myouwos · 4 years
milf nayeon working out in that adidas outfit and college student sana/mina being from the same gym...... i can't take it out of my mind
milf nayeon must really be inspiring cause i couldn’t stop writing this... thank you for the great request! also didn’t know if you meant misanayeon but that’s what i went for- with g!p mina as a bonus cause my mind said so (3.9k words) 
being one of seoul's busiest woman, nayeon has never had much time to give to the yearly subscription she took at the gym as a new year's resolution. it doesn't mean she doesn't make sure to stay in great condition, regularly asking her secretary to add a few hours of work out in her schedule, but she simply never bothers to get any professional help. 
unfortunately for her- although her doctor had insisted it was for the best- her back has been killing her recently, and not even the weekly massages she gets have helped. she had suggested changing those to daily ones, but he had simply raised an annoyed eyebrow, and told her to stick to working out regularly. 
and really, the women only gym she had decided to go to a year ago is not any bad, it's got amazing reviews and more hot trainers with straining muscles than she could dream of. but the real problem here is how truly unimportant she has always believed sport to be, the simple thought of having to cancel meetings with board members for the sole reason of having to go to the gym simply not worth it in her mind.
or at least, not at first.
the woman in charge of helping her around the place is charming, that, she will admit without a doubt. her name is momo, and although nayeon does not think she'll ever get a body like hers, that doesn't mean she can't daydream a bit about her strong arms and soft abs. it's been a while since she got any action, and she'll admit she might have reconsidered calling an ex back ever since she started coming here weekly.
but a pretty woman to help her learn how to use a treadmill and carry the weights she uses around is still not enough, and her back is still killing her from having to seat in a designer chair that's way too uncomfortable for the price it cost her. 
"you didn't come last week." momo scolds her as soon as she arrives, and nayeon simply ignores her, rolling her eyes as she hands her the leather handbag she chose to carry around today. "you know it's my place to tell you when you're in the wrong." 
"why did i agree to getting a personal trainer again?" nayeon mumbles under her breath, aware of the fact that momo can hear everything she's saying. "i'll be ready in a minute, that gives you enough time to get over my previous absence." 
nayeon knows she's probably a bit hard on momo, but maybe that's just her way to get revenge on how sore the sessions she spends here leave her for the next few days, body hurting even more than it did before she started coming here.
she usually dresses before coming, not fond of the way everyone here doesn't seem to mind sharing what they look like naked in the changing rooms, but when she saw she was going to be late, nayeon had hurried from her office to this side of town, no time left to pass by her personal office bathroom.
thankfully, the changing rooms are pretty empty by this time of the day, the sun already about to set, and she only comes face to face with two giggling girls, definitely younger than she is by a few years. 
"good evening." she says softly, walking past the bench they're standing in front of, one of the girls' shirt still hanging from her hands- not that nayeon is staring, she has made it clear she wouldn't be looking at anyone here anymore after momo caught her. 
she doesn't get a reply at first, but feels eyes following after her, burning at her back when she slips her light pink shirt off her shoulders. for someone who's not exactly fond of dressing in public- certainly because she could somehow be considered a public figure, her face often in the media- it should probably feel a lot more awkward than it actually does. 
"hi!" a cheerful voice finally cuts through the heavy silence, almost startling her from how sudden it is. "are you new around here?" 
turning to face them, nayeon raises a curious brow when she sees the blonde girl hitting her friend's side, eyes widening as if to tell her to shut up, blush on her cheeks. she must decide to ignore her, because her eyes are still on nayeon, light smile on her lips. 
"you could say that, i suppose." 
"well if you ever need someone to work out with, we'd love to help." 
there's a hint of smugness in her voice, but her eyes sparkle with sweetness, and nayeon has trouble understanding if she's being flirted on or not. 
"i'm sana, by the way. and," she motions at her friend, the girl still looking away from nayeon as red grows on her cheeks. "that's mina." 
they leave after nayeon nods, mina shyly waving at her and sana's eyes traveling down her body once again, lingering on soft breasts still clad in a discreet red bra, waving too before reluctantly following after her friend who tugs her by the arm.
"that was way over a minute." momo says pointing at her smart watch when she finally slips out of the changing rooms, now fully dressed to work out. 
"with how much i'm paying you, i think you can handle two minutes of tardiness." 
momo has her working a lot harder than she usually does on that day, but nayeon supposes that's only fair.
"can you not flirt with her so openly!" mina mumbles under her breath, just loud enough for sana to hear. "it's so obvious, and we don't even know her. what if this is making her uneasy?" 
taking an earbud out of her ear, sana turns from the mirror she had been staring into to look at the woman she and mina have recently noticed to look at her best friend, rolling her eyes playfully. 
