#coffee body firming lotion
coffeereligionshop · 11 months
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Coffee scrub benefits for cellulite
Coffee scrubs are said to help with cellulite treatment in a variety of ways.Caffeine is known to help widen blood vessels and minimise the appearance of skin dimples. Caffeine's stimulating effects on the skin may cause it to tighten by boosting blood flow and removing excess water. Get your coffee scrub benefits for cellulite.
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teratosfavouritesnack · 4 months
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Imagine a meet cute with a minotaur while you're grocery shopping.
You're in the skincare and beauty products aisle, a bottle of Mino's Magic and one of Kram's Jam in your hands, your eyes scrolling over the ingredients of the two skin lotions - both containing the miracle-working minotaur's milk, which apparently has anti-aging and moisturising properties that work particularly well on human skin. You've never tried any before, but you'd be down to give it a try if only you knew which one to go for...
"Oh, I wouldn't recommend that one."
You're startled by the sound of a grave but warm voice coming from behind you and you look up only to have your sight completely blocked by a furry muscular chest. It takes a moment for you to crane up your neck enough to meet the amused gaze of the biggest minotaur you've ever had the pleasure to lay your eyes onto. He's also incredibly handsome-
"Mino's Magic." he nods at the bottle in your right hand, smirking at your confused and flushed face. "It's got chemicals in it. I wouldn't recommend it."
"Oh. Oh! Okay... Uhm-" You do your best to tear your eyes off of him and focus back on the bottles in your hands. You somehow manage to keep your cool despite your quickened heartbeat. "W-what about this one?"
You hear him huff as if in mock before he steps closer, your shoulder bumping in his side as he leans in to point to the ingredients section of the second lotion, his thick finger brushing against your hand.
"See? It only has 40% of the good stuff. The rest is horseshit. Quite literally."
You blink at him. "What?"
The minotaur barks a laugh, his body so close to yours that you can feel his abdomen tense and shake against your shoulder.
"Kram's got six sons, none pure-breed. Their mother is a weremare. Hence the horseshit."
You chuckle awkwardly in response, placing both the bottles back on the shelf.
"I guess I should have looked better into these products before thinking of buying anything..."
The minotaur gives you a long assessing look, his eyes twinkling in amusement and genuine curiosity.
"It's your first time?"
"Do you mind if I give you an advice?"
"I don't mind..."
"Nothing you find on these shelves will ever be 100% pure and reliable, that's why you should only buy homemade lotions made by a minotaur you know and trust. "
"That makes sense but unfortunately I don't know any minotaur..."
His lips instantly curl up in a bigger grin and his chest seems to puff out in pride as he extends his huge calloused hand your way.
"I'm Gust. Short for Gustokis."
You blink back at him, momentarily taken aback by his sudden introduction. Your hand reaches out for his instinctively, and you blurt out your answer quickly after, almost tripping over your words.
"I-I'm Y/N-!"
"Well, Y/N..." His eyes narrow and crinkle as he smirks, his huge hand envelops yours in a warm and firm hold. "Now you know me."
He leans down towards you, his snout almost touching your face and making your breath hitch. "And I'm ready to show you how trustworthy I am. How about a chat over a coffee?"
🪷. You can leave me a tip on ko-fi if you want to support me
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daydream-cement · 2 years
My Goddess
Larissa Weems x OC (Fern Rogers)
Authors Note: Popped into my head. Just a little one off fic.
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You watched as Larissa stood barely clothed in the bathroom, just a pair of underwear gracing her form. She was just applying lotion. She had just gotten out of the shower. Larissa’s left leg was propped up on the counter, followed by the right. You feigned like you were getting ready too, but you were too busy admiring her.
Your gaze wasn’t even lustful. It was like you were permitted a private showing of the beautiful statues of Greece.
She stood upright again, wiping the rest of the leftover lotion on her breasts. Her hands moved up to her hair next, shaking it out a bit before she was about to run a comb through it. Her eyes were closed as she went through her routine. You knew any form of self-care was soothing for her.
You were a tad disappointed when she grabbed her bra from behind you. It had been hanging on the doorknob. She glanced to you, about to ask if you would help clip it on, “Will you- What’s wrong?”
Larissa finally noticed you staring. She continued pulling on the bra and turning around, pulling her hair to the side and glancing back at you for an answer.
You opened you mouth and closed it again, shaking your head the whole time. You secured the bra and she turned around to face you again, “Seriously, Fern. Are you running a fever or something?”
A fever for her, yes, but you still didn’t have a good answer for her, “I’m okay.”
You turned back to what you were doing before you started staring. You applied toothpaste to your brush and felt her stare still on you. She finally looked down to her body, checking her underwear and body, “Do I have something on me?”
“No, you are all good.” You shook your head, pushing the toothbrush into your mouth before walking from the bathroom.
She followed you, however. Partially to put on her dress for the day and partially to keep pushing you to tell her what was wrong, “Honestly, Fern. You stare off into space when you are thinking about- Zip me up, please- thinking about something, so please share before I lose my mind.”
She paused mid-sentence and you let the toothbrush hang from your mouth as you zipped up her dress. When you were finished, she moved to her makeup table, continuing talking to you. She grabbed her earrings off her nightstand and followed you to the bathroom. She stood in the doorway, waiting for you to finish brushing your teeth.
You spat in the sink, brushed a little longer before spitting again. You rinse off the toothbrush, wiping your mouth on your towel, and dropping the toothbrush back in its holder, “Rissa, I can’t. I just can’t.
“Can’t what?”
“I can’t with you. You are so beautiful that it hurts me sometimes.” Larissa rolled her eyes at your response, leaving the doorway to head back to her makeup table. She thought you were lying to get out of the discussion.
You followed after her, a smirk spreading on your lips. She noticed your pursuit, letting out a breathy laugh, “You are so full of shit sometimes.”
