#colab kitchen
diabolik-loser · 1 year
☆ Thought I'd post some of the DL colab menus in case people like myself want to recreate the drinks themselves ☆
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9 notes · View notes
mountttmase · 6 months
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See You Soon
Note - coming to you slightly earlier than scheduled as I suddenly have a social life but I hope you enjoy this. I like to think of this as a colab between myself and @saltyheartnightmare and it was her original idea to use the TikTok I found for this. I hope you guys like it and feedback is always appreciated 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 7.8k
Warnings - fluff and a tiny bit of angst and smut
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Waking up next to Mason was your favourite thing in the world. Today though, you weren’t afforded that luxury.
The pair of you had moved into your new house about a week ago and you were still trying to make it a home. Things had been all over the place since your wedding just a month before but finally you were in your home and ready to make it exactly how you wanted it.
Tomorrow night would be Mason's first away game since you’d moved in and you could tell he was a little apprehensive about leaving you alone for the first time in this big house. You tried to reassure him that it would be a regular thing soon and you’d just have to get used to it but you couldn't deny you were also a little scared about it.
This new house was more than you ever thought you could have in a home. It was huge and finished to a high standard but when you were alone in the day you could swear you could hear and see things move. You knew Mason could tell something was up as you clung to him tightly when he got home but you just brushed it off by saying you missed him.
Mason was up earlier than you anticipated but after another night of him worshipping your body, you didn’t even wake up fully as he moved around. Ever since your wedding a month ago he was even more touchy than usual but you weren't complaining about any of it as you wanted him just as much. However this morning you needed to recover from the way he’d put you to the test last night knowing you wouldn't see each other for a few days and you ached deliciously.
It was around 10am by the time you managed to peel the covers away from your body. Knowing you needed caffeine to try and shake yourself out of the space you were in and after quickly getting dressed you plodded down to the kitchen.
You knew there was something different about the room as soon as you stepped into the open plan space but you didn’t realise how obvious it was until you went to the coffee machine. Grabbing a mug from the cupboard before finding a folded up piece of paper taped to the front of the machine.
‘What the hell?’ You whispered. Placing your mug on the side so you could see what it was and as soon as you opened it up you recognised Mason's handwriting immediately.
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‘Oh Mase’ you breathed. Your bottom lip jutting out as you read over his note a few times until you couldn’t anymore as your eyes filled with tears that you blinked away.
It was times like this where you fell in love with Mason even more than you thought you could. He was already your everything but the way he proved himself all the time that he was thinking of you and trying his best to make you smile whenever he could melted you and made you wish he was standing next to you so you could give him a big kiss.
The excited part of you wanted to run around and find them all straight away but you figured since you were on your own for at least three days it would be best to space them out a little bit. This was clearly a distraction exercise for you and you didn’t want to ruin it for him so you made your coffee and took it up to bed with your note so you could read it over and over again.
You had some errands to run today, but you didn’t want to leave without finding at least one more. Thankfully the next one wasn’t hard to find and as you made your way into the dining room the bright bunch of flowers sitting in the middle of the table caught your eye immediately.
You could tell this note was much smaller than the last, reaching out with a giddy smile in anticipation of what he had to say to you next and just like usual he didn’t disappoint.
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You were giggling like a schoolgirl as you bent to take a big sniff of them. They were bright and colourful and looked how Mason made you feel on the inside. They were wasted in the dining room though so you picked them up and took them into the sitting room so it gave a chance to look at them everyday before snapping a quick picture to say thank you to him.
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You left the house shortly after with a spring in your step. Popping to the supermarket to do the food shop and then nipping to the bakery on the way home to get yourself a few treats for lunch. This afternoon you were planning to paint one of the spare rooms that you would be using for your office and after you'd eaten and put the shopping away you quickly nipped to B&Q for the last few bit’s you needed.
The whole time you were painting your office you couldn't stop thinking about Mason and where the next note might be. Knowing he must have gotten up extra early today to plant them around the house made you giggle but you also realised how into this he was and knew he would have some extra special hiding places for you to find.
Your painting took longer than you'd planned for it to, eventually finishing in time for you to make some quick dinner before your favourite shows started. You were messaging Mason a little bit throughout the day as he quizzed you about the notes and if you had looked for more but to his dismay you hadn't. You told him you were itching for a shower and would look before bed but thankfully for you, you didn't have to look too far.
Your bathroom was probably the last place the note should have been but you knew Mason had gone out if his way to surprise you so you should have expected the unexpected. As soon as you opened your cupboard to grab your skin care you were met with a glass frame that was closed like a book and the usual lined paper that was stuck to the front.
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If anyone felt lucky in this moment it was you feeling lucky that you got to marry someone as wonderful as Mason and before you broke down in tears again your eyes flickered to the photo frame in your cupboard.
As you pulled apart the frame, you realised it had two sides, one containing a photo for yours and Mason's wedding day whilst the other seemed to have dried flowers from your bouquet pressed between the glass.
‘Oh my god’ you whispered, tears pouring down your face as you gently touched the picture of the pair of you having your first dance and you felt all consumed with your love for him. Taking the frame back into your room and placing it on your bedside table so you could look at him before you went to sleep and knew you wanted to let him know you’d found the next note even if you couldn’t keep your emotions in check.
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Getting to marry Mason was a dream. The whole day you felt like a princess as the man of your dreams promised to give himself to you but you hadn’t been able to relive the day as much as you’d have liked as your official wedding photos and video still weren’t ready. Mason had obviously managed to get a hold of one though and the sweet gift had made you more emotional than you thought it would.
You missed Mason more than you ever had but you’d barely been away from this time. Telling yourself it was only a few more days but you were counting down the hours until he was back in your arms.
The next morning you woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. Excited to go hunting for a new note before you got started on some more unpacking but it seemed as though the next note was a bit too well hidden so you gave up and went to have a shower and get dressed. Telling yourself to look a bit later with fresh eyes when you’ve had a think about it while unpacking.
The boxes you needed were in the garage and you were digging around in there for a little while until you came across what you needed and picked it up ready to leave.
The next note was staring you in the face. Attached to the back of the door so you’d see it on the way out and you laughed as you popped the box down to read it.
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You remembered the first time you’d met too, you were only 18 and when Mason said you’d crashed into each other you’d quite literally crashed into him.
Being invited to parties at school was somewhat of a rare occurrence. You and your friends weren’t part of the cool kids in your year but you knew whenever Seb was having a party you’d be invited.
You’d known Seb since you were babies. Your mums being best friends that had magically gotten pregnant at the same time and whilst you weren’t as close as you once were, he was like family and you had a permanent invite to any party he threw in order for you not to rat him out to his mum.
You didn’t care for the people there, you and your friends sticking to yourselves but it was worth it for the free drinks and soon enough you were being invited to parties no matter who was hosting or where they were.
It was that time of the year though, exams were finally over and uni offers had been accepted. Most of you now over the age of 18 and able to buy alcohol and get into clubs but for one last time Seb wanted to get everyone together again. One last hurrah before you all went your separate ways and it was all going well until you caught sight of the last person you wanted to see.
Logan was in the year above, a popular guy and way out of your league but you fell for his charms quickly. You never understood why he’d gone for you but he had and the pair of you started dating shortly after you’d met. He was sweet and sensitive and made you feel on top of the world but right now you wished the ground would swallow you up.
You quickly excused yourself from your friends, wanting to get away and out of his eyeline and thankfully knowing Sebs house like it was your own meant you could sneak away and run into the utility room that was just through the garage.
‘Oh shit! Sorry, are you alright?’ You suddenly heard. Feeling a hand on your arm as the stranger you’d walked straight into tried to steady you and when you looked up you were met with a face you didn’t recognise.
A very attractive face you didn’t recognise.
‘I’m fine’ you managed to stutter out, straightening yourself up as he let go of you and you were thankful he’d managed to keep his drink contained in his cup and it wasn’t all down your front. You’d bought this dress especially for tonight and even though it was way out of your comfort zone you wanted to make sure you looked good. It was silky and tight and you knew any stain would show up straight away and it was the last thing you needed to look like a hot mess. ‘Sorry, I didn’t expect anyone to be in here, I wasn’t looking where I was going’ you tried to explain but his sweet smile made you feel at ease and you couldn’t help but smile back.
‘No it’s okay, I wasn’t either’ he laughed. Scratching the back of his neck nervously and you couldn’t help but find him endearing straight away. ‘You sure you’re alright? Looks like I’ve seen a ghost’
‘I’m fine, really’ you told him, trying to brush him off so you could get a few minutes alone and collect yourself but your mystery man didn’t want to let you go that easily. His big brown eyes looking right into yours and you were struck by how handsome he was straight away.
‘Can I get you a drink then at least?’ He offered. Head nodding to the assortment of bottles behind him and you sent him a small nod before telling him your usual. Most drinks were kept in the kitchen but the good stuff was kept out here and you smiled as Mason found exactly what you wanted with ease. ‘I know I’ve asked, and I know you said you’re fine, but are you sure? You can tell me you know. Nothing like spilling your secrets to a stranger’
‘Are you offering to be my therapist?’
‘Of sorts. I can’t tell you I have the answers to everything but i'm a good listener and I won’t charge you an arm and a leg’ he chuckled and you smiled back in amusement as he passed you your drink. ‘I’m Mason, by the way’
‘Nice to meet you, y/n’ he smiled and you liked the way your name sounded coming out of his mouth straight away. ‘I take it you went to school with Seb?’
‘Yeah, we’re sort of family friends and I’ve known him since we were babies’ you laughed. ‘How do you know him?’
‘We used to play football together in the same academy before he got released’ he nodded, resting himself up against the cabinet so you decided to join him and he smiled as you placed yourself next to him.
‘Oh yeah I remember him telling me something about that once. He was so upset when it happened’
‘Yeah it’s tough, happed to a few of the guys’
‘What about you, do you still play?’ You asked, hoping if you spoke about him he’d forget to ask about you and thankfully your plan was working.
‘I do actually, yeah. I’ve just come back from a year playing abroad so I’m just assessing my options’
‘Wow, that’s so cool’
‘Yeah it’s different, glad to be home though’ he chuckled before bumping his shoulder into yours. ‘Anyway we’re meant to be talking about you, not me. Stop changing the subject’
‘You noticed that, huh?’ You laughed, rolling your eyes at how perceptive he was. ‘It’s nothing really, I feel a bit stupid now anyway’
‘Well you can’t leave me hanging’
‘Okay fine’ you gulped, taking a deep breath so you could tell him but to your surprise you felt at ease spilling your guts to him. ‘My ex is here and I didn’t expect him to be’
‘Ohhh I see. Bad break up?’
‘I don’t even know. He’s a year above and already at uni. I thought things were fine but he text me a few months back saying I distracted him too much and he wanted a fresh start from everything, including me, and I haven’t seen or heard from him since’ you shrugged. ‘Like it was so out of the blue but we’d only been together for around six months so i didn't take it too hard but it’s still a bit shit to see him’
‘It’s still a dick thing to do, I’m really sorry’ he told you, his brows furrowed like he was annoyed on your behalf but you sent him a small smile to let him know you were fine.
‘It’s okay, it is what it is. Like there’s not much I can do, I just feel weird. Not in like an upset I want him back way it’s more like when I saw him just now, I didn’t feel anything. Like…’ you trailed off, feeling like maybe you were saying too much but Mason's kind face had destroyed all your walls. ‘Sorry, I’m being silly. You didn’t need to listen to me rabbit on I bet your friends are wondering where you are’
‘No, y/n it’s fine-‘
‘I should be getting back out too, but I’ll see you around probably’
‘Thanks for the drink’ you smiled. Cutting him off one last time before you got up and left as quick as you could.
All you wanted was to find your friends and keep away from everyone else. Be that your ex or your new friend with the pretty brown eyes that made your tummy swirl but you weren't having much luck. Your friends seemed to have vanished into thin air and you were walking around aimlessly until you decided to stop and call one of them in hopes they’d pick up.
You didn’t get a chance to hit call though, a tall shadow looming over you and when you looked up it was number one on your list of people you didn’t want to be acquainted with.
‘y/n? I thought I saw you earlier’ Logan smiled, but you were frozen in place. Not even being able to let a breath out as he looked down at you ‘listen I was hoping we could-‘
‘Ah there you are’ you suddenly heard. Looking to your left to see Mason walking towards you with two drinks in his hand and a cheeky smile on his face. ‘You left your drink in the other room, gorgeous. I got you a fresh one’ he smiled. Passing you a cup before wrapping his now free arm around your waist and kissing your temple gently. ‘You alright, mate? I’m Mason, y/n’s boyfriend. You are?’
Boyfriend? What on earth was he doing?
‘L-Logan’ he stuttered. Reaching out to shake Masons outstretched hand and the confusion on his face made you want to smile but soon enough his hard eyes were back on you. ‘I didn’t know you were seeing someone’
‘Were not exactly on speaking terms are we’ you bit back. Mason rubbing his thumb soothingly over your hip over the top of your dress and you were surprised at how relaxed you felt. Melting into his body as he pressed another kiss to your temple and you knew it was driving Logan mad.
‘How’d you guys meet? And when?’ Logan asked. An accusatory tone in his voice but Mason wanted to be the one to rain on his parade it seemed and you were pretty glad as your mind was blank.
‘It was Sainsburys, wasn’t it babe? Couple of months back I think. We were both reaching for the last tub of Ben and Jerrys but I got there first. She was so upset, like look at this face. You’d have to be messed up to want to upset someone this beautiful so I told her she could have it if she agreed to a date with me and thankfully for me she said yes’ Mason chuckled and you stared back at him in amazement as the made up story fell from his lips. Knowing you should maybe butt in and say something to make it more believable.
‘We made it official yesterday, he took me out to that new ice cream shop in town and we shared a sundae. You were so nervous, weren’t you’ you laughed, looking back up into his brown eyes but the bright smile he was sending your way relaxed you. ‘I have no idea why, there was no need to be. I said yes right away and would every time’
‘What did I ever do to deserve her, eh? Beautiful, smart, funny. I always say to her, her ex must be an idiot letting her go but if it means she’s mine now then I don’t care’ he told Logan. Resting his cheek on your head as he pulled you impossibly closer. ‘Sorry we’ve been talking your ear off, I think we’re just excited you know?’
‘Sure’ Logan grumbled, the annoyed look on his face satisfactory enough for you but when he finally made eye contact with you again you saw how pissed he actually was. ‘I need to go find someone but I’ll see you guys around’
‘Oh definitely, we’ll talk to you in a bit’ Mason smiled and with one last look at you, he stormed off into another room leaving you and Mason alone.
‘What the fuck was that’ you laughed, turning to face him but keeping close so he would keep his arm around you and thankfully he did.
‘Well I could tell from a mile off just by the look on your face he was probably your ex and I’ve always been a sucker for a damsel in distress’ he teased, squeezing your waist gently as he looked down at you with a smile.
‘That may be so, but you’ve sort of shot yourself in the foot a bit’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well you’re gonna have to stay with me for the rest of the night now, duh’ you giggled ‘if you leave me in my own he’ll get suspicious and try to talk to me’
‘Well lucky for you, I don’t see that as a bad thing’ he winked and you felt your cheeks flush. ‘Unless you want me to piss off?’
‘Nah, I think you’ve earned your spot’ you told him, biting your lip cheekily and the way his eyes flashed to your lips made your tummy flutter.
So you went and found your friends with Mason in tow and to say they were surprised by a random boys presence was an understatement. You quickly explained the situation though and they were more than happy to play along. Especially when Mason asked you all to join the guys he’d come with and they seemed more than happy to hang out with you.
Throughout the night you’d ended up practically sat in Mason's lap. His hands rarely leaving your waist as you got to know each other and you didn’t see Logan again that night. Whether that was because he’d left or was just staying out of your way you didn’t know but you were so wrapped up in Mason you didn’t care.
You couldn’t get over how gorgeous he was. Big brown eyes and a killer smile but it was his goofy personality and his insistent need to make you laugh that was really winning you over. He was cheeky and silly and the way he kept looking you up and down made you blush.
The only time you left him was to have a dance for a little bit. Still looking back at him often to find his eyes on you and when you slipped off to the loo you were surprised to hear your name being spoken by a voice you knew was Seb’s.
‘Oi mate, what’s going on with you an y/n?’
‘We’re just hanging out. She’s nice’ Mason replied. A soft smile adorning your lips at the fact he thought you were nice but you thought he was more than nice.
‘I know she is, but when I said there would be girls here I didn’t mean her. I meant the others who’s are just after a shag’
‘Who says I’m just looking for a shag?’ Mason retorted and you rolled your eyes at their silly conversation. ‘Come on man, you know me and you know I’m not like that’
‘Look all I know is, that girl is like a sister to me and if you hurt I swear to god-‘
‘Mate, I promise you I’m not gonna hurt her. I know we’ve been drinking and stuff but I actually really like her’ he confessed and you felt your tummy flip at his confession. ‘Do you think she’d go on a date with me?’
‘I mean I don’t see why not, but just know i'll be keeping an eye on you. Also if things do work out I expect a major role at the wedding’
‘You can be y/n’s man of honour’ Mason joked ‘I bet you’d look great in a dress’
You felt yourself flushing as they spoke about you. Thankful Seb was so protective over you and you made a mental note to find him later and give him a big hug but you didn’t want to intrude anymore so you left them to it. Bickering about who would look better in a dress and you tried to hold in your giggles as you rushed to the bathroom.
Once you’d finally used the loo you stepped outside into and empty hallway, only to be met by Mason coming out of one of the guest rooms a few doors down saying goodbye to whoever he was on the phone to and his eyes lit up when he saw you. Holding his hand out for you to take and when he pulled you into his body, you melted into him.
‘Hey girlfriend, I’ve been looking for you’
‘I’ve only been away from you for ten minutes’ you giggled. Letting him wrap his arms around your shoulders as you held him at his waist and the feeling of warmth and safety hit you like a truck.
‘Ten minutes too long’ he whispered, placing a gentle kiss between your eyebrows and you shut your eyes at the feel of it. ‘Come in here with me for a sec?’ He asked, nodding back into the room he’d just come from and even though you were going into a room alone with a boy you’d just met that night you still felt safe so you let him take your hand and lead you in.
‘Was everything okay?’ You asked, trying to make conversation to distract yourself from how nervous you felt and you quickly took a seat on the edge of the bed whilst he shut the door.
‘Yeah, fine. Just my dad wanting to talk about some football stuff but I told him it can wait’ he nodded. Sitting himself down next to you as he took your hand and threaded his fingers through yours. Sensing how nervous you were clearly but just the touch of him relaxed you. ‘You know when I came here tonight, I didn’t think I’d meet someone like you’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well Seb said there would be girls here but you’re so different to everyone I’ve ever met’
‘That’s because he didn’t mean me’ you laughed, remembering the conversation you’d overheard just before and you knew Seb was probably trying to set him up with one of the more popular girls.
