#coffee stains pt5
v1naco · 2 years
Cod (Moderm Warfare) Masterlist
Not my work, credits to authors
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Fall With Me   Yelling   Disagreement   It Ends Here   Hello Neighbor  Rome
My Angel   Fluff HC  BF HC   Medic!HC   La Catrina   The Reaper   
Alone  Short Stack   Jealousy  LittleThings  Little things Pt 2  Let Me Help You 
Rosy Cheeks    White Sheets   Impressions   Out For Blood   Hold You Again 
Past Lives   The Truth is Out  One Cot    Now You see ‘em, Now you Don’t
Consequences   Opposites   Sleepless Nights  Lullaby    Artist  Stressed Nights
Til I Come Back to You   Tone Indicators   Negative   Underground  Habits  
Orders   Youth   ComatMedic  Apprentice  Intimacy   Lighthouse  AirForce  
Name a Reason   Gay?  Sick   Protective SmartAss   Gingerbread    Tears
 Do You?   I do   Bets and Jealousy   Salem Book   Longing Stares   HC  
Banter   Cute  Old  Faking  Cover Fire    Your Sweet Embrace   Braid  
Warm Summer Day   Cold Summer Night  The Mask, Take it Off   Tatts  
 1st Love   Fell into You pt 1   pt2  Knight in Shining Armor  Confessions  
Comfort   Let Me, Please   Extra   Behind the Mask  Stich My Heart
Coloring    Wrist   Fireworks  Object of Affection   Attractive   All the Time 
Pockets of Peace  Cuts and Bruises   Doc pt 1  pt 2   Blood Stained Silk
Stars Around My Scars    Birthday Wishes   UnderWater  Lingering Touches   
Depth Over Distance   Medic HC   As Long as I’m Here  
Rookie Dreams    Begging    Strength   BJ   Mad  Spit    Fucked  
Shut Up    Drinking Games    What We do in the Dark   Strawberry Flavored   
Press & Pinned    Under the Moonlight    
Now You See ‘em, Now You Don’t
Lower Your Inhibitions 
Boo: Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6, Pt7, 
Bonding (Ghost) one, two, three,
Hc & Oneshots
HC    Paper Flowers   HC     Coffee Shop Crush   Liebling   
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tragically-broken · 7 years
Coffee Stains pt.5
Ship: Feysand Type: College AU  Word Count: 2,021
Hey everyone! Sorry this part took so long I really wasn’t sure where I was going with this.....OKAY lets me honest I still don’t lol. I got a little discouraged, so feedback is greatly appreciated! A special thank you to all the anons encouraging me and expressing their interest<3 Enjoy! 
Fifteen minutes.
That’s how long she’s been standing outside his door.
Feyre took a deep breath, in the nose-out the mouth.
All she had to do was knock. It was that simple.
If it’s that simple then how come she couldn’t do it?
Feyre ran her hands through her hair in frustration.
He’s not Tamlin, he’s not Tamlin, he’s NOT Tamlin.
She knocks on the door.
Rhys swings open his apartment door as an instant smile spreads across his face.
“Come on in! The Chinese food got here about 30 min ago, so I put it in the oven to keep warm.”
“Thank goodness I’m starving!” She hadn’t noticed how hungry she was until the scent of sweet and spicy chicken with fried rice wafted in the air.
Rhys pulled the food out of the oven and handed her a pair of chop sticks. Feyre eyed him with caution.
“Something wrong?”
“Giving me a pair of chopsticks is a very dangerous idea….”
“And why is that exactly?”
“Do you LIKE noodles on your ceiling?”
Rhys barked a laugh
“You can’t possibly be that bad….”
“Whatever, it’s your apartment.” She stated simply grabbing the chopsticks from him. “I hope you access to a cleaning service.”
“What if I show you how to use them instead of turning my apartment into some dramatic reality tv show?” Rhys handed her a white container filled to the top with rice, then changed his mind and switched the rice for noodles.