“You wound me…” You approach her from behind as she seats herself at the table. Your hands come down on either side of her and you rest your chin on her shoulder, whispering your next words, “You are a goddess amongst mere mortals. I can’t with you because you just don’t see yourself the way I do.”
Larissa breathed out a sigh, not wanting to believe you, “Fern, thank you, but I need to get ready.”
You turn your face to press a kiss to the exposed flesh of her neck. Your next words came out a little more sarcastic to make her smile, “Oh, goddess, please let me worship you. My queen, my ruler, tell me what you desire…”
Larissa pursed her lips, obviously suppressing a smile, “A cup of coffee, my most loyal subject.”
“As you wish, my goddess.” You pull her hand away from the table and bring it up to your lips, pressing a firm kiss to the back of it while making eye contact. You wink, earning an eye roll from Larissa. You release her hand and make you way to the kitchen to fetch your goddess a cup of coffee.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Ohhhh #9 with BT……..maybe a peek into aftercare?
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It wasn’t the smell of coffee drifting from the cup set on the nightstand that had woken you. It was the space next to you being empty, and the feeling of physical relief that eased in as slumber left you. It was the continued feeling of your body in bliss long after Ari’s hands had massages your entire body and smoothed lotion into your skin.
It was the dissipated ache that had arrived after Ari had taken you home from work immediately after your punishment to draw you a bath. He had reacted with affection and softness after teasing you and taunting you, eliciting nothing but the most loving gestures to ease you back from submission.
“Good morning,” it was his voice addressing Jake with such a husky and sweet laced tone that had finally made you leave the warmth of your bed.
You were only half dressed, wrapped up in one of Steve’s dark blue button downs, and a pair of knit knee high socks. Your hair had been brushed and braided by Ransom, a task you didn’t think he was capable of, before you had been tucked into bed with Jake. You had fallen asleep before he had and woke up halfway through the night to turn into him, sleepy conversations whispered to each other before you fell back asleep.
Only now Jake had woken up and was being catered to again.
Your footsteps were slow as you almost glided across the floor to reach the stairs of Ari’s penthouse apartment. Jake and yourself were brought here instead of your own apartment by Ari, Steve and Ransom respectively, with the unspoken need for a conversation that would shift your relationship to the next intimate level.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” Steve had greeted you when you stepped off the stairs with a soft kiss to your cheek, his lips grazing the corner of yours, his fingers toying with the top button of his shirt you’d stolen. “Hungry?”
“Little bit.” Your voice was quiet, your gaze moving past Steve to fixate on Jake and Ransom sitting together, and Ari standing in front of the stove shirtless. “Did we sleep long?”
“You were tired,” Steve’s fingers pushed hair off your shoulder, his eyes falling to the empty space on your neck before he raised his gaze and his lips formed a smile, “come eat, and then we should talk.”
“We’re buying a house.” Jake reached for your hand in passing, giving you a sharp tug to yank you into his lap, immediately nuzzling your neck.
“A house?” You squirmed against him and his teasing, hindbrain preening under the affection. “Really?”
“We were talking about buying a house, one with a big yard-“
“-out of the city, in a nice suburb or on a large piece of land-“
“Eat first.” Ari addressed both of you with adoring firmness, setting two plates before you and then extended the affection with soft kissed to the tops of your head.
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melanieph321 · 2 years
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Antony x Reader
Summery: Reader is anxious about the relationship because work and trainign has gotten in the way of quality time spent togheter.
Warning: 18+ Explicit description of sexual activity, but also very cute smut!!
Coming Home Forever
I was already asleep by the time Anotny came home from his game last night. I was up watching it on TV, jumping around the living room and hollering at his game tying goal against Tottenham. I was sure to hear about it from the neighbors upstairs. 
I woke up with Antony next to me in bed. He was snoring away peacefully. My job had me up before sunrise so I didn't want to wake him. I left a lipstick stain on his forehead to remember me by.
I spent the day in the office pondering about the fact that Anotny and I barely got to spend any quality time together. His constant training and my constant working at the law firm, had us both torn away from each other. I got a text from him around lunchtime. "I'm gonna pay you back for putting lipstick on me ;)." It read and had me smiling at my phone.
I returned home from the office that day with an anxious knot in my stomach. What if our hours spent apart would be the end of us? I mean, we barely went on date nights anymore, not like we used to do every Saturday at the beginning of our relationship. However, that was three years ago, we've been together for two years. We have gotten so used to each other that the thrill of dating wasn't necessary anymore since we already knew everything about each other.
"I'm home!" I shouted as I entered the apartment. I always shout to announce my presence. If Antony doesn't answer me he's away training or…I entered the living room to see him asleep in front of the TV. He has a blanket warped up to his neck and a bowl of cereal, with only the milk remaining, was placed on top of the coffee table.
 I smiled as I approached the couch. Antony looks so sweet when he sleeps, so peaceful and still, contrary to his behavior when he is awake. I grabbed the bowl of cereal and dumped it in the kitchen sink. I'll rinse it off once I've gotten out of my work clothes, I thought. 
I went to remove my heels in the bedroom and stripped myself of the pantsuit I was wearing. A must wear at the law firm where I worked. I thought pantsuits were hideous though, they made me look like a black wanna be Hillary Clinton.
I jumped in the shower real quick to freshen up. Once I'm out, I go to tie my braids into a neat bun. I rubbed lotion on my body before putting on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, no bra.
I'm in the kitchen rinsing off the cereal bowl when I hear him calling.
"Yes Antony?"
"I didn't know you were home already, come here." He said.
"Just a second!" I feel the knot in my stomach return. The anxious feeling had disappeared when I stood in the shower, but hearing his voice again after being apart from each other all day, made it return.
"Yes baby?" I appear in the door frame to the living room. A smile brauden his lips when he sees me in my sweatpants and tank top, braless and all. By the looks of it he likes what he sees.
