#collect on that debt homie
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ashortdropandasuddenstop · 11 months ago
“Well, he’s happier for one. Safer. Well looked after, cared for. Spoiled rotten. It’s no wonder he’s such a brat, clinging to me all the time.” The demon said, but not out of spite. Purely being honest. It couldn’t be denied that James was content. “He’ll always be eager to please, but when it comes to him, so am I.” He admitted.
The blonde watched and listened curiously, head tilted as Commodore spoke. Brows furrowed slightly at hearing such…nonsense. But then again, it all made sense. “That probably explains why you Norrington’s don’t have a sense of humour. Too miserable and frustrated” The demon said with a roll of his eyes.
“You can still be a man of proprietary and wank, or fuck. And especially now in this day and age, there’s no one around who would judge you.” The blonde said, eyeing the Commodore for a long moment. “Hm. Y’know what I think? Jealousy. Again. James has been the one sucking and fucking all these years while you were locked away inside his head trying to drown it all out. Or watching, if curiosity got the better of you. And all that has led you to be bitter.” The demon said with a shrug, sweeping up his cape before he sat down on top of James’ desk.
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He then looked at Commodore closely. “That time before, James sharing the experience with you. Did you enjoy it? Hm? Did it feel good? Because if it did, that is only…heh…the tip of the iceberg. You’re restricting yourself from so many pleasures and experiences. And for what? For honour? All the folk that would care about that are long dead and don’t give a fuck. So why should you? John and I both get our time for fun. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be the same for you or James. Besides, you need a good fuck. It’ll loosen you up…in more ways than one.”
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"Perhaps thanks are in order then, for taking care of him for me.. "
The Commodore could not deny that Jamie was finally content in his life. He had love, family, a career ontop as second in command to Homelander. A Legacy. The only only thing he lacked was -- marriage to the person whom he loved.
He didn't care to think of that.
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" I disagree. A true gentleman must show the fortitude to restrain his baser urges. " the Commodore parroted what Lawrence drilled into him. and speaking of Lawrence. When Homelander spoke of James clinging, the Commodore had to reply.
" An annoying habit he's carried since childhood. Used to drive father mad. " huffed the Commodore clearly having picked that up from dear old dad. Rolling his eyes some.
And then the elephant was in the room. Mirrorlander reminded him , brought to the forefront of his attention to the fact that he never let himself be the one to lower himself to his knees. Even back in the day, the 'Lieutenant' before he was commodore was the same. " Oh, I prefer to think of it as.. dedication to purity. Chastity is a virtue you know. "
A frown on his lips as he recalls the deep rooted feeling of the stronger over him, against him……. inside him. His breath shudders almost as if he forgot he didnt need to breathe. His voice stutters as he continues to have to look up at him, since hes on his desk.
" J-just for arguments sake, even if I did… enjoy it.. even if I did agree , I hardly think it will do all that you proclaim it will for me. I am a military man not some upstart whelp you can wrap around your little finger… or other places as the case may be. If I've not 'loosened up' in three centuries you've little chance to be the cause of it now. "
Good lord, what madness have I entered into now?
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Take A Stand!
In our snowballing divisiveness, people are afraid to state an opinion without knowing how it might be received.  For instance, I took a survey of people’s preferences, for either Meghan or Kate, and the usual answer was the mousy “I like them both”.  There was a time when stating a favorite Beatle did not lead to fear of ridicule or social ostracism from others.  It was just a fun thing to converse about.  Ok, there was some mockery if you did pick Ringo but hardly anyone ever did, so it has been mostly erased from the collective memory.  
To bring the country together, I think there should be a national election with a festive week of celebration.  Kate or Meghan, straight up.  Not who is the best dressed, best personality, or any other categories, just state a preference. Although controversy has already started with mere mention of the vote.  Some say that North Carolinians should be forced to vote absentee ballot only to get practice, that New Mexicans should not be allowed to vote as they are not really part of the USA, that Kansas should not be allowed to vote until they accept evolution as a scientific fact and Floridians should not be allowed to vote because they can’t run an election for dog catcher without bickering but I say let bygones be bygones, and let all savor the joyousness of the contest.
Red versus blue will be replaced by those that favor tradition and hominess and those that favor a little Hollywood and rebelliousness.  Not much to really fight over and during the festivities, everyone gets a week off of work, (except those in the service industries such as bars, restaurants and hotels, just to keep some traditions continuing) and people can go out and drink a brew or two.  
You can bring your own ballot to the polling station, draw on it, write anything you wish, wrong spellings are fine, hanging chads are even accepted.  Although write in votes of any Kardashian are immediately disposed of. Voters must be 18 years or older, and ID may be required under the discretion of polling workers. Valid proof of American authenticity includes drugstore or pet store or Sam’s club discount card, Wal Mart receipt, being able to name at least three Kardashians or Jenners, being able to show proof that you made a comment of “gorgeous” on anyone’s social media post, evidence of a high deductible health insurance plan, arrest record, or college student loan debt.  
Voting irregularities are to be expected and ballot stuffing is to be encouraged. This will give the talking heads headaches and they would be less likely to discuss the suburban Cleveland vote yet again.  Both the popular and electoral vote will be calculated. Ballots will be collected throughout the country, and shipped off in hermetically sealed shoe boxes to be tabulated by those expert vote counters in the State of Florida.
One columnist of the upcoming plebiscite stated this represents the downfall of society and the “insanity of humanity” while on the same day a rival columnist described the referendum as a needed distraction from the daily “insanity of humanity”.  To put our times into perspective:
As a well-known writer of a past historical fiction novel wrote, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
 Only if it were fiction.
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rogue-snorunt · 7 years ago
Why I made a ko-fi
I got an anon who said that if I'm going to ask the public for money, than I need to explain why and it better be good. Which. Subtlety kind of rude but I get it. I'd want to know the story too and while I did give the explanation already in my first post about it, because I broke my own link with my incredible stupidity, I took it down.
reposted the link to my Kofi that hopefully works now but did leave out the explanation because I feel bad involving others in my problems and I don't want people to hear em and feel guilted into anything.
So here it is: the full obnoxiously long saga of the series of unfortunate events that had led me to making the Kofi from start to finish describing my 2017-2018 life presently.
It all started back in January of last year..
The cafe in which I work.. Worked? Work.. closes every January for cleaning for anywhere between 2wks and a month and in the time they encourage us to apply early and collect unemployment. This would be my first and last ever time doing this.
Why close? Mainly because my bakery is an old fashion French bakery where our lawyer city boy rich owner went to France and liked some countrymans brick oven so much he dropped I think it was a million or so to not only buy the oven, but to actually bring said oven to America brick by fucking brick.
And to clean this wood fed oven the size of a living room, you need AT LEAST 2-3 wks to let it cool down enough for some poor scrawny guy to climb in through the tiny wood stuffing hole and excerise all that soot. Plus deep cleaning a detached two story bakery; the kitchen and cafe itself..
Anyway back to the plot:
So on Jan 1st,2017 I applied and by Jan 14th2017, the place temp closed for cleaning.
I had saved 900$ for this because I'd be okay for the month.. $200/month for rent; $50 for phone, $35 for gas, $130 for groceries for me (who has strict diet of lactose and gluten free diet because I WILL die if I eat gluten because my organs swell; attack themselves and try and shut down. Rip™ my diet gets fucking hella expensive. Bread alone is &4-$5 bucks) $300 monthly student loan etc..
Well: not a week in our gas heater said fuck you. So to help repair, there went -$400 bucks. A WEEK IN. Than my grandmas car died, -$250 a week later. Fuck me gently.
Than the fateful blizzard night of Jan 31st 2017 that would be the catalyst of unfortunate bullshit leading today.. at 4:35 on my friend was bringing me home after a fun weekend, as I do not have a car, and he wanted to make sure I got home safe before the super storm hit. The cafe was reopening Feb 10th.