‘Why wouldn’t he?’
‘Well I wasn’t exactly the most popular at school, or the prettiest. He probably meant someone like Kate or Jess. You know, the girls all the other guys wanted’
‘Well, funnily enough I have no idea who Kate or Jess are and even if I did I still think I’d have had my eye on you’ he winked and you felt yourself blush as you hid in his shoulder. ‘What? I’m serious’ he laughed, his free hand coming to your thigh so he could lift it over his lap and move you to straddle him. You’d never been in this situation before, alone in a room with a boy you’d only met a few hours prior but you knew you didn’t want to stop so you went with it and placed your arms around his neck as he held you at your waist.
‘Mase, stop it’ you giggled, realising you’d used the nickname everyone had been calling him for the first time to his face and you quickly hid your face in his neck out of embarrassment.
‘Am I making you flustered?’ He teased and you nodded into his neck when you felt his arms pull you to him tighter. ‘I’m sorry, love. But it’s true. Prettiest girl in here by a mile and that’s not me chatting shit. I saw you when I got here earlier and I thought I’d hit the jackpot when we bumped into each other in the garage. And anyway, forget all that. You're my girl for tonight, yeah? I can’t be looking anyone else’
‘Just for tonight?’ You teased pulling back to look at him and the pretty smile that took over his face made your knees weak.
‘We can extend my contract if you like. Depends if the terms are favourable though’
‘How about you take me to that ice cream shop we had our first date at and we can discuss it further’
‘Deal’ he breathed, but before you had a second to think he planted his lips on yours.
You'd been waiting all night for him to kiss you. The tension between the pair of you had been thick and now it’s like your bubble had burst.
He was gentle with you, keeping his hands planted firmly on your waist as he delicately brushed his lips against yours and you had to stop yourself from moaning into his mouth. Overwhelmed by the smell and taste of him and you almost lost it when you felt his tongue against your lips but you let him in straight away. Eager to feel as much of him as you could without pushing it too far.
‘I’ve wanted to kiss you all night’ he whispered when you finally broke apart for air, nose bumping into yours gently but you still didn’t have the confidence to look at him properly and kept your eyes planted on his chest.
‘Me too’ you giggled. ‘You know, I’ve never kissed a boy at a party before. Let alone be in a room alone with one’
‘Seriously?’ He laughed, a teasing tone to his voice and when he tickled your waist your eyes flashed up to look into his dark ones.
‘I’m a good girl, Mason’
‘Is that so’ he drawled, almost like he wanted to challenge you on it and there was something inside of you that made you want to keep teasing him so you carried on.
‘Yes it is’ you laughed. ‘I’m not that sort of girl’
Mason was cut off by the sound of the door opening. The pair of you quickly looking to see who’d interrupted you and to your shock it was Logan. His face bemused as his gaze landed on you and you knew your underwear was on show as your dress had ridden up but Mason was quick to move you to his side so you were shielded from him.
‘Shit, sorry mate I must have forgotten to lock the door’ Mason laughed but you didn’t hear a response. Just a grunt from Logan before he slammed the door behind him. ‘Well I don’t know about you but I’d say mission accomplished’
You didn’t take things any further that night. Sticking together still and swapping numbers before you left but he was quick to ask to see you again and you hadn’t really left each other alone since.
That had been four years ago and now you were newly married in your new shared home and it felt good to take a walk down memory lane for a little bit and realise how far you’d come.
You knew you needed to get back on track though, grabbing the box you needed to unpack and taking it inside as you daydreamed about Mason for the rest of the afternoon.
You had two more notes to find, and you were starting to run out of options of places to look. You knew you wanted to find one before bed and In the end you began looking in each room one by one until you came to one of the guest rooms.
It was still bare like all the others but a red box on one of the shelves at the back caught your eye. There shouldn’t have been anything in here so you carefully walked over to reach for it and your suspicions were confirmed when you saw the infamous lined paper neatly folded and taped to the lid of the box. You wanted to read the note first and not ruin what was inside so as carefully as you could you peeled the note away and unfolded it.
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You gasped at the words on the paper. Breath stuck in your lungs as you couldn’t find a way to breathe properly but it was soon rushing out as you tried to stop your bottom lip from wobbling.
Mason had always wanted kids, you’d known it from your first date in the ice cream shop when you caught him looking fondly at a small child trying to eat its ice cream and when the pair of you were able to meet his niece Summer, it was written all over his face how much he was in his element. The twinkle in his eye letting you know that he couldn't wait for the pair of you to be in this position one day. In fact it was this very room when you were taking a tour of this house that Mason had picked out for a nursery and even though you’d laughed it off you now realised he was more serious than you thought.
The fact Mason felt settled enough with you now to try for a little one of your own made your skin tingle all over. The shaky breath falling for your lips and you couldn’t contain your smile at the thought of a tiny Mason to keep you company when Mason was away.
Your attention turned to the box in your lap next. Getting a better look at it to see it was a small shoe box and you couldn’t wait to get inside of it. Your eyes filling up with tears again before you’d even got the lid off but you were a mess by the time you had the little trainers in your hands. A matching version to the ones Mason had recently gifted you and you felt the sobs creep up your throat until they were mixed with your giggles.
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There was one note left and it was driving you insane. You had the house nearly tipped upside down by the end of the day looking for it and it was still nowhere to be seen. Looking in every room and every cupboard and you were discovering things about the house you didn’t even know. The most exciting thing was a door in the back of your cupboard under the stairs that when opened had a secret staircase that made its way into your walk-in wardrobe and you made a mental note to ask Mason about it when he was home as you had no idea what that would be for.
It was useless though and you took yourself off to bed knowing you’d have the whole of the next day too look but it was bugging you that he’d hidden it so well.
Mason would be home later the next day and you wanted to have them all found but it seemed pretty hopeless until about mid morning when you realised your wardrobe was probably the only place you hadn’t looked.
It seemed like the last resort but you carefully opened every drawer until you came to your special underwear section. There sat a black box with the tiny note you’d been going crazy over and you quickly opened it with excitement to see what he had to say.
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What? You wondered. Picking up the black box and thinking whatever it was was probably inside but you weren’t prepared for what you were about to be met with.
You noticed the colour first. A deep but vibrant red, similar to the colour of the dress you wore the first night you met and you carefully took each piece out and laid them on your bed so you could work out what mason had got for you this time.
It was quite possibly one of the most revealing sets of underwear you’d ever seen. The cups of the bra covered by just some lace that matched the sides of the thong but it was the belt and choker situation that came with it that was making you blush furiously. Thinking there was no way in hell you’d ever feel confident enough to wear it but thinking about the look on Masons face when you did made you chuckle.
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If Mason wanted you in these when he got back then that’s what he would be getting. Jumping in the shower so you could get yourself ready for him and when you were in there you had the perfect idea. Wanting to play Mason at his own game but you didn’t have as much time to prepare as he’d had and you wondered if it was a little silly but you went with it. Even more excited for Mason to get home in a few hours.
When Mason finally made it home, all he wanted to do was dump his bags and go and find you. He’d missed your touch for the last few days and he’d been thinking about nothing else on the drive over from the airport.
Little did he know you’d have your own game for him to play and he noticed the paper taped to the door as soon as he walked up the drive. Smiling cheekily to himself as he peeled it from the door and eagerly looked it over.
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He smiled softly as he read over your writing and as soon as he opened the front door he felt relaxed. Yes the pair of you had only been here around and week and yes it was still empty but he knew you were here somewhere and wherever you were that’s where home was.
So he did as you asked. Going to the kitchen first where he found a few slices of pizza that he presumed were from one you’d made yourself tonight and a fresh bottle of Pepsi on the side. Mason loved your pizza and would always beg you to make it but it wasn’t exactly part of his meal plan so you only made it for special occasions. It was just what he needed after his flight though and he took a giant bite whilst unfolding the next note to see what you had to say next.
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He’d managed to finish one slice whilst reading the note so he took the next slice with him along with all his bags over to the utility room. Thinking this was just your way of making him put all his stuff away and not leave it dumped by the door as he always did but he went along with it as he knew it would take longer to see you if he cheated. He also knew how excited he got when he put all the notes out for you and he didn’t want to spoil your fun so he did what you wanted and made his way over.
Another note greated him there, this one attached to the fabric softener and he had a feeling you were about to ask him to separate his washing out but he still opened it with a smile. Thinking to himself he’d do it gladly if it meant it got him one step closer to you.
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Mason was too excited to wait. Popping his bags on the side before rushing up the stairs and he knew it would just take one more flight up to find you in your shared room but he still did as you asked. Rushing into the bathroom to find the dryer on and a note attached to the mirror on his side of the sink which he tore down immediately.
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He felt himself melt at the way you’d made sure he had warm clothes ready for him when he got back so he quickly rid the clothes from his body before reaching for the toasty ones in the dryer. A comfy pair of grey shorts and one of his baggy tee’s that he got on as quickly as he could so they were still warm and now he wanted to see you more than ever.
He was over and into the storage cupboard in a flash. Not caring about what you might be asking him to do he just wanted to see you and with each note he was growing more impatient so he stormed in and tore the paper from the back wall in hopes this would be the final piece of the puzzle.
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Good boy huh? He thought, the term making him smile as he could tell what sort of mood you were in but he followed your instructions and went into the back of the cupboard where he found the door in question.
‘What the hell’, Mason whispered under his breath. Turning the handle gingerly and to his surprise it opened fairly easily. Light filling the dim room from inside and once it was fully open he looked up to find a set of stairs and an open doorway at the top with the light on in the room upstairs. ‘Baby? You up there?’ He called. Not hearing an answer exactly but the musical sound of your laugh let him know you were.
The thought of seeing you pushed every worry out of his body and he took the stairs two at a time until he was at the top where he found himself in your walk-in wardrobe.
‘What the hell, did you build a staircase while I was gone?’ He joked, rounding the corner to hopefully see you but all the air left his lungs once he had.
There you were, laid on your side at the foot of the bed in your silky robe that you usually wore for special occasions and he froze on the spot. You looked perfect. Not sure if you looked extra good because you’d made some effort or just because he hadn’t seen you in a while but all he knew was you made him feel like a kid at Christmas.
‘Hi Mase’ you whispered. Catching on to how nervous he seemed as he played with the hem of the t-shirt he was wearing and avoided your eyes but you wanted him closer no matter how blushy and stuttery he was.
‘Hi baby’ he eventually got out, eyes flashing up to yours for a split second before he sent you a lopsided smile that made your heart flutter.
‘Come here’ you told him, moving so you were now on your knees at the edge of the bed and when he approached you you cupped his jaw as he gently held your waist. ‘I’ve missed you’
‘I’ve missed you too’
‘You sure?’ You laughed, joking about the fact he could barely look you in the eye but he just laughed before looking at you properly
‘Sorry, you're making me nervous’ he whispered, his cheeks flushed but his eyes were happy and that made you smile too. ‘Can I have a kiss please’
‘Of course you can’ you chuckled, leaning in slowly for him to meet you halfway and the way he kissed you made your head spin.
‘Why are you so nervous, Mase? It's only me’ you whispered after you’d pulled away. Noticing he still couldn’t look at you properly and his cheeks and nose were a deep pink.
‘I think just after that note I left you with the shoes. I just wanted to make sure you’re fully on board like I don’t want you to think I’m forcing you into anything-‘
‘Baby no’ you laughed ‘of course I’m on board’
‘Yeah?’ He smiled and you nodded back shyly. ‘I’ve always wanted a family and I’ve always known I wanted it to be with you. I’ve wanted to try for a while but now you’re finally Mrs Mount and we’re getting settled in here, I just don’t think I can wait anymore. I know we’re young but I really think we can do this’
‘I think so too’ you smiled, nodding along to make him believe this is what you saw for your future too and the look on his face took your breath away.
‘You’re gonna be the best mum, I know it’
‘And you’re gonna be the best dad’ you whispered, watching his face light up before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
You felt his hands fiddling with the tie around your waist soon after, letting him untie it carefully before he peeled open your robe to reveal the fancy new underwear he’d bought for you and even though you were petrified about being in something so revealing, the way Masons eyes flashed over your skin made you feel weak.
‘You fucking perfect’ he whispered, fingertips lightly trailing your body as he drunk up every last inch of you. Eyes all over your body as he whispered to himself about how lucky he was and you almost felt your legs give way until his hands snaked around your body to grip your bare bum.
He was kissing you soon after, slow and sexy like he wanted to savour every last drop of you and when he placed your arms around his neck you held on tightly as he grabbed your thighs and lifted you into the air.
It always stunned you how strong Mason was. Lifting you up like it was nothing so you could wrap your legs around him but he was sitting down on the edge of the bed soon after. Letting you straddle his thighs as you continued to kiss and as soon as you were in his lap you felt him hard underneath you.
‘The way I’m feeling right now I wanna put ten babies in you’ he whispered, making you giggle as he squeezed your thighs before pushing the robe off of you completely. You tried to respond but couldn’t, Mason capturing your lips again and you moaned into his mouth as he began to help you rock your hips over his lap. Feeling him grown beneath you but soon enough he’d flipped the pair of you over so you were on your back and he was hovering over you. Ridding himself of his T-shirt and you felt the familiar wave of excitement rush down your spine and to your core. ‘All I’ve been thinking about the last few days is getting to see you like this’
‘Well I hope I didn’t disappoint’ you whispered, letting his lips ghost over your skin and when he giggled into your chest you laughed along with him.
‘You could never’ he told you truthfully before finally getting to do what he’d wanted to do with you for days. The same Mason you’d always known and loved but a new beginning on the horizon and you couldn’t wait to finally start the life you’d always dreamed of.
Thank you so much for reading 🩷 I really hope you enjoyed it and if you could leave me a little feedback that would mean so much 😘
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madi-writes-things · 4 months
Nobody Pt. 9
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 1.8 K
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), cyber-bullying/mean comments, SMUTSMUTSMUT (P in V, Fem receiving oral/fingering, hickeys, heavy making out, pet names, protection used!!!), you can not convince me that Chris isn’t a whimperer, self doubt, Not Edited
A/N: I’m sososososo sorry it took so long, I wanted it to be as good as possible. If anything doesn’t make sense, just chalk it up to my virginal status lol.
-Madi <3
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After patching things up with Matt, me and Chris decided to hard launch our relationship. It’s been two months since we went public, and the fans just seem to get more upset about it every day. Yesterday was our ten month anniversary, and the comments on our posts were horrific.
@ sturniolo.police
Do y’all think he just stays so she doesn’t kill herself?
@ Chris-Sturn-girlie
@ Sturniolo.police Probably, she treats her body like a kitchen counter… I would be scared too. I bet that’s the only reason why he even asked her out lol.
It was like watching a car accident, I couldn’t stop scrolling. I knew that it was stupid for me to think that dress was a good idea, but Chris picked it out specifically. The dress was a tight long sleeved crème dress. The issue was that it was fairly short, showing a large portion of my upper thighs. It was the first time since eighth grade that I felt comfortable wearing anything shorter than knee length, and less than 24 hours later I was severely regretting my decision.
Now I stand in front of our mirror wondering if I should even go out with them tonight. The boys have a really important colab dinner, and I would hate for it to be ruined by people who don’t know how to be kind on the internet.
I look at myself and see someone I hate. The black short sleeve dress accentuates the jagged scars running across my wrists. I always tried to avoid spots that were hard to hide, but in that moment of desperation I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I’m so caught up in my thoughts, that I don’t even hear the door open.
“Is everything okay?” I look up to see Chris behind me, with his arms wrapped around my waist.
“I um… I don’t think I’m feeling up to going tonight… sorry.” He rests his head on my shoulder gently as he gives me a questioning glance. “I don’t want to ruin dinner, and everyone is already saying stuff about the scars on my legs… and if people find out I tried t-” I cut myself off before I could say the truth.
Chris turns me around quickly, looking deep into my eyes. “I don't give a shit what anyone else has to say, you are perfect for me… just as you are.” I try to protest, but he stops me before I can even get one word out. “But… if you don’t feel like going out tonight, that’s okay. I can tell my brothers to just go without us.”
I can feel my eyes burning, not from sadness or guilt, but from the realization that the man in front of me doesn’t care about anything but me. “You don’t have to miss it because of me, don’t feel like you have to stay home.”
In less than three seconds he’s putting his phone into his pocket. “Don’t be silly, I already texted the guys.” I hear the guys yell a quick goodbye and feel better from downstairs before the door closes and the car drives off. “Now… do you need any help getting out of that dress?” He gives me a quick kiss before turning me around so he can reach my zipper.
As soon as the zipper stops, my dress falls to a puddle on the floor. When I turn around I notice Chris’s eyes fall to the matching green butterfly set I have on.
When Chris finally meets my eyes again, his cheeks are a shade of red that I’ve never seen on him. “Like what you see, pretty boy?” Chris is a sputtering mess, trying to respond. I cut him off by quickly connecting my lips with his. His hands quickly find their way into my hair as he lifts me up by the backs of my legs, carrying me to our shared bed.
This wasn’t the first time me and Chris had ever made out, but something was different about this time. There was a hunger in each of us, that kissing couldn’t satiate.
Chris tossed me gently onto the bed before positioning himself above me and continuing our make out session. His lips slowly traveled down my neck, stopping for short moments, then continuing their assault until they landed on my collar bone. A moan left my mouth, much louder than I meant to, as my back arched off the bed.
“You like that baby?” Chris groaned into my ear.
“mhm…” My brain went blank as he made his way down to the valley of my breasts. “Please…”
“please what, ma?” He looks up to me with a mischievous grin.
“Touch me… please.” I practically whine out, upset that he stopped kissing me. Chris quickly taps my side, signaling me to lift up as he unclasps my bra in one swift movement. My bra is replaced with Chris’s hands before I even register that he removed it. He continues to leave wine colored marks across my breasts, while his hands squeeze in the most beautiful ways.
After what feels like an eternity, i feel Chris's hot breath moving down towards my waistline. He glances up at me quickly before turning his head toward my inner thigh. I feel him lift my leg up, over his shoulder, before he resumes his mission. "Did you know that your legs are my favorite part of your body?"
“no they aren’t.” I accuse with a small giggle. I never realized how ticklish my legs are. He quickly sucks on a spot, that will surely be a dark shade of red tomorrow morning, causing my brain to malfunction.
When he stops, I look down to see him looking at me with his big, blue, puppy dog eyes. He toys with my waistline, before finally opening his mouth. “Is this okay?”
I've never responded quicker, nodding my head aggressively while mumbling out a quick please and thank you. It takes him no time to get my panties off, and onto the floor. “You’re sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.”
“yes… just please touch me!” I’m practically begging when he decides to indulge me.
