coffeetrek · 4 years
Thoughts while watching DS9 - S1E2 (”A Man Alone”):
- Jadzia telling Bashir that “romance is for the weak” and that Trills “try to avoid it and live on a higher plane of existence” was.... yeah. I forgot all about her Season 1 character struggles. Thank GOD they eventually sort that out and let her grow into the horny party-throwing worm we know and love 😂
- It was also SUPER WEIRD hearing Rom talk in his “first few episodes of season 1″ voice and that sexist attitude towards Keiko??? Ugh. THANK GOD they sort that out, as well.
- QUARK!!! COMING TO ODO’S DEFENSE!!!!!!!!!! When asked about being Odo’s enemy: “Guess that's the closest thing he has in this world to a friend.” My. Heart. 😭😭😭 I knew that quote already, but didn’t realize it was from such an early episode! They honestly did RIGHT by Quark’s character from the VERY BEGINNING and that makes up for some of the other growing pains. 
- Keiko becoming the station’s teacher is perfection and Miles is such a sweetheart.
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coffeetrek · 4 years
Started my DS9 re-watch! Here are some thoughts while watching DS9 - S1E1 (”Emissary 1 & 2”):
Avery Brooks is such an underrated actor. He’s literally so so good, I think this every time I watch DS9. 
My heart breaks for Sisko when his wife dies (and throughout the entire episode) :((( But despite his heartbreak, he is still the best dad ever.
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The DS9 opening theme is definitely up there with Voyager, competing for the number one spot.
The entire series arc regarding the prophets/Bajoran religion/Sisko being the emissary remains my absolute favorite in all of Star Trek.
The way the station is in ruins, Sisko is not even a Captain, Kira explodes upon meeting Sisko (rightfully so) and the whole uncomfortable convo with Picard immediately sets the precedent that DS9 is going to have a very different feel to it, as opposed to other Trek shows, and I respect them so hard for that.
I don’t love that they gave Kira the exact same haircut as Ro Laren, but I am glad they let her have her own signature look shortly after. I just think they were trying too hard to make her seem like Ro in the first few eps. 
QUARK!!! Nog!! Kai Opaca!!!!
Sisko and Jennifer are so cute 😭😭 Even though I love Kasidy Yates 1000x more, the beach scene still makes me smile.
The scene with O’Brien and Picard makes me SOFT!
The whole ‘discovering the wormhole’ scene was really cool to revisit, love the first time they show it opening up. 
Sisko’s love of baseball is so pure
I just really love the whole plotline about the prophets, and Sisko’s first vision experience (“You exist HERE”) gets me every time. It is not linear 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I’ll say it again because it’s true: Avery Brooks sure can act, damn 
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coffeetrek · 4 years
Watching "The Ascent" and god damn if this isn't my absolute favorite episode of DS9 😂
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