#coco cruz x plus size reader
samwilsonsbabymama · 3 years
Attitude Adjustment
Pairing: Coco Cruz x Plus Size Black!Reader
Summary: Y/n continues to give Coco attitude even though he’s given her multiple warnings
Warning: spanking as punishment (not the fun kind), a few swears
Word Count: 1,000 ish 
A/N: @nxxstybrat​ requested this a few weeks ago and like... i’ve had it written, i just didn’t feel like it was ready to be posted until now lol Hope you like it!
Prompt/Request: Coco getting our asses together (doesn’t necessarily mean smut) more like we’ve had an attitude all day and he’s finally had enough lol with the care to match. 🥺
✨I don’t give anyone permission to copy/translate/repost/rewrite my work. Minors, DNI at all. ✨
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Your first mistake was not giving Coco a kiss when you first woke up.
You rolled out of bed and stomped into the bathroom. The slam of the door caused Coco to jolt out of his sleep. He reached out to pull you close and frowned when his hand met the warm sheets.
He heard you slamming things around in the bathroom and he rubbed his face before he got out of bed. 
Coco made his way to the bathroom as well and frowned when he found the door locked.
You grumbled on the other side of the door when he knocked, but you refused to open it for him. 
Coco rolled his eyes and knocked again and you finally opened the door for him.
He asked what was wrong
headed to the kitchen to fix something to eat.
When you finally emerged from the bathroom, Coco had just finished cooking and Letty had already started eating.
Coco moved closer to you to place a kiss on your forehead before handing you a plate.
You sat down to eat without saying ‘thank you’ and Coco quirked an eyebrow but said nothing.
Letty filled you both in on her plans for the day, but you remained quiet.
Coco asked 
When breakfast was over, Coco pulled you back into the bedroom.
“Lose the attitude, y/n,”he stated, but you only rolled your eyes and kissed your teeth.
“Or what, Coco?” you asked and you put your hand on your hip. “You ain’t gon do shit.” you said before you stormed out of the room and back into the bathroom.
Coco watched your retreating form with a confused look on his face before he snatched his keys up and made his way to the scrapyard.
When lunchtime rolled around, Coco realized that he’d forgotten to grab something to eat, so he pulled out his phone and called you.
“What?” you answered when you saw his name.
“Didn’t I tell you to lose the attitude?” the attitude in his voice matched yours and you rolled your eyes.
“What do you want, Coco?” you said in a sickly sweet voice.
He ignored your sarcastic attitude and asked you to bring him something to eat.
You grumbled about always having to stop what you're doing for him and that he should have remembered to bring his lunch.
Coco listened quietly while you ranted. He inhaled his cigarette and exhaled loudly into the phone.
You continued ranting, not picking up on his cues. You ended the call by saying that you’d bring him his ‘fucking lunch’ before you hung up the phone.
When you drove up to the scrapyard Coco was smoking a cigarette waiting for you.
You hopped out of the car and marched over to him. When you reached him, you shoved his food towards him and frowned when he didn’t take it.
“Get back in the car,” he said.
You frowned, “What?”
“Get back in the fucking car,” his voice was low and it sent shivers down your spine.
You took a step back before turning and making your way to the passengers seat. After you had buckled yourself in you began to bounce your knee as you waited for Coco.
You thought about your attitude and how you’d been snippy towards him. You wished that you could take it back, but it was too late.
After a while, Coco made his way into your car. You opened your mouth to apologize, but one look from him had you snapping your lips together.
The ride back home was silent and you knew he was cooking something up to help you fix your attitude.
Once inside the house, you headed straight to the bedroom without any direction from Coco. You knew you were in for it, but you brought this on yourself. You wondered if you could joke your way out of it like you’d previously been able to do.
Coco walked in with his work shirt half buttoned. He walked up to you and caressed your cheek before placing his forehead on yours. He was calm, and that shot a thrill through you. You knew what was coming and you knew you deserved it.
“You need an attitude adjustment, hermosa,” he mumbled before he kissed your cheek.
“Or not,” you said with a smile. Coco could never resist your smiles. It had gotten you out of many situations before, but from the look on his face it wasn’t going to work this time. 
You pouted, “Coco, I’m sorry-”
He cut you off with a sharp look before he took a seat on the edge of the bed and waited for you to approach him.
You stood in front of Coco and watched as he unbuttoned your pants and pulled them down before pulling you across his lap. 
“I warned you, yn,” he said as he caressed your bottom. “Told you to drop the attitude, but you chose to push my buttons; said I wasn’t gonna do shit.”
You sniffled at what was to come, but you’d brought this on yourself.
You winced when Coco’s palm connected with your bare bottom. Each strike brought fresh tears to your eyes, but Coco’s words hurt more.
He reminded you about how you didn’t kiss him good morning, how you didn’t say ‘thank you’ when he made you breakfast, and how you ranted about bringing him food for lunch.
When he called out your behavior you realized just how much your attitude had affected him.
You cried and cried even after he stopped and pulled you into his arms. Once your cries had calmed, you threaded your fingers in his hair.
“I’m sorry, Coco,” you apologized. “I didn’t realize how awful I was being towards you.”
“Thank you, mi amor,” Coco mumbled against your temple. 
He rubbed your back for a few more minutes before he walked you to the bathroom to run you a warm bath
When Coco climbed in behind you, you quickly snuggled in close to him as he held you
As you rested against him,you thought about ways you could make it up to him 
You smiled as his hands roamed your body while a plan began to form
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ticklikeabomb · 4 years
One-shot : Baila Baila Baila
Pairing : Johnny ‘Coco’ Cruz x Plus Size FemReader
Warnings : Language, Slight Angst, Fluff
Word Count : 2.4k
Disclaimer : I do not own the characters, nor the universe where they were created and interact in. This series/fiction is only for entertainment purposes.
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Saying that you were close to explode was a euphemism. You were currently on the phone with the manager of the clothing store you ordered the dress of your dreams for the dance competition that is supposed to take place in less than a week, who was calmly informing you that the delivery wouldn’t make it on time.
“Let me get this one more time. You are telling me that the dress that I ordered, that was supposed be here a week ago is not gonna make it on time and you only tell me this now?! Is this a joke? Because if it is, it’s a horrible one”, you declared frustrated. “I’m really sorry Miss but the there was an incident with the delivery man and their truck caught on fire. The best we could do is lend you the yellow that you tried on.” You sighed, closing your eyes to keep your tears from spilling. “The yellow? The one that makes me look like a life-sized Tweety? Thank you but I’ll pass.” You breathed out heavily, “I’m sorry for my tone but this dress was for a really important event that I’ve been looking for a long time now.”
“I can tell Miss and we’re deeply sorry about it”, declared the manager on the other line. You exchanged for a few more seconds before hanging up and discharged your phone at the other end of the couch. Grabbing a pillow, you plastered it against your face and screamed. A momentarily sense of relieve filled your body and you stood up, grabbed your phone and car keys and made your way to the mall, at the research for another last-minute dress.
Two days before the contest
You arrived early at one of Santo Padre’s local gym and greeted the owner, a long-time friend of yours, who let you train in an isolated room with your dance partner. You made yourself at home, took off your jacket and started to stretch yourself on the floor, like you always did before the start of rehearsals. From the mirror, you saw Frank, your dance partner entering the room and greeted him with a smile. A smile that quickly evaporated once seeing his facial expression. “Hey, is everything ok?”, you asked concerned. “Hi Y/N, yeah I’m fine. Can we sit?”, he motions you but your body tenses. “I’d like to stay up if that’s ok”, you replied to which he nods. “Look Y/N, I know that what I’m gonna do is awful and I feel like an asshole but I can’t dance with you on the competition.” You felt your heart stop and beat frantically at the same time. “What? Why? Do you have an emergency or something?”
He scratches behind his head and says, “No but Tracy and I reconnected and she would like to try again and asked me to be her partner for the contest. You know, we’re professional dancers and this is a lifetime chance to get recruiters to notice us.” You couldn’t believe what was happening and looked at him, open mouth. “Y/N?”, he whispers. You scoff, finally coming back to your senses. “You must be fucking kidding me”, you exclaim, pacing around the room, your hands on your waist. You shook your head violently, not believing it: first the delivery incident, where your custom-made dress burned down like a marshmallow and now your so-called partner leaving you behind for someone else.
You grabbed your things and turned at him, “You know what Franck, you shouldn’t feel like you’re an asshole. You are an asshole!”, before leaving the room.
You spent the rest of day sulking at home, unable to stop crying. You felt awful and decided to pass by the Mayans clubhouse, not in the mood to stay at home. You weren’t really looking for conversations but you wanted animation surround you without taking part of it. You wanted to flee the isolation so badly that you didn’t even take time to eat something first. You arrived at the clubhouse and saw a party blasting inside. Taking advantage of the filled-up place, you sneaked over to the bar and managed to get EZ’s attention. “Hey Y/N, how are you?”, he smiled at you. “How are your teeth so white and perfect?”, you ask him. You knew how observant he was and how easily it would be for him to notice that something was off. Your remark made him smile wider, revealing his perfect dentition even more. You shook your head jokingly, mumbling “Shame” with fake outrage.
