#collectors miscellanious aus
the-au-collector · 3 months
New Miscellanious AU:
Stravaganza x Linked Universe
It’s just ✨vibes✨at this point but I think it’d be funny to have the LU Links be multi-versal time travelers who live in 20th century Hyrule and travel back to like 16th century Hyrule (Ah i mean Lorule—) to do miraculous things as a form of intense maladaptive daydream except the daydreams are real
*coughs* anyways I also want to draw Time as Rodolpho—
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adelle-ein · 3 years
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I made a modern office setting bd2/adellevis au and it’s got a plot and six gdoc pages of script. no idea if any of you will ever get to see much of it though because! you know. this might be it.
But either way, here’s basic intros, the meet-cute, and some other miscellany. Dominic is Adelle’s shitty ex-boss. Yes, Adelle hurled her shoes at Dominic’s head, but he ducked and they went out a window and into the head of a random passerby. Elvis doesn’t buy her new ones in this au though, just tea and sympathy (and kind of a job)
some other notes: Sloan is their boss, everyone lives and works in Halcyonia. Sloan didn’t make Adelle Elvis’s assistant for like shipping reasons or anything, Elvis really fucking needed an assistant lol. also no offense to sweater vest collectors, adelle’s just going through it
“but lace what do they do at the office” they work! “but what do they DO” i uh. something boring. idk what. sweats
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