I wasn’t sure what to expect, seeing as I’ve never even ‘helped myself’. Whatever I expected, this was much better. The second he latched his lips onto my clit, I was seeing stars. My whole body felt warm and tingly, and I think I’m close. I quickly intertwine my fingers into Chris’s hair, pulling with the rhythm of his tongue. All of the sudden I feel a long thin finger entering, and I can’t stop the sudden sensation that was building inside me. I couldn’t even get out a full sentence without a loud, almost pornographic moan interrupting me. The second I feel a second finger, I loose all control over my body. My back arches off the bed, as my legs slam shut around Chris’s head. Once I manage to calm myself down, Chris slowly removes his fingers from inside of me.
“Having fun?” I see him wiping his hand against his pant leg, his lips still glistening with me. I don’t think I have the strength to speak, so I simply nod. “Was it… was that okay?” I can see the yearning for approval in his eyes. “… Like, was it good for you?”
I don’t really know how to respond to that question, my brain is stiff fuzzy from my orgasm. “It was amazing baby…” I don’t want this moment to end. “I want to… can we do more… If that’s okay?”
I swear Chris has the condom out in less than three seconds. “Are you sure?” He’s looking at me like he truly doesn’t care what’s in it for him. “We can stop… or do other things, you don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
I do my best to find his eyes in my dazed state. “I’m sure… if it’s anything like what you just did, I’m not sure I ever want you to stop.” He nods quickly before getting up and stripping.
The second his waistband hits mid thigh, his member is hitting his stomach. It looks painful, so red and hard. I don’t know how it’s going to fit, but I trust him. He slides the condom on, quickly climbing back on top of me.
“Are you sure the at you want this?” This again. “We can stop whenever you want to… and you really don’t have to do any-”
I cut him off quickly by grabbing ahold of him and making sure that he knows that my motives are purely selfish at this point in time. He finally gets the hint and lines himself up.
“fu-ck…” Chris practically whimpers as he pushes into me. I unintentionally clench around him, who knew that a man whimpering was so sexy?
“Babe… you gotta stop squeezing me like that, I won’t last.” I mutter a quick apology, before giving him the go ahead to start moving.
It’s an interesting feeling. It’s not necessarily painful or uncomfortable, just different. It doesn’t take long for the feeling to melt into pleasure though.
The house is filled with sounds of whimpering and moaning, as we reach our highs. Chris reaches down and starts rubbing heavenly circles against my already overstimulated clit, causing my orgasm to crash into me without warning. I swear my vision goes out for a minute while Chris chases his own high.
Chris slowly pulls out, making me cry out in pleasure. “I’m sorry, but I have to get you cleaned up. I’ll be right back.”
The second he leaves it hits me all at once. What if it wasn’t good for him? What if he realizes that he only wanted me for sex, and decides the rest isn’t worth it? What if he-
“Are you okay?” He pulls me from my doom spiral, as he starts cleaning me up. He crawls into the bed next to me, looking deep into my eyes.
“Sorry… my brain is just trying to convince me that you’re going to leave.” I see his eyes soften, as he realizes what I’m saying. “It’s not necessarily like I believe it, I just worry sometime that all of my flaws outweigh the things keeping you here… like what if you leave, or you only stay because you feel like I’ll kill myself if you don’t?” Chris stares at me, looking like he doesn’t fully grasp the concept. “Does that make sense? I feel like I’m going crazy sometimes.”
“Do you really think that I would do that?” The way he asks it makes my heart break.
It’s not like I really think that he would do something like that, but my brain just refuses to let me be happy. “No baby… I just find it so hard to trust anyone who says they care.”
Chris just pulls me into his arms, promising me that he loves me more than words could describe. After a few minutes in his arms we decide to put some clothes on and order some food. After dinner, I drift slowly into a peaceful sleep in his arms.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann @jnkvivi @stasiesturn
@h3arts4harry @slutforsturniolos
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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霊圧 + 淫慾. // spiritual pressure + lust. [twoop x sy]
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𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬. part one 𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆. by sashi-ya 𝐁𝐘𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐘𝐀 | 𝐆𝐈𝐍 | 𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐍 | 𝐔𝐋𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐀
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tw: NSFW. personal hdcs about his reactions when being caught by you while masturbating. Ulquiorra is slightly different, you teach him what it means to jerk off // wc: ~ 1k // masterlist // tag list: @stygianoir @tealcat001 @dumbbitch223 @bookandyarndragon @ilibili @jin-supremacy01 // colab with @the-witch-of-one-piece
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You either run for your life or be prepared to get fucked, hard. No in between.  You might spill the tea, literally, over the platter that you have carried from the kitchen to his own throne at Las Noches. You never thought Aizen would be the type of man that would succumb to carnal desires to the point of touching himself to get some relief… but even Gods have needs. His cheeks are red, the lock falling over his face a little wet from sweat, he holds a sexy smirk with eyes closed while a hard shaft, slightly purple on the tip, keeps spurting precum. “Oh… Ai-Aizen-sama!” the sound of the porcelain breaking in a million pieces and his sharp pupils fixed on yours. “Dear (Name)… you have two options, and I’m sure you are intelligent enough to choose the correct one…” he mumbles, showing you exactly what it’s best for you… and of course, that is, kneeling down.
There are almost zero things that shame Gin. Jerking off is of course not one of those. However, there is always something that can change us… His silver hair reflects the half moonshine of an eternal night, an almost non-existent breeze of Hueco Mundo kisses his cheeks.
Gin loves to enjoy his own body freely, looking at the endless hills of such dark place to be. His slender, snake like fingers play with his sex. He starts slowly, with a relaxed smile. Whenever he is alone, he allows himself not to smile, not to fake it all. Gin is able to be himself, only, perhaps, during those nights where he misses you, your body, your soul.
“Gin… you didn’t wait for me?” you ask, scaring the argentum haired man, his paler complexion becoming red.
“What? What are you doing here?” he asks, this time, ashamed of being caught in such intimate moment for the very first time in his life.
You walk towards him, dressed in white. No more black shihakusho covering your body. You are one of them, now.  “Life away from you is no life. I see you couldn’t wait for me… I couldn’t either” you smile, so in love with his ice eyes now getting wet from tears and his lips trembling.
You crunch in front of him, a kiss on the tip of his tiny nose and your hands over his. “You won’t need your hands now, use them to touch my body, Gin” “Yes…”
➡ 𝐁𝐘𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐘𝐀 𝐊𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐊𝐈 Soft moans coming from his office, your curiosity winning… but, weren’t you taught the curiosity killed the cat?
Sliding like a snake, slowly and steadily, you peak throw the little indentation of the door. A man so serious that was now lost in the pleasures of lust.
His hand goes up and down, but its his thumb the one who works the hardest over the base of his tip. His hakama is on the floor, his upper part tucked under his chin probably not to stain the black fabric with pre and cum. He is sitting on his big chair, right foot over it, his back against the left armrest. Like a true God indulging in self-love.
His pale chest and belly go up and down as orgasm approaches, his soft whines include words you aren’t sure what they mean… but one thing is for sure, your name is there, and you can’t help but yelp. So amazed you are you end up opening the door. Standing right before him, you bite your lip.
Byakuya’s haste breathing mixing with yours, your mind fogged by need, by your name breathed with such lewdness from him. “You called me, Taicho? I can help you” you whisper, untying your uniform.
He spasms, his eyebrows almost joining in the centre, his blue eyes wide open, his lips too. Byakuya soon nods, absolutely absorbed in pure lust. “Let me finish this for you, Kuchiki Taicho ~”
➡ 𝐔𝐋𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐀 𝐂𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐑 “What’s masturbating, (Name)? I couldn’t find any information in the books of Aizen-sama” the bat boy asks you while sipping his tea. A tea that you were also drinking but that you end up spitting while sitting over his white couch.
The question startled you, but a devilishly smirk soon draws on your face.
“Where did you learn that word, Ulquiorra?” you ask, curious so ready to give him a detailed lesson on what jerking off is. “Nnoitra asked me if I did that thinking of you at night. I told him I didn’t, and then he said I should”
You blink a few times, Nnoitra finally became useful for something. “See… I can show you if you want me to, you can tell me whenever you want me to stop” you inform him, you don’t really want to take advantage of his ignorance in the topic… or maybe you do.
Ulquiorra puts down his cup and stands up, you bite your lips in excitement. For how long you have wanted to touch his pale skin, the bumps of his protruding pelvic bones. You invite him to sit in between your legs, and lay his back against your chest. “For this I will need to untie your pants, is that ok?” you ask.
“Sure, I don’t care about that “decency” humans say they have”  
Freed his sex, you gawk. It’s way bigger than you would have thought for his skinny constitution. “Uh… you are hard already?” you whisper in his ear, your breath playing with the soft black strands of his hair.
“It always happens when you are around… I thought it was normal when you took a liking in certain individuals” he whispers back, his low voice makes you instantly round his sex with your fingers. It’s throbbing and warm, and his tip is also wet.
“It does…? Well, that’s what we call arousal. It happens to me, too. Don’t you feel the need of releasing all that tension?” you ask, as your chin rests on his bony shoulder and you begin to pump his dick, slowly and precisely.
A subtle “ngh”  escapes his black lips, he is clueless but his eyes go from green orbs to total white. You smile, it’s cute the way he squirms to your touch. His round cheek demands to be kissed, and you do.
“Is this- um…mhj… masturbation?” he asks, in between moans. “This is masturbation, yes. You like it? It’s meant to be done by yourself too, give me your hand” you command, placing your palm over his slender fingers.
The cuarta espada allows you to guide him, something it also surprises you. But, Ulquiorra is lost in pleasure, and he is for the very first time experiencing something he can both feel and see, a nihilism crushed by lewdness and need…
“Show me everything, and more. I wanna see…” “This all about feeling, Ulquiorra-sama…”
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years
Min Yoongi x Reader: The Eternal Prince
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A/n: The whole concept was brought from my head, I was originally gonna make this a vampire story, but I didn't. I am so glad I could take part in this writers colab with so many other talented writers. Find the Masterlist here.
Summary: Everyone heard of the Prince who got curse to be a beast for being too proud of his beauty, ever heard of the Prince who got cursed to have a frozen heart because he was cold? But, only one thing can thaw the ice in his heart, love. And only one person can give it to him, Y/n, will he be able to save her this time round? This time round, will his heart thaw?
Wc: 10.2k
He jolted up from his sleep, sitting up taking deep breaths, his whole body covered in beads of sweat. The voice still faint in his head, like every other night. Having the same recurring nightmare isn't easy specially if that last a century long. But this night was different, this dream was different from the previous other nights.
Truth is, every night he saw it, the same nightmare, over and over again, of how he lost her. However, a few times before he'd have this different dream, one similar to that one he had today, walking through a dense forest, hearing his name being called among the fogs as he tried his best to keep following it. The voice, he knows it so well, he keeps trying to catch it but it keeps slipping away.
"Fuck" he cursed to himself, this ominous feeling, he knew all too well what's about to happen and he hopes he's ready for it.
So he calls him, his most trusted person.
"Hello Boss?"
"It's on" he says, the one one the other side of the call knowing very well as to what's going on and what he needs to do next.
"Y/n" you heard a voice call you.
"Y/n.." you heard it again.
"Wake up!" You heard and then suddenly you felt a gush of cold. What the fuck?, You thought, and jolted up in a sitting position, only to find your best friend standing infront of your bed with a smirk on his face and an empty tumbler in his hand as you saw hin run away the moment he saw you wake up.
"PARK JIMIN!!!!!!!!" you shouted
"Bitch stop complaining I helped you, now you won't have to take a shower!" He shouted as you chased him around your shared apartment. Finally giving up you sat down on a chair as Jimin came to stand infront of you and say "Seriously? 19 years and you still can't catch me. Why do you even try" he says almost mocking you "Anyways don't you have an interview today?"
You nodded "Yeah, I was quite nervous, I could not sleep all night"
"I know, I heard you playing music when I woke up for water in the middle of the night" he said.
"Then why did you wake me like that!" You asked throwing him a punch but missing
"Cause it's fun" he said "Now get up, I called you early enough so you can ponder over what to wear and how to style up for a good 45 mins." And with that he walked to the kitchen.
You knew Park Jimin, since when you both were in diapers, his parents and yours being neighbours all their life. His father Park Chanyeol was a very good friend of your father. Going through school and then college together, he's always been your constant. Be it a failed test or a bad break up, he was always there for you to pick up the pieces, and so were you for him.
You took a shower and quickly looked up picking what to wear, taking a good ten minutes to decide and finally showing it to Jimin and getting his approval.
"Were those beige shoes you bought last month, they'll go great with them, but if your gonna wear that ug scarf, might as well wear crocs" he suggested. Yes, your bestfriend had the best fashion sense and a huge sass, yes he's gay af. As if on que you saw Jackson walk out of his bedroom,Jimin placed three plates on the counter and filled each with beacon and eggs and a glass of orange juice.
"Thanks babe" Jackson said as he kissed him on his cheek and saud "Good morning Y/n, ready for the interview"
"I don't know, it's MYG's, I really want to get this one" you said.
"You will, don't worry okay" Jimin said stuffing some eggs in his mouth "You'll rock the interview"
After getting a hug and all the bests from your bestfriend and his boyfriend you walk out of hour house and drove your car to the address they gave you for the interview.
MYG's one of the most well known and huge company, rather a business empire run by hereditary business tycoon Kim Namjoon. They literally have subsidiary companies in everything and you don't even know how they got hold of your profile, but this was a huge opportunity for you since you graduated 2 years ago. Being a PR for the mother company would be a great deal and that's the post you were offered if you were to pass this interview.
You parked your car and entered the building. Wah, you sighed, everything looked so modern and stylish. You walked up to the receptionist and asked "Hello, I'm here for an interview"
"May I know your name?" She asked
"Y/n L/n" you said
"Ah sure, please go down the corridor on the right and take the elevator to the 12th floor, you'll be guided from there" she said with a bright smile.
You smiled and mumbled a thank you and she threw an All the best and you went through the way she told you. As soon as the elevator dinged and the door opened to the 12th floor, you found a very handsome man who welcomed you as you left the elevator.
"Ms. L/n I presume?" He asked and you nodded "I'm Kim Taehyung, HR manager and brother of CEO Kim. Come this way" he said leading you through a specific door and inside you found two other men sitting. One you recognised as CEO Kim but the other. The man with porcelain skin and the most beautiful face you have ever seen, he looked vaguely familiar but you can't really remember from where. You found his eyes on you, that kinda made you feel intimidated, his piercing gaze seemed to bore into your soul and read even your deepest secrets and desires. However, for some reason he resembles a cat.
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"Do you have a copy of your resume?" Kim Taehyung asked.
"Yes" you said and looked into you bag and took out your file. Only to find that your copy of resume wasn't in it.
"I'm so sorry I-" you paused, you were sure you put everything inside yesterday night before you went to sleep.
"Not even into the job and already careless?" The guy with porcelain skin asked
"I'm so sorry, sir" you said bowing
"It's alright Ms. L/n, mistakes happen" CEO Kim said and opened a laptop "We have all the soft copies here"
Soon, they started to ask you questions about your life and you kept answering them correctly. Then they started asking situational questions and the two Kims actually seemed to be getting impressed by your answers. However, the Cat guy seemed to have it out for you. Every time you gave an answer he kept countering with more questions, trying his best to find loopholes in the answers. However, in the end CEO Kim said "Ok that's all. I think we got everything we needed. You can wait downstairs, we'll get back to you"
As you left you looked at the Cat guy who almost sent a glare your way before he joined in the hushed discussion that had already started in hushed tones.
You waited for around 20 minutes in the lobby, when you found Mr. Kim walking towards you with an envelope and an adorable boxy smile. He stepped up in front of you and said "Congratulations"
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Thank you Mr. Kim" you said taking the envelope.
"Oh. Just Taehyung is fine" he said "If you have any questions you can come to me"
"Can I ask one now?" You asked
"Um... Who was the third guy there in the interview, the one with the porcelain skin?" You asked
"Oh that's Director Min, you'll be working under him" he said
"Wah, doesn't seem like he liked me" you said scratching your head.
"Oh, don't worry, he doesn't like many people, out front. But if you get to know him, you'll know he's a softy" he said with a smile, and you tried your best to smile back.
You punched in the code eagerly, and found the two on the couch.
"You're back!?" Jimin asked
"Guess who works for MYG~" you sung
"No way!" Jimin cursed and looked shocked but rushed to hug you "Congratulations" even though you noticed how he got shocked but didn't care too much at that moment.
You were excited for your first day and were sure you'd do your best.
And hence the day came, you got ready and made double sure that everything was in your bag, that was when you found that your ID card wasn't in it. You rushed to your room to find it on the dresser, strange, you were sure you put it in the bag but hurriedly you put it on and rushed to your car.
You were ready in your seat well before time, right when the shift starts a pretty woman walked up to you and introduced herself as Kim Jennie.
"You're the CEO's sibling?" You blurted out
"Yes" she said with a bright smile and went on to explain your duties and you had to report to Director Min directly. As if on cue you watched him walk in and everybody including you greeted him.
"You, newbie" he pointed at you, "In my office, now" he said in a cold tone, and rushed to his cabin. You followed him.
"I don't like waiting or late reports" he said the moment you entered.
"Yes sir" you said.
"You run into an issue, mess up, get stuck, have any doubts, you come to me? Clear?" He said sternly
"Like crystal sir" you said
"I'm mailing you 4 files, sort them out before lunch, you may leave" he said. You immediately turned and left. Once out of the door you released a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"He really said that?!" Taehyung said laughing so hard he almost fell off the chair.
"Oh he can be scary" Jungkook who had the seat beside you and was now having lunch with you and Taehyung said. You got to know that Taehyung and Jungkook were childhood friends. Suddenly, you heard your name being called and turned to find Jennie.
"Mr. Min is calling for you, urgently" she said.
"And this is just day 1" Jungkook muttered.
You went back and into his cabin and asked "You called sir?"
"Yes, I thought I told you to be careful with the report, there was an error in the 3rd file" he said turning his laptop screen towards you.
"That's not possible I triple checked it" you said
"Well you checked wrong. This better not happen again. Go" he said.
(time skip brought to you by Suga's gummy smile)
"It's been six months? Already?" Jennie said
"This needs to be celebrated!" Jungkook suggested.
Yes, it has been six months since you started working at MYG. Director Min had worked you through and through every working hour of these 6 months. You learnt that he is a cold human and was actually friends with nobody to a level where nobody knew his first name. However, your two colleagues Jennie and Jungkook and superior plus friend Taehyung help you survive the days. Hence, the four of you decided to grab some drinks after work.
"Cheers to reports" you said
"And Director Min screaming at you" Jennie added with a wierd giggle. It was the fifth round and damn was this girl a mess, though you'd lie if you'd say you don't feel tingly yourself, you're beyond tipsy and hence, you giggle back,
"Man he hates me" you say "But you know its strange how he's able to find flaws even when I know there were none" you say pouting "but he's so cute" you said lying your head down on the table.