EZ’s laugh at your comment caught Coco’s attention and came across you drowning your second shot before taking a gulp of your beer. He immediately noticed that you weren’t ok. The way your shoulders were tense, the way your eyes lost its sparkle, how your wrinkles didn’t retract at the corner of your eyes from genuinely smiling were enough to alarm him. It wasn’t a secret, except for you, that Coco harbored a huge crush on you and got to know you like the palm of his hand. A crush that his friends would tease him about for not asking you out officially. He kept analyzing you before standing up and making his way to you.
You catch Coco’s sight weave out of the bodies in the room and make his way to where you were standing. He plasters himself next to you, his body leaning against the wall, tension float above you. You feel his eyes on your side and turn your head to him. “What?”, you ask him. “You tell me?” He sees your jaw clench and your eyes wetting. You turn your head back upfront, drinking your beer, trying to regain control of your emotions. His fingers grace your hand and the next thing you know is that he’s leading you outside the clubhouse for fresh air. He lets go of your hand and your heart compresses from the deprive of his warmness. He lights up a cigarette and waits until you’re ready to talk. You look around and notice Gilly and Angel’s nosy attention at you and Coco, looking elsewhere when your eyes land on them.
“I’m not doing the contest after all”, you finally break the silence. You didn’t need to look at him to know the frowning and confused expression on his features. “What do you mean you’re not doing the contest? Did they cancel the event?”, he replies. “Nope.”
“Then what?”, he asks. “Franck stood me up for Tracy, so I don’t have a dance partner which means that I can’t compete in it.” You hear him swear under his breath, exhaling the smoke from his nostrils. “What an asshole”, he comments. You chuckle weakly, “Exactly my last words to him.” He shakes his head disgusted. “It is what it is”, you tell him, the sadness painted on your face. “It’s not. You’ve train over a year for this. It can’t just end like this.” You squeezed Coco’s shoulder and shook your head in defeat, “It’s over Coco. I can’t dance alone. Maybe next year.” You turn around ready to leave when his words glue you to the spot. “I’ll dance with you!”
You turn around, furrowed brows, “What?” “I know the dance. I’ve assisted on most of your rehearsals with that douche”, he declared. He saw a spark light your eyes. “Are you for real?”, you ask him. “Let me be your dance partner”, he tries to say it the most nonchalant way possible but his voice flinches the slightest, knowing his words meant more than just be your dance partner. You can’t believe he would actually do this for you. You consider the fact that he did for whatever reason assisted on a large amount of your rehearsals, protesting it was Creeper, your best friend, that asked him to keep an eye on you. 
You close the gap between each other and engulf him in your arms, “Thank you so much Coco. You have no idea how important this is for me.” He pats your hair and replies, “I do querida and I want to be part of that moment.” You thank him once more and you both plan on rehearsing the next day.
Later that night, Coco asked Bishop for the next three days to which the president agreed. Saying that the guys didn’t tease him even more was an understatement. “I can’t wait to see our little Coco here swaying his hips to the ritmo del amor”, joked Gilly. “Fuuuuck off”, his brother replied making the other men laugh out loud. “Let’s hope that will give him enough courage to finally ask Y/N out or I will”, commented Angel, smiling wickedly once seeing Coco’s angry gaze on him.
You and Coco spend the following two days practicing non-stop, going over the passages that he still had trouble with. You were stunned at how good he danced, loving discovering that unknown side of him. Your compliments boosted his pride and confidence, catching you by surprise and lifting your leg to his waist at a moment in the song. You squealed a little surprised at his gesture, your breath mixing with his, your faces inches apart. You cleared your throat before gulping. A smirk graces his face content with the effect he has on you. “Ehm wow, eh good. That was great, we should keep it in the routine”, you mumble while disengaging. You kept going on until the day of the contest.
You managed to find a dress that you changed to match with the routine. You were beyond stressed, your heart pumping faster than the Black Eyed Peas could say ‘Pump it’. You get a call which you answered without seeing the name on it. “Yo where are you?”, Coco asks. “I’m on the restroom trying to regain my calm.” As soon as you finish your sentence, he hangs up. You look at the phone and whisper ‘rude’. You were checking if you tied the straps of you heels correctly, when you felt a hand on your bare back. 
Lifting up, Coco was standing in front of you. “Coco what are you doing here”, you tell him but he seems lost. You waved a hand in front of him, “Coco? You there?” Submerged by you in that dress, the aura emanating from you, he simply whispered “Wow.” A smile crept his way to your face. “You’re gorgeous”, he tells you more confidently, his eyes on yours. “Thank you. You look very handsome yourself”, you reply and adjust the collar of his shirt.
You both leave the restroom and make your way to the main hall, spotting the Mayans. You greet them and thank them for coming and support you. “Our pleasure”, the men chant. They then turned to Coco and nodded at his color matching suit. “Look at this Lady killer. You’re gonna still all of their hearts”, commented Tranq. “Nah just that one”, added Angel smugly. Coco leave his brothers behind, joining you at the side of the stage’s entrance.
You try to shake off your nervousness by gesticulating your fingers and deep breathing. “I feel like a glowing disco ball with so much highlighter on my face,” you reply making Coco laugh. “Nah Ma, you’re glowing because you’re a diamond.” You gasp, your heart beating harshly, not expecting hearing such a sweet comment from Coco and before you could reply, the host called your number to perform next. “Ready?”, he whispers in your ear. You take a deep breath and smile confidently while approving. “You?” He nods, his smile matching yours. He takes your hand and you both take the pose on the stage.
Your routine begins as soon as the first music notes of Ozuna’s Baila Baila Baila (Remix) with Daddy Yankee’s song are heard. The second the song plays and your eyes land on Coco, the stress and your environment evaporate. The only person counting for you being Coco and vice versa. Your hands circling around your bodies sensually, your steps in sync with the rhythm, your smiles illuminating the room. Everyone could see how much fun you were having. Your energy and the flawlessly executed routine echoed through the room, making the people cheering loudly.
When the song ended and you came back to reality, you and Coco hugged tightly, proud of your performance. Grabbing your hand, he led you to your family and your friends who congratulated you. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around, revealing Franck and Tracy in front of you. “I just came by congratulating you. You made it to the contest after all”, exclaimed Franck. You felt Coco slide beside you. “Thanks, I couldn’t have done it without the best partner anyone could ask for”, you replied, your eyes locked on Coco.
“Beat it”, whispered Angel to Franck who got the clue.
The host called the contestants for the verdict. You and Coco didn’t win the prize but you didn’t care. “I’m sorry it wasn’t enough”, he tells you once outside, taking a smoke. “What? You kidding? It was an amazing experience and I’m really happy I could share it with you. Besides we nailed that dance. Not our fault that those old asses can’t see awesomeness in front of them”, you half-joked. You both laughed until a silence settled down between you. “Coco?”, you whisper. “Yeah?” “Would you like to go on a date with me?”, you free jumped head first, feeling a shiver cross your body. “Only if you go on one with me first”, he replies. Your smile makes his wide and your bodies automatically inch closer one to another. Reducing the gap between you, your lips meet shyly, then sensually, pouring the hidden love that you both shared in a kiss.
“Fucking finally”, you heard one of the Mayans behind you. Coco breaks the kiss, sighing heavily at his brothers’ shenanigans. You both turn to them, their smug faces on display and shake your heads. “I guess I don’t have a shot with Y/N now”, joked Angel to which you frowned. “Keep dreaming”, replied Coco before stealing your breath away in a deep kiss.
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*gifs, credit to the owners* 
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr​ @francezka10  @titty-teetee @breezy1415 @nerdypinupcrystal @hhiggs
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It sounds so petty lol but maybe the reader argues with coco over text messages he has with another girl?
Anything you do is beautiful so thank for you taking the request even though you aren’t familiar with the show?
Do you do sons of anarchy ?