“What? Noodles are easier to clean up.”
She gaped at him in playful offence and launched a fortune cookie at his head.
Rhys’s warm laugh filled the air.
“I wouldn’t be mean to the fortune cookies if I were you….they decide your fate!”
Rhys made his way to where Feyre was sitting at the bar and stood directly behind her.
She could feel the heat radiating off his body pouring over her as he inched closer. Rhys reached around, arms on either side of her.
“So, you hold them like this.” His hand dwarfed hers as he tried to morph her hand around the chopsticks the correct way.
“Make sure your thumb stays on the inside so you don’t lose balance….there you go! Now see if you can pick up a noodle…..”
They were close enough now that she could feel his breath caress her neck.
How was she supposed to concentrate on the noodles when chills covered her entire body?
She took a deep breathe feeling his eyes on her hands as she dove for the noodles with false confidence. Noodles slipped from her chopsticks twice when she finally managed to snatch one up and bring it to her lips with a slurp.  
She could feel Rhys chuckle against her back.
“Only you could manage to make slurping cute…”
Feyre felt a blush rise on her cheeks.
“If you think that’s cute you should see me eat ice cream…”
As Feyre turned to look into his deep violet eyes….was that lust behind his stare? Suddenly words became difficult.
*Rhys coughed*
“Why don’t we move to the couch?”
She nodded slipping off the bar stool and made her way to the plush smoky blue couch.
Oh gods where should she sit……
After a moments hesitation she sat in the middle of the couch at the perfect angel for watching tv.
The couch was deep enough to sit crisscross apple sauce, noodles placed comfortably in her lap.
She could hear the crinkle of paper bags and the slight shuffle of Chinese boxes. She felt more than heard his approach.
Somehow she had forgotten how well built his body was. When he sat down next to her body sunk into his, arms touching as a result.
“S-sorry…” he mumbled
He started to inch away before Feyre realized how much she enjoyed being this close to him.
“It’s actually convenient….It’s a little chilly in here.” She murmured edging closer.
Rhys clicked the TV on, but not before Feyre caught his smug smile.
So they just sat there. Eating their food, bodies close enough to provide warmth.
Feyre couldn’t remember the last time she was this comfortable with someone who wasn’t Mor….
Gods she missed Mor.
She missed the way Mor smiled when she watched cat videos on her phone, the way she always brought home chocolate ice cream when she went to the market because she knew it was Feyre’s favorite, and the way that she made every bad situation seem not so bad anymore.
“Hmm?” she mumbled through the noodles in her mouth
“Is everything alright? I felt like I lost you there for a second.”
“I was just thinking about my best friend who moved away recently…”
“That sucks, does she visit?”
“She hasn’t had the opportunity yet, but hopefully she’ll visit soon.”
“If you don’t mind me asking…why did she move away?”
“She got an amazing internship opportunity in New York at a big fashion industry which has been a dream of hers forever, so she had to go.”
“Yeah I understand how those things go, my cousin is into fashion also and she barely has enough time for weekly phone calls.”
“Yeah it’s just hard not having a best friend to talk to 24/7”
“I know I may not be as pretty, or have her high fashion sense, but maybe I could be her substitute while she’s away…the benefits would be mutual since my best friend is currently pinning after some woman who can barely stand to breathe the same air as him.…”
Feyre laughed “Poor thing doesn’t know when to quit huh?”
“Yeah, something we have in common….”
Feyre leaned her head back laughing “I suppose you’ll do for the time being”
“You know….” Rhys dramatically whispered leaned his entire body forward stopping merely inches from her face.
“Since we’re best friends now, I think it’s only right I know all your deepest secrets.”
Feyre chuckled “Oh do you now…” she whispered back not moving an inch forward or backwards
“Whenever you’re ready.” He softly whispered, eyes darting from hers to her mouth.
Her whole body became aware of his eyes on her lips.
