#code geass translations
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raintranslated · 7 months ago
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(Another quick one! C.C. finally breaches the Aram Gate...)
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genesic-archives · 9 months ago
Genesic Archive Book: Suzaku Kururugi
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Profile 1 - A young boy who arrived from Japan and now serves in the Britannian Military. In order to eliminate conflict from the world, he serves as the Device of the Knightmare Frame "Lancelot," which has the power to change the Empire from within, unluckily thwarting Zero's ambitions.
Profile 2 - He has a twisted belief that results obtained through wrong means are worthless. When he was accused of murdering the 3rd Prince Clovis, he was rescued by Zero and invited to join his group but refused, following his own belief. He went to the court martial on his own two feet.
Profile 3 - He is the son of Genbu Kururugi, a Japanese general who advocated all-out resistance against the Holy Brittanian Empire, and murdered his father in his single-minded desire to stop the war. He still suffers from guilt and remorse that the incident was covered up and that his efforts were ultimately unsuccessful.
Profile 4 - The aircraft is the seventh generation Knightmare Frame "Lancelot". By using a large amount of Sakuradite, it has achieved mobility that far surpasses conventional aircraft. It is equipped with a VARIS and a Maser Vibration Sword. It is difficult to pull off due to its high performance. Only a limited number of people can operate it.
Profile 5 - He can cook normally, but his favorite dish is Nikujaga (a meat & potatoes dish) which he learned from his aunt Mafuyu. He doesn't have many likes or dislikes except for green peppers since he can't come up with a use for them. He was always jealous of her for that.
VA: Sakurai Takahiro Gender: Male Age: 17 Birthday: July 10th Likes: Meat & Potatoes Dislikes: Green Peppers
illustration: whoopin
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rolotouto · 6 months ago
Official art #108
The 2nd Rolo in the series of monthly pictures called Small and relaxed Code Geass Life! This one is called: "Being considerate"
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Here was the 1st Rolo we got, last year, which showed him under the rain. All of the pictures this year seem to match the ones which were released during 2023, and just like 2023's rainy day Rolo was followed by a rainy day Lelouch a few months ago, this month's Rolo is offering the bottle of water to last September's tired Lelouch. And I might as well also include the translations for the remaining Lost Stories monthly lines here, since Rolo thinks about giving Lelouch something to drink in one of these too:
July (both regular and dying Rolo): "Lately, the temperature and humidity have raised quite a lot. It's important to stay hydrated in order to avoid suffering summer fatigue." Why does this murder weapon know about the importance of staying hydrated... July (sailor Rolo only): "Lately, the temperature and humidity have raised quite a lot. I'll bring some sports drink for Brother so he won't get heatstroke." Tanabata (7th July - any Rolo): "A wish... As a student of Ashford Academy, perhaps "for the Academy to stay peaceful"... or something like that... Since regular!Rolo was added in July last year, the 1st of these was already available then, but I failed to record it. For now, I think I have posted every month-specific (and date-specific, like Tanabata, Halloween, etc.) line, including those which have a variation when you choose sailor!Rolo. There have been no dying!Rolo variations so far (and oddly enough he gets the same lines as regular!Rolo despite sailor!Rolo being the one who is more attached to Lelouch).
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codegeassfacts · 19 hours ago
Code Geass R2 picture Drama 6, 7, 8 & 9 // Canon
Fore More information about the Code Geass picture drama, check out the first post about those here
*********************** Code Geass Picture Drama Turn 12.59 (Happens after Turn 12 )
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You can watch it here
Tianzi introduces this drama with Kaguya, C.C., Rakshata, Chiba and Xianglin, asking excitely if that is indeed what they call a pajama party. As Kaguya says it is, Tianzi begins to wonder what they should do while Rakshata replies that they should obviously do girl talk. As Tianzi is still too young to understand what they mean, they explain to her it's all about boys. With that in her mind now, Tianzi decides to ask everyone who they like. Kaguya responds first with Zero, but then Rakshata mentions that its good that the six guys from the Black Knights (Ohgi, Minami, Tamaki, Diethard, Sugiyama and Asahina) aren't here. C.C. comments that they all act like kids. Since mentioning the six of them, they start to talk about the each of them. Chiba comments that Ohgi is a nice guy, but just a nice guy. C.C. comments on Tamaki, calling him crude. Rakshata comments on Minami, calling him a lolicon. Chiba comments on Diethard, calling him a tricky, sly person as well as Sugiyama, who is described as a skirt chaser. Xianglin asks about Asahina and then Kaguya questions if she liked him, as she would gladly help. But, Xianglin refutes, stating that she likes someone else. C.C. starts to discuss about Asahina but is interrupted by Chiba stating she doesn't want anyone to spread bad rumors about her comrades. C.C. then decides to change the subject to Tohdoh leading Chiba to get flustered. Chiba states that her feelings for Tohdoh are only a rumor, but Kaguya states that the only person in the Black Knights who doesn't know is Tohdoh himself.
