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berceusespalace · 6 months ago
Drew you because you are cool n stuff :]
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Oh, the beautiful piece of art... I will share it for all to see...
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starkat-cosmickitty · 4 months ago
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berpony? ponyceuse? who cares
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searchie · 6 months ago
what would a memor/aspir do if it met. yknow the whoever it's a counterpart of
Oh, that's pretty crazy. It depends on how they're raised, with some thinking the similarities are coincidence, some getting closure, and some... getting serious existential crisises.
The reaction each Memor/Aspir's counterpart is notable too:
Memorrhage's would probably think they're having a nightmare, freak out a bit afterwards and then contain it before studying it.
Memorhellion's counterpart has similar reactions except their freakout doesn't stop until Memorrhage's counterpart intervenes and proceeds to contain and study it.
Memorysalis's counterpart thinks they're seeing things. If they realize they're real, breakdown ensues and they start thinking they're haunted.
Aspiregis and Aspirexcal's would be very confused at first. They'd be a bit creeped out by their existence but ultimately be on good terms.
Aspirego's would become friends with them! That being said, the nature of Aspirego might result in it claiming to be them, which the counterpart would profusely deny.
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bastardsphere · 6 months ago
girlypop bercy
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use this image unwisely
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daemonsquarters · 6 months ago
ayeaye?? aia?? aion?? who are these individuals i am perturbed
They are enemies of the Berceuse Empire - heroes of the rebels. Fortunately for you, I do not think you realistically have to worry about them, but we certainly do.
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Aye-aye is the ones with the orange goggles and the bladed legs. She is the youngest one, having practically been raised by the other two ever since they found her. She bears... unfortunate abilities for us, such as a variant of the Cryonic Eye and the ability to locally rewind time.
Aion is the sword-wielding guy who looks like he walked straight out of a terrible "isekai" japanese animation series. He specializes in temporal technology and great speed - and wouldn't you know it, he also has a Cryonic Eye.
Aia is the golden one with the spear. She specializes in the bending of space, including such annoying abilities as teleportation and the resizing of objects to her advantage. Fortunately, she actually lacks a Cryonic Eye, it seems.
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thermapositive · 1 year ago
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Artfight attack for @searchie featuring her OC, Coralde!
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thefollyflaneuse · 2 years ago
Monumenta Romana and the Belvedere, Waldeshare, Kent
In the 1720s Sir Robert and Lady Furnese erected a vast garden building at Waldeshare Park, their seat in Kent, which became known as the Belvedere. 300 years later a diminutive structure, the Monumenta Romana, has appeared in its shadow (more…) “”
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littlfrcak · 5 months ago
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sua arma principal é uma espada que Hades deixou com os Ferreiros, deveria ser aprimorada e entregue para sasha usar quando estivesse pronta. hades não tinha contato com o filho conforme a criança crescia, mas a forma como a mãe tratava-o no fundo aborrecia o deus. a espada não apaga os anos de solidão e maus tratos, nem os anos de desprezo. mas é uma ajuda para lhe manter vivo. a lâmina de ferro estígio é letal para monstros e semideuses que estejam do lado oposto a isso; o cabo tão preto quanto a lâmina, possui detalhes de caveiras pequenas incrustados para adornar a arma. sasha era apenas uma criança quando recebeu a espada.
atualmente a arma foi melhorada ainda mais por kit que fez sasha se livrar do coldre que o semideus usava. a espada agora se torna um anel preto com detalhes bonitos ao seu redor, um crânio é o detalhe principal; ele retorna ao seu dedo se perder a espada ou ela for derrubada de sua mão.
quando fez o ritual para receber a conta misteriosa de acordo com as instruções de quíron, recebeu de presente pulseiras de couro preto que possuem runas de cura em toda sua extensão. quando ativadas, aceleram o processo de cicatrização de ferimentos, permitindo que se recupere mais rapidamente durante e após o combate. as pulseiras podem ser ativadas por até 30 minutos antes de exigir um período de descanso de 12 horas. foi bastante útil no último ataque pois se machucou e não percebeu, apesar de ter ido para a enfermaria sob a vigilância de joseph, ainda teve o privilégio de usar pela primeira vez as pulseiras.
