#coil ic
crystal-criminal · 22 days
✮⋆˙ A certain someone sneaks up behind Coil..–
" RAAH! Did I scare ya', did I scare ya'?! "
✧˖ Steampunk grins dumbly, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet in excitement. Flicking the latter's forehead lightly, he chuckles and backs up, giving Coil some time to "recover from his scare."
"Oh look who finally decided to show up!" -> The canine demon huffs before smirking widely, showing off those sharp teeth of his. His eyes lit up when he saw the orange demon, tail wagging slightly. "Finally showed up to see if you can beat me in a battle of punches, Steam?" -> He cracks his knuckles loudly. He's down for a fight with his pal basically at any moment.
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lethal-liability · 2 months
I did it! I finally finished Hamlet's battle vest!!!! Based on this one @rattusrattus3 made for their cat!
And thank you @sigmadecay for helping me come up with puns :3
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Ice Canine Kills (Ice Nine Kills)
Dogging Molly (Flogging Molly)
Lamb of Dog (Lamb of God)
Kong (Korn)
Dachshund Mode (Depeche Mode)
Lycana Coil (Lacuna Coil)
Barking Benjamin (Breaking Benjamin)
I have room for maybe two more patches but I'm fine calling it done for now
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the-clay-quarters · 2 months
hello estival update: the geography of the kolomans is driving me insane. it is likely to continue driving me insane for the whole event. i cant wait! /excited
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justskyla-art · 24 days
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PHIGHTER 15!!!!!!!! don't know much about the game tbh LOL! i just watch my friends play it and follow their hype. love the characters in that game though, even if i don't really know much about their personalities or lore or anything. but coil got announced today!!! i love their design so so much so i HAD to draw this like IMMEDIATELY. hope you like it!
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coiupdates · 1 year
it’s giving 2000s type vibe
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"SKATE!" - @crystal-criminal
"Took you long enough, man!"
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hatredcurse · 8 months
⛓ [ArrangedMarriage] — Hashirama and Mito || @senjufound
During such a turbulent period of militant struggles and noble establishment, marriage into a high clan was often a princess' dream. Oh, how girls would scuttle about within the hidden chambers hiding about the pagoda of their fathers' estate, whispering and giggling to each other about which high lord they would take. It's a behavior encouraged by their affluent mothers and equally smitten elder sisters who experience such luxury all the same.
Princess Mito, hailing from a family rather exclusive to the coast. Their rapturous weather and strict shrine-like culture didn't participate in high society quite like their sister clans did. Often would the matriarchs and mistresses within the lord's chamber travel to allied lands under the Daimyo control and host these tea ceremonies, serving a location for unrestricted gossip. Mito's mother was one of many that did such things. Mito herself, not so much.
At young age, while the eldest of many Uzumaki daughters, was born under an important star. A divine appointment granted by the heavens to imbue her with immense strength, resolve, and most importantly, duty to manage the affairs of the preternatural; the unknown, the living, the dead, and the beastial.
As her sisters would dress in elegant, restricting kimonos. White powder on their faces, their eyebrows plucked thin, and their long, burgundy hair wrapped painfully into a crown, Mito only participated in such formalities on the occasional important holiday or pinnacle event. Immensely blessed and full of heart to see her sisters enjoy their eloquent lives, Mito, herself, was equally happy attending her many duties as High Priestess.
Everything was written in the cards for her: hone her technique, build an immense spiritual foundation, creating the Grand Barrier, and seal all the demonic forces ravaging the land to ruin in the world. It was a perfect plan set into motion the moment she had turned 17.
However, those incredible, awe-inspiring talents were the same abilities that would land her in the spotlight where even her sisters did not shine— right into the watchful, calculating gaze of the Senju High Lord.
Thinking that she could easily decline such advances and pass along the duty to one of her many sisters ( those of which were more than happy to marry into one of the strongest, military shinobi clans at the time ), her father declined her refusal. The Senju Lord was strict on the conditions and would not allow substitute: it was Mito Uzumaki, or nothing at all.
Enraged by the contractual agreement, Mito spat in the face of her father, denouncing him and his merits as Lord Patriarch of Uzushio. Refuting any and all goodwill he may host for their land and its preservation. Unfortunately, all these criticisms fell on deaf ears.
Within the fortnight, Mito was packaged up in the same ornamental gowns that ought to be dressed on her sisters, her hair twisted in beautiful sacred braids with all the golden pins and talismans that as Shrine Maiden should never be without. Her eyelids shine with a deep, jade green with her lips painted a dark cherry rouge. With any luck, she was granted one female attendant for her travels and comforts; a meek young girl who could no more than squeeze her mistress' hand and affirm that this was only a meeting visit and that if his lord does not see fit, then she'll sooner be returning back to the Land of Whirlpools than she could blink.
Not exactly the words that she wanted to hear, but she won't dispirit the girl for trying.
At the Senju gates, their white-golden Palanquin lowered before the brooding iron doors, yawning open upon their arrival. The attendant was out first, opening the door for her highness, along with ensuring her outfit slipped out beautifully with not a detail out of place.
