#college student victon I mean what else have I been asking for??
haifengg · 4 years
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Summary: Your friend who’s studying at university invites you over to spend an evening at with her and a group of friends she just met in class. Featuring a Y/N who isn’t quite aware of herself and Seungsik who notices it. In the end this turned out to be more about Seungsik than Byungchan but I couldn’t help myself it is what it is
Disclaimer: Alcohol consumption, college!setting, all grown up, fem!reader
Pairing: NonIdol!SeungsikxFem!Reader
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boy, what did she expect
or rather, what did you expect?
when she was texting you earlier this day if you wanted to go out with them and have a drink with her and her newly found student-friends, you didn’t expect this
you met with her at the subway station and she quickly guided you to the bar
regarding the bar I’m talking classic college student meet up: cheap lager beer, dimmed lights, just the best greasy late night out food, and music that changed genres as often as streetlights changed their colours
she lead you to one of the bigger tables in the back were you would find a group of aprox. 8 people, being 4 guys and 3 girls, making it a 4/5 ratio including the two of you
she was right when she told you not to dress up or anything: everyone was dressed legere and you didn’t caught anyones eye with that oversized tee of yours
“Y’all shush this is the friend I was telling you about earlier.” She said and briefly introduced the group to you
the girls present were from her department mostly and they were also the ones who asked her to come tonight
then she went on talking about the others
“Subin is the youngest of all of us, I think he majors economics” She said and Subin immediately rose up against it stating that she knew very well what his major is and she should just stop teasing him
which made everyone laugh, including you
then she went on, explaining how Sejun was a finance major, Byungchan majored in early education and Seungsik in literature
you sat down between Seungsik and your friend
After the first two rounds of beer and pre-gaming things started to go very well
Everyone was having a blast
the girls would argue with Subin about his attitude and how we would get a girlfriend so easily if he would just give into the fact that he’s adorable which he bluntly refused to do over and over 
Sejun and your friend were also having a huge discussion about some fashion issue that must have happened ages ago but somehow it came up and led to the two of them nearly arm wrestling across the table
But the real noise pollution happened on your end
because it turned out Byungchan and you were nearly the same person
your minds were so in sync you started to say the same things and laugh at the same frequency which made the both of you laugh even more
fuelled by a few beers, you guys went through a lot of topics in a short amount of time
hard to follow for the ones listening to you
no one really knew what the hell you were talking about or what made your stomach ache of laughter but they took your tears of joy as a good sign 
at some points you wouldn’t get a word out because you were laughing so hard
since Seungsik was seated between the to of you and making it difficult to talk to Byungchan directly
you were just leaning on the table from one point on forward, propping your body up with your hand
every time you got into a heated conversation or something of that kind a  pretty tomboyish side of you would surface
a side that made it easy for guys to get a long with you and would make them feel comfortable around you
one time you almost hit Seungsik with your elbow but he was ducking away fast enough 
you apologised a million times to hime
because you knew you had no sense of direction of balance or direction when even slightly drunk
Byungchan was scolding you for being more careful about your surroundings
“Who are you to tell me what to do you only know me for one and half hour?” You bickered at him
and Seungsik chimed in
“Who are you to call me a surrounding??”
Byongchan’s nose was scrunched the entire time from laughing and you were making fun of him for having such a beak-like nose
which made him look for something about you to make loving fun off 
that would go on for a while
then you reached the topic of TV Shows and things became more serious 
in the meanwhile Seungsik - bless his heart - didn’t quite know what to do
or where to look
because since you were leaning over to Byungchan and had propped your body up he had unblocked view through your sleeve at your black lace bra
literally the entire time Byungchan and you have been bickering 
you didn’t notice
honestly you never did
at some point she just tapped on your friends shoulder and as she turned around and he pointed at you
ofc she knew what was going on - this wasn’t her first night out with you
and she told Seungsik to just switch seats with you
so he did
he got up and carefully put his hand on your back to get your attention and as you looked into his blood rushed face you were wondering what was going on but since he only wanted to switch seats you thought 
you continued talking as if nothing happened a
and Seungsik soon found himself involved in a conversation with Heochan, which was more of a listening role in his monologue
this man had too much to drink already again
Seungsik was trying to follow his ramblings and be interested about whatever he going on about 
But he was always looking back at you, giving you side eyes
“Are you even listening?”
“Of course of course, go on”
at the end of the night your friend and you were heading to the subway station with Heochan and some of the girls
okay let’s be honest you were leading Heochan to the station - this man can’t take alcohol
you were pretty wobbly on your legs as well but your friend got your back!
since the others lived at the same dormitory they would head home together, leaving you and your friend waiting for your train
“I didn’t know what I was expecting when I asked to bring you but it definitely wasn’t that.” She said jokingly
“You and Byungchan got along so great. That’s really unexpected.”