"Come here." He said, patting his knee. He wore a pair of manchester shorts and a Gucci t-shirt.
I bit my lip realizing where he was implying me to sit. "But I'm doing the dishes." I said, declining his offer this way.
His expression remained the same, hungry and determined, no trace of sleep from his previous nap. "Come here." He repeated, this time, removing the remote control so that he could spread his legs, welcoming me.
"No." I shook my head, although realizing what it was doing to him. "Wait for me to finish the dishes." I said and before he could protest I returned to the kitchen.
My heart was in my throat when I went to turn on the water. There were no dishes left in the sink, still I stood there, wondering what I had just done, why I had denied him in this way. I loved snuggling with him on the couch, next to sex it was the best thing about our relatioship. Snuggling time on the couch meant a pause from our busy lives, a time to just embrace one another and just be in love. Why was I ruining snuggling time, I thought. Was I doubting my love for Antony?
I yelp when a pair of strong hands goes to wrap around my waist.
"So you'd rather do the dishes than be with me eh?" His front presses against my back, with his erection poking me in the ass
"Antony." I gasped. 
He went to tilt my head with a hand to my throat. Soft kisses were planted down my neck.
"I didn't mean…"
He goes to turn off the running water, chuckling at the fact that there aren't any dishes in the sink. "Is this you teasing me or something?" He mumbles into the skin below my ear. His hands were eager, already finding their way underneath my shirt, squeezing my breast with the palm of his hands. I sway in his arms as it is difficult to stand still. 
"Antony please." 
He groans something inaudible and continues to suck on the sensitive skin on my neck, marking his territory. He moves up to my jaw where he stops to tilt my head back with his hand around my neck. Our eyes meet and I can see the excitement my refusal has caused him. However, his expression mellows at the sight of my tears. "What's wrong?" He lets go of my jaw as if my skin suddenly burnt his hand.
"Nothing, I…" My voice is thick in my throat. "I just have to go to the bathroom."
He follows me when I storm out of the kitchen and into the living room. 
"Babe stop." He grabs a hold of my arm, preventing me from going any further.
I turn around to face him.
"Don't run away. Tell me what's wrong."
I bow my head to look at my feet. "Nothing is wrong." I muttered.
"No? Then how come you don't want to sit with me on the couch?" 
His smell ambushes my nostrils as he pulls me into his embrace. My forehead knocks against his chest.
"Please look at me." He said.
I lift my head so that my chin rests against his chest. A thumb, his thumb, goes to dry my unwanted tears. I close my eyes when his lips are pressed against mine. 
"I missed you last night." I said.
" I missed you too, '' he smiled, '' but I have a game every Thursday and you know this."
"I do," I sighed, a slight shame washing over me. I know that I was being silly. I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my face in his chest. " I missed you anyway." 
We stayed this way for a minute or two, just swaying in each other's arms. I hadn't felt this close to him in weeks, no wonder he had been so eager hearing that I was home, we had barely touched each other in a month, no sex whatsover.
"I'm sorry I…" I let go of his waist and pulled away in order to face him. "...I shouldn't have lied about the dishes." I said. 
Antony wears a smile when he looks at me, his shoulders rises when he starts to chuckle.
"What's so funny?" I frown, however his smile is contagious. 
Anony hooks an arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. "You, you are funny and that's why I love you."
"You love me?" 
His brows furrowed. "Yes I love you, don't you love me?"
I have no words. For a minute I believed him to really be angry with me, to doubt my love for him, but then his face relaxed into a smile again. I yelp when he wrestles me down on the couch. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I gasped as he further pressed his leg between my thighs, jerking it upwards in one aggressive motion. His narrowed eyes targeted my neck but when he tilted his head a firm hand forced my spine to arch upwards, inviting him to bury his face between my breasts.
"Antony." I moaned.
"Mhm?" He muttered somewhere below. His hand krept under my shirt. I whimpered when my nipple was twisted between his fingers, sending a thousand electrical shots to my nerve endings.
"Fuck me." I sighed.
He paused to raise his head. "I knew you'd beg for it." 
Antony's eager hands went to push my panties to the side, revealing my glossy flesh, already wet and swollen for his thumb that circulated its entrance. I whimpered as the pressure was applied.
"Antony please." 
"Shh." He hushed. "Relax."
I bit my lip and squinted my toes. It was just too much.
"You're so beautiful, so fucking beautiful." He said, tracing soft kisses along my collarbone.
"Kiss me." My words were airy and needy, but his soft lips against mine had been perfect in every way. Antony's hand kept moving between my thighs, his thumb stroking me gently. He kissed me open mouthed, drowning me and devouring me in his sweet sweet taste. I raised my hands above my head for him to pull off my shirt, it was tossed into a corner along with his own. 
"I scored a goal for you last night babe." He said as his fingers were busy twisting inside of me. "Did you see it? I did that celebration you like, with the heart above my head. Did you see…"
"Yes, yes, now make me come." 
"As you wish." 
Antony increased his movement by pumping in and out of me with forceful action. I cried out in triumph once I reached my peak, arching my back above the cuchens. His fingers were pulled out of me and left soaked in the fluids of my trembling orgasm. I was not given a moment to catch my breath before he had adjusted himself in between me, his erect flesh pressing down on me hard as if he was trying to revive my body with his penis. I gasped into the night, my fingernails clawing down his sweaty back. His forceful thrusts dug deep, pressing my back flat against the cuchens on the couch. He finished with his head resting in the crease of my neck, whispering nonsense against my warm skin. 
I was cold and sticky once he pulled out of me. The senseless act had left us with a slight feeling of shame, as if what we had just done was something primitive and unspeakable. A shameful act that belonged to the animal kingdom and the animal kingdom only. 
The orgsamic fog left us and the world and its current state returned to us like the breaking dawn. Antony lifted his head once or twice to kiss my nose, my lips and my earlobe.
"Let's go to bed." He said.