"Cute? Director Min? Cute? Omo. You've wasted your brain" Jungkook said also giggling
"I can't remember where I have seen him though, I'm quite sure I have seen him. Where?" You said very lightly "Why does my heart hurt when I try to remember where" in whispers to only yourself
"It'll come soon" you heard Taehyung mumble.
"Okay! I think we should leave, we still have work tomorrow, remember?" You said and watched as the rest of them gathered their things. And walked out with them, you put Jennie and Taehyung in a cab and Jungkook to climb into one, where you parted ways. The night was nice and your apartment was nearby so you decided to walk the rest of the way. You were glad you did though, the wind felt so nice against your face, it was refreshing.
That was until you found two sketchy guys eyeing you from the other side of the sidewalk. You tried to seem unfazed and walk, a few cars were passing through the street, but none went at a speed where they'd notice the sidewalk. You sent a prayer that you'd be safe when you heard one call.
"What's woman like you doing alone at night?" One of them said walking to you. Both were dressed in black.
You kept walking.
"Hey where are you going doll?" The other asked
"Why don't we have some fun?" 1st one said and grabbed your hand.
"Let. Me. Go" you said in gritted theeth
"ooh! A fiesty one" the second said
"What would you do if I do not?" The one grabbing your wrist said, you could swear you saw his eyes glowing green for a fraction of a moment. You felt your feet freeze where they were even your tongue felt heavy. Did you drink something?
"Cat got your tongue?" The second one said, inching closer.
"I think the lady said to unhand her" you heard a cold voice, but damn was that voice familiar.
And he was swift, he simply grabbed the man's hand and the guy started screaming, the other ran away as the first one cowered in from of him. Until he let go and the man ran for the hills.
"Are you all right?" He asked
"Yes sir" you said rubbing your wrist.
"Come let me drop you" Yoongi said and you just followed him.
"I stay near by" you mumbled
"And your point?" He asked. You just shook your head and climbed into the passenger seat.
He suddenly came very close to you, you heart almost skipped a beat and you were about to say something when he pulled the seat belt and attached it to the side. So he was attaching the seat belt? Why did your heart go wild for a moment? Is it the alcohol? Must be the alcohol, you decided. Your eyes went to the mirror and it stayed stunned at the back seat. Theres a box and a very familiar box but like always you can't remember where you've seen it. You looked at Yoongi but decided to stay quiet.
When you reached home, Yoongi literally walked you to your door. You punched in the password and walked in and locked. Yoongi took a long breath and walked away.
"Didn't I tell you to be careful when you opted to befriend her" Yoongi spoke through the phone.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten drunk" was heard from the other side.
"Thank God, I was passing by Taehyung, do you realise what could have happened? I can't do the same thing again!" Yoongi said his voice almost sounded.
"I know. You just found her" Taehyung said.
"You rode with your boss?!" Jimin said.
"Why didn't you call us to get you from the bar?" Jackson asked
"I figured you guys must be tired and it was really close so I wanted to walk" you said sheepishly.
"Thank God, you're safe. Come lets eat, the breakfast is getting cold" Jimin said sighing.
The day was uneventful, you never brought up that incident, but strangely everytime you looked at Mr. Min you felt some type of way and that box he had, why does it seem familiar to you? It looks quite old now that you notice it sitting on his cabin couch.
"What are you looking at?" The cold voice asked.
"No nothing" you said and tried to scurry away but on your way to the door you felt dizzy and lost your balance.
"Careful" Mr. Min said and rushed to your aid.
[A/n: (y/n) is your nick name]
"(y/n) are you okay?" Mr. Min exclaimed his stoic face in vissible panic.
"Wha-what did you call me?" You asked
"Y/n. Y/n" he said as he helped you up and moved to the couch. And you looked into his eyes, and a name left your lips. You've never heard of it before, you don't know who it is. But you knew now its him.
Yoongi's eyes went in shock as you broke into a fits of coughing, you lungs were on fire and you felt like you throat was filling up with water. Like someone was pushing you underwater. You felt the cabin fade away and the scenery changing.
Your body fell limp on Yoongi's arms that were trembling. He waited 120 years without you, and now that you're here. You're in danger again.
You couldn't breathe, the water was rushing inside your systems, but you couldn't pull yourself up, the force on your neck was too much. But suddenly they pulled you and almost threw you aside.
"Hey are you okay?" A voice said. No its not from any of them.
You couldn't speak so you shook your head a no. You rubbed your eyes and finally looked up to find a pretty boy with golden locks. Your eyes widened in realisation and you bowed.
"No, no, please don't bow. It's okay. I'm sorry about my cousins" he said, referring to the guys that were bullying you previously.
"Please don't apologise, it's okay" you said.
"But I feel bad" he said, suddenly you see him set down, a long "something" wrapped in a cloth, that you were noticing now, in the ground and sat down in front of it. He untied the ribbons to reveal an instrument, a guqin.
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"I'll play something for you" he said with a gummy smile. You sat up straight.
"This should also make you feel better" he said as you nodded. Soon the air filled with the sweet sound of the strings. The music soothed your nerves and brain, as you closed your eyes.
You opened your eyes to see a meadow and the very known blonde boy, but now a bit grown up sat.
"You called me so urgently what happened?" You asked looking at his beautiful face, with the eye path on his right eye.
"I completed the song" he said
"Who could think the great heir of the Min Dynasty, makes love songs for his lover" you said as you caressed his cheek. You sat down comfortably facing him. As he started plucking at the chords.
(this is what he played)
You kept listening to the melody, almost getting lost in them. Yoongi was never good with words. So he used music and right now, this music told you everything. His love and longing for you. His want, and how he feels a pull towards you. He made you a song.
"It's so beautiful. What did you name it?" You asked. "I haven't" he said with the gummy smile.
Years pass, as the two of you grow closer and dearer. Yoongi got marriage proposals from far away lands but he never gave in. "The Queen summoned me today" you told Yoongi as you combed through his hair, it was his order that nobody but you are supposed to touch his hair since he started growing it. You combed through his golden locks as he motioned you to continue "Please meet with the Princess of Ilbon" you told him.
As he sat back down you restarted your work on his hair, him watching you through the mirror, to others he was the cold Prince Min Yoongi, but to you he was just Yoongi, your Yoongi. There was a knock and you opened to see the broad shouldered friend and employee of Yoongi. "Sire, your mother wants to see you, she seems unwell" said Kim Seokjin. The Kims have been serving the Mins since the start of the Min dynasty, but the relationship between Seokjin and Yoongi was more like friends than Master and Servant. "Is she finding herself ill again?" Yoongi asked. "Well, that's what she told me, not like she looked the part if you asked me" Seokjin said, while bowing his head to greet you as you did the same.
"What?! Y/n? You know I won't" he said, "Why?" You asked. Yes, you did, even though you knew the answer, he just gave you a look "Yoongi, you can't hold onto that, we were kids, It's okay. Do what's good for the kingdom" you said. "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT A FOREIGNER WOULD BE GOOD FOR THE KINGDOM?!" he asked, you flinched at his tone, he instantly felt bad for shouting at you. "Your mother said You're his friend, make him understand what's good for him and the kingdom, so here I am" you said. "I am the future ruler, I decide what's good for me and my kingdom, I will soon be on the throne and I will change the royalty for matrimony rule, abolish it once and for all" he said, and stood up, his hair cascading his face now, as he turned around those feline looking eyes now set on you, you'd lie if you'd say they don't set a sort of fire inside you "You. Are. Not. My. Friend" he said as he took a step with every word while you were mesmerized in your place. He walked close, almost too close, your hands now on his chest "If I marry someone what would you do? Marry someone else too?" He asked. You felt his arms snake around your waist and with one tug now you stood against him chest to chest "Would you let him touch you the way I DO? Would you let another man get this close to you?" His eyes were sharp, and he looked like he could see through you down to your soul, it was intimidating yet comforting in a strange way. "Words, (y/n)" he said, you blushed at the name he gave you, only he ever called you that. "I could never" you whispered, "Neither could I and I wouldn't let that happen. Do you trust me?" He asked as you nodded "Then wait for me" he said, brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face "I will make you mine and I will be yours" he said and pulled you closer with adoration in his eyes.
Yoongi soon became king, after his mom declared that she was 'too ill' to continue to shoulder the kingdom. After some months of his reign, Yoongi declared his decision to abolish the Royalty for Matrimony rule, you saw him less than you used to and sometimes you didn't see him for weeks, but you still had him in your heart. You'd still see him in the mornings to do his hair on the days he was in the castle. Then, after his long travels when he came back and you massaged his scalp and helped him wash his hair and take care of it. Sometimes you had these lazy evenings when he would order to not disturb him for the rest of the night. You'd sit and stare at him as he would play his guqin. It was a sight to watch Yoongi with his flowy blond hair in a low ponytail, sitting patiently playing the instrument he loved the most for the person he loved the most. The same man who is called fearsome and heartless by so many around him. One would say so if they saw him in business. How after some gruesome debates and a few dates of discussion he did it, he got the ministers on board and made his mother acknowledge the abolition of the Royalty for Matrimony rule.
Every nobleman and minister were eager to set someone from their family up with Yoongi. Meanwhile Yoongi was unwilling to even see anybody else, he raised your station in the household, he was told nobody was to order you around except him, the other housekeepers even though were jealous never stepped out of line. You had told him not to suddenly jump into deciding to marry you else the court will say he bent rules for his advantage. It was around this time she came into your life. That day, you were just passing by the fields carrying fresh flowers for the King's bed chambers. As you passed by the training field you could feel eyes on you and you looked to find no other than the feline-like eyes of the king himself on you, following every move of yours. Seokjin noticed that from afar and smiled to himself, his poor friend and sire just couldn't keep to himself when it came to you. You enter the castle to see the prettiest woman enter the castle doors with two maids. "Hello? Can I help you?" You had asked, "I'm here to meet the king and give him my greetings, from the House of the Parks" she said "I'm Park Jihyo" she said. You bowed to her and said "Follow me this way madam, the king will be informed of your arrival" you said.
You sent off some maids to inform Yoongi and took Jihyo to the sitting lounge. You looked at her, she was so pretty, and charismatic there was something strange about her though, you couldn't put your finger on what, you knew by the name that she's the eldest of the Park household, then again the Parks were always secretive, you knew most of the noble men were scared of her father Park Jinyoung but, you never knew why.
Yoongi soon came in, his hair a bit damp with sweat, his long sword in his hand, he walked into the room, and handed you his sword, his eyes lingering on you for sometime before greeting Park Jihyo. She brought a letter from her father, that Yoongi read and then said "Sure, you are welcome to stay in the castle as long as you need" he said and motioned Seokjin to perform accordingly, Jihyo was about to say something but Yoongi had said "So I'll leave you in Seokjin's care" and walked off motioning you to follow.
When you entered his room he closed and locked the door, "Did she give you off vibes?" He asked and you nodded and said "Don't all the Parks do?" You say. "Seokjin keeps telling me these rumours of the eldest of the family having what powers" he says "She'll be staying for a few weeks and her father requested if I sheltered her in the castle he'll be rest assured. You stay aware of her okay?” he walked to you and held you by your shoulders. "I'll be fine" you assured him, "I know, my queen" he said kissing your cheek, instantly heating your face up. "(y/n)" Yoongi proceeded to say in your ears as he wrapped his arms around your waist and you did the same around his torso. He brought his face painfully close to yours "Don't you have kingly duties to tend to? Sire?" You asked. "Fuck them, they can wait" he said and attached his lips to yours, the kiss wasn't hurried or hungry it was lovely and passionate. Yoongi wasn't one for much skinship but it were these rare moments that you enjoyed the most when he couldn't seem to get enough of your touch. His tongue brushed against your lower lip as you granted him entrance. Your hands intertwined behind his neck as you pulled him closer. His hands did the same, due to lack of contact with your skin but that had to do right now cause the two of you could hear the knocks from the door.
Slowly, you remembered all, all the rejected and disregarded advances Jihyo made on Yoongi. Her coy eyes towards him that you always were somehow afraid of, but Yoongi paid no heed. Until that night, the night of his birthday, the night he decided he will announce his relationship with you to the court and his decision to marry you. The small gala with the closest people of the King and the royal family was going well, Yoongi was supposed to say all that before the feast however as the guests moved to the dining hall, Jihyo who was missing for the rest of the evening was seen. Strange, you had thought she must have gone home after the rejection she faced the previous day when she professed her love to Yoongi.
You noticed something shining in her hand and saw the way she was marching forward toward Yoongi, without thinking twice at the final moment you launched yourself between Jihyo and Yoongi shielding him from the dagger, it entered you gut and you felt the sheer pain in your stomach "NO! IT WAS MY seth-salm for YOONGI! YOU IDIOT" Jihyo screamed and stomped as you felt the dagger suck on your life. You held onto the ivory dagger with intricate design to pull it out, it felt like it was burning your insides.
"Y-y-y/n?! Y/N! (y/n)! NO NO NO NO NO" Yoongi rushed to hold you onto his lap, as tears stung his eyes. Seokjin immediately siezed Jihyo at the edge of his blade.
"So it's her? For whom you rejected me in cold blood?! So what if she took your curse for you! " She immediately held unto the blade Seokjin was pointed at her and cut her hand and dripped blood from it and said "I Park Jihyo curse you with the frozen heart. You will live on and watch her die again and again" she said.
"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU AND YOUR TWISTED MIND!? Y/N!" Yoongi screamed. Just like that Jihyo had vanished among the crowd as Seokjin took one glance toward Yoongi with you on his lap. He commanded the guards to be alert and called for the healer.
"(y/n), (y/n), please please stay awake, you will be alright" he told you. "Yoo-Yoongi" you said and placed your already cold hand on his cheek "I'm too tired Yoongi, I'm so sorry. Live on, be good, maybe in our next life we-we will..." You couldn't complete it. Your lymph body cold and lifeless was lying on his lap, his clothes and hands red with your blood.
The scene shifted, this was a century later. You remembered this day, when you first saw Yoongi again. You were immediately drawn to that traveller, the glaces he gave you. How he looked at you like someone who hasn't seen someone dear in ages when you first talked to him to take his order at your father's inn. The traveler had something long wrapped in cloth tied to his back, you remember watching him play this long looking string instrument one night by the window.
It all came to you, how he had saved you from some ferals at night one time, how he had rushed to check if you were hurt. And then the rush of adrenaline and the memories. You remembered how you had remembered your previous life. Tears had welled into your eyes as you had hugged him when you woke up. You remembered how he and his companion Kim Jongin had explained to you whatever they had found out in their journey.
"Seth- salm the curse of 3 lives, you get three lives and if you don't find what you were set into the curse for your soul will disintegrate. Here, Park Jihyo had set in 'falling in love' as the curse. She cursed me with a frozen heart and only true love can thaw that, for me to be able to get old. Which I wanna do with you this time" he said holding your hand.
The universe gave you a second chance, you felt, even with all these twisted curses though. You knew this man and you knew you loved him, even though love doesn't come that easily. And you did, the two of you fell in love again, you had kissed a couple of times too but the curse never seemed to break. But, you spent more time together, he barely left your side, he played his guqin for you. You remember, getting a custom made box for it so that he doesn't have to wrap it and tie it and could simply carry the Guqin with him. You had personally drawn the designs on it then got your trusty cousin Jung Hoseok to carve it for you.
It felt like something was missing in the whole equation so, Yoongi had to travel and find the answers with Jongin. He left his brother Kim Seungmin as he said that there were "dangers". Indeed having Seungmin was a help he helped around in the inn and fended off this hooded old woman that came up and pestered you from time to time.
One night you remember waiting outside the inn, for the arrival of your lover. When you notice that old woman again, Seungmin was about to shoo her off when an overgrown man hit him in the back and he dropped in pain. Then the old woman revealed her face, whom you expected to be old was actually a disguise. That face, you knew that face too well. By the time Yoongi had arrived he found you, your family lying lifeless only Seungmin was left who informed them what happened.
Yoongi was driven by rage and despair again after centuries he tried it, he tried to slit his throat but no matter how deep the cut, it healed up. He couldn't bleed to death, get sick or die. He was stuck in life, in a life without you. He was irresponsible and he lost you again. What is he gonna do without you. How is he gonna live, he could try to find Jihyo but it's been useless, he never found her, even after all these decades of searching. It was futile to search for her if she didn't want to be found.
"Live on, be good" always echoed in his head
Back to present day
Your eyes fluttered open, you were in a luxurious looking room, you saw Yoongi sitting at the far end of the bed reading an ancient looking book. You recognised the cover, it was yours, you had a habit of writing poetry in your second life, he still had it?
"You still have it I see" was what you said, and he looked at you with mixed feelings of love and concern bubbling inside of him "I still have everything you ever gave me" he replied. "I can see", you say eyeing the long box that you had been finding familiar. You look around and spot the hanging charm you had made for Yoongi for his birthday in your first life, you had given it to him the morning of the day you died. That hair pin you gave him on your 3 years anniversary in your second life.
"How do you feel?" He asked, slowly walking closer to you, but the previous look in his eyes shifted away.
"I feel like I was run by a bulldozer" you said, touching the bridge of your nose. You looked at him, his hair now pitch black, you liked the original blonde more though, you wish you could remember how running your hand through them felt like. You tried to reach out for his hair but he flinched, you felt stupid now. "Listen you're in this situation because of me, I'll do my best to break your curse or at least keep you safe in this life. Outside that you're not entitled to anything Y/n" his answer was cold, making you feel chilly to the bone. Why?
The Yoongi in your memories was so warm towards you then what's wrong with him now. You didn't notice when he left the room and Director Kim Namjoon had entered. "Do you need to call someone?” he asked. "Huh?" You were puzzled for a moment, you tried to gather back your thoughts and said "Yes, my friend Jimin, he would be worried sick. I need to go home" you said. "Why? You're safer here" he stated, which was true but you haven't really ever faced anything there. "I'm safe in my home too, I think I've overstayed my welcome" you said as you stood up, finding your shoes and wearing them, you put your hand out and said "My things?"you asked, and he signalled you towards the couch.
"Good night, Y/n" he said as you left the car. All this was too much information. What are you supposed to do? Maybe look through the internet or find some books? Gosh how did your life take this turn? If you didn't succeed this time your soul would disintegrate, would it hurt? Would you cease to exist?
