you doing up?” Comes Rick’s tired question, reaching up to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Judging by how dark it is still in the room, he probably guesses it's around 6 am.
“I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus.”
“Is that so?” John nods, clutching his rhino stuffie to his chest as Rick looks over to you with a knowing smile, one which you return. “Well, mommy was probably just thanking Mr. Claus for bringing you and Sophie all those cool gifts,” Rick sits up and tickles John’s side as the kid collapses into heaps of giggles in Rick’s lap, curling into his father as you roll out of bed and put on your robe, a soft smile forming on your face before heading toward the door.
“Okay you two, let’s go wake your sister and go open those presents and drink some hot chocolate. How does that sound?” John simply nods his head before bolting out the door and into his sister’s room, most likely bouncing on the bed as Rick stretches out while you raise an eyebrow at him. “You almost blew it.”
“Relax, will ya? Go set Sophie and John down by the tree and I’ll make us some coffee and them some hot chocolate.”
“Alrighty and Rick?”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For sucking up and doing the whole Santa Claus get up.” Rick chuckles before making his way over to you, pulling you into his arms and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“No, I should be thanking you. You’ve given me a family and it’s something I never thought I would have until I met you, so thank you.” And maybe it’s your pregnancy hormones, but the genuinity of his words has tears welling in your eyes.
“I love you so so much.”
“I love you too.”
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @a-reader-and-a-writer​
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox​ @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o​ @witchygagirl​ @the1redrose​ @ratcatcher2world​ @green-socks​ @weallhaveadestiny​ @yourjacketisnowdry​ @rachelh1992​ @a-girl-who-loves-disney​ @knivesareout​ @bubblegloopswampwitch​ @waspswidows​ @burntghoost​ @mattymurdocksbitch​ @katjnordstrom96​ @11thstreetvigilante​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @heresathreebee​ @madkovacs​ @wxr-zxne​ @wtfobiwan​ @alieninoklahoma​ @violetmuses​ @indig0nebula​ @stevensgordo​ @neon-supernova​
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ladyvillainous · 2 years
Midway City: Rules are Made for Breaking
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Inclusion of my OC Suzanna Walker AKA Fade into the Suicide Squad. She is a former colleague of Rick Flag, a childhood friend of Harley Quinn, a former member of the Joker's gang after his escape from Arkham and Harley’s transformation and now a member of the Task Force X team. She will also be getting up close and very personal with our favourite Aussie, Captain Boomerang.
After the events of the 2016 movie what comes next for Fade  
Midway City Part 4 of 4
I think every member of the Suicide Squad is a warning all by themselves but to be clear there will be violence, swearing, a complete lack of morals or ethics of any kind at times.Spoilers!... and finally SMUT
Word Count: 6603
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“Rise and shine!”
Fade groaned, the noise muffled by her face pressing tightly against the thin mattress of her cot, her one slightly pathetic and stained pillow clamped over her head. It was a vain attempt to block out the steady stream of deafening obscenities spewing from next cell block over without much luck.
Removing her head from under the pillow, her dishevelled hair falling across her face she stared bleary eyed across the room, attempting to discern the source of the voice that had spoken.
A clearly amused Rick stood in the open doorway to her cell, the guards hadn’t bothered to lock it since they’d returned from midway, no point when she could just walk through it any time she liked.
With a deep aggravated sigh of the sleep deprived, Fade rolled over onto her back and swung her legs out to meet the dirty concrete floor with her bare feet, hands reaching up to rub her eyes tiredly as she responded.
“You’re back here quick, world gone to shit already? It’s only been a week”
Rick shrugged and offered a sigh that told her he was no happier about his quick return than she was, no doubt he’d hoped to spend more time with June now she’d been de-witched, courtesy of the Squad.
“World’s always in the shit, but the Squads not being assembled if that’s what you meant. Just a situation here to be dealt with” Rick muttered.
Fade chuckled in response, looking up to his face an amused smirk across her own “You mean Harley’s escape?”
Rick shifted to lean against the door frame, a grumpy look on his face though he eyed her thoughtfully “So you do know about that then? I had wondered”
Fade stretched making all the vertebrae along her back pop with a small wince of relief “I mean that was quite the bang, you think anyone doesn’t know about it?”
He conceded the point with a nod of his head and a thinning of his lips, cocking his head he paused to listen to the jabbering from the next cell block “That Boomerang?” he asked unnecessarily. The man was so loud you could instantly tell it was the Aussie from the accent, and the vibrantly colourful language.
Fade nodded, slumping back against the wall with a yawn “Yeah, he’s been raging since they brought us back and tossed him in solitary”
Rick arched a single eyebrow “That was a week ago”
“I’m well aware” Fade bit out testily “We’re the ones that have been sat here listening to him carrying on”
“He needs to calm down” Rick mused with a shake of his head “It was a mistake to square up to Waller like that”
“You think?” She responded with a snort of derision “Some people just don’t take to captivity that well”
Pulling himself upright again he jerked his head back towards the cellblock through the open door “Walk with me”
“Is that allowed?” Fade teased with another smirk and a raised eyebrow, though she nonetheless rose and slipped her feet into the ugly black crocs that were part of their delightful uniform.
Rick grinned, they both knew full well she could and did just get up and wander around wherever she pleased never mind getting permission “I’m allowing it” he stated unnecessarily.
Shuffling after the soldier with a chuckle, they walked in silence down corridor after corridor until they finally made their way out into the sunshine, Fade blinking back the sting from the harsh light.
Looking around her she realised they were in one of the smaller unused yards, though there had been some additions since she’d last wandered through here. Most notable was the dark green camouflage covered structure in the corner, containing a couple of chairs and a desk of some sort, looking rather like a temporary command tent. Sparing a glance for the rest of the yard she noted the new yet rusty, as all things were in this humidity, basketball hoop set up against the wall, a few weight benches, and some tiered seating across from where they stood, opposite the tent.
“What’s all this Flag?” she murmured, not sure why she was here.
“This is now your exercise yard, just for the task force” Rick announced arms wide as he indicated the new equipment.
Fade scoffed “We prefer Suicide Squad to that task force bullshit. How’d you get Waller to agree anyway?” correctly deducing that it would have been Rick’s idea. After the Squad stepped up and protected him, the city and saved June he’d softened towards them somewhat. He hadn’t forgotten that each one of them were dangerous criminals, nor was he stupid enough to believe he could trust them. He now simply recognised they were people and was treating them as such, Waller would have been content to shut them in solitary and throw away the key until they were needed. As a seasoned CO Rick knew having the squad interact with each other would build that comradery they’d all felt back in Midway, making the team more effective and he’d argued as such until she caved.
“I simply pointed out that a team functions better if they get to know one another a little. She came around after a little coaxing” he responded with a shrug, downplaying how hard he’d had to argue his case on this one.
Fade pursed her lips “So that’s why you’re back so soon, she wouldn’t allow it without your supervision I’m guessing?”
Rick snorted as she got right to the root of the problem “Spending Twenty-Four hours alone locked in a seven by eight concrete box would send anyone crazy and most of you lot are already questionable”
“Look at you Mr Boy Scout America going all soft on a bunch of scumbags” Fade smirked, but behind it she was genuinely pleased to see he was trying to do the right thing by the squad.
“Scumbags yes, but you’re my scumbags” He murmured, smirking at her as he added “Whether I like it or not”
She chuckled at that, turning her attention back to the yard at large asking, “So what’s the thinking we gonna have supervised playdates out here or something?”
Rick nodded thoughtfully “There’s an idea, maybe all he needs is a playmate”
“Who?” Fade frowned turning back to the smirking man at her side “Digger?” she asked eyebrows flying up as he nodded once “Where are you going with this Flag?” she challenged, arms folded across her chest, eyes narrowed to suspicious slits.
“I saw the way you two were looking at each other during Midway” Rick clarified with an incline of his head and wiggle of his eyebrow “GQ said you looked a little flustered when you came out of that alleyway by the bar and then there was the fact he came back when he didn’t have to. I assume you had a little something to do with that”
Fade snorted, here was the Flag she remembered during her time under his command, nothing ever seemed to escape his notice “Think you’re giving me too much credit there”
Fixing him with a teasing look she scoffed “Oh I see how it is, one walk on the wild side with the witch and the boy scout badge goes out the window huh?”
Chuckling he nudged her shoulder with his own “You’re hardly one to talk, lusting after a murdering, foul mouthed thief”
Fade snickered “He’s easy enough on the eyes, and fairly entertaining but it hardly matters. Can’t do anything when we’re locked in here”
“Remind me, can’t you walk through walls?” Rick pointed out, dismissing her argument.  
Fade snorted “Voyeurism isn’t my thing” pointing to the cameras around the yard as she spoke.
“Just an obstacle to overcome” Rick responded conversationally with a shrug.
The tone of his voice told her he was up to something, frowning she side eyed the man “Not one I could overcome by myself though is it”  
“I noticed you didn’t request a privilege after the mission” Rick murmured changing the subject and leaving Fade confused.
Shrugging she made her way to the bench nearby, sinking down onto it and stretching out her legs in front of her “What was the point, just not being put back under was good enough for me”
“Yeah, well they can’t now anyway as it turns out” he responded, dropping down onto the bench next to her, piquing her curiosity.
“What do you mean?”
“So that explosion was rather bigger than was really necessary” he explained, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his upturned face.
“Joker’s not known for being understated, go big or go home is probably somewhere on his tattooed hide” She snarked, irritated to be thinking about the man.
Looking round and opening his eyes at her tone Rick eyed her thoughtfully “Why didn’t you go with them?”
Fade glowered into the distance thinking of the last time she’d seen the acidic man before Midway “Joker and I have parted ways, you know that”
“Yeah, but you and Harley are still tight” Rick persisted.
Sighing deeply Fade ran a hand through her messy hair “Can’t always protect your friends from the dumb decisions they’re determined to make. Anyway, what’s this got to do with the explosion?”
Rick nodded remembering his original point “Oh yeah, so the device denoted right above some of the storage rooms downstairs and the roof caved in”
“So?” She muttered with an irritated frown, was he taking the scenic route to his point for a reason.
“It was the room they were keeping the neurotoxin in” he supplied with a small smile, waiting for her to catch on to what this meant which didn’t take long.
“So, it’s gone? All of it?” she whispered, not allowing herself to believe it until he said it himself
“All of it, except for the darts the guards already had made up but they seem to have been misplaced as it happens” he confirmed with a swift nod, a wide grin growing on her face “Nice!”
Her smiled dipped when Rick pointed out that it was possible to get more, they just needed to talk to the bat which left her frowning and confused “So why haven’t they?”
“Convinced them it wasn’t necessary” he shrugged still smiling.
“You did that?” she asked incredulous.
Slightly offended he frowned at her “I got some influence you know…” trailing off when Fade merely raised an eyebrow at him “Alright I convinced Lester not to record the loss, he owed me”
She twisted her body towards him curiously “What did you do?”
“Protected him against some people that would have otherwise hurt him” he smirked “Man likes to gamble with the wrong people”
Belatedly realising how this winding tangent had taken them quite far off course Fade attempted to steer him back “So what’s all this got to do with my lack of privilege request?”
Rick practically grinned at her now “I brought you something” reaching down to pick up the box she hadn’t even noticed he’d been carrying he passed it over. Watching her reaction as she opened the lid and stared confused at its contents, her eyes lifting back to his after a long pause “It’s remote-control car” She intoned dully.
“Something to play with” he stated each word carefully with a smirk on his face, only serving to confuse her further “Gee Flag you shouldn’t have” she muttered without enthusiasm.
Chuckling at her response Rick got heavily to his feet and retrieved something from his pocket tossing it to her as he turned to walk away “Here’s the batteries, enjoy”
He was halfway across the yard before Fade realised that they were completely the wrong type of batteries for the toy based on the box. Exasperatedly she called after him, but he just shrugged “My bad” offered her a shit eating grin and strolled back inside without a backwards glance.
With a roll of her eyes Fade considered heading back inside but when no one appeared to usher her away she decided to remain outside in the peace and quiet, rather than to have listen to Digger carrying on for another minute. She felt bad for the guy she did, some people just didn’t cope well to being cooped up and he’d been on solitary confinement for a week. Not even allowed out for his meals after he pissed of Waller royally back at Midway. It was his own fault and the rest of them were more than suffering for it too but still she wished she could do something about it.
She’d considered going to see him more than once but whatever that flaming witch had done to her had left her flickering for days.
Abruptly she held her hands out in front of her, realising she hadn’t flickered once since she’d woken, experimentally she phased in and out fully in control of her powers for the first time in a week.
Gleefully she leapt to her feet grabbing up her new toy and making for the door, pausing only to snatch the battery pack from the floor where she’d dropped it in her haste, only to sit back down and inspect the pack more closely than she had before. Not only where they the wrong type of batteries they weren’t batteries at all.
Glancing up and around Fade noted the location of the camera’s, carefully angling her body so the pack was shielded from view but slowly so no one would suspect she was up to something. Ripping the pack open two objects tumbled into her open hand, turning them over slowly a small smile bloomed on her face when she recognised them.
The first object was no bigger than a lighter, and closely resembled one, a cylindrical metal tube with a button on top that she recognised to be a small electromagnet device that would disrupt electrical equipment in a localised area. She judged by the size of this one it would cover a ten-foot square area at most but that would more than cover the square footage of a Belle Reve cell.
The second object was a simply two strong magnets stuck together which left her frowning, unsure of what use they would this be and then it hit her. The cell doors were steel, a extra strong magnet would be more than enough to either pull the locking mechanism open or more importantly hold it closed.
Jumping to her feet she stowed the contraband in her jumpsuit pocket, snatched up her new toy and returned to her cell via her personal shortcut straight though the nearest wall.
“Come on love, please, lemme out” Digger shouted, practically wailing at the guard stood outside his cell. He’d tried to befriend the bitch purely because she was the only human being he’d seen for a week, but she wouldn’t even give him the time of day let alone her name. She was wilfully ignoring him now, he even thought he saw her put in earplugs not long before she slammed shut the viewing slot in his door. He was going out of his mind with boredom staring at the same four bare concrete walls day after day with no one to talk to and nothing to keep him occupied. He wasn’t even sure how long they’d kept him in here or how much longer they intended to keep him locked in. More than once he’d railed about how this wasn’t the way to treat someone that just saved the world and demanded to see Waller. It did no good though, no one came, dropping onto his cot with a heavy flump he leaned forward head in his hands, elbows supported on his knees with a loud groan. Which is why he didn’t notice the new arrival not that he wouldn’t expected anyone to step through the wall of his cell.