Feyre swallowed and whispered back “I think you should go first…”
Rhys’s half smile lit up the room as he leaned closer and angled his head to whisper in her ear. His lips grazed her lobe making sending a shiver up her spine.
“One of my secrets is….” His nose lightly skimmed her jaw “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the day we ran into each other….you’re incredibly cute when you’re flustered Feyre Darling….”
Feyre’s whole body blushed remembering the incident.
He lightly kissed her cheek
“Your turn Darling….” His lips remained close to her ear while his hand ran up her knee.
How was she supposed to respond when she wasn’t even sure she could breathe?
“One of my secrets is…” his hand ran from her knee up her thigh, and she planted a hand on his chest feeling each of his breathes as they become heavier. “I’m not sure what I want anymore, but I enjoy being with you….and that’s all I’m sure of…”
Rhys leaned back slightly to look into her eyes. “Nothing will ever happen here that you don’t want to happen; I hope you know that you’re safe here…with me.”
So much promise and security dwelled between those words that she couldn’t stand it any longer.
She leaned forward pressing her lips to his. Rhys’s hand found her neck and threaded into her hair. She deepened the kiss at the sweet sensation and leaned forward so that they were chest to chest.
The pressure against her breasts was enough to take her breath away. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt more alive.
She moved her arms to wrap around his neck and pushed him back against the sofa effectively straddling him.
He moaned what might’ve been her name in the back of his throat as his hands rose up her thighs to rest on her backside and lightly squeezed.
She pressed her chest even harder into his as their tongues danced against each other. His hands moved up to her back and dug into the fabric of her shirt, when he suddenly flipped their positions.
Her back rested against the plush coach, hair splayed out against the blue cushions, lips slightly red, and cheeks flushed.
“You’re breath taking…” Rhys whispered as he dipped his neck to suck on her neck.
Oh he was definitely going to leave a mark, but Feyre was so breathless she didn’t care.
Her nails scratched his scalp as he continued to make his mark.
When he was satisfied with his work he claimed her lips once again. Warmth filled her entire being.
His hands ventured up her waist and rested just beneath her shirt. The skin on skin contact was almost enough to send her through the roof.
Her thighs gripped his sides and his hands moved higher and higher, when a cold sweat began to break out and she was not longer laying against the plush couch of Rhys’s living room.
She was sitting on the edge of his bed, her chest bare, his tongue playing with hers. Her hands we frozen in place at his sides as he began to take what he thought was his. He started to unbutton her jeans when she finally broke out of her trance.
“Hm?” lips moving to her shoulder
“I’m not ready”
“Sure you are baby…why else would you be panting my name?”
“This has been nice, but I think we should stop.”
“But we’re so close…” he unzipped her pants
“Tamlin, stop.” She breathed gently pushing him away
“You lied to me.” He answered angrily
“Wh-at?” Feyre stammered
“You said you loved me.” He stated as he leaned further away
“Tamlin I-“
 “Feyre!” a voice yelled her name
“Huh?!” she huffed a breath taking in her surroundings.
The couch beneath her trembling body
Her hands clenched into fists of his shirt
Not Tamlin
“Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Rhys spoke softly as if he was whispering to a frightened animal.
He softly wiped hot tears from her cheeks
“I’m sorry if I did something wrong….please talk to me…”
“I’m sorry I-“
And more tears came like some damn in her body finally broke
“Oh Feyre, will you let me hold you?”
Feyre could only nod out of fear that a strangled cry might escape.
Rhys cradled her to his body
Her head between his shoulder and neck, as she sat between his legs, both legs slung over his knee, and wept
“Shhhhh, everything will be ok Feyre Darling….”
Eventually the tears stopped and she looked up at him
“Feyre, what was that?”
“I had a uh ummm flashback…”
“Would you feel comfortable elaborating?”
She played with a button on his shirt as a temporary distraction
“It was of my ex-boyfriend….Tamlin.”
“What happened?” He asked slowly
“We were at his house and…we were…fooling around when I wanted to stop, but he didn’t and then he got mad, so I almost let him- and then he tried to…….I barely got out.”