Fighting with Coco over a random woman's texts include:
-You immediately thinking that he's cheating on you, knowing his history with women and the fact that you're the only woman he's ever been able to commit to not helping the situation
-Coco getting frustrated when you're having troubles believing his words as your mind is just too deep into the whole mess
-You re-reading the messages and only becoming angrier, throwing the phone on the couch and ready to pack a bag and spend the night at a random hotel in order to calm down
-Coco trying his best to stay calm and collected when he sees you rushing to your shared bedroom and starting to pack your things
-Him begging you to stay and think things through
-You not listening to him and continuing to through random clothes into your bag, too hurt and angry to even respond to your boyfriend's cries and pleads of desperation
-You not being able to sleep for a second  throughout the whole night, same thing for Coco
-Him texting back the random woman, telling her that he's in a happy and committed relationship with you
-The woman not caring at all and continuing to try and get with him
-Coco tossing and turning all night long, if this would've happened before he met you, he would've gone out, gotten drunk and have all sorts of wild hookups
-But that thought doesn't even cross his mind, just you
-He sighs to himself countless of times while trying to send you text messages, letting you know that he completely understands your point of view based on his history of women. That he isn't angry at you but at himself as he knows that this is just karma biting him in the ass
-You reading the text messages and feeling sorry and stupid for having stormed out instead of calming down and letting your boyfriend reassure you that he hadn't done anything with the stranger woman
-You going back home the next day and finding an awful looking Coco just sitting on the couch with a beer in his hands, his eyes red and puffy and the TV just playing silently in the room
-Him dropping his beer and rushing over to hug you, swearing on everything that he loves that he hasn't been cheating on you
-Him then gently kissing you, his lips tasting like toast and a little bit of beer
-The sensation making you feel all delicate on the inside
-The two of you then apologising for your behaviour before promising to do better in the future
-Coco then cuddling onto you on the couch, holding tight onto your thick waist while resting his head in the crook of your neck
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationclubub  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l l @harleycativy  l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86  l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace  l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath  l @letsdisneythings l l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel l @plutoneu l  @queenoftheworldisdead l @briannab1234l @miyaeadys-blog l l @hihellogoodbyebruh l @nackrosor l @nerdgurl1985 l @2darkskinbeauty l @bugngiz l @african-melanin-goddess l @barnes-wilson-love l @ktiz90 l @let-the-love-in  l @robinredboob l @hopefuloperaangelnerd l @kola95 l @partypoison00 l @alwaysadreamingoptimist l @reniescarlett l @g0thicdream l @mayasopinions l @captaintightpants58 l @leillee
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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imanerdychubbyqueen · 4 years
Coco Cruz X ChubbyBlack/Hispanic Reader!!
Abigail starts to groan, when she feels kisses being placed on her shoulder, making their way up towards her neck. Slowly opening her eyes, Abigail smiles, already knowing it's her boyfriend, of 3 years, Johnny ”Coco” Cruz. ”Mamas, Let's get another round in before you have to leave. ” Coco smiles. Turning her body to face him. ”Coco, why must you're Interrupt my sleep?” Abigail furrowrs her eyebrows. ”I want to be inside you one more time, I Don't know when we will see each other again.” Coco brushing one of her curly strands of hair out of her face. ”what time is it?” Abigail, starts to turn her head. ”It's only 8, but Letty called me earlier and said she was coming around noon from her sleepover.” Coco says, putting his hand under her chin making her face him again. ”You could've let me sleep another hour.” Abigail scoffs. ”but that's another hour I lost from not being inside of you.”Coco smirks. ”You're lucky I love you.” Abigail pecking his lips.”Show me how much you love papi” Coco grunts, picking up and throwing Abigail on his lap.
Running her hands down his tattooed chest, before making her way back up to his face, running her hands through his short black hair, as she starts to kiss him, slipping her tongue in his mouth, while he's hands travel down her backside until he reaches list above her ass, roughly grabbing each of her ass cheek, in each of his hands, making Abigail squeal. Giving each of her ass cheeks a hard, loud smack, before grabbing her hips pushing her closer to where his hard cock was standing up, Abigial pulls away, and starts to lift her up body, and grabs Coco cock and lining up to her entrance, taking a deep breath Abigail Slowly, sinks down on his cock, taking each inch like a good girl she is, once she felt he was all the way in, Abigail starts to move back and forth with the small help with Coco, feeling the pleasure rapidly building up, Abigail moans ”Ohhh fuckkk” as she pulls her head back. Coco watches Abigail taking his cock so well, he watches as her boobs move slowly up and down, but drastic move faster as Abigail starts to bounce up and down on his long thick cock. ”Babyy I'mm about to cummm” Abigail moans, rubbing her nipple area. ”Ayyy stop it, that's my job.” Coco slaps her hands away from her boobs. ”Papi pleaseeee, fuckkk I'm close.” Abigail beggs, bouncing up and down on his cock at a faster pace, making Cocoa groan, throwing his head back, once Coco head come back facing Abigail, he picks her up, while getting up from the bed throwing her on the bed, turning her on her stomach.
Abigail loves the position the way her body arches, the deeper his cock goes in, Abigail is gripping the sheets when Coco smacks her on each of her ass cheeks, until she can feel the burning sensation running through her body. Abigail buried her face in the sheets, once she felt his tongue licking and kissing her pink-brown pussy, making her moan, gripping the sheets until her knuckles turned white, the vibrations when he moan against her pussy made her rolled her eyes back. ”Papiii, stop teasing and fuck me like I'm your little puta ” Abigial raspes. ”You have been acting like a little puta, being too friendly with that classmate of yours!! Maybe I should record me fucking you so he knows his place yeah??” Coco growls before slamming his cock not giving Abigail anytime to adjust, Abigail whimpers. ”Shut up, You wanted this dick fucking take it like a puta, YOU MAKE ONE MORE SOUND AND IM NOT GONNA LET YOU, YOU HEAR ME??!!” Coco husks., grabbing a fistful of Abigail's black curly hair before pulling it back towards him. Abigail face was ruined with tears falling down her face, from each eye. ”Papi I'm gonna cum.” Abigail cries out. ”Cum on papis Cock, Milk my cock like the puta you are.” Coco grunts. Once Cocoa gave her permission, her whole body starts to shake, making her eyes to roll back, tears coming start falling down her face once again. ”Fucckkk I lovee your pussy, the way it clenches my cock Fuckk if you keep clenching my cock, I'm going to make you a mom, would you like that huh??!! have my sperm fill your precious little womb.” Abigail nods. Coco whispers in her ear. ”Im so close, , Fuck here it comes!!” Coco grunts before spilling all his sperm inside of Abigail.
Slowly pulling out, after making sure all his cum was not coming out of her pussy, Coco got up and walks to his bathroom and grabs a small washcloth, wetting it from the water from the sink and come back inside the bedroom, and sitting on the bed next to Abigails body who was still face down, ass up, cleaning her pussy gently making her moan as soon as the towel touches her throbbing pussy. Once she was cleaned, Cocoa went back the bathroom threw that wash cloth in the dirty hamper an got a new one for him, wet it and cleaned himself off an also throwing it into the hamper, before going back inside the room and slowly and gently pulling Abigail legs from underneath her until she was playing completely flat on the bed. Laying next to her Coco ran his fingers down her arm, and kissing her opened cheek. ”Mamas??” Coco asks. ”Yes papi.” Abigail whispers, too tired to turn her head. ”Do you want to have my kid??” Coco questions Abigail. Abigail carefully slowly turns her body to face him, once she is face to face with Coco, she runs her fingers caressing his cheek. ”Of course what makes you think I don't.” Abigail curiously. ”Weve been dating for two years, I want to make sure you dont regret this of being the father.” Coco running his fingers down her arm. ”Of course not baby, Your an amazing father with Letty, just because you weren't a good one in the past doesn't mean you haven't changed. I would be honor to have you as my baby’s father” Abigail kisses him slowly. “You mean that.”Coco smiles. “Baby I do, from the bottom of my heart I do.” Abigail smiles back. “You know the first time I saw you I knew that I wanted you to be the last person to give me any kids.” Coco chuckles. “Really??” Abigail laughs. “Sure did, seeing you interact with those kids you had to serve, how patient you are with them, how happy you look once you have a smile on your face once you see them smile, it was a beautiful sight to see.” Kissing Abigails forehead. “Te amo much Johnny.” Abigail pecks his lips one more time. Te amo tambien” Coco kisses her lips, before putting chin on top of her head, rubbing her arm at up and down, the couple slowly started to drift off to sleep.
As the couple slept, they were unaware that Cocos daughter, Letty just arrived back from her sleepover, opening and closing the front door, before locking it and made her way upstairs grabbing her overnight bag, noticing that it was quiet, Letty puts her bags in her room before walking towards her dads room and knocking on his bedroom door. ”Coco, Are you okay??”. Putting her ear on his bedroom door. She can hear him say ”Fuckk!!”. ”Coco what's going on??” Letty jiggling his doorknob. ”Im okay Letty, just give me a couple of minutes.” Coco shouts. ”Okay!!” Letty not believing him. Coco and Abigail were looking at each other nervously, after heading Letty walk away from the bedroom door. ”Fuckk!! We over slept.” Coco shaking his head. ”What do you want do. ” Abigail sitting up on the bed. ”Just wait here I'm gonna go distract her So you can get out.” Coco putting his boxers and a pair of sweatpants before walking towards the bedroom door opening and closing it making his way downstairs. Abigail laughs to herself, before throwing off the covers and grabbing her sweatpants and tank top, bra and underwear, putting all of her clothes, she gets up from the bed, putting all her stuff in her bag, before patiently waiting for him to come back and let her know she can leave. As time passes by, Abigail starts to think about the memory of how she met Coco.
