#coding minutes pocket friendly coding
yanderederee · 1 year
Library Kisses
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a/n:I really wanted to write this idea with Baji in mind but I’ve rewrote it four different times and each time it comes out not good and the only person I can picture is Mikey so I’m giving into the Mikey brain rot okay?
now~ … part2 … part3 … part4 … part5
Manjiro Sano NEVER came to school, even more rarely class. If he did even bother to show up, it was usually to hang out on the roof for some cool air, or in the vending area for a nice nap with snacks nearby. No one could tell him where he needed to be, after all. And if they pushed too hard and annoyed him, he’d just leave.
That suddenly changed after he lost a serious bet with Emma and Shinichiro. The consequence? Attend all classes for Two Weeks.
Two weeks felt like forever, he admitted. The first day didn’t seem like it would be so bad, until he started actually paying attention to the teacher.
God, he thought. What a drag.
Manjiro was so far behind in studies, he had no idea half of what was being taught. So, before he let his temper rise, he simply stopped paying attention again.
This quickly became a problem.
Nothing interesting to keep his attention on, Mikey found himself falling into boredom. Irritation was bubbling yet again. Of corse, Mikey never brought anything with him. No paper, pencil, books, it was a random chance of luck that Emma was even able to find his school bag.
So with literally nothing to keep his attention, he started getting antsy. How long until this dumb lecture was over anyway? He glanced at the clock.
He was absolutely flabbergasted. No way in Hell would he be able to handle this torture. Screw the bet, Emma and Shin could eat dirt for all Manjiro cared.
“…sss…” whispered a tiny sound.
Manjiro would have ignored it had he not been eager for something to get his attention. He shifted his gaze to the direction of the whisper: the cute classmate who sat beside him.
Before he could wonder what or why you were trying to interact with him, he noticed you holding something out to him.
‘..the hell?’ He looked down at what you were gripping in your hands.
It was a notebook. A very basic and boring one, had you not doodled little flowers and vines into the cover.
Accompanied with the notebook was both a pencil and pen, both neatly held tight to the notebook.
Mikey looked up to gander at your eyes, which looked rather worried, brows knitted together with a soft considerate smile. You made the effort of motioning to the gifts once more, before he unconsciously took it without much thought.
You seemed to be very pleased by his acceptance, your expression shifted to relief, then a friendly thumbs up before letting your focus run back to the instructor.
‘Why did i even take the book?’ Well, either way it would serve as a doodle book of his own, if nothing else. The pen and pencil both roll off the notebook cover when he opened to examine its contents.
Gibberish, is all Mikey saw. Pure, number coded gibberish. To the average student, it would have looked like neatly worded mathematic notes, color coded and plenty. If he’d looked further, he’d find notes related to other subjects as well. But he really didn’t feel like it.
Thankfully, to keep his interest, a small little notecard was stuck as a bookmark.
Mikey glanced your direction again, amused when he noticed you were doing the exact same thing, but unlike him, when you accidentally made eye contact, you immediately break it to unsubtly pretend to have your attention up front again.
He grinned. You were cute.
Without his left hand never leaving his pocket, he managed to open the notebook with only his right hand, fingers nimbly spreading the book open to the bookmarked section.
He noticed some familiar words on this page. Matter of fact, a lot of the words written down on this section of pages were word for word what was being vocally spoken, when he took a second to listen.
Again shifting his attention, he noticed your handwriting on the bookmark, as well.
“I hope this helps! I don’t see you in class often, so I thought you could use these. Don’t worry about returning them, you can keep them if you want.
If you need help catching up, I’m apart of the tutoring program the school offers!
My name is Y/n L/n, I hope we can get along:)”
That’s all you wrote.
He starred intently at your handwriting for sometime. It was a hell of a lot more legible when what he could do, and while you used rather simple kanji, it still took him a minute to register them. He really Has been gone from school a while.
Manjiro found himself smiling without permission. It was kind of touching, the kindness of a stranger who genuinely looks out for others without gain.
For the sake of your kindness, Mikey did attempt to follow the lesson one more time, with the notes at his ready.
Unfortunately, he still didn’t really get what was going on. What even subject were they talking about? Social studies, geographics, English literature? He gave an exasperated, loud groan before slumping back in his seat. He found himself falling back into irritation.
Trying to calm himself for the third time this class period, he noticed the same soft whisper that caught his attention the first time. Quicker to respond this time, Manjiro lugged his head towards your direction again. He felt his smile wanting to surface again when he was met with your worried expression once more.
You seemed to want to say something, but obviously were worried about the consequences. So, immediately after meeting eyes, you gave a “wait a sec” kind of gesture, and started scribbling on a similarly decorated notecard. He waited for you patiently, unable to do much else anyway.
Soon, you began reaching your hand out to give him the notecard. However, Manjiro wanted more than your written attention. So, before you could react or slip the note on his desk, he reached out to take the note from your hand. He didn’t just reach out to take the note however, purposefully, he outstretched his delicate looking fingers a little further, and trailed his finger tips along the back of your hand. Slowly he offered a very gentle squeeze before his hand pulled back, finger tips trailing a path from your wrist to your nail beds.
The touch was brief, but accidentally intimate. So much so that your breath hitched from the unexpected action. No one seemed to notice. Manjiro did, but no one else. Probably.
This all but lit a fit of flames in his gut, a giddy feeling irrupting before he could even read the note. Eagerly, he scanned the card.
“Don’t let the material get you down! You can catch up in no time. Hang in there!”
This time, your handwriting was a little more messy, quicker. Still, it was cute, he thought.
Giving up on the lecture entirely at this point, he finally let go of his bored sitting stance, and retreated his left hand from his pocket to maneuver the notebook and two note cards on his desk. Grabing the pencil you’d also lent him, he began to scribble something under your handwriting of the second notecard.
Is all he wrote. Honestly, he got nervous halfway through writing, and gave up after he finished only the single word. Nerves slowly got to him when he noticed a pair of eyes peering at him secretly. Your gaze felt like burning on his skin when he thought about it for too long. Ignoring your gaze this time, he knew you had the upper hand when his peripheral sight caught your big smile.
Once the bell had rang for break, all the students seemed to jump up to leave. Manjiro was still doodling in the back of your notebook. You were packing your things neatly as you usually do, glancing at the delinquent next to you. Finishing up a few last strokes, Manjiro lazily held the book up for your appraisal.
Doodled rather… poorly, was his name, and ‘Tokyo Manji Gang’ in different fonts… as well the face of the Doriyaki mascot. (?)
You didn’t seem to hide your amusement, openly giggling at the childish doodles and gave a thumbs up. He liked that. Manjiro grinned at your approval and shut the book, resting his head to look at you with a new intensity.
“Y/n, right?” He asked. You nodded, not seeming too phased by his intentionally intense aura.
“Nice to officially meet you, Manjiro.” You greeted back with a chirp. He blinked at you a little wide before letting out a quiet laugh. “Isn’t it normal to use someone’s surname when addressing them for the first time?” He asked. No, he never minded it. Of corse not.
The middle schooler was used to many names.
The Invincible Mikey
But the only ones with the privilege to call him by his given name: Manjiro. We’re limited to his only siblings.
. . . .
And apparently, you too.
It was amusing. No stranger DARED utter his given name, out of fear of disrespecting the great Mikey….. yet here you were.
God, he loved the way his name sounded, coming from you.
He didn’t even realize how smitten by it he was. Not until he realized you were starting at him inquisitively.
Shit, what did you say? He forgot entirely.
The following few weeks consisted of Manjiro Sano following you around, more or less.
Out of everything school had to offer, he swears up and down that the only thing that caught his interest was you.
It was a well known fact that Manjiro Sano was a delinquent. Big Boss of Toman. Dangerous beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Mikey never acted in public how he normally would around the founding toman, it wasn’t known how childish and goofy he was.
Manjiro don’t too much trusting. Too many mistakes. He found himself treading lightly, yet he couldn’t back-peddle from wanting your attention.
He monitored you closely for the past week. He took note of your reactions, your ideals, how you treated others. He wrote down your favorite manga, silly irrational fears.
It didn’t take him long to realize how others treated you either.
People walked all over you, yet you didn’t bat an eye about it. It’d be really annoying if you did things for people just so people would like you. People definitely saw you as a pushover.
You rolled with the punches, so to speak. Any vile attitude aimed at you seemed to go unnoticed, as you maintained composure effortlessly. You never gave anyone a reason to bad mouth you either way, but snarky remarks about being a pushover did become a class commodity. It was easy to pick on the one who never fought back.
Yet Manjiro knew it wasn’t out of kindness or seeking compensation for your good deeds.
“Why’d you stop to help that guy pick up his lunch? He was cleaning the mess up just fine, you didn’t need to help him.” Mikey pouted, originally irritated because you broke from his side to do this task.
You finished washing your hands, drying them on the dry cloth Manjiro held out to you. Replying with a shrug, “Why not? He looked like he could use the help. If he didn’t want it he could tell me to buzz off, but it doesn’t hurt to offer some help.”
Manjiro rolled his eyes. “Might not hurt, but it’s inconvenient as hell,” he mumbled. You gave him a stern look, raising an eyebrow. “Inconvenient how? Were you gatta be so urgently?” You joked, confusing your classmate further.
You laughed, and patted him on the shoulder. “Think about it, if you were havin’ a bad day and dropped your stuff, you’d be pretty pissed off right? Even if it’s one little act, things like that help get you through the day,”
“Nothing wrong with trying to make the world a little bit of a nicer place.”
That’s when Manjiro Sano’s knew you were his darling.
You were so soft with him, and he loved that about you. He loved when you beamed at him with pride for whatever academic achievement he mastered…
You were different.
You were perfect- Manjiro declared.
Three weeks finally pass, and Mikey hadn’t missed a single day of school. Maybe a skipped class or two, but he always showed up on his sweet babu, if not to tease you and pick up the notes you made him before snacking on the roof.
Mikey has been holding back ever since that day. Keeping his darker impulses at bay time and time and time again.
He held back every time you got too close, and your clothes brushed up against his more than a casual encounter.
He held back every time you looked him dead in the eye, asking him if he was okay.
He held back when the little pinch of pain in his chest made him want to croak out the truth: Not really…
Mikey held back the tears, the words and feelings he suddenly felt so comfortable expressing.
Because it was you who asked.
Each and every time he held back from making you his darling. He wanted you to hold him so desperately. For you to fill that empty space he’s always had.
A part of Mikey knew that if you found out just how much he loved you, you would start to fear him.
You too would start walking on eggshells around him, run away after high school and abandon him.
…Or you would bend to his command one day, and he hated the thought of it.
He hated thinking about your trapped form, scared to speak the wrong thing.
He hated thinking he could make you into that person.
Ha hated the thought of you hating him.
…he didn’t want you to have that choice.
And there you were, listening to him whine.
“Come’onnnn Y/ncchin!~ it’s so boring hereeee,”
You glance down to your left, seeing your classmate’s practice packet still blank. “Well, if you can answer those for me I’ll take you out for Taiyaki; my treat.”
He loved you so much. You always knew how to motivate him.
However, he already knew you would treat him to taiyaki, even if he didn’t get the answers right, or if he even did them at all.
“Buuu~ not this time Y/nchiin! Bribe denied.” He huffed, anticipating your reply.
You matched his huff, crossing your arms. He loved the way you looked when you pouted.
“Maybe I’ll just stop tutoring you then!” You threatened weakly.
“No chance, you want me to graduate so bad.” Mikey snorted a laugh.
“No more leftover bento bits,” you warned testingly.
“You’d never let poor little me starve…” he batted his eyelashes.
He grinned with triumph.
“Fine, what will it take for you to try to pass ONE class?”
“Mm~” Mikey hummed, glancing over the material to appraise it.
If Manjiro were honest, he could get rather good grades, actually. With repetition, and your good habits, he was actually learning really quickly. But he couldn’t let you know that. He liked when you babied him through some things, just to impress you beyond comprehension moments later.
The praise…
Oh, Mikey thought. That’s it. He wants your praise. He wants you to tell him how awesome he was, how cool and dashing he could be, how smart he was. How much you loved him-
“How bout if I can ace this whole packet, you have to grant me one favor?”
The deal went just as you would have thought it would. He feigned having trouble on the packet of questions, so not to seem overly suspicious.
Yet true to his plan, you now owed him one favor.
“Fine, what favor do you want from me?” You chuckled while rolling your eyes.
Your first line of thought went to,
‘make me homemade taiyaki!’
‘let me cheat on the final!’
‘wax my CB250 !’
… not, “stay still, unless you really don’t want to.”
His voice was a whisper, and you’re immediately caught with your guard down.
Manjiro gently weaves his left hand under your hair. He tilts your head slightly, enough so he could achieve his goal, any resistance on your end being considered with mindful touches. He wouldn’t push you past your comfort. He couldn’t stand if you looked at him with fear in your eyes, too.
Your breath hitches, giving way to wind the excitement his actions gifted you.
Your breath continues to be shaky, yet obeying his favor, you sat still.
Both of you took a few seconds to get your racing hearts back under control.
It was futile, but the nerves to act finally snapped after Mikey and your eyes’ caught each others. The mirrored look of excitement was all Manjiro could stand. The accepting bat of your eyelashes.
Manjiro Sano didn’t hold back this time.
Still gentle, Manjiro quickly closed the gap between your awaiting kiss.
Seconds pass. Two very soft sighs can be heard.
Followed by Manjiro’s lip clicking sweetly against yours when the kiss naturally deepened.
This was heaven.
The feeling of you so close, so accepting, so gentle to him.
Mikey wanted to caress you into a deep hold, may so that the heat and desperate banging against his chest would finally feel heard. He wanted to feel your heartbeat pulse against his lips.
Manjiro Sano wanted to be gentle.
But he couldn’t help how his muscles tensed and grabbed you harder. How could he, when you just let out the cutest fucking moan. The craving of your submission suddenly became more appealing, Mikey felt himself coming to life again.
He pushed your lips deeper, the force of his grip and encouragement to mimic his lead allow the kiss to deepen once more to something more recognized as making out.
He couldn’t stop. You were losing breath, and he could feel you try to initiate a pause, but damnit, he couldn’t stop.
It started getting hard to breathe without gasping for air, but your whines and accidental moans were damning you more than you realize.
Manjiro. Couldn’t. Stop.
Again, he pushed the kiss so you had no other choice than to breathe your cute noises into his waiting mouth, tongue darting for a taste.
He couldn’t stop himself from pulling you closer into his embrace, making it so you were standing on one foot while your other knee rested just between his thighs.