You checked your phone to find 3 missed calls from your mom, 2 from dad and 5 from Jimin, and like a 15 texts from the same 3 and Jennie, gosh this guy is more worried than your parents. You texted him that you'd be home soon and looked beside you at Kim Namjoon's side view as he drove. The words rung in your head 'The Kims have been serving the Mins since the Min dynasty's beginning' so that means the Kim siblings are actually Yoongi's employees, and MYG, Min Yoongi. "Don't think too much" you heard Namjoon say, "He's just hurt, he's afraid to lose you and be the only one left behind, again" he said. And you realised why he was cold to you, he didn't want to get attached again. "The woman Park Jihyo, what is she?" You asked. "She and her family were something like satanists, there have been rumours for a long time that she sacrificed the heart of her father to gain immortality" he said. "Is that true?" You asked, remembering her face that was ected into your mind. "Well, she IS still alive" Namjoon said with a shrug. "Did you find out why the curse didn't break the last time?" You asked, only for Namjoon to shake his head "We never found that out, well Mr. Min said that your....ahem... Acts of love weren't enough but we have no clue what more is there to it. The only person who could have known her father was soon killed after you died, the first time."
"So you live with 2 men?" Namjoon asked curiously, strange. "Technically, I live with Jimin, and Jackson is his boyfriend who has his own place but stays at ours like a homeless brut. Jimin and I have been friends since we were children" you told him about your friendship. He smiled and said "It's good to have a dependable friend" With this he pulled in front of your building's gate.
You returned home to a worried Jimin and told him you were just drenched in work. You looked up the things you learnt on the internet. The 'Min dynasty', 'their rulers', you found out how King Min Yoongi had stepped down after the death of his lover and passed the throne to his cousin leading to the fall of the Mins eventually. 'Park Jihyo' nothing found. 'The castle' that is still supposed to be there but nobody can enter as it's in a privately protected area guarded by wild dogs. 'Curses', 'Act of love' 'Breaking curses'. You literally made notes, you tried to find out more about the later topics even though most of the information you found could only be considered for a grain of salt.
The next few days were usual, you went to the office and returned home. Yoongi was as cold as ever, he rarely even looked at you if it wasn't for any need, let alone talk to you. He didn't even find mistakes in your reports like before.
"Where were you?" Jackson asked from the couch as you entered the apartment. "Where's Jimin?" You asked. "He left hours ago, something about someone needing help, his mom?" He said. Jimin's mom? You didn't remember her much for some reason, she was rarely around, she worked abroad was what you knew, he hardly spoke about her. 'Is she back in town?' you thought and were about to ask but your phone rang, you were sure to see Jimin but were shocked to see the name flashing.
Why would he call you at this hour, you nodded towards Jackson and walked towards your room, "Hello, Jungkook?" You spoke. "Hey, Y/n, are you home yet?" He asked. "Yeah I just came in, why?" You asked. "I needed you to process 2 emails, they were urgent so I thought I'd call you up" he said. "Send them over and I'll process them" you said, and he hung up the call. You were contemplating if you should wash up first or check your laptop, when you heard the doorbell go off. It's probably Jimin you thought, but why would he ring the bell?, "Jackson? Is it Jimin?" You walked to your door only to find Jackson on the ground, collapsed and the door wide open. "WHO IS IT?" you asked as you grabbed your phone, and slowly walked towards Jackson, you could see him breathing so he was probably just knocked out.
Suddenly, you felt a heavy hit at the back of your head. You slipped and fell forward, "Aww I'm so sorry Y/n-ie." You heard a familiar voice.
"Ju- Juh-Jung-Jungkook?" You asked, your felt darkness creep into your vision and mind. Is this how you die? Again?
"Sleep Y/nie, sleep~" was the last thing you heard.
"What do you mean she didn't come in?!" Yoongi asked, banging his laptop shut.
"I called her emergency number which is her roommate, who said that she left home for office today, just like every other day" Jennie said. "Get the security to check the building and send Taehyung to check the route she takes from home" Namjoon said as he glanced at your table through the glass in Yoongi's cabin.
"Where is Jungkook?" He asked. "He is on leave, he went back to his hometown" Jennie said and He nodded in rememberance. Soon Taehyung came rushing in and was given his information, he was about to rush out when he asked "What is her roommate's name?" He asked.
"Park Jimin" she said, and the eyes of the three men went wide, as they looked at each other. That was when the bells in her mind rang. "Could he be?" She asked. "It's a possibility" Taehyung said. They rushed to their parts and Yoongi kept calling you and Namjoon tried to catch a connection to your cell phone through that. It was impossible until you or someone at least picked the call up.
Taehyung reached your apartment address and he rang the bell, It had been fifteen minutes and he had rang the bell 7 times and there wasn't any response so he tried the next best thing, he twisted the door knob to find it open, he was shocked, he rushed in to find man lying right infront of the door. Taehyung checked his vitals and found him to be asleep, he swept the whole apartment but there was no sign of anyone else or even breaking and entering. He tried to shake the man awake but he couldn't, he was probably under a spell. "Damn", he cursed and called up Namjoon to let him know. "Nobody, just this dude lying and sleeping on the ground, seems to be under a spell", to which Namjoon said "It must be the Jackson guy", then Taehyung revealed the next part of the news "and I found Y/n's phone on her nightstand it was attached to the charger" he said.
"Shit! She's been missing since last night!" Namjoon summoned him back. "What do we do?" He looked at Yoongi beat up. "I think she took her" Yoongi said sitting down. "No! No! Oh God! I'm gonna lose her forever" he mourned, his eyes were glassy "I didn't even tell her that I loved her!". "Hyung! Take a hold of yourself, last time you felt this ache in your heart and a dread, do you feel it?" Namjoon asked. "No. How do you know this?" Yoongi asked. "I read Granpa Jongin's journals. Think, where she could take her. I think she's still alive, I am certain" he told the elder man.
"The castle!" Yoongi's eyes went wide "or the Park estate, I know it's still there in Ilsan" he said confused.
"We'll have to split up then, you take Taehyung and four men to the castle. I'll go with four more to the estate. I can't connect with my bug there it's fishy. I'll call Bang now" Namjoon said and Yoongi nodded. He hoped what Namjoon said was right. One of Bang's men was driving and Yoongi instructed the men to not look into the eyes of anybody they met in there directly. As they inched closer to the location, Yoongi could feel the heavy energy. Thank God for Bang's driver who covered the 6 hours drive in 3.
Your eyes opened when your body came in contact with a rough and cold surface. Your head felt groggy and heavy. You felt pain on the back of your head, you tried to reach up but realised your hands were tied and you struggled and slowly opened your eyes. You saw two figures in front of you and tried to focus, your brain went blank when you realised who they were.
"J-J-J-Jimin? Ju-Jungkook? Why?" You said and coughed, your throat felt parched.
"For someone with such history, you do trust that easily" Jungkook said "And you're a stubborn one. How did you even manage to warm up to the prince after all those harsh words you took in at each of my sabotages" and all the incidents washed into your mind every time Yoongi scolded you for mistakes in various things, now you know how. But, Jimin? You looked at him, he was supposed to be your best friend.
"Do you remember my full name Y/n? PARK Jimin. Do you know my mother's name? PARK Jihyo" he said and your eyes went wide "Yeah my father was just a pawn, a commoner my mother married, but luck was in our favor look where you took birth. Giving me a chance to finally make my mother proud and make her acknowledge me! Something none of my past siblings could do!" He added
Tears stung your eyes, as you see a female figure walk in "Aigo, Jimina, pick her up from the cold ground. Is this how I taught you to treat your friends?" She asked, feigning surprise. She still looked the same as you had seen her in your last life. She held your face in between her fingers "You should have stayed away you maid. Look where all these brought you. You should have just let me make him realise and regret for rejecting me and humiliating me in cold blood" she said
"Are you crazy? Holding on to a rejection which is literally centuries old?" You asked. "Who are you to judge my reasons?!" She growled. "And yes Yoongi never humiliated you, it was all you for jumping at him." You said. You felt a sting on your face, and your head tilting in response. The cheek stung so bad, you wanted to pull the bitch's hair out but your hands were tied, literally. Your eyes sting with tears and at the corner of your eye you see a fleeting sense of guilt in Jimin's eyes, or maybe you imagined it.
Jihyo scoffed "You think Min Yoongi loves, YOU? No, he loves Y/n, his first and only love. He just sees a reflection of her in you. He doesn't love you. He feels responsible for you. He was the one who couldn't stop me after all, he's the one who couldn't save you, time and again" she said. "Now tell me little Y/n, do you know where the dagger is?".
You just shook your head, throat too parched to form words. And another sting, she planted another slap on your cheek, "Did you forget how I killed you in your last life? How I cut through your muscles and rendered your movement and slowly drained your life out? Tell me where the dagger is! I know he showed it to you in your past life. Think!" She glared at you and you saw her hazel eyes flash green, at this point you felt scared of what else she was capable of, but you have no idea what dagger she was talking about. Not like you would tell her even if you did. No matter what Yoongi told you or did to you, you would never betray him like that. You felt exhausted, you haven't had something to eat or drink and you also felt dizzy.
"Let her be! She's only human, she'll talk" Jihyo said and walked out, Jungkook and Jimin behind her as the latter shut the gate, taking one last glance at you. You shut your eyes.
You didn't know how long you were out, but your eyes fluttered open when you felt soft taps on your cheek. You were shocked to see Jimin who immediately shushed you by putting his finger on your lips. He brought a straw to your mouth and motioned you to drink. When he saw hesitation in your eyes, his heart clenched, but he told you "its water, just water, I promise". And you took a sip, it was like life came back to you.
"Jimin, why are you doing this?" You asked "I wont ask you to untie me or anything really. Just tell me why?" You asked.
"I want her to acknowledge me Y/n. Please tell me whatever you know about the dagger" he said caressing your cheek, you felt a strange comfort after his touch. "I am the most powerful creation of my mother and I want to make her proud. But, I would never let her hurt you. She promised me she won't kill you no matter what. Just tell us, or atleast tell me" he said.
"I. Don't. Know. Acknowledgment from your mother? By killing someone? By taking someone else's life? You do understand she wants to kill Yoongi for something he didn't even do centuries back!" You said trying to bring some sense unto him but it seemed like you were talking to a wall.
"Min Yoongi, will die. Whether you like it or not. I will prove my strength to mom and she'd love me. Even if you never speak to me after this. I am sorry Y/n, I am" he said and with that he left again. You tried to think what you could do, if you could move but to no avail, you were in this position since god knows when and where. Besides, Jungkook tied your legs too tight, they were numb.
[Warning: violence and mention of blood]
Suddenly you heard commotion, and Jungkook and Jihyo piled into the room followed by Jimin. Jihyo swiftly went behind you and grabbed you by your hair and pulled you up on your knees and pointed a dagger at your throat. "Looks like your king is here". Soon you saw the door burst open and a man flew in as Yoongi hit another with the hilt of his long sword.
"Unhand her now" Yoongi said, pointing his sword at Jihyo. "OH Yoongi, Yoongi, I don't think you're in a situation to bargain" Jihyo said. As she pressed a dagger to your throat, the coldness of the metal sending shivers down your spine. Memories of the past two times are fresh in your mind, "Do it" you said, "Just do it".
"What?" Even Jihyo was shocked. "I'm sick of you chasing me around through my lives like a rat. I don't care just let him go and do whatever the fuck you want" you said.
"SHUT UP!" Yoongi shouted. "I don't care what you think, you are getting out of here at whatever cost" he added. But, Jihyo pressed harder on your neck drawing a little blood. "NO" Yoongi shouted and tried to walk close but Jungkook stopped him.
"Fine then, lets have a deal" Jimin spoke out.
"What? You traitor?" Yoongi taunted him. "tsk. We'll let her go if you hand over the dagger and let our Jungkookie tie you up" Jimin said and you instantly shouted "No!" You said and tried to free yourself, but Jihyo tightens the hold of the dagger on your throat.
"Fine. Let her go" Yoongi said. "No! Yoongi!" You said. "Y/n, live. Live your life fully, for once" he said as he dropped his sword and kneeled down and pulled out that dagger the one with an ivory handle, that cursed and killed you in your first life. So this was the dagger that Jihyo has been asking you, even in your previous life. "Yoongi!" You shouted to knock some sense into him. "Dont worry, it's not like I can get hurt" he assured you with his gummy smile as he let Jungkook tie him. But something told you there was a catch. No way things would be this simple.
"Fool" Jihyo said and dropped you to the ground, thank god your hands were tied in front of you or you would have face planted. "You know Yoongi" Jihyo said picking up the dagger "This dagger, holds the key to your life and mine. The moment I tried to kill YOU and Y/n your ONE TRUE LOVE jumped in the middle of all that. This can kill you, I first thought of killing her and leaving you just like that, as fun as that would be it would be an eye sore, I'd rather kill you first then torment her for the rest of her life." She said with a glare
"Oh you're a petty bitch" you finally spat "And you are the pettiest there are. You think you'll win this? There's no winning here, you're just a loser bitch who can't take rejection and use daddy's powers as a rebound for the lack of a shitty personality and soul" everyone went silent, even Yoongi who has only ever seen you be sweet to everyone all your lives but everyone has a breaking point. Jihyo walked over to you and you felt a worse sting, "AHHH" you screamed.
"Mom!" even Jimin screamed. "DON'T TOUCH HER, do whatever you want but let her go" Yoongi said.
"You know Yoongi, there was once when I would have done anything to hear those words. But, now I am happy too, cause anything means this" she said and she took the dagger and stabbed Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi's eyes went wide but his mouth remained shut. "Nooooo! Noooo! Yoongi! You're bleeding! Oh my god" you shouted. "Y/n! Shhhh! (Y/n) shhhhh. It's okay, close your eyes" he tries to calm you, even in this situation. A sinister laugh was heard from Jihyo as she pulled the knife out, causing more blood to spill. Your eyes stung with tears as more spill out. You tried to crawl to him but felt someone hold you. "Don't" Jimin said. "Let me go! You traitor! I trusted you with my life! I loved you! You were the closest one to me after my parents and THIS is what you do! Let me go!" You said and broke down. "Any last words?" Jihyo asked. "Let her live" he said looking at her and then looked at you and said "Live on and be good" he said and closed his eyes and a hand closed yours. And then you felt the ties of your hands and feet lose. You opened your eyes to see more blood on Yoongi and the dagger. She stabbed him in the stomach.
No sound escaped you only tears. "Y-y-yoongi! N-n-no!" You said and held his trembling hands. "Y/n, just this once, let me die for you. I won't have to see you die anymore. Live happily and grow old for once, for me. I love you (y/n), so so much. I'm sorry I kept pushing you away." Even Jimin and Jungkook who were now beside him were silent. They would lie to say they didn't feel bad but Jihyo would kill Jungkook if he didn't comply and Jimin thought this would finally make his mother happy. You pressed your lips to his both trembling and you kissed his cheek. How are you supposed to let go? You just found him, you sobbed holding his hand tighter. Yoongi didn't know how to calm you he just felt this sting and warmth in his belly. His eyes were droopy, he was barely conscious "It feels good to finally bleed, I would have never made it without you. I love you, my love" he said and his eyes closed.
"Aww. So sad. Dont cry (y/n) cause soon you'll join him" Jihyo said and you closed your eyes, you'll join him, it'll be over, finally. "No mom! You promised it will be over if Yoongi dies!" Jimin said. "It will be when so does she" Jihyo said laughing again. She took a step towards you but Jimin rushed in front of you and shielded you "You promised!" He said.
"Jimin move!" She warned, your eyes went wide at Jimin's actions, what does he want to prove by guarding you now?! You thought. "No mom" he shouted, even Jungkook was confused as to what he should do standing silently as the scene unfolds. "Then I'll kill you with her" she said and hauled the knife ar him but your body reacted and you caught it before it could touch him. "Y/n! Let that blade go, it can harm you" he said. "Let the dagger go" Jihyo said through gritted teeth and Jimin too tried to pull it and suddenly a piercing scream was heard and there stood Jungkook, your and Jimin's hand free of the dagger which is now in Jungkook's hand pierced into Jihyo. She screamed again as Jungkook left the hilt of the dagger. "WHAT DID YOU DO YOU RAT?!" she shouted but her voice came out broken , her hair was turning white and her skin started to wrinkle "I think the age and deeds are finally catching up to her" Jimin said "We have to hurry" he suddenly said. "What?" You and Jungkook asked at once "Yoongi, is still alive, the nearest hospital is 30 mins towards the next town, he'll make it, I'll hold off the blood flow" he said, as in walked Taehyung. "Y/n?!" Yoongi hyung!" He shouted.
"Tae! we don't have time we need to rush him to the hospital!" You said and Taehyung immediately as Jihyo's wales were now whimpers. "Please bury her in the estate" Jimin said and Jungkook picked Yoongi's body as the three of you walked off.
When his eyes opened, the first thing he saw was you sleeping while holding his hands. He checked him self and his stomach and shoulder, what's going on? He thought and his movements shook you up. "YOONGI!" you stood up and hugged him. He felt at home right there.
"What's happening?" He asked "How long was I out?" He asked.
"It's been 3 days, you lost a lot of blood. You, we, broke the curse, you sacrificed yourself for me, that's the greatest act of love. Jimin said that the place where the curse took place was the place where it could be broken and that's why we failed in our previous life". "What do you mean Jimin said? Why would that traitor say that?" He asked. "My love there's a lot that happened but lets keep it for later" you said. He nodded and suddenly pulled you into him, holding you in place, taking your lips into his, as he sucked on it. He missed you god knows that, he wanted to do this the moment he laid his eyes on you but back then he thought he could stay away from you but keep an eye on you to keep you out of trouble. But, now, you were his and he was yours finally he thought, pulling you closer to him leaving no space. He would never let you go.
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stayconnecteed · 11 days
Holy shit okay- Hi Mars!! I just came to rant because SO MUCH GOOD NEWS was just dropped on me in the span of like, 2 hours I'm unwell
First I have a shit morning and then I open Instagram to Minsung dancing and fondgazing at each other which immediately makes me start crying cause they make me so happy and they looked so happy as we haven't had a Minsung video in FUCKING forever. Then I see the other pairings do the dance and Innie running from Chan and Binni smiling so fondly at Hyunjin and SeungLix being goofs and I needed like a half hour to calm tf down cause I was SOBBING
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I'm freaking out about ITZY with my Twitter moots and get a message from another moots about Arcane. I go check it out cause I'm BEYOND HYPED for season 2 I've waited 2 years for this AND I SEE STRAY KIDS ON THE LIST OF ARTISTS ON THE TRACK LIST MARS I almost chucked my phone across the kitchen
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THEY'RE ON THE TRACK LIST COLLABING WITH YOUNG MIKO AND FEMALE RAPPER AND TOM MORELLO WHO'S PRO PAL!!! I don't know the two other than what I've learned in the last few minutes since the announcement BUT I plan to look them up cause apparently they're really cool!!!
