colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Thirty Three:
Finally finishing the book!
Nathan’s bit of magic is so interesting!
Also still love his mother but it sucks that so much is put on him being able to change. Like I’m happy he can again but that’s because Nathan was happy about it, I’m not explaining this well but if you read the book you understand the vibe.
Three hundred and seventy?! Wow
Coughing is always bad, books don’t put things in for no reason, i’m warning you book you’d better behave.
They dig into poor Miles hard
And he is very very angry alrighty then. I feel like Nathan’s family needs more open communication.
Okaaaay not a reformist then. And they completely misread what Nathan was talking about. And they want him to basically spy??? Ugh politics and plot here we come. I feel like the “this is fine” dog.
Also I think Nathans family is doing a nice “this is fine” wolf impression.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Thirty Two:
More sweet relief from the coming storm.
Aw he fell asleep.
“On my way back home” Screaming actually.
Also Nathan doesn’t know. He doesn’t know!!!!
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Three:
Ah and now he’s hiding behind a pillar. Again I painfully understand where he’s coming from. Also he’s so sassy when it comes to fashion I love it. Drinking less? A lot less? Well then!
Did anyone like Elizabeth? Her specialty appears to be burning bridges, even Vlad’s bridge! Which was made of stone! The metaphor is getting away from me but she really does seem fascinatingly awful.
Oh Jenee is good! And also I like her, not relevant to the plot but it must be known.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Thirty Four:
Aww he got a letter!
Cousins abound. The suffering (affectionate) of big family Christmas time.
He made it legible? Just for Nathan? And “Good boy” is gonna be a strike directly to my heart every time.
Intimate turn? Oh very intimately adorable what was THAT Vlad my heart simply can’t take this.
“Yours Eagerly” oughh
Also oh no older sibling senses are tingling, leave it alone Miles i’m begging you. Disregard for gender to be DISTASTEFUL?
This Romeo and Juliet taste to vampires and werewolves was expected but it’s still hurtful.
I’m in such pain he BANNED Howlzein?
A princess ey?
MILES???? “A little dark” “lowering your standards” icky icky icky
Thank you Ivar.
Oh Nathan!!! He’s right, he shouldn’t have to take responsibility for his brother being shitty.
Also such a sucker for the thought of all three of them together, like just, in a room, they’re so different and so lovely. On my knees for a good healthy poly relationship any-day.
A jolt of recognition??? There are so many subtle hints like that in this blasted book but i’m never gonna be able to guess at it until everything is explained.
Also the tingles again hm? I mean OBVIOUSLY but like, does it MEAN something?
“And a totally not a necromancer”
I bet she didn’t mind. I’m so excited to watch them all fall for each other, it was so nice with Nathan and Vlad and I get to read that happen two more times basically.
Oh part three is next, and I will have to finish it tomorrow for those of you keeping up with the liveblogs, I was going to do it tonight but the outside world is doing that thing where it requires my attention.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Thirty One:
Ohhhhhh no
Twoforths I swear. I’m so Tired.
Oh hey oh no OH NO
My squeak of dismay has thoroughly upset my cat. Now nobodies happy.
“Your kind” also The Count is finally here and what an entrance he makes.
I’m so nervous and uncomfortable. Plot stop moving PLEASE. I feel ill.
Ahhh talking about Elizabeth. Great this is great, not disastrous at all. Oh turning it back on Elizabeth though, smart.
“It probably was he just hadn’t realized how yet.” Everything hurts. Too stupid to live? Hey dad I think you’re missing the mark on quite a few notes here. I am actually so so afraid
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Thirty:
Oh? Getting into what happened to Captain Hammond are we?
Undead horses!
Also Vlad continues to have my whole hearted sympathy for the amount of work he does.
Nathan! How scandalous!
Howlzein :)
Kneeling over his lap? I know you can’t write every time these two get up to something explicit but please give the people more than crumbs. (It’s me, i’m the people, and about to become someone who writes on ao3 for this book so help me god)
He’s not coming :( hey wait a minute- I swear if something deeper is going on here! Book I’m warning you don’t you do it.
I am concerned.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Nine:
A second round? That we the readers were deprived of? It is forgiven instantly because they’re being very sweet.
Also it’s easy and not at all easy to forget how old Vlad is sometimes. May we see him with a earring again in this lifetime.
Hey mom hey dad I met a nice vampire boy! He’s the son of a count you know. I’m laughing but only because the truth of that not going over well hurts.