Fuuuck, he thought. You’re so warm, all of you. But warmest of all, was the heat you were generating with friction and arousal. All he had to do was hike his knee up just a little. Just a little bit. He couldn’t even begin to imagine the animal he would become after hearing what your siren like moans would turn him into.
So finally, Manjiro held back.
He pulled back, panting without much issue. Assessing your face, your eyes… your lips.
Your lips were just barely swollen, rubbed into a pretty red tint (with his help).
A thin, barely noticeable line of spit lay unattended, from his unfortunate retreat.
He wiped it gingerly, looking back into your eyes with a hooded gaze.
“A…are you.. sure?” You softly croaked out.
“About what..?” Manjiro whispered back.
“I dont… like joking about these types of things…” you continue, face becoming redder. “S-so if you’re messing around, I’ll get mad…” you warned, again, weakly.
You were so soft with him.
“And what if I’m not messing around?” Mikey asks you point blank, his intense stare once again peering into your very soul.
There’s a short moment of silence.
And suddenly, it’s your turn to gently brush against his also swollen lips. Rather than a kiss, it felt more like a binding.
Manjiro Sano vowed to you that very moment. And this was a seal of your acceptance.
That was all he could ever ask for.
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svuobsessed · 6 months
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Olivia Benson X Daughter reader
Summary: Y/N Benson is attacked on her way home, her Mum is not happy and Elliot is pissed.
TW: almost SA, description of almost rape, not much only the first part.
Third person pov...
14 year old Y/N Benson was on her way home from school, texting her friends as she walked, her bag on her back, she was heading to the station to meet her Mum so they could go home together.
As she walked she walked past a white man mid 20s, The instant she did she felt his eyes on her, it heightened her anxiety but she kept on walking, slowly she got out her phone from her pocket and began tapping on it.
The man then pushed himself away from the wall and began following the teen, he was tall, kept his head down.
Y/N looked behind her every few seconds while tapping on her phone.
She was planning to text her Mum and tell her what was happening, as she did she began quicker, she heard the man walk faster to catch up with her.
The H/C girl taps her Mums contact and begins typing, they had a code word for incidents like this.
"Hey there" comes voice from behind the girl scaring her. She turns quickly and hides her phone, the teen looks up it was the guy following her.
She stared at the man, not saying a word. This made the man angry, Y/N saw grit his teeth slightly, she then inches away slightly from him.
The guy keeps a friendly smile on his face as he looks at the young girl. "Sorry for scaring ya. Just wanted to ask if you could tell me where the library is?" He asks the girl, Y/N doesnt relax her legs tense she was ready to run if the guy posed as a threat.
She looks at the time on her phone her message to her Mum still open. Once seeing the time she looks back up. "Sorry can't help you" she says to the man unapologetic.
She turns to run but her wrist is grabbed, the mans grip was hard and it was painful. Y/N tried to wretch her arm away but it only made the grip on her wrist tighten, he was twisting her wrist a way it shouldn't go.
Tears at the corner of her eyes she tried to yell for help but one look from the guy said 'you scream and I break it' so she kept her mouth shut, with her hand gone she uses her other to try and text behind her back.
The guy sees this and grabs her phone, eyes in horror Y/N watches as he smashes her phone, struggling in his arms Y/N tries to wriggle away but isn't able to, she is then dragged into an alleyway.
She teenager tries to drag her feet but he is to strong, Tears in her eyes Y/Ns back is forced up again the wall, she begins scratching at the man, his hands , face anywhere she could reach. The guy takes it and pins her wrists to the wall.
He then slaps her face. "Stop struggling bitch! Or this will hurt" he yells at her, the teen freezes in fear, cheek turning a nasty red.
Smirking he begins trailing his free hand to her chest unbuttoning her school shirt, she looked away from him as he kept touching her, "Mummy" she cries quietly.
Thinking of her mum gave her the strength to open her eyes, she starts to stare, the creep looks up at her smirk gone at the new found fury in her eyes.
'Show no fear' she thinks, as she continues staring into his eyes. Luckily he let's go of her wrists, taking the chance Y/N swings her leg back and kicks him in thr groin.
"Fuck! You little bitch!" He yells holding his area, Y/N quickly rips out of his grasp, grabbing her bag she hits him one last time before running out of the alleyway not stopping until she got to the station.
Olivia was sat at her desk, her daughter was late. Looking at the clock again she became even more worried. Y/N should've been there 20 minutes ago.
Elliot waves at his partner from across the table. "Liv? Hello? Liv!" Liv shake sher head ans turns to Elliot. "Sorry El" she tells him.
Elliot shakes his head. "It'll right, are you okay?" He asks her, Olivia goes to answer but us cut off by something behind Elliot.
Face of horror, she stands from her desk and walks around Elliot towards the entrance, standing at the doors was a young girl, school shirt unbuttoned, shirt ruffled, bag barely hanging onto her shoudler, her face was a bright red turning purple.
"Y/N, baby what happened to you?" Before anyone knew it the young girl collapsed in a fit of sobs falling to her knees, Olivia bent to catch her in her arms. The girl only sobbed harder as she clung to the woman.
Liv tried to comfort her but was unsuccessful, eventually they were able to move the two into a room. Olivia sat with her daughter curled up on her lap still holding onto her neck.
Olivia rubbed her hand up and down
Y/Ns back, the girl was clearly traumatized, the team were worried.
"Y/N baby, you gotta tell me whats happened okay" she tells the girl, Y/N had calmed down alot since she was in her mother's arms.
Outside Elliot is pacing, he was worried about Y/N. He'd never seen her so upset before it scared him.
Inside Y/N pulled away from her Mums shoudler, sniffling she told her. Olivia was shocked, she was worried and she was pissed. "Baby, I'm so sorry that happened to you, I swear to god I will catch that bastard" she reassured the teen.
Eventually Y/N passed out from all her crying, Liv gave her a change of clothes a mix of her tshirt and Elliots sweatpants. The teen was currently asleep in the cots in the lockeroom.
Liv sits at her desk frozen as if in a trace, after what her daughter told her she didn't know what to think. As she sat El walked over to her.
"Liv, hey did Y/N tell you what happened?" He asks her, Liv shakes herself awake, the tears in her eyes scare Elliot, he kneels on the floor infront of her holding her hand gently.
"Liv-Ss-she told me she was almost raped" she cries, Elliot pulls her into a hug. If he didn't he would've smashed his fit into the table. "W-what" his throat dry.
Once Y/N was awake she gave them a description of the man who attacked her, she told them everything she rememberd she could never forget the way his hands felt or his piercing gaze.
Days later they caught the guy, attacking another young girl, before hand cuffing him Elliot and Liv managed to get a few good hits in for Y/N, all the team managed to get revenge for Y/N, Fin slammed him extra hard into the table in the interrogation room.
Munch made fun of the guy and told all his insecurities, Casey tore into him during his trail so bad he instantly pleaded guilty and got sent to prison for 20 years.
After that Liv made sure Y/N never walked home by herself again, always either with a friend or member of SVU. Y/N eventually recovered from the ordeal.
The end!
A rather angsty one hope you liked it, sorry for the wait, also for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1302
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zadralien · 7 months
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Trying to save the one thing he loves most about space.
Ficlet under the cut
I always imagined this sort of scene to Trapped In Dillard’s by Foxing,
It hadn’t meant to go like this.
The Voot groaned, cutting Dib’s attention from the static over the radio as he yanked his boots on. He’d begged Zim to stay where it was safe, where they could wait in quietly together in the ship until the diagnostics were complete or until a friendly nearby ship heard their distress call.
But Zim had never been great at keeping his ego in check. He’d insisted that as a solider of the Irken Armada, he was most qualified to depart from the warm confines of the ship and manually check out the exterior for damages.
It had been fine at first with Zim giving frequent call-outs of his observations as Dib began to map all possible issues.
At some point, he’d registered a low buzzing sound beneath Zim’s chatter.
Dib scrambled to flick a call out of warning over the radio once he’d realised what might be happening - but it was too late. The buzzing had stopped and Zim was cut off, static pouring over the radio as the cockpit clicked and flashed to life.
Dib flung himself over the co-pilots chair, clamouring desperately towards the oxygen helmets kept in a corner compartment of the ship. Yanking the radio off his spacesuit belt, he threw his helmet on and slipped a second one under his arm.
“Zim,” Dib called out over his radio, “please tell me you’re alive.”
Nothing but the rush of static responded.
Dib whirled over to the airlock, reaching up and snatching an overhanging a lifeline to clip to his belt. He took a steadying breath, and punched the code in to open the airlock.
Usually, looking out into the open vacuum of space was soothing to Dib - the mundane reminder that he was just a small part of the universe, a leaf in the stream of a much larger river. It was a welcome relief from the crushing pressure of being his father’s prodigy. Now, the vast vacuum of space chilled him to the bone as he looked around the sides of the ship for his only friend. He was met only with a crushing black emptiness sprayed with dying stars. One wrong move, and nothing stops you from vanishing in an endless drift towards a certain and slow death.
He steeled his grip against the top of the airlock door and pulled himself upwards, letting go at the last minute to float towards the top of the ship. He looked desperately to the topside of the ship where he knew Zim was working, noticing a little hysterically that the hatch was still open and unmanned.
Swallowing, he looked up and around at the consuming blackness around them, their only grace a nearby set of dwarf suns emitting a dim light.
When his eyes finally landed on something floating some distance away from the ship, Dib’s heart jumped. He squinted as he took the binoculars out of his suit pocket, adjusting them hurriedly as the picture of Zim’s red suit slowly came into focus.
“Zim!” Dib called in vain over the suit comms, using all of his strength to launch himself off the ship with the help of his suit thrusters.
As he floated, he didn’t know if it was the scene that was slowly becoming closer or or the freezing temperature of space, but Dib’s blood felt sharp and icy as it forced its way through his body, biting pains emanating from his chest. Zim’s body was unmoving and, much to Dib’s mounting panic, unmasked against the void. His face was basked into the deep shadows of space and light of the nearby suns. His body, for the first time ever, was completely limp.
After what seemed like years, Dib finally reached Zim. He knew Irkens, with the the help of their Paks, could withstand the pressures and temperatures of space for an intimidating amount of time, but Dib didn’t know the limitations once the body had already sustained injuries from electrical charges. Already, Zim’s face was beginning to crystallise and bloom into a deep deadly blue. Dib yanked the helmet out from under his arm and pulled it over Zim’s head, clasping it desperately to Zim’s suit with shaking hands. He watched as the mask signalled it was delivering a much needed flow. Pressing one hand to Zim’s chest, he allowed himself a small rush of relief as he felt Zim’s chest move with a fragile breath.
Dib pulled Zim closer, cradling his neck carefully and pressing their torsos together as he inputted the recall command on the lifeline.
As they were yanked back towards the ship, he braced himself for the unceremonious crash against the floor of the spacecraft, twisting to ensure he broke Zim’s fall.
After a moment, the airlock closed swiftly. Dib reached over towards an emergency kit for high flow oxygen, clicking the hosing into the back of Zim’s helmet. With a pained grunt Dib slumped backwards, pulling Zim’s body up and into his lap, allowing the quiet hiss of air soothe him. He brushed a hand over Zim’s shoulders and arms, coming up to cup a hand against the helmet where Zim’s cheek slowly began to slowly radiate back to his usual green colour.
Dib let his head fall back against the wall behind him, taking a deep shuddering breath.
Even with everything he has seen on this escapade across the galaxy - from the extraordinary planets and individual lifeforms to the nebulas and vast galaxies, he’d never been as euphoric to see his alien again.
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murdocking · 11 months
„ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ”
- a chishiya series. ch5 ch7
warnings + notes: idk drowning??? burning???i cant make a fanfic guys i literally suck at writing god… the entire chapter is just the game… xoxo filler chapter. but a bit of little friendly bantering at the end. dw we gna speed this up real soon i swear.
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪx
the air in the room is cold, removing the jacket that covered the swim-top hatter ordered you wear. the girl beside you begins breathing exercises, filling her lungs in with air before quickly exhaling a total of three times.
you attempt to raise the volume of the headset before hearing a sharp screech of connection and a string of “hello? can you hear me- hello?”’s. you simply nod as you adjust the headset and shake off your shoes. tatta sighs on the other end of the screen, and chishiya leans forward to grip onto the silver, thick mic on the panel
“tell us what you find, we can work from there. there’s too many variables on this end to figure out what the answer is”
the girl wastes no time, she deeply inhales one again before gracefully diving into the depths of the dark water. you admit you’re not as brave as her, and it takes you a second before you say ‘fuck it’ and follow after her.
the water feels strange, it makes your bones shiver- and the deeper you go, the heavier it feels against your body. if you didn’t know any better, you’d say it felt like swimming in tar.
you can barely see in the water, just shadows of kicking feet in front of you before feeling your shoulder knock into something hard. you can’t help but silently yelp out in the water- losing your precious air- but you hold onto the metal plate you slammed onto to stabilize yourself. you’re about to continue your search, until you feel indents onto the plate. you reach for the phone in your pocket, and use the countdown from 28 minutes to shine onto the dark plate.
there’s no way of alerting your partner that you’ve found a piece to your puzzle, she’s gone further than you’ll be able to manage- and you decide she’ll learn once she resurfaces for a breath. you turn quickly, fighting the thickness of the water to go towards the light of the opening into the room. at 27 minutes you catch a breath, and haphazardly click onto the headset- finally able to speak to your teammates.
“i found- i found something. 11, thats all it said.” the man nods, and turns to move furniture in the other room- looking amongst magazines. chishiya has a faint look of relief on his face, moving from the mic to speak to tatta. you cannot hear a single word they say- until chishiya hits the mic
“keep going.”
and you do, you dive right back in- not even bothering to get a proper breath and just begin to swim blindly. this time, you keep an arm out- searching for obstacles that will give you any clue. the girl swims past you quickly- needing to breathe badly after being underwater for over 2 minutes. you can hear her talk muffled over your headset, and hear chishiya replying. they talk for a while- and it bothers you slightly. what did she find that was so important? you came back first anyways. you ignore the questions once you feel your elbow graze a thin cut of metal. to your upper right, is a jagged edge lodged into the corner of an eroded rock- etched on-top of it is the number 6
you push yourself off the rock to gain momentum to reach the surface once again to deliver the news- feeling the bubbling air emanate from your nose the closer you get to the opening.
you grip onto the edge of the opening, just breathing, ignoring the conversation that occurs in the headset- letting your eyes focus back into the bright overhead light of the room. the girl is standing against the glass screen, locking eyes with the man as they talk about theories. you scan the room- and notice something is different. while you were gone for no more than a minute, a metal sheet in the wall has produced its own panel- assuming its for your own idea of what the code and order is.
