nixie-deangel · 7 years
for the ship + au aesthetics: mick/len/iris secret agents?
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Iris could help as he lips quirked up into a half smirk as she rolled her window down, “Going my way stranger?” she teased as she hit the unlock button.
“Fuckin’ noobs,” Mick grumbled as he yanked the door open and slide into the passenger seat. “Next time, Lenny gets to sit through a tranin’ mission,” he rumbled as he slammed the door. “In stead of playin’ happy married couple with you.”
Iris tossed her head back as she let out a tinkle of laughter, “I’m sure the kid wasn’t that bad,” she murmured after a moment. Easily shifting the gears, the car lurched forward as she pressed heavily on the gas. “Besides, you lost the bet.”
“Fine,” Mick grumbled as he slouched further into the seat, “Next time me ‘N Lenny get ‘a be married ‘N happy.”
Send me a Ship + AU and I’ll make you an aesthetic.
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robininthelabyrinth · 8 years
Do you have any thoughts on how Coldwestwave would go? :D
With hilarious amounts of horror from Barry and Joe, I’d imagine. no the way they keep babying her against her will in the Flash totally does not piss me off beyond belief
But seriously, I always write Iris with a strong healthy wicked streak, not to mention a bit of daredevil, and I think that if she wasn’t predisposed against them for some other reason (Barry’s the Flash, they’re supervillains, etc.), she’d hit it off great with them and be willing/able to overlook the minor criminal issue.
They’d probably help her with her journalism career, getting her into places no journalist can safely go, too; she’d enjoy that.
Honestly, if Barry never told her about the Flash, and a certain two supervillains grabbed her as the Flash’s favorite reporter instead of Caitlin (say, if Caitlin had worn a mask when Cisco et al went after Cold with the vacuum, god that’s still such a dumb mistake), she probably would have ended up having coffee with them and playing the oh-woe-is-me damsel in distress on camera willingly. And helped cover their tracks, too.
…they would have so much fun is what I’m saying here.
(They’d probably also be more upfront with her about everything that Barry is, sad to say. “we are criminals” “we are supervillains” “Len’s childhood sucks, be careful about that”, etc. instead of “I’ve had a crush on you forever and I never told you, but I don’t like it that you’re dating someone new after I was in a coma for nine months with no expectation of waking up”, “you should stop writing about the Flash (who I totally am not familiar with and/or am) because it’s dangerous for you for unclear reasons because a blog writer/niche news aggregator is totally a first target”, “but your dad told me to keep you in the dark”, “I erased your memory of our first kiss, like, three times by now”, “we’re married in the future and meant to be, btw”….man, given the fact that I actually like westallen as a ship, the show REALLY does a bad job at convincing me it’s a healthy relationship)
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