I was later informed that at around 4:56, my friend hit black ice and we °360 hard into a tree. I only remember seeing it about to happen and worrying about my glasses about to break, then nothing. Then looking at my blurry hand and even with my one good but still kind of blind eye, I saw that it was black; blue and I couldn't move it. Then I guess I said "well shit" and went to sleep.
I had broken not only my glasses trying to protect them, the fucking irony.. but my metacarpals; my nose, inhaled the chemical death from the airbag and recieved mild chemic Burns to face and throat. My smol rib cage was punched by the airbag so hard it got bullied out of place and was now compressing my lungs and a severe concussion.
My friend luckily being a 6' ft some man was set far away from air bag and being the impact was more my side, had only bad bruising to the limbs but okay. His truck now an accordion.
The doctor only looked at my hand and ignored my concussion, as I had an in the ambulance and was apparently making stupid nonsense jokes. So they assumed I was fine I guess.
I had to call in to my job and sadly tell them the news I would not be able to work for maybe a few months.
A month later while home and coming down the stairs, I suddenly could not breathe and got light-headed. Not good when you on stairs. I ended up refuckin up my metas and now add broken tail bone to the list.
My return to work just went from hopeful 3-4 months to 6. I was not financially equipped for this
But wait rogue! The unemployment!
Ah yes. The fucking thing that would fuck me harder then the airbag and stairs combined.. You see:
I had asked everyone I knew that had ever collected unemployment before what to do and even the girl who did the disability thing: for I was unable to work; disability would not kick in until at least a month. I got bills men, life don't stop cause bad shit you know?
Everyone told me, collect unemployment until Disability kicked in. Then stop. Okay.. these 6 people would know best right? Dingdong: unfortunate event #3 so far:
By the time disability kicked in I had collected $700 caps. Nice! Right? Well my honest naive ass thought how you cancelled unemployment was to tell em to cease and why. So I did.I explained what happened. This proved to be the biggest mistake of my pathetic life and installed the lesson of "don't be honest with big brother." They said "oh no you got injured? Well guess what fucko. You now have to pay back the $700, or else and guess what, we adding an bonus fuck you of $200 ."
I'm not able to work; disability only gave$100 some and I got friends and family I am in debt to for helping during these shenanigans.
Then unfortunate events #4-#9 took place. my aunt died.
I had to be hospitalized for pancreatitis; kidney stones and infections a few times, sometimes for all em at once.
Then my dog prostate cancer became apparent and despite the medicine and surgery every thing that could hell, he had to leave us for the rainbow bridge.
Than my grandma's car died again.
Then my stepmother died.
Grandma had to get surgery for her knees and began to complain of occasional blindness and migraines.
Went back to work early because you guys do what you gotta do man, only it's 7 months later and in a couple more, the fucking Cafe is going to close again.
By the time it did, I had been using every paycheck to catch up on bills; pay back the my friends and family lent, paying the late bills from my dog and car repairs, back owed payment and feedback to the student loan. and just as I had started seeing the light at the tunnel.. we closed and I wasn't prepared.
Unemployment have nothing but the middle finger.
It'll be fine.. I can handle a month. It'll suck but-
During the time I was laid off this year I spent my time as follows:
Joined Tumblr and began to meme to counter that bi-polar depression and made some friends, looking at you @m-is-for-mungo 😘💞💞
A man grabbed my hand that didn't heal right and squeezed it so hard he fucked the bone. Had to go back to p.t. Hand once again fucking useless and I had posted about this way back, if you dig in my archive, you'll find the posts.
Applied for a state job at our prison with my friend whose already there, as kitchen worker
Got the surgery that I could no longer put off as it was too fix the anatomical problem contributing factor to my organs rioting like they do, but thankfully since it was considered life threatening, my insurance covered it.
Finally deal with death of my dog; and my family. Then my dad having a stroke and other family stuff.
Got that pesky rogue ribcage displacement taken care of
Fell down the fucking stairs again.
Adopted a special needs cat.
Became once again a financial burden and the moment I could, filled the still laid off time by trying to help my friend at their restaurant as much as possible.
Got the "we want you asap BUT thanks to state Bullshit like budget stuff.. We have to wait for the actual state to say yes" call from the prison call.
My uncle was discovered to cancer but by the time it was found, he had a week left. Then he died.
Got my shit broken by the scorned ex of our roommate
And then got the fucking letter from unemployment mildly threatening me to pay up.
But you said you didn't have a car in January 31st but then you do now??
After the car event, my friend told me to seek comp because I did get fucked up and being a baker who broke their hands, shit ain't good.. I did not want to because it was my friend, it wasn't their fault and if I had had my own car or just during go there in the first place this wouldn't have happened. Reluctantly after much badgering, I did.I did not get anything however until a year and half half later. and yeah, I’ll tell you how much seeing how Im being brutally honest: $10,000.
I immediately bought a $4000 car so I would never again be a burden and every single car I’ve ever owned have been $100+ garbage death traps I got from shady people and for once in my fucking life I wanted a car that wouldnt break down or try to kill me a week later; helped my grandma buy a car that wouldn't fail her, bought her a new fridge because hers died and paid some of her bills she got behind on. My friend had fallen behind on their bills as well and I owe everything I am and still being alive to these people.
You bet my stupid ass, I used almost every dime to help them. And id fucking do it again because: homies help homies.. And when your Nana whose been both mom; dad and nana to you and is the reason you weren't place in foster care needs you.. You fucking help her no matter what.I did have enough to pay the student loan for last month and this month. I got a new track phone because mine broke, bought a pair of shoes because I've only ever had my loafers and the soles fell off finally and I brought groceries. I have enough to pay rent and I am now tapped out.
My only debt is this $900 fuck you from the government and my $15000k student loan.
And now y'all caught up on the fucking disaster that is my life.
I'm sorry for this sobstory of me crying about my problems but i.. I really do not like asking for help.i hate asking for help. I hate that I have to ask for money because I've been in desperate shitty situations my whole damn life and managed to somehow scrape by but for the first time, I'm in a situation that I can't fix alone. And I fucking hate it and that I have to admit it. but I need help .
This is why I made the Kofi
A kofi that is absolutely only for and will only be used, to pay that $900. I promise you that even if I become homeless, I am going to pay that goddamn bill before anything else. Because I helped everyone with their debt and they are all good now, we all squared and now it's my turn to be okay glib-dimit
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tumbledbyturtles · 7 years ago
So I worked at a debt collection agency that collected for AT&T. Now if you remember, back in the day, you HAD to have AT&T if you wanted an iPhone.
We called a lot of people about missing their final bill or failing to return/complete paying for their phone. And when you collect for a monopoly on a high demand item, you can see some interesting things.
Like how Donald Trump Jr failed to pay his final AT&T bill.
This was 2015/2016, mind you.
The system generates and calls the number and you have the time from when the phone starts ringing to when it's picked up to pull up the account.
So as the account gets pulled up, you only have a split second to read the name before someone answers.
Now, these are older accounts and it was a lot easier to use a fake name to open a phone account back then, so he immediately goes into the "you have the wrong guy" spiel.
Doesn't matter, though. We have a strict script. "Is this Donald Trump Jr, last four digits of the social XXXX?"
And homie goes off.
"Well, sir, it looks like you had an iPhone with [phone number] in [year] and failed to pay your final bill, if you just grab a credit card we can get this taken care of for you."
Put him on hold, flag down supervisor, and skin NexusLexus to confirm this shit is really happening.
Dead real. There's all the addresses and social security numbers of the whole family.
Supervisor shows up, explain it to him and he is tickled. He gladly takes the phone "what's the problem, sir? If you're having trouble paying this bill, we could call you father. We have his number right here, we can connect him in."
A small tantrum later and he pays his bill.
The next week we get a call from NexusLexus because big daddy Trump threw an absolute shit fit about being accessible in the system (everyone with a Social Security number is accessible, no exceptions).
Our lawyers had to prove to their lawyers that, yup, we had this account and we were absolutely within our rights to verify their ID on NexusLexus because that it procedure when someone tries the bullshit Shaggy excuse.
After this, Trump gave a vague speech about his privacy and safety as a candidate was at risk and how it should be a matter of national security who could call him. And no one knew what the fuck he was talking about. It was us.