“forget that! maybe it’s the recording studio? do they mention top artists produced here?”
“how the fuck do you expect me to know what that is? you think the gamemakers are just gonna tell us that !” the man argues with her, and she scoffs- muttering curses at him before catching you perched below.
“did you get anything ?” you just nod, shifting up before telling her ‘6’, to which she repeats in her headset.
“makes no sense to keep going back down there- i dont even know if we’re going to remember all the numbers accurately.” tatta says to chishiya, who has left the mic on. he softly nods- getting up to open a filing cabinet in the back. your hair feels as though it is going to stiffen - and you’re shivering from the cool air and the water stuck on your skin. “what are the magazines?” you speak into the headset, the men just look at you from the other end, waiting for you continue.
“are they from the same company- is it based on the issues of the magazine?” the man in the corner brings a stack of magazines to the top on the control panel, and the girl climbs ontop of the now empty headset table to see the magazines better from the other side of the glass.
he’s flipping through, at least 4- until he starts on the 5th one and stops immediately before speaking .
“different brands and topics. these three are about car sales,manufacturers, and racers. these two are social gossip ones- none of them have 11, 4, or 6 as their issue number.”
4? so thats the one she found.
you can’t help but huffing out a bit, a bit frustrated at the fact that despite it being a clubs game, its starting to feel a bit more like diamonds. you can notice chishiya focusing on a specific paragraph in one of the discarded magazines. his brows have furrowed, and his eyes are rapidly scanning the page. you know he’s finding a pattern. “chishiya”
he looks up at you, confused
“the time is running, we need to look for the other numbers.” he sighs, huffing into the mic “alright, but after you both get a number-you’re in charge of remembering it. “ “of course”
the girl and you go back in.
you pass by the number 4 plate- ignoring the way your arm begins to ache from the pressure of the water and the bruise that’s forming from before. you both go your own ways, you lean to the left side of the cove while she covers the right.
you can feel your own jolts from your body, begging for some air- but you continue to push through until you can find something. it’s until your arm comes into contact with a plate directly in front of you that you realize how deep you’ve gone. you hold onto the plate, trying to use the phone as a source of light but the light hardly hits the plate. 20 minutes left, and you put the phone back away- starting to run your fingers over the plate to feel the number.
3..? no, 8.
you can feel the obvious loop of the number and realize it is infact an 8- and immediately make your way back. you’re slightly struggling, jolting again like an injured fish as you search for the cove’s entrance before finally finding it. you break through with a gasp, throwing your headset onto the ground in front of you while you just breathe for a bit. the girl had came up before you, and she looks at you with high concern, patting your back from her place above the ground. you hoarse out an ‘8’ and she nods, relaying the message once again and you can faintly hear the yell of frustration from her headset.
you hate to admit it, but it takes you a little while to recollect yourself and tie your brain back to reality. and when you do, you make the wasted time count. your partner had went down a second time- and came back with nothing new. the only numbers you’ve found were 11, 4, 8, 6, and 12- but your counterparts are hardly figuring out the order to the 6 number code, one of which you’re missing.
you grab your headset and lunge yourself out of the water, shoving it back on and ignoring the chill of goosebumps cursing your arms as you jump onto the table against the glass, clicking onto the connection to speak on the headset microphone
“let me see the magazine articles, you guys look for other hints.” tatta switches seats with chishiya, holding the magazine shakily in front of you as you quickly skim over the details- ignoring the glares of contrasting light enveloping the pages. you dont say much- only short, curt commands of ’ turn’ and ‘next’, hoping to find a common factor.
and you think you’ve found it.
at 13 minutes, your partner is resting, rubbing her chest as she breathes in air and practices exercises before she sends herself back into the dense cove soon.
you say, but it doesn’t exactly resonate in your mind until a few beats later. “there’s always an article mentioning a country…”
tatta looks at you a bit confused, while chishiya just stares at you from his place- seemingly have figured it out already on his own.
“in the first two magazines- there was a writer who discussed about agricultural updates and also economics in indonesia. this one is mentioning a celebrity who talks about their home country of nigeria for at least three paragraphs. the one before that was about japan’s best international car sales and placements.”
the man who had been in his own world tunes in, practically running to the microphone “so, just look for countries? is that what you’re saying.. test our geography?”
“maybe not geography itself.. but that’s the only common factor here, if this is the only thing you guys have found then it has to be tied into this” the two young men nod, and chishiya gives you his own look of praise that makes you swell with self confidence.
“i’m going to help look for the last digit, let us know what you find”
they acknowledge your statement loosely, and you brace yourself for another encounter with the deep sea.
your partner looks at you briefly, before she dips back into the water- knowing you are to follow soon behind her.
you grip onto your headset as you kick your feet in the thick waters with newfound adrenaline at 8 minutes- ignoring the odd feeling of your sweatpants grazing against your legs. you have to run your fingers over a couple of plates- locating the 12 and 6 plates until you shuffle around and nearly head-bump into a third plate. you quickly attack the plate with your touch, feeling the tips of your fingers run over the smoothened and buffed imprint of the number 1. you’re grateful, you located the last digit for the code- but unfortunately you’re so far deep you admit you’ve forgotten which direction you came from, and you’re losing that energy. you can feel your head burn with anxiety, and try to suppress it to preserve any breaths. you flutter your eyes to gain new focus on your surroundings- just trying to poorly make out the shapes and shadows of the depths of the water. you decide to swim upwards. and follow the top of the metal cove.
it takes all your strength and self control to not give up and try to breathe under the suffocation of the water- but after 3 minutes you’re jolting again, panicking that maybe you’re following the metal hinges to the wrong place.
until you cut your knee into the number 6 plate’s sharped jagged edge- and you can finally recall the area, quickly moving in the cove to turn and see the overhead light of the recording room. you’re already bubbling and gasping before you hit the surface, feeling hot liquid come up your throat before harshly coughing up nothing but panic on the floor.
you grab for your headset, feeling it on your neck now and shakily put it up to your head and rested onto your ears
“y/n are yo-“
“its one. the last number. what are the countries?” you can’t wait to get out, you need to find the connection between them now.
they put a scribbled piece of paper to the glass wall, and your teammate helps you up to view it.
indonesia, nigeria, palestine, japan, ethiopia, brazil, india, russia, united states, mexico, italy, bangladesh.
what the hell?
none of the countries were even tied together to the same continent… and every magazine is a separate entity altogether.
it irks you how chishiya stares at you under his lashes, waiting for your move while he simply basks in the glory of observing your trial.
“what are the dates?”
the man questions you , to which you give a short reply- just eager to get it over with. “the articles! what are the dates? put them in order.” tatta and the man do as you say, and your teammate questions you after you click off the microphone on your headset
“what are you thinking? no offense but i dont exactly like the idea of us dying because its your game run” shes right, you know that even in the afterlife- you’d face eternal shame and damnation if it turned out to be your fault for causing a game over.
“hey! here quick!” the man yells into the headset- shaking off your private conversation as you both separately click the headset mic on.
you just stare at the array of paragraphs- losing yourself to the words on the pages. they were so different, talking about anything and everything that differed from the next.
“hey tatta… you read these right?” he nods and you climb back on the table. “tatta, tell me about the car sales for japan.”
“how does this even remotely help! come on a lesso-“
“sh.” chishiya’s hum of command is recognizable to you- and you can feel your ears twitch at the sound of it. the man shuts up quickly, sneering at the blonde while tatta begins his summary to you as you continue to read.
“w-well… it said that toyota continued to be the leading manufacturer… uhm somewhat over a million sales just last year here in japan. what else uhm…” he looks at his lap ,unsure “uh… like…68% of japan’s population owns a conventional vehicle? making it the reason toyota is such a-“
chishiyas face flickers, you can sense it even though you dont look at him
“whats indias article..?” you search for it until you find it
‘india’s homeowners census revealed that over 50% of the nation- nearly 62%- own their homes, while a staggering 13% rent!’
you run your eyes over the articles- finding that 9 of the articles all discuss one common factor
“population. its about populations.”
your teammate gasps, finally realizing it with you
“g-get rid of brazil’s article! its just a fashion recap of the show from two months ago!” she orders and the man across from her easily throws it behind them.
nigeria, japan, india, russia, united states, indonesia, bangladesh, palestine, ethiopia, and mexico are the only countries left.
“these are all in order right tatta? from when they were published?” he nods eagerly, fixing up the line-up as you humm nervously.
“india is the leading country in population- its number 1. india is the third article published… 1 is the third in the sequence.”
“united states is 3rd in world population no?” the girl says , quickly turning to you
“yes, but we didn’t find a three… so the united states isnt part of the sequence.” like clockwork, the man discards of the u.s. article, pushing the other magazines together.
“bangladesh, i remember doing a report on it for a humanities class in college” the man says, staring at the article- “its 8th in the running for population”
you continue to rack each other’s brains- putting russia, palestine, and mexico’s magazines to the side after guessing their placements.
you glance at the chicken scratch tatta managed to etch onto the paper- the code sequence there at 2minutes left on the countdown.
6 , 12 , 1 , 4 , 8 , 11
“perfect! let’s try it!” your teammate is the most excited of all, running to your control panel before you can even speak to argue with her about the choice. she enters the code, before screaming as the control panel sparks and bursts into flames on her hand- and you immediately cover her hand in the jacket you wore previously- dunking her hand into the gross water as she dryly sobs
“you said it was right! whats wrong with you!” she screams at you with hate, and you faintly hear chishiya getting out of his chair to sit at the control panel- the other two men now gone from it as they take their frustrations and panic on the secured room
the girl shrugs your hands off her- viciously tossing her headset into the water as she loudly cries
he leans into the microphone, whispering- though you can hear his deeply raspy voice incredibly clear
“were all the numbers right?”
“of course they were right, chishiya. i saw them myself! and i triple checked the ones i couldn’t see why would it be wr-“
he cuts you off
“were they all. right? were they all…in the same way?” he stares at you, begging you to understand his desperate hint as the clock ticks.
the same way? what does that even mean
you can feel the wear and tear of this experience- your body aches, and you can tell your hair is matting. your bruise on your shoulder and cut on the knee plagues your thought process
the bruise
the cut
the only plate that stuck out to cut you
was number 6
‘were they all. right? were they all…in the same way?’
the 6… its a 9.
“oh my god!” you view the notes again before rabidly speaking. russia was the 9th in population- making it the third in the sequence-
“the code! its 12 , 1 , 9 , 4 , 8 , 11”
tatta looks at you confused, until chishiya urges him to put the code in- he clumsily hits the panel keys, entering the code at the final 42 seconds on the countdown.
you can breathe, way better than you could ever thought of even when you were nearly drowning. the voice ringing GAME CLEAR brings you joy- indescribable joy as you laugh in shock, your teammate also stunned and amazed at the congratulations by the system. she lunges at you, sobbing into a hug. the water has long stolen her scent of weed- and replaced it with a plastic-metallic smell you know you share with her. your knee buckles as you help her up, the thickened blood from your cut building up on its dried layers.
the metal door separating the rest of your crew flings open, and the man helps you with fixing her hair and clothes while she rolls her wrist over and over.
chishiya stands the furthest from you, but greets you the warmest- a smile on his face.
he can’t wait to put your skills to use in this plan.
“hey doctor-“
“don’t call me that” he says, rolling his eyes as he flips the page in his book
you just disregard his statement and continue
“would you say this is healing up pretty well?” you nearly kick your leg onto his, your now colorful knee coming into his peripheral view as he reacts with disgust. “get that away from me y/n”
“come on! seriously its super sore..” you say, fiddling with the end of the lettuce trimmed swim-skirt- and he sighs, shutting the book with a random napkin as a bookmark
he pulls the leg closer to his torso, much to your surprise, and leans to examine it stoically. you feel slightly uncomfortable- feeling his warm hands hold down your thigh and you’re secretly wondering if you should’ve shaved this morning.
“to be honest, it kind of just looks really gross.”
“i mean it, it literally looks awful what are you doing to it?” you just snatch your leg from him- or at least try to. he holds the leg with random strength you didnt think this twig of a man had- his smirk adding to the damage.
“ive been wiping it with alcohol! and that shit hurts like hell! you would know!!” you successfully reunite your leg with the other, crossing your arms as chishiya reaches for his book once again
“sure, you’ll be fine then. just avoid going into the pool.”
“be serious with me chishiya,” he looks at you from the corner of his eyes “ do you honestly think id swim in that pool?” he rolls his eyes, but you continue- leaning to whisper in his ear
“do you know how many people fuck in there?? i feel like i’d be reliving my journey to the womb..” he stifles a laugh- but it transforms into a snort and he regrets reacting as a whole once the noise escapes him
“you did not-“
“shut up.”
44 notes · View notes
dadsbongos · 2 years
starcourt massacre - 1986
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Stranger Things x Horror Movie Collection
American Psycho / Halloween / Scream / Friday the 13th / Fear Street / Jennifer’s Body
warnings - descriptions of wounds/violence (blood n gore n such (EXTREME, i'm not kidding)), not very billy friendly, fear street au
summary - Hawkins, Indiana, is cursed. With people being slaughtered in the streets and their own homes, the Starcourt mall becomes a quick hunting ground for this curse that you and your friends now have to try and survive.
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Six months is a long time to be dating when you’re a teenager, and while Steve is more than happy to celebrate that, you and Robin are further prone to encouraging the honeymoon behavior. Though, that’s more often because the both of you like teasing Steve, not actual compassion for Max Mayfield and Lucas Sinclair’s blossoming romance.
Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that Scoops Ahoy! was the designated date spot for the two to celebrate their six-month anniversary. Closing time is in a short two minutes and you’re itching to get out of the stupid sailor uniform your boss has you stuff on every morning.
“I don’t get why you two are even allowing this,” Steve is boredy swinging the store’s key around his finger.
Robin punches in the register code and it pops open with a cartoonish ching, she shrugs while you remove your sailor hat and toss it onto the counter, “Why not?”
“We could get fired,” he glares at the two of you.
“What? Is Mr. Ahoy himself going to find out we let two teenagers try new flavors before they came out, Harrington?” you shoot Steve a pointed look, then turn your gaze back to the food court - where Max and Lucas can be seen approaching your humble ice cream parlor.
You wave at them, and subsequently their driver, Max’s step-brother, Billy.
Lucas returns your gesture much more excitedly than his girlfriend, but that’s nothing exactly new.
Max is sweet on you, Robin, and Eleven compared to her teasing of the guys in the group, but she’s more casual. A simple nod of acknowledgment means you’ve made the big leagues in her book.