*flashback starting *
Abigail was sitting in one of the booths with her textbooks laying out, studying her last final then she graduates, when her best friend Rosa Torres, tapped her shoulder.”Break is over, two new customers came in and I sat them in your section.” Rosa tells Abigail, patting her shoulder before walking away. Picking up her books and placing them in her backpack before joggings turns the back and placing the bag in her locker and walking back out to serve the two new customers that walked in. Walking towards the customer she can tell there is some tension between the man who is medium built, has a short jet black hair, and has a goatee with his neck adorn tattoos and the girl who‘s a tall Latina who also has a oval face, her eyes are bright. Walking up to them, grabbing her notepad and pen before reaching them. “Hi my name is Abigail can I get you guys started on drinks.” Abigail, showing a smile once she reaches their table. “Water for both please.” the man says, looking up to her. “Okay, I’ll be right back with your waters.” Abigail, smiling becomes turning around and heads to the fountain drink area. Filling up two cups with water and a little bit of ice, once finishing filling up the cups, Abigail carefully brings back the cups of water, placing them on the table one by each of him an her, before getting out her notepad and pen. ”are y'all ready to order??” Abigail asks, looking back and forth of the man and the girl. ”I would like a burger with French fries.” The lady says. Abigail nods before writing it down. ”Well done or some pink.” Abigail looks at the girl. ”Well done.” The girl says, looking up at her. ”And for you sir.” Abigail looks at the man. ”Same thing as her.” The man somewhat giving a glare. Abigail nods. Heading towards the cook with her orders.While the two new customers foods we're cooking, Abigail went to check on her other customers, giving take out boxes, and picking up her checks, before picking up dishes and bring them back to the kitchen. After cleaning the second to last customers area, Abigail heads back to the cook wine and seeing her customers food was all ready to she grabs the plates, bring the plates to their rightful owners, before stepping area ”Enjoy.” Abigail smiles, before walking away, letting them enjoy their food in peace.
Abigail was helping her friend Rosa cleaning up tables when she saw her last customers finishing up their foods, “Any take out boxes?” Abigail asks, before picking up their plates. Both of them shook their heads. “Here’s your check, whenever your ready.” Abigail places it gently on the table before walking away bringing their plates to the kitchen. Walking back to their table, she quickly picked up the check, heading to the register and giving back their change, before saying “Enjoy y’all’s night.”Abigails says stepping away from them, sitting in a both next to Rosa who was calculating some math, while watching the man and the girl, walk away, exiting the front entrance and walking back to a car, and driving off. Before focusing on her attention on Rosa.
*flashback ending*
That wasn’t the last time she saw him, every since that night he kept coming back and back until he finally got enough encouraged to held a conversation with her, she remembered the first time they hung out he told that the girl she saw him with was his daughter. Abigail didn’t want to date anyone who had a kid but when she met Coco that all changed. Abigail Train of thoughts were interrupted when his bedroom door was opened, and closed. “Hey baby, you can leave now, she’s in the shower. “ Coco grabbing her chin to make her look up at him before placing a kiss on her lips. “Coco, I gotta go.” Abigail giggles. “Just one more kiss.”Coco begs. “finee.” Abigail mumbles, before placing a kiss on his lips. After a few minutes of making out, They finally pulled away, Abigail gets up from the bed, and throwing the bag over her shoulder before walking towards his bedroom door. “Ill see you in 2 days.” Abigail giving him one more kiss on the lips, before heading downstairs with Coco following behind her. “Wait mamas.” Coco grabbing her arm, turning her around. “Coco.” Abigail laughs. “Miss you.” Coco blushes. “Miss you too.” Abigail, opening his front door, and walking through the entrance to outside, before Abigail could reach the steps she felt a SMACK on her ass, making her squeal. “You better.” Coco winks, before closing the door and locking it. Abigail walks to her car, that was between his house, and his neighbors unlocking it before opening the car door and throwing her bag on the passenger seat, before getting inside her car, and closing her door, turning on the car, putting her seatbelt on and making her away to her apartment.
@multiyfandomgirl40 @firebenderwolf @carlaangel86 @thewarriorprincessxo @lady-pswrld
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imagineredwood · 3 years
Are you accepting HCs? If so, can I get one of reader being Letty’s best friend who is of age, and in love with Coco but like she thinks she doesn’t have a chance because she’s a lil chubby and not like the girls that hand out with the club, but Coco reassures her that he likes her too? 🥺
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A/N: I know some of y’all get annoyed about insecure plus size readers in fics but I'm following the request and also, insecure plus size people exist so don’t come for me. Just like you feel not everyone is insecure about their body, not everyone is confident in theirs either. 
You had a crush on Coco for a while
Being Letty’s friend, you had bumped into him often, though you had always known him as her brother 
You were older than her, and adult, and as such had been a mentor to her 
You looked out for her and tried to keep her out of trouble 
Yet you never looked down on her and loved her no matter what 
She was your best friend and that meant you were always attached at the hip
That was how you had gotten to know Coco more and more 
And now that crush had blossomed into complete love and adoration for the man 
Letty knew, as did a few of the guys
But you always played it down
You were bigger than the club girls 
Your body more plush and soft 
You felt that Coco was used to their flat stomachs and toned physiques
Not your body type 
And that fear of rejection was enough for you to keep your feelings hidden 
Not wanting to lose a friend in him while feeling less than at the same time 
It wasn’t until Letty let it slip one day that Coco even knew 
She was mortified, begging him not to say anything 
Unable to stand the thought of losing you because you were upset at her
Coco revealing to her that he liked you too was a shock 
But she quickly stepped into the role of match macher then
Telling him all about you and the things you liked 
Coco listened and logged them, committing them to memory so he could wow you when he finally made a move 
The next weekend he invited you to go out with him for lunch, of course thinking that Letty would be joining you as always 
But finding him sitting alone when you arrived created worry in the pit of your stomach 
And you figured that this would be it 
Someone had told him that you liked him and now he would try his best to let you down gently 
Give you the whole ‘you’re a beautiful girl’ speech that they all did right before they told you that you just weren't their type
And you had half the mind to simply turn around and walk back out but figured you would stay, granted he had enough respect to let you down formally and not over text 
He’s smiling at you as you sit down, his eyes bright 
It fades as you start talking though 
“Hey, listen don’t worry about it. I don’t want this to be weird between us. I know I'm no your type and it’s cool, I’m fine with just staying-” 
“I like you too.”  
There’s a long moment of silence as you stare at him, waiting for him to laugh and say that he was just playing, but it never comes 
All he does is nod, reaffirming what he said, his eyes genuine as they stay on yours 
And once the shock wears off, you’re able to enjoy the date, happy to know that your love isn’t going to go unrequited this time 
General taglist @piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl​ @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @iambabyharry @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa @sadeyesgf @queenbeered
Mayans taglist @dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @bisexual-space-slut @appropriate-writers-name @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog
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murphslass · 4 years
time for the Mayans :))
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FlightlessAngelWings Masterlist
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Requests currently CLOSED for everything for the time being | Please read this before requesting!
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💦 = smut (please don’t read these if you’re under 18).
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Banner by maysdigitalarts, all other graphics made by me
Guide to Being Inclusive with Your Reader Insert
Graphics Masterlist
Prompts and Challenges Masterlist
Pedro Pascal Fandom Bingo 2024
2024: A Year of AUs Masterlist (paused)
2023: A Year of Protectiveness Masterlist
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist (coming soon!)
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Kinktober 2021 Masterlist
Pride Celebration 2k21 Masterlist
4k Follower Celebration Masterlist
Follower Celebration Smut drabbles
Headcanon Masterlist
Ships Masterlist
Reader Inserts
None of my fics use y/n
Fics are marked with what type of reader it is.
My fics aim to be inclusive so unless marked (i.e. plus sized/curvy, Latine, bisexual, etc) there is no physical indications for Reader Character so they can be read by anyone.