“I’ve had a weeklong headache thanks to you” Fade declared as she stepped through the wall an aggravated but amused expression on her face, resolidifying she leant back against the wall, arms crossed over her chest.
“The fuck?” Digger yelped startled, flying up and off his cot he took two quick steps towards the door before he recognised his teammate and relaxed somewhat. Though he still clutched his hand to his chest over his heart with wide eyes dramatically “Jesus Christ Love! You tryin ta gimme a heart attack”
Fade rolled her eyes, but her smile widened despite his antics, it was good to see him “Firstly you don’t have a heart Digger so don’t make out you do, and secondly do you ever stop bellyaching?” she grumbled.
Calming Digger shrugged, ignoring the slight against him as if she hadn’t spoken, turning to look at the door and then back to her with a frown “How didya get in ere?”
She snorted sneering without any real bite “I can walk through walls, remember?”
He nodded like he had forgotten momentarily and then glared at her furiously “So why didnya make an appearance sooner then?” irritated that she’d left him alone when she could have made however long he’d been stuck in here more bearable.
“Only just stopped flickering after whatever that bitch did to me, didn’t want to get stuck in a wall” Fade explained with an ugly look on her face as she referenced the events of last week “Besides…” she smirked niggling him “Didn’t seem to be any point making trouble for myself, figured you’d eventually shut up” she rolled her eyes pointedly but only earned a scowled.
“Surprised ya decided I’m worth the trouble now” he spat glaring at her, becoming more incensed by the moment as she continued to smile serenely at him.
“Well…” she announced slipping off her crocs and dropping onto his cot crossing her legs underneath her “No one knows I’m here”
He snorted derisively and pointed to the camera above her head “We’re bein’ watched sweetheart, member?”
Answering him with a wide grin she glanced up and then back to him “See a red-light genius?”
His eyes snapped up at once, only now realising the tell-tale red light was indeed missing, returning his gaze to her gleeful face he raised an eyebrow in question.
“Seems they’re having some problems with their equipment today” she explained offhandedly the weight of the electromagnet in her pocket comforting against her leg.
“Can ya mess with electrical equipment now too?” he enquired, moving to sit on the cot next to her, letting go of his anger as quickly as it flared now he finally had someone to talk to and knew they weren’t going to be hurried away by the guards.
“No but this can” she shook her head and produced the electromagnet; he recognised the small device immediately having used them once or twice himself on various security systems.
“Where didya get that?” he asked at once curious.
“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies” she shrugged but continued to grin at him as she popped the device back in her pocket. Allowing her eyes to rake over him for the first time since she’d entered his space her eyes lingering on his bulging muscles and the tattoos she’d not noticed back at Midway. As suspected the man was solid muscle and she was very much enjoying the eyeful he was giving her right now clad only in his grubby tank top, jumpsuit tied at the waist.
He didn’t mind her ogling him in the slightest, the fact that she was being so blatant came as a pleasant surprise but otherwise he didn’t react beyond a raised eyebrow and a snarky comment “Only the first looks free love… What ya doin ere anyway? Not that I’m complainin”
Tearing her eyes away from the very male snack in front of her she caught and held his gaze as she answered “Thought maybe you needed some company, and a better outlet for your… stress” pulling her bottom lip between her teeth she allowed her gaze to drop pointedly to his crotch, bringing them slowly back up to his face.
A slow grin stretched his face as he leered at her but remained sceptical “Ya offerin to help… relieve some tension princess?” After days alone in his cell he wasn’t entirely sure he wasn’t hallucinating or if she was just messing with him, neither prospect was appealing.
“Well…” Fade stood with a smile and a shrug, making as if to leave through the opposite wall “If you’d rather continue sulking, that’s your choice. I can leave you be”
“Nah love don’ go” He all but shouted, leaping up to follow her to the wall. Crowding her against it and placing his hands either side of her head, pinning her with his body, looming over her with lust in his eyes.
Reaching up she wrapped a hand around the back of his neck the other wrapping around his bicep, pulling his lips down to hers, meeting in a feverish kiss that robbed them of breath. Digger’s hands left the wall to wrap around her body as the kiss deepened, one arm snaking around her ribs to slide up her back, palm between her shoulder blades locking her in place against his muscled form. The other skimming over her lower back and coming to rest upon her pert backside, squeezing her flesh harshly in a way that made her whimper into his mouth.  
Taking the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth he groaned at the sweet taste of her, reigniting the already dimming memory from their brief Midway interlude. Despite being barely a week ago it already felt more like a dream than something that had really happened, but here she was in his arms again and he couldn’t believe his luck. When the need to breath became overwhelming, they reluctantly broke apart, both dizzy and lightheaded but unwilling to break away from one another, their foreheads meeting as they panted.
Dropping her hand from his arm she fished in her pocket for the magnets, pushing him back from her as she retrieved them with a firm hand on his chest. Approaching the door as he stumbled backwards, his evident arousal tenting the heavy material of his jumpsuit in a way that left Fade’s mouth dry and caused an overwhelming need to rub her thighs together.
The confusion was evident on his face “What’s that?”
Snapping the powerful magnets into place over the lock and viewing slot, she turned back to him with a small smirk “Just ensuring no one interrupts us”
“Ya really are serious, aren’ ya?” He asked, still not entirely convinced she wasn’t having him on.
Arching an eyebrow at him she stalked slowly towards him “What’s the matter? Is Captain Boomerang all mouth and no trousers?” she smirked, eyes flicking downwards once more.
Stepping forward he hauled the woman in front of him back into his arms crushing her to him , pressing his groin against hers, eliciting a small moan of pleasure from her that left him grinning “I’m both princess”
“I seem to remember someone promising me a real good time back at Midway” she purred, eyes alight with mischief but dark with lust, finally convincing Digger she wasn’t playing with him.
“Best hold on sweetheart, ya not goin ta know what hit ya”
Reaching up to wind her arms around his broad shoulders she teased him “Oh is the flash here?”
He growled lowly “Shut up woman”
“Make me” she challenged.
“Oh ya askin for it now sweetheart” he whispered lowly, as he claimed her already reddened mouth once more in a searing and rough kiss.
All at once they were back in that Midway City alley, caught between freedom and certain death, clutching at one another’s clothes as if they were the only thing anchoring the other to the world.
Wrapping his large hands around her upper arms, fingers digging into her flesh almost painfully he walked her backwards towards his cot. A sly grin across his face no doubt mirrored by her own expression.
Fade’s knees hit cold steel and then she was falling, thrust backwards from Digger’s arms a small squeal leaving her lips as gravity pulled her down onto the cot with a creaky thump, the rusty old springs objecting to the additional weight.
Recovering herself she looked up into Digger’s thoroughly amused face a low chuckle leaving him “That was a cute little noise darl, wonder what other sounds I can pull from ya before we’re done?”
Fade pulled her bottom lip between her teeth even as she rubbed her thighs together enjoying the sight of him looming over her, a small groan leaving her lips when he tore the tank over his head and flung it away, his broad chest now on full display.
He merely grinned lazily at her reaction when she rapidly pulled herself to her knees, settling in front of him and reaching for him once more. Wrapping his arms around her he pressed her to his bare torso bringing his mouth down to claim hers, thrusting his tongue into her mouth aggressively a low rumbling noise ripped from his throat. Fade’s hands skated over his overheated flesh, short nails gently scraping through the dark hair on his chest drawing rumbled noises of approval from the big man, her hands dropping ever lower, moulding to his abs, fingertips skating over the sensitive flesh topping his boxers under his knotted jumpsuit.
A small noise of aggravation left Fade when he dropped his hands from her body to grab her own, pulling them away from the sleeves of his jumpsuit that she’d just started to pull apart, chuckling at her reaction lightly he mumbled a teasing disproval “So eager for the Captain, aren’ ya Darl?”
If her eyes had been open Fade would have rolled them at him, there was no denying she was impatient. It had been sometime since she’d had anything more than her hands to keep her warm at night and she wasn’t even willing to do that right now with the pigs watching her every move on the ever present cameras.    
When he dropped her hands, she reached for him again only to find herself suddenly constricted as Digger wrenched her own jumpsuit down her arms. The poppers holding it closed giving easily as he tugged the offending material down her body.
Twisting her arms free of the rough orange fabric, Fade’s hands closed around his biceps to steady herself as he ripped the garment down her body as far as he could, considering her position on her knees in front of him.
With a frustrated growl Digger broke away to frown down at her legs when he couldn’t remove the material completely, simply shoving her backwards her legs flipping out from under. Aiding him by lifting her hips he yanked the clothing from her body completely, chucking it over his shoulder into the same dark corner as his tank top.
Fade didn’t squeal at the sudden movement this time, but it did force a surprised giggle from her, his frown clearing now she was laid before him in only her own prison issue tank top and knickers. Digger licked his lips appreciatively, winking at her seductively as he knelt.
Rising onto her elbows with a questioning eyebrow arched at the man. Fade guessed his intent a second before he grabbed her legs and hauled her sharply towards him. Her body bouncing on the rusty cot, a surprised squeal issued from her matched by the springs protesting squeaks, until she came to a stop with her legs hanging over the end, feet now flat on the floor.
Placing his warm palms atop her knees he skated them upwards, leaving goosebumps in their wake, stopping only when his fingertips nudged at the elastic of her knickers. Thumbs hooking underneath the fabric to rub gentle circles over her sensitive flesh, so close and yet so far from where she wanted them. Fade clenched her hands into fists at her sides biting back a groan of annoyance, unwilling to give him the satisfaction, but he chuckled nonetheless. He could feel the tension in her muscles, see the way she shook as she prevented her back from arching off the thin mattress, the stress on her face as she fought to remain calm. He may have appeared calm, hands moving at a leisurely pace as he teased her, a man with all the time in the world but it had been some time for him too. Longer still since he’d had his hands on someone so responsive to his every touch, even as he teased her to distraction his control was being sapped, held in check only by sheer bloody mindedness and a stubborn refusal to be the one to break first.
Fade attempted to relax into his touches but the sparks shooting through her body with his every movement were proving hard to ignore, finally expelling a huff and a quiet whine “Stop being such a bloody tease!”
A triumphant grin played across his face, even as she glared down at him, once again propped up on her elbows though she too was smiling slightly. She was so touched starved every nerve ending was on fire with the tiniest movement, but she craved more.
Taking pity on them both Digger at last wrapped his fingertips around the side of her underwear bunching the material and pulling them swiftly down her legs. Once again lifting her hips and feet to help him, they too were tossed into the corner without a further thought.    
With the barrier removed he pressed his bulk between her legs, forcing them apart with a hand on each knee, leering at her in a way that would make most women run for the hills, but Fade wasn’t most women, only finding his expression thrilling.
Still holding himself in check Digger leant forward slowly, bright eyes dark with lust boring into hers as she watched him. Turning his face at the last moment he deposited a chase kiss to her inner thigh, inadvertently brushing the hair of his mutton chops across her core pulling a delighted shudder from her with the contact.
Another dark chuckle rumbled from him as he repeated the action receiving the same reaction. Only when she huffed impatiently once more did he finally place his mouth exactly where she needed it. Licking a wide stripe through her folds pulling a high whimper from her with the motion.
Digger groaned repeating the action “Ya taste even sweeter than I expected Darl”
A metallic clanging from the door snapped them both out of their lust fuelled trance, the female guard stationed outside the man’s cell demanding attention.
Rearing back on his knees Digger glared the door barking a terse “What!” hands once against resting on fade’s knees.
Slumping back onto the bed with a quiet huff Fade attempted to stop her legs from quivering and control her breathing, resolved to do something nasty to the woman on the other side of the door at the next opportunity.
“What’s going on in there Harkness?” she barked through the metal.
“Talkin to me now are ya love? Thought you pigs just liked to watch the cameras?” Digger hollered back, turning his head slightly to wink at Fade, chuckling lightly at her murderous expression thought feeling no less annoyed by the interruption.
“The camera doesn’t seem to be working at the moment” Came the reply, the woman ignoring the insult.
“So, open the bloody door and look for yourself then! Ya don’ usually stand on ceremony do ya!”
There was a scuffling from the other side of the door and some muffled cursing that had Fade shaking with silent laughter hand clamped over her mouth to not give away her presence to the guards.
“The doors stuck!” the guard responded irritably.
“Well, what do ya want me to do about it? Don’t open from this side member, call maintenance or somethin” the man was starting to enjoy himself now pleased the woman was as frustrated as he was earlier.
The guard could be heard talking into her radio, unable to make out the exact words they could both tell she was repeating herself, getting more and more aggravated by the second. Digger looked round a wide grin on his face and he realised at the same time Fade did that the signal jammer must have taken out her radio as well.
“Dammit the radio’s out too” the woman shouted through the door “Stay put I’m going to have to go get Maintenance myself”
Digger snorted “Where the fuck dya think I’m gonna go?”
The was a pause followed by string of obscenities and the sound of boots as she stomped away down the corridor, leaving them alone in relative privacy.
“That was a bonus” Fade giggled, silently thanking Rick for making sure the jammer would cover just outside the cell as well, not doubting for one second it was deliberate.
“How long ya reckon we got till she gets back?” Digger questioned squeezing her tender flesh with his fingers, eyes locked on her exposed core as he licked his lips, the action making Fade Squirm in front of him.
“A good forty-five minutes I reckon. Maintenance is on the other side of the prison and they’re not quick as a general rule” she responded breathlessly.
“Good enough” he muttered, dropping back between her legs, and thrusting his tongue between her folds without preamble, lapping at her clit like a starving man.
“Fuck” Fade all but screamed, falling back onto the bed her back arching in pleasure as he licked and nibbled, sending sparks of pleasure and pain shooting through her body.
Slipping a finger into her core, her walls clenching at the intrusion, Digger groaned the vibrations against her sensitive core making Fade whimper even louder. Adding a second finger he plunged them into her over and over, immediately setting a frantic pace with his mouth firmly attached to her clit. Clutching at his unruly curls with one hand fingers wrapped tightly around his tresses she pulled another groan from the man with the painful yet pleasurable pressure she was exerting on his scalp.