“Now that he could change again” hey book? We’ve talked about this, cool it with the casual blows to my heart please.
We don’t get the third time either?! Woe is the degenerate reader. I feel teased and betrayed but in a way I can live with because this book is unfairly good.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Eight:
Yes continue to be brave Vlad!
Oh Swithin. I’m sure that man has seen way too much of Vlad.
He painted the ceiling! Also “he’d get around to it one day” is very relatable and made me take a peek at my own unfinished projects corner.
Ah yes coffins and skulls Nathan, the most homey décor a vampire could want. “Well we can get Rupert out of the closet” VLAD
Late night telescoping can be so romantic actually.
Cute. Cute and very sweet. THE JACKET? THE MOST CLASSIC OF ROMANTIC MOVES? And it’s a classic because it works dammit.
I don’t think that move was quite as unthinking as you believe Vlad. Nathan’s gonna give this vampire a heart-attack which shouldn’t be possible yet here we are. Yes very casual and platonic Vlad. I’m an outsider looking in but this situation would also have me overthinking with my brain melting out of my ears. I know this because it has happened before, being perpetually cold has it’s perks and I wouldn’t know if someone was into me unless they told me directly to my face.
Nathan is incredibly smooth, it’s enviable.
“Only since the first moment I met you” OH YEAH?
It’s happening it’s happening!
Oh. And Nathan wants to talk before they go further of course, very very sweet of him to do and Vlad :( “Too much” I’m coming for you Elizabeth and everyone else who told him that.
A talk about boundaries, that Vlad has never had before, if I could stop being hurt in this story that would be wonderful actually. Nathan thank you, now once this conversation is over take Vlad’s face in your hands and tell him how wonderful he is please, please for me and readers everywhere. It was finally happening and now my heart is breaking whyyyy
Cool cool cool, emotions? In my supernatural world ending vampire romance? More likely than you think. Crying in the club when I was ready for sweetness and romance. And I am getting those things but not without all the healing and love that comes with them agh.
Elizabeth again, biting biting biting and violence and more biting.
Sweetheart he says, sweetheart!
Oh my Nathan. Also wanting to hide but still letting Nathan read his lips. A sweetheart indeed. A necessary conversation but admittedly a slightly awkward one.
Nathan really sees him right down to the bones huh?
Lewd laundry list
I am not going to go into a lot of detail other for the next few pages for all our sakes but it’s HAPPENING.
Flophouse dandy hehe
The good boy gets us all.
Mortifying but good is an apt description.
Well written uhhhh very well written good lord
Nathan gods above man.
Baby! For every pet name Nathan calls Vlad another year is added to my life.
I need a fan, someone get me a fan and a bottle of cold water!
Because I’m a degenerate this is written like most sex scenes but most GOOD sex scenes. It’s very tender and very sexy.
“Make me” Sound the alarms everyone I’m packing up my things and going into hibernation after I finish this book until the next one comes out because HOO BOY
Vlad no no no this one will stick, stars above this one will stick, and eventually another one will too.
Anyway that chapter was, great, lets go with a nice PG “great” to make a massive understatement.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Seven:
Ohhhhh no. Somehow I didn’t even connect the fireworks to what that might do to Nathan.
Quiet time in the greenhouse. Also don’t be sorry Nathan please.
Glad we finally get to see Vlad’s plant babies and I love that he just can’t help himself around Nathan. Mentioning his illegal plants before his brain catches up to say “hey maybe don’t”
Handcuffs hm?
Rosa? She throttled her male plant! She’ll never bloom again :(
A rose of course!
Fancy a nightcap? Most beautiful sentence i’ve ever seen. Nightcaps, the sexiest of drinks.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Six:
“I’m sure you’re far more capable of convincing him to do things than I would be.” Ohohoho are you really sure though Vlad? Because i’m not!
Not one but two pushovers! You know what “pushovers” are Vlad? They’re kind, and you and Nathan are very kind. As if you’d say no to Riya. The sweetness this story throws at me is mind boggling and tooth rotting in the best way.
“You stop that…We didn’t die four hundred years ago for you to suddenly remember how to work now” I swear this dialogue I love it.
Vlad is just melting, one of them is gonna snap soon and talk about how they feel I know it in my bones.
Kitty I love you. Also I can’t believe Nathan prodded Vlad into being competitive. A human and a vampire up against a werewolf and another vampire. Somehow, with said human being Kitty, I really do think they have a fighting chance. “Only human still standing” She is a wonder.