"No." I shook my head, wrapping my nacked legs around his hips. "I want to sleep here like this, with you inside of me, forever.
"Forever?" He chuckled.
"Forever." I nod.
"Okay then, but I don't think I'll be doing much sleeping." His stiffness returned, filling me up as he began to move, thrusting his hips in and out of me with my legs wrapped around him like a chain on a lock. We would go on doing this forever.
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silverjetsystm · 8 months
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? Beneath subtle, elegant cologne or cheap deodorant and louder notes of coffee, food, and city air lingers a scent from a tomb. Cool stone, sand, and a hint of decay. Blood and smoke (cigarettes and battle), both in their younger years and the years spent as a vigilante.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE? Firm. Calloused and scarred from gripping weaponry and steering wheel. Gloves only do so much. You can usually tell if Steven's been up by if the nails are manicured and lotioned. Possibly cooler than the rest of their body.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY? Diners and takeout supplemented by protein shakes. If they remember to eat. Steven trends towards healthier foods (lean protein and vegetables) while Jake doubles down on diner fare and comfort food.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? "A Tale of Moon & Scarab"? Yes. (We all know Isaac can sing yeah? Yeah). Everyone else? Eh. Jake's the one with the best voice, though he's typically loud and exuberant instead of showing how actually talented he is.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? Bad coping mechanisms. Marc steeples his fingers when he's thinking or chatting. Steven will wind his hands together when he's nervous. Jake's hands are always in motion. Marc's expressions are subtle (unless he's angry). Mostly expresses with his eyes. Wearing the mask almost 24/7 at this point gives him a sort of…
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this scene's ^ quality to when he doesn't wear the mask. He may not move his head.
Steven can be stoic in business but he also is expressive. He is my favorite reaction images.
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He gets stuck in his head, puzzling things over. The Worrier TM. His anger is icy; sometimes, if he cares too much, he is able to emotionally detach himself from the cruel words he says. Other times, he's going to roll out the metaphorical powerpoint slide deck and you're going to suffer.
Jake is the most expressive. Big grins, loud laughs. What is volume?
They go very still when they dissociate. Other signs include rubbing their forehead from a headache, 'spaced out' look, occasional twitches.
White suits. White cloak. Masks. Steven wears well tailored business suits (navy, grey, and that fantastic bottle green) or good quality casual wear. Jake likes workwear that will probably stand the test of time. Sweaters, work trucker coat or leather jacket, flat caps, and a tallit katan. He does have some eyewateringly bright colors for warmer temps.
Marc's most comfortable with fighting on behalf of people he likes. But, he does/is/will be affectionate with those he loves. It takes him the longest to say he loves someone. If he has the mask off and is physically close, chances are he feels comfortable with you.
Steven will remember little details. Dates, favorite colors, films. He enjoys treating people he likes to Nice Things.
Jake is the most physically affectionate. He only lays off if someone doesn't like being touched. Otherwise, prepare to be hugged, back slapped, etc.
Calendar dates typically fall off their radar. They may know a birthday or an anniversary (or hell like field day) is such and such date. But they may not realize the date is approaching/past. Cue Marine Marc always failing inspection...
Marc and Steven are back sleepers, arm wrapped around a loved one. Sometimes, Marc will roll in his sleep to be on the side that faces the door. (In most verses), Jake doesn't sleep in a bed often. Find him dozing on the steering wheel in the parked cab or in a booth.
Marc? No, unless he's pacing or muttering. If Steven's on the phone, yes. Jake always.
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lifted off of @nightmarefuele
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derireo-galge · 2 years
Happiest When I'm With You | 1k | yoonmin✍🏼
Soft domestic married yoonmin.
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What is better in the morning than snuggling up to a warm body next to you?
A soft, squishy, giggly, ready to jump in your lap with the widest smile?
Yoongi didn’t even open his eyes but wasted no time reaching out for his husband.
He was expecting to find him by his side, sleepy, face adorably swollen, smelling like heaven. Only he finds no spouse but only his pillow - still faintly warm - and furrows his brows in confusion.
- Jimin-ah? - his voice is raspy from a night’s sleep.
He struggles but manages to finally open his eyes and hums contentedly.
His ever the sweetest boy drew the curtains in so the producer doesn’t hurt his sensitive eyes, strained from working late into the night.
All the good books were right.
It's the smallest things.
He hears a patter of footsteps in the hallway and has no choice but to get up and find the younger.
It’s as if an invisible force pulls him towards his love, hands tingling with the strong /need/ to wrap them around the slender waist, caressing the soft skin, squeezing tighter.
He slowly gets up, stretches a bit and sleepily waddles in the direction of the kitchen.
And there he finds him, next to the kitchen counter, pouring them coffee in their favourite character mugs, another amazing gift from their friends.
As expected, his hair adorably ruffled but he couldn't help but notice a few drops of water here and there, as if he tried to tame them down a bit.
That won't stay tame for long, he thought, as he put his fingers through the black silky locks, giving them a soft caress.
- Good morning, little sun, - Yoongi murmurs before pressing himself to his husband’s back tightly, face immediately diving in the crevice of his neck, landing a firm kiss with his lips still pressed together.
He inhales - he really does smell heavenly; like musk, like his lotions he rubs into himself before bed.
Like their best memories, like things they love the most. It's hard to describe.
Like love?
From time to time he cathes himself wishing he didn’t remove his facial hair that permanently.
It'd be so nice to sometimes skip shaving and tickle his lover with them until he dissolves into a fit of most adorable giggles and coy protests.
He has this vivid image right before his eyes when he hears a gently whispered «Good morning, baby» and feels soft plush lips on his.
Jimin turned around in his arms and greeted him the way he wished for literal years.
And although this was his everyday reality now, he couldn’t quite grasp it really.
That boy? All his now.
- Our friends really do give the best presents, hyung, - Jimin went back to making their coffees, but didn’t step away in favour of staying pressed to his husband.
