#cockles hq
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ziigee · 1 year ago
Never forget!
*Misha looks extra yum in blue tbh. Can't blame you Jensen.
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Just look at me!
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chaosmisha-art · 1 year ago
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'It's still you' Dedicated to my lovely friends from the Cockles HQ Discord server. We've been together almost 3 years now and I couldn't be more grateful <3 Please do not edit or steal without permission 😘
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fannyhatstand · 1 year ago
Fanny's Roving Folk Club December 3rd
The Gin Bowlers at The Zig Zag Building. Glastonbury.
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A thrilling suffusion of Sunday afternoon Jazz and swing to get you tingling with delight. The Gin Bowlers need no introduction, their legendary naughtiness and infectious zeal and energy will have us all on our feet. Dress for factory life as heating is experimental at the Zig Zag but dancing and the delicious zig zag Sunday Supper will definitely get the cockles warmed up.
The Zig Zag Building Moreland Road Glastonbury BA6 9FT
Doors 3.00pm fun and games, food and dancing until 7.30pm.
Advance tickets £12.00 music only. £20.00 Music and food
£35.00 special ticket for 2 'bring a friend for supper'
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Erika Lewis is better known as the vocalist with New Orleans ' Tuba Skinny' jazz band, since moving onto solo projects she has been creating American originals of her own . She is joined on her grass roots UK tour by guitarist and songwriter Steven Paris and multi instrumentalist/songwriter, Leonie Evans. Together they create a rich musical tapestry drawing from the blues, gospel, country, jazz and the roots of American folk music.
Don’t miss the chance to catch these incredible musicians on their whistle stop UK tour.
Thursday October 12th- Fanny HQ Langport TA10 9PR (address given when tickets purchased) Limited tickets. Doors 7.30pm
Join us for a unique evening with the musicians, sharing a delicious home cooked seasonal 2 course dinner followed by a bespoke performance. Ticket numbers are limited and must be booked in advance. Tickets £40.00 .
Friday October 13th- The Zig Zag Building Glastonbury BA6 9FT Doors 7.30pm
Get your dancing shoes on as The Zig Zag community open their doors and welcome us in. There will be food, drinks, cocktails, an up-cycled clothing sale, art, sculpture and plenty of amazing music.
Music only £14.00 in advance (£15.00 on the door)
 Music and food £25.00 booking advisable.
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clairedelune-13 · 3 years ago
Fan (to Misha): You have to play so straight all the time...
Jensen: *dissolves into fits of laughter*
Me: Hm, why is that so funny? If Misha is, in fact, heterosexual, this phrasing shouldn’t make Jensen nearly break his spine with laughter.
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perceiving-misha · 3 years ago
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Jensen getting right in there
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thigholstercas · 3 years ago
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winchestersmasks · 5 years ago
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“love the way you look at me”
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spnsmile · 5 years ago
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Quarantine Day 19: WATCH COCKLES
#fart story. I tell you it lifts the spirit ❤
also Pray for Jensen ✨
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inacatastrophicmind · 7 years ago
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Misha imitating Jensen. S10 gag reel // Nerd HQ 16 // Paleyfest 18
"I was delivering my dialogue. Jared continued to be, you know, annoying. And he was making faces. And then, finally, Jensen was like a friend on the set. He said: hey, man, don't deliver the dialogue to him. Just say it to me. And I was like thank you! And so I said my lines, I walked up to the stainless steel table, I said my lines to Jensen and Jensen went [winks and throws a kiss.]"
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cosmoseinfeld · 7 years ago
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Question: “If you had one broadway dream, what would it be? […] Jensen: “[…] I would love to play Flynn Rider in Tangled.” Zach: “You gotta work on your smoulder, but ok.”
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winchestersmasks · 5 years ago
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universalcas · 3 years ago
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Considering disobedience - ⒸBase pic from cascaps
↳ endvverse +200 followers celebration! I've reached a new milestone those past days. To the new ones, I hope you find here what you were looking for (destiel, cockles (warning: we ship real people in this blog) , the eventual shitposting...). To the old ones, a pleasure to see y'all still there. I'm so grateful for each one of you even if we don't interact (you can talk to me anytime, btw).
You know (if not, you do now!) I'm a big sucker for trueform!Cas so if you have some headcanon, a fic, art, whatever...please share it with me. You can @ me or tag me (#endvverse).
Tagging people from the taglist since this is original content anyway, ignore the rest (as always, click for HQ - ask to be added/removed):
@iamchillallthetime @xofemeraldstars @endverse @enby-dean @goodgirldean @destiebestie @fallenangelsera @petrichoravellichor @caskarass​ @metallicanatural @autisticgaycastiel @castinkywinky @yeesaac @deanandkastiel
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warwickroyals · 4 years ago
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Transcript under the cut! - Click for HQ photos
Beginning | Previous | Next
(Nicholas) She liked me, you know? And I liked her back. I guess it was more than just liking, love or whatever, but I messed it up. I messed it up so badly
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(Phillip) She didn't love you, don't be stupid. What she loved was the made-up character you were presenting to her. That's—
(Nicholas) Do you honestly think I don't—
(Phillip) Nononono, you don't get to cut me off so you can inject your smart-ass remarks into this conversation. I'm not an idiot, Nicholas, you think I don't know why you're telling me this; me of all people? 