It took almost no time at all for Fade to fall apart, crying name all traces of tension wiped from her body by his surprising skill. Through hooded eyes she watched Digger rise from the floor a satisfied smirk on his mouth along with her release. Swiping a hand across his mouth he made short work of his jumpsuit, pulling it down his muscular legs along with his boxers and stepping out of it towards her. Forcing her up the cost he followed her the spring objecting to the additional weight as he positioned between her legs above her.
Fade had barely had time to get an eyeful of his impressive length standing proud against his belly before he was on top of her, hands pushing her tank up and over her head, ripping her bra from her body with practised skill.
Palming a breast in his large hand, the other arm wrapped around her holding her tightly against his chest, lips falling to hers with a newfound urgency.
Fade whimpered at the onslaught to her senses, still dizzy from her previous climax and overwhelmed by the man above her in the most delicious way, her own hands clutching him to her as he invaded mouth with his tongue.
Releasing her breast Digger reached down between them, positioning himself so that the tip of his cock was pressed against her still quivering core.
Stilling suddenly, he wrenched their mouths apart with a disbelieving groan, Fade whined at the delay clutching at his shoulders and rolling her hips against him in encouragement.    
“What’s the matter?” She murmured opening her eyes to see him frowning down at her.
“I don’ want to get ya into any trouble” he muttered, Fade’s lust drunk brain racing to catch his meaning, a mirthless chuckle bursting from her when she caught on.
Capturing his face in between her hands she smiled at him clarifying “You honestly think this didn’t occur to me before I came in here? How cruel do you think I am?... I have been so firmly irradiated I glow blue and walk-through walls. Trust me pregnancy is not an issue”    
Both eyebrows shot up at her words but he then he nodded and grinned “Thank god for small mercy’s” slamming his length into her he drew a long-drawn-out moan of pleasure from them both as he filled her.
“Finally” Fade hissed relishing the feeling of being full of him, something she’d been daydreaming of since the moment she’d laid eyes on him outside Midway.
Clenching around him involuntarily she squeezed him so tightly that he groaned, forehead falling against hers, eyes shut tight as he went rigid in her arms “If you keep doin that, I’m not gonna last long love”
She chuckled in response and clenched around him deliberately, even harder than before rewarded with another groan from him “Best make it hard and fast then, I can always come back tomorrow for round two”
Leaning back slightly he opened his eyes, a smile spreading across his face as he realised there was nothing stopping them from doing this whenever they wanted, now they had the tools “Alright then darl, hold on ta somethin”
Drawing back, he pulled himself from her body and then slammed back into her hard enough to shift her up the protesting cot a little.
“You can do better than that” She challenged even as she whimpered.
With another dark chuckle he drew back and thrust into her even harder, hips snapping against hers harshly. Not pausing to let her recover he repeated the motion again, over and over until he was pounding her into the thin mattress.
The vulgar sounds of skin slapping against skin mixed with his grunts of pleasure serving to push Fade rapidly to the brink. Her back arching into him, breasts pressed against his chest, hands clutching at any part of him she could reach, a litany of prayers to deities she didn’t believe in falling from her lips.
A sharp gasp was the only warning either of them had when she reached the precipice and toppled over the edge. Waves of pleasure crashing over her body leaving her shaking in his arms, his own body reacting to her climax as he came deep inside her with a guttural groan, slamming his mouth onto hers to swallow her continuing moans as he pulsed within her.
They remained like that for as long as they darted risk, bodies intertwined, kissing gently, hands skating over the others overheated skin soothingly. Only separating reluctantly when they heard voices coming down the corridor towards Digger’s Cell.
Dressing quickly Digger pulled her back into his arms for another scorching kiss as the new arrivals started messing with the door.
Leaving him to discreetly remove the magnets from the door and keep them safe Fade murmured “See you tomorrow” as she slipped through the wall. Leaving the good Captain with a smug satisfied smile on his face humming a little tune to himself.  
Hurrying through several walls she didn’t turn the signal jammer off until she was a good distance away, then returned to her own cell with a broad smile on her own face thinking of tomorrow.
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otherperson12 · 6 months
Masters of the Air: The Angels of Death
Chapter 1: Part One
Disclaimer: Bucky being Bucky and a simp. Buck being tired of Bucky.
Thank you @infernal-hues
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Bucky was satisfied with the newcomers. The beautiful ginger caught his eye. She had all his attention. By the words of the other girls, she seemed like a good pilot. That was a plus to her beauty. He had never been with a ginger before.
Buck had heard a little between the COs’ and everything looked fine.
Until supper.
“I can’t believe you both kept it from me!” Curt recriminated to the duo.
The news spread like fire. The only information going around was (and the only one that seemed to matter) about some beautiful singles —that was a regalement— skirts were in the base to stay.
When Curt heard, he knew Bucky (and obviously Buck) knew before anyone, so he went to them demanding some information.
Bucky laughed, “You can’t be mad at me. You love me too much.” He said with dove eyes at Curt and blowing kisses.
Buck laughed at them. “You were going to know sooner or later, Curt.”
That was supposed to be some kind of apology. But he did not want that.
“Why are they here?”, Curt asked.
Good question.
They both looked at Bucky who just winked at them.
The interrogation was the perfect excuse to get better coffee than the regular G.I Joe one.
Colonel Elizabeth Nixon was the CO of the 1st Female Fighter Pilot Group: The Angels of Death. She was one of the first female pilots in the Air Force and she won her rank from the bottom even when her family could have paid for it. The girls respected her as a their leader.
“Girls, listen up!”, she called from the center of the room, once the interrogation was done. Everyone looked at her. “As you may know, we will get into combat soon,” some cheers, “We are going to be stationed here at East Anglia with the 100th Bomber Group.” she informed. “Our mission is to protect this side of Great Britain island and not let the nazis get into London.” Then she had to drop the bomb. Ironic. “At the same time, we have orders to escort the bombers in every mission as needed.”
That was the first thing it came out of the boys’ mouth when they got the news.
After lunch, they all reunited in the conference room. Huglin had told them. Bucky was trying to hide his smile. And not look at Buck and Curt or he would really laugh.
“Those orders come from the upper command. It will help us to complete our missions and reduce the number of casualties.” He explained. “You just do what you’ve been training for so we can win the war. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir!”
Brianna did not want to be a babysitter.
“Just imagine their faces.” Priya suggested with a malicious smile.
Captain Priya Pilanka was from New Delhi, a squad leader like Brianna. She was as respected as hated just for her culture. The both of them bonded over their resentment for the british so they joined the yanks instead of having the UK flag in their uniform.
“This is not how I imagined it.” Brianna commented.
Priya knew what she meant. First, they did not want to wait more to go and fight, she felt anxious. And second…
“Giving you, women, a plane and a weapon don’t make you a soldier. You are just that. A woman who came to help, not to serve your country.” Brianna quoted under her breath.
Priya heard. She remembers those words very well. Their first day in training, almost two years ago.
Priya stiffed a little, “We just have to focus on flying and get the job done.”
They started walking to their new barracks when a voice called.
“Pilanka, Ross.”
Both girls turned and found Lieutenant Colonel Margarita Flores, (‘Mama’ for the girls) from Chile. She was a sweet woman, always taking care of everyone like a mother. She was a little worried about the news.
They salute her.
“How are you both?”, she asked sweetly.
“Anxious to get in the sky, ma’am.” Priya responded for them both.
Lt. Flores looked at Brianna, “I know is not what you expected. But don’t worry about it. You are better than any man. You are Angels, the best of the best.” She reassured them with a sweet smile. “I’m sure we’ll get a mission soon, so I want you both to get settled and go to eat. You are dismissed.” She ordered.
At the barracks, 1st Lt. Louisa ‘Lou’ Breaux had saved them both a bed next to hers. The three of them were a particular trio: the quiet scottish, the spicy indian, and the cute witch.
Lou was another squad leader, from Lafayette, Louisiana. And probably a witch. When she said it was going to rain, the sky seemed to melt. When she asked for a sunny day in the middle of the winter, the sun would appear as if spring had come earlier.
“I got your sheets and your foot lockers.” Lou informed.
“Thank you, Lou.” Brianna gratefully, appreciated. Lou smiled at her.
Brianna was very excited about the idea of having a weekend pass so she could go to Edinburgh. After eating, she wrote a letter to her uncle, telling him she was back in Europe.
She walked around the camp looking for the post office. She did not want to ask for directions. The walk which supposedly was going to be calm, turned out to be the complete opposite.
“Hey, sweetheart!”
“Carrot! Do the drapes match the carpet?”
That one made her blush in embarrassment , but mostly boil herblood in pure rage. The cat calling continued until…
The calls stopped. So did she.
“That’s enough!” Some man ordered in pure anger.
It wasn’t a deep voice, but so firm it made her almost stand at attention.
Brianna was able to hear the scold.
She took her chance to run away from the situation. The ginger walked as fast and calm as she could. The last thing she wanted to do was draw more attention to herself.
She heard someone walking right at her 6 o’clock, following her. At her left she found the post office and quickly entered.
Bucky was walking around looking for troubles (Buck was sleeping and he did not want to third wheel Curt and some nurse), when he found them.
Well, he actually found her.
For Bucky it was the perfect chance to introduce himself to the newcomer. Until he heard the other soldiers.
He stepped in, did his thing and when he turned to her, she was walking away. Odd. So he followed the red head to the post office. And there she was, completely curved in some papers.
“Good afternoon, Major Egan.” The sergeant behind the counter greeted him.
“How are you, Tommy.”
Bucky saw her stand back little by little and face him slowly. She looked at him and his collar and stood more straight than before. She saluted him.
That had an interesting effect on John.
“That’s not necessary ma’am.” Bucky informed quickly.
Brianna put her arm down. She felt trapped. She delivered the letter and she wanted to go, but he was in the way.
Those small blue eyes were watching her intensely. It made her uncomfortable so she looked down to her feet.
John took his sweet time observing her. Her red hair was in a classic updo with her green cap, her straight pointy nose and small mouth. She had changed her flying uniform for her dress uniform.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. For what happened.” Bucky explained himself, pointing to the door.
Brianna opened her mouth and closed it, then she talked. “I am sir, thank you.”
“Let me walk you to your quarters. So there’s no more incidents.” He offered.
‘I’ve spent too much time with Buck. I’m losing my charm.’ He thought.
“That’s not necessary, sir.”
“I insist.” He added quickly.
Silence again.
“If you let me, sir, It would not be appropriate.” Brianna explained trying to get him to let her go on her own.
“If someone asks I’ll explain the situation.” He reassured her.
‘How insisting!’, she thought.
John felt over the moon hearing her voice for the first time, small and cautious. He knew that his insistence on accompanying her was part of his desire to be with her. Normally, he would drink, pick a girl and take her to bed and that's it (and with that, he had gotten his own haters club) but she didn't even want to look at him.
“Let me walk you.” He said again.
Brianna knew he was not going to let her go.
“Alright.” She finally said.
In his mind, Bucky was doing a little victory dance. He tried to look normal, but a smile slipped to his face.
He moved from the door and opened it so she could go in first.
Brianna and John walked the first twenty steps in complete silence. Until he opened his mouth.
“I’m John. John Egan. But everyone calls me ‘Bucky’”, he introduced himself looking at her.
Brianna took her eyes off the road to look at him briefly. She noticed his small blue eyes, which had a little mischief in them.
“Lieutenant Ross, Brianna Ross.”
Five steps more in silence.
“So you are a pilot.” Bucky said.
‘Doesn’t he have an off button?’, she thought a little desperately. She didn’t like being talked to, she didn’t like to talk.
“Yes, sir. I’m a squad leader .” She informed.
“Squad leader! That sounds important.” Bucky said impressed.
Brianna was irritated with the situation because obviously she had to answer to a ranking officer.
“I just do my job, sir.”
Bucky being Bucky, could not tell if she was just quiet and shy or she was getting pissed with him.
“You aren’t American.” He punctuated.
Brianna had spent years of her life trying to sound less Scottish, it looks like it did not work.
“Aye…” She said slowly, looking him in the corner of her eye.
Brianna found him already looking at her, a cocky smile and eyes full of mischief. She blushed as red as her hair, again, for being caught.
Embarrassed and now pissed, she walked faster trying to lose him.
He was having the time of his life, completely enamored by her cute reaction. She was shy, was his conclusion and maybe a little short tempered. John just followed her trying to be at her side again.
“Hey! Wait!”, he called. “I’m sorry!” He apologized. But she kept walking with her head down.
John saw her turn left, and then he saw a bunch of women hanging out of the quarters.
Everyone turned their heads as Brianna nearly ran into the quarters and slammed the door closed.
Then the eyes turned to him.
He stood there just looking at the door, hands in his hips and a smile on his face. He chuckled.
Bucky started to walk away with intentions to go tell Buck when the door slammed open, a full round of laughter and calling. Brianna ran out hiding her face in her hands, the tips of her ears boiling red.
She was followed by Priya, who was mocking her and Lou, happy as ever, jumping with every step.
“Don’ worry, major. You’ll see her’ again’!”, Lou informed.
He snorted, “I’ll really like that.”
“I swear to god, John, if you interrupt me one more time I’ll drop you in Berlin myself.” Buck warned him, eyes still in his book.
“That book will mean nothing when I tell you what just happened.”
Gale looks up to his best friend. A few hours prior when Bucky had said something similar, life at East Anglian had changed.
“Bucky”, Gale called at John.
“Leave those ladies alone”
Bucky laughed.
“Not any time soon”.
He walked away, but he stopped at the door.
“Brianna.” Bucky said.
Gale looked at him, not understanding.
“The name of my future wife, Brianna.”
‘Maybe Curt or Crank would like to hear about her’.
Final notes
First of all, I’m not Indian (my heritage is from all over the world) but I wanted to add a little of cultural variety. I once meet an Indian girl and she was like Priya. Strong and spicy.
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deadliestfishinthesea · 7 months
Love always comes back (like a boomerang) Pt. 2
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How you meet Captain boomerang while working undercover for A.R.G.U.S. (and eventually fall for him)
Part 2.
the real story begins after this one (and the romance too)
1.400 words
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54019207/chapters/136825786#workskin
“King Shark showed promising signs of composure since he got admitted here. It's his first time outside.“ officer Cash walked up to her, staring out the window with a frown, „He shouldn't cause any problems.“
The weather didn't change. Y/n squinted to see if it was raining or if she was just imagining it. It was hard to be sure when glass separated her from the outside. She took a sip of her coffee, but winced and put it down on the windowsill. Still too hot.