So many good things today I seriously hope you have an amazing day as well and- OH MY GOSH I ALMOST FORGOT THEY'RE DOING ANOTHER INTRO AND OUTRO FOR THE ANIME TOWER OF GOD!!! I absolutely LOVE Slump it's one of my favorite Skz songs ever and I'm honestly so so excited to hear the other songs as well!!! Akfhsudhakhskdvsksvsksndkdn Mars I hope you have an awesome day 🤍🤍🤍 how are things with you?
AAAAA CUBBS!!!!!! you're actually doing god's work because i disabled my instagram & deleted my twitter ( i'm on a socials detox for personal reasons ) and moony was the one sending me the pics the kids posted on ig. BUT I DIDN'T KNOW A THING ABOUT ANY OF THIS!!!!!!
WHAT MINSUNG VIDEO WDYM WE GOT DANCES W THE DORM PAIRINGS?!?!?!?!!? AND CHANGBIN COLLABING WITH ITZY OH MY GOOOOOD THAT'S GOING TO BE FIRE!!!!!!!! AND ARCANE!!!!!! my irl friends are obsessed w that series and we're planning to watch the first season together in halloween because i haven't soooo now i have more reasons akjsdashdkasj
i had an amazing day, cubbs, thank you very much!!!!! i started my first part time job today - teacher for a little girl to help her w her english - and this week i started my second year of college too, so i'm super tired, but i'm feeling content hehe how have you been, my love??
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theworstbiscet · 6 months
Hiya y'all!
I figured since most artists have these I otta throw my hat in and give you guys a Proper introduction to the worst biscet you will ever eat<3
Age: enough that college is NO LONGER A WORRY WOOO
Ideas: pegan- Artemis and Hephaestus
Ethnicity: (cause I'm a genetics geek) Taiwanese, Caucasian
Art inspos: Steven universe, undertale, Homestuck, friends and peers.
If you'd like to refer to me I like "dude" "king" or "burnt bitch"
Why I'm the Worst biscet you'll ever (never) eat? I'm a avid artist in the kitchen as well on my phone so one day I made cat head biscuits! When they came out they where immaculate all Except One. This- THING was BURNT to high Heaven when literally every single one of its siblings where fluffy chunks of gold. I took such offense to this mistake of creation I decided to crown myself with it's name, Sealing its fate to be known and shamed for all eternity...
*Anywhooo if y'all got Any questions or just wanna chat I'm MORE then open to some friendly banter or a colab! Also remember that SPAM LIKING GETS THE CREATER SHADOW BANNED.
Have a grand day!
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high-on-stickbugs · 2 years
Boku no Hero headcanon #4
Jirou knows how to play most instruments, and learned multiple of them at once while growing up.
She usually plays guitar or bass, or the drums, but she actually knows how to play classical piano, violin, harp and cello and really likes this last one. They don't fit her punk rock vibe, so she usually hides this, but her parents have a wall of pictures of her as first chair in her city classical children orchestra, in various years.
She doesn't know how to play any instrument that requires breath, like flute, trumpet or clarinet. She's an absolute disaster, and she hides this with all her might. God forbid someone find out her only musical failure.
Her favourite instrument, contrary to popular belief, is not her electric guitar. It's actually her theremin, and she takes pride in her ability to play it. She likes the way it sounds, and how playing it looks like magic, like music is coming out of thin air through her hands. She makes it looks so easy, so fluid and natural, that Denki decides to teach himself how to play it too. I mean she just moves her hands how hard can it be? (He is an absolute disaster, and even with Jirou's help, he can't play it. Not even get a single musical note right. He decides it's impossible and the only reason Jirou can play that devil creation? Witchcraft)
She has an youtube channel just for her musical covers, and it's pretty successful. Her most viewed videos are the ones where she colabs with some classmate. Yaomomo plays piano beautifully, and their bohemian rapsody cover is by far her best video. She caught Bakugou singing quietly in the kitchen once, and has been trying to get him to colab with her since, but he threatened to blow up her theremin if she ever let anyone knows he sings, so she kinda gave up - for now.
She is The Queen of spotify playlists, and has one for each classmate, and a bunch of others, each one for a weirdly specific vibe. Mina teams up with her to create new ones, finding the perfect aesthetic and vibe, and letting Jirou go wild with the musics for hours. It's Their Thing. Not a single playlist is less than three hours long, and her rock playlist is over eight hours. She has a secret, extra playlist for Momo, and she's building up the courage to send her the link. It's five hours long, full of romantic songs, and is named "for the girl who stole my heart". Not even Mina is aware of this playlist.
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lazydogs-world · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Jan 6 11am EST @lazydog1968 @mazzeimagic Reasonable Prices Give Away.
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I've had a dream this night and I didn't understand anything of it.
Firstly, there was a big TV and two couches at the kitchen of our old house.
Phil Lester was there sat on one of those couches watching YouTube with me, Dan's channel.
It was supposed to be an old video but it was a colab I've never seen before.
And I was like "I need to know when he filmed this".
So I grabbed my phone (at least I think it was my phone, there where lots of phones there, and other friends there were supposed to be our friends, were there too).
But suddenly I forgot my lock pattern. And Phil kept tapping on the screen, preventing me from even trying. And I was like "stop this, just a minute and I'll remember" and he was like "why do you need to see this so much?"
Suddenly the friends that were there, changed forms for other humans and held me and my mom captive. And Phil was with them!
There was another big TV in the living room and suddenly one of the people who were there, wasn't there anymore and was in the TV. One of the people said to me in a tender way: "You have to stop with this, the boy is gay." And then the person in the TV said: "They're dating. He's already visited her before."
And then a few seconds passed and I said: "You can't fuck with my mom, she has a heart condition."
And a few seconds later I woke up at 1:40 in the morning from this nightmare of humans changing form and holding us captive.
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moskowitzs · 2 years
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Some of our favorites (now gone) (at Colab Kitchen FL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpknBlEMqPC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mountttmase · 1 year
So you don’t need to put this up as a request, but like use it as inspo? Cause it’s sth I love a lot but I know I’ll never write it and since you wanted sth for dad Mason here you go:
Y/n stays at home with the toddler and the kid is at an age where he/she is very obsessed with Mase, so no matter what y/n says or does the kid always wants Mason and refused y/n to do it (feeding; tucking in, …) until y/n feels like she’s a bad mother and the kid doesn’t love her. Mason comes home earlier one day and without her noticing and experiences one of those tantrums and finds y/n crying in the kitchen or somewhere and comforts but also talks to the toddler about how it’s not nice? Idk if you like it, but it’s been stuck in my head forever 🩷
I honestly loved this idea so much and I loved that it came from you even more 😭🩷 feels like a little colab 😂
Fic is here for whoever wants to read it 🩷
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blockgeni · 2 years
In response to demand from OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google intends to demonstrate a version of their search engine with chatbot characteristics and introduce at least 20 AI-powered tools. As ChatGPT threatens Google's search business, rumors claim that CEO Sundar Pichai has declared a "code red" and increased AI development. According to sources, Google's AI initiatives include an image-generation tool, an improved version of AI Test Kitchen, a green-screen YouTube mode inspired by TikTok, and a tool that can produce films that summarize previous videos. Microsoft's GitHub Copilot product and another that aids in creating mobile apps, Colab + Android Studio, are both comparable to the company's PaLM-Coder 2 code generating tool. According to reports, Google is also working on the "Shopping Try-on" function, a Pixel phone wallpaper maker, and AI-driven tools for developers to create Android apps. This comes after the corporation revealed on Friday that it will be laying off 12,000 staff worldwide. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, stated in an email to staff, he has some difficult news to deliver. They have made the decision to cut 12,000 roles from their staff. He is sorry for that. He bears full responsibility for the choices that brought them to this point because he is deeply concerned about how these changes will affect Googlers' lives. Source link
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Google Calls in Help From Larry Page and Sergey Brin for A.I. Fight
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Google's Cutting edge innovation Survey Gathering, a board of leaders that incorporates Jeff Dignitary, the organization's senior VP of examination and man-made brainpower, and Kent Walker, Google's leader of worldwide undertakings and boss legitimate official, met under about fourteen days after ChatGPT appeared to talk about their organization's drives, as per the slide show. They evaluated plans for items that were supposed to make a big appearance at Google's organization gathering in May, including Picture Age Studio, which makes and alters pictures, and a third variant of A.I. Test Kitchen, an exploratory application for testing item models. Other picture and video projects underway incorporated a component called Shopping Take a stab at, a YouTube green screen element to make foundations; a backdrop creator for the Pixel cell phone; an application called Maya that imagines three-layered shoes; and a device that could sum up recordings by producing another one, as indicated by the slides. Google has a rundown of A.I. programs it intends to offer programming engineers and different organizations, including picture creation innovation, which could support income to find out about's Cloud division. There are likewise devices to assist different organizations with making their own A.I. models in web programs, called MakerSuite, which will have two "Master" renditions, as per the show. In May, Google likewise hopes to report a device to make it simpler to fabricate applications for Android cell phones, called Colab + Android Studio, that will produce, complete and fix code, as per the show. Another code age and finishing device, called PaLM-Coder 2, has additionally been underway. Google leaders desire to reassert their organization's status as a trailblazer of A.I. The organization forcefully dealt with A.I. over the course of the past 10 years and right now has proposed to few individuals a chatbot that could match ChatGPT, called LaMDA, or Language Model for Discourse Applications. Read the full article
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ladychlo · 3 years
Love your idea for Harry’s merch. I propose a colab with someone that has a housewares line, like Martha Stewart. They would be a hoot together.
I have no Idea who is Martha Stewart I only know Gordon Ramsay but I agree yes do that.
I think he should have like this kinda silent short cooking video very pleasing to the ear and the eye, he goes on in his cute kitchen and cook something like very aesthetically pleasing but very not useful.
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dadolorian · 4 years
(Diamonds and Daddies one shot) An Angel, A devil, and a Daddy ,Whiskey x F!Reader x OFC MXFXF
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A/N: This is a colab fic written with @talesfromtheguild​ and omg guys you have no idea how fun this was to write and the ideas we shared  🥵 🥵
Huge thank you to her for the help and being willing to collab please go read her stuff. 
This is a CANON side story to Diamonds and Daddies
Fandom: Kingsman the golden circle Ship: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Cis F!reader x OFC!
 Warning/tags: Threesome, unprotected sex (wrap it up irl) , Oral (M and F receiving) , Creampie, strap on , FXF action, MXF action, over stimulation, aftercare, rough sex, dirty talk, P in V sex, slapping, DD/LG /BDSM style relationship
Word count: 10K +  🥵
Summary: For Jacks birthday, HoneyBee surprises him with a threesome.
Your limbs ached as you rolled over and snuggled into Jack’s bare chest, your nose pressed into the crook of his neck as you pressed lazy kisses against his skin. You could feel him start to stir in his sleep, as your soft kisses began to rouse him awake. His arms wrap around your torso, pressing you closer to him. His skin is warm beneath yours, and part of you never wants to leave the warmth and safety that he radiates. 
    “Good morning.” he says, his voice a deep rumble. The combination of loudly moaning all night long, and his sleepy morning voice made his voice a deep growl that reverberated through the air.
    “Good morning Daddy.” you reply, kissing along his jawline, early morning stubble rubbed against your skin.  
Jack finally cracks his eyes open, and tips his head downwards to look at you. He smiles softly and proudly when he sees your hair is still a mess from last night's activities, and your lips are still slightly swollen. He shifts slightly in bed, and brings his hand to cup your jaw before pulling your face towards his where he gently kisses you awake. 
You pull away from him, and he openly pouts. You laugh at him before ducking back down to press a chaste kiss to his lips. He tries to follow you and your sweet kisses when you pull away again. 
“How would you feel about a threesome?” you ask him out of nowhere.
Jack’s head falls backwards onto his pillow with a deep groan as he squeezes his eyes shut, trying to will the naughty images his mind conjures up away. He releases a huff of air as his hands adjust their grip on your waist.     “Darlin’...” he says tilting his head to the side to look at his alarm clock. “It is 6:30 in the goddamn morning. You can’t just spring that on me.” 
“But would you be interested?”
“Babygirl, you know I don’t share.” 
“But Daddy…” 
“It ain’t gonna happen darlin’. My cock is the only cock that gets to fuck your sweet little pussy. No other man is gonna touch you.”
“Unless you got a girlfriend that wants to join us, the answer is no.” 
Your eyes light up - you’ve got just the friend to join the two of you in bed, but you school your expression and pout slightly, trying to steer Jack away from the conversation you’d started. 
“Okay Daddy…”
He rolls you over and onto your back with a devilish smirk on his handsome face. His hands hold onto your hips as some of his body weight crushes you. “Now, how about breakfast in bed?” he asks, licking his lips before disappearing beneath the sheets. 
When Jack had said he didn’t want anything and that you didn’t need to get him anything for his Birthday you felt bad. You had wanted to get him something, but for the life of you, you couldn’t think of a single thing your man could want, need or desire. Additionally, if Jack truly did want something, he could buy it himself. He was a grown man who could provide more than enough for himself - and you. Your monthly allowance was generous at most, and all the gifts and dates Jack took you on… he spoiled you rotten. 
But then you recalled that silly little conversation you had with him one morning after a long night, and you suddenly knew what you wanted to get Jack for his birthday, and you knew exactly who to call to help you out. 
It hadn’t taken much to convince your good friend Taylor to join in on your plan. In fact, Taylor was on board before you even finished asking your question. When she had agreed, you explained to her how Jack liked things - your relationship was heavily based in DD/LG roleplay, and he liked being able to feel all of you without a condom on. 
Taylor wasn’t surprised at this information - she’d been on the Sugar Baby app you used for years, and had been with many daddy’s, and baby’s, and had been a part of many, many fantasies. Getting to join you with your Daddy was something Taylor was looking forward to. She was curious about your himDaddy, what with you constantly talking about him and how great he treated you, and how well he fucked you. To say she was curious about him was an understatement. 
After she had agreed to yours and Jack’s terms, you made sure to get everything in order. You had Taylor tested to double check she was clean, she was already on birth control so you didn’t have to worry about that, and finally you took her shopping. You were going to go all out on lingerie for Jack’s birthday - after all your Daddy deserved the best. 
When you had arrived at the fancy lingerie store, you were greeted by Amy, one of the sales associates that had been a good friend of yours and always knew what to put you in to make Jack drool. 
“What are we going for today?” Amy asked with a coy smile. She had been a Sugar Mama long ago, and knew what suited you and your Daddy’s tastes. 
“We’re just browsing today. Birthday surprise.” you’d told her. 
Amy winks at you, and tells you to call for her if you need her help before she slips away to help another customer. Together, you and Taylor walk through the lingerie store, browsing for something that Jack would like to see the two of you in. It feels like you wander the whole store and find nothing that feels right to wear as a gift for Jack. 
With a dejected sigh, you look over the tops of the racks for Taylor’s dark head of hair, before you spot  her on the other side of the boutique. You weave your way through the racks before you come to stand beside her. 
“What about these?” she suggests, her hand running over a vibrant red silk bra and matching panties set. Your hand reaches out to run over the material, and you’re surprised at how soft it feels under your fingertips. Your head cocks to one side as your eyes land on a separate yet similar looking set just a foot away, and an idea sparks inside your head, remembering one of Jack's favorite kinks to explore with you. Stepping away from Taylor as she grabs the red silk number, you reach outwards and grab onto the set that caught your eye. You spin around with a devious little smirk on your face as you reveal what caught your eye to Taylor. Her own wicked smirk bloomed across her face as she eyed the lingerie in your hands. 
“Oh you little devil.” she teases you. 
“You’re the devil,” you teased back, sauntering off to find some accessories that would really finish the look off. 
Jack was in for one hell of a birthday surprise.
When Jack stepped inside his apartment, and dropped his keys on the hallway table, he didn’t notice the trail of rose petals leading further into his home at first. He only noticed the silence that greeted him.  By now his Honey Bee should have been leaping into his arms, as you always did when you heard him return home from a long day at work.             Curious, he took off deeper into the apartment, not finding you in the lounge and kitchen, he knew you had something planned for his birthday, so to not have you jumping on him the second he got home concerned him. There was no way you would go out at this time, surely? You knew not to head out without telling him. He was extremely protective of you and you’d be punished if you didn’t follow the rules.  As he neared the stairs, ready to search the bedroom, he finally noticed the petals. He chastised himself in his head, how a secret agent didn’t notice something so obvious in his own home was beyond him.     The annoyance he felt at his lack of observational skills was quickly overruled by a growing heat in his stomach as it clicked in his mind as to what the petals could mean.     He had no idea what you were planning, but he was excited nonetheless, all he knew was his precious little baby had a surprise for him, and that was all he needed to know. He slowly ascended the stairs, undoing his tie and throwing his jacket to the side as he walked. He followed the trail with his eyes, his smile and cock growing as his eyes were led up to the bedroom door. He paused at the door, hearing some soft, muffled moaning coming from the other side. He growled to himself, picturing you lying on the bed, legs spread wide, pleasuring yourself, as much as the idea got him hot and bothered, you knew the rules, and pleasuring yourself without his permission was a sure fire way to earn his ire. He didn’t bother knocking, intent on catching you in the act, and it was his home and his bedroom after all, instead he opened the door slowly, and let his eyes follow the petals right up to your shared bed. His eyes widened in surprise and lust at the downright sin before him.           His precious, innocent little girl laid out on the bed, wearing nothing but a frilly little white get up, that sight just by itself would be one to instantly make him hard. But no, you weren’t alone. 
Your hands clung to the hips of a woman he had never seen before, the two of you seemed unfazed by his presence, too distracted by each other's tongues as you kissed one another.
The strange woman, who was wearing a matching outfit to yours in red, opened her eyes and looked over to him, she smiled into the kiss, keeping eye contact with him she started trailing her hand from its place on your hip to between your legs, making you moan loudly. 
That made him snap out of his daze finally, he growled and strode towards the bed, stopping at the foot to watch you two more closely. 
“I don’t think this is what good girls do, ain't that right Honey Bee?” he rumbled hungily. 
You jumped, truly having been too distracted by Taylor to notice Jack come in. Your lips left hers and you stared up at him, batting your eyelashes at him, trying to feign innocence. 
“D-Daddy,” you whimpered, caught. “We were just-”
“No excuses,” he cut you off. A large hand trailed up the length of your body, stopping at your chest. Firmly, he pushed you onto your back, his eyes trailed down your body to take a good look at what you were wearing. A new set he noted, as his fingers traced the edges, white and frilly, just how he liked it, with fluffy angel wings and a matching halo to really finish the look off.  He leant over you, kneeling between your legs and nuzzling his face into the side of your neck, he peppered it with teasing kisses before wandering up to your mouth.
His lips ghosted above yours, you could feel the heat of his mouth on your kiss swollen lips,, he was so close, but as you leant up to kiss him he pulled away enough to stay out of your reach. 
“I come home, after a long, hard day at work, all I want to do is spend some quality alone time with my Honey Bee, on my birthday, instead, here I find you, breaking my rules, playing with a friend you didn't even ask me if you could invite over,  and making excuses?” 