"she's been staring at us every time she comes here for the past few days, and her eyes are screaming the opposite of uneasy." sana slows the rhythm of the treadmill down, trying not to get out of breath just yet. "it's not my fault you suck at talking to pretty women, mina." 
mina stops hers entirely, catching her breath and discreetly looking back at nayeon through the mirror. blushing, she quickly looks away when dark brown eyes meet her gaze. 
"still, be a bit more subtle." she sighs, reaching for her water bottle. "i just don't want to seem disrespectful." 
sana laughs then, stopping her own treadmill. 
"then let's go and say hi." 
mina doesn't have the occasion to stop her best friend before she's tugging her toward the side of the room nayeon has been left alone in, and before she can let go of her hand, they're both standing in front of nayeon, sana's hand outstretched towards her.
"hey, it's good to see you here today. need any help with these?" 
"help?" nayeon snorts, shaking her head amusedly. "no, i'm doing fine on my own." 
"oh." sana appears unsure for a second, ignoring the way mina tugs at her shorts to try and get her to leave. "sorry then, we thought… nevermin-"
"i don't need help, but i wouldn't say no to company?" 
even sana seems surprised by her words, and judging by the way her grip loosens, mina is just as shocked.
"we'd love that."
"so, are you going to pretend you're not as into her as i am." 
"you know i can see how hard you get every time she talks to you, right?" 
mina hits sana's shoulder playfully, thinking that's probably better than throwing the popcorn they've been sharing at her. 
"she's not even interested in me… nayeon only has eyes for you, really, you should ask her on a date and forget about me." 
the mood shifts to a less teasing one, sana wrapping an arm around mina's shoulders and bringing her closer, the couch too small for them to stay very far from each other anyway. 
"nayeon literally won't stop looking at you… you just need some more confidence, and she'd be in your arms already." 
this isn't anything they've ever seriously discussed- the growing tension between the woman they've gotten to know a bit more privately recently and the two of them. and that's certainly because that's just what it was at first, a fun bit of teasing that never went much further.
but sana knows her best friend too well, knows her interest in nayeon goes beyond having fun at the gym twice a week and forgetting about her when she leaves. she has always been the sentimental one of their duo, sana just as soft, but sometimes choosing to have fun without the mess of feelings getting involved. 
and the fact that nayeon has been showing interest to the two of them is not helping, because they might be inseparable, and perhaps even dated a few years ago only to decide not to risk their friendship, but both having their view set on the same woman is not something they'd ever considered. and it's making all of this so much… messier. 
"god, what did we get ourselves into." mina hides her face behind her hands, laughing in exasperation as she seems to share sana's thoughts.
stroking her hair gently, sana joins in on her laughter, sighing dreamily when silence takes over.
"i think… i think we should just see where it goes and… have fun. right?"
mina seems lost in her mind for an instant, images of what could very well end up happening between them flashing through her mind, and nods, getting comfortable against sana's chest.
"right. let's just see where it goes."
nayeon would be lying if she said she hasn't been thinking about the two girls she recently met at the gym… pretty often. 
it didn't take much for her to understand that sana was indeed flirting with her, but she did have a few doubts about where exactly mina stood in all of this. getting the attention of one was already enough to have her leave the gym with her phone in hand and her ex-girlfriend's number ready to dial, but when mina made her interest clearer, it all got even worse.
not even staring at momo's flexing muscles could do it for her anymore, not when mina would always innocently wipe sweat from her forehead with the edge of her shirt, revealing tight abs nayeon could very well imagine grinding on, or sana would simply decide shirt weren't made to be worn and show up in a sport bra that revealed a lot more than muscles. 
it has gotten to the point where she can't even keep images of them from distracting her in meetings, getting lost in thoughts of the bulge she thinks she caught in the grey sweatpants mina often wears, nipping at the tip of a pen, imagining it to be something else entirely. 
"ms. im?" her secretary had needed to gently shake her shoulder for her to get back down to earth, and the blush that had taken over her cheeks had not gone unnoticed judging by the curious look she got from jihyo on the other side of the table.
"been seeing anyone special recently?" her best friend had cornered her the second she slipped out of the room, and the discussion they had right after is certainly why she has made a very simple decision.
"n-nayeon… hi." 
"you… you look different today." 
"oh, really?" nayeon pretends not to notice just how affected sana and mina had been by the new outfit she ordered two days ago while drinking a third glass of wine. "must be my new eyeliner." 
"right. eyeliner." 
sana is not even pretending to be looking away from her cleavage, but mina is definitely making an effort, holding a weight in front of her pants in a last attempt to hide her reaction.
