#cod oc: lars pääkkönen
Who has your OC made cry?
What is the worst thing your OC does in their story?
(Since you clarified this ask was meant for Lars, I will answer as such!)
1. Who has made your OC cry?
Lars is a tough guy with a will of steel, but if you ask if anyone made him cry...he would say Gunnar. Seeing your father drunk out of his mind and not acting like himself is enough to make any 9 year old cry, and that was Lars' case. It was a genuinely terrifying two years for him and his mother.
It was only years after his passing that Lars managed to make peace with the fact that Gunnar was sick and struggling with his own demons and trauma, but Lars' swore to never end up that way or cause the same trauma to his own children; evident by the fact that he's an amazing husband to Kat and a dedicated father to the twins :,)
2. What is the worst thing your OC does in their story?
I won't say what specifically...but an excerpt from an upcoming fic that'll give an indication 👀
His eyes were glassy, filled with sorrow and pain. The face of a man who had committed a great sin, and knew he would face punishment for it.
It was terrifying to see that expression on a man such as Lars.
"They were...only...children..." He whispered, his voice cracking.
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welldonekhushi · 1 year
Lars: Katariina and I are having a baby
Vasily: Oh that's grea-
Lars, pulling out adoption papers: It's you
(he's their son now. I don't make the rules sksklwlw)
HAHAHA TRUE! Finally, Vasily finds someone whom he can rely on *sniff*
Lars and Katariina are going to take good care of him and I can see that ajehjsjs
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revnah1406 · 1 year
Lars after going berserk in a fight, blood soaked head to toe, a knife probably sticking out of his ribcage, and he looks like Swiss cheese with all the bullet holes in his clothing: Tis but a flesh wound
Mason and Bowman: 😧😧
Woods: *Approving nod*
Lars being so badass and without knowing what's fear BUT WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE TO GET HOME LIKE THAT!!!
You can survive EVERYTHING EXCEPT YOUR WIFE!!! I'll pray for your soul my friend... 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hehehe I love Lars so much 💖
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kaitaiga · 1 year
Lars meeting Damien? 👀
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(I do apologise if he seems ooc^^ LOL)
Lars and Damien!! I think these two would get on extremely well after breaking the ice. I mean come on, for starters they both love to sit and chat/make questionable jokes over drinks. Though Damien is the type to tease as opposed to Lars (he quickly found this out…), they can still have some fun together.
On field, these two are both ruthless and merciless too! They both know how to buckle down and get the job done, no ifs, buts, or hows. Damien shows Lars the absolute upmost respect during missions, gathering any advice that Lars might have for him.
Overall, I really do think these two would be great buddies! Especially after earning Lars’ trust. Damien isn’t the type to betray someone, so these two definitely have each others backs!
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Full Name: Lars Armas Pääkkönen
Date of Birth: March 13th, 1935. Lapland, Finland
Nationality: Finnish-American
Occupation: United States Marine Corps; CIA
Rank(s): Staff Sergeant
-Black Ops 1: 26-33
-Cold War: 46
-Black Ops 2: 52-90
-Black Ops 6: 56
Family / Relatives:
-Gunnar Pääkkönen - Father (Deceased)
-Svetlana Attila - Mother (Deceased)
-Katariina Pirhonen - Wife (Alive)
-Svetlana 'Sveta' Pääkkönen - Daughter (Alive)
-Aleksi Pääkkönen - Son (Alive)
*Hair color: Sandy blonde
*Eye color: Ice blue
*Height: 6'8 / 203 cm
*Scars/Beauty marks/blemishes: A jagged scar across the bridge of his nose, and another sliced into his right brow, giving him an angry look.
*Faceclaim: Chris Hemsworth
-Alex Mason
-Frank Woods
-Joseph Bowman
-Grigori Weaver
-Jason Hudson
-Russell Adler
-Helen Park
-Lazar Azoulay
-Lawrence Simmons
-Lydia Graves
-Oscar Yamaha ( @piouswolf )
Due to his socially awkward and off-standish attitude, Lars often struggles to make friends long term. Although it is unintentional, Lars comes off as incredibly unsettling to those who first meet him, due to his stature and overall appearance. However, he is protective of the friends that he has, and will ensure that your back is covered in a firefight. Earning his friendship is in itself an accomplishment, but do something to break his trust and he will never forgive, no forget.