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jazzyjesi · 6 years ago
Fuck Collection Agencies
I'm just gonna be an angsty whiny bitch for a sec.
But like, I had to have an emergency surgery like 7 years ago because I had appendicitis and that baby was gonna burst or come out. I straight up tried to argue with the doctor because I knew then that this was gonna be expensive and I didn't have health insurance at the time.
Ya'll he wouldn't let me leave.
I didn't like fight him or anything but he just told me that they couldn't let me leave because if I died they could be liable. And also I would die if that little fucker burst and I didn't get help. (And also if it burst then it would have been a longer, more invasive, and more *expensive* surgery, and a much longer recovery.)
My choice was get the little asshole appendix removed or die, basically. And yo, what kind of choice is that, really?
So I did it. And after spending a week in a vicodin coma on my couch, I went and talked to the nice lady at the hospital who told me about CICP, which was the only option for my poor ass to pay for my life saving surgery. I got everything in order and the words she said to me are as follows:
"You will get a bill in the mail for this amount" ($15,000 to be exact) "Don't worry about it. Wait. You will receive another bill from CICP for $300. CICP will pay for the rest. You will owe $300."
Ya'll I skipped my ass out of there. I wasn't gonna be bankrupted! $300 was totally do-able.
The waiting period began. Sure enough, I got that $15,000 bill and shat myself looking at it. But I was like, "chill, Self. The lady said to wait. Wait homie. We got this."
But yo. That $300 bill didn't come.
I shit you not: 1 month after my surgery I had a collection agency calling me for the full $15,000. They had logged it as that and didn't give a fuck about CICP and all of that. They bought the debt for $15,000. That's what they wanted (with interest, of course).
I've been fighting it for years now. I've been sued multiple times by those fuckers and have gone to court several times. I, being the naive idiot I was, decided to just *explain* to the nice prosecutor lawyer man what happened and that the whole thing was a misunderstanding and I'm totally willing to pay the $300 and I can do it right now even!
He said to me:
"You wouldn't have known to do this, but you were supposed to call the CICP office and ask for the bill to be sent. That $300 is moot. You owe $15,000, plus interest now."
I straight up just flopped into a chair and cried in front of like 7 people I'd never met and just sobbed. And then I got PISSED. "So it's all some big fucking SECRET? Like I 'wouldn't have known to do that' but here we are, you fully expecting me to have done that? What the ACTUAL FUCK is wrong with you people" and then I was told very nicely that if I didn't chill out I'd be arrested. (Yo, I've never even gotten to see a judge. All just lawyers.)
So here I am. Almost 7 years later. And they are coming in hot for me again. They keep garnishing my bank accounts and I think they just found my business account. I'm a new business, I just opened my hair studio six months ago (and will be posting a major loss on taxes this year).
This is a long ass story, all just to say:
1. Fuck the American "health care" system (but straight up, the ACA was a godsend for my poor ass so quit trying to kill it and let's make it better or some shit)
2. Fuck Collection Agencies (they've taken my last $60, right after my spawn was birthed, and when I asked them how they expected me to feed and diaper my 1 month old, they condescendingly asked if I could "lean on" family or friends and wouldn't consider giving me any portion of that money back, so I, a breastfeeding mother (aka the most ravenous beast in the land) ate ramen noodles and rice and beans for a week until I could sell my body fluids for money)
Seriously. Collection Agencies can all burn.
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cleancutpage · 7 years ago
Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market
[Note from editor: Originally published on Thomvest’s Blog]
Residential real estate has proven to be a strong driver of economic growth and individual wealth, representing more than 15% of our nation’s GDP. The combined value of housing in the United States reached a record-high $31.8 trillion in 2017, according to Zillow.
Yet until recently, venture capitalists rarely invested in the sector. In 2010, investment in real estate technology companies made up less than 1 percent of total venture capital (only about $30 million). By 2017, however, activity in the category skyrocketed — VCs invested more than $5.7 billion into real estate technology companies last year.
Why the sudden interest in real estate? In the wake of the housing crisis, many entrepreneurs recognized that software and data could materially improve an inefficient real estate market. Consumers have also demonstrated a desire to move many aspects of the home buying process online. As a result, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the number of technology companies across nearly every aspect of real estate, from home listings, to lending, to property management and beyond.
We recently developed a market map to better understand the universe of companies in the residential real estate sector. We’ve shared the map above, which includes more than 140 companies across every aspect of the home buying and renting experience (available in PDF format here). A few recurring themes inform the approaches taken by companies on this map:
Digitizing much of the transaction workflow leads to an improved consumer experience (see Blend, Opendoor, JetClosing).
Data is being leveraged to better meets the needs of individual homebuyers and investors (see SoFi, HouseCanary, PeerIQ).
The use of technology results in reduced costs for consumers and less capital flowing to intermediaries (see Figure, Lemonade, OpenListings).
The combination of these themes (digitization, data, and cost reduction) is enabling new housing finance models (see Ribbon, Divvy & Point).
Below we’ve described the individual categories that are the building blocks for this market map. You’ll notice that several companies are included across multiple categories — that’s by design. Companies like Opendoor are reimagining the entire buying and selling process, wrapping the home search, financing and selling process into a single platform.
Find Your Home
Listings & Marketplaces: Today’s home buyers have numerous search engines and agency-specific websites in order to shop for properties online and carry out subsequent steps in the home buying process. Opendoor, which announced its $325 million Series E in June, will buy, renovate, relist, and sell your home online. Some listing sites (Homie, Open Listings) also act as tech-enabled real estate brokers by matching home buyers with preferred real estate agents.
Rental Listings: Most web and mobile listings include both “buy” and “rent” options. Several startups, however, have focused on building rental specific marketplaces. ApartmentList and Zumper aim to provide users a seamless experience from “rent-to-close.” RadPad, for allows users to sign their lease and pay rent through web or mobile app. Roomi takes a peer-to-peer approach for home and roommate hunting, whereas LoftSmartfocuses exclusively on finding students affordable off campus housing. Casalova has pioneered an algorithm to match renters to neighborhoods that meet their needs/interests.
Tech-Enabled Brokers: These companies allow a customer to search for a home to buy/rent online and access a traditional real estate agent via online chat, phone, or in-person. Compass, for example, contracts independent real estate agents and takes a share in the commission. Houwzer, in contrast, replaces agent commission with a flat fee-for-service, and Door refunds the customer’s commission fee once the house closes.
Agent Tools: These companies develop real estate software to generate and qualify leads by predicting when and why people move (First), improve search engine optimization (Hoozip), augment email marketing (Placester), match with real estate agents (HomeLight, UpNest), end-to-end marketing tools (BoomTown), and enterprise management software (Sweep Bright).
Sell Your Home
Multiple online listings and marketplaces exist on the sell-side as well as the buy-side of the residential market. When a customer is ready to sell his/her home, a direct home buyer (Opendoor, Perch, Offerpad, or others) will make an offer on the home in less than 24 hours. Homeowners can sell their property on their own terms without showings or repairs. FlyHomes offers sellers a guaranteed sale, a trend which is becoming table stakes for real estate agents to win deals. Felix Homes will even pay sellers to list their property and buy it within 90 days if they cannot find a buyer. Knock will buy your old home, finance a new one, and front costs of home renovations and project management.
Finance Your Home
Digital Lenders: Digital mortgage lenders, such as Rocket Mortgage or LendingHome, will retrieve a borrower’s bank statements and credit history to rapidly pre-approve him/her for a mortgage. Instead of playing a middleman — as with a mortgage broker — direct lenders have a financing arm to fund loans and sell them on the secondary market to investors.
Digital Brokers: Digital mortgage brokers help a borrower find a mortgage that fits his/her needs and surface loans by connecting the borrower with a variety of lending institutions. Once approved for a mortgage, the borrower usually deals directly with the service provider or loan originator. Digital mortgage brokers may act as marketplaces (Morty, LendingTree) allowing lenders, banks, and credit partners to compete for customers. Other companies tack on mortgage advisory services (Sindeo) or refinancing services (Lenda).