You suddenly felt ba as you let the evening reflect on your inner eye
“We disturbed you, didn’t we?”
She waved it off. “It’s fine. We weren’t really quiet either. Also everyone else was busy with their own conversations.”
You sighed relievedly and leaned onto her for support
you were deadly tired
“Oh and” She laughed. “Poor Seungsik.”
“What? Why?”
“Because you gave this man such a hard time!”
“I did what? How?”
“You really are so clueless oh my god.”
You stood up straight and looked at her in shock and confusion as to how and what the hell you did this time and didn’t notice
she explained it to you and you just reached for her shoulders shaking her
She laughed so hard people were turning around looking at the two of you (the circus was back in town)
“But it was so cute!”
“No no, Seungsik! He really tried not to look but boy he couldn’t help himself.”
“I WILL END YOU” You yelled fiercely the second the train approached and no one would hear your threat
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victondiary · 6 years
Stuck In Your Head (Seungsik)
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A soulmate au where the song that your soulmate sings gets stuck in your head, it basically happens all the time that you’d get a headache. Even though you understand what song they’re singing, you’re not even that much of a fan of kpop. Of course, you don’t hate it, you just don’t care.
You’re just an average college student who likes to compose songs
You sing too but it’s not that often
You play the piano too and you own one at home
One time, you suddenly have so many songs stuck in your head that you couldn’t even write
Literally every time you try to write, a song gets stuck in your head
So you just stick with playing the piano for awhile
How did it even happen though?
You were fine a couple days before you sudden get songs stuck in your head
Your friends seems to not have an issue
But when you mentioned it to them, it seems like they can completely relate
You’re just ????????????
They mention it as a soulmate thing
I thought those were only in stories???
Then you realized that the songs were all kpop
Oh lordy
You know nothing about it, nor do you care about it
Your friends do, and they listen to it all the time around you, but you just completely ignore it
What you didn’t know was how different this person’s voice is
And it still never caught your attention
Of course, your friends are a fan of this group called victon
Even though your friends mention them a lot, your brain doesn’t register the name
One time, you were busy doing work for college and you had to write a song
Well guess what
That person didn’t let you by singing a bunch of songs
If only you could just talk and they would hear you ask to stop singing so you can work
Well that’s not how that works
You ended up singing a song that’s in english 
And then that got stuck in their head
And they’re just there being confused
After that you somehow could work now, and you basically wrote a bunch of songs to make up the time you just played piano
This has been going for a while, and you still don’t bother to go find your soulmate
Even your friends tried to get you to
You’re just-
“No thanks.”
“Y/N, I swear to god.”
“Not worth my time.”
And that’s how it went almost everyday
To the point where it went to text too
God dang it
Then you get asked to go to this company to work with them on a song
You’re just a college student who just writes for fun, w h y
You went anyways despite you questioning them
The company is decent sized
Then you hear a bunch of yelling and screaming
W h a t
You went to check and there was 7 tall men
Aka taller than you is what I mean
They suddenly stopped screaming when they saw you
You just stare at them
“Glad you’re here.” You hear someone say
It was their manager apparently
And the 7 boys seem to have a good relationship with him
Then the manager introduced you to them
You wave at them and they all say hello to you in unison
Then you hear “They’ll be writing a song for you guys to sing.”
Is he kidding?
Please be kidding
Yeah no
You sat with them to discuss on what song they want
Some wanted cool, some wanted refreshing, some wanted calming
So you decided on calming
Bc that’s something you can write
Then you stood up to go home, since you write better when you go home
And guess what
Someone’s singing a song again
And you can’t write
But this time you actually recognized the voice
It was one of those nerds that you met out of the blue bc their manager told you to come over to talk about writing a song
It was the one that looked like a potato
What was his name again?
Oh yeah, seungsik.
He’s always singing now that you saw him in person
You were ready to throw hands at him the next time you guys meet
Apparently that next time was too soon
Luckily you already wrote the song
At like 5 in the morning but they don’t know that
You were singing a song on your way there as you were holding the strap of your satchel bag
You were still singing by the time you entered the company building
You hear seungsik go, “Whoever is sing that song, it’s getting stuck in my head.”
But he doesn’t admit that the voice is very nice
Doesn’t stop you from singing though
You enter the room where everyone else is and you instantly stopping singing when the room got quiet
“Yes?” You say
“So you were the one singing!” seungsik said out of the blue
“It’s stuck in my head! Even way before you got here!”
“It might be that you two are soulmates.” Seungwoo said
“My friends say the same thing.” you say
Then everyone just falls silent 
Tfw it seems like they all just knew for some reason and that just makes them assholes
Not really iurhgiuerh
“Let’s just get started and then we’ll get to know each other before doing what soulmates do.” you say
And they just answer like kids,
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