“Oh, please. Look at him.“ Y/n gestured with her hand, “If I didn't know any better I would think it's his first day of school.“
The shark was out in the yard, sat on a bench that was much too small for him and glancing at anyone who passed by him. He almost looked lost.
“When are you going to talk to him?“
“You think he's got potential?“
"It doesn't matter what I think. That's up to Waller.“ Cash hummed and nodded, but Y/n continued, „But yeah. He does.“
“Hmph, what about the Aussie?“
“What about him?“
“Waller already approved him, no? Oh, and didn't he save you in the yard the other day or something?“
“You could say. A fight broke out, I was in the middle of it, he took the fight away from my direction.“
Y/n still remembers it clear as day. They replaced the broken table by now but when she looks out at the yard she can still imagine Harkness slouched over the other prisoner, blood dripping from his nose and his knuckles. She doesn't exactly know how to feel about the whole situation, but maybe that's because she doesn’t let herself think about it too much. Every time she remembers herself in the medical facility at the foot of Boomerang's bed, she tries her best to think about something else.
He huffed out a laugh, “I'm just glad that other guy's in lockdown now. What was it, Rambo?“
“Rango, right. And the others?“
“Well, there's the doctor gone rogue and the man who never misses. You tell me.“
Y/n read all of their files. Harley Quinn, Dead Shot, Captain Boomerang and King Shark. All deadly, all wanting to get out. She never saw Harley Quinn in person, only photographs, and she would lie if she said she wasn't curious to meet her. Out of all the convicts she was assigned to evaluate, she was most excited to meet another woman with a degree in psychology, even if this one was apparently insane. She saw Deadshot once, but remembered how he looked. And she was almost in awe when hearing stories about his shooting skills, because as hard as they were to believe, they were all true. King Shark is unlike anything she's seen before. She felt like she was reading a fantasy novel when researching about him and his origins, and it baffled her to see such a seemingly powerful creature sit all shy on a yard bench. And then there's Captain Boomerang. His records were insane. She was in a briefing about a month ago and she remembered Colonel Flag say over a call that it would take at least two reams of paper to print out his full rap sheet. And it wasn't exactly a lie. She nearly had a stroke when researching about his past. Among other crimes, the man had nearly a hundred counts of burglary to his name. Who robs a hundred fucking banks? He does, apparently.
Cash went to say something but both his and Y/n's comms lit up and a male voice spoke trough the radio.
“This is watcher-09. Report to the north wing, Mockingbird wants to see you.“
Suddenly her coffee was long forgotten. They both looked at each other in silence until Y/n spoke up.
“What's Waller doing here?“
The trip to the north wing was short. Cash pushed open a big door and walked into a large room filled with rows and rows of computers, with an enormous monitor covering the whole front wall. It was uncanny to see the room completely empty. Y/n followed him in and stopped next to the giant monitor, and in front of them stood Amanda Waller, holding a manila file in her hand. She dropped the file on a desk.
“Doctor, I'm afraid your time in Arkham is over, you're being relocated to Metropolis under Colonel Flag's command. Cash, I need all my convicts ready.“
“What happened?“ Cash inquired.
“Metropolis has been invaded. We are sending Task Force X on the field and there's no time for evaluation, either they're ready or they're not.“ she slid the file across the table to Cash.
“They are, ma'am .“ Y/n said and Waller looked at her.
“Did you talk to all of them?“
“No. Only Captain Boomerang. But I've done my research.“
Waller nodded, “You've given me no reason to doubt you so far, doctor.“
“Thank you, ma'am. When am I leaving?“
“Right now.“
Wind gushed around and picked up small debris as the helicopter lowered to the ground. The door opened and Y/n stepped out, clutching her rifle. A tall man with a mellow expression on his face walked up to her, shouting so he's heard over the loud whirring of the helicopter.
“Y/n?“, he outstretched his hand, „I'm Colonel Rick Flag. They call you doc', right?“
She grabbed his hand and shook it, „That's me. What's the situation?“
“We're continuing travel on wheels. Anything that flies around here is an easy target.“
As they walked to a group of trucks the helicopter started leaving. They stood in the outskirts of Metropolis, surrounded by burnt down trees and collapsed buildings. She could see the outline of the city in the distance, and the giant alien ship hovering over the sky, its mechanical tentacles weaving through skyscrapers, and it seemed as though it engulfed the entire city. Her blood ran colder by the second, and she held her weapon tightly as she watched everything. Flag spoke again, not yelling this time.
“What's the situation in Arkham?“
“Waller's getting her Task Force ready.“
He was quiet for a second until they reached a truck. He turned to her, “So the circus is actually joining the defense?“
She nodded.
“And you're the one who picked them out?“ He looked at her pensively.
“Waller picked the members. I was just there to… provide extra precaution.“
“Make sure they're insane enough to do this, huh?“
“Aren't we all, Colonel?“ She smiled bitterly.
“Damn right. But that there's another type of crazy. Gotta make sure to keep 'em in line.“
“And how does Waller plan to do that?“
He was quiet for a second, searching for his words.
“You ever heard of a bomb injector?“
She sat in the back of the truck, relaxing into her seat as much as she could. So, it was finally happening, she thought. She wondered if the criminals would come out of this with their heads intact. Literally. In all honesty, she hoped they would. Even though she didn't have a direct say in it, Y/n was still involved in choosing the prisoners for the Task Force and sending them to their potential deaths.
A memory slipped into her head, then. Her in the medical facility, standing at the foot of Digger's bed, after he just saved her. Willingly. She thought about that often. He didn't have to step in, didn't have to earn bruises and stitches and isolation time just so she wouldn't be hit. But he did it anyway, and he didn't expect anything in return, either. That made her wonder. If he could do something selfless like that, could they all? Was there any good left in them? In him? But it didn't matter now. There's a chance she won't ever see him again, whether that be because of his death, or maybe even hers.
And she wasn't sure it if was from lack of sleep, or hundreds of destroyed homes, or maybe even because of the weather, but now she sat in the back of a truck leading to a dangerous combat zone, and she just regrets not thanking him properly.  
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mantisgodiveblog · 4 months
Hello, fellow time loop enjoyers. Back at it again at the House of Change. We have recruited a new fool to the "guys who will finish the game before us" council. Egg, if you're reading this, hi! If you're not Egg and you're reading this: hello, this is a liveblog, you probably know the drill by now.
(Part 25 is here)
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We're curious about this, as well. We think that we can gather a good amount of information even at this point, just from context clues and things stated - currently, we know that it's
something crafted to represent the wearer by their bonded partner
a pair, where one half goes to the partner and one half is, presumably, kept by the crafter
From Mirabelle and Isabeau's little bout of fanfiction writing, we assume that there's a decent amount of weight on the romantic thing - similar to a wedding ring, possibly, considering the usage of "bonded partner" and similar. Is crafting bonding earrings for a partner a significant part of the ceremony, or is it merely lead-up, we wonder? It would certainly require a certain amount of care and such, especially if it's the partner crafting something made to represent you.
The way that the earrings dialogue is phrased would imply it's monogamous, or that it would require some amount of effort to modify for any sort of nonmonogamy - would a trio do something like wearing one each of just the earrings their partners made to represent them? What weight does this have, culturally speaking?
…we do wish to add, if mismatched earrings are a statement of marriage-equivalent, here, then we'd probably be flagged as a married man perhaps too often for comfort. What sort of requirements do these have to follows, we wonder? For Mirabelle and Isabeau to be capable of spotting them on sight, there must be some sort of distinctive feature, and by the way that the mismatched but complementary designs were notable, we don't think it would just be "being mismatched", but there's still a chance it's That. We like pairing earrings in interesting ways. We wouldn't want people to assume we have an actual romantic relationship because we chose to have asymmetrical earrings today.
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Anyways, more importantly than any sort of "romance", we got another time freeze!!! This makes it four five attempted time freezes on Mirabelle and two attempted time freezes on Literally Every Party member! Worth the wait, though - the time freeze portraits just have a certain something to them that none of the other portraits really come close to. It's that... imminent death factor. Something about being, quite literally, frozen in the face of it. Surprise, realization - and the way that the eyes seem to faintly glow is very fun. We're a fan!
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(not included due to our inability to screenshot sound effects: loud THUMP between "...please!" and "CRAB YEAH")
Ah, delightful, something to improve our fishing skills! AND a melee weapon to boot! We wonder if this one's "heavy enough to kill a cat", as they say. Or would Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Text of Magical Frivolity and Practical Japery be too undignified to equip to Odile?
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Incredible interactions all around. We will note the changed dialogue for getting that book - our inventory is divided between party members, it seems! We do wonder how deep those pockets are, and how she can carry that without being concerned for the abrupt new weight. Will having this book on future loops raise suspicion? We can't imagine that having something that heavy just appear in your pocket when you know all too well it wasn't there before would pass without comment - she starts loops in the store, doesn't she? We doubt that something like that could just turn up without comment, and the more stuff we pick up especially...
...if we acquire enough items over the course of the game, then we can very easily picture our party growing suspicious over time. Swords don't grow on trees, after all, and even if the "correction" tries to make it so they retroactively always had these, unless it fabricates a new origin, we can easily see there being Glitches with that. Think too hard about where you found the sword you're carrying- hell, think too hard about where you found anything you're carrying, and...
Well, you probably get the picture. Now, let us just check out that book...
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And another of these! Boost to damage, at the cost of making an already-slow Odile slower... ah, we'll take it! We're already leaning on turn relays to get her actions, this really won't mean that much to us. Probably means she'll mostly be useful in +speed loops.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Whom, in your opinion, is Jane Austen's greenest flag?
Okay, so exactly none of the heroes. The answer is Charles Musgrove.
Charles Musgrove was civil and agreeable; in sense and temper he was undoubtedly superior to his wife... He had very good spirits... As to the management of their children, his theory was much better than his wife’s, and his practice not so bad. “I could manage them very well, if it were not for Mary’s interference,” was what Anne often heard him say, and had a good deal of faith in...
Henry Tilney is fun and basically perfect, but good luck with those in-laws. The Musgroves as a family are a delight. (Same goes for Edward Ferrars and Edmund Bertram with their dreadful families).
Darcy and Colonel Brandon show some ability to provide for their wards, but Charles has proven parenting ability! And he also has good spirits, he's usually happy despite having a very annoying wife. Imagine if he had a good one! He also isn't snobby (Darcy) or prone to melancholy (Brandon).
He makes friends easily, does nice things for his wife even though she's not grateful, he loves his sister deeply, and he is improvable (the narrator said so!). Greenest flag ever.
Second place, and a hero, is probably Charles Bingley. Especially since you know his sisters will be nice to you once they accept you as one of the family.
And because someone will point out that I didn't mention them, don't love Knightley's jealousy or Wentworth's grudge-holding. Though Wentworth does seem to have a great family and Knightley is a generally good guy. But you asked for the greenest flag.
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tallmadgeandtea · 1 year
Turn Week 2023:
If I Could Change One Thing
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Turn Week 2023 is already over! This week has flown by, and I hope everyone who participated had a wonderful time. I appreciate all the love on my first Dragoons post- and yes, I'm back with another one. This time, I am not sorry.
Tallmadge vs Tarleton
As I mentioned in my last post, after the Philadelphia Campaign ended, Major Benjamin Tallmadge and his 2nd Dragoons stayed up north, while other cavalry regiments went to fight in the Southern Campaign- where they arguably had most of their combat experience. Why did Tallmadge stay up north? Two reasons are that the dragoons were still needed for scouting and raiding the British forces in strongholds like New York- keeping the Hudson River in Patriot hands- and that by now, he was General Washington's spymaster for the Culper Ring in Long Island and New York City.
But that doesn't mean that Tallmadge didn't have his saber drawn in battles or skirmishes.
On July 2, 1779, Tallmadge and the 2nd Dragoons were camped in Pound Ridge, New York. They were suddenly ambushed by "two hundred British and loyalist cavalry." Although the 2nd Dragoons had strengthened forces thanks to Washington sending Moylan's 4th Dragoons, the British received a letter saying so. Leading the charge was Lieutenant-Colonel Banastre Tarleton, a British dragoon who would eventually become one of the most famous cavalrymen of the Revolution. Before 1779 and the Southern campaigns, one of his known escapades included being present at the capture of General Charles Lee.
Tallmadge and Tarleton's forces fought each other in front of the Presbyterian Meeting House during the Battle of Poundridge, going from on horseback to fighting on foot. When Tarleton's men and the 17th Dragoons entered the fray, it was clear that Tallmadge and Colonel Sheldon's 2nd Dragoons would not win the day. They retreated with the British pursuing them.
Along with his victory, Tarleton now had the 2nd Dragoon's regimental flag. But, especially unfortunate for Tallmadge, there were a "dozen causalities," and a dozen horses taken. One of these horses belonged to Tallmadge himself. Like any cavalryman, he kept his essentials in his saddlebags. Now they were in the enemy's hands. In those bags were, according to author Alexander Rose (doesn't that name sound familiar?) "twenty guineas" from Washington to Abe Woodhull as payment for his spying, and intelligence papers related to the ring.
How does this relate to Turn?
Season three of Turn takes place between 1778-1780. During this season, they did include the Battle of Stony Point- important in its own right- but why would they not include something that involves not only losing a battle, but information about the ring being stolen from Benjamin?
I think that instead of filling up screentime with the, frankly, at this point, ridiculous Robert Rogers and Abe doing what the hell they did plotline, they could've included the Battle of Poundridge. Could you imagine Benjamin's reaction to losing his horse and intelligence? And if they wanted to show Washington losing faith in the ring, wouldn't this be a good example? Instead, we had Robert Rogers and Abe running around in his little rat hole.
Also, if they wanted to use historical figures like Hamilton and Martha Washington to boost ratings and be like "please give us a fourth season," Banastre Tarleton is a pretty popular guy. Just saying.
And, lastly, you're probably like, "Amanda, are you saying that you, Benjamin Tallmadge's PR manager, want to see him get his ass beat?!" Yes. Yes, I do.
Further Reading:
Cavalry of the American Revolution - Jim Piecuch - Westholme Publishing (Cavlary Action at Poundridge, New York by John M. Hutchins.)