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Then, all of the girls begin to tease Chiba about it before Tianzi mentions that she should value him and everyone starts to laugh. After that they go on talking about how insightful the women are and how they can teach each other. Rakshata tells Tianzi that she hopes Tianzi doesn't get caught by some weirdo. Tianzi says the forbidden city "has the walls of a battleship", to which Rakshata says, "No, no, I'm talking about the dork you end up liking." Rakshata asks if she can tell her something and Tianzi moves closer to hear what she has to say before having a surprised reaction. Xianglin tells Rakshata to make sure what she is telling to Tianzi is appropriate when Xingke announces he has arrived in order to tell Tianzi something important. He walks in and Tianzi explains to him that they are having a pajama party and are talking about love. She also mentions that she learned a lot from the girls and wants to tell him something too. After hearing what she said, he tells her that it was a complete lie. Tianzi is confused as Xingke unsheath his sword. Xianglin tries to stop him, but Xingke orders her to step aside for he plans to kill those who dared to corrupt his Empress's mind. Kaguya quickly lead Tianzi out as Xingke attacks the remaining females, with Xianglin trying to restrain him. Rakshata makes one final comment, "Oh my, that's the dork himself."
*********************** Code Geass Picture Drama Turn 19.02 (Happens before Turn 19)
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You can watch it here
It begins with Rolo in deep thought thinking about Lelouch. He remembers the first time they met. It was one of his many assignments, but in this case, it was a unique one. As Lelouch had his memories rewritten by the Emperor's Geass, Rolo had to play the role of his brother for surveillance. It then moves to a flashback of the first meeting between the two. Lelouch greets Rolo from his supposed return from the homeland due to their parents wanting to see him. As he asks him if their parents are doing well, Rolo replies they are and that they told him that as are siblings, Lelouch and him need to get along. Lelouch responds with stating that he can't believe they would say that as he has always considered them a family. It returns to Rolo thinking himself about family as he has never known or experienced what it meant to have a family. However, he does know that bonds makes a family stick together and trust each other. Another flashback occurs to Rolo's birthday. Lelouch wishes him a happy birthday and gives him the locket as a present. Rolo thanks him for the gift and Lelouch mentions how it looks a bit girly. However, Rolo reassures him that it is great and he will treasure it. Rolo thinks about how Lelouch never showed his true self even to friends as he always wears a "mask" to cover it. However, family is the one thing to which Lelouch can reveal his true smile. It moves to Rolo's next memory of a conversation between him and Lelouch. Rolo tells Lelouch that he has become a model for the photography club because of Milly. Lelouch mentions that he won't get out of it because of her adamant behavior and determination. He then thinks that Rolo's hair might be too long for a model and tells him that he will cut it.
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Rolo remembers in the data files that Lelouch has been good at cutting hair since he would always cut Nunnally's hair during their stay at the Kururugi Shrine. As Lelouch is cutting Rolo's hair, he states that his hair is different from his and must have gotten it from their parents. Rolo on the other hand is deep in thought, noticing that Lelouch is cutting his hair with passion and kindness. But, he knew that those feelings weren't for him, but for Lelouch's real sister Nunnally; However, he did not want to let go as Lelouch was the first person he considered as his family. Back to present, we get back to the moment Rolo just saved Lelouch from the betrayal of the Black Knights by using the Shinkirō to escape. In his dying moments, he wonders if Lelouch will remember him and states that he will remember those times and memories that they both shared together as family and will treasure it forever.