He slapped your thigh before straightening up, eyes now focused on Taylor who had been patiently waiting beside you. 
“Now, who might you be Gorgeous? “ he asked,  his voice softening and letting his gaze wander over her form, admiring the matching outfit she wore, red, with little devil wings and tail in place of your halo and wings. 
“Taylor, Daddy,” she purred, stretching out on the bed, a playful smile gracing her red painted lips. 
“Taylor,” he repeated, trying it out. As much as he tried to keep the stern facade up, he couldn’t help mirroring her smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, although I would have much preferred it if we could have met when I wasn’t upset with my Baby.” He emphasised his point by slapping your thigh again, rubbing it soothingly straight away and ignoring your startled cry. 
“I-i was trying to surprise you, for your birthday Daddy,” you mewled, whimpering again when he glared down at you. 
“Surprise me you did Honey Bee, but that don’t mean you have permission to break Daddy’s rules,” his fingers danced over your covered core, tutting when he found you wet. “Getting yourself all worked up without Daddy’s permission? I’m disappointed Honey Bee.” 
“B-but that was Taylor-” 
He cut you off with a hard slap to your covered pussy.
“Don’t you blame your friend when you’re the one who invited her and started playing with her!” He snarled. “You know the rules!” 
He turned to Taylor again with a sigh. “I’m sorry you have to see this Gorgeous, I think I’ve been spoiling my Honey Bee too much if she thinks she can behave like this.” His eyes didn't leave her face, but he began rubbing up and down your core as he continued to speak to her, ignoring your pleas and mewls as you writhed between his touch. “I want you to know I ain’t blaming you for her behaviour, you’re a guest in this house and I don’t expect you to know all the rules, but I do expect her to follow them.” 
He leant forward towards her, until his nose was touching hers. 
“Can you be a good girl for me and tell me who’s idea it was to start playing?” 
Taylor swallowed and nodded.
“Y-Yes Daddy, it was me, it was my idea,” she admitted. 
Jack hummed and closed the small gap between them, locking his lips to hers. 
Taylor moaned and you whined, jealous of the attention and praise your Daddy was giving her. 
Jack broke the kiss , giving her one last peck. “Thank you for being truthful with my Darlin, instead of pushing the blame onto someone else like a bad girl,” his gaze drifted back to you as his sentence ended with a growl. “What are you whining for huh?” 
You pouted up at him, refusing to answer. 
“Quit being a brat and answer the question Honey Bee,” he warned. 
“I want a kiss too,” you sniveled. 
“Good girls get kisses.”
“But Taylor just admitted she started it!” You whined. 
“We aint going over this again Honey Bee, you know the rules, she doesn’t. She’s a guest in this house and she told me the truth, so she gets a kiss.” 
You huffed and crossed your arms, turning your head away from him in annoyance. 
“I really do spoil you too much Honey Bee,” he sighed, pulling you up into a sitting position. “One kiss, you get one,” he said sternly, finger raised in warning before dipping his head to finally kiss you. 
You moaned, your perfectly manicured fingers raking through his hair as you attempted to deepen the kiss. If you only got one you were determined to make sure it was a good one. Normally Jack loved to tease you with his tongue as you kissed, but he denied you entrance as you tried to deepen it. He growled, warning you as you attempted to push your tongue past his lips for a third time. He pulled away from you far too quickly. “Sit up on the bed, both of you,” he ordered, hands trailing up and down your back. 
You nipped at his jaw, ignoring the instruction and kissing your way down his neck, making little marks appear on his skin, as Taylor moved to sit on the bed like he asked the two of you to do. 
“Angel…” Jack’s voice drops low, the sound sending shivers down your spine. “My little devil is behaving better than you are right now. I think she deserves all the rewards you were going to get tonight.”
You pulled away from him just slightly to stare up at him, with big doe eyes. Jack’s cock throbbed in his pants as he stared down at you, and your innocent expression. Both of his hands came to cup the side of your face as he pressed a single chaste kiss to your lips. 
“That look won’t work on me sweetheart. You’ve been a brat since I stepped in the door. Bad girls don’t get rewards.” he says, his eyes staring deep into yours. 
“But... tonight is supposed to be all about you.” you said, breaking out of the bratty submissive role you’d taken on for the night. You really wanted Jack to have a good birthday, and you didn’t want to ruin it in any way. Shitty birthdays sucked, and you didn’t want Jack to remember this birthday as one you had messed up. 
“And it will be. Right now, Daddy wants to punish you for your bratty behavior.” Jack reassures you in a soft voice, telling you that everything between the two of you was okay.
Taylor sat in the middle of your shared bed, and watched the two of you as she bit her lip. It was obvious to see just how much the two of you cared for each other, how much it went beyond the dynamic the two of you had arranged and agreed to. Shifting her weight around, Taylor felt honored to share your bed for a night. What the two of you had… it was something Taylor hadn’t seen in a very long time, and she was proud to see you had found something so precious with Jack.
“Honeybee, you’re gonna sit right here,” Jack ordered you, pointing to a spot right next to Taylor on your large bed, “and you’re gonna watch as I fuck your friend with my tongue.” 
You whined at the thought of just sitting there and watching, but this was a punishment and you don’t wanna disappoint your Daddy. Positioning yourself comfortably on top of the sheets, you tucked your legs beneath your body and settled directly next to Taylor. At the foot of the bed, Jack watched patiently as you sat down and looked at him, waiting for any other instructions he might have for you. When he’s satisfied with where you’re sat, he turns his eyes to the woman casually lounging on his bed. 
“Darlin’, as good as you look in red, I bet you look better naked.” he said as he gently reached out and ran a hand upwards, letting his fingers drag over her skin from her ankle to her hip. 
His hands gripped her hips tightly, but not painfully, and dragged her down the bed slightly trying to bring her closer to him so he could reach her easier. His fingers play with the little straps on her garter belt, before hooking one finger underneath the elastic and letting it snap back against her skin. Taylor moans softly in the back of her throat as her thigh stings slightly. 
“Fuck.” Jack exhaled as he stared down at Taylor. As much as he wants to just tear her lingerie off and fuck her senselessly, Jack wants to take his time with her, wants to show his baby what happens when she breaks the rules and acts like a brat. Everything he’s going to do to Taylor is what he could have done to you instead if you hadn’t disobeyed him. 
Jack’s hands wander to the clips that hold up the garter belt, and slowly he begins to snap each elastic band against Taylor’s skin before unclipping them fully. His hands moved to the belt those straps were sewn to, and unclipped it, pulling away from her body and tossed it somewhere within the bedroom. 
You whine loudly as your eyes are glued to Jack’s hands as they roam over Taylor’s body as she mewls and hums softly at his touch. His hands ran over her ribs before coming to cup her breasts. You can see Jack’s eyes darken as he tests the weight of Taylor’s breasts in each of his hands, loving the way they feel in his palms beneath the silky red fabric they’re confined behind. Taylor’s back arches off the mattress, pressing her chest farther into Jack’s hands wanting him to touch more of her. 
“Relax sweetheart, we’ve got all night.” Jack shushes her as he pulls her bra downwards, exposing her hardened nipples to the cold air in the bedroom. 
“Daddy,” Taylor whines as Jack’s hands return to her breasts. He leans over her and takes one of her dark, pebbled nipples into his mouth as his thumb tweaks the other one. 
Jack shushes her as he lets go of her breasts and moves his hands downwards. His fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her scandalous panties and pulled them down her long, toned legs - legs he wants wrapped around his head as he eats her out. His cock throbs beneath his pants, aching to be touched by either of the two beautiful women in his bed. He wants to touch himself, but he can wait a little bit longer before he gives in to what he wants. 
Jack brings Taylor’s wet panties to his nose and inhales her scent. His eyes fall closed as he moans. His eyes open slowly, and when he looks at you, he smirks. “Kitten, open your mouth.” Your mouth opens a moment later, and Jack shoves Taylor’s wet panties into your mouth, gagging you. 
“There. Maybe that will shut you up for a while.” he growls. 
You taste the tang of Taylor’s arousal on your tongue as he stuffed Taylor’s panties into your open waiting mouth. To say the action doesn’t make your pussy drip would be a total lie. 
Jack turns his attention back to Taylor, drinking in the way she’s spread out for him. In the soft glow of his bedroom, he can see just how wet she is for him. Her folds glisten with her arousal, and Jack wants nothing more than to sink his cock into her. But first he has to start your punishment. 
“Don’t touch her.” Jack warns Taylor, nodding his head towards you. Taylor nods at his words. 
Jack crouches over Taylor, and brings her mouth to his, in a hot searing kiss. Jack adores how soft her plump lips are against his, but he prefers you and your kisses… if only you hadn’t been such a brat. Jack’s kisses trail down Taylor’s body, kissing every expanse of skin he can find. He draws a nipple into his mouth again and gently nips at her flesh when he pulls away, making Taylor gasp out as pain flares beneath her skin. Jack smirks against her skin as he soothes the sting of his teeth with his wet tongue before he repeats the motion on her other breast. 
His mouth travels down her sternum before stopping just above her aching pussy. His shoulders spread her legs wider as he settles at the edge of the bed, crouching down to hover above where she wants - needs him most. 
“You want this, right baby?” Jack asks Taylor, wanting another confirmation that she has fully agreed to this night with the two of you.
“Yes Daddy. Please fuck me with your tongue. Please - I wanna cum for you.” she pleads with him, her dark brown eyes locking with his. 
Jack’s mouth hovers over Taylor, as he breathes in her scent. With one hand splayed over her stomach, he uses his thumb to brush over her clit. Taylor gasps as her body jerks slightly, before calming down again as Jack continues to rub circles over her bundle of nerves. 
You shift on your knees when you begin to feel your toes falling asleep, and Jack cuts his eyes to you in warning: don’t fucking move. Your body stills instantly as you lock eyes with him. Your chest heaves as you watch him move closer to Taylor’s spread thighs. 
His tongue spears into Taylor’s pussy. He smells her. He tastes her. He devours her. His hips arch forwards and he bumps his hard clothed erection against the end of the bed where he’s knelt on the floor.
“Oh fuck babygirl.” he snarls into her, humming, not breaking away from licking into her for even a second. His nose bumps against her clit, making Taylor pant and moan and gasp his name like a prayer. His hands clawed into her thighs, his hot tongue curling and lapping up her arousal, shrewd wet sounds of his sucking tongue and mouth fill the air around you all. It’s filthy.
Taylor’s legs tremble beneath Jack’s hands, but he keeps them anchored down. His nails dig into her thighs, tugging her closer into his face. She can feel his tongue exploring every inch of her, dipping and prodding.
You smirk as you watch them together, watching as Taylor’s face pinches up in pleasure and her fingers dig and grasp at your bedspread, trying to ground herself on something. You knew how skilled Jack Daniel’s tongue was. 
Taylor’s moans fill the silence that settled over the bedroom as Jack sucks and licks into her, working her open with his tongue. Taylor can feel the damp path of cloth beneath her ass, and it only turns her on more, knowing just how aroused she is right now. She raises her head off the mattress and looks down at Jack, seeing his dark eyes gleaming up at her, watching as she writhes beneath him. Her eyes flutter closed for a moment before they fly open again when Jack laps at her clit again. She can feel that pulsing energy knotting in her abdomen, coiling tighter and tighter, rushing her towards her impending orgasm. 
“Oh Daddy…” she warns breathily. Her thighs threaten to clamp down around his head, as her hands fist the sheets below her. Jack’s tongue spears into her again as his thumb rubs tight, harsh circles against her clit, driving her towards her orgasm.
“Can - Can I cum Daddy?” Taylor gasps out. Jack hums into her, not giving her an answer.
“Please Daddy! Lemme cum for you. Please let me cum. Please, please, please, please.” she begs again. Jack hums against her again, the vibrations stimulating her nerves more. She feels her thighs tremble more, and before she knows it, her body arches and convulses, shuddering as her climax blindingly powers through her.
She cums violently fast and loud. Jack’s tongue never leaves her as he drinks down every drop of cum her body gives him. Her orgasm had successfully coated his mouth and chin in her arousal, he loved how her pussy drooled for him. Taylor collapses back against the cool sheets and pants heavily, trying to catch her breath and revel in the feeling of her first orgasm of the night. 
Jack licked his lips and wiped off the remainder of Taylors arousal with the back of his hand. He sighed contentedly as if he had just eaten a five star meal. 
“Now Honey Bee,” he said, turning his attention back to you for the first time since he started going down on Taylor. He pulled the soaked panties from your mouth, tossing them to the side for now.  “Can you prove to me you can behave? Prove to Daddy you can be a good girl?” 
You nodded desperately, fingers itching to relieve the burning need inside you, but not willing to risk another punishment. You did want to be a good girl for him, to make his birthday memorable, to please him. 
“Good,” he purred, a wicked grin on his face as he stood up and rounded the bed to the headboard. He started unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it to the side along with his undershirt, leaving his torso bare to you both. 
He settled down on the bed, back leaning up against the pillows and headboard, and beckoned the two of you over with the crook of a finger, chuckling as the two of you scrambled over to him. 
“There’s my good girls,” he praised, unbuckling his belt and shimmying his pants down his hips just enough to free his aching cock. 
You pouted up at him, noting he wasn’t wearing underwear again. He caught your pout and chuckled again, giving you a cocky wink, ignoring your displeasure and teasing you further about your continuing disdain over the underwear ‘argument’ you kept having..
“Come on now Honey Bee, prove to me you can be good. Show Taylor here just how Daddy likes his cock sucked.” 
Wanting to be obedient and finally earn Jack's touch, whether it be by his hands, cock or tongue, you batted your eyelashes up at him, maintaining that eye contact he loved as you lent forward and began scattering soft, feather light kisses up and down his length. 
Your eyes stayed on Jack but you held out one hand to Taylor, who took it and allowed you to drag her closer, placing her dainty hand on Jack's balls. 
He groaned above you, head falling back into the pillows and you hummed proudly, loving how you could reduce him to a mess just as often as he made you. 
Taylor took initiative and bent forward, taking Jacks balls into her mouth at the same time you had taken his tip into your mouth, sucking and playing with your tongue. 
A flurry of curses left his mouth as he tried to suck more air in, overwhelmed by the double, startling sensation. 
“Jeesus fuck! Givin me a heart attack!” he gasped, snapping his head forward to watch the two of you intently. The visuals only added to his pleasure, two pretty girls servicing his cock, looking up at him with big, innocent eyes, he wanted to cum just at that. 
You wrapped your hand around his base and began pumping him as you took him further and further into your mouth. Since your first time together, when you had struggled to take his cock any further than halfway down the two of you had spent a lot of time practicing. 
Now, now you were able to take him all the way, having spent many hours with him learning how to suppress your gag reflex enough and widen your jaw, it was still a struggle, but the moan he gave you when your lips reached his base made it all worth it. 
“That's it, there we are, you’re my good girls,” he rasped, praising the two of you as his hands grabbed the back of your heads, holding you in place as he savored the duel experience of his cock in your throat, and balls in her mouth. 
His hands trembled as he took deep breaths to ground himself, to not give into the pleasure so early into your attention. Since the moment he had opened the door to his bedroom Jack had been more aroused than he could ever recall being in his entire life, not even when he was a teenager and first discovered porn could compare. 
“Honey Bee,” he moaned as the hand he had on you slowly snaked down to grip your throat. Something he loved to do every time you managed to deepthroat him was to grip you lightly, so he could feel the bulge of his cock move up and down your throat as you took him. 
You began moving for him, concentrating on breathing through your nose as he lightly choked you with both his cock and his hand, squeezing lightly every time he felt the bulge in your throat pass by his palm. 
He spread his legs wider for the two of you, giving Taylor more access to his balls as you sped up your pace. 
“Look at you Darlin,” he cooed softly at you, admiring how your mouth stretched around him, saliva leaking from your lips, coating him.
 “Your tiny little mouth can barely take me, but it feels so, so, good.”
You mewled around his length, soaking up his praise, the vibrations it caused traveled down his length, his balls tensed up and he hissed in pleasure. 
“Knew you could be a good girl for me...You’ll do anything for my cock wont cha? My perfect little cock slut.”
He always knew what to say to turn you on more, your pussy throbbed again, you wanted more than anything to make him proud, to earn the reward he always gave you after each punishment, his cock. Having it in your mouth was just further torment, reminding you just how big he was, just how well he would stretch you out. 
“I’m in heaven,” he sighed, stroking Taylors tight curls affectionately as she swirled her tongue around him, causing him to buck up into your mouth and making you gag.  
He growled as you tried to back up. “You can take it, you were made for my cock,” he encouraged, tightening his fingers around your neck to stop you from backing away. 
You calmed yourself down, trying not to struggle in his grasp, focusing on your breathing so you could take him deeper once more. 
“That's it, what good babies.”
Both you and Taylor moaned at his words of praise, his thighs shook in an effort not to keep bucking up into your mouth, his entire cock throbbed and pulsed and the moans that poured from his mouth were downright sinful. He was so lost to the feeling his head fell back again, unable to watch the two of you without blowing his load. 
You were so distracted and aroused you didn’t even register the feeling of your own hand trailing down your stomach and between your legs. Only when you let out a high pitched keen at the relief your burning core got did you realize what you had done, as your fingers pushed up against the covered folds of your pussy. Your eyes shot back up to Jack, who was now staring intently back at you.
“You better not be touching yourself Honey Bee,” he rumbled. 
You snatched your hand away and let him fall from your mouth with a pop. 
“I’m not!” you lied, throat raspy from taking his dick, and from the hand still choking you. 
His balls left Taylor’s mouth with a wet slurp as she sat up to watch the interaction. 
He groans at the loss on his cock, but is far too focused on you to complain. He drops your throat and grabs your wrists, pulling you up to him. 
He pulls your left hand up to his mouth, maintaining fierce eye contact with you as he pulls the fingers into his mouth, tasting them. His tongue plays with your fingers, it was warm and you couldn't help but imagine him using it to pleasure you. 
Satisfied he doesn’t taste your arousal on you he drops the hand and he repeats the action with your right one, he closes his eyes in pleasure at the taste, groaning as your slick coats his tongue as it teased your index and middle fingers. 
Then when realization hits him his eyes snap back open burning into yours as he growls, as much as he adores your taste, he was disappointed at you for breaking another rule. 
Your fingers fall from his mouth and he firmly pushes you away. 
“Breaking a rule? And not only that? Lying to me about it?” He sounded angry, you should be scared, but the rough timbre of his voice and heated tone only sent more arousal flooding out of you. As enraged as he sounded, you knew it would just mean more pleasure for you later on when he deemed you had learnt your lesson. 
“I’m sorry Daddy!” You pleaded, trying to crawl back to him. 