❤️ = personal favorite
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Pedro Pascal Characters Masterlist 
(They get their own page because of how many fics there are lol)
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Boba Fett x Reader x Fennec Shand
Don’t Call me Princess  💦 
Boba Fett x Reader
The Pedestal I Hold You On 💦
Targets and Temptations 💦 
Have You Back
Anything For You 💦 ❤️
Poe Dameron x Reader
Risk it All for You💦
Survive Now, Then Flirt ❤️
Paz Vizsla x Reader
Bold 💦 ❤️
Guiding Star
Cobb Vanth
What Our Scars Remind Us
Axe Woves x Reader
Coming Back to You (biker!au) 💦 ❤️
Lady and the Merc 💦 ❤️
Cassian Andor x Reader
Untitled (Coming soon)
Fennec Shand x Reader
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
Cal Kestis x Reader
Coming soon
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Benny Miller x Reader x Frankie Morales
Messy Pile of Affection Series Masterlist 💦  (main story complete, drabbles/side stories ongoing)  ❤️
Finish Him  💦 (mpoa-verse but can be read on its own)
Santiago Garcia x reader x Frankie Morales
Not Leaving you Again 💦
Santiago Garcia x Reader
Untitled mechanic!Santi  💦 (coming soon)
Take Your Picture  💦 
HoneyBunnXOXO  💦
Benny Miller x Reader
Untitled 💦 (Coming soon)
Will Miller x Reader
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
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Bishop Losa x Reader
A Quiet Moment
Perfect Afternoon 💦
Attitude Adjustment  💦 ❤️
Angel Reyes x Reader
With You 
EZ Reyes x Reader
Coming soon
Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Coming soon
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Sam Wilson x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Your Tell
Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Reader
Inglenook  💦
Moon Knight x Reader
Moon Knight Bingo Masterlist
Right Next Door, The Steven Grant x neighbor!reader series masterlist (ongoing)
My Knight in White 💦
Surrender to the Fire 💦 (Marc Spector)  
Afternoon Drive 💦 (Jake Lockley)
Neighbors and Nightmares (Steven Grant)
All Yours 💦 (Steven Grant)
Tasm!Peter Parker x Reader
The Way We Feel When We Dance 💦
My Favorite Bartender 💦
Us Against the World 💦
Together💦 ❤️
When Jealousy Strikes
Beautiful Distraction 💦
Just Kiss Like Real People Do 💦 ❤️
Loki x Reader
Right Where We Belong 💦
Destroy You so Beautifully 💦 (President Loki)
Silver Tongues 💦
In My Arms (Over and Over Again) ❤️
Frank Castle x Reader
Eat Dessert First 💦
Glitter and the Guard💦  ❤️
Distractions 💦
You Like That? 💦
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt request
Lost Souls, Kindred Spirits 💦 (series masterlist, complete)
Clint Barton x Reader
My Hero 💦
Sam Wilson x Reader
Coming soon
Valkyrie x Reader
Coming soon
Carol Danvers x Reader
Coming soon
Billy Russo x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Protect . Chapter 2 . Chapter 3 . Chapter 4💦 . Chapter 5 . Chapter 6  (complete)
Don’t Want to Fall in Love 💦
Rooftop Memories
The Weight of Emptiness / The Echo of Emotions
Whatever You Need 💦
Thinking of You  💦
Give In To You 💦
I Owe What I Am To You
I Still Love You, Asshole
Crossed Paths
Good Enough For You
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Thirteenth Doctor x Reader
Shine Through the Dark
My Brave, Kind Human
Jealous 💦
The Challenge 💦
Dreams, Nightmares
What a Human Deserves ❤️
The Consequences of Stealing the Doctor’s Coat 💦
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Bad Guy ❤️
Soft Side
Calm The Rage
The Buzz of Jealousy 💦 ❤️
Fifteenth Doctor x Reader
Coming soon!
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Jesper Fahey x Reader
Coming soon
Matthais Helvar x Reader
Coming soon
Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
coming soon
The Darkling x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Emotions in the Darkness
Burning Desires 💦
How We Touch, How We Love 💦
No Stranger to the Dark
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Tommy Miller (TLOU)
Note- This writer supports Palestine and does not share or support the views of tlou creator. Please interact with tlou critically be be aware of the view of its creator and how they influence the story.
Dive Bar Rockstar 💦 ❤️
Waitress in Distress
Dream (The Sandman)
Back to You
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
Ardeth Bay (The Mummy)
Coming soon!
Kassandra (Assassins Creed Odyssey)
Coming soon
Eivor (Assassins Creed Valhalla)
Coming soon
Horacio Carrillo x Reader (Narcos)
Coming soon
Benjamin Greene x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Fireworks 💦
Quiet Desperation 💦
2K notes · View notes
HC black reader for CoCo Cruz where he and his daughter Letty fight and she runs off to your house and he doesn't even know about you or that she sees you as a mom but you don't feel like she should just run off so you drive her back to the MC where are you all of 5'2 hit him and say stop being a dick and then you flirt shamelessly at him leaving him slightly flustered and the club looking like yeah she can handle him
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Being Cruz’s daughter trusted person includes:
 -Her always running to you when she and her father fight
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 -You never having seen Coco but having heard tons of things about him
 -You silently plotting on smacking the soul out of him if you ever meet him one day because his daughter is always hurting because of him
 -The smacking day finally arriving when his daughter is crying in your arms again and you’ve had enough
 -You telling her to lead you to him because your hand is twitching badly
 -Her leading you to the club he always is at
 -Her pointing at him bobbing his head to the random song while sipping his beer
 -Despite that his handsome self immediately turns you on, you march up to him and take his beer bottle out of his hand
 -Before Coco can react, you smack him across the face. Hard.
 -His daughter trying to keep her amusement to herself while you start telling him how much of a shitty father he is and how he needs to change or his daughter will leave and hate him forever
 -Once you’re done, you turn around and bid his daughter goodbye before making your way out of the club, your hips swaying while he stars at your backside in amazement, eager to find out who you are
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l @koizorahana l l @harleycativy l @itik-angsa l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @enigmaticaphrodite l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @earthtocynthia l @lafayettes-baguettes-1 l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86 l @foureyedsiopao l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @oliviajmarvel l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @dedebebe13 l @challaxkillmonger l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace l @killmonsgyal l @lokislilcaribbeanprincess l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @queenxchallaxkillamonger l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath l @supernaturaltrashy l @letsdisneythings l @scorpionchild81 l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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Ahh ok so this is my first time requesting but I’m obsessed with you & your blog & your writing. Idk if you’re still accepting hc requests and if you’re not please ignore my dumbass. But I just saw your last coco Cruz hc and I was wondering if I could request a Caucasian reader for coco where she’s like the only girl that can get him all flustered and “whipped” and the guys tease him about it. Idk what I’m saying, I’m so frazzled for some reason haha, sorry
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Having Coco absolutely crazy about you includes:
 -Him barely leaving your side, wanting to fulfill your every need
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 -You loving all the attention you’re receiving
 -Him trying to control his jealousy when you go out together and have other men trying to get close to you
 -You kissing him and reassuring that he has your heart and you won’t leave him for a random dude
 -Him loving your kisses, making him lightheaded while holding your soft and squishy body close to him
 -You playing with his hair when he’s in a bad mood, your touch always calming him down
 -Coco always talking about you, making the guys tease him as they have never seen him so head over heels
 -His daughter wanting to meet you as she loves how happy you’re making her father
 -You keeping Coco humble and grateful about everything and all the people he loves
 -Him staring at you lovingly at random times, just a soft smile resting on your face while you’re blabbering away or watching your favorite TV show
 -Him doing cute things he’d never thought doing like buying you flowers, giving you foot/back/booty rubs or reading something to you because you love listening to his voice
 -Him loving your gentle embrace when he’s stressed/sad/mad, your scent instantly making him calm down
 -The sex being mind-blowing, him loving to hold you close while staring deeply into your eyes or watching your butt cheeks clap while he’s blowing your back out
 -Him loving cuddling onto you, gently humming in delight when you run your hands through his hair and hum a random tune
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l @koizorahana l l @harleycativy l @itik-angsa l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @enigmaticaphrodite l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @earthtocynthia l @lafayettes-baguettes-1 l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86 l @foureyedsiopao l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @oliviajmarvel l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @dedebebe13 l @challaxkillmonger l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace l @killmonsgyal l @lokislilcaribbeanprincess l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @queenxchallaxkillamonger l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath l @supernaturaltrashy l @letsdisneythings l @scorpionchild81 l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
A Little Taste
Pairing: Gilly Lopez x Black Reader x Coco Cruz
Summary: You remind Gilly about your wish wish to have a threesome with Coco. GIlly indulges you and you get a little taste and then more.
Warning: smut, mmf threesome (but no dp), fingering, choking, vibrating panties, voyeurism, semi public stuff, Gilly Bear, and I think that is it.
Word Count: 3,300ish
A/N: thanks to Sunshine @my-rosegold-soul​​ for encouraging me to write this and for thirsting with me over these two and for reading this over and fixing what needed to be fixed and for being an overall great person 💖 ILYSM
A/N 2: Reader isn’t described much (if at all) so anyone can read this and if you ‘like’ it, please leave a comment/reply.
A/N 3: Don’t repost, translate, copy, my work please. Reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated though 😘
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You sat with your legs across Gilly’s lap as the TV played in the background. His hand rested high on your thigh as your conversation continued. The two of you had been catching up since Gilly had just returned from a week-long run.
“Do you remember when we first started dating?” you asked as your eyes focused on the tv screen.
“Gotta be more specific, querida,” Gilly responded with a chuckle. He began rubbing your thigh to encourage you to speak your mind. 
You smiled and looked at him, “When we were talking about our kinks and the things we wanted to try.” You hoped he remembered what you were referring to.
Gilly pursed his lips as if he were deep in thought, but you could see the corners of his lips twitch and you knew he knew what you were talking about.
You waited a few seconds before you huffed in annoyance and continued. “When I told you that I wanted to have a threesome with you and Coco!”
Gilly laughed as he faced you, “Yeah, I remember that. Is this your way of asking me if we can bring Coco in for some fun?” Gilly moved so that he was now on his knees between your legs.
Your eyes locked onto his as you silently nodded. 
Gilly tsk’d and cupped your cheek with his hand as he leaned forward to cage you in. “Use your words, baby girl,” his voice rumbled from above you.
You puckered your lips in hopes to bring him in for a kiss, and you pointed when he refused you.
“Not until you tell me what I want to hear,” he stated as his hands moved to the hem of your shirt.
You arched your back and raised your arms to help Gilly remove it. When you went to unhook your bra, Gilly gripped your elbows to stop your movements.