Billy stops outside the store, hands deep in the pockets of his denim jeans that really hug, and sunglasses low on the bridge of his nose even though it’s already nighttime.
“Thanks for delivering the kiddies safely,” Steve grins, tossing you the key so he can proceed with one of his infamous dick-measuring contests with Billy, “Corey Hart.”
“You really think you’re funny, don’t you, Harrington?” Billy is just a couple inches taller than Steve, but that has never once stopped him from holding it over the man’s head.
“Oh my God,” Robin groans, setting down the money she was counting, “You made me lose focus, you asses.”
“Stop fighting during custody trades,” you kick at the back of Steve’s calf, “It’s bad for the children to see their parents fighting.”
“I- “ Steve cuts himself off, “Fine. I don’t even care.”
He snatches the key he threw to you and begins towards the back door of Scoops, Max and Lucas trailing after like little sheep.
You turn to Billy while Robin restarts her counting, “Try not to crash, Hargrove. It’d be a shame to lose our only lifeguard that thinks he’s a dictator.”
“Very funny, sweetheart,” your face sours at the nickname and he chuckles, patting your cheek before pulling out a cigarette - seemingly from his ass - and placing it between his lips, “See ya soon.”
“Let’s hope not,” you mutter bitterly.
Billy gives a mock salute as he turns, lighting his cigarette as he goes.
Max and Lucas’ combined glaring through your skull calls, though, and you don’t have the heart to make them sit for one of your rants about Billy Hargrove’s ego when they could be eating exclusive ice cream flavors.
So you hurry to the freezer and encourage Steve to pry it open for the lovebirds.
Across the mall, a fly swirls around Billy Hargrove’s head. It buzzes and lands on his cheek, he flinches at the proximity and swats a hand through the air. Another fly joins its brother and Billy walks faster toward the Starcourt mall doors. Billy puts out his cigarette on a nearby wall and sticks it behind his ear, genuinely considering running when he hears it.
The hiss of his name.
Layered, but still high-pitched. A whisper.
He snaps around, eyes flitting this way and that.
There’s no apparent source.
His hands clench as yet another fly drones around his head.
“Billy! Billy! Billy!"
The calls come from all around and he’s sick of it. Something squeezes at his heart.
A fourth fly comes - it lands on his brow and Billy’s hand moves faster than he’d ever thought possible. The fly is squashed dead against his forehead as what sounds like your voice mixed with Max and Neil’s calls from above.
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“Alright, alright,” Steve holds out two small-size cups to Max and Lucas, “Just - just try it before you knock it, okay?”
“It’s just ice cream, captain,” Max rolls her eyes but takes the cup anyway.
“It’s my specialty,” Steve insists, “Rocky Road, Cherry Chunk, and strawberry syrup - it’s good.”
“It sounds disgustingly sweet,” Max turns her gaze onto you. A brow quirked as if to ask if Steve is serious. But Lucas is not so hesitant, already beginning to dig into his serving of the Harrington special.
“You are in Scoops Ahoy!, Maxine,” she gags at her own name and you laugh.
Just through the candy apple red door is Robin, still stuck counting the register. She’s going as fast as her tired, frazzled brain will allow when she hears heavy footfalls approaching the counter. Losing count, Robin sighs and goes to tell off a lost shopper when she sees who has returned.
“Hey, Hargrove, you’re not needed for another…” she judges the clock, “twenty minutes? At least.”
But Billy steps past the counter, slipping over the lackluster fall board that separates you three from the customers and standing before Robin Buckley.
“I’m gonna need you to get back,” Robin’s always been intimidated by Billy, as much as she hates to admit it.
But come on, she’s been the band geek since freshmen year and he was just… generally terrifying, unless he was trying to fuck you.
“Seriously, Steve is right back there- “ her point is seized, Billy snatching her by the bangs and pulling until her mouth parts to scream.
His hand scrambles for a long-abandoned ice cream scoop that glints under the yellow fluorescents. It’s crusted with the mint chocolate chip that’d been served to a couple of middle schoolers only an hour ago. Billy takes up the scoop and jams it through Robin’s lips, forcing it down her throat until the edge of the black, rubber handle is just peeking through her teeth.
She chokes and claws at her throat, earning no sympathy from Billy when he uses his hold on her bangs to shove her head through the sliding glass panel that separates the ice cream tubs. Robin’s held down in a nearly empty container of cotton candy as Billy slams the panel shut around her neck - hard enough for the glass to shake.
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Max’s head snaps around at the sound of a slam, but neither you nor Steve follows. Lucas is busy trying to keep dripping, melted ice cream from both his fingers and the floor.
“Did nobody else hear that?” Max furrows her brows at the three of you.
“Robin likes stealing ice cream after closing,” you reach into the freezer and pull out a tub of birthday cake, “Here. New and improved flavor, straight from corporate themselves.”
Lucas takes a spoon to the treat but Max shakes her head, stepping back as she says, “I’m just gonna check on her.”
“Alright,” Steve steals back the tub from your hands when Lucas goes in for seconds, “but don’t get huffy when it’s just Robin eating caramel pecan butter.”
The three of you pause now, you lean against Steve’s side as Max approaches that fiery red door. Her hand wraps around the doorknob and she looks right at you, sticking out her tongue as her arm moves to lug the door open.
You all jump back when the door slams right back into the side of Max’s face. She yelps, Billy storming through the doorway and grabbing his step-sister by the neck - lifting her up in the air. Her feet kick out uselessly, hands beating at his arms.
Before Lucas can stupidly run forward, you snag him by the collar of his letterman jacket and hold him away from the man. Max chokes out a desperate scream and her face grows bright red. Steve, though, is free to stupidly runs forward, his body coming back alive when Billy’s hand visibly squeezes tighter around Max’s throat.
It’s fruitless, however, as Billy’s other hand moves automatically - inhuman and mechanical - towards Steve. You scream, back hitting the cold shelves of the open ice cream freezer when Steve is grabbed like a doll by Billy Hargrove. Lucas fights against your terrified grasp, but your petrified arms refuse to release the boy as Steve is lifted just like Max.
You shove Lucas behind you when Max’s face tilts into something purple, racing forward to tug Steve back by the loose, deep blue cloth of his uniform shirt. Both hands come into the effort and Steve’s hat is rocked off of his head, you rip at the flesh of Billy’s fingers around Steve’s neck.
Billy drops Steve with a thud and you drag him away, but there’s a loss immediately at the surface as Billy returns his attention to Max.
The very air in your lungs is stolen when both hands come to Max’s neck. There’s a strangled gasp, Lucas’ guttural shriek, and a snap. A snap you’ve never heard before - like a broken bone, but different. Worse.
So irrevocably worse.
Max’s face drops - all muscle releasing, and you realize that that supposed relaxation leaves her looking horrified. Mouth agape and head hanging like there was never bone there at all.
You’re up first, having to drag Lucas through the door that connects Scoops Ahoy to the neighboring food stall. Steve follows the both of you into the Imperial Panda kitchen.
Max’s body cracks against the floor like sacked potatoes and Billy steps over her like the dirt on his shoe.
Billy’s boots thunder against tiled floor as he follows your trio - the shing of a blade being drawn out from the cutting board echoing ominously in your ears. Lucas heads your group and it feels like your legs can’t burn fast enough.
Like you’re too slow. Like you’re going to die.
His hands on your neck, his bloodlust in your lungs.
You knew Billy Hargrove was an asshole, but you never could have guessed that he would go so far as murder. It’s unlike him, even for - well - him.
Your legs begin to ache, begging to seize, but it still isn’t enough.
Your ears scorch at the sound of Steve’s scream.
The collar of Steve’s uniform shirt cuts to his throat when Billy grabs the back to tug him to his doom. Steve is never presented with the opportunity to defend himself when a clever is hacked between his shoulder blades. He throws a hand forward, caught between pleading with you and Lucas to turn back for him and crying for you both to run faster.
Billy pulls out the clever and kicks Steve to the ground, raising his foot and pressing each corner of his newfound strength and force and hatred into its downfall. Steve’s skull eggshells on the reflective tile of the food court - blood and brain spilling between onto neon reflections.
You can imagine it vividly - Billy right behind you. Hauling ass after the both of you, but the doors are in sight and he’s still with Steve and once you’re out he won’t be able to get you and-
Billy releases the clever in an angled, timed throw - one eye clenched shut to get the best judge of sight.
Your head rocks forward on impact, body freezing and smacking to the ground once the clever buries its mark in the back of your skull. You thud. Dead weight.
Lucas hears it - the sound of your skin like raw meat on a kitchen counter, the ringing silence when your footsteps are no longer behind his.
He wants to run back. Wake you up, wake you up, as if you’re sleeping - because you have to be, your death doesn’t feel real. Max and Steve and Robin - none of it has registered but the looming threat of Billy Hargrove most certainly does.
Those footsteps fill in where yours left off and Lucas feels trapped.
But the doors are coming up. Overwhelmingly close and yet miles away.
His hand shoots out, shoes squeaking against tile, lungs in hell, and his fingertips graze the cold metal push-frame of Starcourt’s front doors.
The doors gasp as he pushes and they release, squealing open.
Then Billy gets a lethal grasp over the collar of his basketball team letterman jacket.
Lucas screams, knowing exactly well how futile ripping apart his vocal cords is. He catches a glimpse of you and Steve over Billy’s shoulders.
Blood pools below what remains of your heads, bodies sprawled and lifeless inside the Scoops Ahoy! uniforms you were both making fun of not ten minutes ago.
Lucas peels at Billy’s face as he’s flipped and held straight. He cries and whimpers like a young babe at the growing pressure that comes from Billy’s hands on either side of his face. It grows and grows and grows and just as he comes to question this unnatural display of strength and cruelty - even from Billy - it pops.
His bones crunch and the teeth are the first to fall out. Blood drools from between his lips and Billy drops Lucas’ body to the floor which continues to shine in what neon signs remain of the stores’ stalls.
Sweat sheens his body as Billy steps over the teenager, his hand pushing open the Starcourt doors so he can carry the devil inside him’s will to the streets.
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Eleven traces a finger over the polaroid of you that’s been stuck onto your locker. You’re standing in the middle of a sunflower field - a road trip to the midwest that Eddie forced you to join him on, you once told her. Notes and folded letters of well wishes in the afterlife have been pasted onto your locker with picked flowers from the side of the road in memoriam. Beside your locker is Robin’s, also littered with notes, letters, and flowers by your fellow students. At the top of each locker is RIP etched into the metal, which she’d seen done by Louise Graham only minutes ago.
Mike tenderly takes his girlfriend’s hand and brings her to his side, though his eyes remain on yours and Robin’s lockers.
The group is peculiarly silent, but nobody is exactly rushing to undo the crickets.
Will fiddles with his fingers as a couple of students from down the hall are sticking daisies through the slats in Steve’s locker as tribute. Dustin stares at his shoes to hide the wetness that gathers in his waterline - hat hiding his reddening, sorrowed face.
Eddie, however, is in full contempt as he watches with crossed arms while a man races down the corridor in a copy of the outfit Billy Hargrove was wearing during his Starcourt massacre. A wife beater, gold-rimmed sunglasses, and denim jeans.
“Hawkins is fucking cursed,” Eddie murmurs, glaring at the boy all the way until he’s no longer in sight, “I’m tired of these bullshit freak incidents.”
“What can we do?” Will shakes his head, looking up at Eddie.
Mike squeezes Eleven to his side, as if it’ll successfully hide her from the evils of Hawkins, Indiana, “Hope we make something of ourselves like our parents never did so we can get the fuck out of here.”
“If we can make something of ourselves in Hawkins,” Dustin sniffles one final time and watches a group of cheerleaders run by, preparing for the homecoming game later tonight.
One cheerleader, captain Chrissy Cunningham, slows to a stop by your and Robin’s locker - pulling out two folded letters to jam between the slots of your doors.
“Why wouldn’t we be able to?” Eleven frowns, and Chrissy pauses at the sound of her voice.
Eddie pushes himself off the locker and spreads his arms wide, grinning as he mouths a distasteful, “Hawkins is fucking cursed.”
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
Does Dustin Know Mike is Gay?
Now I know what you’re gonna say; “But Wibble! This goes against everything we know about Mike’s character! He’s supposed to be hiding, why the fuck would he tell Dustin!?” And I get the skepticism. I do. So, I am gently grabbing your hand and asking you to entertain me for a minute. Let’s consider what we know.
Number One
Thus far, Dustin doesn’t play any significant role in Mike’s arc with his sexuality. In fact, he’s the only party member who doesn’t somehow influence the way Mike interacts with his sexuality! How Will and El play into Mike’s arc with his sexuality is obvious. Lucas is Mike’s leader in understanding the Straight Man act in S3 and he’s representative of what Mike has realized he can’t have in S4 — normalcy. Mike can’t try to be normal like Lucas. Whenever Mike needs an example of what he’s supposed to be, whether to imitate or to be angry at, Lucas is where he turns (even though the S4 conflict itself goes beyond any sort of jealousy). Max is an influence by proxy. She’s another example of what Mike is supposed to want (girls) because that’s who Lucas wants.
Dustin, however, never seems to hold any real significance in Mike’s story with his sexuality. Hell, if we’re being really honest, Dustin hasn’t been much of a player at all in Mike’s story since S1. The one and only time we see Dustin brushing the monstrosity that is that internal conflict, it’s when he’s dragging on Mike and El in S3. You could argue the Phoebe Cates comment as well, but that doesn’t have as much to do with Dustin himself than another example of Mike being disinterested in girls.
This immediately gives Dustin an advantage in this argument. If Dustin doesn’t play a significant role in Mike’s arc with his sexuality, Mike doesn’t have much to fear with coming out to him compared to other characters. It also guarantees that Dustin won’t be heavily encroaching on that part of the story in S5, because it isn’t really relevant to him.
Number Two
Obviously that isn’t enough to say Mike would come out to him, Wibble 🙄. He still wouldn’t want to lose one of his best friends and he doesn’t know whether or not Dustin is okay with gay people!!!
Yes. Sort of. Of course he doesn’t want to lose Dustin, and coming out does risk that. However, may I introduce you to the most openly queer man in Hawkins; one of Dustin’s very good friends; someone Dustin is shown to care about dearly…
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Edward Munson!
Eddie is at least somewhat open about his queerness, considering he wears the black bandana in his pocket to school and his whole ‘embrace the freak’ personality. The bandana is code to call out to people outside of his circle, but I have zero doubts that Eddie is open about being queer when he’s with the Hellfire members. Eddie isn’t ashamed of who he is, and the bandana is an active invitation to other people to join him. The bandana doesn’t serve a narrative purpose, seemingly, but that sign that he’s trying to communicate to other queer people that he’s also queer (and available). He doesn’t hide it. The same way he hunts down fellow freaks, he’s calling out to other queers.