“No Honey Bee, I don't think you are!” He growled, pushing you away again, his arm looped around Taylor, bringing her flush against his torso, kissing every inch of skin he could reach. Showering her with the affection he would normally reserve for you. 
“You just have to keep acting like a brat tonight! Just can’t stop showing off in front of your friend, wanting to act like a cool, big girl is that it?” His hand fisted her curls to pull her in for a deep, passionate kiss. Ignoring you and your distress as his tongue mixed with hers. She moaned and you whimpered, missing your Daddy's kisses, he was trying to make you jealous and he was doing a damn good job of it. 
“Think you’re wearing the wrong costume,” he panted to her when they broke apart. “Think my little brat over there needs to be wearing this little Devil get up, and you need to be in that Angel one,” he murmured into the skin of her neck, showering kisses upon her skin, just the way you liked. 
He continued to ignore you, distracting himself by making out with Taylor. He pulled her into his lap properly and began grinding his hips up into hers, one hand gripped her ass and the other kneaded her breast gently.
She mewled and whimpered into the kiss, rocking her hips back onto his, his cock rubbing up against her soaked folds, with one little change in angle he would be sheathed inside her. You were mesmerised, enraptured by the image of this tip of his cock leaking, so close to pushing inside her and stretching her out. 
How you had never envied another person more in your entire life. 
You yowled like a cat in heat, trying not to rock your hips into the bedsheets to chase that far off relief, you knew you weren’t getting any anytime soon, but you were trying so hard not to anger him further and delay your pleasure even more. 
Your pathetic little whine caught his attention, dragging his gaze back to you, eyebrows raised in surprise as if he had forgotten you were even there. 
“Honey Bee,” he drawled, rolling Taylor’s nipple in his skilled fingers as he kept eye contact with you. “You’re going to sit there and watch as Taylor finishes what you started. No, don't give me that look.” He continued to glare at you as he helped Taylor widen her legs, better to take him with. He cooed at her affectionately and praised her, telling her what a good girl she was for him as he notched himself at her entrance and slowly pushed inside of her. 
You glare at Taylor and Jack as you sit on the end of the bed, watching as Jack tosses his head back against the headboard as Taylor takes all of him inside her dripping pussy. Your pussy throbs between your legs, just beggin’ to be touched. You watch Jack intensely as his face contorted in pleasure, his eyes clamped firmly shut as he enjoys the warmth of Taylor’s body. Shifting slightly on the bed, your hand moves beneath your panties and your fingers brush against your clit. You will be in so much trouble if Jack catches you touching yourself right now, but the ache between your legs and the relief your fingers give you is enough to spur you on, to keep you going. Whatever punishment Jack will give you will be worth it in the end. 
You remain quiet, which feels like an impossible task, as your fingers rub circles over your clit, and lightly dip inside your folds as you gather your slick. Your breath stutters in your chest as you rub your clit faster and harder, trying to match Taylor’s pacing as she rocks her body against Jack’s. Wet slick sounds fill the air and combine with their moans as Taylor rides Jack, their bodies making the bed rock roughly. 
Sinking your fingers into your aching pussy, stretching you just slightly, you sigh happily. Your fingers could never compare to Jack’s - two of your fingers equaled one of his, and no matter how many times you tried to replicate the feeling of him inside you, it was never the same - but having something to ease the ache between your legs is a relief. 
Your legs tremble slightly as you increase your pacing, rubbing furiously against your swollen aching clit as you pump two fingers inside yourself. You can feel a tight bundle knotting and twisting in your stomach, clamping down tighter and tighter as you race towards your own orgasm. 
Glancing at Taylor, you watch as she stares at you with a hungry gaze as Jack fucks up into her.  Taylor’s body falls roughly against Jack’s thighs as she tries to drive his cock deeper inside her, desperately working towards her release. 
“Can you cum for me baby?” Jack asks, his lips trailing over her jawline.
Taylor whines, unable to answer him.
“Come on baby, answer me.” 
“I - I can. Can I cum for you Daddy? Please? Lemme soak your cock.” she begs. 
Jack’s arms wrap around her as he growls, and he uses his strength to hold her down as he cums inside her. Taylor’s moans and Jack’s growls fill the air as they both revel in their highs - Jack filling Taylor with his cum completely as Taylor clamps down tightly around him, her cum gushing out of her and running down his cock before dribbling over his balls. 
Your orgasm washes over you before you know it, and a high pitched but soft whine leaves your swollen lips as you cum around your own fingers, your cum soaking into your panties. Your eyes connect with Jack’s as you come down from your high, and you can’t even enjoy the feeling of getting to cum before you realize your mistake - you’d been too loud. 
“Honey,” Jack sighs in a disappointed but satisfied voice, “can’t you wait your fucking turn?”  He sighs again as he stares at you and the mess you’ve made of your panties.
“If you wanna cum so badly, then you’re gonna have to work for it.” Jack growls.
 Jack’s hand travels over Taylor’s arm before sliding down her back, where he cups her ass, and kneads the flesh beneath his fingers. He shakes his head disapprovingly as you pull your hand from between your legs, and stare at him with scared and innocent eyes. “Taylor and I are gonna have to punish you now babygirl. You didn’t follow the rules of your punishment.” 
Jack swats Taylor’s ass, nodding with his head for her to get off the bed, and he follows suit. When the two of them are standing, he wraps his arms around her, and hungrily kisses her, moaning against her mouth. Jack could see how a man could get addicted to her - she was sinful like the devil himself. 
“Taylor, baby, go into the closet and on the top shelf is something I need you to grab for me. Can you do that for me?” he asks her when he pulls away and draws in fresh air. 
“Of course I can do that for you Daddy,” she quickly agrees, looking over her shoulder at the door leading to his walk in closet. 
When she walks away, Jack turns to you, his eyes dark and hungry. “Now, Princess…” 
He moves to the end of the bed, and roughly grabs your hips. His hands move across your skin, ripping and tugging at the lingerie clinging to your body, tearing off yet another brand new set . When you are semi-bare before him, Jack wastes no time in groping your breasts before dipping his head down to suck a pebbled nipple into his mouth. Your back arches as you shakily inhale, trying to get more of his warm mouth on your skin. His mouth leaves your breast as one of his hands grabs your wrist and brings it towards his mouth. His tongue laps over the fingers you came on, and drinks down the taste of your arousal. 
Taylor reappears by Jack’s side with a long box in her hand. Jack’s mouth and hands leave your body just as quickly as they appeared. You whine at the loss of his touch, but shut your mouth when Jack sends you a warning glare. 
“Here Daddy.” she purrs. 
“Thank you baby.” Jack says as he takes the box from Taylor and presses a kiss to her cheek. 
"Now this was for your birthday…” he said, regarding you again. “Yeah I remember that kinky little fantasy of yours...but I think this is going to be put to better use tonight." Jack explains as he opens up the box, and reveals what’s inside. 
It’s almost comical the way your eyes widen and your mouth drops open when you realize what Jack holds in his hand. Taylor smiles coyly at your reaction, buzzing with excitement as she takes the packaging from him. She pulls out the harness and slides it over her legs as she steps into it adjusting the buckle so it sits snugly against her hips. 
“Now babygirl, this here is the Royal Mustang, and from the way you’re lookin’ at it… I think you want it.” Jack teases you. Taylor’s hand wraps around the dildo, and takes it from Jack’s grasp. Her eyes lock onto yours as your eyes follow the strap on, and she licks a long, broad stripe up the fake cock before sucking on the tip just slightly, covering the silicon in her saliva. 
“Oh my god.” you breathe out. 
“God can’t help you honey.” Jack tells you. 
“How do you want us Daddy?” Taylor asks Jack. He looks away from you and wets his lips when he sees the strap connected to the harness she wears. 
“Damn you look good.” Jack breaths out. “Taylor, baby, you’re gonna fuck our little angel until she cums on that toy. And then I’m gonna fuck her before she has anytime to recover.” 
Taylor leans in and presses her lips against Jack’s before pulling away with a satisfied smile. “I like the way you think Daddy. Can I fuck her however I want?”
Your eyes dart back and forth as you watch them discuss what they’re going to do to you, like you’re not even here. A wave of arousal runs down your spine and pools between your legs at the thought of both of them fucking you silly. You’re a little nervous that your body might not be able to handle both of them with no recovery time, but you’re also excited and eager to get started. If this was your punishment for being a brat - especially when a friend joined you - then you were going to have to disobey the rules more often. 
“Turn around Honeybee.” Taylor orders you, a more dominant side of her coming out to play. Your pussy clenches at her tone, and at her words, and you blink stupidly at her for a moment. 
“Turn. Around.” she orders you again. You flip your body over, resting your weight evenly across your knees and elbows. You feel her settle behind you, the tip of the strap on rubbing through your slick folds, roughly bumping against your clit with each teasing rock of her hips. Your head drops down against the sheets as Taylor presses the head of the toy against your entrance, and slowly - oh so fucking slowly - breaks you open. 
You can’t stop the wanton cry that leaves you lips, and is muffled by the sheets below you. Taylor’s hands grip your hips, and run over the curve of your ass, before roughly pulling you flush against her hips, driving the toy deeper inside you. The Royal Mustang stretches you in ways Jack doesn’t, and it makes you pant heavily beneath Taylor. Her hands roam across your skin, and she moans when her hands snake to the front of your body where her fingers brush against your hot and swollen clit. 
“That’s it Taylor, get her nice and ready for me.” Jack purrs somewhere behind you. You can’t quite tell where he is in the room, but you can’t quite bring yourself to care either. 
You can feel yourself clenching down tightly around the toy as Taylor continues to rock her hips to your ass, refusing to draw the toy out of your pussy more than a few inches. Her fingers rub against your clit in tight circles, and you’re surprised at just how quickly your body reacts to the things she does to you, in the few short minutes she’s been inside you. 
You were getting close, the need for release building inside you more and more, until you were rocking your ass back against Taylor’s thighs, trying to chase and reach your release sooner rather than later. Taylor’s fingers press a little harder against your clit, and suddenly your orgasm blindsides you. 
You cry out, the sound you made echoes loudly around the room. Your legs shake as Taylor pulls away from you, but you have no time to catch your breath before Jack takes her place. He grips his cock, and runs it through your cum soaked folds, enjoying the way your warmth coates his length. He bumps against your clit one or twice before sinking inside of you. 
Your head drops against the sheets again as he bottoms out and gives you a second to adjust to his incredible size. Jack groans behind you, and digs his hands into your hips, trying to drive himself just a little bit deeper inside of you. 
“You’re so very wet baby. So full of your cum. I can feel it, thick and hot around me.” Jack remarks in a grunt. He pulls outwards and begins to drive into you at an almost brutal pace. 
You whine aloud like you’re slowly being slaughtered when he hits your cervix, and you’re certain you can see stars behind your closed eyes. Jack’s eyes are focused on your pussy and how it swallows his cock with such ease thanks to the orgasm you wrongfully gave yourself and the one Taylor took from you. Along with his own release and Taylor’s cum, the way he’s able to slide in and out of you so easily nearly makes his brain short circuit. Jack closes his eyes and grits his teeth - if he looks any longer at the sight below him, he’ll cum too soon. Jack fucks into you for a moment, before slowing his pace until he stops, completely sheathed inside your wet, tight heat. 
“Taylor, toss that toy in the sink in the bathroom, and then lay down in front of our little angel. She’s gonna make you cum again before she gets to.” Jack demands. 
“Don’t you wanna cum Daddy?” Taylor asks from behind you. You can hear the clink of the harness being adjusted as Taylor shimmies out of it. 
“Oh I’ll cum darlin,” he reassures her. You hear her feet pad across the floor towards the bathroom, and a second later Jack thrusts into you. “Right.” another thrust nearly makes you fall forwards on the bed, losing your balance. “Here.” 
Your pussy clamps down on him tightly at his words, and what they imply. You will never get enough of him cumming inside you, filling you up with his cock and his cum, of him making you feel full and completely satisfied like no one has ever done before. 
Taylor’s body settles in front of you, and Jack gives you time to work out how you want to eat her out. She settles against the pillows, and spreads her legs for you to settle between them. You waste no time, diving in to taste her cum and Jack’s too, savoring the way she openly cries out at your actions. Her hands grip the back of your head and tug roughly on you as you lick into her. 
Jack begins thrusting into you, each forceful push forwards, sends your face and tongue a little deeper into Taylor’s pussy. You rest all of your upper body weight on one arm, and bring the other upwards, before sinking two fingers inside Taylor. She gasps and moans loudly as your fingers press against her walls, searching blindly for that sweet spot that will get her to cum. 
As soon as you find it, she cries out, and you can feel her clamp down on your fingers as her cum gushes from her pussy and runs down your fingers and onto your hand. 
Jack slaps your ass, once and then twice as he fucks into you, his hand landing firm against your flesh. The sharp slaps he gives you makes your flesh sting, a few tears escape you, your mascara running down your face just the way Jack liked. 
Leaning down, Jack snakes a hand around your torso like Taylor had done earlier, and furiously rubs your clit. 
“Be a good girl and cum for me. Cum all over this cock and show me how sorry you are.” 
Your head swims as your body gets completely lost in your pleasure. Your orgasm sweeps through you, the feeling so powerful it feels like you’re no longer in control of your body. Jack’s thrusts slow down as he cums deep inside you, coating your walls with his seed. You can feel it in  your chest, the unending spurts of his hot, thick cum filling you completely. 
You collapse on the bed when Jack pulls out of you, and you’re certain the two of them had fucked you to within an inch of your life. You know you’ll be sore tomorrow when you wake up. Sore and very hungry.
Jack watched the two of you lay panting on the bed, clinging together as your bodies shook from the aftershocks of your orgasms. He wants nothing more than to join you on the bed, collapse and cling to the two of you, but he had a job to do. 
He had never been quite so harsh with you, sure he had been pretty physical with you when you had been a brat before, times like that usually ended up with a spanking or some other physical punishment, but he could tell this time you were much more emotionally raw from the experience, having him ignore you in favor for your friend may have been all part of the fun, but he knew you well enough now to know you needed his reassurance and care after such an intense physical and emotional session. 
He began by making sure you were both comfortable, gently pulling off the remaining fabric the two of you wore, Taylor’s fancy straps and stockings were removed and the tattered pieces you still had clinging to your form followed.
 Carefully he lifted Taylor up, ignoring the slight twinge in his back, humming to her when she snuggled up in his embrace, and carried her back up the bed to lay her down properly. 
He repeated the action with you, depositing you gently on the other side of the bed, kissing your cheek as you mewled in protest of being moved. 
“Shhh Honey bee,” he soothed. “Let Daddy take care of you.” 
He dashed to his ensuite to gather two warm wash clothes ready to clean you both up the way he did with you every time you played with him. 
Taylor purred and thanked him with a kiss, considerably more alert than you were currently.  He cleaned up your ruined mascara before moving to clean up the mess between your legs. Your over-sensitive body tried to wriggle from his efforts helplessly as he cleaned the cum covering your thighs and his seed that had begun leaking out of you . Gently he held you in place so he could make sure he cleaned you up enough to sleep comfortably. 
“Awwww Honey Bee I know, I know , you’re so sensitive,”  he soothed, brushing the hair that clung to your face from sweat out of the way with his free hand. 
He kissed his way along your jaw as he cleaned you up to distract you. Once he was satisfied with that he threw the cloths into the sink, joining the toy before he sauntered back to bed. He pulled open the bedside drawer on your side, taking out the cream he keeps there just for times like this. He popped the cap and ever so gently soothed each of the slaps he had given you, he felt a pang of guilt at your pained whimper, but he knew just how much you enjoyed it, shaking off that brief feeling. The cream was shoved back into the drawer, ready to be used the next time you needed it.
 It was too hot for sheets, Jack decided, the three of you were more than sufficient enough to warm each other up. Carefully he crawled into the middle of the bed, pulling your exhausted body to his side, resting your head on his chest as his arm held you protectively. 
He held his other arm out to Taylor in invitation, allowing her to decide if she wanted in on the affection too, he was pleased when she rolled closer to his, mirroring your position on his other side. He gave her a quick, gentle kiss.
“Thank you very much for agreeing to this tonight Taylor, it was an absolute pleasure,” he purred into her ear. She giggled as his breath tickled her. 
“You’re quite welcome, Daddy,” she hummed, snuggling into his warmth and closing her eyes. “I’ve been quite curious about the two of you for quite a while...I couldn’t quite believe her when she told me about her ‘perfect’ Daddy. But it's quite clear to me now...You’re everything she’s ever wanted.” 
Jack's heart skipped a beat at her comment, he glanced over to your sleepy form, who was looking up at him with hooded, sparkling eyes. 
You thought to keep them open, to bask in the afterglow the three of you were sharing for just a little longer.
“Baby girl, Honey Bee,” Jack hummed, kissing the top of your head. “You did so well, so well,” he buried his nose in your hairline, kissing you tenderly wherever he could reach. “This was the best birthday ever, thank you so much Darlin, no one’s ever gave me something quite so amazing.” 
You teared up, still raw and overwhelmed by his praise. 
“Really? You liked it?” Your voice cracked. 
“Darlin, Honey Bee, I loved it!” he cheered softly, reassuring you. “And not just because I got to have sex with two beautiful ladies, you clearly put so much effort into surprising me and making tonight special.” He sighs in contentment, pulling you closer so your head settled in the crook of his neck, he rested his chin on the crown of your head . “You didn’t have to, but the fact that you did, just for Ole Jack, I know I say this every time Sugar but I really feel like the luckiest man in the world with you. “ 
You felt a few tears escape you and trailing down your cheek,onto his neck. 
“I hope those are happy tears Darlin,” Jack cooked, stroking your arm tenderly. 
“They are,” Taylor sang, joining Jack's affections and rubbing your back soothingly. “You make her happy. Happier than i’ve seen her in a long time.” 
“Well, that goes ditto for me then,” Jack smiled, giving you another kiss to the top of your head. 
“Rest up girls,” he yawned. “When we wake up, we’re ordering some real unhealthy food and snuggling on the couch with a movie till you both are feelin’ better.”
Taylor lifted her chin, about to protest, knowing her, she would insist on going home so you can Jack you have some alone time.
“Nope you’re joinin’ us too Gorgeous,” Jack cut off whatever thought she was going to say. “S’ only manners that I make sure you’re taken care of too.” 
You smiled proudly, he was ever the gentleman. 
“Fine, I wont complain about that” Taylor sighed,settling back down. 
“Happy birthday Jack,” you purred before letting yourself drift off. 
Tag list 
Diamonds an Daddies:
@thats-one-tender-foot  @luminescentlily @nuttybeardetective @ishqinbbc @ben-is-a-hoe @calamity-queen @phoenixhalliwell @talesfromtheguild @the-arctic-violet  @jeeperky @mando-amando @Finnisrioting @officerbrowneyes  @eli-the-thinker
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