************************ Code Geass Picture Drama Turn 22.05 (Happens before Turn 22)
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You can watch it here
Before the Zero Requiem, C.C. and Cecile are talking about Lelouch and Suzaku who are still talking elsewhere about their plans, before the next day, where they'll be off to Japan where Lelouch will try to join the UFN. As Cecile wonders if it will work, C.C. notices it looks like she doesn't want it to. Cecile then asks C.C. if she could join her for a drink. C.C. accept, as they are friends, to which Cecile bounce back to it. As they talk, C.C. asks Cecile on why she is helping both Suzaku and Lelouch. Cecile replies that she was in a similar situation a few years before, as she tried to stop a man from doing something, going as far as yelling and crying but it didn't stopped him. She further explains that with her own experience that all men are stubborn once they have decided on something and that those she fall for all have something more important than her. She thinks she could do something if it was another women but that's not it; She doesn't care much about the fate of the world and muses about Suzaku, to which C.C. asks her is she loves him. Cecile things it depends on her definition of love; She then asks C.C. the same question about Lelouch, to which C.C. can't quite answer, she says she can't summarize it with a word, as she wouldn't be there if that was the case. Cecile thinks that must be harder for her, to which C.C. says that's perhaps the case but that's why she can't stop him; They then agree that they have already began their run and they can only watch and follow them.
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Jeremiah and Lloyd eventually appears prompting the two ladies to invite them to their drinking party. C.C. questions the both of them if they are preparing for their departure. Jeremiah replies that they are reminiscing on their past and everything that he has endured was for the sake of the Zero Requiem. And for this, Jeremiah proposes a toast to his king, Lelouch. Cecile toasts to his honorable knight, Suzaku. However, as he wasn't able to think of anything, Lloyd eventually toasts to his masterpiece, the Lancelot Albion. C.C. concludes with a toast for the Zero Requiem. Afterwards, Lelouch and Suzaku finish their preparations and meet with the four, confirming the plan hasn't changed and that they are indeed ready to go to Japan.
************************ Code Geass Picture Drama Turn 25.01 (Happens after Turn 25)
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You can watch it here
The remaining Student Council members gather at a rebuilt Ashford Academy after the events of the series. Ashford Academy has been rebuilt exactly the way it used to be because of Milly's grandfather. As their conversation goes, Milly remarks that Kallen is no longer pretending to act frail, to which Kallen joyfully agrees, as Gino doesn't understand and question, before being shut down by Nina for being too intruding to a young girl's secret. Rivalz states that Nina has changed as well. Kallen, on her side, thinks men on the contrary, don't change enough, to which Gino reacts in bemusment; Kallen then uses the example of a text he sent her someday where he still sounded like a noble; Gino says that he doesn't write as a noble but as man. Meanwhile Villetta is watching over them through a window, smiling as she thinks they haven't changed; As she sounds nostalgic, Sayoko, who learnt she was visiting, asks her why she wouldn't become a teacher again. Viletta thinks it might fit her better than being a first lady, since Oghi is now prime minister; Sayoko then tells her about how the tree where they confessed their love has now become legendary, to Villetta's embarrasment as she didn't know anyone else knew. Sayoko reminds her she is from the Shinozaki clan.... Meanwhile Gino and Kallen wants to set out their quarrel with a Knightmare fight when they are interrupted by Milly who orders them to stop as the Student Council President while Rivalz tries to remind everyone that he is now the current president. Nina is shocked to learn he is, Kallen concludes that by process of elimination it makes sense and Gino laugh about how it doesn't fit him, to which a soft voice disagrees with him.
