#cobert winter fanfic exchange 2022
bella-caecilia · 2 years
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Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2022 - All Drabbles
The holidays are long over but I finally present you with the finished product of our Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange. I hope everyone had/has as much fun writing and reading all these lovely stories as I did <3 You can find the link to every entry under the respective postcard prompt.
Thank you all for participating and contributing your amazing talents! Love yall <3
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"Handmade Gifts" by @abumperprize
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"Christmas at Downton" (Part 1) & (Part 2) by @adoracora-elizabeth
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"Let's Take the Road Before Us" by @andallthatmishigas
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"Safe In Your Arms" by @bella-caecilia
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"Rosy Cheeks" by @bluetoblackk
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"Downton Christmas Memories" by @countesscorazelizabethcrawley
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"Last Minute Surprises" by @downton-bridgerton
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"A Letter of Gratitude" by @dream-of-ragtime
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"A Sky Full of Song" by @fantasy-fallacy-tumblingstone
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"Evergreen" by @ohtobealady
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"These Are The Special Times" by @whydidnttheyaskcora
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adoracora-elizabeth · 2 years
Christmas at Downton Drabble
Here is my christmas drabble for the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2022 my writing promt was Festive Buffet
Robert entered Cora’s sitting room. She was bent over the papers in front of her on her desk. He loved looking at her, without her noticing it. Her dark curls up in a Chignon, he loved it when she undid her hair in the evenings, and the curls cascaded over her back.
He closed the door and stepped closer; he saw Cora was working on the table setting for Christmas eve.
Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her and placed his hands on her abdomen. "Our last Christmas as a family of four." He said, kissing her cheek.
Cora looked up with a smile on her face. She placed one hand on top of Robert’s, and with the other one, she stroked his cheek. "Hi, darling. Are you finished for today?"
Robert sat down on a chair next to her desk. "There is some work left, but that I can do after Christmas. I was wondering if I could help you with something."
Cora looked at the paper in front of her. "I am struggling a bit with the table setting. I don't want a normal sit-down Christmas dinner this year."
Robert raised his eyebrows. Did he hear that correctly? What was Cora going to change.
"I was thinking to do a buffet style this year. My mother and Harold are coming over and I would love to show them: England is not stuck in the 1920's anymore." Cora knew Robert was going to freak out. He never liked it when she tried to change something. He was such an English man, that he was stuck in the traditions from the old age. As the 9th earl of Grantham, he loved doing things the proper way.
"Cora! You know my mother is also coming? We cannot do a buffet style dinner with Christmas. We can show your mother that we are modern in different ways."
"I already discussed the plans with Mrs. Patmore, and she is super enthusiastic to make this dinner."
Robert sighed. Cora made up her mind, he would not be able to change a thing. "When is your mother arriving?" He changed the subject.
"On the morning of Christmas eve, she will stay for Christmas day, then she and Harold will tour around to be back here for New Year’s Eve."
"When are we going to tell our mother's you are expecting? Because you are starting to show already."
Cora moved her hand to her abdomen, Robert was right. She was only four months pregnant, but she was starting to show. Both Mary and Edith had been ecstatic when they told them there was a brother or sister coming. Cora had been relieved with Mary’s reaction. When Edith came, she had been hostile and still, they didn't have the best relationship. Cora hoped it would improve with age. She looked up at Robert, we can tell them during Christmas dinner.
"While we are all walking around?"
"Robert!" Cora said annoyed. "A buffet does not mean we don't sit down to eat. We start sitting down and then everybody will go to the buffet table and pick what they want to eat and sit back down."
Robert sighed. "That sounds as chaos."
Cora wanted to reply, when the door opened, and Mary and Edith came running in. Edith was in tears and Mary was blaming Edith for something. In a way it was adorable, Cora though, Mary was starting to form real sentences and Edith, was echoing what Mary said.
"Girls!' Robert said on a firm tone. "Stop this! It is almost Christmas, stop fighting. Edith!" He gave her a firm look. "Leave your sister alone."