“Oh gods Feyre…..”
He hugged her tight and she let him- wanted him to
“I’m sorry if I was moving too fast. We should’ve had a conversation before we went in that direction…”
“It’s not your fault! I wanted to- I enjoyed- I was happy until I had that flashback….it’s my fault.”
“Feyre look at me…”
She lifted her head to look into his eyes
“None of this is your fault.”
And she believed him
“Can I stay here tonight?”
“Anything you want Darling, is yours.” Softly kissing her forehead
 They watched movies all night until she fell asleep on top of his chest
Her hand clenched in his shirt just as it was a few hours ago…
He lightly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear
Simply hearing her heavy peaceful breathes was music to his ears
And he silently wished that they could stay this way forever
Then someone knocked on the door.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think, and constructive criticism is always welcome!
(Also my Nessian side fic is under construction! YAY) 
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Meet the Parents Pt6
TRIGGER WARNING: Discusses mental, emotional, physical abuse.
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5
Kamilah kissed Amy on the head.
"What do you want to do?" she asked.
"Honestly? I just want to run away and never come back. But I feel guilty, after opening this door. I feel like I should deal with it."
"Have you ever talked to your parents about it?" Kamilah asked.
"No," Amy answered quickly. "I've always felt too afraid. Like maybe I was wrong. Like I had somehow made everything up in my head."
"Maybe you should try?" Kamilah asked Amy, taking her hand. "I'll be there with you every step of the way."
Amy was quiet for a while. "Okay," she finally said. "I think I can, with you here."
"First thing in the morning," Kamilah responded as Amy drifted off to sleep. She looked at her love, tear-stained cheeks, red eyes and nose. "I'll keep you safe," she whispered.
Amy tossed and turned all night, leaving both her and Kamilah tired when morning finally came. They got dressed, preparing to go downstairs.
Amy stopped at the door to her room, hesitating. Kamilah took her hands, their foreheads touching. "Kami, I'm scared," Amy breathed. She sounded like a lost little child, and Kamilah's heart clenched.
"I've got you," she reassured her. "No matter what happens, I've got you." Amy finally turned and opened the door, both women heading down the stairs.
Amy's mom stood in the kitchen, preparing a pot of coffee. "Good morning!" she said happily when Amy and Kamilah walked in. "Can I get you anything to eat? I've got eggs, bacon, toast--"
"Mom," Amy interrupted. "Can we talk?" Her mother frowned, looking at her.
"Sure, sweetie." They went to the table and sat down.
Amy took a deep breath, and Kamilah took her hand under the table.
"You know how you were telling Kamilah that we used to butt heads?" she began. "What did you mean?"
Her mom looked at her. "Oh, you were a difficult teenager. Stubborn, defiant. You wouldn't do as you were told, always picking fights with me." she answered.
"I made you mad a lot, didn't I?" Amy asked.
"It was hard," her mom responded, uncomfortable. "I just wanted you to behave, to do your part. I was trying to teach you responsibility, respect..." she trailed off.
"Do you remember what you did when you got angry, mom?" Amy asked, quietly.
"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, confused.
"You don't remember how you would back me into the corner, there?" Amy asked. "Or how you'd grab my face and force me to look at you? How you'd grab my hair--"
Her mother stood, angry. "I'm not sure what you think you remember, but I never did anything like that," she told her, turning to leave.
Amy jumped up, adrenaline coursing. "You abused me!" she shouted. Her mother spun back around, arm poised to backhand Amy. Kamilah moved quickly, intercepting the blow.
"I don't think you want to do that," she said, eyes flashing red.
"Kamilah," her mother spoke, "I don't know what she told you, but this is simply not true."
Kamilah's anger flared, and she tried to restrain herself from breaking the woman's arm.
"I've seen quite enough to know what is and isn't real," Kamilah replied. "Here is how this is going to go. You are going to leave the house and not come back for an hour. Amy and I will gather our things and we will be on our way. We will not return, and you will not try to contact Amy. If you do not do as I say, I will end you." Kamilah's eyes were blazing. "Am I understood?"