Dustin clearly doesn’t care, considering how close he is with Eddie regardless of his blatant queerness. He’s defensive of him when accusations are thrown around about him being a murderer. Friendly reminder that the satanic panic and hunt for the freak is meant to be a metaphor for the AIDs crisis! There’s a reason they specifically mention sodomy in the magazine Eddie reads out of. Sodomy is literally anal sex. The activity most popularly believed to be the cause and spread of AIDs. It’s a pretty blatant metaphor, and Dustin goes out of his way to prove that Eddie isn’t a murderer like everyone claims, that he’s a good person even though he does play DND. There’s a ton of emphasis put on the fact that DND isn’t this horrible, sickening game that everyone believes it is; being gay isn’t a disease and Eddie isn’t a murderer. Having gay sex doesn’t kill people. Eddie engaging in gay sex (hence the black bandana) doesn’t mean he’s spreading AIDs and killing people. He’s not a murderer.
The point is, Eddie is openly queer and Dustin is not only accepting but goes out of his way to protect Eddie.
There’s some incredibly important timing going here. When do Dustin, Lucas, and Mike actually meet Eddie? The start of the school year.
Now, this is important for Mike because this means an openly queer man is approaching him and inviting him to do the very thing he’d just spent all his time doing since the Byers and El moved on July 4th. Mike hasn’t been together with El since before Starcourt. He’s been mourning the loss of his best friend for months by doing the very things he associates with being gay and in love with Will. He’s taken small steps forward in accepting himself, but having someone like Eddie be proud of himself and his identity was critical in his journey with queerness. Meeting Eddie at this point, where he’s been forced to face the fact that he can’t change the way he feels about boys, about Will, and has been broken up with El for months with no reason to assume they’re gonna get back together creates a golden opportunity for Mike to start exploring himself in a space without having to worry. Eddie is there for him.
At the same time, Eddie becomes the first openly queer person Dustin has ever met. Mike watches Dustin accept Eddie and look up to him just like he does. Dustin has a great relationship with Eddie and, as I already said, doesn’t just accept him but embraces him too. Dustin shows that he doesn’t just tolerate queerness but actively defends it.
Where Lucas doesn’t have a very good relationship with Eddie and is trying very hard to be normal, Dustin develops a great relationship with Eddie and doesn’t show anything less than full support. We can assume that this support we see in S4 doesn’t just occur then, considering the satanic panic is an ongoing issue we see picking up at the end of S3. That’s not to say Lucas is homophobic by any means (his acceptance is actually gonna be incredibly important to Mike’s arc in S5), as his motives are completely unrelated to Eddie’s queerness, but that Mike can’t have complete faith that he won’t lose Lucas more than he already has if he tells him. Telling Dustin, on the other hand, is something he knows isn’t dangerous.
Dustin having the relationship he does with Eddie shows Mike that he’s safe. Mike realizes he has a friend who knows Will who he can talk to without fear of losing him or of him being disgusted. Eddie can guide Mike through his queerness, but he doesn’t know Will. Dustin knows Will.
Number Three
That last thought brings me to point three; Dustin seems to be aware of Mike’s troubles with Will l specifically.
We’ve already established that Dustin is a safe person for Mike to talk to and that he’s the only safe person Mike knows who also knows Will. He’s one of Mike’s best friends. The possibility of Dustin knowing about Mike’s communication problem with Will is confirmed with his line about Mike’s whining, and we know that Mike doesn’t use the phone to talk to El. The choice to have Dustin be the one to give out this information is especially odd, considering Nancy is there and if there were problems with the phone she would know better than Dustin, since her and Jonathan have been staying in touch somehow. She could’ve been the one to point it out, but they have Dustin do it. They make a point out of Dustin having to deal with Mike’s whining.
I implore you to remember the last time we saw Mike whine. Like, literally whining.
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Peak whiny Mike.
Again, we have mlvn put up against and losing to byler through this parallel. The last time Mine was being whiny, it was because he didn’t know he was allowed to call her first (or didn’t want to) and his partner in crime was Lucas, his exemplar of normalcy. Now, we have Mike being whiny because he literally cannot reach Will because the phone is busy. Mike is reaching out completely on his own and now he goes and whines to Dustin about it. It’s meant to be a romantic parallel just like the breakup vs the rain fight where we see how obvious it is that Mike will fight harder to keep Will in his life. I can’t imagine a scenario where Mike would be comfortable complaining so much to Dustin about it if he hasn’t told him. Reminder that, according to Lucas on the Line, Dustin does know Mike keeps in contact with El through letters. Also, Dustin’s not stupid. He knows they can’t risk exposing El to the government via phone call.
But all that goes to show the Dustin might just be aware of Mike’s feelings for Will. He finally has his place in this incredibly important part of Mike’s story without interfering with the other important people involved in this storyline, as he won’t out Mike to anyone. He can be Mike’s taste of normalcy in the sense that he doesn’t have to hide who he is around Dustin. I’m not saying they have these deep, inspirational conversations but that Mike has someone who won’t treat him differently if he wants to whine over Will.
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oathkeeperoxas · 5 months
@adiduck prompted "reunion kiss" as a part of saintspy May, which of course I am more than happy to deliver
It’s below freezing outside and he’s been standing here for nearly four hours.
Ethan rubs his hands together to have something to do before tucking them deep into his pockets. The tiny airstrip has a small area that’s inside, but he’s not the only one here – there are families all chattering away in French, annoyed with the wait but still friendly, still too much, in a way that he doesn’t want. He’s trying to avoid drawing any attention to himself, which means that he has to stay away from the curious Canadians inside, and any questions they might have about a lone American out in the middle of absolutely nowhere.
The car that he’s rented is just about colder than outside because at least out here he can pace. He keeps the blood moving, thinking as he does, snacking at regular intervals in order to keep his blood sugars up and to keep the system moving. Eyes on the sky. Waiting, waiting, waiting. He knows this is a commercial plane, but still. Even he doesn’t think he was ever hours late when he was still up in the air.
He picks up a glimmer coming through the low hanging clouds just as it ticks over to hour five. He squints into the gloom and watches as the movement coalesces into the smooth lines of a plane. He’s read the manifest, knows the names of the crew and all twenty one passengers on board (well, the names of twenty passengers, and one fake passport). There’s a cry of triumph from inside that he hears even from here. Despite himself, his heart picks up in his chest. Soon, soon…
It’s another thirty-five minutes before people start spilling out and into their cars and trucks, big things with snow chains on the wheels to get through the icy slush that has moved over the land the entire time Ethan has been here. The person he’s looking for comes out in the middle of it all – not obvious near the front, not lingering near the back. But he’s the only one alone, and it’s clear that he’s drawn some attention anyway. This is the sort of place where strangers stand out.
It’s fine. Now that he’s here, they’re not going to stay for long.
Ethan doesn’t raise a hand, or do anything but watch as he comes closer.
“You look like you’ve gotten lost. Need directions?”
“Only if you promise you’ll take me to bed for it,” he answers. Ethan relaxes the smallest amount – code given and answered – and looks him up and down. Brown eyes and hair that curls at his face wispily, making him look younger than he is. Wrinkles at the edges of his eyes and his mouth. Hiking bag slung over his shoulder.
He keeps walking, straight into Ethan’s arms. Ethan curls his arms around him, feels their breath fog between them, against his lips before Ethan brings them together. He’s warm and generous with his kiss, moving their mouths together for a long, long moment before he pulls away and offers Ethan some chapstick out of one of his many pockets.
“That bad?” Ethan asks, laughing as he takes it.
“I’m planning on chafing those lips plenty over the next few days,” he warns. “I don’t want to ruin them just yet.”
“But by the end of the week?” Ethan asks, unable to stop from smiling. They haven’t moved apart, though he should probably turn the car on, get the heater started. But he can’t let him out of Ethan’s arms just yet.
“I did promise, didn’t I,” he murmurs. “It’s Tony, by the way.”
“Hmm,” Ethan says, leaning in to kiss Tony again, because he can. His partner is often Tony, to travel – the saint of travellers, so it does make some sense. “Hi Tony.”
“Hi Ethan,” Tony says. “Tickets in hand?”
Ethan snorts. “It’s all planned. Eager?”
“The season is unpredictable,” Tony says. “We want to get the best nights to see the lights, or I’m freezing myself out here for no reason.”
“Hey,” Ethan says. “I’m not the one who stood here while waiting for your plane.”
Tony softens, tucking Ethan’s hands into his jacket. His nose is already bright red at the tip. Cute. “I know. I’m sorry. Several of our passengers had a connecting flight that was late, and so we waited for them, which of course threw off our whole schedule…”
“You’re here,” Ethan says. “That’s what counts. You’re here.”
“In the middle of Canada,” Tony muses. “We’re here.”
“The place is nice,” Ethan says, pulling him back towards the car. Tony doesn’t disconnect from where they’re hooked up together, Ethan’s hands in his jacket, Tony’s hands in Ethan’s pants pockets. “It has a fireplace too, thankfully.”
“I made sure of it when we booked,” Tony says.
“You were the one who wanted to fly in at the last moment,” Ethan chuckles. “The cold isn’t that bad.”
Tony sniffs. “Speak for yourself. Besides…” His eyes glint. “You’re the one who I’m going to be cuddling up to when we’re out there, and you’ve already volunteered to be my portable heater.”
“I’m sure you’ll make me regret it,” Ethan agrees.
“No getting out of it now,” Tony says, eyes wandering over the car, the people who are leaving the small airport, and the clouds and light snow that’s falling from overhead.
“No,” Ethan agrees, fully satisfied. “Not at all.”
Send me a kiss for saintspy May 😘
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I'm following @eternal-infamy's prime example of procrastination, by doing some incorrect quotes:
Evan, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him? Andy: You did WHAT? Raven: William Snakepeare Sparkle: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Ezra: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Sparkle: Yes! Willow: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Raven: I'm a reverse necromancer. Adrian: Isn't that just killing people? Raven: Ah, technicality.
Andy: You love me, right? Adrian: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Andy: Gently taps table Dalton: Taps back Adrian: What are they doing? Raven: Morse code. Andy: Aggressively taps table Dalton: Slams hands down YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Andy: Screams Willow: Screams louder to establish dominance Adrian: Should we do something? Raven: No, I want to see who wins.
Willow: You know those things will kill you, right? Travis, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point. Miles, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process. Ezra: Nods while eating raw cookie dough
Willow: Wake me up… Ezra: Before you go go! Andy: When September ends… Raven: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
Willow and Andy are sitting on a bench Sam: Why do you guys look so sad? Willow: Sit down with us so we can tell you. Sam sits down Andy: The bench is freshly painted.
Akin: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Caspian: Killed without hesitation. Akin: No.
Evan: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment! Lily: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly! Daniel: I turned out perfectly fine! Evan: Daniel, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast Daniel: I DIDN’T PUT THE BREAD IN! YOU DIDN’T PUT THE BREAD IN!!!
Andy: Kicks the door down looking panicked Adrian: What did you do? Andy: Nobody died. Adrian: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Sam: How many kids do you have? Raven: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Evan: Is something burning? Daniel: Just my love for you. Evan: Daniel, the toaster is on fire.
Sky, struggling to keep upright in her 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me Andy, pointing at them and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
Wyatt: Travis and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Miles: Sighing What did Travis do? Wyatt: He chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and… Travis: Who wants a steering wheel?
Andy: Am I in trouble? Adrian: Take a guess. Andy: No? Adrian: Take another guess.
Malou: Can you please be serious for five minutes? Dalton: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Willow: Truth or dare? Felix: Dare Willow: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room Felix: Hey Sparkle Sparkle, blushing: Yeah? Felix: Could you move? I’m trying to get to Eli
Andy: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Congo: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Andy: Absolutely not.
Willow: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back. Andy: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Lily: So what’s for dinner? Jackall, staring at the food he just burnt: Regret.
Sparkle: Must be hard not being able to laugh Adrian: I do have a sense of humor you know Sparkle: I’ve never heard you laugh before Adrian: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Sam: So that’s my plan. Andy: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don’t want to sound mean. Sam: No, go ahead, I want to hear it. Andy: It fucking sucks. Sam: That’s not constructive criticism.
Evan: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'? Congo: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated- Andy: Smad.
Willow: We need to get through this locked door. Dad, give me your credit card. Andy: Here. Willow, pocketing it: Thanks. Wyatt, kick down the door.
Sparkle: HELP! I TOLD RAVEN I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Daniel, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Andy: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? Evan: You’re a hazard to society Gizmo: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Travis: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night. River: You were flirting with Wyatt. Travis: So what? He's my boyfriend. River: You asked him if he was single. Travis: River: And then you cried when he said he weasn't.
Sky: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Raven: The car takes a screenshot. Adrian: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Aishlynn What did you guys get in your yearbook? Odette: 'Prettiest Smile' Sam: 'Nicest Personality' Andy: 'Most likely to start a bar fight' Evan: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one' Evan: Favorite horror movie? Jackall: It Nekaya: Saw Andy: Annabelle Gizmo: High School Musical. after watching it I spent last semester terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Odette, going over Felix's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative. Felix: Yes Odette: Okay… may I know what you create? Felix: Problems.
Andy, pointing: May I sit there? Adrian: That's my lap Andy: That doesn't answer my question, Adrian.
Caspian: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. Andy: I think you mean cards. Caspian, pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
Congo, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Willow: walks in covered with ink Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Andy: I was arrested for being too cool. Willow: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Andy: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait. Dalton: You and me!!! Andy, tearing up: Okay.
Sam: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life Malou: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years! Andy: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this! Willow: I knew I lost that potential somewhere! Felix: My moral code, is that you? Dalton: Dalton: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Andy: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Congo: no. Willow: Mistlefoe. Congo: Please stop encouraging him.
Andy: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it Adrian: Just rip the bandage off. Andy: It’s Felix. Adrian: Put the bandage back on.
Raven: How's the sexiest person here~? Adrian: I don't know, how is he~? Raven, flustered: I- Andy, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
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halfbakedideas · 2 years
Tell Me Why The World Never Fights Fair
Welcome to the worst nightmare of all: reality! - Clive Barker
Or, Three vigilantes (Bruce, Jason and Tim) don’t have that great of a time. It gets better. It just takes a bit.
Title from Home by Machine Gun Kelly. The original idea lacked the nightmare aspect and was a lot less Jason-friendly but I got talked out of doing that. I wanted to write pain and this is the result.