"so what are the plans for today?" nayeon pretends to start stretching next to them, arms thrown over her head. 
"momo told me i need to work on my thighs muscles- don't remember what they're called but she said that's important. so how about some squats?"
mina chokes on air next to sana, and nayeon has to turn around to hide her smirk.
it really doesn't take much for them to be hanging onto her every word, barely following their own work out plans as mina desperately tries to hide her own arousal and sana forgets to lift the weight in her hand, almost drooling.
so really, when they follow after her into the changing rooms like two eager puppies, mina not even hiding her excitement anymore, she thinks this really won't take much.
"this was exhausting." she says, slipping her jacket off. "think i'll go for a shower this time. want to join?"
and it could be a perfectly innocent question if nayeon wasn't taking them in with a hooded gaze, licking her lips with a more than inviting look shining in her eyes. 
"j-join?" mina asks, stuttering as her eyes fail to look away from newly revealed skin.
"we'll join. definitely." 
nayeon disappears toward the shower rooms, and although she can't see them, she imagines the slight panic in their eyes very well. 
"we said we'd have fun, right?" sana whispers to mina, already reaching for the hem of her shirt. 
"y-yeah. let's." 
there's supposedly nothing about this mina will regret, and this, she's sure of when they reach the common showers to see nayeon standing there, already naked, right before she steps into the stall, throwing one last heated look at them.
they're quick to follow after her, stripping of their clothes and pausing when the sight of nayeon standing under a hot stream of water greets them, and sana is the one to make the first move, walking towards her until her arms wrap around her body, nayeon's back resting against her chest.
"so… what do you want?" sana murmurs against the nape of her neck, hands settling low on her lips, making sure this is not all a big misunderstanding.
nayeon leans back against her, a hand reaching back to hold sana's head closer, and a light whimper echoes in the showers when soft lips trace the column of her neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin there. 
"you… the both of you." 
that's the signal mina had certainly been waiting for, and she emerges from behind sana to stand in front of her, hands trembling nervously when they join her friend's on her hips. nayeon must sense the nervousness coming from her, because she makes sure to make her feel involved every step of the way, lips falling onto hers within seconds.
the water stops running, sana watching with a fond smile as her best friend gets lost in the kiss, a lot softer than she had believed their first one would be like. she knows just how nervous mina gets around women- especially pretty ones, and it so happens that nayeon is really, really pretty- so seeing her lose herself in nayeon's embrace pleases her a lot more than she'd ever admit.
lips working against each other softly, mina's hands frame her face, deepening it, and she gasps in nayeon's mouth when a hand travels down her body until it wraps around the base of her shaft. 
"gonna get on your knees for her?" sana murmurs in her ear, nipping at her earlobe with a teasing chuckle, and nayeon nods eagerly, pulling away from mina's lips.
her hips roll forward, desperately waiting for nayeon to do something, anything for the flames burning in her chest to consume her whole. there's a drop of precum at the tip of her cock, rolling down her shaft until nayeon's palm smears it over the entire lenght, her lips tingling pleasantly as she imagines tasting her, feeling mina under her tongue.
having been too lost in the kiss, mina had not heard sana, and she shivers from surprise when nayeon kneels in front of her, lips latching onto her head before she even has time to process all of this.
a few days ago, she wasn't even sure nayeon was interested in her. and today, her mouth is wrapped around her cock, slowly descending down on it until it hits the back of her throat, low moan slipping past pink lips. it's quickly cut off by sana's lips softly landing on hers, an appreciative whimper echoing in her chest, and if anything, mina truly believes this to be heaven.
another rush of fluid spills down nayeon's tongue when the tip hits the back of her throat, and her hand joins her mouth, replacing her mouth in the places she knows she won't be able to reach. none of the toys she owns are as big as mina, and although it makes need throb between her thighs, aching for anyone to touch her, she's not sure she will even manage to take all of it.
"how does it feels, uh?" sana's smirk only makes mina blush. "to have her on her knees just for you?" 
"good?" her laugh echoes between the walls of the shower, and she fights against the urge to call mina cute and pinch her cheeks, because she supposes her best friend would hate her for it in such a moment. "does that mean you're going to fill her mouth, uh?" 
mina nods rapidly, and sana brings a hand in nayeon's hair, gently forcing her away from the sensitive cock, already on the verge of coming. 
"not yet."
the younger of the three whines, pouting when sana helps nayeon up and pushes her against the nearest wall, cock throbbing with the need to come. 