Tarleton: Before He Became "Bloody Ban" - Journal of the American Revolution (allthingsliberty.com)
Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring by Alexander Rose, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge : Tallmadge, Benjamin, 1754-1835 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
Anticipatory Grief | Rick Flag x F!Reader
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673 words | TW: Grief. | A short drabble about anticipatory grief, inspired by personal experience and the song "Fear of Dying" by Alison Wonderland.
And I'm never gonna make you choose
Don't you know you're someone that I just can't lose?
Thank you @a-reader-and-a-writer for beta-reading.
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She hadn’t known there was a term for it. 
That two simple words could sum up the sense of impending loss consuming her every waking moment. Even when he was home, her chest felt too tight, her heart too heavy; the hours they spent together tainted by the knowledge that any day could be their last. 
Lately, the dread had started creeping into her nightmares, too. In the smallest hours, somewhere between late night and sunrise, she would wake with worry, unable to imagine how she could possibly go on without him. 
Rick Flag was her entire world.
She hadn’t been looking for love the night their paths first crossed, but it had tripped her up and sent her falling straight into the colonel’s arms all the same. He was a contradiction: strong and tough and fearless, but with the gentlest of hearts. One lingering glance into those caramel eyes was all it had taken. She was hooked.
Perhaps it would have been better if he had hidden the truth about his work, but he was an honest man and he’d laid out all his cards from the very start. Leading the secret task force came with an expiry date. 
“One day, darlin’, I won’t be comin’ home.” 
For that very reason, he had tried pushing her away. Over and over again he would plead with her to leave him; to find someone better  - someone permanent. It broke her heart at the time, but finally, she understood. He was trying to spare her from this. The anxiety. The overwhelming sense of helplessness. The Anticipatory Grief.
It was exhausting, missing Rick before he was even gone.
She often wondered if he experienced it too. Was he plagued by the same sleepless nights she suffered? Did he lie awake, committing her face to memory, as he listened to her softly breathe beside him? He’d tried convincing her that it was easier for him; he said he wasn’t afraid to die. But the crease between his eyes and his strained smile told a different story. He was sparing her from further heartache.
She felt it most keenly when he returned home from a mission and held her that bit tighter, his large, warm body wrapped around her as if he might shelter her from their brutal reality. It might be a relief to have him back in her arms, but it was only a temporary bliss. Each minute that ticked by was another minute closer to the end. 
What little time they had left together was precious. Every second needed to be perfect. From picnics on the beach to cross-country drives and everything in between, they planned it all. She was probably trying too hard, but Rick humoured her anyway. If they spent every moment occupied, they didn’t have time to think about him being gone.
It wasn’t easy.
She had grown to despise their cell phones. She found herself forever listening out for those terrible sounds that could steal the breath from her lungs and cause her knees to weaken. Every incoming message was a potential request for Rick to ship out. Every late-night call might be the one that finally shattered her.
Often, the fear and hopelessness of their situation robbed them of speech. They would lie tangled in the sheets, overcome with emotion. Knowing they should be grateful for another small reprieve, a stay of the executioner’s hand. But that’s all it was. A delay of the inevitable. The missions were growing both in length and in danger. Rick’s scars were rapidly multiplying, but she catalogued as she had always done, her fingers tracing every red, pink and silver line that marred his skin. 
She wished she could burn the image of him into the back of her mind so she would never have to picture life without him.
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Joel Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @yespolkadotkitty @heresathreebee @phoenixhalliwell @indig0nebula @weallhaveadestiny @lavenderluna10 @kirsteng42 @katjnordstrom96 @s-u-t @mayhem24-7forever @xoxabs88xox @lacontroller1991 @11thstreetvigilante @littlefreakingfangirl @justin-hammers
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cousticks · 11 months
an everybody lives au executive meeting would be the worst family dinner ever especially if the flags lived because you'd get fucking. kouyou, verlaine, rimbaud (sub-exec but whatever he's there), dazai, chuuya, pianoman, and the colonel. that or rimbaud stayed and became a full exec and verlaine for his crimes is stuck at a sub-executive position.
either way thats like, the funniest round table i can imagine. and mori is just there dealing with that. chuuya, his brother and brother-in-law, his rival he holds hands with (neither of them talk about it), his adoptive big sister, one of his besties that kept him sane during his conversion into the mafia, colonel the weird uncle that tells great stories over a beer, and then mori is just there.
how does the mafia get anything done? nobody is sure.
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reveluving · 1 year
hold me closely ; rick flag x reader
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summary: 'cool, calm & collected' is how many describe the Flags, and they're right. to a certain degree, at least. (a.k.a some of your & Rick's favourite convos in the family group chat)
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff & humour (ft twin sons Ethan & Richie, daughter Irene & Tofu the cat!)
a/n: made sumn for my rick babes (+ s/o to my girl @lacontroller1991​ for the cutest hubby rick ask??? ily) so enjoyed imagining what it’s like to be his wifey and mother of kids eeee <33 love y’all!! don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
disclaimer!! despite the face claims (joy from rv btw) & running theme here, you are highly encouraged to imagine yourself or your oc as the MC however you see fit!
» wanna read more rick flag fics or anyone by joel kinnaman? check out my j.k. m.list!
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↳ january 19th ༉‧₊˚✧
me 🌸 : how's Tofu, kids?
richie : [ sent 3 photos ]
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mister e : pretty gud mom
me 🌸 : ??? the last photo??
my beloved ❤️ : @.mister e what did we tell you about putting Tofu on your head
mister e : i told richie it was a bad idea but he didn’t listen 😔
richie : ??? u literally suggested the idea??? 🤨
↳ march 21st ༉‧₊˚✧
me 🌸 : have u guys seen the package i brought in this morning? i ordered a pillow for your sister
richie : [ sent 3 photos ]
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richie : dw we gave it to her already
mister e : Tofu also conquered the box just so you guys know
↳ june 5th ༉‧₊˚✧
my beloved ❤️ : store’s got vanilla ice cream but it’s not the one you asked for. is it still okay @.me 🌸?
me 🌸 : more than okay! tq ❤❤
mister e : nvm we bought like, 9 different kinds
mister e : [ sent 3 photos ]
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me 🌸 : ? how???
richie : dad drove us to four different stores lol
my beloved ❤️ : i still don't think it's enough
↳ july 4th ༉‧₊˚✧
richie: [ sent 3 photos ]
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[ my beloved ❤️ reacted with a ‘ ❤️ ’ ]
[ mister e reacted with a ‘ 🎉 ’ ]
[ you reacted with a ‘ 🥰 ’ ]
↳ july 22nd ༉‧₊˚✧
richie : what do you guys call a fake noodle?
me 🌸 : what?
richie : an impasta
[ my beloved ❤️ has removed richie from the group ]
me 🌸 : RICK
my beloved ❤️ : it’s a little funny, i admit
mister e : heh
my beloved ❤️ : you wanna join your brother, too?
mister e : no sir 🚶
↳ august 6th ༉‧₊˚✧
mister e : [ sent 3 photos ]
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mister e : richie, irene and i @ the aquarium + ice-cream and bookstore after
[ you and my beloved ❤️ reacted with a ‘ ❤️ ’ ]
richie : hope the dinner’s going well!
me 🌸 : [ sent 2 photos ]
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my beloved ❤️ : [ sent 2 photos ]
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my beloved ❤️ : it's going amazing. thank you boys 😌
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» juuust in case you're still confused: 'my beloved ❤' is Rick, 'mr e' is Ethan & 'richie' is, well, Richie!
» ❛ fun lil’ trivia about the flags ༉‧₊˚
Irene and the twins have an eight-year age gap!
Richie’s full name is Richard Flag the Third.
Although identical, Richie has certain mannerisms that resemble his father. The same case applies to Ethan, the younger twin, who picks up more of your quirks. Despite that, Richie, usually the photographer of the group, encourages (and even adds to) Ethan’s odd photo ideas.
Sporty ahh kids. All three of them. Need I say more?
» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
162 notes · View notes
giowritess · 26 days
rick flag idea - need your opinions!!
hey guys!!
over the past few days an idea for a rick flag fanfic has been brewing in my brain (courtesy of the random thoughts i get when i'm high) and i want your opinions about it.
it's an lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers fanfic, with lots of angst and anger and love and smut where f!reader and flag had a past relationship, ended bad and now they have to work together. it's a long idea so it may be a long fic, maybe around 10 pieces... not sure...
so i'd like to know if you'd be interested in reading it and giving feedback!!
but don't worry, OF COURSE i'm gonna finish Fortnight and post the other rick flag smut i started to write back in april and never finished lol university is kicking my ass, sorry.
i'd love to hear any ideas, suggestions or feedback you might have, i'm always open to chat <3
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
KWF Day 3: Rick Flag x F!Reader
Main Master List KWF Master List
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Lead up to smut, explicit dialogue, language
Word Count: 581
Day 3: Sweat / Gun to Temple / Thick as Thieves
With each grunt you release, the more Rick loses his concentration. He typically doesn’t mind sharing the gym with people, in fact he prefers it, but not when it’s you. He doesn’t have an issue with you, in fact it’s the opposite and he’s so desperately in love with you, but you don’t know it. In either case, the groans you release has Rick hardening underneath his sweats and painfully. 
“(Y/N)! Can you stop that?” Rick asks from across the room as you set your weight down, your chest heaving with each intake of oxygen as sweat drips down your chest and between your boobs and despite Rick being feet away, it’s almost like he can see the bead of sweat disappear between your breasts.
You prop your hands on your hips as you walk toward him, subconsciously eyeing the tall soldier up and down. “Why Rick? Am I distracting you?” You stop the minute your chest touches his as he looks down, blush blooming across his cheeks as you smirk. You caught him. “I am. Aren’t I? Little ole me distracting the Colonel,” Rick visibly gulps as you trace a nail along his sweaty arm, sending goosebumps down his spine. “Don’t think I haven’t seen the way you look at me, like I’m some piece of raw meat,” Rick shakes his head as you stretch yourself up, using his frame to steady yourself while your lips brush the outside of his ear. “Then what is it, Colonel?”
“I, I-,” he hangs his head, his cock throbbing, especially while your hands are on his body. “I like you is all,” he comments as you rub your body against his frame, intentionally adding pressure to his aching member. 
“What do you want to do about it?” Rick’s hazel eyes darken slightly as he watches the way the sweat drips down your body. Noticing his fixation, you smirk and pull your shirt over your head, exposing your glistening body. “Is this what you’re looking at?”
Something inside Rick snaps. He does not want to be the sub in this situation, he wants you to be begging for him. “What are you comfortable with?”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with,” your hands fiddle with the hem of his shirt as his hands find a way to your hips.
“What makes you think you’re in charge sweetheart?” He dips his head to your neck, running his nose along your pulse point, a mix of your sweat and pheromones invading his senses. “I’ve been wanting you for a while now. If you’ll have me.” You guide his face to yours, his breath mixing with yours. 
“Honestly?” Your lips brush against his, neither of you making the move to connect yourselves together. “I’ll have you anyway you give me.” He closes the gap between your bodies, pulling you into him as his lips capture yours, tongues fighting for dominance until he pulls away and rests his damp forehead against yours. 
“What if I give you everything?” You break out into a smile, your hands finding a way into his hair and tug at the strands, nudging his nose with yours. 
“I think I’d like that.” With no further comment, Rick hoists you up in his arms as you wrap your legs around his waist, his erection pressing into your butt as he reattaches his lips to yours, carrying you to the back room.
“Good, because now that I got you, I have no intention of letting you go.” 
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @witchygagirl @the1redrose @ratcatcher2world @green-socks @weallhaveadestiny @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @knivesareout @bubblegloopswampwitch @waspswidows @burntghoost @mattymurdocksbitch @katjnordstrom96 @bb-skyrunner @11thstreetvigilante @yespolkadotkitty @heresathreebee @madkovacs @wxr-zxne @wtfobiwan @alieninoklahoma @sociiallydiisoriiented @violetmuses
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ladyvillainous · 2 years
Midway City: Welcome to The Party
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Inclusion of my OC Suzanna Walker AKA Fade into the Suicide Squad. She is a former colleague of Rick Flag, a childhood friend of Harley Quinn, a former member of the Joker's gang after his escape from Arkham and Harley’s transformation and now a member of the Task Force X team. She will also be getting up close and very personal with our favourite Aussie, Captain Boomerang.
Follows the recruitment and formation of Task Force X ahead of the 2016 movie
Midway City Part 1 of 4
I think every member of the Suicide Squad is a warning all by themselves but to be clear there will be violence, swearing, a complete lack of morals or ethics of any kind at times. Spoilers!
Word Count: 6368
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Blinking slowly against the dazzling light Fade lifted a single hand to shield her eyes from the onslaught. A small groan leaving her throat morphing to a small sound of surprise when she realised, she was free of her restraints. Raising the other hand before her, she squinted at her reddened wrists flexing her aching joints with a deep sigh.
Dropping her hands to the cot she was lying on, she stiffly levered herself into a sitting position, swinging both legs to the floor. Dropping her head downwards and breathing deeply against the wave of nausea that washed over her as the room swam alarmingly. Swallowing thickly, she coughed her mouth sandpaper dry, the all too familiar side effects of the neurotoxin they always kept swimming through her veins.
At the thought of the neurotoxin, she frowned down at her hands resting on her knees, the absence of the IV drip noticeable replaced with a livid dark purple bruise adorning the back of her hand. Experimentally she flexed one hand, lifting if from her leg and concentrating as hard as her foggy brain would allow. It faded turning transparent but barely, resolidifying moments later, a pained wince ripped from her with the action.
“Did you know you kinda… glow… when you do that?”
Fade groaned pained for another reason, not even needing to look up to place the voice of her former commanding officer “I’m told I go slightly blue, especially my eyes” Fade murmured with a small nod “I’d say it’s good to see you Flag but well…” she trailed off, raising her thumping head at last to eye the man from across her cell. The very picture of ease, he was leaning against the bare concrete wall next to the rusted metal door, watching her with less apprehension than she would have expected, but she knew his poker face well, and his tells.
“No need to look so worried” Fade muttered “I don’t bite… well not unless you ask me to” She snickered, enjoying needling the man, watching that muscle in his cheek twitch at her words.
“What happened to you?” Rick asked at last sliding down the wall onto his haunches back until they were eye to eye.
Fade snorted “Classic good girl gone bad story”
Rick shook his head “Seems like there’s more to it than that” he motioned to her hand now fading in and out with every flex of her fingers as they spoke, the unconscious action becoming less painful every time.
