#coela doodles
coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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HUZZAH A TREAT! lol Tasked by a friend on a private server I'm on to draw Soul if his reserves of monster ran out. (we all decided Heart could have 100% opened them and refilled them with water LMAO) Ergo, this, mania from the strange red dude with the half and half face LMAO (THIS ISN'T STRATOS BTW just my canon Soul design that I originally based Stratos on! If you put them side by side it'd be apparent lol)
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literalliterature · 2 years
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Quick doodle I threw onto red bubble (link in pinned) simply because the phrase would not leave my head
[ID: A cartoony drawing of a coelacanth, a blue lobe-finned fish with both darker and lighter blue spots and a judgmental expression on its face. Text around it reads, "Just because you coela-can doesn't mean you coela-should." The background is pale green. End ID.]
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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*throws this* HEATHERS AU LMAO Really just for an excuse to draw to draw them in outfits that realistically none of them aside from Stratos would WEAR LOL
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Also a ghost Stratos in Chandlers bathrobe lmao. @socialc1imb is the main proprietor to this by HER THREATENING TO GHOSTIFY SOUL ANYWAY LMAO
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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And with that I present the second member of our cast in Blood & Ichor being that of Kairos! Kairos being taller than the other thirds as I feel like in this AU where his pride and arrogance is kinda through the roof. Also pointing out the fact that instead of the Heart and Mind being at witts end with another. In this circumstance it's more so Mind and Soul (Kairos and Stratos).
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Also as promised the initial doodle idea for him! *as well as a spookier version of a possible alternative form of him eeehehehe*
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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They’re distraught…. Look at how sad he is.
(Don’t pity them they’re a bastard)
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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Doodles for people on the official ChonnyJash Server for some of the different designs sent to me!! (if ya'll see this tell me so then I can tag you!)
ewe I hope to get back to drawin more shortly, *artfight and work has been shakin me, grabbin my spinal column and jostlin mah bones!*
@phobalic (the lovely soul on the left!)
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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A narrative of @socialcl1mb and their incessant need to TRY AND EAT STRATOS-
So what else to do then draw that and then illustrate Stratos beating the ever loving hell out of her Soul LMAO.
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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Doodles of my canon Heart n Mind designs! (A little treat to offer of them being friends LMAO) Ya'll seemed to love the idea of them just being nice to each other and I feel like in concord, while Mind isn't huge on touch he'd be more open to it when Heart needs it. (lol I am also still working on the Blood and Ichor designs but I do promise to post some doodles from my work in progress of that later on today)
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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BEACH DAY FOR THE BOIIIIS!! Stratos is pretty content meandering around, also most likely on bag duty up until they get to the beach in which they near immediately abandon ship LMAO. Leaving Kairos to set things up while he usually just stays by the things.
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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and as a treat, canon mind and heart in sleepwear bein all sleepy :3c (yes Mind has cat paw socks, I love a silly little juxtaposition of a character like him who wears silly lil cat socks)
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coelacanth-designs · 3 months
Timeline/ Layout of AU
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Aight so I felt like it was a good idea to layout the basic concept of my personal AU! The basis of it is a kind of "what if" scenario mixed with my own experiences of trial and error of the self. What if the Mind and Heart weren't the ones causing dissonance between each other and the Whole. What if it was the Souls lack of self understanding and awareness that threw the Whole into its state of undoing and unraveling.
It would start with the dissonance and instead of Soul introducing themselves (as they are unable to) we would find ourselves seeing a freshly formed Heart and Mind. Neither of them knows how to speak to the other but understands that they have each other and that one is as important as the other. This is where I also pull in the idea that neither has a further understanding like in the original canon that only one is right, or in another term. Neither has been pushed to the point of that belief. I also like the idea that it's almost like there's an invisible wall between them which can represent my issues with my Heart and Mind almost feeling alienated from each other and the outside world giving an intensely isolating experience.
Once they're able to talk to each other, they do have arguments and spats, but they try and lead the Whole while doing their best to observe and take in the world.
Eventually they find Soul, wrapped up in layers upon layers of false ideas of themselves that they cut and pasted onto their own image to try and make up for what themselves and the Whole severely lacks. A sense of self and belonging when it comes to a person.
Heart and Mind would then have to try and understand who this was while also trying to approach what that means for the three of them. (in between this and the next part is when my version of the Juno incident happened. Where Soul impulsively lashes out against Heart and Mind, blaming their grievances on the two of them. Avoidance is their problem and they're too blind to see it.)
The next big milestone would be Soul understanding that the Whole can't run if only 2/3 parts are working towards growth, and with Mind and Hearts help, they start to peel back the layers, and attempt to break out of their shell.
Eventually they all get to a realization. "it doesn't matter what others want us(me) to be, if they don't like me for me then I don't need their acceptance." From there Soul is now starting to take the reigns and while hesitantly, Mind and Heart are their at their side trying to help lead with them. Eventually getting into a rhythm where the three have realized that being a Whole is easiest when the three can talk to each other face to face to take on the issues together.