"Yes," her mother said through clenched teeth, Kamilah's hold on her causing her pain.
"Very good," Kamilah said, releasing her. She scurried away quickly and out the door. Kamilah turned to Amy, taking her in her arms.
"I'm sorry," she breathed, holding the girl as tight as she could. She could not undo what had happened, but she could make sure the girl didn't feel alone, ever again.
"Thank you," Amy whispered into her neck. She breathed in Kamilah's scent, slowly calming down.
"Go wait in the car," Kamilah instructed, handing her the keys. "I'll get our bags."
Amy walked out to the car but was quickly stopped.
She turned and saw her father. He walked towards her.
Part 7
Tag list: @h-doodles @scarlet-letter-a0114 @idkbutkamilah @lightning-fury @galaxyside-0 @blogsupitssam @ilovetaylor13m
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fairyshuuu · 6 years
Redamancy baekhyun end
.summary. You’ve lived your whole life with your best friend by your side, the Neverland sun on your skin. Sadly, people grow up. What happens to your favorite person when you do? .word count.  2k .pairing. jongin x reader x baekhyun .genre. fluff
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pt1.  pt2.  pt3.  pt4.  pt5.  pt6.  pt7.  pt8.  pt9.  pt10.  jongin pov.  pt11.  pt12.   pt13.  pt14.  jongin end.  baekhyun end.
Multiple loud shouts awake you, as you shoot upright. Mama is sitting in front of you, holding a cold cloth to your face. Behind her, stands another shape, back turned to you. He is walking back and forth nervously. “Sehun, stop talking! You’re not helping here.” You blink blankly. That was Jongin, from somewhere outside. You blink some of the wetness in your eyes away and look up. You’re in one of the tents.
When you let out a sharp breath, the man inside the tent turns, his frown smoothing to a small smile. Jongdae lowers his head in an apologetic grin, before turning out of the tent. “She’s fine. You can stop bickering now.” With that a huge sound of feet comes rushing towards you, and multiple people storm into the tent.
Jongin is the first to reach you, and catches you in his arms tightly, before pulling back. “Oh thank you. I was so worried. But you’re okay. Right? You’re okay?” You nod, and open your mouth to speak, but a strained cough comes out. Your throat is super dry, but for the rest you’re not in pain. Which makes you look down, fingers tangling in your shirt. Sure enough, a big red stain covers your belly.
When you run your fingertips over it though, there’s no hole anymore, just a narrow scar. A hand comes into your view, connected to it, a really relieved looking Sehun. He helps you up gently when you take his hand, and smile at you. “I knew you’d be fine. They almost started doubting you but… you’ve come back to us so many times now that I didn’t have a care in the world.”
Kyungsoo shakes his head and looks away, mumbling under his breath. “You were about to cry.”
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
You smile a little, and hold yourself up against the tent, slightly dizzy still. “Where’s Baekhyun?” Everyone stills at that. Your eyes flick around in question, lingering on Jongin’s. He looks a little pained, but nods, and gets up.
“He’s fine too. He’s the one who saved you, you know. The boy is a fast one.” He giggles, and takes your hand gently. “He was… really worried, you know him. He’s probably really blaming himself right now, none of us could get him to wait here. He’ll be happy to see you, I’m sure.” He leads you out of the tent under the gazes of the others, and starts walking towards the forest.
“Jongin-” you start, only to be interrupted.
“Don’t. Don’t apologize. I want you to be happy, that’s all I want. I can tell that Baekhyun makes you happy. And you make him really happy too. It’s honestly fine, I’ll live. I have for years now, haven’t I?” He laughs down at you, and pulls you into his side a little more.
“I know. But I want you to be happy too.”