It is barely past midday when Bruce’s phone buzzes from its spot in his pocket. He has just stepped inside his office at W.E. when he pulls it out to check the new notification
April 27th at 12:03 PM: 
New Entry (Titans’ Tower): JASON TODD.
The top-of-the-line W.E. phone slips from Bruce’s hand to crash onto the plush grey carpet at his feet. There had to be a glitch in the system. There had to be. There’s no way that the notification he had just received is actually true.
Jason is dead. Has been for years.
Feeling like someone has wrapped an iron band around his neck, Bruce takes a seat at his desk, logs into his computer and then into the backdoor program for the security feed of the Tower.
If Jason really is alive then this will confirm it.
Instead of footage of a very much alive Jason like he had been hoping for, the CEO of Wayne Enterprises is greeted by a wall of grainy static. From every single camera. The screen of his phone catches his eye, open on the access log for the Tower. It’s the second-most recent entry that catches him.
April 26th at 6PM:
New Entry (Titans’ Tower): TIM DRAKE.
There’s no logged exit time for Tim. Bruce’s heart leaps into his throat. The pieces begin to fall into place. Forming a terrifying picture. A picture that is threatening to forcibly expel his heart from his chest.
Bruce tries desperately to reconnect to the security cameras, with even more desperation than before. No luck.
With a sinking heart, the more realistic alternative hits him. It wasn’t actually Jason, it was the murderous Red Hood using a dead boy’s access code. Who had come for Tim’s head while the teenager was alone with any backup at least three hours away.
If he had been a crueller man, Bruce would have admitted defeat and turned his attention to the day’s work. He’s not a cruel man, especially when it comes to his child (still possibly children), so instead of pulling up work he opens his email account and sends off an email to his assistant informing her that he’ll be out of the office for the rest of the day.
With the pleasantries taken care of Bruce is free to leave, to fall into the role of Batman. He’s seated in the BatPlane going as fast as this particular vehicle can possibly go towards San Francisco within the hour.
Even at top speed, he won’t arrive at Titans’ Tower for nearly three hours.
Three hours…one hundred and eighty minutes in which the Red Hood could have slaughtered Tim.
Batman enters Titans’ Tower in an anxious flurry of midnight black cape and hurried but quiet footfalls.
No. No. No. Please don’t be dead. Please. He’s already lost one son. He can’t — won’t — be able to handle the death of another one.
Tim’s room is empty, as is the kitchen. The common room is certainly not empty. With his heart in his throat, Bruce flicked on the lights.
Black hair, lingering bits of baby fat that still clung to the cheeks, sickly pale skin. Even with the domino mask covering his eyes, there was no denying who this is: Tim.
Not only had Red Hood tracked down Tim across the country but the crime lord had murdered him in cold blood.
As Batman, Bruce has to be able to stomach even the most gruesome scenes. If he is not able to then there is absolutely no way he could do his duty as Gotham’s protector. But this particular scene is testing that control.
No more Robins is scrawled across the opposite wall in a loud blocky font.
Stepping closer, Bruce discovers that it’s not red paint on the wall. It’s blood. And whose blood has been seeping into the hardwood floor, staining it a dark cherry colour for the last half hour or so? Tim.
Red Hood had repositioned the fourteen-year-old’s body in a way that imitates how he would have fallen had the cause of death been a bomb.
Suddenly Bruce jolts upright with a gasp. He’s back in his bedroom at the manor. In pyjamas and socks instead of kevlar and armour.
It was just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream.
If it had all just been a nightmare, Tim should (hopefully) be asleep in his room at Titans’ Tower.
A seed of panic embeds itself in Bruce’s chest at the possibility that might not be true. That same panic kicks him out of bed, from his room to head down to his study to access the security feeds from the Tower.
Panic has its iron grip around his throat as he logs into his backdoor access. Much like in his dream nightmare he is greeted by a wall of static from every camera.
Will Bruce arrive at Titans’ Tower only to find his son dead and his blood smeared across the wall as a deranged kind of ink to leave him a message?
Or will he arrive only to find Tim alive and well, fixing a problem with the security system?
He hopes with all of his soul that the second one is the one that is true. If it’s the other one Bruce isn’t sure what he will do.
Just as he is standing from his chair, fully intending on heading down to the Cave and flying off in the BatPlane, his phone that had been charging on the desk rings with an incoming call from an unknown number.
When Bruce accepts it, he discovers it is a video call. How does he discover that I hear you ask? Well, when it connected Bruce was graced with the face of a certain Crime Alley-based crime lord.
“What did you do to Robin?” Bruce demands, tone steely, before Jason — the Red Hood — could get a word in.
“Nothing I was planning to do!” Red Hood tells him. “Look, can we do this another time? There’s a baby bird here who needs your attention,” he says as he switches to the rear camera.
The anger still brewing inside Bruce disappears the instant that he realises who exactly it is curled up on the sofa under the blanket.
“He’s alive!” Red Hood adds before he can ask. “Well, existing on this planet: yes. Living: not so much,” he corrects himself.
“What do you mean?” Bruce asks.
“How much do you know about Timmy’s parents?” Red Hood asks instead.
Bruce’s brain blue-screens. Why is Red Hood, someone who can and (up until now it seems) wouldn’t hesitate to kill Tim is asking about the kid’s parents? Not only that but he had called him by a nickname.
“Why are you asking?” he finds himself saying instead.
“What is this? Twenty Questions? Just answer the damn question,” Red Hood — no this is Jason, no mass murdering crime lord would care about their supposed replacement like this — tells him.
“Not that much, the Drakes highly value their privacy. They are out of the country for most of the year-“
“-Always without Tim, didn’t that ever seem odd to you?” Jason butts in.
“I…no? Isn’t Tim being cared for by a nanny?” Bruce says, not liking where this conversation is going.
“You should double-check your damn information because apparently little Timmy hasn’t had a nanny since he was six,” he says. “You let him go back to an empty house for years,”
Bruce’s blood goes ice cold at that.
Jack had emailed him about a year ago to tell him about a nanny coming every day to check in with Tim. Had Jack been lying to him this whole time and he had what? Just accepted it and took it at face value.
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
“Because I’m not. The kid said it himself, whilst begging me to let him keep Robin I might add,” Jason says, “Which I’m not going to take from him,” he mutters, Bruce almost misses it.
“I had no clue that the nanny didn’t exist-“ Bruce tells his middle son.
“Well you should have, World’s Greatest Detective and all; I spoke to Tim for ten fucking minutes and the clues were all there,” Jason all but spits into the receiver. “But that conversation calls for more effort than I have right now and Tim needs you, so I don’t care how you get here just get here.” with that, he hangs up.
The fastest he can arrive at the Tower is three hours time. No, it isn’t. Not if he takes the zeta. Bruce is an idiot.
Pocketing his phone, he starts off at a near run down to the Cave.
“Master Bruce?” Alfred questions as Bruce passes him on the stairs.
“Time-sensitive matter, I’ll debrief you when I return,” he tells the butler over his shoulder as he continues down the stairs, not once stopping.
Not wasting time on changing into his uniform Bruce enters his destination into the system and steps into the zeta. He steps out into Titans’ Tower just as the system announces his code.
As soon as his feet hit the floor, Bruce takes off down the corridor towards the common room. Tim hasn’t moved, still curled up under the blanket while Jason sits on the opposite side of the sofa, his helmet on the floor. The latter looks up when Bruce enters the room and promptly (gently) pokes Tim.
“Hey, Timmy, B’s here,” Jason tells him.
The teen looks up at him at the mention of his name and suddenly launches into movement.
It is at that moment that Bruce is glad that he didn’t take the time to change into his uniform. A jumper and pants is infinitely more comfortable for hugging than the Batman uniform and armour. While the hug is unexpected, it is no less unwanted, especially from Tim, someone who rarely (if ever) initiates physical contact.
The three eventually end up going back to the manor. After Tim has gone up to his room to get some proper sleep, Bruce stops Jason before he can slip away and demands asks for a complete run-down of what had happened at the Tower.
By the time the two get up from the table an hour later not only has Jason given a full run-down (it wasn’t really a debrief) but they have made a plan to get Tim out of his parents’ care for good. And Alfred had made the eighteen-year-old promise to come to Sunday dinner.
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rynmaru · 2 years
Best Foot Forward
The hum and buzz of the desk lamp’s florescent bulbs itched across Castor’s skin as he tried to keep his focus on the task at hand. He would have to put in a request for less sensorially distressing lighting soon, but he couldn’t tear himself away from his work just yet, not when it was this important.
Selecting a small screwdriver from the toolkit beside him, Castor’s brow furrowed in concentration. His fingers were growing clumsy from hours working at this, and he briefly stuck the handle of the tool between his teeth to shake out his hands, crack his knuckles, and adjust his glasses back to their proper position after they’d slid down his nose yet again.
Taking up the screwdriver again, he fit the last panel in place and tightened the screws before sitting back to admire his work. Hands on technological inventions weren’t his strong suit, but this he was especially pleased with.
Light glinted off the white metallic surface of the spherical device as Castor carefully turned it over in his hands, so the front faced him, revealing a lens like that if a camera.
He polished the lens with the edge of his sleeve before reaching to pull a chip from the computer beside him and slotting it into a port in the side. He slid a panel back over it to keep it safe and smiled as he felt a faint vibration in his palms as the device powered on.
There was a mechanical whir and click as the lens worked to bring him into focus.
“Castor?” P.O.L.L.V.X.’s voice sounded as clear as if they were standing beside him. “Oh. This is new. Is this why you had me offline for…”
They paused to check the time. Theatrics, Castor knew, but P.O.L.L.V.X. did like to flaunt their very human mannerisms.
“Five hours, thirty-eight minutes, and twenty-two seconds…?”
“It is,” Castor said, lifting the device to eye level. “But I wanted this to be a surprise. I figured you’d enjoy being able to accompany me throughout the day in a more…visible way.”
He could hear a grin he had never seen in P.O.L.L.V.X.’s voice as the vibrations of the portable crypt grew more intense.
“You didn’t…”
“Mm, why don’t you try it out and see,” Castor urged. He pat the top of the crypt gently, then lobbed it up into the air. It reached the peak then dropped like a stone. Castor lunged for it with a gasp, only to have it stop inches above his hands and the floor.
“Kidding!” P.O.L.L.V.X. laughed, the crypt floating up to Castor’s eye level and then a little higher. It bobbed in the air a bit as the NHP adjusted to their new form.
Castor fidgeted in place, shifting his weight from one foot to another and then back again.
Noticing, P.O.L.L.V.X. chuckled softly and decided to stop teasing. A light flicked on, beaming from the camera lens and projecting a shifting mass of code and fragmented images, all swirling around each other like a slow moving tornado. The image glitched, fragmenting even more.
“Oh for fuck’s sake…one moment…” P.O.L.L.V.X. grumbled.
“Making sure you look good?” Castor asked.
“I know I look good.”
“Because if you need more time to choose your appearance you can take it-“
The image glitched again and then the data abruptly converged into a unified whole, a perfect holographic image of P.O.L.L.V.X. At around five foot eight, they towered over Castor. They had a round, friendly face, wavy white hair, and green eyes that flickered with just a hint of green code below the surface. They were dressed casually in jeans, tennis shoes, and a grey t shirt, their hands shoved into the pockets of an oversized coat colored in shades of vibrant green, blue, and pink. A mischievous grin lit their face from ear to ear.
“Oh, but I’d hate to keep you waiting, Castor.”
Speechless, Castor could only stare obviously, eyes wide as he took a slow step closer.
P.O.L.L.V.X. gave him a twirl. “In the flesh! What do you think? I spent a long time on this design. Think it’s too much? Too casual? Should I go for something more…L.E.I.D.A.?”
Castor stopped right in front of them, shaking his head.
“No. No, you’re perfect. Perfect.” He couldn’t tear his gaze away from P.O.L.L.V.X.’s face.
“What?” They asked.
“It’s just…so good to finally see you…” Castor whispered, a smile finally breaking through the awed expression he had been wearing. “So, so good, Lux…”
P.O.L.L.V.X. paused for a split second, reading Castor’s expression and reactions, analyzing every inflection in his tone. Then they smiled warmly.
“It’s good to be seen by you, Castor.”
Castor’s smile widened and he laughed a bit as he looked them up and down again, still hardly believing they were actually in front of him. “Wow…look at you.”
“I know, right? Ender’s got serious competition for the best looking person on this station. But I have him beat on personality for sure.”
“That’s not hard.”
“Shh let me have this,” P.O.L.L.V.X. held a translucent finger to Castor’s lips.
Castor’s ears went ever so slightly pink.
“I suppose you can have this one thing.”
“Thank you, you’re too kind,” P.O.L.L.V.X. snorted. They gave another twirl, looking down at themself as they did.
“We’re going out today.”
“Going out. Of the lab. And your room. And seeing real people.”
Castor looked distinctly uncomfortable. “Why?”
“Because I want to show off, Castor! I want people to see me!” P.O.L.L.V.X. grinned. “And you need to be less of a shut in, hon.”
“But…where would we go? We don’t have anywhere to go…so there’s not really any point-“
“Glitch invited you to get drinks with the rest of your Lance,” P.O.L.L.V.X. pulled up a message and projected it in front of Castor for him to see. “They do have recreational facilities here you know. Not that you’ve ever taken the time to check them out.”
“I have. I’ve gone swimming.”
“Oh well color me impressed.”
Castor rolled his eyes as he turned to start walking to the door.
“Please tell me you aren’t wearing that to go to a bar,” P.O.L.L.V.X. said, taking in Castor’s slacks and turtleneck.
Castor’s silence was all the answer they needed and they pointed in the direction of the closet.
“Go. Get changed. I know you own a pair of jeans or something more casual.”
“You sound like Mom.”
“Yeah, cause Mom would agree with me and tell you the same thing! This might be L.E.I.D.A., but geek chic isn’t the move for a night out. You’re a Lancer! Try looking the part!”
Castor huffed, picking through his closet sullenly. P.O.L.L.V.X. approached to stand beside him.
“Trust me?”
“Not when you ask like that in this context.”
“Let me pick your outfit.”
“I can dress myself!”
“Yeah, for work, but let me help you out! Come on, pleeeeease?” P.O.L.L.V.X. gave him a pleading expression. Castor looked away quickly.
“Fine. But if I look stupid I’m revoking your hologram privileges.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. gasped and clutched over their heart.
“Castor! I would never! I can’t be the only good looking one. Just the best looking. Kidding! Kidding! No!”
The laughed as Castor reached for their new crypt, which they levitated just out of his reach.