Cora looked up at Robert. This was something he did a lot, blaming Edith directly, without knowing what happened. She felt Edith’s hands on her legs, and she pulled her up on her lap. Mary wanted to walk to Robert, but she grabbed her arm and pulled her close, cupped her head and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "What happened?"
Nanny had followed the girls and explained Mary wanted to play with a toy Edith had. "I am sorry that they are disturbing you." Nanny said.
Cora smiled at their Nanny. "Don't you worry, it is time for lunch anyway." She got up, rested Edith on her hip and Mary’s hand in hers. "Are you coming?" She said looking at Robert.
Robert was always amazed, by Cora. Casually carrying Edith and also affirming Mary, she loved her.
24th of December
Robert woke up early, today Martha and Harold would arrive. Violet would be here early because she wanted to be in the house before Martha. He turned on his side and watched Cora, who was still sleeping. Her slow breathing and soft snores gave him a feeling of coming home. He was a lucky guy, that she said yes. Even though he married her mainly for the money she brought with her from America. But he had started loving her very soon after their marriage and when she gave him his first daughter, he was over the moon in love and now she was going to give him a third child. He scooted closer and moved his hand over her abdomen.
Cora moaned and turned on her side. "Please, let me sleep some more."
Robert kissed her cheek. "Good morning darling, we have a busy day, I am afraid there is not much time for sleep." He knew Cora had stayed up until late to put down all the gifts under the Christmas tree.
"I know, but just five more minutes." Cora buried her face in Robert's arms. She folded her hands in front of her and rested them against Robert's chest. She was blessed with him as her husband. When her mother suggested to go look for a man in England she had laughed, but she had been right. She could not have wished for a better man than Robert. Adjusting to this English estate life had been hard, but she felt more and more at home and now it was time, to bring some of her customs into this household.
Their bedroom door opened, and Mary and Edith climbed on their bed. "Santa has brought presents." Mary exclaimed.
Cora sat up and pulled Mary close. "Did he?" She smiled, well let's go down and see where they are.
"Under the Christmas tree Mama. He left them there." Mary said.
"We will go and look at them, but we are going to wait with opening them. Grandmama from America is coming today and Uncle Harold, and I think there are also presents for them, we will open them tomorrow morning." Robert patted Edith on her head.
Cora got up, wrapped herself in her bathrobe, took Robert's hand and together they followed the girl’s downstairs.
Robert chuckled, if his mother would see them, she would scold him, for being downstairs in his bathrobe. But he agreed with Cora, they should adapt to the modern times, and it was incredibly cosy to be downstairs with the children in their bathrobes, looking at all the presents.
Cora handed both Edith and Mary a small present. "This one you can open right now." she said
Robert pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Cora. There was a Christmas card in it.
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On the back there was written:
'You make me the happiest man on earth. Happy Christmas my darling. 
Yours only, R'
"Oh Robert!" Cora exclaimed. "I love you, thank you."
Evening of Christmas eve
"Mama, when are we doing the Christmas crackers?" Mary leaned against her mother's legs.
"We can do them now, Rosamund said, looking at Marmaduke.
"I will get them, he said.
"This is such a weird tradition." Harold said under his breath.
"Oh, come on, as if we do not have strange customs in America, Cora answered.
"Maybe, but we do not sit with a paper crown on our head during Christmas."
Later that evening when the children were tugged into bed.
"Why aren't we allowed in the dining room yet." Violet asked, everybody was in the library. Harold and Marmaduke were chatting, Robert was talking with Rosamund.
Cora was chatting with her mother and looked up. "The staff is not finished yet, so we have to wait a little bit longer." She did not dare to look at Violet. When she decided to do a buffet style dinner, she had felt very brave, but now she was feeling regret.
Robert saw the look on Cora's face change, and he stepped closer. He put his hand on her lower back and whispered in her ear. "Maybe we should tell our news now?"
Cora nodded. "Before the evening is ruined you mean."