Jongin nods, and you don’t miss the sparkle in his eyes. “I am.” Though you linger for long, you can tell it’s true. He’s shining, and sends you his charming joyful smile again. “He’s over by the lightning trees. You should go, hurry. Before I change my mind.”
You smile back at him thankfully, and nod, letting go of his hand. Then you start making your way over to the most familiar place on the island, running as fast as you can. You only stop when you hear the waterfall, and see the familiar pink leaves sway in the wind peacefully. All your best moments have happened here, you now realize.
You don’t immediately see him, but when you do, your heart makes a little leap. Your Baekhyun, standing with his back facing you, and his eyes on the peaceful blue pool. You take a step closer. “Baek?”
Baekhyun freezes for a second, before snapping his head towards your voice. His eyes are red, puffy, and lips bright pink like he’s been biting them too much. His eyes go wide, and then in a split second he’s launched around your neck, almost making you topple over.
“I was so worried. I’m so sorry, it was all my fault. You were right, I should have told you. I should have listened to you, and I almost got you killed. I’m so, so sorry-”
“Baek.” You just whisper again, pulling him back so you can brush the back of your hand over his cold cheeks. Your Baekhyun. His lip twitches, and with one smooth move his lips are on yours, pulling you closer than you might have ever been. His hands feel steady on your waist, but also so gently and fleeting that they might disappear any moment.
He hums into the kiss, before breaking away and looking into your eyes. “I’m so sorry for everything. I’ll be so much better for you. I promise.”
You smile at his adorable desperate nod, and brush your thumb under his bottom lip. “You’re good enough for me, Baekhyun. You’ve always been. I love you.” The second time your lips meet, you think the universe could end, and you would be completely, utterly satisfied. Because for once, everything feels right.
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He smiles proudly, swinging your hand back and forward. Your belly churns in anticipation, filling the night air like the sparkling dots that litter the trees. “This is it, huh.” You mouth, and it makes Baekhyun snicker. You guess he’s excited more so than nervous, but you can feel your heart thumb stupidly fast. Baekhyun gives your arm a little tug, but nods, and presses a kiss to your temple.
“If you don’t want to-”
“I want to.” You stop him, squeezing his hand encouragingly, and turn into his hold. It’s not that big of a deal really, is it. You’ve been seventeen once, you can do it again. At least, that’s the logic. To keep Baekhyun here, he can’t be an adult. And you, well, you’re not leaving without him, not ever again. So here you are, surrounded by all your friends, who stare at you two with bright eyes and encouraging nods.
With a little pout, you catch your little brother’s eyes. Sehun and Jongin just stare you down with proud smiles, Kyungsoo taking a step closer. “I’ll trade you.” He smiles, holding out the little bottle he’d gotten earlier. You smile back at him and take the bottle out of his hand, handing him the key instead.
“Take good care of my apartment, you two. I worked really hard for it. And tell Hoseok I’m sorry for worrying him. He probably watered my plants while I was away so you have to buy him at least a coffee when you see him.” Jongin and Kyungsoo laugh at your genuine worry. Those two decided to grow up back home. Though you’ll miss them, you understand, they’ve always looked forward to the future with their big curious eyes .
Baekhyun sends you a questioning glance but you just smile, and look away. “A story for another time, yeah?” You shakily pull the plug from the bottle and hand it to Baekhyun. He nods gratefully and tangles your fingers with his, looking into your eyes once more. “You go first, and then me, okay?” You confirm, and it makes him giggle.
“So nervous, baby. We’ll be fine, we’ve gone through worse.” He looks at you with the same adoration you’ve always known him to carry, and holds the drink to his face, taking a deep breath. “Here we go.”
You bite your lip against the jitters. “Here we go.”
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Your eyes flutter, ridding your view of the colorful blobs that play back and forward. A soft breeze waves past and blows your hair into your face. You smile. The warm glow of the sun flits over your skin like soft kisses and your hands tangle into the grass.