“Just pick the outfit and let’s get this over with,” Castor huffed, going to sit on the edge of his bed to watch P.O.L.L.V.X.
The NHP looked over the options thoughtfully.
“I’m ordering you new clothes soon. Slim pickings here.”
“That’s a waste of money.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. ignored him and gestured to a pair of dark jeans and a plain maroon shirt.
“Wear these and those running shoes.”
Shaking his head, Castor went to get the clothes and change in the bathroom. That was new. He hadn’t done that before. P.O.L.L.V.X. made a note of the behavior change. He was not gone for long though, returning in the far more casual and comfortable outfit with his hair freshly combed back, that one stray lock of hair stubbornly falling over his forehead as it always did.
“See? That’s much better!”
“I’m glad you approve,” Castor said, grabbing his long lab coat from the back of his chair and shrugging it on. It was a surprisingly good look and P.O.L.L.V.X. gave him an appreciative once over.
“Oh I definitely approve. Come on, let’s go!” They opened the automated door and gestured grandly for Castor to follow as they strode out. The few people in the hallway did a double take as an unfamiliar person stepped out of Castor’s unit. P.O.L.L.V.X. flashed a grin and finger guns in one person’s direction who was staring a bit too obviously.
“Evening, Charlotte! Lovely day to be out and about, isn’t it?”
The woman’s face went white as she recognized their voice and she took a few steps backwards. “Oh my god…”
Castor reached up to tap P.O.L.L.V.X.’s crypt as he passed. “Let’s go, Lux.”
“I’m coming, Castor-tor-tor.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. froze mid-step, glitching and breaking down only for their crypt to swivel and reform their projected image directly in front of Charlotte where she still stood frozen. They looked down, sneering.
She flinched, dropping several papers which she scooped up haphazardly before scrambling away down the hall towards her unit.
“Pollux.” Castor’s tone was more insistent and stern. “Try to behave.”
“Oh it’s just a little fun, Castor, don’t be so uptight.” P.O.L.L.V.X. laughed as they rejoined him.
Castor glanced at them and his expression softened almost imperceptibly as he saw them. Oh this new crypt was very useful.
The walk wasn’t particularly long, a couple turns down a series of uniform hallways lined in lush greenery with the nebula visible above them through the glass ceiling, then a short ride in one of the elevators down to the lower atrium of the recreational sector. This area of L.E.I.D.A. resembled a mall more than a part of a research station, with several restaurants, shops, and a bar encircling a lush, carefully cultivated park and fountain.
It was P.O.L.L.V.X. who led the way to the bar, a space so sleek and high tech in its aesthetic that it could have passed for one of the laboratories to anyone who was unfamiliar with the location. The name “The Beaker” with an image of accompanying lab instrument, were outlined in blue neon lights. The open sign in the window made Castor snort ever so softly. It seemed unnecessary given how nothing ever closed here. Day and night were subjective at L.E.I.D.A.
The glass doors glided soundlessly open as P.O.L.L.V.X.’s crypt triggered the motion sensor.
“-over dressed for this place, wouldn’t you say?” Fenrir’s deep drawl reached Castor’s ears from the table his Lance had clustered around. “This place ain’t much of a bar, much less a club.”
“Look, I’m bored and a night out is a night out!” Glitch said, loudly slurping the dregs of her drink through her straw as if to punctuate her statement. Her gaze fell on Castor and she straightened up immediately.
“Holy shit! What the fuck is up, Bytesized? You actually came!”
Castor nodded, hands in the pockets of his coat, “I did.”
He looked to Fenrir who gave him a slight tip of the cowboy hat he almost always wore, and then to Regent, who was seated and nursing a glass of bourbon. The older man gave him one of his reserved smiles and Castor nodded in return.
Glitch’s attention had moved to just past Castor’s shoulder, focused on P.O.L.L.V.X. now.
“No way! Pollux?!”
“Online and on your mind,” P.O.L.L.V.X. winked and Glitch snorted, going to walk circles around them.
“That one needs some work. Not the worst you’ve tried though. Damn, Lux, you look fly as fuck! Don’t tell me Bytesized designed this look for you.”
“Oh no, this is all me.”
“That tracks. Oh!” Glitch ran back to Castor who had begun approaching the table, slinging her arm around his shoulder. “Speaking of looking good! Fenrir’s being an ass and not hyping up my outfit! Regent’s not participating so it’s up to you to you to be my hype-man. What do ya say, Bytesized?”
“Tough shit!” Glitch said cheerfully, stepping back and striking several poses in rapid succession. “How do I look?”
In her neon pink crop top, metallic black booty shorts, and clunky six inch heeled boots with the same neon accents in the laces and trim, it was safe to say that Glitch was showing more skin publicly than had ever been shown at L.E.I.D.A. before.
Castor looked to Regent who was watching the ice in his glass with great interest. Fenrir just looked at him expectantly before knocking back the remnants of his own drink.
“Uh…” Castor looked back to Glitch. “You…ah…it looks…intentionally impractical. And cold. And bright. I…like it.”
“Gee, Bytesized, you sure know how to hype a girl up,” Glitch laughed.
“I do?”
“That was sarcasm, hon…” P.O.L.L.V.X. piped up quietly beside him.
“You’ve hazed him enough, Glitch, take a seat, Byte.”
Castor did as he was told and Glitch sat as well.
“Hey. In all seriousness, thanks.” Glitch gave him a smile from across the table. “You’re looking great too, Bytesized.”
Castor glanced at P.O.L.L.V.X. who gave a smile and slight shake of their head. Not sarcasm. He looked back to Glitch.
“Thank you.”
“What’s your poison, Byte?” Fenrir asked. “Glitch is buying this round.”
“That’s what you get for hazing the new blood,” Regent said calmly, giving her a meaningful look over his glass. Glitch huffed and nodded.
“Yeah…yeah okay…We all agree that Bytesized has to take a shot before getting his drink so he can catch up with the rest of us though, right?”
“What?” Castor looked concerned, but his Lancemates were all nodding their agreement, even Regent.
“Great! What do you want to drink?” Glitch asked him.
“I…don’t know…?”
“Something fruity,” P.O.L.L.V.X. spoke up for him. “He doesn’t drink enough to know what he likes.”
“Got it. Be right back.”
Castor watched Glitch go with an air of resignation.
“It’s a few drinks, not a death sentence, Byte,” Regent pat his shoulder. “Relax, son. You’re in good company, and I won’t let you make a fool of yourself.”
Castor hesitated, then nodded. He didn’t shrug off the hand on his shoulder either.
Glitch returned with a round of drinks and an extra shot for Castor, which she set right in front of him.
Castor eyed it doubtfully. Picking it up, he sniffed it. The strong smell of vodka made his eyes water and he started to put it back down.
“Aw come on!” Glitch groaned.
“It smells awful!”
“It’s vodka! Of course it smells strong! Don’t be a bitch about it!”
Fenrir leaned on the table. “Do what I say and you’ll be taking shots no problem, you hear?”
“I don’t get a choice, do I?”
“Hell no.”
Castor raised the shot glass again as Fenrir coached him through the shot.
“Right. Breathe in, hold it, take the shot, set the glass down, breathe out. Easy as that.”
Castor met Fenrir’s brown eyes under their constantly furrowed brows. He didn’t read social cues well, but he knew a challenge when the gauntlet was down before him. He tapped the glass to the table, lifted it in a mock toast to Fenrir, who tipped his hat in return, inhaled, drank, exhaled. Too early. The vodka went down, but not without Castor choking and spluttering, eyes watering, as Glitch and Fenrir cheered and Regent slapped him soundly on the back.
“That was awful,” he managed, voice raspy.
“Sounds like you need more practice,” Fenrir grinned.
“We’ll see what you say after that shot hits you.”
A new, full glass was slid in front of Castor and he looked over to see Regent.
“Something to wash the taste of that shot out of your mouth. I think you’ll enjoy this one more.”
Castor took the glass, nodding slowly, taking a hesitant sip and making the pleasant discovery that this was far more palatable. The burning of the vodka in his throat had eased and become a comfortable warmth in his stomach that was spreading through the rest of him rapidly.
“Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with color in your cheeks!” Glitch said, already halfway through her new drink. “That‘s hitting you quick!”
“Have you eaten anything today?” Regent asked.
Castor didn’t say anything, but P.O.L.L.V.X. was shaking their head no behind him. Regent pinched the bridge of his nose, checked how quickly Castor was finishing his drink, and resigned himself to his role as chaperone and a sober night.
“No need to look so down, old timer. You’ve got me for company!” P.O.L.L.V.X. spoke up beside him, leaning up against the wall and watching as Glitch dragged Castor and Fenrir over to the bar for a photo.
Regent looked to them and offered a polite smile that, for once, didn’t reach his eyes.
“I should be so lucky.”
P.O.L.L.V.X.’s smile grew forced, a baring of teeth, but they masked it quickly and turned to observe Castor. Regent didn’t speak to them again and they made no attempt at conversation, the two waiting in frigid silence.
It would hours before Lance 4 called it a night and went to their separate housing units to sleep off the alcohol. Hours where hardly a glance was spared for P.O.L.L.V.X. as they waited for Castor to have his fun, their holographic image all but forgotten and ignored against the back wall of the bar.
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prince0786 · 2 years
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How SMS can help Hotel and Restaurant Businesses?
This is the most occupied industry that is too busy in serving their customers. They have to be available 24/7 for the customers and are one of the most earning and hard-working industries today. On the other hand, they also have a huge competition in their business so they have to be always organised and ready for all challenges coming their way.
This industry is all about creating an engagement between the customers. There is always a competence in ambience, taste, and comfort and whomsoever provides the best are known as the giants of the City.
Additionally, there is also another way to create an engagement between the customers by using Bulk SMS Service. This is the most result-oriented and pocket-friendly channel for this as it directly drops in the customer’s mobile phone and that is the reason it provides more than 90% of open rates which can easily be tracked with the help of our service panel.
Promotion will create an engagement but updates and feedback also play a vital role in this industry, to know the customer’s perspective and provide them further updates like booking status. Bulk SMS Service will cater to all such needs with the help of an automated solution. One can simply integrate the SMS into their ERP or CRM to generate automated Bills, Invoices, and Reminder Updates.
✅Here are some of the pre-created strategies of SMS creation for the Hospitality Industry:
🟢Booking Status
Share the booking status once the customer has booked the table in your hotel or restaurant with the booking time and date mentioned. This will help them schedule their timings and maybe work for a customer as a reminder.
👉For Example:
👋Hello Sourabh, Your table has been booked for the evening at 5:00 PM for 3 people. Click here for further action:- www.bookyourrestro.com
🟢Feedback Message
Once the customer pays a visit to your place, they are the best ones to tell you about the improvement you need to do in the place. Share the feedback message by adding the link to a feedback page where the customer can add their inputs and review about the experience or taste. We have a unique short link feature to add the URL which provides the total clicks that are done by the customer. Use that link to track the response.
👉For Example:
👋Hello Sourabh, We hope you liked the visit yesterday. Please let us know how we can improve Give your minute and click here:- www.bookyourrestro.com/feedback
🟢Promotional Message
Create the promotional message by adding the discount coupon and offers in the SMS and increase the customer visit in your property. Get all the analytics with the link click feature in the SMS service panel.
👉For Example:
👋Hello Sourabh, Get 20% discount by using the sundaydelight coupon code in Today’s Special Book your table absolutely for free:- www.http://bookyourrestro.com/booking
Use the potential marketing solution as it will provide the way better response with a better return on investment. Get all the details of the Bulk SMS Service from our experts and get yourself a customer magnet in the form of a channel.
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CB Ninja Review: What Is CB Ninja?
CB Ninja positions itself as an all-in-one ClickBank affiliate marketing platform that leverages AI technology to streamline website creation and content management. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the creation of websites and content specifically designed to promote products on the ClickBank marketplace.
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Imagine this: with just a few clicks, CB Ninja promises to generate product reviews, blog posts, and even build a professional-looking website for you. This all sounds very appealing, especially for beginners who might be overwhelmed by the technical aspects of affiliate marketing. However, before jumping in, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of relying on AI-powered website creation.
CB Ninja Review: Overview
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Creator: Abhijit Saha
Product: CB Ninja
Date Of Launch: 2024-May-18
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Rating: 9.5/10
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “CBNINJASPL” Get $5 OFF Any Funnel!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
CB Ninja Review: About Authors
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Abhijit Saha created CB Ninja, a cutting-edge tool that allows affiliate marketers to generate money in a matter of seconds. Abhijit has an extensive history in both marketing and technology, and he has used this knowledge to automate and improve ClickBankTM affiliate sites, among other digital frontiers.
Abhijit Saha has a track record of successful ventures that demonstrate his ability to integrate cutting-edge innovation with innovative marketing strategies. He has worked on several significant projects, including WebCon, WebinarX, BookMaker Pro, Domainify, Designo Ai, MegaSuite Ai, SendPRO, AiPro, CloudzPro, Course Ally, CourseCreator, CourseMate, CopyMATE, CopyPRO, and many other.
CB Ninja Review: Features
Use Artificial Intelligence To Create Fully Automated 100% Done For You ClickBank TM Affiliate Sites
Get High Ranks For Your Affiliate Sites With No Extra Efforts
Create Plagiarism Free Review For Hottest ClickBank TM Products
Ensure Effortless Monetization Using Reviews & Videos For Top Products
Get Max Affiliate Commissions From Your Promotions of ClickBank TM & JVzoo TM offers
Works For Any Device Or Windows, MacOS, Linux, Chromebook
No Huge Investment- Its Pocket Friendly
CBNinja Is All-In-One Platform So You Just Sit Back & Relax
Ultra Fast Dedicated Support
30 Day Money Back Guarantee Included
CB Ninja Review: How Does It Work?
All This & More In Just 3 Easy Steps (And There’s NO Huge Investment Or Time Needed)
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<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
CB Ninja Review: Can Do For You
First To Market Bard AI PaLM 2 Technology That Creates Fully Automated 100% Done For You ClickBank TM Affiliate Sites Like Never Before
Create Premium ClickBank TM Affiliate Sites That Get High Ranks On Google TM In 3 Easy Clicks Within Days
Use Artificial Intelligence To Automate Everything & Create Top Notch Affiliate Sites On The Fly
Ensure Effortless Monetization Using Reviews & Videos For Top Products Like Never Before
Smartly Add JVzoo TM Affiliate Link To Any Keyword For Extra Monetization
Fill Your Sites With Daily Videos Reviews from AI On Top Trending Products Across ClickBank TM
We’re Using CBNinja To Make Tons Of Commissions From World’s Leading Affiliate Platform ClickBank TM
Create Sites For Any Offer In Any Niche With No Prior Tech Hassles Or Coding Skills
Use These Stunning Affiliate Sites To Create Multiple Set & Forget Passive Income Streams
Proprietary Tech Helps Join Thousands Of Marketers Who’re Making Billions Of Dollars On ClickBank TM
Never Worry About Paying Huge Money Monthly To Expensive Third Party Platforms
100% Easy To Use, Newbie Friendly Technology That’s Never Seen Before
CB Ninja Review: Who Should Use It?