Alternative Financing: Customers today have a variety of alternative financing options from which to choose. Divvy Homes, for example, offers customers a “rent-to-own” proposition in which a portion of each month’s lease contributes to a future down payment via equity credits. Knock, FlyHomes and Ribbon promise all-cash offers upfront on behalf of a home buyer with a flexible schedule to close on the property. Unison, Patch Homes, and Point, offer debt-free alternatives to typical home equity loans. Instead of accepting monthly loan payments, these companies share in the property’s future appreciation or depreciation in value (i.e., shared equity mortgage).
Mortgage Lender Software
Loan Application & Docs: New loan application tools enable borrowers to apply for mortgage loans online. Qualia introduced the “first end-to-end online real estate closing platform.” Blend, Roostify, Lendsnap, and others offer consumer-focused, mobile-friendly platforms to automate the collection of qualifying documents (i.e., bank statements, W2s, tax returns, and pay stubs).
Loan Origination: Whereas some companies focused on front-end mortgage application, others have modernized loan origination. Ellie Mae, LendingQB, and others enable lenders to originate, underwrite, and close loans using one system, not by shifting between different applications.
Close on the Property
Valuation & Appraisal: Companies in this category are bringing big data analytics to home valuation — analyzing and cleansing MLS, public records, and proprietary data to refine the accuracy of automated valuations. HouseCanary and Cherre, for example, have leveraged machine learning and predictive analytics to refine estimates of valuation and forecasts down to the individual block.
Title & Escrow: The U.S. has 3,000 U.S. counties, many of which still rely on paper-based property deeds. However, innovative startups have begun to digitize title insurance and escrow services. NextAce, for example, is capable of delivering a title report in minutes. JetClosing and Spruceintegrate with mortgage lenders to expedite the closing process. Players earlier in the value chain (Redfin, Opendoor) have also added title insurance offerings in hopes of providing a great end-to-end customer experience.
Insurance: In addition to title insurance, home buyers are required to have mortgage and home or renter’s insurance. Lemonade, offers low cost homeowners and renters insurance for a flat fee, leveraging machine learning and chatbots instead of brokers and commissions. Other insurtech startups offer mobile-only on-demand property insurance (Trov), pull online data to replace the manual insurance application process (Kin), and leverage digital renters insurance to lower security deposits (Jetty).
Transaction Management: Several companies provide listing-to-close management software to streamline the closing process for all parties involved. Glide and Dotloop (acquired by Zillow in 2015) enable real estate professionals to complete an entire transaction from start to close online by automating the collection of documents and signatures. Similarly, Snapdocs offers a seamless workflow to automate title transfer and mobile closing with e-signatures.
Manage the Property
Home Improvement: Several startups have taken the inconvenience out of home improvement. Househappy, for example, provides customers with a concierge service for renovations and maintenance. BuildZoom is a marketplace for homeowners to find general contractors in their area. HomeZada offers an all-in-one app for home valuation, insurance, maintenance and remodels, and HVAC/energy management.
Rental Management: These software tools streamline day-to-day operations for property owners, thereby lowering O&M costs, reducing vacancy rates, and avoiding missed or overdue payments. Startups focused on rental management include Rentify (pricing algorithms to ‘guarantee’ rentals), OneRent (marketing, tours/showings, application tools), Cozy(lease/application, screening tools, and rent collection), and Mynd(maintenance requests and rent collection).
Manage the Loan
Liquidity & Refinancing: Today, homeowners have a variety of options for mortgage refinancing and home equity release services. Alternative financing startups Unison and Point, as well as EasyKnock, Hometap, and Tangello, enable customers to access the equity in their homes debt-free by investing alongside the homeowner. Irene introduced a similar “sell and stay” offering for retirees to take liquidity out of their homes.
Loan Securitization: In addition to large institutional investors who trade mortgage backed securities, a number of startups have begun revolutionizing securitization. Income& has introduced an alternative MBS, PRIMO, which offers fixed income returns to investors. Optimal Bluesells a digital mortgage marketplace for loan originators and investors. Blockchain consortium, R3, has developed the technology to track home mortgages packaged into securities.
[Note from editor: Originally published on Thomvest’s Blog]
The post Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market published first on https://greatlivinghomespage.tumblr.com/
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yourchoicepage · 7 years ago
Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market
[Note from editor: Originally published on Thomvest’s Blog]
Residential real estate has proven to be a strong driver of economic growth and individual wealth, representing more than 15% of our nation’s GDP. The combined value of housing in the United States reached a record-high $31.8 trillion in 2017, according to Zillow.
Yet until recently, venture capitalists rarely invested in the sector. In 2010, investment in real estate technology companies made up less than 1 percent of total venture capital (only about $30 million). By 2017, however, activity in the category skyrocketed — VCs invested more than $5.7 billion into real estate technology companies last year.
Why the sudden interest in real estate? In the wake of the housing crisis, many entrepreneurs recognized that software and data could materially improve an inefficient real estate market. Consumers have also demonstrated a desire to move many aspects of the home buying process online. As a result, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the number of technology companies across nearly every aspect of real estate, from home listings, to lending, to property management and beyond.
We recently developed a market map to better understand the universe of companies in the residential real estate sector. We’ve shared the map above, which includes more than 140 companies across every aspect of the home buying and renting experience (available in PDF format here). A few recurring themes inform the approaches taken by companies on this map:
Digitizing much of the transaction workflow leads to an improved consumer experience (see Blend, Opendoor, JetClosing).
Data is being leveraged to better meets the needs of individual homebuyers and investors (see SoFi, HouseCanary, PeerIQ).
The use of technology results in reduced costs for consumers and less capital flowing to intermediaries (see Figure, Lemonade, OpenListings).
The combination of these themes (digitization, data, and cost reduction) is enabling new housing finance models (see Ribbon, Divvy & Point).
Below we’ve described the individual categories that are the building blocks for this market map. You’ll notice that several companies are included across multiple categories — that’s by design. Companies like Opendoor are reimagining the entire buying and selling process, wrapping the home search, financing and selling process into a single platform.
Find Your Home
Listings & Marketplaces: Today’s home buyers have numerous search engines and agency-specific websites in order to shop for properties online and carry out subsequent steps in the home buying process. Opendoor, which announced its $325 million Series E in June, will buy, renovate, relist, and sell your home online. Some listing sites (Homie, Open Listings) also act as tech-enabled real estate brokers by matching home buyers with preferred real estate agents.
Rental Listings: Most web and mobile listings include both “buy” and “rent” options. Several startups, however, have focused on building rental specific marketplaces. ApartmentList and Zumper aim to provide users a seamless experience from “rent-to-close.” RadPad, for allows users to sign their lease and pay rent through web or mobile app. Roomi takes a peer-to-peer approach for home and roommate hunting, whereas LoftSmartfocuses exclusively on finding students affordable off campus housing. Casalova has pioneered an algorithm to match renters to neighborhoods that meet their needs/interests.
Tech-Enabled Brokers: These companies allow a customer to search for a home to buy/rent online and access a traditional real estate agent via online chat, phone, or in-person. Compass, for example, contracts independent real estate agents and takes a share in the commission. Houwzer, in contrast, replaces agent commission with a flat fee-for-service, and Door refunds the customer’s commission fee once the house closes.
Agent Tools: These companies develop real estate software to generate and qualify leads by predicting when and why people move (First), improve search engine optimization (Hoozip), augment email marketing (Placester), match with real estate agents (HomeLight, UpNest), end-to-end marketing tools (BoomTown), and enterprise management software (Sweep Bright).
Sell Your Home
Multiple online listings and marketplaces exist on the sell-side as well as the buy-side of the residential market. When a customer is ready to sell his/her home, a direct home buyer (Opendoor, Perch, Offerpad, or others) will make an offer on the home in less than 24 hours. Homeowners can sell their property on their own terms without showings or repairs. FlyHomes offers sellers a guaranteed sale, a trend which is becoming table stakes for real estate agents to win deals. Felix Homes will even pay sellers to list their property and buy it within 90 days if they cannot find a buyer. Knock will buy your old home, finance a new one, and front costs of home renovations and project management.