Instead he tried to reach everything by outstretching his arms and Yoongi was happy to be drawn further with him to reach sugar or syrup.
Yoongi looked and two adorable bright mugs on the counter. He wasn’t gonna admit he liked them at first, but it was in vain with Jimin - he saw right through him and now they use them all the time.
This was an anniversary present from Tae and Jimin literally squealed when he unwrapped it.
What can he say, they both loved cutesy adorable everything.
- They really do, huh? - Yoongi rasped.
Then he added:
- I must admit that those are my favourite though - he put his hands on his husband’s shoulders and slowly ran them all the way down to his hands. He encircled his wrists and gently rubbed the wristbones with his thumbs.
His fingers traced the «13» and he felt his lover shiver.
He was referring to the matching set of sleepwear - first it seemed like an obvious and traditional present from Seokjin, but gods, wasn’t it fine!
Min Yoongi had to use his best techniques to coax his hubby out of them.
- Thanks for the coffee, - he said, - What are we doing today? - he asked only to get a pointed look from the younger.
- I hope you didn’t forget what day it is today, hyung.
Yoongi felt heat flush all over his body.
- Is it today? - he asked quickly, buying himself some time.
Anniversaries? Check. Birthdays? Check. Their parents?
- Oh my god your eyes look so wide it’s so cute! Ah! - Jimin had the audacity to laugh but Yoongi retaliated with a light pinch on his butt. Which earned him a half hearted chest slap. And a very unimpressed look.
- It’s MiniMini day! No phonecalls, no studios, no nothing! I want some quality time together but without really doing anything? You know?
- Ah, yeah. I know, love, - Yoongi remembered, - Well, let’s make sure to have the best MiniMini time then.
And he landed another kiss on his husband’s pretty mouth.
They talked about it and not once.
Growing up they all saw this stereotypical stuff, like when you get together, you have to have time as a couple but have to spend it doing things, like...
Dressing up and going out to eat in nice places, going to the countryside or travel somewhere.
Buy or do something like it was mandatory.
All these things have its perks, don’t get them wrong.
They enjoyed their time volunteering in an animal shelter and they bonded really well over essembling Jimin’s mother’s new furniture.
Around a month ago they were sat on the second floor of a new French restaurant, clad in their best suits.
They looked dashing. That date was classy.
(Yes, they still go on dates and it never gets boring)
And he didn’t mix up any utensils despite his thoughts being about getting Jimin out of that fine Laurent outfit right that instant.
But most of all he loved the same as Jimin - spending time with no goal set, just for the sake of being around each other.
Without trying to accomplish anything in paricular.
That’s why he felt the happiest now, standing between the younger’s legs where he hauled him up on the counter.
They are both angling their necks awkwardly to read the cooking book page simultaneously.
The book contained recipes from all over the world.
He remembered getting it in some indie shop while walking the narrow streets of a - was it in Camden?
The page showed a picture of an apple pie. It was a fun affair because they had to translate everything they didn’t know.
- Wait, that’s sour cream! I didn’t know we can buy it in Korea at all!
Yoongi showed the translated page and looked up at the younger and saw his eyes twinkling.
- It’s already in the fridge isn’t it? - he chuckled.
- You little bee, you really thought everything through, - he pressed himself into Jimin's embrace, leaving tiny kisses all over his beloved’s neck, making him laugh and hum in content.
Jimin buried his fingers in his hyung’s hair, caressing blond strands that suited his baby perfectly.
- Of course! It’s a special occasion, after all.
The end.
The pie turned out delicious, but not more than dozens of shared kisses they shared that ordinary, but so extraordinary day.
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theindieearthin · 4 months
5 Herbs that can dissolve Cellulite Easily
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Cellulite is a nagging beauty problem affecting nine out of ten women globally. The aesthetically unpleasant appearance of cellulite resembles an orange rind referring to it as ‘orange peel skin’. Factors responsible for cellulite appearance include dehydration and fluid retention, low fiber and protein diet, obesity, lack of proper blood flow, low potassium intake, genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, and most probably the weak collagen structure of the skin. If you want to get rid of these unsightly-looking lumpy and dimpling body parts, you should consider using some natural herbs.
5 Herbs that can dissolve cellulite easily
Cellulite is the accumulation of fat underneath your skin causing uneven, lumpy, or dimpled appearances of muscle on the abdomen, thighs, hips, and even breast. In fact, it is a skin condition that may occur due to weight gain, estrogenic hormones, pregnancy, genetic factors, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Most women are prone to suffer from this condition. Although many fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C, potassium and Omega 3 can naturally help reduce cellulite severity, here we would like to mention five magical herbs that can be used to reduce this skin abnormality. Following are some of the herbs which are very helpful in cutting Cellulite and giving you smooth, fresh skin:
1. Coleus Forskohlii
This herb is from the extract of the roots of Coleus Forskohlii. It belongs to the mint family which grows in warm and subtropical temperatures. Its anthelmintic action is efficient in curing skin infections and eruptions. This is a powerful herb containing an active ingredient ”forskohlii” which acts as a conditioning agent for the skin. It improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin by dislodging fat deposits under the skin. Forskohlii produces enzymes called lipase and adenylate cyclase which help in the reduction of weight loss. This loss in weight leads to curing Cellulite.
2. Boswellia
Commonly known as Indian frankincense, this tree contains anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral properties. This herb is rich in Boswellic acid and is clinically proven for skin firming. It acts as an anti-inflammatory for the skin, thus improving elasticity. It is among the most popular natural herbs for the treatment of skin allergies.
Nowadays, a number of creams and lotions are available in the market containing the active ingredient Boswellia and now some capsules are found containing Boswellia serrata extracts available for therapeutic use.
3. Amarnath
A rich source of vitamins and squalene, Amarnath maintains the moisture of skin leaving it firm and supple. Amarnath or Amarantus is the first choice of many people in treating cellulite.
