aicosu · 9 years
Hi there! I'm a big fan! My boyfriend is looking to make a cosplay of the Graverobber from Repo! I was wondering if you knew of any decent sites that sold long duster coats? Thanks for any help you can provide!
You’d be surprised how many of those you can find at a Goodwill. 
Womens but a Large should do it? You can add fur and dust it with maroon spray paint. 
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merrymerrill-blog1 · 9 years
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coffeekhaleesi, i was scrolling through Google and found this and I was like... 😱😍
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ainswerths · 10 years
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coffeekhaleesi is the sweetest!!!
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strawberrylemonwedge · 10 years
Hi! :D (I want a poem, too!)
WOO alright I’m using my Neon Tree’s pandora station for this~
There you go messin’ with my mind
I would swallow my pride
My head is stuck in the clouds
Counting all different ideas drifting away
Good to see you c’mon let’s go
well I like it!
Songs in order: In the next room-Neon Trees, Inside out-Eve 6, Rhythm of Love-Plain white T’s, 1901-Phoenix, Can’t hold us-Macklemore
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zet-sway · 11 years
The fish are amazing! I'm so glad you brought them back! :D (Plus with them in the background is so cool!)
Thanks! I'm worried the fish in the back might be distracting when I post fic but I guess we'll see. I really like them and I'm glad you do too!
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ainswerths · 10 years
when you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes. (you don't have to though) Check my blog to see what I said about you!
((I’m doing six because idk))naomsandemily: You’re so sweet! I like to think we’re friends too. Your Naomily gif sets make me cry and they’re also very pretty. I hope this year is your best one yet, because you really deserve it! coffeekhaleesi: I LVOE YOU SO MUCH??? I don’t know what to say about you. Amazing. You’re like my platonic soul-mate. You put up with my bullshit and I appreciate it very much. You’re so fun. You’re hilarious, perfect, and beautiful inside & out. You’re honestly one of my best friends. I trust you with everything. You’re the realest. russell-garfield: You’re like the sweetest person ever!!! You’re too cute! You’re so poetic and everything you say means so much. You’re very important, don’t forget that. I’m very lucky to have met you. idkidkidk. I just want to shower you with compliments all the time. ily!!! ironduxt:I’m 99% sure that you’re cooler than me. Your blog is aesthetically pleasing. I’m happy to help you in any way that I can. You’re so kind, but don’t take any crap from anyone, okay?jamescookjr: I admire you and your blog very much! You’re super nice. Definitely one of my faves. I started watching a few things because of your blog everything looks so interesting. Also, I like you even more because you love Raven Reyes. iriswestallenn: You always tag me in stuff and it’s really nice because I’m always bored. So thank you for that! You’re hilarious & your liveblogging makes me laugh, I’m always like “same.” when I read them. 
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ainswerths · 10 years
Last night I was talking to Heather and she said "I know, right? Pets are the best." and I got overly excited about animals and was like "ME TOO!" 
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strawberrylemonwedge · 10 years
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i'm sorry i write so small i tried to write bigger it doesnt work
tagging coffeekhaleesi , lost-in-pink , and valkarys
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ainswerths · 10 years
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Mark Foster for my boo
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strawberrylemonwedge · 10 years
For the Dragon Age Origins thing- The evens! :D
yaaaaaay youre awesome and super great♥ok this is going to get long methinks 
2: Which origin is your favorite?MAGI (amell or surana) i have a bit of a thing for mages~ (for most of these i'll answer for my amell since im currently playing her file)
4: If you have more multiple Grey Wardens, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?Parallel. Sadly none of my wardens will meet each other :/ 
6: Does your Warden regret becoming a Grey Warden?Sometimes, until she saves someone's life again
8: Do they still feel the same about Duncan as they did before the Joining?She is disillusioned by him after the Joining but has a certain respect for him.
10: Do they still feel the same about Alistair?About the same as to his personality but theyre good friends now
12: What do they think of Morrigan now?She thinks Morrigan is just the most interesting person she's ever met and enjoys their similar as well as differing opinions and greatly values her friendship.
14: What do they think of Leliana now?Amell doesnt understand Leliana all the time (shoes??fashion???what game????) but she finds her refreshing and prefers her company around the fire at camp or when she's feeling particularly stressed 
16: What are your Warden’s thought on Sten now?She isnt as annoyed by him as she was when they first started travelling together but they arent exactly close
18: What does your Warden think about Wynne now?My amell has a MASSIVE respect and inexplicable (to herself) adoration for Wynne. She always feels younger than she already is when she's around Wynne but she also feels safer/warmer and wants to make her proud
20: What does your Warden think of Zevran now?Eh, she thinks he's alright :P She considers him more friend than acquaintance but isnt much closer to him than that.
22: What are your Warden’s thoughts on Oghren now?Oghren honestly annoys her and she hates him being loud and drunk all the time but for some reason she'd rather have him there than not. He's part of their little party too.
24: What does your Warden think of Shale now?She and Shale share a kind of mutual "we're cool" thing between them. They arent too close but theyve got each others backs.
26: What are your Warden’s thoughts on Loghain now?Unkind things i cant say in front of the chantry sisters :P
28: What does your Warden think of Flemeth?She knows too little about Flemeth to even think on her much, she's got more important things to worry about.