Getting lifted like you weigh nothing will do that to a person, I understand Vlad. I think I want to see this vampire get bent in half nearly as much as Nathan.
There is nothing like a good dance to encourage romantic entanglement. Thank you Riya and Kitty.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Five:
Oh he’s VERY magical hmm? A perfect X
A trio surrounded by change, yeah that sounds like them.
I would throw the cards in the fire too, she is very wise.
Another short but important chapter. The more the plot jumps out the more afraid I become.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Four:
He’s very against getting his fortune told, but there’s no force like siblings who can communicate with just a glance.
Falling out of the closet huh?
Two great loves in a single lifetime! It’s so fun knowing what that means while Nathan doesn’t. Wait a minute heartache? HEARTACHE?
“Asking a lot of questions for a nonbeliever” I like Madame Jenee so much.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Two:
Time for another party!
Aww Kitty is a kitty! And Nathan is a wolf of course. Poor Nathan seems to say “Thank you, I think” a lot. Riya is a butterfly!
Dramatic Vlad, VERY dramatic. Hates it except when he doesn’t, hmm.
Also stop describing beautiful women to me my heart can’t take it.
Fiasco with the bathtub???
“He really does look lovely” Oh? I mean i’m not surprised anymore just exciting, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife these two.
His Goth Mother. I love that. Also Nathan’s getting the inside scoop from the little sister!
Ah more accidental faux pas of cultural differences. At least Riya is open to new ideas and fixing her mistakes. I truly adore Nathan and Vlad and I can’t wait to see more of Ursula. At the same time though I think doing the story this way is better by miles for the romantic pacing, it can be tricky with just two let alone three and it’s been done marvelously so far!
Also “nonsense” Nathan, my guy, you have had to deal with misconceptions about werewolves your whole life you gotta be open to possibilities. Also Vlad? Married with lots of children? Interesting.
Please let Kitty have a good time Please let Kitty have a good time!
Oh not court rules, dance Riya dance! Also I knew the second she said it Nathan would dance with her.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty One:
Good man Swithin.
Also riots? Of course.
Poor Vlad. Politics are endlessly frustrating when you’re trying to do the right thing.
A dream about a certain someone I see. And he feels bad about it, of course, oh Vlad.
The world is falling apart but at least there’s hot water, I completely understand Vlad.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Twenty:
Chess cannot be this adorable, I forbid it!
Handed her off to the mob himself?? And they still keep a portrait of her.
I’d say stop talking about his family Nathan but we gotta get there at some point.
“They made you” If only it were that simple for families, vampires or not.
Lore! Bloody and terrible lore it seems but lore all the same. Oh definitely plot relevant lore I see. And in the midst of this Nathan has to hit him with “I like your eyes”
He has to share a name with him? No wonder he doesn’t like his full name. Hey wait a minute- a sacrifice the count didn’t want to make? I have suspicions but being right would hurt too much so I’m just gonna let it go for now
A tower? Nearly four decades???? Hey Vlad I’m gonna need you to stop pretty please.
Gods being definitely real has me feelin some type of way
He pulled his tooth out and it didn’t grow back? Vlad Please.
Vampire biology :)
“How old is lady Elizabeth” HIT LIKE A SLEDGEHAMMER oh gods ohhhhhhhh we’re really in it now.
Hi yes hello are you kidding me?
HI YES HELLO? I am in so much pain Vlad PLEASE someone give him a hug Nathan PLEASE give him a hug. You sure can accumulate a lot of pain in 400 years.
Yes yes finish your game boys, I’m just gonna go lay down.
It’s 2:00am, my eyes are closing of their own accord, I will pick up the liveblogging in the morning once I have recovered from this reveal and also from my lack of sleep.
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colbyheartland · 1 year
Chapter Nineteen:
Ah siblings.
Burn her letters Vlad. I find myself remarkably petty when it comes to Elizabeth, seeing another side of the story and someone else’s view as to why they might behave in such a way is beyond me at 1:00am only halfway through this book.
He might be in trouble, he’s definitely going to be in trouble, oh no.
Vlad is exactly right, she is an adult now and can handle responsibility herself. I just worry others may not see it that way. He’s going to be in trouble :(
Riya has a point, let her be nice to you Vlad!
His beautiful plant children, of course of course.
“It’s probably a werewolf thing” Sigh.
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