“Y/N,” the edge in his voice told you that he was not in the mood for games.
“I want,” you paused when Gilly’s lips quirked. “I want you and Coco to fuck me at the same time.”
“Good girl,” Gilly praised before his lips descended upon yours.
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A few days had passed since you and Gilly talked about having a threesome with Coco and you thought he had forgotten so you pushed it to the back of your mind.
And now you were stuck in the week from Hell. Work had been hell, and with Gilly gone on yet another run, home had been hell as well. You were stressed, and no amount of alcohol helped. Hell, even masturbating provided no relief. You were frustrated. Done.
You were laying on your sofa, cuddled up with Gilly’s pillow when you heard the rumble of his bike coming down the street. You perked up, excited because you hadn’t been expecting him for a few more days but you weren’t going to complain.
You skipped to the door in your excitement to greet him, but you stopped in your tracks at the sight that greeted you.
You flung your arms around Gilly’s neck when he came through the door, but your eyes stayed on Coco. You felt your heart increase when he smiled at you, and you squeaked out a ‘Hi, Coco'. Seeing Coco brought your wanting to have a threesome back to the front of your mind. You silently wondered if Gilly had finally asked Coco. Only time would tell.
“Gilly invited me over for dinner, I hope that’s ok, Y/N,” Coco stated as he placed a few bags of food on the living room table.
“That’s perfectly fine, Coco, I love having you here.” You moved to help Gilly in the kitchen, but Coco pulled you into a conversation before you could leave. He asked about how your week had been going. You expressed how you were glad that it was Friday because you’d had the worst week ever and were glad that it was finally over.
As you were talking, Gilly came back in with plates and drinks in hand and the three of you began eating. Conversation flowed as the three of you ate and the weight of the week felt as if it had been lifted from your shoulders. As the night went on, and bellies filled, the conversation drifted and you began clearing the dirty dishes. Gilly grabbed your hand and told you to relax.
You leaned back in your seat and smiled as Gilly moved to sit next to you. You felt Coco shift next to you and when you turned to look at him, he was already looking at you. 
“I told Coco how you wanted both of us to fuck you,” Gilly said as you watched Coco position himself at the end of the couch. “But I don’t think we should jump right into that, Y/N. I think we should give you just a little taste of what you’re asking for to see if it’s what you really want.
You tilted your head, wondering what he meant until you looked back at Coco who smirked.
“I wanna take you for a ride,” Coco clarified as he pointed to his lips. You peered back at Gilly, silently asking for permission, and at his nod, you quickly removed your bottoms and moved to straddle Coco’s face.
“There’s only one rule,” Gilly’s voice halted you. “You can’t take your eyes off of me while he makes you cum.”
“Yes, Sir,” you stated clearly, ignoring Coco’s quirked eyebrow. 
Gilly sat back in his chair and watched as you straddled Coco’s face. Your hands flew to Coco’s hair when you felt his fist lick. The way he sucked on your clit had you throwing your head back, but Gilly’s voice brought you back to where you were supposed to be.
“Eyes,” Gilly said, and your eyes snapped back to his. You watched as he pulled himself free from his pants and began to stroke himself in time with your hips as you rode Coco’s face.
You felt Coco’s tongue massaging your walls. The vibrations from his moans rippled through you, causing you to almost lose your balance. As Coco ate you out, his grip on your thighs got tighter as if he were afraid you were going to run.
As your orgasm got closer, your bundle of nerves got more sensitive and you knew you wouldn’t be able to last much longer. With your eyes locked onto Gilly’s, you felt your orgasm wash over you, wave after wave, your mouth hung open in a silent scream. Your fingers pulled harshly at Coco’s locks, your thighs trembled as you pressed your pelvis down to gain more friction while you came on his tongue.
You felt as if you were floating from the intensity of your orgasm. You felt light, all your stress had finally melted from your body, you were satisfied. You moved to let Coco breathe, but his grip never loosened. You continued to wiggle in an attempt to get out of his grasp, but he held on and continued eating you out.
You were hunched over Coco with one hand in his hair and the other on the arm of the couch when you heard Gilly chuckle.
“You thought we were done?” Gilly asked. And it was that moment when you realized you were fucked.
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A few weeks had passed since your rendezvous with Gilly and Coco and it took everything to keep it off your mind. 
You had spent the following day recuperating from the multiple orgasms that Coco pulled from you only to have Gilly edge you that same night.
It had been two weeks and one day since you took Coco’s face for a ride and two weeks since Gilly had ended the night with edging you. 
You were home alone, with strict orders to wait for Gilly’s phone call. You were on edge, in more ways than one, and your anticipation grew with every notification that wasn’t from him.
Finally, he called, just when you thought you were going to lose your mind.
“There’s a party tonight,” Gilly said over the phone. “I want you to be there.” 
You nodded your head even though he couldn’t see you. “I’ll be there,” you said as you hopped up to get ready. The two of you hung up, and you searched for something to wear, you hadn’t seen Coco since that night and you knew he would be there.
After selecting your outfit, you jumped in the shower to freshen up. Once you were ready, you grabbed your keys and headed out the door. 
You made it to the clubhouse in record time, and the party was already in full swing. Chucky was the first to greet you and he offered to walk you to the door, but Angel pulled you into a hug before Chucky could.
“Long time, no see, chica,” Angel greeted. “Where’ve you been?”
You laughed as you pulled away. “Work’s been crazy, and Gilly has been keeping me quite busy these last few weeks.”
Angel smirked as if he knew some sort of secret that you didn’t. “Here, have a drink,” he said as he offered you his beer.
“She’s not drinking tonight,” came a familiar voice from behind you.
Gilly pulled you into a side hug before placing a kiss on your temple and Angel smirked. He and Gilly had some sort of silent conversation between them before the two clasped hands and Angel went inside. Gilly pulled you over back by your car and kissed you. He pulled you into his body, and your hands roamed his back. You lifted your leg in an attempt to wrap them around his waist, but he pushed them back down and pulled back.
“I have something for you,” he said before pulling a small package from the pocket of his kutte and handing it to you.
You beamed up at him before you opened the box. You gave him a confused look when you pulled out the piece of lace, but he only smiled.
“You want me to wear these? Right now?” You asked, disbelief lacing your voice.
Gilly reached behind you and opened the back door of your car in response. You shot him a quick glance, but you hopped in and changed while he stood outside and waited for you.
Once done, you knocked on your window and he let you out and the two of you walked into the clubhouse.
Once inside, you tried to make your way towards the bar, but Gilly held on tight to your waist and kept you close. “Remember, neither one of us are drinking tonight. I want you fully aware of everything that’s going to happen.”
You nodded your head and maintained your spot right next to Gilly. A few minutes passed, and you were deep in conversation with Angel when you felt the first vibration. It caught you off guard, causing you to choke on air, but you covered it up with a cough. You continued your conversation with Angel, trying to ignore the steady vibrations, but every few seconds, they would increase. You looked over to Gilly to see if he had the remote, but his hands were free.
You scanned the room for the only other person that Gilly would give the remote to and you spotted him across the room. Coco sat facing you with a smirk on his face, and the moment your eyes locked with his, he increased the intensity causing you to jerk in your seat.
“You okay, Y/N?” Angel asked, his voice full of humor as you squirmed in your seat.
You nodded as you kept your eyes trained on Coco as he kept playing with the intensity.
Angel excused himself a few seconds later and Gilly pulled you closer to him so that his lips were right next to your ear.
“Coco and I talked,” he began as the vibrations died down a little, “and we think you’re ready to get what you asked for.”
You bit your lip at the implications, and Coco increased the intensity as he watched you and Gilly across the room. Your eyes stayed locked on him as Gilly continued to whisper in your ear.
“He came up with this little game, ya know. To have you wear these vibrating panties and have you cum in front of our brothers.” 
You closed your eyes as you felt your orgasm near, but as soon as you did, the vibrations stopped and your eyes snapped back open. You whined, causing Gilly to chuckle in your ear.
“See, our friend over there,” Gilly continued. “Didn’t get the chance to see you cum the last time, and I promised you’d be a good girl and keep your eyes on him while you came.”
Your chest heaved as you waited for Coco to flip the switch once again. You had almost calmed back down when you felt the vibrations begin once again.
“I didn’t tell him he was the last one to make you cum and that you’ve been begging for a release,” Gilly said as his hands began to rub your upper thigh.
You moaned, loudly, attracting the attention of a few partygoers who quickly averted their eyes when they saw how Gilly was all over you.
“Come on, baby girl, show Coco how pretty you are when you cum,” Gilly instructed as his hand slip between your thighs. His fingers covered your core and gave you just the right amount of pressure you needed to release.
Your lips fell open in a silent scream as you came with your eyes still locked on Coco. Your breathing grew heavy with each passing second as Gilly praised you for being such a good girl.
When you finally calmed down, Coco winked at you as he slid his phone into his pocket and grabbed another beer.
Gilly kissed you on the lips before he turned and started up a conversation with one of his brothers from another charter. Your body was buzzing and you needed to move.