após a missão, na cerimônia de glória e honra, escolheu uma kusarigama feita de ferro estígio, com corrente negra e lâmina afiada que parece absorver a luz ao seu redor. esta arma é imbuída com a energia das trevas, permitindo que seu usuário manipule e controle sombras para desferir golpes furtivos.
citados: @kitdeferramentas / @d4rkwater
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lykostrophy · 3 months ago
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𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐌 : a loja de lykos é um pequeno espaço rústico , especializado em produtos de couro , pelego e artesanato feito com partes de animais . ele vende uma vasta gama de itens , como tapetes de pele , bancos de couro , cintos , jaquetas , sapatos resistentes e bolsas com design simples . cada peça na loja reflete o trabalho manual e o cuidado de lykos , que dedica tempo para criar produtos únicos e duráveis . o  ambiente é simples e funcional . não há prateleiras altas ou outros tipos de barreiras visuais . ele gosta de manter uma visão clara de todos que entram e saem da loja e o que estão fazendo . no fundo da loja , uma grande bancada de madeira serve como caixa , onde ele atende clientes , finaliza pedidos e se mantém ocupado fazendo a administração geral da loja . leather emporium tem um aroma terroso de couro , com detalhes decorativos feitos dos próprios materiais que ele utiliza : chifres esculpidos , cascos polidos e peles tratadas , penduradas aqui e ali como parte do ambiente .
fábrica: atrás do balcão, abre-se uma porta para a parte dos fundos do leather emporium. uma sala pequena, com uma mesa num canto e uma parede cheia de ferramentas que lykos usa. cadernos com desenhos e anotações sobre os próximos projetos estão jogados por toda a parte. frigorífico: da sua pequena fábrica, há duas portas. uma reta da porta da entrada, que dá para o pátio e uma à direita que dá para uma pequena sala refrigerada que lykos usa para guardar restos de animais que ele não quer que estraguem. é minúscula e mal cabe um homem adulto. pátio: na porta que dá para o pátio dos fundos, você desce dois degraus antes de tocar no chão de terra. ao lado esquerdo da porta, embaixo da janela, tem um tanque de tamanho suficiente para caber a carcaça de uma ovelha. ali ele lava as mãos e certas partes dos animais depois de carnear. no canto esquerdo do pátio também têm uma árvore pequena que tem um gancho para ele pendurar os animais usados. também tem uma bomba de água em um canto, perto de um banco que ele usa para descansar. há alguns objetos jogados que ele usa ao longo do dia, como um carrinho de mão e a sela que por enquanto não tem cavalo fixo. também tem um comedouro e bebedouro para animais vivos, que é algo raro por ali. segundo andar: antes da porta do frigorífico, tem uma escada pequena e sinuosa, que também é bem frágil. ela leva ao segundo andar, que é onde lykos vive. assim como o resto do leather emporium, é um ambiente bem rústico e simples. fotos de inspiração no pinterest do lykos. entrada terminantemente proibida para qualquer funcionário, cliente ou conhecido com exceção de raros convidados.
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vagas de emprego. 
atendente/faz-tudo: 1 vaga.
+ read more para uma lista mais completa dos produtos que ele oferece na loja. vários produtos são feitos sob medida devido ao fato dele trabalhar sozinho. produtos podem ser adaptados conforme o gosto do cliente. a maioria dos produtos não está em abundância na loja, pois esses produtos levam tempo para serem feitos e provavelmente precisará encomendá-lo.
couro curtido:
carteiras e pastas.
sapatos (botas, sapatos sociais, sandálias simples).
acessórios (luvas, chaveiros, braceletes).
jaquetas e casacos, de múltiplos estilos (longos, biker, blazers).
encadernamento de agendas, livros e cadernos. (miolo deve ser fornecido pelo cliente).
malas, necessaires e pochetes.
tapetes (o que lykos mais produz).
itens de montaria (selas tradicionais e personalizadas, cabeçada/buçal, rédeas, chapéus, coletes de montaria, viseiras, peiteiras personalizadas, bainhas, etc).
bancos e cadeira.
rolos de couro (caso queira comprar o produto bruto, lykos também vende o couro curtido puro).
pele e pelegos:
tapetes de pele e pelego (o que lykos mais produz).
mantas e cobertores.
bancos e cadeiras.
casacos e jaquetas de pele (estilos mais simples que os de couro, por serem de maior dificuldade.)
chifres, cascos, ossos e dentes:
braceletes, colares e brincos.
talheres de chifre.
botões e fivelas.
copos de chifre.
agulhas de costura, crochet e tricô feitas com ossos.
facas com cabo de osso. lâmina fornecida por um ferreiro ou trazida pelo cliente.
apitos e chaveiros esculpidos em achas de madeira. pintados a mão.
revestimento de bancos (a domicílio).
restauração de produtos.
sabão artesanal, feita com a gordura do animal morto.