Fade chuckled mirthlessly “Once a murdered always a murderer, right?” The muscle in his cheek twitched once more as he clenched his jaw against the memory. Fade took no joy from reminding him he after all he had been the only one to defend her, shrugging she brushed past it “Honestly it’s a long story, how long you got?”
Rick stood Fade’s amused gaze tracking his movements responding “Not long” with an impatient shake of his head.
Cocking her head to one side she smiled up at him “So what are you here for? Can’t imagine they’d let you wake me up to catch up on old times… they don’t like it when I’m awake” she finished darkly, eyes darting to the open section of the cell door where the guards in full riot gear were watching her closely.
“We’ve got a proposition for you, one that will allow you to remain awake… if you cooperate” Rick muttered, side eyeing the same guards who hastily stepped back from the door.
Fade eyed the man curiously “Who’s we?”
Rick’s jaw clenched once more muttering only one word “Waller”
Rising to her feet Fade snarled “You want me to tell you where you can shove your deal? or can you figure it out for yourself”
To his credit Rick didn’t flinch but then he knew Fade when she was still called Suzanna Walker and a member of his unit. He knew what she’d become in the years since he’d seen her, despite his questions, but he refused to believe she’d changed so much in the last few years that she’d hurt him. The Guards weren’t as convinced however, they could be heard reacting to her outburst, weapons being raised, fighting positions adopted, as if that would help them.
“I see you’ve been making friends since you’ve been here” He jerked his head towards the door, Fade grinned darkly, her mood shifting mercurially “They weren’t being very gentlemanly”
Rick smirked at that, having seen first-hand how she reacted to what she termed ungentlemanlike behaviour before her accident, he could only imagine how much worse it would be now.
“Look…” He started, stepping forward towards her but stopping short of actually touching her as a warning flashed in her eyes, echoed by murmurs from the guards outside the door watching them. “Forget Waller, trust me” he nodded firmly, watching the indecision cloud her eyes momentarily.
They stood in silence as Fade weighed her options finally nodding, recognising that Rick had never given her any reason to distrust him “So what is this deal then?” She asked dropping back down onto her bed tiredly.
Dropping down next to her onto the cot with a heavy thump Rick grimaced slightly, even for a soldier used to sleeping anywhere he could, her cot was damned uncomfortable.
“We’re putting together a task force, if you agree to join you’ll get time off your sentence for successful missions and I’ll see to it that they keep you awake…” he paused as she smirked dangerously in response to his words adding “As long as you behave”
Fade pouted “You used to be more fun Flag”
Rick chuckled at her words “I’m not sure I’d go so far as to call any of our previous missions’ fun. But I always felt better with you there, knowing you had my back; you still have my back right?”
Glancing sideways Fade nodded once “Some things never change. I’m in, what else have I got to do” she waved her once again solid hand airily around her dank cell to punctuate her point.
Rick nodded “Very true, hold tight I’d lay odds we’ll be back sooner than I think any of us would like” standing he moved to the door pushing opening the rusty metal with an ominous creak and pausing on the threshold as she spoke “I’ll be here” she sang out, waving serenely from her bed, settling back against the cold wall, and pulling one knee up to her chest.
Rick was proved right when less than a month later the task force was mobilised, the guards opening Fade’s cell door with anxious looks upon their face’s. She’d behaved as promised, for the most part, but hadn’t been able to resist playing a few harmless pranks on the guards. Her favourite had been to phase and walk out of her cell when they least expected it. At first, they’d panicked scrambling away from her unable to use the only weapon they had that was effective against her. Rick had strictly forbidden the use of the neurotoxin darts against her as it took days for it to fully leave her system and they needed her ready to go at all times, not hindered because a guard couldn’t hold their nerve. This left the prison staff very unnerved to begin with as they had no way of stopping her from doing anything she pleased, it had therefore necessitated that many of them had to start being nicer to her. To both their shock and relief, whatever Colonel Flag had said to her seemed to be stopping her from hurting anyone or just walking through the outer walls. So far, she hadn’t even attempted to leave her cell block, a slow tense truce settling between her and the guards.
With a smirk Fade stood from her new cot, a gift she suspected Rick had arranged as it had arrived the day after he left. Striding towards the open door she shot the nearest guard a swift wink as she exited the man coughing nervously. Usually when Bell Reve prisoners were transported, they were strapped to a chair and wheeled around like an invalid, but there would be little point when she was awake and fully in command of her powers. Thankfully for them they had already recognised it was pointless without needing a demonstration, so they simply pointed her down the corridor wordlessly. They nonetheless surrounded her unnecessarily, escorting her with raised weapons containing nothing more than standard bullets. The concept amusing to her as they marched further into the prison, down several corridors finally exiting into a wider area Fade knew would lead to the outside. They paused as another pack of guards passed them; a blonde woman strapped down but cackling loudly as they pushed her past the doorway.
“Harley?” Fade called out at once, shocked to see her old friend, having had no idea she was even at Belle Reve.
“Zuzu?” Harley shrieked back, attempting to twist in her seat to look at her friend but held firmly in place by her restraints as she was propelled down the corridor without pause.
“How did you end up here?” Fade called out, barely sparing a glance for the guard that pushed her through the doorway though it was enough for him to hastily step back.
“Damn Bat ruined date night” Harley trilled back irritably.
Fade chuckled, trust Harley to be less concerned about being in prison than the fact that Batman had ruined date night with Mr J. The thought of the Joker left a sour taste in her mouth, it might have been the Bat that caught her, but it was because Joker had hung her out to dry in the first place.
“Zuzu!” Fade giggled as the blonde bombshell leapt at her, tackling her to the ground with her exuberant affection almost the second she was released from her restraints.
“Alright that’s enough of that” Rick called out.
Striding forward with a roll of his eyes, hand twitching like he wanted to help Fade up, even as Harley scrambled up and returned to her spot in line. Giddy with excitement she grinned and waved at the soldiers and various military personal surrounding them none of them looking pleased to see their little group.
While Rick resisted the urge to help a tall lean dark-skinned man clad in an orange jumpsuit reached past him with a hand outstretched, helping haul her to her feet muttering quietly “You two know each other?”
Resuming her vertical position Fade eyed Rick as he rapidly stepped back averting his eyes from her, curious glances and raised eyebrows being exchanged between the rest of his squad.
Fade grinned at the man that had helped her noting his eyes and the intelligence lurking there as they darted to Rick and then back to her with his question “We all got a past sweetheart” She responded simply.
“Oh, me and Zuzu go waaay back don’t we hon” Harley called out, having both overheard and misunderstood the man’s question, but he didn’t react beyond raising an eyebrow at the two women, letting it go without comment.
“Name’s Lawton” he intoned, holding his hand out to her again, Fade nodded grasping his hand firmly “Fade”  
The man frowned slightly “Why she calling you Zuzu then?”
Fade shrugged “In a past life I was Suzanna Walker, but it’s just Fade now”
“Why Fade?” he asked but she just laughed “You’ll see”
Turning their attention back to Harley they both smirked as she called to the group at large “Hi Boys, Harley Quinn, how do you do?” Fade chuckling at her antics, she’d known Harley long before she became the Joker’s queen, she was more high energy these days, but she’d always been a little off, he just somehow made it worse.
“What was that? I should kill everyone and escape?” Lawton laughed at that one, though no one else did. Fade was watching the military personal curiously for their reaction, which so far was broadly extreme disgust as they glared down the uncaring criminals in their midst.
“Sorry. The voices” Harley continued to perform, wide grin on her face turning to Lawton and Fade “I’m kidding geez! That’s not what they really said” Fade laughed loudly, only stopping when she caught sight of Rick’s irritated face. Something was off with him, she doubted he was happy babysitting a bunch of crazy Metahuman freaks but there was something more. A tension that radiated from him she hadn’t seen before, and they’d been to hell and back together more than once. Frowning at him she shot him a questioning look, but he merely shook his head fractionally, all but confirming her theory but clearly communicating now wasn’t the time.
A chopper had arrived behind them drawing Rick’s attention, with an impatient grunt he strode past the assembled group to deal with the new arrival.
Fade on the other hand was now staring curiously at the reptile man on her other side, Lawton moving to greet the remaining member of their group, a heavily tattooed man who so far had remained silent.
“What do we got here?” Rick called as an oversized duffel bag was dumped unceremoniously on the floor, attracting the groups attention as it moved.
One of the men that had dropped the sack laughed as Flag pulled a knife and used it to slice open the bag “12 pounds of shit in a 10-pound sack”
“Welcome to the party, Captain Boomerang” Flag quipped, the other soldier laughing as the man struggled to extricate himself from the bag. He lived to regret it when the burly man in question finally leapt to his feet and decked him, laying him out cold with one punch.
Fade snorted in amusement as Rick jumped forward with another of the soldiers, the two of them having to work together to subdue the man, the former pinning him to the vehicle behind them with a strong arm across his throat. All aggression wiped from the newcomer’s face in an instant as he held his hands up in surrender, a nasal Australian wheeze bursting from him “Ey Ey Ey, what’s goin on ere? Hey, one minute I’m playing Mahjong with me Nanna… Then this red streak hits me outta nowhere”
“Shut up!” Rick shouted irritably “You were caught robbing a diamond exchange”
“I woz not” the Australian whined, highly affronted.
Coughing to cover her laughter Fade decided not to push Rick any further the man already looking like he was on the edge, but the muffled sound caught the Aussie’s attention eyes flickering to her at the noise. Then just as deliberately raking up and down her body, hidden though it was behind the decidedly unflattering orange jumpsuit. Fade raised an eyebrow at his complete lack of shame with an accompanying shake of her head even as he grinned at her.
Letting the man go Rick returned to his unit muttering to himself, the beefcake trailing in his wake making a beeline right for her. With an outstretched hand he smiled widely at her, gold tooth glinting, in what was clearly supposed to be friendly way, but it just came off as arrogant “Digger Harkness sweetness, but you can call me Captain”
Lawton rolled his eyes, but Fade laughed, a cheerful grin on her face, despite his cocky attitude she couldn’t help but warm to the man. He seemed like he’d be entertaining at the very least as they descended into whatever hell Waller had planned for them.
“Fade” she responded, taking his hand, and laughing once more as he raised it to his lips depositing a swift kiss on the back of her hand even as he leered at her.
“Harley Quinn, nice ta meet ya” Harley bounced over attracting his attention, Fade noting how he leered at her too apparently, he was an equal opportunity type of lech. She couldn’t help but notice, with some amusement, the way his lingering gaze kept wavering to herself even after the bubbly blonde bounced over.
Her attention diverted by the arrival of a black SUV from the opposite direction to the chopper that had brought Digger, Fade watched at the last member of the group alighted from the vehicle a disdainful look upon his sour face. Rick declared him to be Slipknot the man that could climb anything, looking disgruntled but unsurprised that the first thing the man did was floor the woman holding open the door with a punch to the face. His justification was announced to be that she had a mouth, something that left Fade snarling at him though the others did little more than wince with the notable exception of Harley who started cackling loudly.
“What the hell Flag” Fade growled, echoing the earlier complaints of his squad as they’d arrived, even as she attempted to kill the man with her stare alone.
“Calm it Fade” Rick sneered the last word, reminding her they weren’t on the same team anymore.
Shooting him a nasty look sideways she fell back into line with the criminals with a terse but exaggerated “Yes Sir”
Making sure she stood as far away from slipknot as she could she wedged herself in between Harley and Digger, the latter eyeing her curiously as she glared venomously at the newest arrival.
Rick didn’t react to her jab beyond clenching his jaw, instead addressing the group as a whole “Listen Up! In your necks… the injection you got, it’s a nanite explosive” this pronouncement had all of them scratching at their necks except for Fade who merely raised an eyebrow “It’s the size of a rice grain but it’s powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me, and guess what? You die”
“I’m known to be quite vexing. I’m just forewarning you” Harley called out, waving a hand at Rick and making Fade laugh again. It was amazing how much she was finding funny today, despite being sent to her death.
What she didn’t find amusing at all was Rick’s barked and harsh response “Lady, Shut up!” Harley falling silent at once with a geez what’s his problem look to Fade. With a pointed look at Rick, she stepped forward phasing in and out quickly as she did so, the small metal explosive that had been buried of the meat of her neck hitting the ground with a quiet metallic tinkle that drew everyone’s attention.
Stooping Fade picked it up and held it out to Rick in the palm of her hand, eyebrow raised “What was that you were saying?”
Rick sighed aggravatedly, motioning to one of the support squad to take it from her without comment, the rest of the task force eyeing her appreciatively while Harley barely attempted to stifled her gleeful giggles.
Fade smirked but noted the way Rick gripped his side arm a little tighter, tapping his finger on the weapon, telling her without words that he was prepared with the neurotoxin bullets the Bat had brought her down with, she’d expected nothing less.
Rick continued to talk, Lawton in particular seemed to be sizing the man up, but dick measuring didn’t interest Fade, so she found herself zoning out. Stifling a yawn, she let the details of the mission go over her head, uncaring of how they intended to kill them and just wanting to get on with it.
Realising Digger was still staring at her intermittently she allowed herself to study him closer. The man was built solidly though clearly more muscle than anything else, if his tanned exposed arms protruding from his black tank top were anything to go by. She couldn’t help but think the mutton chops was a strange style choice, but they didn’t look terrible on him. It helped offset the fact that when he wasn’t smiling, he had a tough looking face.
His eyes were icy blue, but they sparkled with warmth and amusement as he turned and caught her staring with a look of blatant appreciation on her face “Like what you see Darl?” he cooed, blowing her a kiss as she smirked in response. It took a squeal of joy from Harley to alert her to the arrival of their gear. Fade couldn’t help but laugh as Harley skipped to her trunk, popping it open and clapping her hands together like an excited child at the contents, which were decided not child friendly.
Stripping out of her jumpsuit unashamedly, Harley instantly captured every male gaze in the vicinity allowing Fade to undress next to her with no unwanted attention on her, except for Digger’s continually lingering gaze.
The night she’d been caught she’d been out, up to no good on behalf of the Joker, all dressed in black attempting to go unnoticed. Her usual uniform of skinny jeans, knee high boots and black hoodie combo but upon inspection of the contents of the trunk Fade was confused to find them missing. A frown crossed her face as she assumed they’d provided her with someone else’s gear by mistake.