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Nunnally has arrived with Zero and she thinks Rivalz's student council will be fun. Everyone welcome happily Nunnally, to Gino's surprise who didn't know they knew Nunnally; Nunnally says they were in the same student council and Nina implies she had Jeremiah cancealing the emperor geass from them, even though Gino doesn't understand anything. Kallen says she can't explain in detail but things have gotten back as they should be, while Nunnally agrees but mentions that some things can't ever get back, as Milly and Nina agrees and Kallen sadly says that some things will indeed never be the same. After that, Fireworks are shot by Jeremiah, with the assistance of Anya, as it was seemingly an order from Lelouch. Jeremiah asks Anya if she wouldn't rather be with the other student but she states that as long as she has her memories she will be fine. As everyone watches the fireworks, Milly and Rivalz speaks about Lelouch's promise of watching them all together, allowing Nunally and Kallen to learn about it; Milly has a thought for Shirley and Rolo as well, and they enjoy the sparks of the fireworks instead of the battlefield for a change. As Nunnally takes Zero's hands, Suzaku begins to wonder if Lelouch is also watching the fireworks on his side. He ponders about how Lelouch lied again about those, since they didn't light them up together. But, since Nunally and Kallen are smiling, as well as everyone else, thanks to the tomorrow he gave them...
That's about it for Code Geass R2 picture drama; Hope you enjoyed.
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lelouch · 3 months ago
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💜 Lelouch in the new Lost Stories manga 💜
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spider-artdump · 6 months ago
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suzalulusource · 2 years ago
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CODE GEASS Lelouch of the Rebellion x U-TREASURE double ring necklace available in 925 silver or 950 platinum
On the inside of the ring, the name of the main character "Lelouch" and the Geass mark, and the name of Lelouch's best friend and rival "Suzaku" and the mark of the Holy Britannian Imperial Army are engraved. Two inseparable rings symbolize their destiny. A ring made of platinum material that does not fade is a symbol of a story that will be handed down for a long time.
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roloko-karlstein · 2 years ago
Monica getting her own character story which means we finally get justice and we can finally get character devolpment. I can finally like Dorothea and Monica on more than looks alone.
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hailarabbit281 · 10 months ago
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Back when the production team is still explicit about Shirley and Lelouch being an official ship in the story
Japanese text extracted with Google Translate
からんでくるのは、全員なんですが・・・。C.C.はギアスを 与えた対価が何なのかで、ルルとの関係が気になるとこ���。恋 愛とはちょっと違う気もしますけどね。カレンとは、実は7話 できわどいシーンがあって・・・。ストレートな恋話でいけばシャ ーリーかな。3話でデートに誘われて、シャーリーとしてはち ょっと進んだ気になっているかもしれない。その気分 のまま、先の話で意外な展開が、ある? (サンライズ・コードギアス班)
All of them are involved... C.C.'s relationship with Lulu is intriguing, as I wonder what the price is for giving her Geass. It feels a bit different to love, though. There was actually a risqué scene with Karen in episode 7... If we're talking about straightforward love, I'd say Shirley. She was asked out on a date in episode 3, and Shirley may have felt like things had progressed a bit. With that feeling, could there be some unexpected developments in the next episode? (Sunrise Code Geass Team)
Back when the production team is still rather straight forward about Shirlulu, and the nature of Shirlulu is a LOVE STORY, not "just very good friends"
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raintranslated · 6 months ago
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(Sorry, work's been a little wild. But hey! Full-length chapter this time. 😊)
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rolotouto · 1 year ago
Lost Stories 2024 New Year's Event
I got 2024 New Year's Lelouch because, after watching the event, I suspected he might mention Rolo in his lines, and he does indeed! Lelouch: Tomorrow, Nunnally, Rolo, and I are planning to spend time together as siblings, just the three of us. It feels like a dream to be able to spend time peacefully like this... As you might guess, the story of the New Year's event (not voiced, so I'll post screenshots from here on) is in fact a dream that Mario/Maya has, where, among other things, Nunnally and Rolo are both siblings to Lelouch. Although Mario/Maya's brain didn't fix Rolo's antagonistic attitude towards him/her...
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Rolo (to Mario): You are inconveniencing others by standing in the middle of the path like this. How about being a little more considerate?
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Nunnally: Oh, Rolo, come on, speaking like that again... I always tell you you shouldn't do that.
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Rolo: But Nunnally, this guy is the one who... Like in every other instance where Rolo and Nunnally have interacted, they address each other without suffixes, so they seem to treat each other as equals rather than one of them clearly being the older sibling. Also, Rolo referred to Mario as "koitsu", which is openly disrespectful, especially since Mario is older... The reason Mario is standing there dumbfounded is that he still hasn't realized that he's dreaming. He is confused after seeing Britannians and the Black Knights working together, and also when he meets Rolo and Nunnally with one another:
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Lelouch: Mm? They are my little sister and my little brother. Isn't it obvious for them to be together? Mario: Your little sister and little brother... I guess there's nothing wrong, right... Why did I think it was strange...? Sorry for saying something weird all of a sudden...