Finance Your Home
Digital Lenders: Digital mortgage lenders, such as Rocket Mortgage or LendingHome, will retrieve a borrower’s bank statements and credit history to rapidly pre-approve him/her for a mortgage. Instead of playing a middleman — as with a mortgage broker — direct lenders have a financing arm to fund loans and sell them on the secondary market to investors.
Digital Brokers: Digital mortgage brokers help a borrower find a mortgage that fits his/her needs and surface loans by connecting the borrower with a variety of lending institutions. Once approved for a mortgage, the borrower usually deals directly with the service provider or loan originator. Digital mortgage brokers may act as marketplaces (Morty, LendingTree) allowing lenders, banks, and credit partners to compete for customers. Other companies tack on mortgage advisory services (Sindeo) or refinancing services (Lenda).
Alternative Financing: Customers today have a variety of alternative financing options from which to choose. Divvy Homes, for example, offers customers a “rent-to-own” proposition in which a portion of each month’s lease contributes to a future down payment via equity credits. Knock, FlyHomes and Ribbon promise all-cash offers upfront on behalf of a home buyer with a flexible schedule to close on the property. Unison, Patch Homes, and Point, offer debt-free alternatives to typical home equity loans. Instead of accepting monthly loan payments, these companies share in the property’s future appreciation or depreciation in value (i.e., shared equity mortgage).
Mortgage Lender Software
Loan Application & Docs: New loan application tools enable borrowers to apply for mortgage loans online. Qualia introduced the “first end-to-end online real estate closing platform.” Blend, Roostify, Lendsnap, and others offer consumer-focused, mobile-friendly platforms to automate the collection of qualifying documents (i.e., bank statements, W2s, tax returns, and pay stubs).
Loan Origination: Whereas some companies focused on front-end mortgage application, others have modernized loan origination. Ellie Mae, LendingQB, and others enable lenders to originate, underwrite, and close loans using one system, not by shifting between different applications.
Close on the Property
Valuation & Appraisal: Companies in this category are bringing big data analytics to home valuation — analyzing and cleansing MLS, public records, and proprietary data to refine the accuracy of automated valuations. HouseCanary and Cherre, for example, have leveraged machine learning and predictive analytics to refine estimates of valuation and forecasts down to the individual block.
Title & Escrow: The U.S. has 3,000 U.S. counties, many of which still rely on paper-based property deeds. However, innovative startups have begun to digitize title insurance and escrow services. NextAce, for example, is capable of delivering a title report in minutes. JetClosing and Spruceintegrate with mortgage lenders to expedite the closing process. Players earlier in the value chain (Redfin, Opendoor) have also added title insurance offerings in hopes of providing a great end-to-end customer experience.
Insurance: In addition to title insurance, home buyers are required to have mortgage and home or renter’s insurance. Lemonade, offers low cost homeowners and renters insurance for a flat fee, leveraging machine learning and chatbots instead of brokers and commissions. Other insurtech startups offer mobile-only on-demand property insurance (Trov), pull online data to replace the manual insurance application process (Kin), and leverage digital renters insurance to lower security deposits (Jetty).
Transaction Management: Several companies provide listing-to-close management software to streamline the closing process for all parties involved. Glide and Dotloop (acquired by Zillow in 2015) enable real estate professionals to complete an entire transaction from start to close online by automating the collection of documents and signatures. Similarly, Snapdocs offers a seamless workflow to automate title transfer and mobile closing with e-signatures.
Manage the Property
Home Improvement: Several startups have taken the inconvenience out of home improvement. Househappy, for example, provides customers with a concierge service for renovations and maintenance. BuildZoom is a marketplace for homeowners to find general contractors in their area. HomeZada offers an all-in-one app for home valuation, insurance, maintenance and remodels, and HVAC/energy management.
Rental Management: These software tools streamline day-to-day operations for property owners, thereby lowering O&M costs, reducing vacancy rates, and avoiding missed or overdue payments. Startups focused on rental management include Rentify (pricing algorithms to ‘guarantee’ rentals), OneRent (marketing, tours/showings, application tools), Cozy(lease/application, screening tools, and rent collection), and Mynd(maintenance requests and rent collection).
Manage the Loan
Liquidity & Refinancing: Today, homeowners have a variety of options for mortgage refinancing and home equity release services. Alternative financing startups Unison and Point, as well as EasyKnock, Hometap, and Tangello, enable customers to access the equity in their homes debt-free by investing alongside the homeowner. Irene introduced a similar “sell and stay” offering for retirees to take liquidity out of their homes.
Loan Securitization: In addition to large institutional investors who trade mortgage backed securities, a number of startups have begun revolutionizing securitization. Income& has introduced an alternative MBS, PRIMO, which offers fixed income returns to investors. Optimal Bluesells a digital mortgage marketplace for loan originators and investors. Blockchain consortium, R3, has developed the technology to track home mortgages packaged into securities.
[Note from editor: Originally published on Thomvest’s Blog]
The post Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market published first on https://medium.com/@YourChoice
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clarencevancleave · 7 years ago
Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market
[Note from editor: Originally published on Thomvest’s Blog]
Residential real estate has proven to be a strong driver of economic growth and individual wealth, representing more than 15% of our nation’s GDP. The combined value of housing in the United States reached a record-high $31.8 trillion in 2017, according to Zillow.
Yet until recently, venture capitalists rarely invested in the sector. In 2010, investment in real estate technology companies made up less than 1 percent of total venture capital (only about $30 million). By 2017, however, activity in the category skyrocketed — VCs invested more than $5.7 billion into real estate technology companies last year.
Why the sudden interest in real estate? In the wake of the housing crisis, many entrepreneurs recognized that software and data could materially improve an inefficient real estate market. Consumers have also demonstrated a desire to move many aspects of the home buying process online. As a result, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the number of technology companies across nearly every aspect of real estate, from home listings, to lending, to property management and beyond.
We recently developed a market map to better understand the universe of companies in the residential real estate sector. We’ve shared the map above, which includes more than 140 companies across every aspect of the home buying and renting experience (available in PDF format here). A few recurring themes inform the approaches taken by companies on this map:
Digitizing much of the transaction workflow leads to an improved consumer experience (see Blend, Opendoor, JetClosing).
Data is being leveraged to better meets the needs of individual homebuyers and investors (see SoFi, HouseCanary, PeerIQ).
The use of technology results in reduced costs for consumers and less capital flowing to intermediaries (see Figure, Lemonade, OpenListings).
The combination of these themes (digitization, data, and cost reduction) is enabling new housing finance models (see Ribbon, Divvy & Point).
Below we’ve described the individual categories that are the building blocks for this market map. You’ll notice that several companies are included across multiple categories — that’s by design. Companies like Opendoor are reimagining the entire buying and selling process, wrapping the home search, financing and selling process into a single platform.
Find Your Home
Listings & Marketplaces: Today’s home buyers have numerous search engines and agency-specific websites in order to shop for properties online and carry out subsequent steps in the home buying process. Opendoor, which announced its $325 million Series E in June, will buy, renovate, relist, and sell your home online. Some listing sites (Homie, Open Listings) also act as tech-enabled real estate brokers by matching home buyers with preferred real estate agents.
Rental Listings: Most web and mobile listings include both “buy” and “rent” options. Several startups, however, have focused on building rental specific marketplaces. ApartmentList and Zumper aim to provide users a seamless experience from “rent-to-close.” RadPad, for allows users to sign their lease and pay rent through web or mobile app. Roomi takes a peer-to-peer approach for home and roommate hunting, whereas LoftSmartfocuses exclusively on finding students affordable off campus housing. Casalova has pioneered an algorithm to match renters to neighborhoods that meet their needs/interests.
Tech-Enabled Brokers: These companies allow a customer to search for a home to buy/rent online and access a traditional real estate agent via online chat, phone, or in-person. Compass, for example, contracts independent real estate agents and takes a share in the commission. Houwzer, in contrast, replaces agent commission with a flat fee-for-service, and Door refunds the customer’s commission fee once the house closes.