4. Olive Oil
For a long time, olives have been known for their beauty benefits and it provides optimum moisturization to the skin and comforts the damaged skin. When olives are combined with coffee grounds, they can give a prominent reduction in Cellulite. Keeping the skin smooth, olives provide long-lasting moisture because it is a natural emollient.
Eating olives can boost up the production of adiponectin chemicals which helps in burning the fats from the body, hence decreasing the effect of Cellulite. Olives are rich in antioxidants which neutralize free radicals and maintain beautiful and healthy skin. The free radicals attack skin tissues and provide smoothness to the skin. Olives can be consumed by making a tincture, or tea or simply chewing it. Warm olive oil is the most effective in Cellulite.
5. Black Pepper
It has tetrahydropiperine which enhances the dermal penetration of natural bioactive cells.  Black Pepper also burns fat, regulates circulation, and increases metabolism. Black Pepper essential oil increases circulation and helps in removing Cellulite. This oil is extracted from pepper nightmare plants and has therapeutic properties such as antiseptic, analgesic, antioxidants, etc.
Black pepper is rich in antioxidants that fight the free radicals which make the skin soft and radiant. The pungent component Piperine, which is found in Black Pepper, blocks the formation of new fat cells and helps in the reduction of weight. This weight loss removes fat from under the skin and helps cut Cellulite.
Buy – The Indie Earth Anti Cellulite Slimming Massage Oil
Hormonal factors and genetics both play a vital role in the cause of Cellulite. However, lifestyle factors such as unhealthy diet, Fad dieting, slow metabolism, lack of physical activity, and total body fat can also become causes Cellulite.  You may find many synthetic medicines and creams on the market for the treatment of cellulite.  Most of such artificial drugs may help reduce this skin condition but afore-said ideal herbs can help you get rid of cellulite easily without side effects on your body.
The Indie Earth Anti Cellulite Slimming Massage oil is loaded with all these and several more ingredients that help reduce cellulite.
We are very fortunate to have the remedy of Cellulite in nature itself. So before going for any medical treatment, it is always better to try herbal treatment which doesn’t have any side effects.
Get more information - https://theindieearth.in/5-herbs-that-can-dissolve-cellulite-easily/
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bodyblendzau · 6 months
sugar glow coffee scrub
Dive into the world of BodyBlendz, where natural ingredients meet expert formulations to transform your skin and body with a sugar glow coffee scrub. From our Anti-Cellulite & Stretch Mark Lotion, powered by caffeine and aloe vera, to the elegant Booty Clay Mask designed for a toned derrière, each product promises visible results and indulgent experiences. Embrace a flawless, sun-kissed glow with our Gradual Tanner, detoxify with our Pink Clay Mask, and rejuvenate from head to toe with our luxurious coffee scrubs. Elevate your self-care with our Body Massage Roller and maintain the perfect beauty routine with our Bow Headband and hair care essentials. Achieve firm, hydrated, and radiant skin with BodyBlendz. Explore our collection now and start your journey to a more confident, beautiful you.
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coffeereligionshop · 11 months
Revitalize Your Skin with Organic Coffee Scrub
Are you tired of dull, lifeless skin and looking for a natural way to rejuvenate your complexion? Look no further than organic coffee scrub! This delightful beauty secret is not only an eco-friendly option but also a fantastic exfoliator that can transform your skincare routine.
Organic coffee scrub is made from ground organic coffee beans, which are rich in antioxidants that combat free radicals and support healthy, radiant skin. The gentle exfoliation provided by coffee grounds removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and glowing. The caffeine content can also help improve blood circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
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What makes organic coffee scrub even more appealing is its natural and eco-friendly nature. It's free from harsh chemicals and synthetic additives, making it safe for you and the environment.
So, if you're looking for an effective, environmentally-conscious way to achieve soft, radiant skin, make organic coffee scrub a part of your skincare routine. Your skin will thank you for it!
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luxurybeautyreviews · 6 months
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aptech2121 · 1 year
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Body treatments are similar to various types of facials and stimulate the skin to feel fresh and smooth. Body treatments are designed with a focus to exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize the skin on the body as you perform the same on the skin of your face.
Maurya leaser clinic  refer to a range of services that are designed to improve the health and appearance of the skin and body. They can include a variety of treatments such as body wraps, massages, exfoliations, and detoxification treatments. In this article, we will explore the various types of body treatments and their benefits.
Massage: A massage is a popular type of body treatment that involves the manipulation of the soft tissues in the body. our Specialist and team help to relieve tension in the muscles, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. There are many different types of massage, including Swedish, deep tissue, and hot stone, each with its own set of benefits.
Exfoliation: Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a more youthful appearance. There are many different types of exfoliation treatments, including scrubs, peels, and microdermabrasion.
Body wrap: A body wrap is a type of treatment that involves wrapping the body in a special material, such as plastic or bandages, after applying a mixture of ingredients to the skin. These ingredients can include herbs, minerals, and other substances that are intended to detoxify and hydrate the skin. Body wraps can also be used for cellulite reduction, as they can help to firm and tone the skin.
Scrub: A scrub is a type of exfoliation treatment that involves using a mixture of ingredients, such as sugar, salt, or coffee grounds, to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Scrubs can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, leaving it looking smoother and more radiant.
Cellulite reduction: Cellulite reduction is a type of body treatment that is designed to reduce the appearance of cellulite, which is a condition that affects the appearance of the skin, particularly in the thighs and buttocks. Cellulite reduction treatments can include massages, body wraps, and other types of treatments that help to firm and tone the skin.
Detoxification: Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body, which can help to improve overall health and wellness. Detoxification treatments can include body wraps, massages, and other types of treatments that are designed to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote the elimination of toxins from the body.
Moisturizing: Moisturizing is a type of body treatment that is designed to hydrate the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple. Moisturizing treatments can include lotions, oils, and other types of products that are designed to nourish and hydrate the skin.