“I’m going to dance,” you whispered to Gilly and quickly moved out of his grasp and onto the makeshift dance floor not too far from him.
You felt the music flow through your veins as you danced. You felt free… that could have been because of the amazing orgasm that you just had, but you weren’t going to dwell on it.
You were dancing with the girlfriends of the other Mayans when you felt a pair of hands on your hips. These hands weren’t the soft ones that you were used to, but they were still familiar. You spun to face Coco as you danced and your fingers quickly threaded into his hair. Your lips held a smirk as the two of you danced and you could see Gilly watching the two of you from the corner of your eye.
After a few songs, you pulled away from Coco with much difficulty and headed towards the bathroom. Once you were done, you began to make your way back to the two Mayans when your path was blocked by an inebriated Angel.
“So, you, Coco, and Gilly, huh?” He slurred from a few feet in front of you.
You answered with a shy smile, and he shook his head. “Y’all some damn freaks,” he laughed. “Ain’t no damn way I’m letting my girl cum in public for all of my brothers to see.”
“To each their own,” you shrugged, causing him to laugh again.
“You’re right,” he said as he made his way past you and towards the bathroom. “I’m gonna let you get back, just please don’t have sex in the middle of the room.” 
You rolled your eyes and made your way back to Gilly. Once you found him, your eyes scanned the room for Coco.
“He’s not here,” Gilly responded. “I asked him to head back to my place and wait for us.
Your excitement grew at his words. You were finally getting what you wanted. You pressed your lips to Gilly’s in a heated kiss and you would have lost yourself in him if it weren’t for the wolf whistles in the background. Without saying any ‘goodbyes’ you pulled Gilly out of the clubhouse and straight towards your car.
The drive to Gilly's place was silent, and no matter how much you tried to get Gilly to touch you, he wouldn’t. His hand stayed firmly planted on your thigh.
When you reached Gilly’s place, you spotted Coco perched on the front steps with a cigarette hanging between his lips.
“We can stop this anytime, Y/N, just say the word,” Gilly reassured you.
“I want this,” you replied.
Gilly nodded, and you both got out of the car. As soon as you were within arm's reach, Coco pulled your hand into his and Gilly unlocked his door and the three of you headed in.
The moment the door closed, the two Mayans were on you. Clothes were thrown haphazardly around the room, each one of you bumped into the wall or a piece of furniture, but none of you cared.
Once you made it to the bedroom, Gilly stepped back and Coco pushed you onto the bed and climbed on top of you. He begins kissing down your neck as his fingers make their way to your folds.
“Fuck, querida, you’re so wet already,” Coco says as his fingers glide through the wetness between your legs.
“Beg for it, Y/N,” the gruff voice startles Coco, but it’s one that you’re used to. Beg for him to fuck you with his fingers.”
Coco’s movements halt as he registers what Gilly is saying from the end of the bed. “Damn Gilly, I didn’t know you were like that,” Coco chuckled before returning his attention back to you.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about my Gilly Bear,” you smiled as you looked at Gilly. 
Gilly moved closer to you and ran his fingers along your cheek before you grasped his wrist and sucked his thumb into your mouth. Gilly allowed you to suck on his thumb for a few seconds before he removed it and placed his hand on your neck.
“I told you to beg Coco to fuck you with his fingers,” he repeated, his voice slightly harsher than before.
Your eyes flitted towards Coco, and you let out a soft ‘please’ before he slowly slid his fingers inside of you. You gripped Gilly's wrist as Coco fingered you, his long fingers quickly finding your spot deep within you. You clenched around him as he played with your clit.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, Y/N,” Coco praised. “So fucking tight, no wonder Gilly keeps you all to himself, fuck.”
Your hips began rocking as he continued his praises. Coco moved and latched his lips around one of your nipples and Gilly watched from above.
“I bet you’re wishing it was his dick inside of you instead of his fingers, aren’t you Y/N” Gilly teased before he leaned down to kiss you. Having Gilly kiss you as Coco’s fingers were deep inside of you, brought you careening towards your orgasm faster than ever before.
You felt your back arch off the bed as you came. You heard Gilly chuckle above you and you felt Coco continue to finger you through your orgasm.
You weren’t sure how long you were out for but when you came to, you were being spooned by Gilly and Coco. They were both still awake and still as naked as before.
“You good?” Gilly asked when he felt you begin to move.
“I’m good,” you assured him. “Ready for some more.”
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ticklikeabomb · 4 years
The Medusas - Part 3
Pairing : Mayans MC x Plus Size Reader ; Ezekiel ‘EZ’ Reyes x Plus Size Reader (platonic) 
Warnings : Language, Angst, Mention of Depression
Word Count : 2.9k
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, nor the universe where they were created and interact in. This series/fiction is only for entertainment purposes.
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A week passed, then a second. You were still in shock and denial regarding the fight you had with EZ. His words kept repeating themselves like an earworm. You couldn’t believe he felt that way towards you since the beginning, just someone to pass time. “She didn’t impose herself compared to others.” You couldn’t stop that destructive voice in your head, questioning if he was the only one feeling that way. What about your father? Did you also imposed yourself in some type of way, not giving him the choice in guarding you? Is it why your birth parents left you, abandoned you? These thoughts left you in a dark place and you slowly started pushing people away. You gradually cut contact with your friends, not in the mood to talk or hang around with them anymore. Your new state preoccupied your father but also the other club members who were used to see you constantly smiling.
It didn’t help going to the same high school with EZ’s girlfriend. Life was playing tricks on you, testing your patience by putting her constantly on your path. She would either totally dismiss your presence or at the contrary, provoke you by speaking loud enough about EZ to her friends, knowing you would hear her. You couldn’t count how many times you left the room or cafeteria, sick of hearing her. What switched your denial to anger occurred a few months later, at the end of school year. You were exiting the classroom, making your way outside, when you saw EZ twirling Emily in a hug and kiss her passionately in the middle of the school entry. When he dropped her to the ground, his eyes met yours and his joyful smile vanished. You felt stuck to the ground, not being able to move from the scene. His eyes then dropped to the ground before taking Emily’s hand in his and turning around, making his way to the truck. In that moment, your heart finished breaking itself to pieces.
You felt sick to your stomach. Running from the place, you arrived at the Romero Brothers junkyard devastated. Your eyes landed on a semi-broken car and a metal bar beside it. Grabbing the bar, you began smashing the car’s windows, the hood, every part you could hit on, letting all your frustrations out. Your outburst reached the Mayans’s ears who immediately left the Temple and ran to the commotion. The bikers witnessed a side of you they didn’t know you had: the fury, the anger, rage. Bishop wanted to take a step towards you when he was stopped by Marcus, shaking his head. “She needs it”, was the only thing the President said. Your breathing and voice started to shake. Your motions stopped, the metal bar falling from your grip, the rage being replaced by waves of tears, shaking your whole body. That was the moment Bishop chose to slowly walk to you and engulf you into his arms, his action making you whimper even louder. “Shh it’s gonna be ok”, he whispered in your ear while soothing you the best he could. He walked you back inside, the others following close, each one patting your shoulder in support of whatever you were mentally facing. Alvarez told his cousin to take the weekend.
After your outburst, Bishop was walking on eggs around you. He didn’t know how to approach you and help. He decided to ask his former lover for advice and visited Martha at the shop. She greeted him with a smile but quickly noticed the tension on his body. She knew him like the palm of her hand. “What’s going on?”, she asked worried. He chuckled slightly, “You were always able to read me like an open book.” “We used to date for a while back in the day”, she jokingly reminded him. “Can we talk somewhere more private?”, he asked her to which she nodded and told him to follow her back to her office. He scratched his neck before telling her the way you were behaving lately. “I need advice. I don’t know what to do, what to say anymore. I don’t want her shutting down on me if I push too much.” Martha listened closely before replying, “Just tell her you’re there whenever she needs to talk. Give her the choice to reach out to you. She might do or not but if not, don’t take it personally, she will eventually tell you when she feels like it’s the right time.” He nodded at her declaration and said, “I can do that.” “You know, first heartbreaks are tough for everyone but it will pass with time”, she slowly said and looked at her lap. Her words hit the man like a train. ‘Heartbreak’. Things were clearer now. He suspected your mood being because of the fight with EZ but he never thought that you felt more than platonic feelings towards the guy. He reached out to her and thanked her before asking how she’d been. The continued catching on while on your side, you were at the club putting your notebook inside your bag when Alvarez entered the room.
His eyes landed on you, analyzing your tense posture, the joy evaporated from your irises, the corner of your lips down. He grabbed a drink and seated beside you. “What’s going on with you mija?”, he asked, voice laced with concern. “I’m just tired it’s all”, you replied. “The famous code used by woman to end a conversation”, he chuckled before turning to his serious self. “Don’t lie to me.” He noticed your jaw clenching. Looking at him, you whispered with a small voice, “I’m a burden to everyone. Obispo should have left me with the other kids.” Alvarez’s features darkened. Trying to control himself, he took your hands in his. “Look at me cariño. I hope I will never hear you say such absurdities ever again. You are not a burden and never will be. Bishop took you in because he knew, the second he looked at you, how special you are and he isn’t the only one who instantly knew. He chose you to be his daughter. You’re family! Don’t ever forget that. You’re Y/N Losa.” He pronounced every word with conviction and you saw no lie in his eyes. Nodding to him, you apologized and stood up. “I should go”, you commented before giving him a side hug. Reaching the door, your turned around and called after him. “Thank you”, you said and saw him nod in acknowledgement.