Reaching into the container she pulled out a dark grey almost black tactical jacket, an all too familiar union jacket patch on the arm that left her snarling “What the fuck Flag! This isn’t my gear”
Striding over to her with an impassive expression on his face he peered into the trunk and then offered her a shrug “Sure it is”
“Not for a long time and you know that! So where’s my damn gear?” She hissed incensed, uncaring that she was now drawing more attention to herself in her semi undressed state.
“The clothes and gear you had on you the night you were taken were used as evidence in your trial. If you remember they were covered with your victim’s blood” Rick stated calmly though his clenched jaw betrayed his agitated state.
Continuing to glare at him Fade folded her arms across her chest, not wanting to be reminded of the bogus charge that had put her behind bars, she might not be an angel, but she was no murderer, at least not this time.
“What about the stuff I had at my apartment surely that was all confiscated, I want that!”
“Your apartment burned down hon!” Harley called out, Fade’s head snapping round at the sound of her voice “What?”
Harley shrugged “Mr J don’t like it when people betray him you know that”
“I never! You know that’s not what happened” Fade shrieked, Harley offering a sympathetic but unconvinced shrug as she returned to her own trunk.
“Looks like it’s this or your orange jumpsuit” Rick snarked “Unless you’d prefer to go in naked?”
Fade glared at him “Don’t tempt me”
“I vote naked sweetheart, something nice to look at would be a bonus” Digger leered, a grin on his face his gold tooth flashing in the sun.
Rolling her eyes, she flipped him off to his general amusement and reached back into the trunk, as much as she didn’t want to be wearing her old special forces gear it was apparently her only option.
Yanking her old combats up over her hips, she added her combat boots and topped it off with a worn but soft dark grey undershirt that stretched down over her hands, thumbs hooking easily through the provided holes. Reaching for the tactical jacket she’d dropped in disgust earlier, she paused only to rip the patch from the arm before shrugging into it. Throwing the offending item over her shoulder as she zipped it shut, that was an affiliation she no longer held, her old country having long since washed their hands of her along with her adoptive country.
It was only when she snapped her thigh holsters into place and added her old but well-loved twin pistols that she started feeling a little better about the situation. Being armed to the teeth seemed to have that effect on her, so it was with a deep satisfied sigh that she secreted her various knifes and spare ammunition about her person.
Finally on locating a stay hair tie from her many pockets she twisted her long dirty blonde mane up and into low bun securing it at the base of her neck and declared herself ready for whatever was coming.
A quiet “What?” leaving Harley’s lips caught her attention, Fade snorting at the assembled men who started and scampered away, ashamed at being caught watching the blonde dressing, not that she could really blame them.
Fade sighed “Really?” Harley’s head popping back up from her trunk a question on her face in response.
Shaking her head exasperatedly she just chuckled at her friend’s choice of sequined hotpants, fishnets and high heeled boots to head into danger. Even more so that the woman had taken the time to fix her hair into pigtails, spray colour on the ends and apply a full face of makeup.
Straightening with her bat in hand Harley grinned devilishly at her “At least take your gun too” Fade muttered, motioning to the just visible gold and black firearm glinting from beneath one of Harley’s many inappropriate outfits. Harley nodded rapidly and disappeared into her trunk once more, bat hitting the ground with a wooden rattle as she rummaged for her forgotten weapon.
Looking round she found the Aussie quickly hiding something pink and fluffy in the depths of his grimy dark grey leather trench coat, a single finger on his lips at her enquiring gaze when he looked up.
“Captain Boomerang huh?” She asked indicating the metal items in his hands that he was rapidly tucking into every crevice of his battered leather trenchcoat “How good are you with those things?”
Standing Digger slotted the last one into the lining of his coat with a grin “I never miss my target sweetness”
Fade pursed her lips to keep from laughing, she doubted they were talking about his prowess with the odd choice of weapon any longer.
Now that the group was back in their usual attire Fade noticed how the men seemed to be sizing one another up, Digger prowling around paying close attention to the others Fade watching him with narrowed eyes. So far, he’d come across as a bit of a goon but now she was beginning to think he might be more intelligent than she gave him credit for.
The group minus Slipknot, who hung back to one side no apparent interest in the others, gathered around Harley as she continued to play with the contents of her trunk, torn whether to take her mallet or bat into battle. The men were talking but Fade had no interest continuing to ignore them just watching Harley with an amused expression on her face until Diggers voice broke through. Something about his voice just capturing her attention when he turned to Diablo asking, “What’s that crap on ya face, does it wash off?”
Croc chuckled darkly as Fade snorted, turning to look at the Aussie who looked vaguely pleased to have gotten a laugh out of her winking at her again, he was clearly a rogue but a charming one at least.
Looking back to Harley who was still playing with the mallet Fade shook her head at her, taking the weapon out of her hand and thrusting her bat at her instead. The blonde grinned at her and nodded decisively, Fade couldn’t’ help but wish she could talk her out of her other bad decisions this easily.
Rick marched up to them holding up a tablet emblazoned with the ARGUS logo “Behold the voice of god”
Fade snarled when Waller appeared on the screen, she doubted the woman even knew who she was really, but to Fade she was the one that volunteered her for the STARS lab project that resulted in her current state. It’s true she couldn’t blame the woman for the nuclear meltdown, as it turns out that was Mr J’s fault after his attempt to steal the reactor materials was thwarted by the Bat. But if it wasn’t for Waller she wouldn’t have been there when it blew.
Ignoring the woman, she crossed her arms and sighed impatiently, she’d never been one for standing around doing nothing but these days she felt like a live wire, her skin practically crackling with energy.
It took Rick shouldering past Lawton and Digger, who in turn knocked into Fade to drag her attention back to her surroundings with a jerk. Glancing around slightly wildly as if startled she gaped when she realised Digger now had a beer can in his hand “Where did you get that?” she asked incredulously, scanning their surroundings for the bar she’d clearly missed.
Offering her a cocky smile he rummaged in one of the many pockets of his grimy trench coat, producing another can and holding it out to her. Grinning in return she accepted the surprisingly cold can and snapped it open, downing half the can in one go “Good on ya girl!” Digger trilled in approval.
“Alpha, Bravo team, mount up” Rick roared over the sound of the oversized Chinook helicopters landing nearby.
Making no attempt to move quickly, the assembled team dubbed the suicide squad by Lawton followed Rick and the support teams to the tarmac.
With a wave of his hand, he motioned them into the nearest one and followed them all in, shouting over the rotors for them to take a seat, becoming more agitated by the second as they collectively dithered and failed to follow commands quickly.
 Fade fell into the seat between Digger and Harley, the Aussie immediately dropping one large hand onto her leg as she settled in, dangerously high on her thigh with a wide grin in her direction. She shot him a pointed look that clearly said move it or lose it without having to verbalise the threat, he chuckled in response but nonetheless retrieved his hand, though not before giving her thigh a gentle squeeze.
Usually, Fade didn’t approve of this sort of behaviour directed towards any woman, let alone herself, but today knowing they were all going to die anyway she couldn’t find it in herself to care. It helped that despite being generally lecherous there didn’t seem to be any real malice behind his actions. Digger just seemed to be playing around, which was harmless enough under the circumstances and he was relatively easy on the eyes, so she allowed it.
She didn’t know his background, but she doubted he’d found himself on the team because he was a nice guy, but despite being a relatively large man he wasn’t coming off all that intimidating either. Fade conceded that her take on what was and wasn’t scary was decidedly different these days, so maybe her worldview was somewhat warped.
Distracted by the contemplation of her own sanity, Fade failed to notice the woman hopping onto the chopper just as it took off until Harley called out to her, hand outstretched “Harley Quinn, nice ta meet ya. Love ya perfume what is that? The stench of death?”
Fade sniggered at the sound of Harley trademark cackle, but on looking round her eyes widened as she recognised Katana, the woman’s shocked eyes meeting hers across the airborne vehicle, mirroring her surprise. The woman looked to Rick for an explanation, but he only shook his head and motioned for her to sit.
Looking back to Harley the blonde smiled tightly at her friend having caught the recognition that flashed between them but surprisingly wasn’t the one to comment. Instead, it was Lawton who leant forward past Harley, voice dropping low as he enquired “Another friend of yours?”
Fade snorted “She look friendly to you?”
Both glanced at the woman who scowled at them in response “Decidedly not” Lawton agreed and settled back into his seat with a smirk.
 Now the choppers were up and on their way, Fade couldn’t help feeling an overwhelming sense of Déjà vu, just another beautiful day in ARGUS Special Ops, not that she was part of the team any longer or for some time. For some inexplicable reason the higher ups took a dim view to her attack on one of her former colleagues, they didn’t care that she’d caught him assaulting a local woman they’d rather turn a blind eye. They just weren’t prepared to turn a blind eye to her hacking off his privates with a machete though and they didn’t care to listen to the why, especially after the shock had killed him. Rick had tried to defend her, but she was nevertheless dishonourably discharged, her career over with immediate effect and remanded to Gotham Military Base Prison. It was from there she’d been effectively sold to STAR labs as a Lab rat by Waller.
Digger noticed her sudden preoccupation so didn’t take offence to her refusal to be drawn into conversation, instead wordlessly passing her another beer which she accepted with a small grateful smile in his direction.
Rick was glaring at the two of them, he didn’t approve they were on mission after all, but she merely cracked the can, clanked it against Digger’s and drained it while holding her former CO’s gaze.
He shook his head and turned back to Lawton who was attempting to start another dick measuring competition between the two of them.
Ignoring the men, Fade rolled her eyes at Harley who was up on her knees face pressed against the window, tugging her firmly back down into her seat “Come on act like you’ve been out in the world before…” the admonishment dying in her throat as she peered out the small round window herself, catching sight of the light show that was holding Harley’s unequivocal attention.
The sounds of gunfire hitting the chopper took them all by surprise, nearly everyone ducked on reflex making shrill noises of surprise and alarm at the noise even Fade. Her automatic response was to phase but she had to control that particular impulse, or she’d just fall through the chopper floor. Gritting her teeth, eyes screwed tightly shut she was vaguely aware of a shrill alarm announcing engine failure, the acrid smell of oil fuelled smoke and the nasty sensation of her stomach plummeted as the disabled chopped lurched downwards.
A shriek cut through her concentration from her left, realising Harley had removed her restraints to look out the window Fade reacted without opening her eyes. Snapping an arm out to her side she clamped it down over Harley’s midsection, hand spearing into the netting the other side of her pulling the woman back down into her seat as securely as she could manage. Fade felt rather than saw her friend’s hand clutching onto her arm as they fell from the sky, the chopper rolling with the screech of metal on metal indicating they’d hit something, the passengers lurcher sickeningly sideways.
The remaining pilot was doing his best despite his injuries but with no power they landed hard on one side, the chopper fuselage hitting the deck with the sound of rending metal, the rotors snapping clean away as they rolled over and over.
 Screams and shrieks filled the air, while most were secured into their seats or being held down by others, arms and legs were flailing wildly as the centre of gravity changed constantly. Fade was dimly aware of something heavy laying across her holding her down, her own arms braced across Harley and to her right. Rigid with the effort of trying to prevent herself from phasing and preventing the diminutive blonde from sliding out of her seat. With a nasty crunch the body of the destroyed vehicle finally lurched to a stop, the sounds of terror fading to be replaced with the ringing sound of sudden silence. The sounds of groaning and panting trying to catch their breath rising to fill the void, if Fade was honest, she wasn’t yet sure if they were dead or alive but then neither was anyone else.
Rick was up quicker than the others demanding they sound off, the troops responding reflexively as if on autopilot, including Fade as she forced her eyes open. Glancing to her left she flexed her hand loosening her knuckle whitening grip on the netting the other side of Harley with a small wince “You ok?” She enquired of the crazy woman that she called a friend.
Harley whooped and hugged Fades arm to her chest “Can we go again?”
Chuckling breathlessly relieved the woman was ok if not still nuts Fade removed her arm from her grasp, realising someone was wincing to her immediate right Fade snapped her head round to Digger’s face to see it screwed up in pain “You hurt?” she demanded urgently.
He shook his head “Nah love, ya just got a bloody good grip”
Frowning Fade glanced downwards belatedly realising her right hand was clamped around the poor man’s thigh, fingers biting harshly into his flesh. Snatching her hand away she smiled apologetically “Sorry”
Laughing he shook his head “Nah don’t worry Darl, I like it rough” he winked at her, earning a bark of relieved laughter that he returned easily.
Only then did Fade realise that it had been Diggers arm clamped across her during their freefall as she’d done to Harley, it had been his strong grip that had held her so firmly in place.
Looking down at the arm that slanted across her and then back up to the man with a deep sigh, she jerked her head downwards to draw his attention to the fact that his hand was currently placed firmly over her left breast.
“You can let go now” She added for good measure, Digger grinning at her but not immediately removing his hand.
It took a purse of her lips and a raised eyebrow for him to finally move it, chuckling as he did so “Can’t blame a bloke love”
The sound of singing drew their attention back to the cackling blonde “Oooooh Boomer and Zuzu sitting in a tree K, I, S, S, S, S, I, N, G!”
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Eternally Yours: The Sweet Taste of Revenge
Whumptober 2022: Alt Prompt for Day 28. Protective Fandom: DC, The Suicide Squad, Vampire!Rick Flag, f!reader Word Count: 3299 TW: Angst, Whump, Vampire Related Violence, Blood, Character Death, Language Notes: Thank you so incredibly much to @loverhymeswith for not only looking this over for me but also for being so supportive from the beginning! 💖
Eternally Yours Masterlist
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Despite the screaming and gunfire outside, you strolled casually through the remains of the building completely unfazed. From the moment you reentered Jotunheim alone, you had dropped all pretenses. There were only two other people left in the building and there was no need to put on a show for either of them anymore.
DuBois had hauled you from the building screaming and crying as you feigned fighting against him so you could stay with Rick’s body. The mercenary was surprisingly strong, though he would have been no match for you if you had actually wanted out of his grasp. However, you had played the part of the grieving partner and lover just as was expected of you and allowed him to drag you away. Then when Starro burst from the building, it was just the distraction you needed to break free and charge back in while everyone else watched as you ran to your apparent death.
If only they knew the truth.