Agent Tools: These companies develop real estate software to generate and qualify leads by predicting when and why people move (First), improve search engine optimization (Hoozip), augment email marketing (Placester), match with real estate agents (HomeLight, UpNest), end-to-end marketing tools (BoomTown), and enterprise management software (Sweep Bright).
Sell Your Home
Multiple online listings and marketplaces exist on the sell-side as well as the buy-side of the residential market. When a customer is ready to sell his/her home, a direct home buyer (Opendoor, Perch, Offerpad, or others) will make an offer on the home in less than 24 hours. Homeowners can sell their property on their own terms without showings or repairs. FlyHomes offers sellers a guaranteed sale, a trend which is becoming table stakes for real estate agents to win deals. Felix Homes will even pay sellers to list their property and buy it within 90 days if they cannot find a buyer. Knock will buy your old home, finance a new one, and front costs of home renovations and project management.
Finance Your Home
Digital Lenders: Digital mortgage lenders, such as Rocket Mortgage or LendingHome, will retrieve a borrower’s bank statements and credit history to rapidly pre-approve him/her for a mortgage. Instead of playing a middleman — as with a mortgage broker — direct lenders have a financing arm to fund loans and sell them on the secondary market to investors.
Digital Brokers: Digital mortgage brokers help a borrower find a mortgage that fits his/her needs and surface loans by connecting the borrower with a variety of lending institutions. Once approved for a mortgage, the borrower usually deals directly with the service provider or loan originator. Digital mortgage brokers may act as marketplaces (Morty, LendingTree) allowing lenders, banks, and credit partners to compete for customers. Other companies tack on mortgage advisory services (Sindeo) or refinancing services (Lenda).
Alternative Financing: Customers today have a variety of alternative financing options from which to choose. Divvy Homes, for example, offers customers a “rent-to-own” proposition in which a portion of each month’s lease contributes to a future down payment via equity credits. Knock, FlyHomes and Ribbon promise all-cash offers upfront on behalf of a home buyer with a flexible schedule to close on the property. Unison, Patch Homes, and Point, offer debt-free alternatives to typical home equity loans. Instead of accepting monthly loan payments, these companies share in the property’s future appreciation or depreciation in value (i.e., shared equity mortgage).
Mortgage Lender Software
Loan Application & Docs: New loan application tools enable borrowers to apply for mortgage loans online. Qualia introduced the “first end-to-end online real estate closing platform.” Blend, Roostify, Lendsnap, and others offer consumer-focused, mobile-friendly platforms to automate the collection of qualifying documents (i.e., bank statements, W2s, tax returns, and pay stubs).
Loan Origination: Whereas some companies focused on front-end mortgage application, others have modernized loan origination. Ellie Mae, LendingQB, and others enable lenders to originate, underwrite, and close loans using one system, not by shifting between different applications.
Close on the Property
Valuation & Appraisal: Companies in this category are bringing big data analytics to home valuation — analyzing and cleansing MLS, public records, and proprietary data to refine the accuracy of automated valuations. HouseCanary and Cherre, for example, have leveraged machine learning and predictive analytics to refine estimates of valuation and forecasts down to the individual block.
Title & Escrow: The U.S. has 3,000 U.S. counties, many of which still rely on paper-based property deeds. However, innovative startups have begun to digitize title insurance and escrow services. NextAce, for example, is capable of delivering a title report in minutes. JetClosing and Spruceintegrate with mortgage lenders to expedite the closing process. Players earlier in the value chain (Redfin, Opendoor) have also added title insurance offerings in hopes of providing a great end-to-end customer experience.
Insurance: In addition to title insurance, home buyers are required to have mortgage and home or renter’s insurance. Lemonade, offers low cost homeowners and renters insurance for a flat fee, leveraging machine learning and chatbots instead of brokers and commissions. Other insurtech startups offer mobile-only on-demand property insurance (Trov), pull online data to replace the manual insurance application process (Kin), and leverage digital renters insurance to lower security deposits (Jetty).
Transaction Management: Several companies provide listing-to-close management software to streamline the closing process for all parties involved. Glide and Dotloop (acquired by Zillow in 2015) enable real estate professionals to complete an entire transaction from start to close online by automating the collection of documents and signatures. Similarly, Snapdocs offers a seamless workflow to automate title transfer and mobile closing with e-signatures.
Manage the Property
Home Improvement: Several startups have taken the inconvenience out of home improvement. Househappy, for example, provides customers with a concierge service for renovations and maintenance. BuildZoom is a marketplace for homeowners to find general contractors in their area. HomeZada offers an all-in-one app for home valuation, insurance, maintenance and remodels, and HVAC/energy management.
Rental Management: These software tools streamline day-to-day operations for property owners, thereby lowering O&M costs, reducing vacancy rates, and avoiding missed or overdue payments. Startups focused on rental management include Rentify (pricing algorithms to ‘guarantee’ rentals), OneRent (marketing, tours/showings, application tools), Cozy(lease/application, screening tools, and rent collection), and Mynd(maintenance requests and rent collection).
Manage the Loan
Liquidity & Refinancing: Today, homeowners have a variety of options for mortgage refinancing and home equity release services. Alternative financing startups Unison and Point, as well as EasyKnock, Hometap, and Tangello, enable customers to access the equity in their homes debt-free by investing alongside the homeowner. Irene introduced a similar “sell and stay” offering for retirees to take liquidity out of their homes.
Loan Securitization: In addition to large institutional investors who trade mortgage backed securities, a number of startups have begun revolutionizing securitization. Income& has introduced an alternative MBS, PRIMO, which offers fixed income returns to investors. Optimal Bluesells a digital mortgage marketplace for loan originators and investors. Blockchain consortium, R3, has developed the technology to track home mortgages packaged into securities.
[Note from editor: Originally published on Thomvest’s Blog]
The post Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230574 https://ift.tt/2zwFxhs via IFTTT
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spacemagazine · 7 years ago
Small Press Traffic’s Executive Director on Place-Keeping in San Francisco
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For decades, San Francisco has illuminated the United States and served as a beacon for artists and radical thinkers. It’s where Joan Didion traveled to document 1960s counterculture, it’s the home of City Lights Booksellers & Publishers, activist artist Ruth Asawa’s hometown, and the city where California’s first openly gay public official, Harvey Milk, served on the board of supervisors. 
San Francisco’s new economy and shifting demographics, as a result of the ballooning tech industry, have elevated real estate costs to the stars – spiraling arts and cultural organizations that once served as the city’s backbone into a state of crisis. 
I spoke with Samantha Giles, Executive Director of Small Press Traffic, about the ways that the historic literary arts organization has created and kept space for radical thinkers in an otherwise untenable climate for the arts. 
Sara: What is Small Press Traffic?
Samantha: Small Press Traffic is what I normally describe as a literary presentation organization which means that we provide a continuum of support for writers, particularly those who publish with small presses and who consider themselves experimental which generally results in some kind of presentation of that work. That continuum of support includes things like workshops, lectures, and readings and other events to celebrate and promote experimental writing. I’ve been the director of SPT since January 2009.
Sara: Tell me a little bit about Small Press Traffic’s origins.
Samantha: Small Press Traffic started in the mid-seventies, 1974, in the back of a bookstore called Paperback Traffic. The idea was basically to make small press books available for purchase inside the larger bookstore. The main urgency around generating this collection of small press books was that it was the mid-70s and there were lots of people making cool artist books and experimental presses and there wasn’t really a cohesive venue for that, but the economy was such that people had tons of space and tons of time. There was a curated space within this bookstore that was about promoting these small press books. As that community started to coalesce around that curation, there were events in that bookstore around that started to be more of a community. What was then SPT later moved to its own space for a number of years and then did all sorts of things like intergenerational writing workshops and events and also the selling of books. When that bookstore financially became unsustainable, the organization moved entirely to a presentation organization in the early-90s and has been housed at different academic institutions ever since. We were at New College for a while and we’ve been at CCA for a while. That affiliation has moved into primarily about providing an address and a virtual location, although we do still have occasional events. There’s no financial reciprocity in the institution at all, but we have a home there.