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sketcheddaydreams · 21 days ago
hai! im the person who requested denmark from hetalia. i just wanted to say thank you so much!!! you went above and beyond what we expected :D! pups doing really well adjusting to everything in headspace! that being said could we request sweden from hetalia as well? same level as denmarks.
Thank you!! w3'r3 so glad you lik3 pup!! /g3n
[translation: Thank you!! we're so glad you like pup!! /gen]
w3 still don't know much about this sourc3 [so w3 apologiz3 for any inaccuraci3s] but it s33ms r3ally cool.
[translatiom: we still don't know much about this source [so we apologize for any inaccuracies] but it seems really cool.]
|| New plant incoming ||
Name[s] - Sweden, Berwald Oxenstierna, Axel, Viggo, Vidar, Adder
Age - 20-23
Gender[s] - Linumgender, Mascbluic, Complexembodiment, Merjuparian, Artbodiment, Shakestimmic, Warmrainic, [cold]Sunboy
Sexuality[s]/Orientation - Arohill, Gay [mlm]
Role[s] - Debater, Shock Absorber, Trinket Crafter, Fictive
3rd person pronouns - he/him, thxy/thxm, h*/h*m, ve/vim, co/cold, arg/agrue, de/debate, sto/stoic, si/silence, sna/snakes, art/artself, winter/winterself, cold/sun, sxn/sxnself, rain/rainself, fro/frost, ice/icey, li/lights, bri/brights, rae/raeself, ☀️/☀️s, ❄️/❄️s, 🧊/🧊s, 🐍/🐍s, 🌧️/🌧️s
2nd person pronouns - you/yours/yourself, cold/coldrs/coldrself, snow/snowr/snowrself, rep/reptile/reptileself, fog/foggys/foggyself
1st person pronouns - I/me/my/mine/myself, ri/bri/bry/bright/brightself, vi/ve/vy/vine/vyself, ci/co/cold/coldine/coldself, si/so/sol/soline/solself, si/sil/silence/silencine/silenceself
Species - person[ified country]
Source [if applicable] - Hetalia [Sweden]
Likes - debating/arguing, woodworking, abstract art, silence, meditation, canning
Dislikes - loud places, unorganized spaces, unjust rules/laws, working for others
Typing quirk - adds “..” in the middle~ of long[ish] words [7 letters or more], adds a space before punctuation [e.g. this place is too unor..ganized , hope..fully no one would notice if si left .]
Fun fact -
Kin list - Snakekin, Swallowtail[therian], Chickenkin, Praying Mantiskin, Centaurkin, [blood]Vessel[object]kin, moose[therian], silence[concept]kin
Fave time of day - morning [7:33am or 07:33 for military time]
Faceclaim[s] -
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CisIDs - CisSemi-Nonverbal, CisBlond, CisGreen-BlueEyes, CisHuman, CisMale, CisArtist, CisAutistic, CisDisfluency, CisHeight[5’11.6”], CisGlasses
TransIDs - TransHarmful, TransScales, TransNPD, TransRadqueer, TransDyslexia, PermaBruised, TransHeight[taller], PermaFreezing, TransPupilFluid, PermaSilent, Trans[higher]PainTolerance
Paras - 🛏️ // 🌓 // ☔ // 🤯
Other ids - alderversielse, Mind with Space undertones, 
Violence level - 3.45 
Remember: headmates almost never form exactly as depicted here. You can also alter anything on here to better fit your system and needs!
|| Plant packaged and sent ||
Made by: Bee
Response by: Fern/Fred
Typing quirk translated by: Tree
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berceusespalace · 3 months ago
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Nice empire berceuse. Would be a shame if someone came in and whacked you on the back of the head with a chair. What's even more of a shame is I kinda just did that. So much for the master of coldR huh (P.S. I stole your stupid zero hands. Now I get to wave them around and do funny hand puppet shows with them. idiot)
That is not a chair... that is a Berchair... a Chairseuse, if you will... a Chaise Berceuse, even... It makes all the difference...