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Nunnally: Fufu, you're an odd one, Mario-san. (TN: Uses my username rather than Mario)
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Rolo: He was already odd before... Lelouch: Hahaha, you're being called out, Mario. Mario: Ahaha... You got me. Then Mario wants to understand what's going on with some new event at Ashford, but the bell indicates that they need to go to class.
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Lelouch (to Mario): I'll explain later. Rolo, take Nunnally to the classroom.
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Rolo: Yeah, got it, Brother. Let's go, Nunnally.
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Nunnally: Yes, please, Rolo. Brother, Mario-san, see you later.
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Lelouch: Yeah. See you later, you two. After this scene, the characters teach Mario about the event. It seems that there's going to be a competition to decide the future of Ashford Academy. And there are three teams, each with different members and intentions for the kind of school life Ashford Academy should promote: ・Suzaku's WHITE team (Suzaku, Nunnally, Savitri, Anya, Schnee): "Disciplined school life with a focus on morals" ・Kallen's CRIMSOM team (Kallen, Rivalz, Benio, Gino, Shirley): "Energetic school life with a focus on passion" ・Lelouch's BLACK team (Lelouch, Rolo, Ledo, Milly, Nina,): "A free school life with a focus on individuality"
They will play different games, and Mario will join a different team each round. The first round is a karuta game where you need to guess a country after hearing a hint. At first, it seems like Nunnally's team will win (but Kallen's, the team Mario is part of this round, does):
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Rolo: They are strong, huh? Nunnally and the others.
Lelouch: As expected of my little sister. To think that she would remember all the kaminoku... (TN: A karuta term) The next game is hagoita doubles, which is more or less similar to badminton, and where Suzaku's physical strength makes his team win (Mario was also part of the winning team this time). Rolo has to make his snarky comment against Suzaku too:
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Ledo: One more point and it will be match point. What could we do?
Rolo: There's no point in asking. Nothing can be done against that monster. So they apologize to Lelouch for losing, but he understands the situation:
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Ledo: My apologies. We couldn't win against Lord Kururugi after all.
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Rolo: Sorry, brother.
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Lelouch: It can't be helped. Kallen is about the only one who could compete head to head against Suzaku. The next game is about flying kites, and Lelouch asks Mario, who is on his team now, to control the kite.
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Lelouch: So I leave the 3rd event, High Altitude Kite Battle, to you.
Mario: But I'm lost… What even is that? The "High Altitude Something"…
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Rolo: It's the High Altitude Kite Battle. You don't even know something like that?
Mario: I don't think you'd usually know, though... Milly and Ledo explain that the objective is to cut the opponent's kite string.
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Mario: Ah, so it's fighting kites. (TN: "Kenkadako," which is an existing word, unlike the fancy term Lelouch used)
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Rolo: No. It's High Altitude Kite Battle.
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Mario: Why is Rolo so fixated on such a strange thing... A-anyway, in a nutshell, I have to win at the fighting kites, right? I think Rolo is being pedantic about the term just to go against Mario or maybe to defend the term Lelouch used. Maybe he's jealous because Lelouch entrusted the game to Mario? The dialogues don't point the reason out explicitly, though! By the way, it's mentioned that Milly drew the design of the kite, which is Zero's mask, and Rolo says "I also helped paint it".
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Well, since Mario wins, there's yet another tiebreaker round which involves KMFs and where everyone ends up having to work together, until Mario wakes up from the dream. I don't think the rest of Rolo's lines are all that interesting, so I'll stop the translation here. You can probably find videos of the whole event if you search for its name: 三色志開幕!~新しい朝に願いを新たに~
As I mentioned last time, Turns 12&13 should arrive in a couple weeks, and I assume that, afterwards, together with Turns 14&15, it will be the moment to release a new Rolo alt with his plugsuit version (other characters have their plugsuit version as separate units too). Hope my sakuradite is enough for then...