Once out, Mito did not bow, instead waited to for whoever to come towards her and lead her inside.
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araneapeixes · 1 year
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its not even done yet (shading still needs done) but everyone look at my new tattoo right now right nowwwww
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Servant Komeada Stimboard
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Requested by: Anon! <3
x-x-x x-o-x x-x-x
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crystal-criminal · 24 days
*standing back shyly for the time being*
-- Heartsong & Bow (@askblueredpinktrio)
"Yo! What's hangin'?"
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themosthatedbeingg · 5 months
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{There is a smol ( Think crow size ) dragon just floating around right now , may or may not be the king of hell }
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littleguyzonesupreme · 5 months
"As a ranger it always astounds me how many people try to pet Zap-horns."
"Like, why would you? They zap you."
"It's in the name!"
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heartsbitten · 7 months
@fearedelight ;; Sir Pentious saw how all the angels were singing, spreading their joy for the day of LOVE. It seemed to be a big deal, even in Heaven, but a lot more pure than it was in Hell -- which he supposed made sense. The snake had been trying to convince himself all day to do something risky, even got a pep talk from Emily, and when he saw Angel. He didn't even say hi. He grabbed the spider by the shoulders and gave him a kiss. In his anxiety, he mainly hit the side of Angel's mouth, and it was very quick."H-happy Valentine'ss day, Angel!" Sir Pentious said as he released Angel and backed up a bit, hands clasping in front of him as his hood fanned out. "Jusst wanted to partake in the fesstivitiess, a-and, well, I know you the besst up here, sso…" He's fumbling. //
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" Hey Pen! " Cut off before he could say anything more at sudden kiss from the other that landed on his cheek. A light blush coated the spiders face along with his wings fluffing out in surprise not just from the kiss itself but the boldness the snake had presented. " Umm. of course Pen. " A warm smile filled his face prompting Angel to grab and softly hold the others hands leading him to lean in planting a kiss on his cheek in return.
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" Happy Valentine's day to you as well Pen. " creasing the snakes hands as he held them still Angel held his smile wings sprawled out in anticipation at the remaining festivities the day held.
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formshaper · 11 months
"It is the first day of November, and so, someone will die." Rabbit sounds dreamy, almost sweet. There's nothing threatening in her aura at all, for once. (For idk whoever wants to deal with Rabbit doing her witch shit)
Although the pale gentleman in her company is smiling, and looks comfortable enough, one cannot help but note that he has taken great pains throughout their encounter to remain well out of arm's reach.
He hums as if mirthfully charmed, sharp teeth flashing.
"I hope you don't mean me. It's just that I have other plans for the evening, and my untimely demise would put something of a damper on them... What's so special about the first of November, then?"
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hatredcurse · 3 months
The Senju reclined against the tree, an air of tranquil amusement adorning her countenance. Her lips curled into a languid smirk as she observed the Uzumaki 'princess' through half-lidded eyes. “At times, I find myself unsure how Hashirama managed to talk with you in the first place,” she wondered out loud. “It is as if... I struggle to find the words...perhaps I should refrain from further speech.” || @annienne
This Senju, intrepid as she was, made no effort to disguise herself this time. The Uzumaki Heiress held such a expansive radius of awareness ( and at times this Senju would be bold to attempt through it unnoticed ) that she could not evade her ever-watchful nature.
" He doesn't, " Mito's airy princess tone fell way to her natural soft speech; languid like gentle waves, " he only initiates when deemed important and keeps quiet when it has no place for him. You should know better than most how he behaves. "
Painted-lips curled upwards, amused at Touka's boldness, " speak your mind. I can tell it aches you not to forebear your austere honesty, my commander. "
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cpirits · 1 year
(( UNPROMPTED •• @childoflegend said: [ "What if my best isn't good enough...?" { Rise @ Guren -- I hope you don't mind!! } ]
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Putting on his stark white gloves, they slid over a thin hands as he listened to the other. He frowned, not at them, but his eyes narrowed at a loose thread on one fingertip. He'd have to burn it off later.
Turning his head, his eyes stayed narrowed but his voice was lowered, as if he had heard a silly question. Guren, of course did find such a question from Rise silly, as he had heard it so many times.
"If you think that, you'll be dead before you swing your weapon." He said bluntly as he had to many other cadets under his command and not alike. "You need to take hold of the Demon within your CURSED GEAR, and control it, not let it control you."
Flexing his hands, he palmed the KASHIRA (*butt cap) of his sword. Guren was a bit of a hypocrtite, as he had allowed his CURSED GEAR -- Mahiru Hiragi -- to take his body, surrendering to the only woman he had loved... His frown deepened as his gaze shifted from Rise to his side, the weapon. His hand shifted and grew tight upon the ITO (*handle wrap) surrounding the SAME (*rayskin) handle.
"If you do this, and work as a unit, you won't have to worry about anything." Also said hypocritically as Guren preferred to work alone, even when he was younger, he'd often ditch his friends.
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