Lars was born in Lapland, Finland on March 13th, 1935 to Gunnar and Svetlana Pääkkönen, being their only child. By the time of his birth, the shadow of the second World War had already been looming over Europe, and in 1939 kick-started the Winter War when the Soviets invaded Finland, with Gunnar leaving to answer the call to defend his country. Lars would not see his father again until four years later.
In 1945, when the war officially ended in Europe, Gunnar returned home, but as a broken, scarred shell of a man who eventually turned to alcohol to cope with the trauma and grief. In 1947, Lars watched as his father eventually succumbed to his demons and drank himself to death to an early grave. Left with nothing but bad memories, a disheartened Svetlana left with the then 9 year old Lars, both departing from Finland and immigrating to the United States to start anew. Adjusting to life in the States had not been easy.
At the age of 18 after graduating high school, Lars signed onto the Marine Corps, which led him to meeting three men he would eventually form a close bond with: Alex Mason, Frank Woods, and Joseph Bowman.
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Twas a long time coming, but I have decided to open a character ask for Lars and Henry given they're my most popular OCs at the moment. I will answer asks in character as them.
So...send in the asks. I will answer any questions for you feral gremlins, no matter how unhinged they are 🤣
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Lars' attire
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"I feel it deep within
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess
That I feel like a monster."
-Brainwashed Sleeper Agent!Lars AU
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Sapphire! I was thinking about this the other day. You mentioned in this post how Lars doesn’t care much for religion, that there’s no such thing as divine intervention in his eyes. Now, like many friendships, there will be little arguments. Why am I saying this? Well because Oscar is the exact opposite. He believes in divine intervention, he thinks religion is a necessity for the betterment of mankind. Since Oscar and Lars are both stubborn men with strong opinions. How do you see this little “fight” between them play out, and how would they make up?
Hi, Vice!
In a way, I can't really see the argument going any further than Lars saying his piece, Oscar saying his own, and then Lars shrugging and being like "That's how you feel, this is how I feel. No need to change the other's opinion".
Lars does acknowledge the validity of religion, but even when Oscar says it's for the betterment of mankind, Lars will also point out that there have been many cases where people have been abused in the name of God, or people hiding behind religion in order to shield themselves from any criticism. What is the excuse for that, he'll ask, and it did nothing to better anyone, instead was used to to cause harm.
Granted, Lars won't give you any shit if you chose to follow it. He's got way bigger things to worry about than someone's personal beliefs, and as long as you're not being a dick about it, then all is well.
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Jk jk Lars still loves Mason and Woods but his dynamic with Oscar is to die for 😭
Oscar belongs to the lovely @piouswolf
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Question For Lars:
Does the sexy man smoke? If he does, what exactly does he smoke (cigarettes, cigars, weed, etc.)?
Lars: "Smoking? Me? Never". He chuckles lightly. "Not only would Kat kill me for that because the smell is disgusting and never goes away, but quite frankly, I'd rather not die with my lungs turning black".
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I gotta expand on the Sleeper Agent AU lol
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Does your OC have a failed friendship or relationship they still think about? What happened? Is it an unresolved regret or is there a chance for reconciliation?
What was your OC's most embarrassing moment?Does it still bother them or are they able to shrug it off?
What does your OC believe in? God(s)? Monsters?Love? The power of unbreakable bonds of friendship to overcome any obstacle? The ability of money to open any door? Or are they indifferent?
Is your OC cynical or optimistic? Who or what shaped their outlook on life?
- Asks for Lars & Henry
-Lars: He doesn't necessarily have a failed friendship, but if we want to be technical he never developed a friendship with Weaver, viewing him nothing more than a work colleague and had no interest in going beyond just the mutual acquaintance stage, as his relationship with Hudson prevented him from caring.
-Henry: Rorke, absolutely Rorke. Henry did want to believe there was still some good in his brother-in-law, but after Elias's death and Logan's abduction, all of that changed, and any positive feelings gave way to hatred.