Skin rejuvenation: Skin rejuvenation is a type of body treatment that is designed to improve the texture and appearance of the skin. This can include treatments such as exfoliation, massages, and other types of treatments that help to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.
Lymphatic drainage: Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that is designed to promote the flow of lymphatic fluid in the body. This can help to reduce swelling and inflammation, improve circulation, and promote overall health and wellness.
Relaxation: Relaxation is a key benefit of many body treatments, as they are designed to promote relaxation and reduce stress. This can include treatments such as massages, aromatherapy, and other types of treatments that help to calm the mind and body.
Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is a type of body treatment that involves the use of essential oils to promote relaxation and improve overall health and wellness. 
Some of the advantages of body treatments include:
Improved skin texture and appearance: Body treatments can help to remove dead skin cells and impurities, leaving the skin looking smoother and more radiant.
Reduced stress and tension: Many body treatments involve massage, which can help to relieve tension in the muscles and promote relaxation.
Detoxification: Some body treatments can help to remove toxins from the body, promoting overall health and wellness.
Increased circulation: Body treatments can help to improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which can help to reduce swelling and inflammation.
Better absorption of products: By removing dead skin cells and impurities, body treatments can help to improve the absorption of skincare products, making them more effective.
Overall, body treatments can be a great way to improve the health and appearance of your skin and promote overall wellness. However, it's important to choose a reputable provider and discuss any medical conditions or concerns with your healthcare provider before undergoing any treatment.
Contact for query - 9958494234, 9871595001, 9871598002
WEBSITE - https://mauryalaserclinic.com/
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mauryaleaserclinic · 1 year
 Maurya Laser Clinic is the best body treatment clinic in Delhi.
Maurya Leaser Clinic technology and injectable treatments have numerous uses in treating areas of the body. Whether reducing fat, removing unwanted hair, smoothing out cellulite, or removing spider modes on the legs, The Maurya Leaser Clinic has the technology, chops, and experience to treat your enterprises and help achieve your aesthetic pretensions.
Body treatments refer to a range of services that are designed to improve the health and appearance of the skin and body. They can include a variety of treatments such as body wraps, massages, exfoliations, and detoxification treatments.
Body treatments work by stimulating the skin and underlying tissues, improving circulation, and increasing lymphatic drainage. This can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks, and promote relaxation and overall well-being.
Maurya leaser clinic  refer to a range of services that are designed to improve the health and appearance of the skin and body. They can include a variety of treatments such as body wraps, massages, exfoliations, and detoxification treatments. In this article, we will explore the various types of body treatments and their benefits.
Massage: A massage is a popular type of body treatment that involves the manipulation of the soft tissues in the body. our Specialist and team help to relieve tension in the muscles, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. There are many different types of massage, including Swedish, deep tissue, and hot stone, each with its own set of benefits.
Exfoliation: Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a more youthful appearance. There are many different types of exfoliation treatments, including scrubs, peels, and microdermabrasion.
Body wrap: A body wrap is a type of treatment that involves wrapping the body in a special material, such as plastic or bandages, after applying a mixture of ingredients to the skin. These ingredients can include herbs, minerals, and other substances that are intended to detoxify and hydrate the skin. Body wraps can also be used for cellulite reduction, as they can help to firm and tone the skin.
Scrub: A scrub is a type of exfoliation treatment that involves using a mixture of ingredients, such as sugar, salt, or coffee grounds, to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Scrubs can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, leaving it looking smoother and more radiant.
Cellulite reduction: Cellulite reduction is a type of body treatment that is designed to reduce the appearance of cellulite, which is a condition that affects the appearance of the skin, particularly in the thighs and buttocks. Cellulite reduction treatments can include massages, body wraps, and other types of treatments that help to firm and tone the skin.
Detoxification: Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body, which can help to improve overall health and wellness. Detoxification treatments can include body wraps, massages, and other types of treatments that are designed to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote the elimination of toxins from the body.
Moisturizing: Moisturizing is a type of body treatment that is designed to hydrate the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple. Moisturizing treatments can include lotions, oils, and other types of products that are designed to nourish and hydrate the skin.
Skin rejuvenation: Skin rejuvenation is a type of body treatment that is designed to improve the texture and appearance of the skin. This can include treatments such as exfoliation, massages, and other types of treatments that help to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.
Lymphatic drainage: Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that is designed to promote the flow of lymphatic fluid in the body. This can help to reduce swelling and inflammation, improve circulation, and promote overall health and wellness.
Relaxation: Relaxation is a key benefit of many body treatments, as they are designed to promote relaxation and reduce stress. This can include treatments such as massages, aromatherapy, and other types of treatments that help to calm the mind and body.
Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is a type of body treatment that involves the use of essential oils to promote relaxation and improve overall health and wellness. 
Some of the advantages of body treatments include:
Improved skin texture and appearance: Body treatments can help to remove dead skin cells and impurities, leaving the skin looking smoother and more radiant.
Reduced stress and tension: Many body treatments involve massage, which can help to relieve tension in the muscles and promote relaxation.
Detoxification: Some body treatments can help to remove toxins from the body, promoting overall health and wellness.
Increased circulation: Body treatments can help to improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which can help to reduce swelling and inflammation.
Better absorption of products: By removing dead skin cells and impurities, body treatments can help to improve the absorption of skincare products, making them more effective.
Overall, body treatments can be a great way to improve the health and appearance of your skin and promote overall wellness. However, it's important to choose a reputable provider and discuss any medical conditions or concerns with your healthcare provider before undergoing any treatment.