Robert pulled her a little bit closer. "No, to make the evening more joyful." With his hand still on Cora's back, he started. "Everybody. Cora and I have some news." He waited a second before he got everybody's attention. "We are expecting another little one."
Cora saw Robert was beaming, he was so proud to tell the family the news. Rosamund got up and to Cora's surprise wrapped her arms around her. "Congratulations, what a wonderful news."
At that same time Carson entered and Cora announced they should go through. Before everybody left the room, they congratulated both Cora and Robert.
"And now let see what you and Mrs. Patmore made of our Christmas dinner." Robert took Cora's hand and together they followed the rest.
There were long tables with food on it. The staff was standing behind them to serve. On every table there were Christmas decorations, and a string quartet was playing Christmas songs.
Martha clapped in her hands. "Cora, you did a wonderful job, look at how festive this is."
Cora glanced at Violet, but to her surprise she saw her nodding in agreement. "I must admit, this indeed looks amazing. We must compliment Mrs. Patmore for this idea."
"Well." Rosamund started. "I think there is somebody else who we should compliment." She looked at Cora. "Because I think the idea came from my darling sister-in-law, am I right?"
"You are 100% correct." Robert said with a proud look on his face. "Cora was the one with this idea and although I was against it, I am happy she made it happen. This looks wonderful and I quite like the idea of not sitting down for hours tonight."
"Well, let us not wait any longer, Bon appetite everyone."
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bluetoblackk · 2 years
finally! my written promt is 'rosy cheeks.' @bella-caecilia, thank you <3
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That’s better.
More a snippet/snapshot than an actual story?
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bonhughbon · 2 years
Well...it's finally here! My Winter Fic is finally here...two days late. But who cares? It's here anyway! 😂 Also, huge shout out to @bella-caecilia for organizing this! 💗 I really had fun in making the cheesiest Christmas rom-com fic in existence
Also on Ao3 right here! Enjoy!! 🫶🏼
Prompt: “Chocolate Bar”
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whydidnttheyaskcora · 2 years
For the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange.  My prompt was ‘beaming eyes’. Thank you @bella-caecilia​ for organizing this!  Happy Holidays everyone!
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
Heeyyy this goes to all the Cobert writers <3
I thought it would be fun to do another Cobert fanfic exchange similar to what we did in the summer with the Hot Cobert Writing Challenge. So, I would like to see who would be down for a Winter/Christmas Cobert Fanfic Exchange this year! This is still a rather rough idea, but if you would be interested in participating, please leave a comment on this post <3
More details, like prompts etc will follow when I know if it will be realistic and worthwhile. Love yall <3!!
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
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Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2022
It's getting started!
I will send out the prompts for everyone in the following day(s). The prompt will consist of two parts. Everyone will get an antique Christmas greeting card + a written prompt from this prompt list (x). You can include the (visual) prompts as abstractly or as directly as you would like. Please message me if there are any questions <3
The deadline for posting the drabbles will be the 24th of December. Please tag your post with the tag Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2022 or send me the link if you're posting on other platforms, so I can link every drabble in one masterpost for the fanfic exchange. I am super excited for everyone's fics!
Participants (I'm very happy you're all taking part <3): @abumperprize @adoracora-elizabeth @andallthatmishigas @bluetoblackk @countesscorazelizabethcrawley @downton-bridgerton @dream-of-ragtime @levinson-mannion @mrsrobinsong @ohtobealady @randomabiling @right-upoffmytiptoes @whydidnttheyaskcora
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
My entry for the Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2022. My written prompt was "mulled wine".
A Happy Cobert Christmas to you all! <3
Summary: 1898. Robert wants to take Cora ice skating but she is secretly struggling with some insecurities.
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adoracora-elizabeth · 2 years
Christmas at Downton, chapter 2
I decided to ad another chapter to this drabble, because I felt it needed it. So enjoy :)
"You did wonderful, my darling." Robert said walking into Cora's bedroom.
O'Brien just finished putting Cora's hair in a braid. "Good night, Milady." She said, picking up Cora's clothes and she walked out of the room.
