koolkat9 · 1 year
My Honkai Star Rail main team is basically just Den Heng and his Lesbians.
He's literally:
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Toronto, Ontario / August - Cuex Metal AG ("Cuex") and Auxico Resources Canada Inc. (CSE: AUAG) have signed an offtake agreement for the acquisition of commercial tin concentrates (cassiterite) from the company's Massangana Tin Tailings project in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. The contract calls for the purchase of 3,600 tonnes of commercial tin concentrates annually for a five-year term, for a total of 18,000 tonnes. The material is worth US$330 million at the current London Metal Exchange rates. Shanghai Qunxian Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd., a bulk commodity trading corporation based in China, has a subsidiary in Switzerland called Cuex. .
Auxico plans to construct a 2,500 tonne per day processing facility in Rondônia that will generate 37,500 tonnes of monazite, 90,000 tonnes of zirconium, 13,500 tonnes of columbite, and 6,000 tonnes of cassiterite annually. A recent economic estimate provided for the Company by the independent Brazilian firm PrimeStar predicted annual revenues of $300 million and EBITDA of 198 million dollars. Additional offtake agreements for cassiterite, columbite, zirconium, and rare earths are currently being negotiated by the company. Commercial production is anticipated to begin in the second quarter of 2023.
The German Mineral Resources Agency and Geological Survey of Brazil conducted a study titled "Investigation of tin and tantalum ores from the Rondônia Tin Province, northern Brazil, to develop optimised processing technologies," which focused on the Massangana tailings. The study's estimated weight is 30,000,000 tonnes (non-compliant NI 43-101).
The research can be found at this website: https://www.auxicoresources.com/reports.
According to Pierre Gauthier, Chairman & CEO of Auxico, "We are incredibly happy to announce the signing of the agreement with Cuex, another significant milestone in the development of the Massangana Tin Tailings project." "With a scalable and long-lasting project like Massangana and the Company's cherished partnerships, we hope to establish ourselves as a reliable, long-term supplier of tin, titanium, rare earths, and other essential minerals to international markets. We look forward to informing the markets of new developments as we continue to seek potential strategic collaborations.
Cooperativa Estanifera de Mineradores da Amazônia Legal Ltda. ("CEMAL") and Auxico previously entered into a joint venture arrangement for the manufacture of various concentrates from the Massangana tailings.
The terms of the joint venture agreement and details of the Massangana Tin Tailings Project were previously announced in the news release issued by the Company on June 7, 2022.
When the monazite concentration from the tailings that CEMAL gave to Auxico was examined by the Coalia Research Institute in Thetford Mines, Quebec, it revealed a total rare earth oxide level of 63.49%. (TREO). Disclosure - The estimated 30,000,000 tonnes of tin tailings are not in compliance with NI 43-101. 63.49% TREO was present in the monazite concentrate supplied. This is not in compliance with NI 43-101 since the QP was not involved in the selection process, making it impossible to independently establish the chain of custody for the sample. The QP and the Company warn the reader about the dependability of the figures and economic projections contained in this press release because the economic forecast created by a Brazilian company is based on prior work that hasn't yet been verified in the field under the supervision of the QP. The results of the economic forecast are only presented as a conceptual model based on prior non-compliant NI 43-101 studies, with the reader being warned that the economic model is not NI 43-101 compliant. This is done to give the reader an idea of what the economic model might resemble based on these prior studies.
As it relates to Auxico Resources Canada Inc. Auxico Resources Canada Inc. ("Auxico") is a Montreal-based Canadian business that was established in 2014. Auxico is involved in the purchase, exploration, and development of mineral properties in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, and Bolivia.
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elsy-animetronik · 6 years
Evento De Verano 2018
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Primero los deberes y después el ocio....
Oh así es como nos lo plantean.
El evento consta de 43 días para a completar 8 imágenes y 1 conjunto (en realidad son 2, pero el segundo lo tienes que literalmente comprar), los conjuntos son “Salty Queen” y “Pulpa Queen” (que técnicamente es el cosplay de Úrsula de “La Sirenita”).
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El primero “Salty Queen”, lo consigues realizando las misiones diarias (9 para ser exactos por pieza,99 misiones para todo el conjunto), son 3 misiones al día, pero siempre puedes comprar más a cambio de MO.
El segundo “Pulpa Queen” te lo dan si compras 1500 Maana o 300 MO en el banco.
Y no! No te quitan tu preciado MO, como dije al comprar 300 MO en el banco el conjunto de Úrsula es tuyo y tu MO sigue intacto.
Durante las misiones te pedirán adquirir ciertas prendas que pertenecen al conjunto de verano del 2016 (podríamos decir que es una forma de conseguirlo :v), el conjunto es “Salty Surfer”.
La ventaja es que podemos ver todos los colores de dicho conjunto.
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Si mi predicción es correcta y nos hacen comprar todo el conjunto, nos harán desembolsar un total de  3912 (más si es que se compran todos los colores).
Las Misiones
Son tres diarias, si alguna no te parece o no la entiendes puedes cambiarla, el primer cambio es gratis, pero los demás cambios tendrán un costo de 50 Maana y si las misiones que te dan a elegir no te convencen, ni esperes que los Purrekos te regresen tu preciado Maana.