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codegeassfacts · 4 days ago
Code Geass Complete Best Regret Message // Suzaku & C.C. // Canon
To know more about the Regret message, check the first post about those right here
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Suzaku Kururugi - World End // Opening 5
The Emperor intended to end the world through supernatural powers. It is ironic that we, who stopped him, let the world end in another form.
Lelouch, can you hear me in the World of C?
A new world rises from the ruins of the world we destroyed. (1) The stagnant world comes to a stop, and here is the world that continues to change. The world we obtained at the cost of our lives.
It’s a mystery. I myself have become a villain to bring about peace. I did it for Japan’s sake. Protecting Nunnally. That is something you would do.
It’s a strange thing. If there were no lies between us from the first moment up to the last, our days at school would have been the happiest.
I can no longer cry, no longer laugh and yet, I think that the time will come when nobody will quarrel nor will they cry and scream. But it’s not that simple. (2) Somewhere, someone is lamenting, no doubt. Because of that, the conflicts will continue.
I think it’s fine like that. To want to stop the crying. For that sake, you fight, that is, for a gentle world.(3) And because you are crude, you call it a “Rebellion”.
Lelouch, do the winds from the ever changing world reach you too?
(1) The exact Japanese line is: From the ruins of the world we destroyed, a new world is born. (2) The exact line in Japanese says something like, ‘It won’t do’ or 'It cannot be so’. (3) Exact line: For that sake, you fight. That is, a gentle world.)
Translation by Blottyparchment.
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C.C. - Waga Routashi Aku no Hana (My Beautifully Elegant Flower of Evil) // Ending 4
From the entire beginning, I should have warned you. That the power of the king would isolate you. You will lose your friends, become different from your childhood friend, and you will be betrayed by your subordinates.
Your parents will vanish from your sight, your siblings will disappear like dew.
Yes, it’s terribly burdensome. And pitiful.
Now, your sole companion is solitude. There is nobody who will embrace you, who has been smeared in blood. Rocks have been pelted at you by many, and as retribution, you trampled over them. At that time, nobody noticed that the shriek that was secretly welling up inside your heart.
Yes, it’s pitiful. Seeing that visage, my wounds often throbbed. Now, I think you to be dear because you are miserable. As the pain kept stabbing your tender heart, why does this feeling of solitude gradually heal?
The whole world is pelting rocks at you, showering you with insults. That is something the I have experienced from this world.
Without realizing, you have shared me in my solitude. Without knowing, you shouldered my sins.
It’s as if you are a poisonous amaryllis blooming from the ground. Only I know of its elegance.
Translation by Blottyparchment.
Hope you enjoyed.
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soupysuki · 1 month ago
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lelouch · 2 years ago
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"A Gentle World" Illustration from the Code Geass x Last Cloudia collab.
"Nunnally's Wish"
"The world Lelouch wants for his sister Nunnally. In the Holy Britannian Empire, where the strong rule over the weak, Nunnally has a harsh future waiting for her, even if she's a princess. In the best case, a life as a political tool, in the worst case, her life could be in danger.
For Nunnally, Lelouch decides to create a world where Nunnally can live in peace."
"May the world be kind."
The world that Nunnally desires, a world where Nunnally can live in peace. In order to fulfill this wish, Lelouch makes a promise."
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hungnitan · 2 years ago
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This chapter is about daily ADA again, somehow this kind of chapter pretty easy to translate so I doing it pretty fast too (oh yeah yesterday I'm not working lol). While I late 2 chapter as now, I can make haste for next chapter but the next one I still wondering how to finish it.
From here is just my rant so you can skip it (lol) : This kinda include as HSR spoiler but let me say this, everything about Danheng IL looks so beautiful ! oh sh*t, can my heart wait until his release (lol), fortunately enough his banner came in first half version 1.3 so it's not long enough just month or so For Code Geass main story 1.5, I'm still in middle reading the stories and seems I can enjoy it. The stories itself are new so maybe I will make a summary to simpfly everyone while waiting for eng version
Like always english and japanese aren't my things so bear with me
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hampink · 2 years ago
so kaku twitter space Q&A highlights (5/14/2023)
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was casually listening to so kaku’s (kaguragi) twitter space while i was drawing, so here's some fun kingohger related + personal questions he answered that i noted down and translated!