Also, I can make the hands of zero at will... There's probably hundreds of discarded hands of zero just aimlessly floating around...
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kyuala · 7 months ago
Mari, você conhece o Simon Riley de COD? Só queria confessar que morro de tensão por ele
E aproveitando, imagina o Jerónimo policial te fodendo com força depois de um dia horrível no trabalho... ele chegou em casa com tanta raiva e tesão que não tirou nem a farda e a arma ainda continua no coldre 🤭
amg, não conhecia por nome!! só de ver assim nas tags do tumblr pq toda vez que vou colocar tag do simón ele aparece primeiro KKKKKKKKK mas agora fui pesquisar e meio que sei quem é, é o divo que hitou junto com o ghostface no tiktok no halloween passado!! não peguei o conceito dele (prefiro o ghostface 🫦) mas tipo assim super entendo, achei ícone
serei sincera, tenho horror a policial 😶 acho que preferiria m0rrer do que estar com um sepa MAS AGORA ele apenas fantasiado com a farda........ AÍ TALVEZ a gente pode começar a pensar 🫣💭
OLD que acho que o jerónimo tem 300% cara, estilo, vibe e todos os trejeitos de um gogoboy, macho himbo mesmo que sabe que é gostoso e tem 0 problemas em se amostrar e dar e usar seu corpo para o prazer de belas molieres, quanto mais a dele 💅🏼 mas tipo assim a certeza mais absoluta de todas que ele alugaria (OU COMPRARIA ATÉ PRA TER SEMPRE E USAR MAIS VEZES) altas fantasias pra fazer striptease pra vc e não precisa nem ser só em datas especiais. com essa me despeço fuiiii 🏃🏽‍♀️💨
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searchie · 16 days ago
can we have... all the etymology
All of the characters on my toyhouse should have etymologies for their names and middle names, so check there for those. Aside from that, some interesting ones include:
ColdR: “Cold air”, gives a vaguely sci-fi feel. As the title of the game itself, it refers to the prevalence of ice in the game’s mechanics and worldbuilding.
HotR: “Hot air”, matches ColdR
World of Zero: “Zero” brings to mind a void, and comes from such terms as "subzero" and "absolute zero". “World” here refers to a realm, not a literal world. The “World of Zero” is found below the regular “World”, which could be considered “1” in this scenario.
World of Infinity: The opposite of the “World of Zero”. If Absolute Zero is the coldest temperature, then the hottest temperature is infinite. The World of Infinity’s status as being accessed from Zero portals within the World of Zero is inspired by “division by zero” and the impossible paradox it causes. It is also themed after “integer underflow”, a programming quirk that occurs when trying to go below the lowest number possible in a given program - causing it to “underflow” to the highest number instead, which in this case is “Infinity”.
Many family names are named after programming languages, or other programming terms, while many first names are named after sea animals. This creates a feel of thematic consistency and also reflects on the series' themes of environmentalism and technology. Some notable family names include:
Nothyp: Python backwards.
Clua: C + Lua, brings to mind a cold and icy image, alliterates with Cold(R) and Coralde
Scripte: Originally was "Avascuript", from JavaScript, but it felt like a mouthful so it was shortened, with an E added for the French feel.
Hetamel: HTML. Feels kind of wet.
Unixell: From Unix and Excel.
Soluta: A play on “Clua”; if “Clua” is a “Clue”, then “Soluta” is the “Solution”.
Visbaze: From “visual basic” programming language. “Viz” includes an “ice”-like sound.
Wada: Japanese family name that means “harmonious rice paddy”, which doesn’t really pertain to the character it's on but suggests she has Japanese ancestry. Contains the programming language “Ada”.
Psysol: From “psy” and “sol”, as in sun, alluding to the character’s psychic fire powers. Also sounds like “solitude”, giving the impression Iolas is a loner.
Lascap: Anagram of “Pascal”, a programming language. Alliterates with Lybia, the name of the most important Lascap.
PSI Age: Evokes the idea of a new time period, and puts immediate emphasis on the importance of PSI to the setting. Also, if ColdR Prime was the “ice age”, then this is the “PSI age”.
