newcodesociety · 11 months
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game-falor · 1 year
looking through https://codepen.io/oliviale/full/RwWdNRd
and i am very disappointed
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what do you MEAN the penis isnt the right option?
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walking-circles · 1 year
i give upon this months blog.. ill try again tmrw
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thedeacanedous · 2 years
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sch-codes · 6 months
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✦✦ New PT! ✦✦
It's very minimalistic :)) There are two different styles, the first one is more colorless & elegant and the second one is very much springtime-inspired pastel colors.
Have fun with it <3
If you have questions about how to adjust the codes, you can always text me!
Black and White edition: https://codepen.io/Plutoplanet/pen/BaEwxBr?editors=1000
Springtime edition: https://codepen.io/Plutoplanet/pen/YzMrJag
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trexv · 11 months
lana's vinyl - profile text
collab w/ the brilliant @lanicodes. shes so cool and talented go check her out rn to see the backstory version of this code!! anyway cute profile text code with both pink/light and red/dark versions with 4 pages! about, gallery, relations, and a WORKING playlist. enjoy <3
light version: https://codepen.io/trevwox/pen/WNPOZBP
dark version: https://codepen.io/trevwox/pen/jOdwGoR
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zaycodes · 2 months
Wehoo | BS
I finally did a collaboration with @glossamerr , she charged me $20k for using her supreme skills for this. Big thank you to her for everything she did with this code, it was a big help and I think it looks excellent.
It's supposed to look like some sort of magician's desk (we may have lost the vibe a little bit, we got carried away), but also inspired by an old 2000's PC adventure game with the hidden items and such. This code includes:
4 pages
2 pop-up windows with secret messages
A hidden letter (you can customize it!)
Interactive items
Hover effect on (almost) all images
Of course, most text boxes are scrollable and there's no word limit. This code is a bit complicated (sort of) and involves a lot of absolute positioned elements. Gloss added comments where she saw fit, but if you need any help editing it, you can always reach out to either of us!
Make sure to keep credits, or I will be under your bed when you go to sleep tonight. Go look at @glossamerr 's page where you'll find the matching Profile Text. She only bites sometimes.
Codepen: https://codepen.io/thorshammer/pen/mdZBJVL
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glossamerr · 2 months
Wehoo | Profile Text
Hey guys, I had the greatest time collabing with @zaycodes to create this code. It’s very cool I’m very proud of it. It’s supposed to look like a magician’s desk.. idk if the vision is there. But it’s also inspired by one of those old adventure games you play on your pc where you find secret items.
This code includes:
4 pages
2 pop-up windows with secret messages
a hidden letter that you can customize
interactive items
hover effects on all images
And as always, most text boxes are scrollable and no maximum to the images in the gallery. This code is a bit complicated and involves a lot of absolute positioned elements. I added comments where I see fit but if you need any help editing it, you can always reach out to either of us!
Lastly, make sure to keep credits and go check out @zaycodes where he’ll release the matching backstory code. He’s super cool!
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/daCy67mW
Codepen: https://codepen.io/glossamer/pen/VwJaXpg
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beedesigns · 10 months
How to show/hide elements.
Inspired by a recent conversation with someone on discord that prompted me to make a quick demo on codepen.io I thought I would try to make an actual tutorial out of it. So! For those that are interested, here's how to easily change what different groups see when they're logged in. This tutorial is geared specifically toward JCINK coders, but can easily be adapted to any forum or webpage. Keep reading to find out how.
The first step is to add the group id to your board's body. To do this you need to find the <body> tag in your board wrapper and replace it with:
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Now you have that in place, you can use it to dictate what different groups can and can't see. This obviously has a lot of use cases, from changing group colours to hiding certain information or forums. The most common use is to swap the navigation options depending on whether someone is logged in or not.
So, you've created your nav menu, and you want guests to see the "sign-in" link, but what about members who are already signed in? You want them to have the "sign-out" link instead. What we're going to do is wrap each link in a class that corresponds to who we want to see it.
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Now, in the stylesheet, we're going to add the CSS to tell the board to show or hide the corresponding link depending on who is logged in. We're going to be using JCINK's default group ids #2 for guests and #3 for members.
First for guests:
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This simply says if a guest (.g-2) is viewing the page, then show anything using the class 'guest' and hide anything using the class 'member'.
Then for members:
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Much like the above, we're telling the site to show anything using the class 'member' and hide anything using 'guest' when the member group (g-3) is logged in.