Ringing, the alarm announced the end of class and the beginning of summer break. You were finally free of her vision, her comments and her attitude. After a conversation with Bishop where he followed Martha’s advice, he noticed that your mood improved. He also noticed you spending all of your time with Coco and Angel. It didn’t enchant him but as long as you were feeling better it was all that mattered. On the other side, he knew that you would be save with Coco and that if we crossed the line, he had a gun and knife attached on him, ready to deal with the sniper. Hanging with Coco and crew also made you more interested in bikes and mechanics. They thought you how to change and fix them, shoving the different brands, designs and how to ride one. That’s how you would spend most of your days.
“Can I ask you something?”, you turned to Coco. His gaze landed on you while exhaling the smoke from his cigarette, “Yeah what?” “Since you were a sniper, could you teach me how to shoot?” He narrowed his eye, one of his eyebrows lifting in confusion before stating a bland “No.” “Why not?” “Because I’m too young to die by the hands of your old man.” You chuckled slightly before getting serious again. “Come on man.” He shook his head, finishing his cigarette and serving himself a beer. “I already told you no.“ You sighed in defeat and stood up, leaving but not after mumbling a “Asshole” under your breath. “Hey, I heard you”, he shouted after you. “Good”, you replied and showed him the finger. “Bitch” he whispered under his breath.
You saw him a few days later at the club and decided to play stubborn, giving him the cold shoulder. His gaze kept drifting to you, trying to figure out why you would ask him such a thing. Your little bratty game was getting on his nerve and he sat down on the couch beside you. “Why?”, was the only word leaving his lips. You took a gulp of your soft drink before turning towards Coco. “Just a precaution. Look around you, everyone is at risk at any second. Don’t you think, everyone should be able to defend themselves or others when necessary. Besides it’s a dangerous world for women out there”, you simply stated the obvious. He couldn’t deny you had good arguments. “What about him?”, he pointed with his beer to the VP. “I don’t want him to know. It’s just our little secret.” The man beside you closed his eyes for a second before agreeing on teaching you. A huge smile crossed your features and you bumped against his shoulder. “Yeah yeah, you just signed my death arrest”, he mumbled before taking a gulp. You laughed at him but assured him it will be fine and no one would know about it. How wrong you were.
Your lessons with Coco were intense, requiring all your concentration. He told you the names and properties of different gun models; taught you how to correctly use each one of them to the point that after several months you were able to use each one perfectly, the student surpassing the teacher. Every time you would tease him, he would feign annoyance and curse your sassiness out but deep down he was proud of you. “Now that I can handle this, do you know how to box?”, you asked him one day. He opened his mouth, transpiring frustration. “Perra you really out here testing my nerves, aren’t you?” “You’re funny, how do I defend myself if I’m in danger and don’t have a gun in my possession?”, you asked him a hand on your hip. He sighed heavily and shook his head. “I’ll ask Creeper to give us a hand with that”, he finally confessed and saw you smirk in victory. “This was only supposed to be between us”, he pointed at you annoyed. “Gracias Coco”, you bat your eyelashes to which he side-eyed you, making you laugh. That’s how another club member joined your little secret. While you were training with Creeper, your father arrived earlier from his run and saw you in the ring. Stepping out from his Harley, he walked closer. “What the fuck is going on here?”, he asked. You simply shrugged and told him you were helping Creeper train. Your dad narrowed his eyes at you but you didn’t phase. He then turned to the other man and warned him, “If you hurt her, you’ll have to deal with me.” “Yes boss.” Your eyes met Coco who only shook his head.
In the meantime, on the other side of the spectrum, the Reyes tried to convince EZ to go to college. “We already had that conversation”, he replied to his dad. “I understand that you had an agreement with Emily but you can’t put your future on hold like that”, continued Felipe. “God you sound just like Y/N”, sighed EZ. “And she is right”, interfered Marisol and took his son’s hand. “Mira, if Emily really care and loves you, she will understand. You have to think about you and if it implies you break a promise for the greater good then that’s what you have to do. You can check the environment, search for a future apartment for both of you but do all of that while you attend classes.”
“I already missed the first semester anyway. There no point in going now. I’ll have to wait for the next school year”, replied EZ. Felipe stood up not having the force to continue the conversation followed closely by Marisol. “Alright. In the meantime, I think you should fix whatever happened between you and Y/N. I know you are hurt. I can see it but she was always there for you”, exclaimed EZ’s mom before leaving her son reflect on her comment. He isolated himself in his room, thinking about his mother’s words and realized his parents were right. He made his way to Emily’s and informed her of his decision to leave and start visiting for a place to live. 
That’s when their first fight occurred and it only got worst when he told her his plan on apologizing and talking to you. “Why would you do that? She tried to break us up. Why are you doing this to me?”, she shouted out. “Em, I only want to make things right. I wasn’t exactly the nicest to her and she probably said those things because she felt threatened. You never got the chance to really get to know each other and I don’t know what do you want me to tell you.” “That’s bullshit. She was the one who didn’t give me a chance. I’ve tried to be nice to her but she kept provoking me with her friends”, the brunette lied. “I know Y/N and she would never do that”, replied EZ, projecting more fuel to the braze. Emily scoffed, “This is gonna be very simple EZ: either you believe me and stay with me or you go to her, apologize and we’re over”, she stated. “Em, come on”, he tried to resonate her. She walked to the door, opened it and made sure he got the hint. It’s with a heavy heart that he stepped closer to the door and closed it, choosing Emily. 
He left a few months later to Stanford, establishing himself there before starting off his first year.
2009 - 2010
The club was discussing at the table when they heard a knock. Annoyed by the interruption, Alvarez nodded at Creeper to open the door. He stepped aside, revealing you behind it. Alvarez motioned you to come inside and noticed your nervousness. “I’m sorry, I know no one can interrupt you when you’re in the Temple but I have something important to request.” The President looked at his cousin who nodded and granted you to talk. You took a deep breath before exclaiming with your head high, “I want to be part of the club. One of you, a Mayan.”
After what felt like an eternity, the silent room filled itself with laughter. “Honey, you can’t be a Mayan member. It doesn’t work like that”, responded your dad. “I know, I’ll be Prospect for a year and then if you judge me worthy, I’ll become a full patched member. I know the rules.” Alvarez’s smile disappeared and he declared, “What we mean is that we don’t take in women and even if we did, it’s a no.” “But, I…” “Marcus told you NO”, Bishop interrupted you firmly. Your eyes wandered around the room and there it was again. That familiar feeling of rejection and embarrassment that went along with it. Your fists clenched and your gaze landed on the floor, refusing for them to see your angry tears. You burst out of the room, fuming and headed home.
Once in your room, you looked around and felt disgusted. “I can’t stay here anymore”, you told yourself out loud. You grabbed the essentials and packed your backpack, your decision to leave final. You wrote a letter to your father explaining him you couldn’t stay and needed to figure yourself out. When he came home, you pretended to be asleep on your bed and felt his lips leave a kiss on your forehead. Your fists clenched under the blanket, fighting your tears and selfishness of leaving the one that saved you 13 years ago. As soon as you made sure that he was asleep, you got out of the house and vanished.
The next morning, Bishop stood up and softly entered your room, checking if you were still asleep. At his surprise, your bed was made. He made his way to the kitchen calling out your name but you were nowhere in sight. He grabbed his phone and dialed, your ringtone blasting in the living room. When he entered the room, his heart stopped beating. Displayed on the table was your phone, ID and an envelope. A sense of fear overcame him and the letter only confirmed his suspicion.
Dear Father,
I’m sorry it has to be on these circumstances but I don’t have the strength to face a fourth rejection like the one that happened earlier today. I’m lost and I need to find myself, who I really am and what I really want. I can’t do it while staying in Santo Padre. You don’t deserve this act of selfishness. You saved me once and I could never thank you enough for the life you gave me. I’m truly and deeply sorry. I hope you will find the strength to forgive me some day.
Te amo mucho, Y/N Losa
He immediately called Alvarez and the Mayans proceeded in checking on the most logical places: train & bus stations, hospitals, your friends, at Martha’s, at the Carniceria, your favorite spots but in vain. It was like you disappeared from the face of the globe. Bishop was devastated and couldn’t stop reading the letter, smashing everything he could find before bursting in tears. The rest of the club was also devastated, feeling like they’ve lost a daughter themselves while Coco, on his side, was furious, feeling like you tricked him.
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PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter​ @ashley17jacobs​ @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr​ @francezka10  @titty-teetee​ @breezy1415 @nerdypinupcrystal @hhiggs​
SERIES TAG LIST: @that-chick212​ @ohdangitsjay​ @thickcinnamonbitch​​ @ly–canthrope​
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