Devil's Darning Needle: “Devil’s darning needle” is an alternate name for the stickbug, which XXX physically resembles with her tall and gangly physique. Devil gives the impression of a rebellious and/or gothic person, while darning needles refer to her knitting passion. It also evokes the idea of her “piercing” through the Sectors. The connection with needles and knitting also brings to mind puppetry. XXX herself has been used as a “puppet” by various people through her life, ranging from ???, to !!!, to her current situation with the Sectors.
Cradlelands: The Cradlelands are an isolated place, like a “cradle” for the people living in them. It is also a very “primal” kind of place, giving a sense of, say, “humanity’s cradle”; and for Erco III and co, it is seen as a place of origin; a place that feels like home. One could also link it to how Berceuse takes care of her subjects; very protectively, as someone would cradle their child. And, well, they’re lands. So, Cradlelands. It’s meant to give the idea of a vaster, uncharted place, that one may want to explore. It’s home, but much is unknown about it, and they want to know more.
Alright let's get into the stuff yall will actually eat up.
Emperor Berceuse: “Berceuse” means “lullaby”, and in French also refers to a rocking motion. This overall ties into the same sort of themes and aesthetics you would get from “cradle”. It also fits the intense care she provides towards Nester, and later her subjects in the Cradlelands.
Notably, both she and Erco share an “Erc”. Berceuse also ends in an “Eus” sound, which brings to mind the likes of “Zeus”, “Deus” and other words associated with divinity, helping create the impression of a figure bearing incredible power.
“Emperor” is added to the title to give the impression of a highly powerful, outright tyrannical ruler. It is used instead of “Empress” due to it suiting Berceuse’s overall image better; Berceuse, as far as ruling goes, is very gender-neutral and does not place any emphasis on her femininity. (Also, it helps make her seem less like a person and more like some kind of mythical force; and her identity may originally have been a secret, and she is still intended to leave much of her past shrouded in mystery in-universe.) It is also a name that could fit well in a fantasy masquerade, while also suiting a more science-fantasy type of antagonist.
Daemon: “Daemon” is a word for a program that runs as a background process in computing; Daemon, too, is essentially responsible for handing much of the background tasks for the Berceuse Empire in her sister’s stead; it being tied to technology helps make Daemon appear as a very mechanical and scientific type of character.
Yet it also has many fantasy connotations. A daemon in greek mythology was a type of guiding spirit, which she could be considered to be towards Berceuse; almost like some kind of guardian angel (which she visually resembles with her wings). And yet, at the same time, it also refers to demons. A common motif with Daemon is that she is an “angel” towards some and a “devil” towards other; and even her name suits this.
Berceuse Empire: Since Berceuse is an Emperor, it is logical that what she rules would be an Empire. Since much of it centers around her and her image, it is named directly after herself. It also gives the image of an oppressive, regimented kingdom, fitting her tyranny and conquering.
Aye-aye: From “Erco II”, or specifically the “II” part at the end, which, when spelled separately (as it is intended to be), sounds like “Aye aye”. Also comes from the animal, which she has some features in common with, such as her “ears” or her orange visor. Since it’s an animal’s name, it also gives a bit of a wild or animalistic image, which suits her.
It also creates an opportunity for wordplay; as she is a captain to some rebel groups, one could imagine people saying “Aye-aye, captain”; which could both be an expression of agreement with her, or a description of her. The fact that it sounds like an agreement specifically may also give the idea that it is difficult to disagree with her.
Aion: From “Erco I”, specifically the “I”, and the Greek deity “Aion”, who is a deity representing the cycle of time; Aion, of course, happens to have time powers, and it being a deity gives Aion a cool and strong image. Aion representing cycles also ties into OUROBOROS, which Aion has notable ties to.
Aia: From “Amonea I” and Aion; essentially being a feminine version of his own name. Aia’s design looks particularly mythical, as well, and her design is reminiscent of a spartan outfit, continuing the Greek theme.
OUROBOROS: From the name of the ancient symbol, which is often used to represent cycles; and OUROBOROS, or at least the form seen so far, is symbolic of the cycle of pain Ophione and Astralde go through. The symbol also specifically depicts a snake, which Ophione is already symbolized with (And Ophione is actually aware of OUROBOROS, unlike Astralde.) OUROBOROS being in all caps is something not seen often in ColdR (or Sekaiju), which helps give the impression that it is a level above other entities seen in the former (and most in the later).