129 Misiones en los 43 días.
3 misiones diarias (hasta 9 si quieres obtener una parte del conjunto)
9 misiones para obtener una prenda.
3 misiones para obtener un fragmento al azar de las 8 imágenes.
Son 8 imágenes que pertenecen a los siguientes personajes.
Miiko, Huang Hua y Eweleïn
Jamón, Kero,Ykhar, Camerina y 
Chrome y Karenn
Alajéa y Colaïa
Tras terminar las tres misiones te dan a elegir entre tres personajes, puedes cambiar la lista por 50 Maana si es que deseas el fragmento de otro personaje, o bien puedes comprar un fragmento al azar con Purreral por 10 MO, una vez que a completes una imagen esa opción ya no estará disponible en la ruleta de Purral, así que no te preocupes que no gastaras MO en vano.
Aquí la primer parte, los vídeos están enlazando al final para que vena como fue el día a día :3
Recuerden que seguimos haciéndole ver a Beemoov su suerte por lo de CDMU, no les prohíbo jugar, pero si lo hacen usen Adblock y no compren en el banco (a solo ser que quieran el cosplay de Úrsula.
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fracolliastray611 · 2 years
Austria, Catholic Germany, Hungary, Poland, France, Scotland, Gibraltar, Bermuda, Jamaica, Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Honduras, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Finland, the Baltic states are called the Earth Directorate. They have relations with Switzerland, Serbia, Central Asia, Vespinian Confederacy and the Tropengean states. Other tropengean states such as Herzegovina, Craanvaask, Krasniland, Spairitrea, Sloves, Lombardy, Normandy, Voedka, alongside the West Vespian states(Cilicia, Coalia, Splittia, Kurkopole, Basedonia, Chadmania.) joined the Earth directorate followed by Northwest Korea, Croatia, Albania, Kosovo, Slovakia, West Trangea, Botswana, Rhodesia, Yugorussia, Shaatghanistan, Taljakistan, Aderan. The Earth Directorate later launched the expedition to Mars and Poseidon where they settled.
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invorto · 10 years
aww, thank you dear XXX
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distinctview · 11 years
Thank you. :))
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clubless · 11 years
I absolutely adore your blog! :)
aw thank you xx
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organic-kids · 11 years
happy birthday :)
thankyou! :)
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distinctview · 11 years
I've seen your posts on instagram and if you want to talk I want you to know that I'm always here, if you dont want to I really hope you're going to feel better and happier soon because you truly deserve to be happy! you're such an beautiful person♡
When I saw this I had that little ”heart attack”. There isn’t much people who write me something like this and I really appreciate it. Really. But posts on my instagram is just some ‘hiden’ part of me. That’s something of who I am now. Some part I can’t just delete.. Sorry.  Probably a lot of my followers know that I was dreppesed and self-harming. That I have been so close to suicide. Now, when ‘I’m fine’ it just means I’m almost out of it, there is times when I’m sad or I just fail at something and in these times all my thoughts go pretty far and I start to think about cutting. Sometimes all those pictures make me feel better because I know that I’m not the only one. I know how it hurt to see someone posting pictures like that because I have friends who do that and I’m scared they can go as far as I was. I know that you want to help. I’ve wrote people that I’m here for them but if I would write you that I feel bad. What would you do? Say to be strong? Say that everything will be fine? That doesn’t help. In that moment you’re talking to human who’s lost any hope.. If someone write me saying he feel sad/bad I always try to say something helpful but in the end of conversation you realize that he’s hiding something. And it’s even more awful.
However, I really apprecaite what you are saying and you at all. I really think your an amazing person and you may be great friend, but I don’t think that it’s going to help if  will write you that I feel bad. Maybe I will only make you feel bad and I don’t want it. Sorry, I didn’t meant to be rude, Just saying. Sorry. 
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distinctview · 11 years
29. :)
Sorry for late response. I was on my phone and it's pretty hard to do rates like this there. 
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for
Probably, end of this school year. Somehow I'm scared but I can't wait for it. 
Icon: ehh | great | amazing | love it! | flawless | asdfghjkl
URL: I don’t get it | great | amazing | love it! | flawless | asdfghjkl
Theme:okay | great | amazing |perfect| love it! | flawless | asdfghjkl 
Posts: not really my style, sorry | great | amazing | love them! | flawless |asdfghjkl
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7| 8| 9| 10
Following: no sorry but ily | sure | I am now | following forever
Do it!
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in-milan · 11 years
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? xx
ask me question for blog rare+gif
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in-milan · 11 years
Have I ever told you that I love your blog? Probably yes but in case you forgot I loved your blog ever since you were italian-kid and I still love it. you'll probably always be my tumblr crush haha so yeah love your blog just wanted to let you know:)
Okay, you are so cute, i love when people remember that i was italian-kid awww.
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in-milan · 11 years
Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people's asks who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it's nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out
yay, thank you cutie :3
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in-milan · 11 years
horny haha xx
br: 9,5
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in-milan · 11 years
I love your blog so much it's soo perfect... I just, I can't deal with the perfectness anymore haha
I think you’re too kind, thank you very much
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