And that's it! You can see it in action here, where I've combined it with a colour variable to demonstrate how this method can be extended to include pretty much whatever you want. Hopefully it all makes sense! This is my first ever tutorial, and I'm just a baby coder myself. So, if you see a mistake or something that doesn't make sense, please do reach out and I shall try to correct/clarify it. Thanks for reading :)
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newcodesociety · 8 months
Go to the link (click it)
Press the little round white button
Like it? Learn how to code it using this pen
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beanycodes · 4 months
Dots & Squares Profile Text
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Hai Hai, welcome to my first post on here, I suppose! This is a tabbed code for a Profile Text that I made a while back for one of the WoX sites I am on but that I never used. It's rather simple, just some dots and squares, hence the name! Now, feel free to use it, but don't frankenstein it or take the credits out. Changing colors, fonts, images and all that is perfectly fine, just don't change it beyond recognition or claim it as your own and we are all good. Codepen Link
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alyscodes · 1 year
Hello! I come back with a Profile Text version of my code ALIVE Backstory (https://www.tumblr.com/alyscodes/697928912977772544/alive-backstory-new-backstory-code-for-my?source=share)
Feel free to use, but keep credits :https://codepen.io/alyscodes/pen/wvYKOwj
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athenea-owl · 7 months
#01 Afiliaciones | Esqueleto
¡Hola, gente hermosa!
Me he hecho un Codepen y con ello quiero anunciarles que a partir de ahora llevaré un proyecto alternativo en él, que consiste en subir esqueletos de códigos para foros que yo misma he creado como: tablones de anuncios, afiliaciones, perfiles, tablillas, etc. Con la única finalidad de que ustedes puedan editar el código a placer como: la fuente y su tamaño, fondos, colores, bordes, agregar imágenes o iconos.
Su resultado final podrán usarlo en su foro si así lo desean. Por supuesto, todo esto podrán hacerlo siempre y cuando se mantenga el esqueleto base y no quiten mi crédito. En caso de que no sepan editar los códigos o tengan una pregunta respecto a alguna tablilla, siempre podrán preguntarme a través de mi tumblr o el mismo Codepen.
Esto no quiere decir que dejaré de subir códigos de tablillas completas al tumblr. Simplemente, quiero anunciar que por el momento, me hice la cuenta en Codepen con el propósito de subir estos esqueletos para ustedes. Siempre podrán encontrar mis esqueletos de códigos en el apartado de Collections en la carpeta con el nombre Esqueletos para foros. De todas maneras, no se preocupen, les haré saber por medio de tumblr cada vez que suba un esqueleto nuevo. En caso de que tengan alguna idea de qué les gustaría ver el próximo esqueleto pueden mandarme un mensaje privado. Si hay otro tipo de proyecto que se les ocurra y crean que podría llevar a cabo también en Codepen háganmelo saber.
Gracias por leerme. Disfruten el esqueleto de afiliaciones y ¡muéstrenme sus resultados! pues me encantaría verlos. Síganme en: https://codepen.io/Athenea_Owl, si es que tienen cuenta. Con amor, Athenea. ❤️
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creativecodes · 5 months
Luca Club~Members Page
it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Well here you are: a lovely little Luca code u.u (why Luca? Because is cute and wholesome and everything I want in my life. Oh and it’s so gay you can’t deny it)
I might make other club pages that are Luca-themed, get a little Luca club going
also: for the best results, a width of around 600px is best
codepen: (it’s all fixed now!)
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sch-codes · 6 months
Hellohello :D
✮✮✮ this is a sparkly one ✮✮✮
it's rather simple but i like it nontheless - hope you too!
i didn't have the time and motivation yet to replace all the lost discord-images on the other codes, but i will do that as soon as possible.
✦ Have a nice day!! ✦
Code : https://codepen.io/Plutoplanet/pen/ExJmvbE
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me on SUNDAY (Mar 24) with LAURA POITRAS in NYC, then Anaheim, and beyond!
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#20yrsago I just finished another novel! https://memex.craphound.com/2004/03/23/i-just-finished-another-novel/
#15yrsago New Zealand’s stupid copyright law dies https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2009/03/3-strikes-strikes-out-in-nz-as-government-yanks-law/
#10yrsago NSA hacked Huawei, totally penetrated its networks and systems, stole its sourcecode https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/23/world/asia/nsa-breached-chinese-servers-seen-as-spy-peril.html
#10yrsago Business Software Alliance accused of pirating the photo they used in their snitch-on-pirates ad https://torrentfreak.com/bsa-pirates-busted-140322/
#5yrsago Video from the Radicalized launch with Julia Angwin at The Strand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbdgdH8ksaM
#5yrsago More than 100,000 Europeans march against #Article13 https://netzpolitik.org/2019/weit-mehr-als-100-000-menschen-demonstrieren-in-vielen-deutschen-staedten-fuer-ein-offenes-netz/
#5yrsago Procedurally generated infinite CVS receipt https://codepen.io/garrettbear/pen/JzMmqg
#5yrsago British schoolchildren receive chemical burns from “toxic ash” on Ash Wednesday https://metro.co.uk/2019/03/08/children-end-hospital-burns-heads-toxic-ash-wednesday-ash-8868433/
#5yrsago DCCC introduces No-More-AOCs rule https://theintercept.com/2019/03/22/house-democratic-leadership-warns-it-will-cut-off-any-firms-who-challenge-incumbents/
#1yrago The "small nonprofit school" saved in the SVB bailout charges more than Harvard https://pluralistic.net/2023/03/23/small-nonprofit-school/#north-country-school
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