Sara: How have changes in the Bay Area effected Small Press Traffic?
Samantha: When the organization first started it was a completely reasonable goal, from what I understand, to work half-time in a bookstore and halftime on your art practice and your art practice might include things like insurrectionary politics and new forms of identity and new forms of community. It’s not an entirely unknown argument that the demography and the economics of the Bay Area have changed drastically since that 40 years ago moment. The tech industry has changed the economy in extraordinary ways and the access to space has been really affected and the time and energy available for insurrectionary politics. What might be considered experimental literature and art has drastically changed as well, and so, I think that the impact that SPT has felt in terms of its access to space has been felt by lots of arts organizations in the Bay Area. Particularly those who are keen to promote arts practices that are not traditional, populist ones. There are lots of organizations who no longer exist, largely because of the access to space and the access to an interested audience, but also the economies around that art, the energy and capacity to fuel the fires of that kind of often anti-capitalist art and that kind of community that generates around those aesthetics and politics, are largely gone.
Sara: Is that change good or bad?
Samantha: Oh it’s horrible. I think it’s really sad. I think art is a necessary survival skill for human beings and for cultures. That’s the point of culture. I think that it’s really sad that the Bay Area has been known for decades and decades as a space for weird, exciting, enriching culture and that culture is really deeply homogenized now in a way that is sad and depressing. The inflated tech industry has descended on the Bay Area and the people can pay a ton of money for their entertainments, but their entertainments are restaurants and fancy apartments not supporting grassroots arts. There just hasn’t been the level of philanthropy and attention to the reason why San Francisco is an interesting place to live and it’s really devastating that so many artists are forced to move out of the Bay Area and/or give up their practices or arts organizations, forced to move or die because there isn’t a healthy ecosystem of economy and culture brewing in its scobi. It’s just economy right now. I mean, all sorts of people are being forced out in ways that are equally or more brutal, but of course, we’re talking about the arts right now.
Sara: How do you think that we can get philanthropists to start putting money there?
Samantha: I think that’s a larger question. I mean, people don’t go to college to become erudite, knowledgeable citizens. They go to college to find a practical skill to finance their lives. And assume an extraordinary amount of debt in the process. The whole system is broken. There’s definitely a push-back in the ways that people craft their DIY spaces and their Pinterest pages or whatever, but, I think that it’s a much larger cultural issue. I don’t know that I have much faith in the individual conversion of one person or one organization to support art. Art is so personal! To say, “Oh Oracle should give a bunch of money to the LAB and SPT and Yerba Buena.” I mean, who’s to say that that’s the right organization to promote or the right ethos to promote? There’s a general deterioration in the understanding and appreciation of arts and culture for arts and culture’s sake. I’m not necessarily sure that I have the right answer for that. Is it… break capitalism? We should break capitalism. Let’s do that.
Sara: Over the last nine years that you’ve been working for SPT, what are the ways that you’ve leveraged the organization’s identity as a space without a space to its advantage?
Samantha: Well, I definitely think that SPT would have died if we’d had to pay rent. And yet, there’s a huge disadvantage in not having a physical space. The sense of building a community and building a cohesive feeling around the organization is deeply compromised by the fact that we don’t have a space where people can just pop in and take communion.  We can’t build the sense of hominess like the Poetry Project in New York, where it’s like “Oh! I always know that on Mondays and Wednesdays, there’s a thing.” We’ve been deeply impacted by our inability to negotiate an audience and build an audience because of that lack of consistency. But we are a deeply elastic organization because we don’t have to pay rent. There’s an organization called Artist Television Access, where we’ve been presenting for the last...I want to say five years… It’s astounding that organization still exists in the Mission District of San Francisco because they are a grassroots, almost 99% volunteer-led organization that is dedicated to experimental film and other, mostly experimental visual and performing arts forms. The Lab is another organization devoted to experimental art, also located in the Mission. And both of those organizations have deeply struggled to stay afloat because of gentrification. The Lab’s building was just bought and they don’t even know if they are going to let the Lab and the other organizations who rent that space stay because the real estate is so high. There’s just no way, with the size and the scope of SPT, that we would be able to have events if we had to pay rent. That said, it’s hard to be a place without a place and it’s also really exciting to be a place without a place. We’ve been able to do stuff online that I don’t think we would have done were it not for the lack of a physical location and there’s a way in which we’re able to collaborate with physical spaces, organizations, and entities that we probably wouldn’t seek out if we weren’t forced to do it. There’s an exciting electricity in that.
Sara: What are some of the projects that you’ve done that are examples of Small Press Traffic’s position as an organization that doesn’t have a space?
Samantha: We have a few things that I think are at some level born from the fact that we don’t have a physical space. We do these sporadic online workshops. They allow a teacher, who may be academically affiliated, and may not, to teach a class. I encourage people to bring a syllabus that they wouldn’t be able to teach in their institution. They’re allowed to do these experimental classes and to cull students from all over the world. As a result, we’ve had teachers and students participate from places like Australia and Ohio. We also do an in-person fundraiser, similar to the Poetry Project Marathon, called Endless Summer, and we’ve had people participate virtually in that. We do try as much as we can to have an online presence. We are re-launching an online magazine called Traffic Report and that is an online space. Also collaborating with different organizations but also venue support, for example collaborating with the San Francisco Museum of Art, which was all about poets talking about poetry and poets talking about contemporary art and I’m not sure that we would have done that collaboration if we’d  had a physical space. We are able to think outside of that curatorial reliability is what I’m trying to say, and I think that in that mode we’ve done some of our most interesting projects.
For example, this past year, some students from UC Santa Cruz and UC Berkeley collaborated to create a suite of programs acknowledging and celebrating the New Narrative genre of writing. New Narrative was a school of writing that was actually kind born and bred at Small Press Traffic. It was really exciting for that to have that tribute to this school of writing manifest and for SPT to stay involved. Since the programming was somewhat traditional conference fare: it was a conference, there was a symposium and talks, it was born in a physical space of people doing this academic performance of academia around New Narrative writing. Of course, there were performances and readings as well. Because we didn’t have a physical space, but also, because it didn’t feel that energized to replicate that model or at least I guess it felt more energizing to think outside of that model (and the conference coordinators were generous to let us do this experimenting) - we did a walking tour. It lives online but it’s a physical thing that one can do where one walks around San Francisco and at particular points in the map of San Francisco one can stop and press an audio clip and listen to a New Narrative writer talk about something about that space.  That sound clip could be writing that they’ve done already about that particular corner of San Francisco or them talking extemporaneously about their writing practice and their New Narrative work in San Francisco. That’s located on our website at smallpresstraffic.org. You don’t have to be in San Francisco in order to enjoy the experience. You can be in the San Francisco of your mind.
Samantha Giles is the author of deadfalls and snares (Futurepoem Books, 2014). She is the director of Small Press Traffic and lives in Oakland, California.
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cleancutpage · 7 years ago
Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market
[Note from editor: Originally published on Thomvest’s Blog]
Residential real estate has proven to be a strong driver of economic growth and individual wealth, representing more than 15% of our nation’s GDP. The combined value of housing in the United States reached a record-high $31.8 trillion in 2017, according to Zillow.
Yet until recently, venture capitalists rarely invested in the sector. In 2010, investment in real estate technology companies made up less than 1 percent of total venture capital (only about $30 million). By 2017, however, activity in the category skyrocketed — VCs invested more than $5.7 billion into real estate technology companies last year.
Why the sudden interest in real estate? In the wake of the housing crisis, many entrepreneurs recognized that software and data could materially improve an inefficient real estate market. Consumers have also demonstrated a desire to move many aspects of the home buying process online. As a result, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the number of technology companies across nearly every aspect of real estate, from home listings, to lending, to property management and beyond.