"gotta make sure you're ready for her." sana says against nayeon's shoulder, bringing a hand to soaked folds, one of her thigh resting around her waist. inner walls clenching from desire. the moan that follows sana's fingers drawing small circles around her clit is loud enough for anyone who might be in the changing rooms to hear, and the fact that they could all get caught only hits them now. 
mina chooses that moment to join them, seeing just how needy the two women are, and right when sana sink two fingers into warm heat, walls greedily gripping onto the digits, mina decides to do the same for her, circling sana's own clit in a last attempt to bring her over the edge as well. her cock brushes against her ass, and it takes a lot from her to wait, the thought of slipping into damp folds taking over her mind. 
it barely takes a few strokes for sana's body to grow taunt between her arms, tension from the past few days coming rushing back to the surface. 
nayeon is clinging onto her hard, and if it weren't for mina holding her up, the both of them would have probably fallen down to the floor in a mess of limbs and moans. picking up her thrusts once she has gone back down from her high, she adds a third finger to the thrusts, herself perfectly aware of just how big mina is going to feel for her.
"turn around." she says once she’s slipped out of her, voice deep with desire.
nayeon is too far gone to care as sana pushes her against the wall again, but she whines when the warmth of her body leaves momentarily, soon replaced by mina, legs spreading on their own to welcome the new attention.
"you don't have much time until the gym closes… you know what to do." sana murmurs in her ear, brushing a strand of hair from her eyes with affection, watching with pleased eyes as mina pushes her shaft against nayeon's slit, not yet sinking into her but rather teasing herself one last time, in case this is the last one.
she knows it won't take long for her to come, not when nayeon's mouth did absolute wonders to her cock and the simple thought of finally being inside of her makes chills rise on her arms, and rubbing her shaft against her cunt already feels too good to be true.
"don't tease her, she's been good." sana reaches for her cock, and brings the tip to her entrance, telling mina to push forward. "can't have her begging for your dick just yet."
the second her tip breaches past her entrance, a throaty moan echoes in her chest, accompanied by nayeon's moans, sana watching from over mina's shoulder as she stays close to her body. rutting forward, the first few inches of her shaft sink into her, and nayeon reaches behind herself to hold her head, pushing against mina to get her to go further.
"am close already… please…" 
hands gripping onto her hips tightly, mina plunged into her with deep thrusts, nayeon trying to hold onto anything she can find, the wall definitely not feeling as good as a pillow would- but she supposes this won't be the end, and who knows, she might invite them over someday. 
mina feels huge, filling parts of herself she had never even felt before, and when sana's hand slips past their bodies until it lands on her clit, her thighs start shaking, knees getting weak from pleasure. 
"god, gonna fill you… c-can i?" 
all it takes for mina to finally allow herself to go over the edge is nayeon nodding eagerly, and a loud moan breaks through the showers when her hips still against her ass and she groans against her neck, sana doubling her efforts on her the hard bud between her legs and watching as nayeon follows mina in her orgasm.
a flood of warmth spills into her core, thick spurts of come slowly filling her as her walls milk her cock dry, feeling of fullness increasing as she empties inside of her. it's a whole new feeling for nayeon, and one she thinks she might have just grown addicted to, her orgasm more powerful than any of the ones she's ever had.
"wow." mina pants against her back, slowly slipping out of her, nayeon whining at the loss. her seed spills down her legs, and mina turns nayeon in her arms to kiss her again, lips lazily dancing against each other.
"yeah, that was amazing." sana kisses the two on the cheek, smiling happily at a still panting nayeon. "but… we really need to leave now."
"so… do you two have a number i could call… i mean, if you don't mind, of course." 
wrapping an arm around mina's shoulder, sana is reaching for her phone before she can finish her sentence, the light of the screen illuminating soft features in the dark of the night.
"you should definitely call whenever you want to… and me, preferably, cause this one right here sucks at replying." 
mina pouts, nudging sana's hip, but she knows this is true anyway. 
and as they both watch nayeon get into her car, driver opening the door for her, sana's grip onto her phone is tight, because she knows that whatever number that's now in it is one she will be treasuring for a very long time.
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myouwos · 5 years
I write for twice! I only write ships (so no readerxmember) and wlw! ♡ both nsfw and sfw is ok and i prefer non-angsty prompts although i can do with a few ones.
I will write :
hybrids and pet play
bdsm (not too hard though but as long as it respects my dos it should be alright ^^)
vanilla of course
light anal
blood play but only if it involves vampires, nothing too hard
I will not write :
anything non-consensual/rape
aus in which a member is underage (or barely legal with a big age gap)
degradation isn't really my thing, so if you can refrain from sending some to me!
drunk sex, drugs, anything that might blur the lines of consent
don't hesitate on sending asks, i will try to get to them as quickly as possible! ♡
men and TERFS dni and do not read my content. only +18 are allowed here.
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