cfevanses · 4 years
lily evans is not a goody two shoes in the slightest, and yet something about directly breaking curfew ( combined with the headlines in the Daily Prophet ) did not sit well in her stomach. maybe it’s her prefect badge, the absence of it’s weight haunting her lapels like a phantom. maybe its her general reluctance to be here; already, her attempts at maintaining normalcy have been taking a toll. she may not look as exhausted as she feels, but her occasionally vacant gazes and increased need for naps were telling. 
still, she’d forced herself to come out anyway. transfigured a basic costume to stay on theme. she’s got to at least try. the thought of hiding alone in her room, mourning the love of people who didn’t want her another night, caused something akin to spite to pool in her gut. lily evans was not a goody two shoes, and she would not allow herself to continue to wallow in misery. she’s an evans, and evanses keep their chins up. 
there’s a CRASH  behind her, followed by disgruntled yelling and laughter. shaking herself back to reality, lily allows her lips to twitch up, “ enchanted invitations or not, they’re going to wake the damn forest.” 
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