Cora looked up at Robert. "Thank you, darling. I am glad you enjoyed your evening." Robert had indeed enjoyed his evening she thought. He was tipsy before the main course had finished. She asked Carson to slow him down on the alcohol. She noticed everybody was freely enjoying the drinks this evening. She got up and dropped her bathrobe at the end of the bed, before sliding under the covers.
"I really enjoyed it, even Mama was having fun I noticed. You did splendid." Robert took of his slippers and crawled in bed to. He scooted closer to Cora, who was sitting against the headboard, holding her book. He took the book out of her hands and laid it down on her nightstand. Leaning heavily on her. Before he returned to his own side, he gave Cora a quick kiss.
She smiled and touched his cheek. "Darling, go to sleep, you are drunk." She could smell the alcohol in his breath.
"But you are way too beautiful to not kiss." He pressed his lips against Cora's again.
Cora kissed him back. "Darling, I know you think that, but tomorrow morning the girls will be at our bed very early in the morning."
"You don't want me?" Robert pouted.
Cora gently pushed Robert back in his pillow and kissed him again. "You know I do, but not tonight. Sleep tight my darling." She laid her head down. She loved sleeping against Robert. His steady heartbeat always calmed her down, the evening had been wonderful. Everyone loved the buffet style dinner and after everybody had danced with each other. Even the servants joined in on the festivities. Christmas was truly the most wonderful time of the year she thought. And this year was extra special with her mother and brother joining. She moved her hand to her belly and in the new year they would welcome a new addition to their little family of four. Robert started snoring and Cora scolded herself for not trying to be asleep before him. He was always snoring, but when he had a bit too much of a drink, it was even worse. She poked his side, trying to get him to turn on his side. "You are snoring." She said, what helped. He turned on his side and the snoring stopped. Cora rolled back on her own pillow and tried to fall asleep, herself.
"Ssstt, Mama is still sleeping, we have to wait a little bit darling."
Cora heard Robert's voice, she opened her eyes and saw he was kneeled, and her two girls were in front of him. Robert saw she was awake and winked at her. So, she pretended she was still sleeping, she closed her eyes again and waited.
"Go and wake up mommy."
Very quickly she felt the bed move and little hands leaning on her. She opened her eyes again and played she was in shock seeing her girls. "Darlings, what are you doing here?"
Mary had a big smile on her face. "Open the presents now, Mama?"
Cora pulled Mary close. "Of course, we can." She threw off the duvet and put on her bathrobe. Edith took her hand and Mary took her other. She smiled at Robert and said very softly. "Maybe there is a present for you too."
Robert picked Edith up and replaced her hand for his in Cora's. "Maybe, just maybe Santa Claus left something for you too, my dearest." He felt Cora leaning in on him, while they walked towards the stairs. He had bought Cora a very special gift this year. When they were in London during the summer, she had been looking at a jewellery set at Cartier, but she said it would be too much, so she decided not to buy the set. He was pleased she did not buy it; it gave him the perfect Christmas present.
The girls run down the stairs towards the three. The pulled all the presents underneath them. Robert rushed after them, trying to stop them from opening the wrong gifts. Settle down girls, Mama will hand you your gifts. He sat down on the ground and pulled Mary on his lap.
Cora got on her knees and picked the first present. "This one has your name on it, Mary." she handed Mary the gift, pulling Edith closer to her. Inside was a beautiful doll. Cora saw Mary's face lit up. "Thank you." She murmured.
"And this one, is for you." She handed Edith a present. It was too big for her to pick up, so Cora helped. Inside the package was a balance bike. "The rest of the gifts has to wait, look this one has Granny Violet's name on it, and this one has Uncle Harold's
"Is there something for me?" They heard the low voice of Harold.
"Good morning, my dear brother, you are up early." Cora wanted to get up but felt Harold's hand on her shoulder.
"Stay seated, it seems it is way more fun to sit on the ground." He sat down himself and looked at the presents. "Oh look, there is another one for you two." He handed the girls another present.
