#code:breaker oc
diinferi · 1 year
[POWER USER] You look human, but you are so much more. You wield a single supernatural power, and overall, your physical abilities and potential are at the peak of humanity, likely a bit more. You may pay an additional 200CP to be permitted to buy a second power. You gain a 200CP stipend to be used for the power section only.
[CIVILIAN] You’re more concerned with living your life, than you are with superhuman power politics. Whether you’re a regular bystander, a killer for hire, or a nobody who just showed up out of thin air, you won’t be the center of attention right out the gate.
[FAIR PLAY] It’s an unspoken rule among Power Users that an opponent in their lost form is out of the fight. Similarly, when reduced to a seemingly powerless state, enemies will refuse to finish you off until proven otherwise. Though they may still detain you until your power returns, and you are just as vulnerable to indiscriminate attacks.
[LIFE MUSCLES] Powers are much like muscles. You are able to enhance your reserves of vitality, empowering any abilities fueled by them in the process. This is accomplished by repeatedly exhausting your reserves, similar to hyperextension of muscles. The gains will be substantial, but the effort will push your body and will to the brink.
[WARMTH OF THE LIVING] You have an eye for people, and immense resolve. When you call attention to others hypocrisy, even the abnormally stubborn struggle to refute. The more boldness and consistency you show to prove your points, the deeper they cut. With time, you can thaw the most frigid hearts, or plunge beacons of hope into the depths of despair.
[HUMANITY’S SPECIALTY] No matter what incidents or crimes you or those following your orders cause, you can always count on the media to have your back and cover it all up. Witnesses will keep their mouths shut with even the flimsiest justification, though they may still inform their immediate allies and take independent action against you.
[POWERFUL MIND] For agents like you, education is a convenience at best, and a distraction at worst. You have the intelligence to breeze through college and high-school level education with ease. One of your senses are similarly enhanced, like hearing comparable to a dog’s, or the vision to let you match a master sniper with just a pistol.
[SIDESTEPPING GOD] History clearly shows that the Rare Kind’s Divine Shield is not as invincible as it seems. You are a natural counter to abilities that nullify or drain other powers. You can’t ignore them outright, but you can find any loopholes to exploit, or overpower them with raw force, even if no such weaknesses appeared to exist beforehand.
[SAMURAI SOUL] A simple katana, but unmistakably one made by a true master. This katana is all but indestructible, able to be swung with enough force to cleave through several trees and even concrete, without so much as dulling the blade. Though this won’t let you go toe-to-toe against powers without the skill to utilize the blade’s full potential. Even in the hands of an amateur, it is still quite a deadly weapon to humans.
[HOLY BLOOD] A power that allows you to control your own blood outside your body. By Exposing your blood to fresh air, you may control it with your will, and shape it into any form you desire, such as a sword, a whip, a bow and arrow, etc. This power also protects you from the blood loss or anemia it should cause, even with your neck slit open.
[MOVE:ON] There is no rest for sinners like us. Your business in this world is done, now you must move to the next. Do you feel regret? Pride? Longing? Do you simply wish that you never have to see such decay again. No matter the world or universe, the evil in humanity is a constant, though perhaps the same can be said for their kindness?
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lancerofclay · 5 years
The rules are simple ! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging !
Enkidu (Fate/Strange Fake)
Flatt Escardos (Fate/Strange Fake)
Lucilius (GBF)
Asclepius (FGO)
An OC?
Francesca Prelati (Fate/Strange Fake)
Ja’far (Magi)
Yuuki Tenpouin & Yukihina (Code:Breaker)
Mouri Motonari, Chousokabe Motochika, Oichi, & Mori Ranmaru (Sengoku Basara)
Claudia (Warehouse 13)
Various OCs
Yuuki was a lot of fun! Maybe Francesca as well. 
tagged by: @divinedragontamer​
tagging: If you see this and your username starts with a, e, m, or s
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uchihasrose-blog · 7 years
Fun facts about Uchihas rose
1. I was born in Germany, I grew up in Germany, I speak and write German fluently. My mind however - is English. I prefer to speak English rather than German and it does happen that I forget the german word and use the english instead.
2. Unless they are animals or side characters (some of them only existing to be killed), I cannot work with OCs. And believe me - I have tried. Many, many times.
3. I study Germanistics in Austria, together with my beloved friend Gegenwind. The reign of terror is about to start...
4. My favorite animes/mangas are Naruto, Code:Breaker, Death Note, Keep out and Kuroneko.
5. I grew up with Harry Potter and will never love another book as much. (#J.K Rowling is our Queen)
6. I can’t stand most humans. Therefore, I do not have friends. I have a selected collection of crazy people.
7. I am a writer as much as an actress and a cosplayer and I love everything about it.
8. I am a cat person and I am obsessed with Nutella. And cheesecake. Especially Blueberry cheesecake.
9. I am a pescetarian - thus means I have stopped eating meat but I still eat fish.
10. I love thrillers and crimestories - and mostly, I side with the bad guy.
11. According to Pottermore I am a Slytherin and Thunderbird and my patronus is a buzzard.
12. I’ve been riding Iceland horses for over ten years now and I will never want to ride another horse again.
13. I stopped watching Death Note after a certain character died and I don’t want to continue it.
14. I cosplay Sasori, Madara, Naruto and L Lawlight, but my favorites are Madara and L.
15. My favorite colors are black and red.
16. I can read extremely fast and I’ve always been able to do so.
17. I am very shy and insecure but once I’ve warmed up with the people it’s impossible to stop me talking.
18. One of my nicknames is L and my friends named me that even before I started to watch Death Note. After I saw it, I understood why they call me that.
19. There are so many ideas waiting to be written that I made a deal with myself not to publish a new story until one of the ongoing is finished.
20. I am terribly unorganized.
21. I want to go to Australia and Iceland.
22. If possible, I will either move to Australia, Scotland or Iceland.
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