-Lars: His most embarrassing moment was accepting what was obviously a prank by a girl who asked him out in high school, but Lars was blindsided by the fact that he had a crush on this girl. It's only when she smashed food into his face in front of others when he tried to kiss her was the biggest humiliation of his life, and contributed to his trust issues down the line.
-Henry: Not as severe, but when he and Helena were dating, he attempted to impress her by swooping her off her feet and dancing with her, only to trip over his own feet and cause them both to fall against the table and into the thanksgiving dinner. It was one of those incidents where you're embarrassed, but it wears off and it's only a funny story you occasionally tell.
-Lars: He doesn't care much for religion and it had no impact on his life, as his mother let him choose what he wanted to believe. He thinks shit just happens as it comes and goes, and there's no such thing as divine intervention in his eyes.
-Henry: He was raised Catholic most of his life, but after joining the army, he stopped practicing, but still did small things such as praying before dinner and volunteering at the church occasionally (pre ODIN strikes). Even after ODIN, he didn't allow it to shake his beliefs and genuinely believed God had plans for all of them. What it was, he was uncertain, but he mostly kept it to himself as others around him would find it ludicrous.
-Lars: Fairly cynical in his youth, but as he got older, Lars learned to accept that reality was cruel and full of terrible people, but decided if he wanted more good in the world, he had to be that change. He became somewhat more positive as he got older, and it was what allowed him to cope with his trauma and be an example to others.
-Henry: In Henry's eyes, life is too short, and it's draining to be constantly negative. Even in the war against the Federation, despite all the death and pain and destruction, Henry always appreciated the little things in this world, and it's what kept him going.
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Thirst trap of all...bloody and dirty Lars
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In What Sport Would Your OC Participate In During The Olympics?
Thank you to @piouswolf for tagging me!
Sports Lars would participate in:
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*Fun fact of the day - Lars works as a skiing instructor!
Sports Henry would participate in:
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*Tagging: Anyone who wants to participate!
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Lars' relationship with the Black Ops crew
*Alex Mason, Frank Woods, and Joseph Bowman
-Close with all three of them, sharing a brotherly bond. As they all met in basic training and were the first real friends Lars had made, he stuck with them through thick and thin. Both Mason and Bowman's death have haunted him for years to come, and this is what brought him and Woods closer together as friends, and Lars still frequently checks in on Bowman's family and David. His son, Aleksi, is named after Bowman, with Joseph being his middle name.
*-Grigori Weaver
-Despite the bad blood between Finland and Russia, Lars echoed Mason's sentiment on Weaver. "He's Russian, but he's alright." While Lars respects Weaver on a professional level, their relationship is nothing more than work colleagues who occasionally see each other, and Lars had no interest in going further than that.
*Jason Hudson
-From the moment they met, Lars could not stand Hudson, finding him a pompous know-it-all. Although he can respect that Hudson was willing to get his hands dirty in order to get the job done, that was as far as any positive feelings could go, and that's only the bare minimum. Lars never considered Hudson anymore than an annoyance, and blamed him for Mason's death years later.
*Russell Adler
-From the moment Adler opened his mouth, Lars disliked him from the get go; finding Adler to be a hypocritical and selfish bastard, especially calling him out for what he did to Bell. Were it not for the fact that Adler can get the job done and knows what he's doing, Lars would have punched his lights out by now. He barely tolerates Adler enough as it is, and there is no possibility of the two forming even one bit of mutual respect for the other.
*Lazar Azoulay
-While not the best at making friends, Lars occasionally enjoys Lazar's company, finding the other man's sense of humor and laid-back attitude a breath of fresh air and something that was sorely needed. While not th closest, Lars will occasionally join Lazar on ops or a casual outing if offered.
*Helen Park
-Lars is not close to her and has no desire to get to know her beyond working with her in the safehouse, especially given her role in MK-ULTRA and Bell.
*Lawrence Simmons
-Mostly mutual acquaintances, but Lars can respect Simmons' bluntness about the situations they're in, and Lars will occasionally chit chat with him. Think of them like two co-workers who will occasionally have lunch together, but nothing more than that.
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