"This looks cosy." Rosamund said, while joining their little circle on the ground. Marmaduke also followed.
"You cannot expect us to sit on the ground." Violet walked in; she was the only one not in her pyjama's. Carson rushed to put down a chair, for her. He also put one down for Martha, who joined right after Violet, but she refused and sat down on the floor.
"I am not that old yet." She said.
Everybody opened their gifts, until there were just two gifts left. "I think this one is for you." Cora picked up one of the presents and handed it to Robert. She kissed his cheek. "Happy Christmas."
Inside were Australian Merino shearling-lined scuff slippers.
"Now you cannot complain about your cold feet anymore." Cora smiled at Robert.
"These are beautiful." He touched the inside. "And so incredibly soft. "Thank you very much." He looked at the three. "Than this one is for you, my darling." He handed the box to Cora.
Cora took of the wrapping paper and her eyes grew when she saw the red box. "You did not!" She looked up at Robert, her cheeks turning red. "This is too much."
"Open it." He said.
"Yeah, Sis, we want to know what is inside." Harold said.
Cora quickly opened the box and looked at the beautiful set she had seen in London. The set was from the essential line collection. A necklace, bracelet, and earrings.
"Robert, this is truly too much."
"Nothing is too much for the love of my life." Robert kissed her on the lips.
Cora’s red cheeks turned even brighter red. Robert never kissed her like this in front of other people. Especially not in front of his mother.
Rosamund saved the day by saying: "I think it is time for us to put on our clothes and sit down for breakfast."
Nanny took the girls upstairs when everybody got up to go back to their rooms. Robert took Cora's hand and hold her behind.
"Darling. I mean it, nothing is too much for you. I was happy you decided not to buy this set, you gave me the opportunity to gif it to you."
Now everybody had left, Cora felt more freely and put her arms in Robert's neck. "I love you; you know that right?"
Robert gave her a surprised look. "Uhm, yes I do?"
"You do not have to give me expensive gifts, I love you for who you are."
Robert chuckled. "Did you look at the gift you gave me? These slippers aren't cheap."
Cora pressed her lips against Robert's. "In comparison they are." She felt Robert's hand on her lower back, pressing her against him. She loved these stolen moments together.
They were all sitting in the library, enjoying a quiet afternoon. Cora was chatting with Rosamund, Harold was reading a book and Marmaduke and Robert were talking business, when all the sudden Mary came running in.
"Mama! Mama!" She screamed. "Look, snow, look." She jumped up and down from joy.
They all looked outside and saw the world was indeed getting white.
"Go, get on your jackets, we need to build a snowman." Robert said enthusiastically.
They all went outside, except for Violet and Martha, who stated that it was far too cold to be outside.
Cora looked at Robert and the girls who were building a snow man, she was waiting with some pebbles, a carrot, and a shawl to top it off.
Robert stepped back and looked at his work. "Perfect." He said softly.
Cora slid her arm in his and leaned in on him. "It is indeed perfect." She said, smiling up at him. This snow was the icing on the cake. These Christmas days had been splendid, everybody had enjoyed themselves, the buffet would be something they would do again Robert had said to his mother. Maybe not for Christmas, but he liked the idea of shaking things up a bit during the year. Cora had smiled when he said that he was a real English man, but slowly he was getting influenced by her American heritage.
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
Just looking in on all of you and your sweet little projects for our Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange. I hope everyone is doing fine so far. We still have nearly a week, so no stress. It's not like I have properly started my fic yet... Well at least, it's not written down lol. But I definitely hope you'll have fun with the prompts and with a little winter-themed writing <3
I am super excited for all your fanfics!! Very much looking forward to next weekend. Little reminder, the deadline is the 24th of December. And don't forget to use the tag Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange 2022 when posting <3 If you're struggling or having any problems with the deadline, the prompts, or whatever, please message me <3 Or if there are any other questions left in general, message me too of course :)
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Okay, so apparently not posting anything on ff.net in four years has made me forget everything about posting something there.  *facepalm*  I’ve reposted, and I hope that one works better.  
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