(unfortunately i didn't record the stream though so you’ll just have to believe me)
 (source: bro just trust me)
Q: who’s your favorite king in kingohger?
probably yanma. he’s very cool and manly, and i like how high energy he gets
Q: do you guys come up with the kingohger tiktoks yourselves?
we have a social media manager who suggests which audio to do, and we (the actors) decide how we'll act it out together
Q: anyone from the cast you talk to/hang out with the most?
all of them, but maybe because we’re shooting a lot of scenes with jeremy right now recently i talk to masashi ikeda a lot
Q: does kaguragi know what kuroda looks like?
oh but of course he does~!
Q: what's your favorite sentai?
dairanger! it's such a cool show
Q: a question from my 5 yr old son: does kaguragi like flowers? he says he wants to go flower picking with kaguragi
ahh, flower picking, how nice! yes, kaguragi likes flowers!
Q: does kaguragi have a favorite place?
he does, but i can't say what it is yet. there’s a really good scene (about it) so look forward to that
Q: how much of kaguragi’s hair is a wig? also how long does the hair and makeup take?
the entire thing is a wig. it used to take a lot longer to get into hair and makeup, but the makeup artists have gotten used to it/have gotten better at it so the process is a lot faster now, which i’m really grateful for
Q: i heard shiokara's actor does a lot of adlibs. do you do that a lot as kaguragi too?
“sukonbu piiman” (”sour konbu peppers”, kaguragi mishearing “sukopi”) was an adlib
Q: are kaguragi's geta (wooden sandals) hard to walk in?
it was at first, but i've gotten used to it now
Q: what’s your favorite anime?
code geass, gurren lagann, higurashi no naku koro ni. i like intense anime
Q: favorite musician?
Q: favorite flower?
Q: favorite food?
curry, sushi, and yakiniku
Q: i love how hachi ohger incorporates kabuki movements in his fighting style. what's your relationship with kabuki?
i really like kabuki. it wasn’t a traditional kabuki production but when i was younger i saw a performance of “super kabuki” and thought it was really cool. as for kaguragi/hachi ohger, the suit actors and i would watch videos of kabuki actors and try to mimic their movements.
Q: we want to see the fruits of your (muscle) training!! please let kaguragi wear a tank top!!
hopefully we get to do a scene like that hahaha
Q: do you look up your name online?
i do... so please don’t say mean things about me ;w;
Q: what's kaguragi's favorite vegetable? my nephew who’s growing vegetables at home would like to know!
wow! kaguragi would love anything homegrown. but maybe in particular he likes tomatoes, or eggplants
Q: what’s your favorite thing about kaguragi’s outfit?
the haori (coat), definitely. it’s when i put it on that i really feel like i’ve transformed into kaguragi. but the outfit weighs 5 kilos... so heavy...
Q: tell us about the "H" incident
the what....? *suddenly remembers* OHHHH HAHAHA
so during the roll call scene in episode 10 where aoto (yanma) said "eichi no ou, yanma gasuto! (king of wisdom, yanma gast!)" i thought he said "eichi" as in the latin letter “H” (in japanese, H = hentai/ecchi, in other words he thought yanma said he was “the king of perverts/sex” LOL)
Q: what's kaguragi's color? (asking for light stick reasons since there’s no black color setting on a light stick)
it's orange, i'm pretty sure!
i joined in kinda late so there’s probably some questions i missed (and sorry if i remembered some details wrong, i was multitasking and not fully focused, but i did take simple notes) he also talked abt things like how he plays valorant and how great his muscle training is going etc (he lamented that kaguragi wears so much clothing and he doesn’t get to show off his muscles lol). i think i remember he also teased something about kaguragi and rita as a duo and something ~maybe~ happening with them in the plot
it was his first time hosting a twitter space and he gave off very boomer energy because he had No idea what he was doing. people kept trying to help him understand how to let in other speakers but he gave up lol xD he was kind of nervous but it was still a lot of fun! himeno and shiokara’s actors were there too, and he might do a twt space with the both of them next time ^^
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