Artists/Content Creators
Affiliate Marketers
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Product Creators
Personal Brands
CB Ninja Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Coupon Code “CBNINJAADMIN″ — For 30% Off Full Funnel
Front End Price: CB Ninja ($17)
OTO 1: CB Ninja Pro ($47)
OTO 2: CB Ninja Unlimited ($47)
OTO 3: CB Ninja Bard Engine ($37)
OTO 4: CB Ninja DFY ($67 — $97)
OTO 5: CB Ninja Agency ($97)
OTO 6: CB Ninja Reseller ($97)
OTO 7: CB Ninja Whitelabel ($97 — $197)
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
CB Ninja Review: My Unique Bonus Bundle
My Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest CB Ninja Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
CB Ninja Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: Google Bard — Chatbot
This has the ability to extract information from specific websites. By integrating web scraping techniques, it can navigate through websites, retrieve targeted communication, and deliver it directly to the user within the chat interface. Whether it’s fetching the latest blog posts, extracting product details, or retrieving specific data from online resources, our chatbot is designed to be a reliable and efficient source of information.
Bonus #2: AI Content Generator Software
This is an innovative SaaS platform that harnesses the power of OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to provide your users with a range of exceptional features. WriteBot, users can effortlessly generate unique and plagiarism-free content and images, taking advantage of multiple languages for enhanced versatility.
Bonus #3: OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator
This is designed to help you generate high-quality content instantly, without breaking a sweat.
AI Text Generator
AI Image Generator
AI Code Generator
AI ChatBot
AI Speech to Text
Bonus #4: Job Finder Pro (Full Access)
You can start your own fully automated job search engine affiliate website from this software within minutes. Let your visitors search millions of jobs published on thousands of websites in the world and earn money by driving traffic to the original job listing website.
Bonus #5: Affiliate Management Software
This powerful tool not only simplifies the launch of affiliate marketing campaigns but also propels your e-commerce platform toward unparalleled growth and success.
Bonus #6: Affiliate Link Sharing Platform
it has many awesome features, like Drag & Drop Page Builder, drag & Drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder, and many more. it’s compatible with Desktops, laptops, and mobile and also compatible with major browsers. it has an Advertisement module, you can show banners/script/google Adsense add from the admin panel, all add show impressions and click count in the admin panel, also shown in random order in the website frontend
CB Ninja Review: Money Back Guarantee
Your Purchase Is Covered With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
We built CB Ninja to empower our audience to maximise affiliate income by developing 100% done-for-you affiliate sites for top popular ClickBank TM goods like a pro. Even if you have the least hesitation, we want to reassure you that our 100% money-back guarantee is on your side. Simply give it a try for the next 30 days, and if you believe our technology isn’t meeting your expectations on Technical Ground, we will return your whole purchase price, PERIOD.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
CB Ninja Review: Pros and Cons
Saves time and effort with AI-powered content creation and website building.
Low barrier to entry for beginners with no coding experience.
Potentially boosts website traffic and sales with relevant, keyword-targeted content.
Frees users to focus on marketing and promotion, a crucial aspect of affiliate success.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with CB Ninja.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
CBNinja was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills. You Just Need a WordPress to Start!
Q. Is CBNinja really an easy-to-use platform?
The biggest benefits is that you just need to follow 3 easy steps we’ve mentioned on the page, & be on the right track to create tons of WP affiliate sites loaded with top product reviews without being a geek.
Q. Do you provide a money back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Q. Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH- CBNinja comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, easy & guide you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Q. Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any query, and we’ll be more than happy to help. The word “lifetime” applies to the lifetime of the product. This average lifetime of a product of this nature and price to be supported is approximately 5 years.
CB Ninja Review: My Recommendation
CB Ninja can be a compelling option for beginners or busy individuals seeking a quick entry into ClickBank affiliate marketing. Its user-friendly interface and time-saving features can help you get a website up and running fast. However, be mindful of limitations in customization and potential shortcomings of AI-generated content. Carefully evaluate your goals and priorities. If you prioritize a unique website brand or long-term SEO strategy, CB Ninja might not be the best fit. For those seeking a starting point to experiment with ClickBank promotions, CB Ninja can offer a valuable launchpad, but remember, success in affiliate marketing goes beyond just having a website.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: AI Employees Review, OverLap AI Review, AI CaptureFlow Review, FlexiSitesAI Review, WP Defense Review, HostDaddy Review , Valor App Review, Crypto Cloud Review.
Thank for reading my CB Ninja Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This CB Ninja review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime.
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selfmadebd · 9 months
AI NexaSites Review - Worlds First AI App for Website Creation
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AI NexaSites - Welcome to my detailed review of AI NexaSites a comprehensive analysis focusing on its features, upgrades, demo, pricing, and bonuses. Dive into how AI NexaSites can transform your website creation experience, accompanied by my personal perspective.
AI NexaSites is a revolutionary 1-Click powerful and user-friendly website builder that crafts stunning websites across any imaginable niche within a mere 60 seconds.
The drag-and-drop website builder of AI NexaSites boasts an impressive lineup of 100+ themes along with a spectrum of essential modules. Effortlessly customize dynamic pages, menus, forms, and widgets through our intuitive interface. 
Manage your website seamlessly with a robust admin dashboard, multi-language support, and a flexible user role permission system.
This builder caters to diverse industries, including eCommerce and real estate, offering optimized SEO settings for enhanced search engine visibility. 
Choose from a selection of 950+ Google fonts, unlimited color options, and ensure a responsive design for a personalized touch.
AI NexaSites provides not only a cutting-edge and functional online presence but also guarantees lifetime updates and top-notch support for a continuously evolving experience.
Discover the power of AI NexaSites empowering your online presence with ease and efficiency.
💵💵💵>>Get instant access to AI Nexasites now>>✅✅✅
What exactly is AI NexaSites?
It's A User-Friendly Website Builder That Operates With Just One Click, Crafting Stunning WebsitesIn Any Imaginable Niche In Just 60 Seconds Flat.
✅Instant Creation: Generate websites in any niche with a single click.
✅Custom Domains Integration: AI NexaSites supports the integration of custom domains, allowing you to connect as many domains as needed.
✅Live Editing: Modify your websites in real-time using the advanced drag-and-drop technology.
✅Publish and Export: Download the entire project, publish it to a remote server via FTP, or attach custom domains/subdomains to showcase your projects.
✅DFY Templates: The HTML Site Builder comes with pre-built templates, and you can easily upload any HTML or Bootstrap template from the admin area.
✅Editable Landing Page: Customize the default landing page easily with the built-in appearance editor, providing a live preview without requiring coding knowledge.
✅SEO Editor: Modify SEO tags for all pages directly from the appearance editor in the admin area.
✅Multiple Homepages: Choose from various homepage options, including a landing page, login page, or your own custom HTML page.
💁Overview - AI NexaSites Review 
💹Creator: ZeeRay
💹Product: AI NexaSites 
💹Launch Date: TUESDAY 2nd JANUARY -2024
💹Launch Time: 10:00 EST
💹Front-End Price: $17
💹Product Type: Software (Online)
💹Support: Effective Response
💹Recommended: Highly Recommended
💹Discount : Coupon Code- AINS3OFF
💹Bonus: Yes  Huge Bonuses
💹Refund: 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
💹Skill Level Needed: All Levels
💹Official Website: Click here
💵💵💵>>Get instant access to AI Nexasites now>>✅✅✅
How AI nexaSites Work?
Unleash Your Website Empire And Get Ready For Massive Traffic And Commissions. You Are Just a Few Clicks Away:
👉Step 1: 
Buy & Login:
Grab the software, Login, access the dashboard and start right away.
👉Step 2: 
Choose from our built-in 100+ premade website templates, use our drag-and-drop builder and create your fully functional site from scratch within minutes.
👉Step 3: 
Publish & Profit:
Once you create these gorgeous websites, watch traffic and commissions rolling in, Sell to clients on freelance platforms and pocket huge commissions.
Features- AI NexaSites Review
💸Instantly build your dream websites using AI for any business.
💸Launch Unlimited Jaw-Dropping, Traffic-Pulling business websites, membership sites, funnels, landing pages and more like magic.
💸Access High-Converting 100+ Page Templates in Trending Niches.
💸Drive Instant buyer Traffic to your AI websites from search engines.
💸100% Blazing Fast & Reliable Web Hosting For Your A Lifetime To Your Websites
💸SEO-Optimized - Dominate Google's First Page
💸Commercial License included: Launch Your Profitable Website Agency Now.
💸Save time and money and stop paying 1000s of dollars monthly to expensive website creators like Wix.com, Convertri, and others.
💸Beginner friendly - Zero Skill Required.
💸ZERO Upfront Cost or Any Extra Expenses
💸Pay Just once Not Monthly - No Hidden Fees, No Surprises.
💸Risk-Free- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
💵💵💵>>Get instant access to AI Nexasites now>>✅✅✅
Key benefits - AI NexaSites Review
1. Selection of different templates:
AI NexaSites gives users access to an extensive library of professionally designed templates. With over 100 ready-made options for different industries, users can quickly create a website that fits their needs perfectly.
2. Advanced Drag-and-Drop Editor:
The AI-powered NexaSites platform features an intuitive drag-and-drop editor supported by artificial intelligence technology. It enhances the website creation experience, ensuring user-friendliness even for those with limited technical skills.
3. Free Unlimited Hosting:
A notable feature is the provision of free and unlimited hosting. This eliminates additional costs and monthly storage fees for domains, as AI NexaSites includes all necessary hosting components.
4. Multilingual Support:
AI NexaSites allows users to create websites in multiple languages, facilitating seamless communication with a diverse global audience. This feature is particularly useful for businesses looking to expand internationally.
5. Advanced Website Analytics:
Integrated Google Analytics provides users with advanced insights into website performance and user behavior, providing valuable data for optimization.
6. Flexible API integration and automatic response:
Seamless integration with API and auto-response capabilities ensures a connected and responsive website.
7. Brand Building Tools:
AI NexaSites empowers users to establish a strong brand identity through customizable elements such as colors, fonts and text themes.
8. Fast loading speed:
Designed for optimal performance, AI ensures fast loading of websites built on the NexaSites platform, contributing to a positive user experience.
9. Safety Components:
With free lifetime SSL encryption, AI NexaSites prioritizes the security of sites hosted on dedicated servers.
10. Business License:
The platform offers a business license, which enables it to offer high-quality website creation services with profit potential.
11. Comprehensive Training Videos:
AI NexaSites provides users with detailed step-by-step training videos, providing comprehensive guidance on using the platform effectively.
12. 24/7 Dedicated Support:
For clients who need assistance, AI NexaSites offers round-the-clock customer service, ensuring quick resolution of issues.
<<<<Get Full Info Click here>>>
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perprintgurgaon · 9 months
Gleaming Cards Gurgaon: Unmatched Print Excellence
In the vibrant tapestry of Gurgaon's business landscape, Gleaming Cards emerges as a beacon of print excellence, setting the gold standard for professional and visually captivating business cards. As specialists in the craft of printing, we understand that a business card is more than just a piece of paper; it's a tangible representation of your brand, a pocket-sized ambassador that speaks volumes about your professionalism and attention to detail. At Gleaming Cards Gurgaon, we take pride in our commitment to unmatched print excellence, blending creativity, precision, and cutting-edge technology to craft cards that leave a lasting impression.
Our journey begins with a deep understanding that each business is unique, and so should be its business card. Our team of seasoned designers collaborates closely with clients, delving into the intricacies of their brand identity, values, and target audience. Whether you envision a sleek and modern design or a classic and timeless aesthetic, Gleaming Cards ensures that your business card is a visual extension of your brand, a gleaming representation of your professional identity.
What sets Gleaming Cards apart is our unwavering dedication to print perfection. Equipped with state-of-the-art printing technology, we push the boundaries of what's possible, ensuring that every card is a masterpiece. From vibrant colors that pop to intricate details that captivate, our commitment to excellence resonates in every aspect of the printing process. We meticulously select high-quality materials, offering a range of paper types and finishes to enhance the tactile experience of your card, creating a gleaming impression that lingers in the hands of those who receive it.
In a city that thrives on innovation and dynamism, Gleaming Cards Gurgaon recognizes the need for prompt and reliable service. Our streamlined processes and efficient workflow guarantee a swift turnaround time without compromising on quality. Whether you require a small batch for a last-minute event or a large volume for a comprehensive marketing campaign, Gleaming Cards is your partner in bringing your vision to life with speed and precision.
Beyond the visual appeal, Gleaming Cards Gurgaon understands the importance of functionality in the modern business context. Our team stays at the forefront of industry trends, incorporating innovative features into our designs. From QR codes that enhance digital connectivity to unique shapes and materials that add a touch of distinctiveness, we infuse creativity into every card we produce, ensuring that your business card not only looks impressive but also serves as a practical tool for engagement.
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Gleaming Cards Gurgaon is committed to being more than just a printing service; we are collaborators in your journey to make a lasting impression. Our customer-centric approach means that we prioritize clear communication and collaboration throughout the design and printing process. Your satisfaction is at the forefront of our mission, and our dedicated customer support team is ready to address any queries or concerns, ensuring a seamless experience from concept to delivery.
In an era dominated by digital communication, the tangible nature of a well-crafted business card holds a unique significance. Gleaming Cards recognizes this and offers not just printing but an opportunity to make a statement. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our choice of eco-friendly materials and responsible printing practices. By choosing Gleaming Cards Gurgaon, you not only invest in premium business cards but also contribute to a more environmentally conscious business world.
In conclusion, Gleaming Cards Gurgaon stands as a testament to print excellence in the bustling business landscape of Gurgaon. We go beyond conventional printing to create cards that elevate your business image, making a statement of professionalism, creativity, and meticulous attention to detail. Choose Gleaming Cards Gurgaon for a gleaming representation of your brand, where each card is a work of art, an embodiment of our commitment to unmatched print excellence in the dynamic business environment of Gurgaon.
Why Visiting Cards are Essential for Networking in Today’s Business World
What type of paper is used for letter head?
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