It wouldn't end on the note of pessimism with the future, but just that the future is full of twists and turns and that they can figure it out!
Also Peewee is there throughout. Peewee is a vital reference for Mind and Heart (and eventually Soul) from start to finish about the Wholes physical health. Anywho! I want to work on as well showing the different stages that the mind went through? As this kind of co-aligns with the story idea I had that involves stepping through your mind into anothers, how their habits, emotions, and even trauma can show up in their minds.
If you made it to the end I appreciate it! Lmao I'm just genuinelly happy I can finally ramble about my ideas and if people like them, cool! But now the idea is situated and documented :3
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(doodle with not okay Heart and a comforting Mind as a treat for making it to the end lol)
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coelacanth-designs · 3 months
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Since ya’ll seemed to dig the doodles I did of my heart mind and soul, I BRING MORE! Not only that but I dragged sire @makeartnotfriends23 VERSIONS TOO AHAHA.
I do like as well I was thinking about even if heart and mind are separate both have a flair for dramatics, mind’s more so pepe silvia red string board of “IT ALL CONNECTS” dramaticism though.
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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I made this a bit ago and had entirely forgotten to post it but I wanted to show the differences between my HMS designs and then my HMSelf designs! (coining the term HMSelf now lmao sue me I like cheesy corny terms lol) I do really want to draw more of them once I'm not grappled and shaken by artfight.
Weirdly, separate thought, this isn't something I've fixated and then vanished from after a handful of weeks, I'm still heavily fixated on HMS and I think in part it's just seeing how creative people can be with the concept???
(this is also me poking ya'll to reblog or tag me in your designs of them LMAO)
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coelacanth-designs · 3 months
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Annd the doodles for when I was messing with Hearts design! (with a surprise Darrel in the bottom right corner lmao)
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
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Sooo... I was introduced to the 2/3rds AU by @disruptivevoib and it has not left my head, neither for my sona AU or for my "had been canon but have turned into an AU" designs lmao. I've decided on some of them having names... however until all of them have their names (that bein all 6 lmao) then that shall be locked deep within my spooky lil pockets lmao. ALSO IVE FIGURED OUT MORE OF THE STORY FOR BOTH AU'S SO THAT WILL BE POPPIN UP IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS HOPEFULLY LMAO. So long as Artfight doesn't continue to shake me that is lol.
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coelacanth-designs · 2 months
Hi I don’t know who u r but ur apparently friends w a few of my friends so im gripping you shaking you and i want to know everything about your AU also sorry if im sounding unhinged im sending this ask at 4am bc im not scared to send asks at this time
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WOA, I mean to be fair its 3 AM for me and I’ve been up reading the staple “silly things” ao3 fic LMAO.
But also yeah I’m assuming you mean Blood and Ichor! Which in that case I won’t say everything since I’d want to reveal more of that plot on here through art. HOWEVER! Allow me to explain!
To start:
Soul - Stratos
Mind - Kairos
Heart - Ichor
This AU as a synopsis deals with the opposition that, instead of heart and mind fighting. It’s Mind and Soul, continuously arguing over who could run the Whole better. Meanwhile Heart being more withdrawn and avoidant of arguments and fights.
I wanted this to deal with a couple of things such as characters that are these big and stunning ethereal creatures that live/ have these human -esk shells/ skins they live within. The idea that they just want to either understand, or be human, and the maddening aspect when they have to accept they can’t.
Thus it being called Blood and Ichor as I like the juxtaposition of Blood being what flows through human bodies and Ichor being depicted as what flows through the gods veins. This being part of the argument and discourse between Stratos and Kairos. Both aside from being inherently arrogant and prideful jerks, hate the idea they aren’t truly human, they can never fully relate to the Whole and so they take it out on one another.
What about Ichor though? Well Ichor they don’t particularly like. Not for things Ichor has done mind you, but for the fact that Ichor doesn’t seem to have the same issues if not tries to have them embrace their inhumanity. Ichor also being a slight nod to Icarus and his wax wings since, *symbolism we love it*. Ichor is actually quite a bit softer spoken then the other two, understanding that if he tries to argue it can spell disaster for him. (So he is at fault partially due to avoidance of action)
Oh, I will say some little notes I do find funny even if I won’t explain all of the things I’ve planned for them :00
-Stratos is short, like 5’5 and I can and will make them shorter. He HATES that Kairos is taller than them and will never tell this to Kairos (Kairos is 6’2 btw)
- Stratos cares, ALOT, for their appearance, it helps them feel secure in who they are if they like how they look. Kairos seeing this, reflected it a bit in his own appearance if you look at them side by side.
Meanwhile Ichor (whenever I finish theirs lol) I tried to show Kairos and Stratos’ designs as still being aligned and cohesive between the three. Ichor’s outfit is while a bit more regal akin to the others, but is softer to reflect that separation!
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(This kind of moment actually happening between the three of them is rare so take this as a treat LMAO)
Anywho, I’m always happy to answer more questions about them, I absolutely a d o r e these three and they will not leave my mind-
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