ANY INFORMATION RELATED TO BODY TREATMENTContact for query - 9958494234, 9871595001, 9871598002 WEBSITE - https://mauryalaserclinic.com/
INSTAGRAM- https://www.instagram.com/mauryalaserclinic/
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bodybare8 · 2 years
Get Nature’s Care
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Cream for acne scars
You can’t seem to get rid of your black and patchwork butts. Don’t be concerned. Bare Body Essentials Cream for acne scars will give your buttocks a makeover, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced because it is made with the highest quality natural ingredients, including coffee powder and orange extracts. Additionally, honey and yogurt improve the overall texture of your bum’s skin, making it softer. The lotion gives your skin a total makeover by minimizing dark spots, brightening skin tone, and firming it. It’s time to overcome obstacles and discover the truth!
For a tighter, smoother, and softer butt, use a luxurious skin smoothing cream.
Quick-absorbing, non-sticky, and lightweight cream
containing vital components such as coffee, honey, yogurt, and orange extracts
reduces blemishes, dark spots, and uneven skin tone
Benefits of skin tightening and improving
enhances the appearance of the butt by lifting and firming the skin.
Men and women can both use the recipe.
Scar removal cream
Use Bare Body Essentials Scar removal cream to remove those lingering acne scars and markings from your skin. This special recipe, which is enriched with cocoa butter and vitamin E, will offer you clear,
This lotion assists in fading acne scars and restoring clear skin.
Enriched with vitamin E and the beneficial properties of cocoa butter
Intensely nourishes and heals skin
Heals acne scars and enhances the appearance of skin
Lip serum
Utilize Bare Body Essentials Lip serum to get the perfect pout. The goodness of cocoa butter, shea butter, almond oil, argan oil, beeswax, olive oil, and vitamin E not only smoothens your lips by eliminating dead skin cells from them but also heals and hydrates them.
Lip scrub for gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin
Contains vitamin E, almond oil, and argan oil to aid in healing chapped and cracked lips.
Gives off a smooth and silky feeling on your lips.
Regular application of this lip cleanser helps lips regain their natural tone.
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fitbodywraps · 2 years
Body Wrap Overview
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Do you want to lose weight quickly and without putting in too much effort? You might want to try body wraps. Are you familiar with them? If this is your first attempt, you might want to read the whole article to get a better understanding of the process and how body wraps may help you lose weight or shed stubborn inches.
This method of losing weight and inches is a tight wrap. It involves soaking your body in natural minerals or botanicals while also being wrapped in compression or ace bandages. These detoxifying products help to reduce excess water weight, toxins, and waste products. The natural products, in addition to the body wrap, help stimulate detoxification. They also give the skin a silky, soft feel and firmer appearance. Wrapping regularly can help you look slimmer, have a younger appearance, and feel more energized. The body wrap products can be customized to suit the application. It is important to use the correct wrapping techniques to achieve the best results. There are many wrapping styles available, so make sure you choose the right combination for your needs.
The three main types of body wraps are moisturizing, detoxification and slimming/weight loss. However, none of these categories can be mutually exclusive.
Detox Body Wrap
The ingredients in detoxifying wraps focus on the absorption and cleansing of interstitial fluid, which separates fat cells from the surface. This wrap helps to eliminate interstitial toxins. To stimulate the body's metabolism and provide vital nutrients, detox wraps use natural substances like fruits, tea grounds, coffee grounds, seaweed, seaweed, and clay. These wraps can also be used to vasodilate. A detox body wrap will help your body absorb enough minerals and essential vitamins while also removing toxins and reducing excess water weight. These wraps can also be used to firm the skin and make it look younger and brighter Body wrap.
Moisturizing Body Wrap:
A moisturizing wrap's main purpose is to moisturize dry skin and promote a brighter, younger-looking complexion. Before wrapping, thick lotions, oils, and Shea butter are applied to the body. These ingredients help to make the skin appear healthier and reduce the redness and itching that can come with dry and sun damaged skin.
Weight Loss Body Wrap:
These slimming and toning packs are typically mineral-based and can be used to get the body you desire. It's important to monitor your food intake to help you lose weight and inches. To achieve the desired results, it's important to wrap your body regularly.
Your local spa is a great place to start. You can search the internet if there isn't a spa near you. One place that spas often purchase their supplies from also offers body wrap [http://thebeautywrap.com/] to the public. Beauty Wrap's certification training will make it easy to see that they are aware of laws. You can even call them to speak to a certified expert!
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coffeereligionshop · 1 year
Embrace Natural Beauty with Organic Coffee Scrub
In a world filled with synthetic skincare products, the allure of natural beauty remedies is undeniable. Among these, organic coffee scrub stands out as a delightful and effective way to rejuvenate your skin. Made from simple, natural ingredients, this humble scrub can work wonders for your skin, all while being environmentally conscious.
Organic coffee scrub harnesses the power of coffee grounds, usually derived from organic and sustainably sourced beans. These finely ground coffee particles serve as excellent exfoliants, gently sloughing away dead skin cells to reveal a fresher, brighter complexion underneath. Unlike harsh chemical exfoliants, coffee scrub is gentle on the skin, making it suitable for all skin types.
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What makes organic coffee scrub truly special is its rich antioxidant content. Coffee is packed with antioxidants that help combat free radicals, reducing the signs of aging and promoting healthy, radiant skin. Additionally, the caffeine in coffee can improve blood circulation, reducing the appearance of cellulite and giving your skin a smoother, firmer texture.
When blended with other natural ingredients like coconut oil, honey, or essential oils, organic coffee scrub becomes a luxurious treat for your skin. These additives provide moisturizing and soothing properties, leaving your skin feeling soft and supple after each use.
Furthermore, choosing organic coffee scrub supports sustainable farming practices and reduces the environmental impact of your beauty routine. By opting for products made from organic and responsibly sourced coffee beans, you contribute to a more eco-friendly beauty industry.
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Incorporating organic coffee scrub into your skincare regimen is a simple yet effective way to pamper your skin while supporting sustainable practices. So, why not embrace the natural beauty of coffee and indulge in the revitalizing benefits of this delightful scrub? Your skin will thank you, and the planet will too.
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