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(Phillip) I know you think I'm so low right now that not even I could pass judgement. In your mind, I'd sit and nod along, offer some pitiful advice.  And you, deep in the cockles of your heart, would feel a twinge of sympathy for me. You have it bad, but at least you're not the one in the hospital, right? Grow up, of course I'm judging you, what you did to that girl was colossally stupid 
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(Phillip) It's strange because you're typically a very smart kid
(Nicholas) Gee, thanks
(Phillip) Which raises the question: why did you do it?
(Nicholas) I treated her very badly at first. She's not . . . from here and I made fun of her accent and stuff. But the more time I spent with her, the more I listened to her in class, I began to feel bad. I realized she's trapped just like me, stuck in this inconsiderate institution that chips away at your freedom, who you really are
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(Nicholas) But I can't acknowledge that part of myself . . . as myself. I'm not just a part of an institution, I AM the institution. And, and, if I start questioning it, I will question myself, and I will have to admit that I don't want any of this. This was supposed to be my dad's job, not mine, not yet. It was his life's work and I cannot compensate for that
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(Nicholas) I'm not here because I think that I'm better than you. I'm here because I understand what it feels like to just not want to be part of this life anymore, and I'm sorry grandfather won't help you. I just . . . I don't know what to do know
(Phillip) Don't crucify yourself over it, son. It's not the end of the world. You did something stupid, you'll have to live with it
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(Phillip) The palace will protect you as far as any public fallout is concerned but don't for a second think that any of that is to your benefit. They're shipping me off to some undisclosed location next week, if you want to know what happens once they believe you're beyond saving. Fixing things and bettering yourself? That's on you
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(Nicholas) Things will be different when I'm king
(Phillip) I appreciate the thought, Nick, but it's not in your control. The king can move in any direction but, at the end of the day, it's still a chess piece. You will have to be strong enough not only to live with it, but to also protect the people you care about from it
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winchestersmasks · 5 years ago
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codestielckles · 8 years ago
hello! you know in last year's nerd hq when jensen whispered to misha like with the hand covering? do you know what he said or like why is that a cockles moment? thanks
So Misha was telling a funny story of himself, but he got stuck and kinda forgot what he’s gonna say… and there’s Jensen whispering to remind Misha what happened next. Misha must’ve told him that story a bazillion times for him to practically memorized everything lol (yet he still loses his shit every time Misha brings it up)
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fujiminohiro · 6 years ago
lads i did it again
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@healingmagicandaspirin and i were bandying about HA pilots who have to put up with heroes chanting “jesus nut” like in that one TIL only turns out i wasnt joking and i started thinking about the GPS (gearsper protection squad)’s favorite beleaguered pilot
his name is jake “crab cake” quevedo. he has an ex-husband who took their dog in the divorce. jake visits him for the dog.
the HA keeps a small cell of their own pilots because contracting out is a legal and pecuniary pain in the ass. theres usually about two pilots per city, but always at least five at a time in the city A hq for short-notice deployment. 
the pilots have their own culture separate from HA “desk jockeys/rockstars” (office workers, executives, and advisers), HA “eggheads/boffins” (scientists), or HA “thespians-for-hire/power rangers” (heroes). the culture is: being abrasive and awful to everyone around them, and tearing each other down, but still thinking theyre better than anyone else.
city A rotating roster: aggie, ATM, back alley, blackout, cat, crab cake, golfer, goku, hindenburg, husky, loafer, phooey, skid, taxi, and wakov.
all of those have really dumb explanations behind them. the pilots (all ex-military, joyriders, or former crop dusters) give each other call signs based on mishaps, flaws, and gossip. gradually, use of the nicknames diffuses to other HA employees and flight towers. any call signs earned previous to HA employment are thrown out. 
until youve stuck around long enough to have some feats or display some exploitable attributes, youre just “FNG” or “shinjin.” call signs are rarely complimentary and normally shouldnt sound cool, but there are some exceptions, because the pilots want everyone else at the HA to think that theyre cool. and for some, if you didnt know the story behind them, youd think they were cool.
“crab cake” is not a cool one. its mostly for jakes demeanor--cranky, but sweet. also in a misguided gesture of sympathy, the other pilots like to say that jakes ex-husband has crabs and jake is better off without him.
this did not in fact warm the cockles of his heart. sometimes hes just “crabby” or “mr krabs.” among the other pilots hes known as caustic, funny, and acting like an old man despite being in his thirties. hes come up with a lot of the call signs.
to the heroes he ferries, he is quiet, tolerant, and tired-looking. heroes have their own nicknames for pilots, and jake is “top gun” because he can usually be seen wearing aviators. unlike a macho hotheaded tom cruise character, he is incredibly lethargic and blasé to their antics, and the heroes think theyre funny. 
they like him the best of the pilots, for reasons he doesnt want to understand. they keep trying to get him to hang out with them. hes the stu to their vampires and werewolves. they do not suspect that he has a real personality and are shocked and upset when they see him interact with the other pilots (they didnt know he could swear).
i was gonna doodle a comic but it was too much work:
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