You made a quick trip to pick something up on the ground floor before heading down to what was left of the basement. It took you a few moments to find a way to navigate the collapsed stairwell and blocked passages, but you soon made it back to the bathroom. Rick was still lying where you had last seen him amongst the debris and rubble created from his fight. 
Crouching down next to his body, your eyes trailed over the blood that had stained his once bright yellow shirt. And as your gaze settled on the cause of the damage, you sighed. “When I witnessed him stab you, it did give me pause for a moment. A piece of porcelain is not the same as a wooden stake, yet an object through the heart is still an object through the heart. Imagine my delight to discover you still alive and well… so to speak.”
For a moment, nothing happened. But then, Rick’s blank, staring eyes shifted towards you, flashing red in the dim light. “I thought I sold it pretty well.”
You smiled softly as you brushed some dirt from his cheek. “Oh, you did, my actor extraordinaire. Everyone believed it and as far as the world will be concerned, Colonel Richard Flag, Jr. died on Corto Maltese, his body forever lost in the rubble of Jotunheim. And with him, his lieutenant who ran back inside because she was too broken-hearted to leave him behind.” 
“Good thing they were both already dead to start with,” Rick chuckled softly.
“Yes. Otherwise, that wound would have been fatal, instead of just a minor inconvenience.” 
Slowly reaching up, Rick wrapped his fingers around the shard still jutting from his chest before yanking it out. His face contorted in agony as he snarled, “Still hurts like a bitch.”
“So it would seem.” His usually tanned skin looked pallid in the dim light and his eyes still shone a deep red. He had already lost a lot of blood and now that the shard had been removed, his wound was bleeding once again. While it was not something that would end his existence, you could see it had made him incredibly weak and it pained you to see him in such a state.
Silently, you allowed your fingernails to grow into razor-sharp points and you sliced one across your wrist. In seconds, dark red blood began to bubble up and stream down your arm. You held out your wrist to Rick and he hesitated for just a second before he lunged forward, his lips locking onto your arm as he greedily began to suck at the wound. 
As he drank, you ran your free hand slowly through his sweat-matted hair, cleaning out small pieces of rock and debris as you did. Rick hummed with pleasure at the feeling and the vibrations on your wrist sent a pleasant buzz up your arm. You could already see him regaining some of his strength and color as the wound in his chest began to heal. He would have eventually healed completely without your blood, but you hated seeing him in pain when he didn’t have to be. 
As much as you brushed it off when you first returned to him, you would never reveal how terrified you had actually been to see that shard be driven into his heart. For just a moment, your world had ended. In all of the millennia you had been alive, nothing had ever torn your heart to pieces as that moment had. Even the pain of your transformation– the memory still as painful and fresh as the day it happened– could not compare to thinking Rick was about to be taken from you. Meeting him had given your monotonous, never-ending existence meaning again and there was no doubt in your mind that you would no longer have the will to carry on in this life without him by your side. 
When you felt yourself growing weak, you tapped on his jaw and Rick reluctantly released you. He slowly slid his tongue over the cut in your wrist, his saliva closing the wound in seconds. Then he pressed his lips against the faint scar, leaving a perfect bloody imprint when he pulled away. Smiling, you ran your finger across his lips, collecting the remaining blood there before slipping your finger between his lips. He coyly sucked on it as he stared deeply into your eyes, the red in his already starting to fade as he grew stronger. Soon you were left staring into the same deep hazel pools that had enchanted you all those years ago.
“Better?” you asked as you slid your finger from his mouth, resting it on his chin.
He smiled back at you, flashing his fangs. “Much. Thank you, darlin’.”
“Of course, my love.” You trailed your fingernail down his throat and across his broad chest until it settled on the center of the red stain on his shirt. “It is such a shame so much of this had to go to waste. You know how I adore the taste of your blood. Although, it would not have been good if you hadn’t bled. We wouldn’t want questions we have no answers for. That would have turned out very badly for the Squad.” 
If Rick hadn’t been able to convince Cleo with his performance that the shard had ended his life, you would have had to silence the girl and that would have led to…. complications. The likes of which may have required the elimination of the entire Squad. No one could learn your secret and live. It was an unfortunate necessity for your survival and one that had allowed you to outlast nearly every other one of your kind.
“Did… did they all make it out?” Rick asked hesitantly. He was still young enough to genuinely care for these mortals. You on the other hand – for whom time no longer held any meaning – had lost interest in the outcome of their insignificant lives. Certainly, you still enjoyed the company of others and truly viewed some as close companions. However, even if they survived today, they would still be dust in the time it took you to blink your eye so their deaths would have meant little to you.
But you smiled. “Yes, the Squad made it out of Jotunheim. All except one. And that is where I have brought you a gift.”
Rising to your feet, you walked to the edge of the room where you had dumped what you had retrieved from upstairs. Easily dragging it over to where Rick was sitting, you dropped it next to him. Rick’s eyes grew wide as he saw what it was. Or rather who it was.
“Is he…?”
You nodded. “Yes, he is still alive, though only just. DuBois nearly severed his artery with a bullet but I closed the wound before he completely bled out. I figured we would give this vermin a chance to be useful for once in his miserable life before he dies. After all, I knew you would be thirsty.”
The blood of his sire may have been useful in healing him, but only the blood of the living would truly help Rick to regain his strength. And considering there was only one living human left in the building, this was the logical option. Besides, you wanted to personally watch as the light left his eyes, a wide smile on your face as it did. 
Walking over to one of the broken pipes, you grabbed a small container you found on the floor and filled it with water. Then returning to the two men, you dumped it on over the unconscious man’s face.  
He jerked up, suddenly awake as he sputtered and looked around frantically. You bend down until you were eye-to-eye with him, flashing your fangs and red eyes as you purred, “Hello, Peacemaker. Glad you could join us.”
“Fuck!” he yelled as he tried to scramble backward away from you. As his head snapped around looking for a way to escape, his eyes landed on Rick sitting up a few feet away from him, and all the blood drained from his face. “Fuck! But, I-I killed you.”
Rick tilted his head slightly with a lopsided grin that only revealed one of his fangs, still tinged red from your blood. “Sorry to disappoint, but you can’t kill what’s already dead.”
Peacemaker’s head whipped frantically back and forth between the two of you, unsure of who to focus on. Finally, his eyes settled on you and he asked, “What the fuck are you people?” 
“Haven’t you guessed? We are creatures of the night, the immortal ones, nightwalkers, Strigoi,  the living dead!” you exclaimed, holding out your arms for dramatic effect.
But Peacemaker just continued to stare at you blankly. Then he glanced over at Rick who gave him a half-hearted shrug. “We’re vampires.”
You dropped your arms and rolled your eyes. “You try to have just a touch of elegance or grandeur…”
“Darlin’, remember who you’re talkin’ to.” 
“True.” you said flatly before sighing, “But yes, we are vampires.”
Peacemaker’s eye darted back and forth between you and Rick once more. “Wh-what do you want from me? Are you going to turn me into one of you? Induct me into your weird sex cult or whatever it is? I mean, I’m not saying no, but I just need to know what sort of stuff we’re talking about. Even I have my limits.”
You scoffed in disgust. “You? As if we would ever have any desire to allow you to join us. Especially after what you attempted to do.”
Peacemaker held up his hands. “Look, lady. I was just doing my job. My orders were to destroy the evidence no matter what the cost and that’s what I did. Sorry if that meant stabbing your friend.”
“I do not care whose orders you follow. They mean nothing to me,” you hissed. “I have been alive since before recorded history. I have seen civilizations rise and fall. I have known Egyptian Pharaohs and Greek Gods. I have feasted on peasants and royalty alike. But never have I met another like him.” 
You gazed lovingly into Rick’s eyes, everything else momentarily fading away as you basked in the intense passion and devotion that you saw there. And you knew he saw the same thing reflected in your eyes. “He is the only one I have ever deemed worthy to join me in this life, the only one I could never bear to lose.” You reached out your hand which Rick accepted, dipping his head to place a long kiss on the back of it.
Suddenly, you whirled around to face Peacemaker, your hand darting out and tightening around his throat like a vice. As easy as picking up a toy, you lifted him off the ground until his eyes were level with yours. He clawed at your hand, gasping for air but you ignored him as you growled, “And yet, you tried to take him from me. For that, you will pay with your life.”
Peacemaker’s eyes grew wide as he doubled his efforts to escape, but it made no difference to you even in your slightly compromised state. Instead, you continued to stare at him stone-faced until he began to go limp in your grasp from lack of oxygen. Only then did you loosen your grip just enough to allow him to take a large, gulping breath and you continued.
“Yet, you will be shown mercy, not because you deserve it, but out of necessity. If I had my way, I would make it take hours as I tore the very flesh from your bones, and only once you had been driven mad from the pain would I end your miserable life.” You cocked your head to the side. “However, seeing as my beloved needs his strength, he will have the honors instead.”
You turned to face Rick who was still staring up at you from the floor.
“Are you sure?” His brow was furrowed as he gazed at you. He must have noticed that you were feeling the effects from the amount of blood he had taken from you earlier and, despite needing the blood himself, he was still willing to share his already depleted meal.
Touched that he would offer, you cooed gently, “Yes, my love. Drink. He is all yours.” Turning to Peacemaker, your eyes flashed red and you growled, “Just make it hurt.”
Rick nodded as he rose unsteadily to his feet. As soon as he was ready, you released your hold on Peacemaker’s neck. He dropped to the floor, gasping for air, yet quickly scrambled to his feet and attempted to take off running. However, Rick was on him in an instant. He slammed his palm into the center of Peacemaker’s chest and you heard the simultaneous snap of multiple bones. Peacemaker howled as Rick drove him backward, quickly pinning him against the wall. 
Gurgling and moaning in pain, Peacemaker feebly tried to push Rick’s hand off of his chest, yet even at his full strength, he would have been no match for the vampire. Rick grinned as he slowly extended his fangs. Then, he lunged forward, plunging his teeth into Peacemaker’s neck. 
The man tried to scream but Rick’s teeth dug deeper, ripping into his throat and severing his vocal cords. Peacemaker continued to silently howl as he attempted to fight back. The only sound coming from his ruined throat was a low guttural grunting that was barely audible over the sounds of Rick drinking
At this point, Peacemaker stopped struggling. Though you could still hear his heart fighting to continue beating, his body was slumped limply with Rick’s hand on his chest the only thing keeping him vertical. Without pausing his drinking, Rick glanced up at you, his eyes radiant and full of life. You smiled coyly at him and he winked at you in return. Then, as he took one last long sip, he quickly grabbed Peacemaker’s head and twisted it almost a full 180°. Instantly, his faint, struggling heartbeat fell silent.
Rick released the body and it clattered to the floor in a heap. Then he turned to face you. Even when he was still human, back before you turned him, Rick Flag was one of the most alluring men you had ever encountered in your thousands of years of walking this Earth. And since the change, in moments like these where he was fresh from a feed, it almost hurt to look at him. 
Though still coated in blood, sweat, and dirt, Rick’s bronzed skin seemed to glow as he walked toward you. The muscles in his arms and chest strained against his tight, soiled t-shirt, his biceps bulging from the rush of fresh blood in his system. A few strands of hair had fallen across his face and you longed to reach out and brush them aside. 
He stopped just inches in front of you.
His lips still shone with blood yet instead of licking it off, he pressed them against yours. The second a drop of blood hit your tongue, your body came alive. Moaning softly, you pulled him deeper into you as just that little taste of blood had given you a jolt of energy. You slipped your tongue past his lips, savoring the fresh blood that still coated the inside of his mouth. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to make all of your senses go into overdrive. 
Rick trailed his fingers down your side until he reached your hips and with one hand, he lifted you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist. You knew that with his strength, all he needed was a single finger to hold a person aloft, and yet, his arm was wrapped tightly around you as if he might lose hold at any moment. Suddenly you realized that you may not have been the only one frightened that Rick was almost taken from you.
Forcing yourself to break contact with his lips, you leaned your forehead against his for a moment and then nudged his nose with yours. “I am very pleased that you are alright.”
“I am too.” He leaned into you, his forehead pressing even harder against yours. “Thank you for comin’ back and takin’ care of me.”
You chuckled softly as you cupped his face, your eyes shining brightly as you gazed at him. “You, silly, silly man. As if I could ever bear to leave you behind.” Then you pressed your lips against his once more.
It was a kiss that could have lasted an eternity (especially considering neither one of you needed to pause to take a breath), but soon the sounds of people entering what was left of the building above shattered the moment. Exchanging a quick look, you both nodded, and Rick set you down. It was doubtful anyone else could make it down to the basement anytime soon without clearing out a pathway first, but it was not a chance either of you was willing to make. 
Rick took your hand and began leading you from the room. However, you paused when you got to the doorway and glanced back. Peacemaker’s broken mangled body lay at the base of the far wall near where Rick had once laid. If anyone discovered him, it would be obvious that he had not been killed by DuBois’s bullet.
Slipping your hand from Rick’s, you placed your palms against the concrete wall and pushed. It didn’t take much effort for the already weakened material to come crashing down, leading to a domino effect that collapsed most of the remaining infrastructure around you.
As rubble and dust fell from the ceiling, Rick pulled you into his chest to protect you though most of the damage was being done in the room you had just left. When everything finally settled once more, you peeked out from Rick’s arms to assess the damage. 
Just as you had hoped, the bathroom had been obliterated and reduced to a massive pile of concrete. Buried under it was Peacemaker’s body along with the fact that Rick’s body was no longer there. Your secret was safe for now.
It was true that Richard Flag Jr. perished in the basement of Jotunheim along with his lieutenant. The two figures who quietly slipped from the ruins of the building, disappearing into a nearby crowd as they walked hand-in-hand, were no longer those people. Just as you had countless times before, you would need to become someone else. And while it would be a challenge, as long as you had the love of your life by your side, everything was going to be alright. 
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Thank you for reading! I have completely fallen in love with these two and I am planning to write more one-shot fics set in the same universe. The series will be called Eternally Yours. Please let me know if you would like to be tagged!
Taglist:@loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @lorecraft, @nerdysuperchick, @heart-0n-fire, @green-socks, @yespolkadotkitty, @marvelousmermaid, @heresathreebee, @11thstreetvigilante, @lacontroller1991, @merlehs, @sunshineflowerchild789, @mayhem24-7forever, @lovearne, @sociiallydiisoriiented, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @that-sarcastic-writer, @bewitchedignition, @katjnordstrom96, @wildbornsiren, @foli-vora
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