Dogma of Self: Represents the ultimate expression of the self and the ego; a power so strong it is imposed onto others. In other words, a “Dogma” representing the “Self”. It is achieved when one fully realizes their own independence and individuality; when no one but themselves is determining who they are; when the only one making “Dogmas” about their identity is themselves. Finally, “Dogma of Selves” tend to involve abilities so powerful they practically change the rules of reality; shifting the “dogmas” of reality to the “dogmas” of the self.
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revenant-coining · 1 year ago
Starrflesh-Themed Names, Honorifics, 1stpp, 2ndpp, 3rdpp, and Titles
[pt: Starrflesh-Themed Names, Honorifics, 1stpp, 2ndpp, 3rdpp, and Titles /end pt]
requested by anon
Names: Cor/Corpse, Vei/Vein, Empti, Surreal, Eer/Eeri/Eerie, Mer, Iri/Iride/Iridescence, Dentes, Stellae, Unda, Vitrum, Lyalus, Ira, Furor, Glacies, Gelu/Gelum, Nix, Oculos, Caro, Carnis, Pulpa, Sanguis, Scale, Syreni, Seren/Serena, Piscis, Natans, Sedatio, Frigus, Coryza, Ala, Alis, Pinna, Cadaver, Vena/Venae, Niveus, Rubrum, and Caeru/Caeruleum
Honorifics: Cl/Clw, Ey/Eye, Te/Tth, Wi/Wng, Flsh, Bld, Cor, Skn, Vn, Str, Wtr, Gls, Em/Emty, Ucn, Rge, Srl, Hr, Er, Clm, Scl, Mer, Sire, Fin, Fsh, Ice, Cld, Snw, Mir, Pls, Iri, Wht, Rd/Red, Blu/Ble, 💧, 🧊, ❄️, 👁️, 👁️‍🗨️, 🩸, 🪞, ⚪, ⬜, ◽, ▫️, 🔴, 🟥, 🔺, 🔻, 🔵, 🟦, 🔷, and 🔹
1stpp: (i/me/my/mine/myself)
ei/eye/ey/eyeine or eyine/eyeself
2ndpp: (you/you/your/yours/yourself)
3rdpp: (xe/xim/xis/xis/ximself)
the one with claws
the one with sharp teeth
the winged one/the one with wings
the flesh eater/the eater of flesh
the corpse
the one from the water
the one behind the glass/the one behind the mirror
the one full of emptiness
the uncanny (one)
the one full of rage
the surreal one
the eerie one
the calming one/the calm one
the one covered in scales/the scaled one
the mer(maid/man/person/etc)
the siren
the one with fins
the cold one
the one covered in snow/the one covered in ice
the iridescent one
the one with white fur/scales
‘one’ can be replaced with any noun, ‘the one’ can be replaced with any pronoun
@pronoun-arc , @solarpupz , @reveningcontent
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daemonsquarters · 6 months ago
Are there any books in the WoZ, and if so are they all 1984?
There are in fact a lot of books, though not a large amount of fiction - they are more so informative books.
One popular "fiction" book was a novel I wrote when I was younger. Although the writing was stilted, and generally considered poor, it got some attention for its indepth portrayal of ColdR by someone close to its discoverer.
One notable portion was one where the protagonist and their sister wound up trapped in a at-the-time unknown "World of Zero" and were floating there for days in the cold emptiness until they developed strange abilities that let them escape...
With the publicising of the World of Zero, the consensus is now that this portion of the book was partially autobiographical.
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foolishfun · 2 days ago
Im with someone tonight and like we uave drank and smoked for hours lol he keps trying to reassure me i can sleep at his feet and ifs like so not weird but im like... but yeah it kinda is? So i went to sleep in my own separate space just cause he was a bit ttoo pushy.
Ill tell him its cause i cant sleep with rhe tv on in the morning (whoch is also true) but tbh i just wanna be in th e softer sleeping space where the room is a little colder. He kept offering to make the other room coldr. But i didnt wanna make the other girl sick, shes really sensitive health wise.
I feel so cozy comfy good rn 💕 im so happy to be back in a solo space, im not ised to talking to people irl this fucking mcuh lol
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