aquietwhyme · 11 months
This is literal Nazi stuff. Sturmabteilung brownshirts driving around accusing people of the crimes they themselves are committing, doxxing and inviting terrorism against student opponents of genocide.
The entire US Senate condones this, along with Genocide Joe. All 100 US Senators declared that somebody needs to rid them of these meddlesome priests, and fascists are obliging by doing the legwork of harassment reported on here. The dogwhistle on display in that resolution was quite audible to the human ear.
Remember, every sitting US Senator. All 51 members of the Democratic caucus, including so-called progressives like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, including so-called opponents of bigotry like Raphael Warnock, including so-called champions of the middle class like Sherrod Brown, including so-called tough minded fighters like John Fetterman. All voted to condone the campaigns of harassment against the conscience of the nation, our protesting college students, libeling and slandering them, smearing them as "anti-Semites" for daring to acknowledge that not only does the Emperor have no clothes, but that he's shitting on the people in the crowd.
We have learned nothing in the past 100 years. We have advanced by small, infinitesimal steps from the days of anti-union violence at the turn of the 20th century, from the atrocities visited upon minorities throughout our history, from the multiple waves of Red Scare oppression that brought blacklists and ruin to so many innocent people, and we've advanced seemingly not at all from the Iraq War debacle that many of these disgusting Senators were around to support.
Nothing. The US Senate condones Nazi tactics of suppression against fucking college students. We have learned nothing.
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caneycane · 7 years
What is one thing you have learned about yourself in the past year?
Oh my goodness, I don’t know when you asked this but if it was awhile ago I’m sorry it took so long @youvegotnomeansforwanderlust !!
A lot has happened in the past year. I moved away, started college, got my drivers permit, my dad almost died of Crohns disease (we even thought it was cancer for awhile), got 4 birds in less than 9 months (RIP Meridia), and I got a fantastic boyfriend that rode an 8 hour Greyhound bus just so he could see me during finals.
What I’ve learned is that going to coIlege was the best thing to ever happen to me. I matured differently than some of my friends, moving away gave me the opportunity for my parents to reconnect before I reconnected with them, and overall I’ve been the happiest I could be. Yea it might have been rushed and I had no clue what I was doing, but moving away and taking a step back from my life in KY is what gave me the opportunity to learn more about myself. 
I’m more comfortable with who I am and what I do, I have a supportive boyfriend, a family I don’t hate, I’m finally going back to counseling and getting my meds fixed, and all is good with Caney for now.
Ask me a question, send me a prompt, or let’s talk about headcanons!
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