We recently developed a market map to better understand the universe of companies in the residential real estate sector. We’ve shared the map above, which includes more than 140 companies across every aspect of the home buying and renting experience (available in PDF format here). A few recurring themes inform the approaches taken by companies on this map:
Digitizing much of the transaction workflow leads to an improved consumer experience (see Blend, Opendoor, JetClosing).
Data is being leveraged to better meets the needs of individual homebuyers and investors (see SoFi, HouseCanary, PeerIQ).
The use of technology results in reduced costs for consumers and less capital flowing to intermediaries (see Figure, Lemonade, OpenListings).
The combination of these themes (digitization, data, and cost reduction) is enabling new housing finance models (see Ribbon, Divvy & Point).
Below we’ve described the individual categories that are the building blocks for this market map. You’ll notice that several companies are included across multiple categories — that’s by design. Companies like Opendoor are reimagining the entire buying and selling process, wrapping the home search, financing and selling process into a single platform.
Find Your Home
Listings & Marketplaces: Today’s home buyers have numerous search engines and agency-specific websites in order to shop for properties online and carry out subsequent steps in the home buying process. Opendoor, which announced its $325 million Series E in June, will buy, renovate, relist, and sell your home online. Some listing sites (Homie, Open Listings) also act as tech-enabled real estate brokers by matching home buyers with preferred real estate agents.
Rental Listings: Most web and mobile listings include both “buy” and “rent” options. Several startups, however, have focused on building rental specific marketplaces. ApartmentList and Zumper aim to provide users a seamless experience from “rent-to-close.” RadPad, for allows users to sign their lease and pay rent through web or mobile app. Roomi takes a peer-to-peer approach for home and roommate hunting, whereas LoftSmartfocuses exclusively on finding students affordable off campus housing. Casalova has pioneered an algorithm to match renters to neighborhoods that meet their needs/interests.
Tech-Enabled Brokers: These companies allow a customer to search for a home to buy/rent online and access a traditional real estate agent via online chat, phone, or in-person. Compass, for example, contracts independent real estate agents and takes a share in the commission. Houwzer, in contrast, replaces agent commission with a flat fee-for-service, and Door refunds the customer’s commission fee once the house closes.
Agent Tools: These companies develop real estate software to generate and qualify leads by predicting when and why people move (First), improve search engine optimization (Hoozip), augment email marketing (Placester), match with real estate agents (HomeLight, UpNest), end-to-end marketing tools (BoomTown), and enterprise management software (Sweep Bright).
Sell Your Home
Multiple online listings and marketplaces exist on the sell-side as well as the buy-side of the residential market. When a customer is ready to sell his/her home, a direct home buyer (Opendoor, Perch, Offerpad, or others) will make an offer on the home in less than 24 hours. Homeowners can sell their property on their own terms without showings or repairs. FlyHomes offers sellers a guaranteed sale, a trend which is becoming table stakes for real estate agents to win deals. Felix Homes will even pay sellers to list their property and buy it within 90 days if they cannot find a buyer. Knock will buy your old home, finance a new one, and front costs of home renovations and project management.
Finance Your Home
Digital Lenders: Digital mortgage lenders, such as Rocket Mortgage or LendingHome, will retrieve a borrower’s bank statements and credit history to rapidly pre-approve him/her for a mortgage. Instead of playing a middleman — as with a mortgage broker — direct lenders have a financing arm to fund loans and sell them on the secondary market to investors.
Digital Brokers: Digital mortgage brokers help a borrower find a mortgage that fits his/her needs and surface loans by connecting the borrower with a variety of lending institutions. Once approved for a mortgage, the borrower usually deals directly with the service provider or loan originator. Digital mortgage brokers may act as marketplaces (Morty, LendingTree) allowing lenders, banks, and credit partners to compete for customers. Other companies tack on mortgage advisory services (Sindeo) or refinancing services (Lenda).
Alternative Financing: Customers today have a variety of alternative financing options from which to choose. Divvy Homes, for example, offers customers a “rent-to-own” proposition in which a portion of each month’s lease contributes to a future down payment via equity credits. Knock, FlyHomes and Ribbon promise all-cash offers upfront on behalf of a home buyer with a flexible schedule to close on the property. Unison, Patch Homes, and Point, offer debt-free alternatives to typical home equity loans. Instead of accepting monthly loan payments, these companies share in the property’s future appreciation or depreciation in value (i.e., shared equity mortgage).
Mortgage Lender Software
Loan Application & Docs: New loan application tools enable borrowers to apply for mortgage loans online. Qualia introduced the “first end-to-end online real estate closing platform.” Blend, Roostify, Lendsnap, and others offer consumer-focused, mobile-friendly platforms to automate the collection of qualifying documents (i.e., bank statements, W2s, tax returns, and pay stubs).
Loan Origination: Whereas some companies focused on front-end mortgage application, others have modernized loan origination. Ellie Mae, LendingQB, and others enable lenders to originate, underwrite, and close loans using one system, not by shifting between different applications.
Close on the Property
Valuation & Appraisal: Companies in this category are bringing big data analytics to home valuation — analyzing and cleansing MLS, public records, and proprietary data to refine the accuracy of automated valuations. HouseCanary and Cherre, for example, have leveraged machine learning and predictive analytics to refine estimates of valuation and forecasts down to the individual block.
Title & Escrow: The U.S. has 3,000 U.S. counties, many of which still rely on paper-based property deeds. However, innovative startups have begun to digitize title insurance and escrow services. NextAce, for example, is capable of delivering a title report in minutes. JetClosing and Spruceintegrate with mortgage lenders to expedite the closing process. Players earlier in the value chain (Redfin, Opendoor) have also added title insurance offerings in hopes of providing a great end-to-end customer experience.
Insurance: In addition to title insurance, home buyers are required to have mortgage and home or renter’s insurance. Lemonade, offers low cost homeowners and renters insurance for a flat fee, leveraging machine learning and chatbots instead of brokers and commissions. Other insurtech startups offer mobile-only on-demand property insurance (Trov), pull online data to replace the manual insurance application process (Kin), and leverage digital renters insurance to lower security deposits (Jetty).
Transaction Management: Several companies provide listing-to-close management software to streamline the closing process for all parties involved. Glide and Dotloop (acquired by Zillow in 2015) enable real estate professionals to complete an entire transaction from start to close online by automating the collection of documents and signatures. Similarly, Snapdocs offers a seamless workflow to automate title transfer and mobile closing with e-signatures.
Manage the Property
Home Improvement: Several startups have taken the inconvenience out of home improvement. Househappy, for example, provides customers with a concierge service for renovations and maintenance. BuildZoom is a marketplace for homeowners to find general contractors in their area. HomeZada offers an all-in-one app for home valuation, insurance, maintenance and remodels, and HVAC/energy management.
Rental Management: These software tools streamline day-to-day operations for property owners, thereby lowering O&M costs, reducing vacancy rates, and avoiding missed or overdue payments. Startups focused on rental management include Rentify (pricing algorithms to ‘guarantee’ rentals), OneRent (marketing, tours/showings, application tools), Cozy(lease/application, screening tools, and rent collection), and Mynd(maintenance requests and rent collection).
Manage the Loan
Liquidity & Refinancing: Today, homeowners have a variety of options for mortgage refinancing and home equity release services. Alternative financing startups Unison and Point, as well as EasyKnock, Hometap, and Tangello, enable customers to access the equity in their homes debt-free by investing alongside the homeowner. Irene introduced a similar “sell and stay” offering for retirees to take liquidity out of their homes.
Loan Securitization: In addition to large institutional investors who trade mortgage backed securities, a number of startups have begun revolutionizing securitization. Income& has introduced an alternative MBS, PRIMO, which offers fixed income returns to investors. Optimal Bluesells a digital mortgage marketplace for loan originators and investors. Blockchain consortium, R3, has developed the technology to track home mortgages packaged into securities.
[Note from editor: Originally published on Thomvest’s Blog]
The post Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Market Map: 140+ Real Estate Tech Companies Transforming the $32 Trillion Housing Market published first on https://greatlivinghomespage.tumblr.com/
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