It’s so beautiful up here, far past the village, at the edge of the cliffs. You take a deep breath of sea air and turn to your side. A young man is lying on his side, lump of cotton candy colored hair over his eyes like a soft curtain. His lips are quirked up into a grin, and you roll your eyes when you see his big orbs peer at you from underneath his hair.
“Baekhyun,” you mumble, stretching out your arms in front of you like a lazy cat, “tell me something.”
“Something.” He yawns, lifting a hand to lay it over his face.
“Peter~” Your whine makes his lips twitch. “Come on.”
“What do you want to hear, baby?” He opens his fingers to look at you that way. When he stares at you like that, innocently blinking like a curious child, you have to resist the urge to press a million kisses to his lips. He’s so pretty. God, he is.
Your eyes run over the features you’ve grown so used to, fleetingly comparing him to the memories you still have, and smile. It’s strange. You know now how Baekhyun will look in what would be a few years, but right now he still looks younger.
He has some of that childlike chubbiness he always had, though you can also see a few scars and nicks he definitely didn’t yet have back then. When you don’t answer, he smiles widely, and pushes himself up. “You want me to tell you a night night story?” He asks, sending you a grin with a lift of his eyebrow. You pull some grass out and toss it at his face, to which Baekhyun starts giggling as he rolls over. “Really though.”
“Sure,” you sigh, watching him as he scoots closer and glances at you with his adorable smiley face, “go for it.”
Baekhyun hums, and takes one of your hands in his to play with your fingers. “There was once a princess, and she lived in a beautiful kingdom full of handsome princes. But in the shadows lived some evil pirates too, and they wanted to hurt the beautiful princess.” You start laughing at him when he sends you a dramatic wink, and let yourself fall into him, so you can rest your head on his thigh.
“Mhm. Very dramatic story.”
“I know.” He deadpans, before brushing your hair away.
“What happened to the evil pirates when I was out, anyway?”
Baekhyun pauses for a second, before pouting cutely, as if he doesn’t want to talk about it. “There was also a magical old lady in the kingdom, and she placed a spell on him. The pirates will never be able to come back there again, they are forced to roam their shadows by themselves.”
You put on a thinking pout. “Did she really?”
Baekhyun smiles, and taps your nose cutely, before bending to press a kiss to it. “You’re so cute. It’s just a story, Y/N. You shouldn’t believe every story to be true.”
At that you open your mouth, and grab him by his neck. Baekhyun giggles loudly, and starts tickling your stomach, before tumbling out of your grasp. He tries to make a run for it, but you toss yourself onto him before he can, caging him between you and the soft grass. You grab his cheeks between your hands and glare at him for a bit, before your lips quirk up. “I don’t believe every story to be true, Byun Baekhyun.” You lean down and press a kiss to his soft lips, feeling him smile into it.
“I write very little off as true. I choose to believe ours, though.”
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I’m not crying you are. It feels so weird saying goodbye after such a long time. I just hope you love them as much as I do. And who knows, maybe one day old friends will meet again.
@baekfanapleintemps @yeollieollie @kookiie-bear @very-important-army @shesdreaminginoverdose @rissa-is-a-nerd @honeybhive @i-love-my-exhoes
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tragically-broken · 7 years
Coffee Stains pt. 5 is almost finished!!!!! Sorry it's taken longer than expected....
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tragically-broken · 7 years
Hi I can't find part 4 of coffee stains anywhere!!! I was wondering if you could direct me to the link or something??? I love your fanfic and I can wait to continue reading😄
Hi! Thank you, i’m so glad you’re enjoying it!  Sorry you’re having difficulty, my hyper links still won’t work and hopefully once I get back home I’ll be able to fix them. Until then I hope these links work, and if not feel free to messages me privately. That way I can send the posts directly to you. Happy reading! :D 
Pt4 http://tragically-broken.tumblr.com/post/157430192709/coffee-stains-pt4
Pt5 http://tragically-broken.tumblr.com/post/159285585304/coffee-stains-pt5
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tragically-broken · 8 years
Working on Coffee Stains pt5 tonight 😝
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