30: What is your Warden’s favourite food?Sometimes when a new apprentice passed their harrowing, a few of them would sneak real food (not the grey gruel they usually got) from storage and cook it in the old room of the apprentice and make a delicious stew with meat and vegetables and spices. Amell didnt get any after passing her own harrowing, but that is her favorite food and she hopes to have it again someday though she never learned how to make it herself.
32: What is your Warden’s gender identity (this does not have to match gender chosen in the character creator, of course!)Female
36: What is your Warden’s weapon of choice?♪Starfang♪ the longsword (arcane warriors ftw)
40: Your favourite companion?MY favorite??? oh no ummm ok.......gah LELIANA
42: What is your Warden’s biggest secret?phew back to amell She is terrified of dying. Not like she's afraid of something/one killing her or anything and she doesn't think there's anything she cant handle but she is so afraid of being dead before she's gotten the chance to really be free and live
44: Can your Warden read very well? Do they like reading?She reads very well, and likes it just fine but prefers hearing stories verbally (Like Leliana's~)
46: Are your Warden’s parents still alive?Presumably? My amell resents their sending her away and never communicating and wont search for them.
48: Does your Warden have any siblings (in canon or headcanon, it’s all ok!)Several according to canon but she doesnt know about them since they were born after she was already sent to the ferelden circle and they were sent to other circles
50: What does your Warden like most about themselves?Her boss magic skills!!! She is so proud of how strong her magic is and what great control over it she has
52: Is your Warden introverted or extroverted? (or somewhere in between?)In between. She feels stuffy being around way too many people too long but she doesnt like being completely alone for very long either because it feels unreal
54: What did your Warden think of Lothering?She was honestly very disappointed and disillusioned with Lothering. She regretted that the first actual town she'd seen since she was 6 was the husk of Lothering.
56: What did your Warden think of the problem at the Circle of Magi? How did they solve it?Mostly she blamed the templars for not doing their jobs when it mattered and then wanting to kill the survivors because they failed at their jobs, and the enchanters and teachers for not teaching apprentices to resist demons like they were supposed to and allowing the issue to grow so big and basically she was not pleased at all that she had to take matters into her own hands. So she cleared out the demons and abominations, saved everyone she could, and absolutely sided with the mages.
58: What did your Warden think of the problem in Orzammar? How did they solve it?She was in a near constant state of lividity and frustration the entire time, between the awe and new experiences. I always do orzammar last so at that point she was pretty fed up with the whole "solve all my problems before i help you save the world" stuff. She put Bhelen on the throne partially out of impatience and partially because she wanted better things for the casteless 
60: Who does your Warden put on the throne?Hardened Alistair alwaaays~
64: Your favourite DLC quest?Witch hunt!
66: Did your Warden make use of Morrigan’s offer right before the battle against the Archdemon/the Blight?Not yet, but I'm thinkin she will
68: Can your Warden sing and/or dance?Absolutely not. She won't even hum around people unless her mood is right and she's never really tried to dance.
70: On a scale from 1-10, with 10 being the highest score possible, how much of a Dragon Age fan are you?I'm gunna say a strong 9, i'm not totally obsessed eheh..hehe..
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strawberrylemonwedge · 11 years
Heather! Do it, do it! :D
WOO here we go~
H - How I Feel by Wax Tailor
E - Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
A - Asereje aka The Ketchup Song by Las Ketchup (the video is fun I love the dance♥)
T - The Start of Something by Voxtrot
H - Houdini by Foster the People
E - Everlasting Light by The Black Keys
R - Raise Your Weapon by Deadmou5 (Madeon remix is great)
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strawberrylemonwedge · 11 years
aw i was tagged by frostythecyberman *^.^*
rule 1: post the rules rule 2: answer all the questions the tagger has asked rule 3: post this with 11 new questions and tag 11 people and link them to your post rule 4: let them know you tagged them
1. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
my mom got my dad Ni No Kuni for their anniversary!!! its so exciting ^.^ 
2. What’s your favorite song right now?
so so many songs i think it must be Pompeii by Bastille
3. What’s the best (or one of the best) books you’ve ever read?
yo The Wheel of Time series is incredibly epic and probably some of the best books ever written in history so dont be intimidated by their size you should definitely give them a chance (there's even a graphic novel of the prequel, BONUS!)
4. Where do you wish you could be right now?
with my three sisters that are at college or with them here
5. If you could live in any fictional universe, which one would you choose?
well if i have to pick one just one i would choose the Harvest Moon universe because it is pretty much perfect
6. Biggest fear?
i dont think i have any really big fears i hate bugs though they are gross
7. Something that always makes you smile?
THIS POST http://wogglebugg.tumblr.com/post/56766737974
8. What’s a superpower you wish you had?
fllllyyyyyiiiing i wish to flllyyy
9. What are you most looking forward to right now?
my sisters and cousin coming home at the end of the week!!! 
10. Favorite candy?
Hot Tamales they are delicious and lovely
11. Any random fact about yourself?
uuuuuum tulips are my favorite flower??
can i cheat and have everyone use these questions?? im gunna do that
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