#cnco zabdiel fanfic
cnco4ever · 6 months
I am sorry that it took me so long, but i have now posted my Zabdiel one shot. It took me a minute, because i was really mad at him.
Are any of you still interested in new writings about any of the boys?
Then please let me know and requests are always more than welcome too! 🙏🏼
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I just made possibly the most niche, specific comparison ever but hear me out:
Is anyone here both an ACOTAR fan and a CNCOwner?
Chris/Cassian: both start with C’s, both are goofy and hilarious, love to joke around and get into hijinks
Zabdiel/Azriel: both have z’s in their names and end with “iel”, both are quiet and private about stuff, both have a deadpan sarcastic humor that is actually super funny. Now it makes sense now why both of them are my faves, because they’re so similar to each other
Richard/Rhysand: both start with R and end in d, are both literal fathers, can both be hotheaded and stubborn at times, but are loyal and protective of those they love
Erick is the only one who doesn’t really fit in, name wise, but based on his personality, he definitely belongs with Cass and Chris.
My mind is blown. I wonder if SJM is a CNCO fan. It makes me want to write a CNCO/bat boys crossover fanfic now…
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cncohdamn · 5 years
Zabdiel - 36: “We’ll figure it out”
Word count: 1,700+
look at me I’m back y’all
I hope this isn’t bad, I’m a little rusty. Enjoy!!
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It’s been 5 months with this gentle giant and you’re probably the happiest you’ve been in a long time. His calm and relaxed nature took away your stress and anxiety, and his goofy and silly side brought joy and sunshine to your life. His hugs and embraces surrounded you with warmth; his kisses were sweet, tender, and caring. You loved him so much in such a short amount of time, and he felt the exact same.
And that’s probably how you ended up here, sitting on the bathroom floor, silently bawling your eyes out with the stick in your hand. That little stick changed everything within seconds. The plus sign. Four sticks and four plus signs later, the reality of it all was yet to sink in.
Recently you started feeling nauseous in the morning, only chalking it up to be a cold or from bad food. Your cycle was relatively regular so when you missed your period your heart sunk like a ship inside your chest.
With the proof right in front of you, you thought back since your last period. The boys brought you clubbing a couple nights, and in the midst of drunken love, you two may have forgotten a condom a time or two. Mistake number one.
The two of you had been intimate in your relationship for a while now and not once did birth control cross your mind. Condoms should be good enough, right? Not when you forget them. Mistake number two.
“Amor, ¿todos bien?” Zabdiel’s voice called from the other side of the bathroom door. He had stayed at your place for the night, but you thought he was asleep.
“Oh, e-everything’s fine!” You tried your best to mask the noticeable change in your voice from crying. “I was just gonna get in the shower!”
“Do you want me to join?” He chuckled. It made you happy, but as you stared at that pink and white stick, his words kind of stung.
“I’m running late for work amor, maybe next time.” What a stupid excuse.
“Pues, I’m going to go meet Richard, I’ll call you later cariña. Te quiero.” He made a kissy noise barely audible through the wooden door.
“Te quiero más.”
You waited to hear the front door shut before you tossed the stick in with the others in the trash, wrapped the bag up, and snuck it downstairs to the dumpster to hide the evidence.
You did actually shower and go to work despite the stress.
“(Y/N), you’re practically glowing,” your coworker said.
“Oh, thank you. It’s this new skin routine,” you lied, giving a small fake smile.
After work in the safety of your apartment, you called your best friend, ready to cry. The second she said hello you blurted out the news.
“(Y/F/N), I’m pregnant.”
“What?” She said, surprise in her voice. “Are you playing with me right now?”
“No,” you sniffled, “I missed my period and took four tests, all positive. What am I going to do?”
“Have you told Zabdiel yet?” She questioned.
“No, how can I tell him that? Our relationship has barely been made public, what if it ruins his career?” You started to choke on your words now, hot tears streaming down your red cheeks.
“(Y/N) it’ll be okay. Maybe schedule a doctors appointment and see what they say, and how far along you are. This will give you some time to think and weigh your options,” she sighed. “Do you want me to come over? I can bring ice cream.”
“I’ll see if I can make an appointment,” you mumbled. “I could always go for some ice cream,” You brought up your scratchy sleeves and wiped your eyes dry.
Not long after your phone call your best friend showed up at your door, a few different flavors of ice cream in hand. You two spent the night watching movies and eating junk food, something the two of you had always done together to unwind.
Your doctor predicted you to be about a month along. You still haven’t told Zabdiel, and you weren’t sure if you even could. You wanted him to be happy, and you wanted the best for his career. A baby would interfere with that. Hell, you even interfered with that. When the public found out he had a girlfriend, they nearly lost their minds. The backlash was insane. You couldn’t force him to go through that again with the baby. It would be even worse than just a dating scandal - he was having a child with a girl he hadn’t even been dating for a year.
A month passed by and you had seen the doctor again since then, only telling your boyfriend you were feeling sick to your stomach.
“What did the doctor say amor?” Zabdi asked with a little pout, his hand cupping the side of your face as he pecked your forehead.
“Oh, I just have a stomach virus, I’ll be okay,” you smiled, leaning up to peck his lips.
“Are you okay to go celebrate Joel’s birthday?” His hand found his way to yours, fingers intertwining.
“Sí, I’m perfectly okay, don’t worry.” You reassured him and gave his hand a squeeze. “I’ll go get ready.”
You threw on a pair of leggings and a hooded sweatshirt. Thankfully you weren’t going clubbing or partying, it was just a little get-together with a group of people at Richard’s house, so it was more laid back and casual. You slid into your sneakers and left for your friend’s party with your doting boyfriend by your side.
“¡Feliz cumpleaños mi Joelito!” You shouted when he opened the door, surprising him with a big hug.
“Gracias, (Y/N),” he chuckled. Zabdiel handed him his gift and gave him a hug with a similar greeting.
“Feliz cumpleaños, hermano.”
You left them to talk and greeted the other boys on your way to the kitchen. You nibbled on a slice of pizza and handed Zabdiel a slice when he found you.
“Want a glass of champagne, baby?” Your boyfriend asked, grabbing one for himself.
“Mm, no, thank you. I don’t really want to drink tonight.”
“What? (Y/N) doesn’t want a drink?” Richard teased, grabbing a beer from the fridge. “That’s weird.”
“You’re weird,” you joked, munching on some chips. You dipped a chip in some mustard and ketchup you had mixed on a plate.
“Says the girl eating chips with burger condiments.”
“It’s so good, though!” You exclaimed, taking another bite.
“Want some popcorn?” Zabdi asked, gesturing the bowl.
The greasy, buttery smell bothered you to the point you nearly threw up in your mouth.
“No, thank you,” you shook your head, not looking at the food.
“¿Qué? You normally love popcorn,” he said. Eventually, he shrugged and set the bowl to the side. “I’m going to go find Chris,” he said and quickly pecked your temple before leaving the kitchen.
“So what’s the deal, (Y/N)?” Richard asked in a hushed voice once the kitchen was clear, leaning against the counter near you.
You raised a brow. “What do you mean?”
“You’re dressed down for a party, you’re eating weird shit, you refuse to eat your favorites, you’re not drinking at a party…”
“We all have weird food combos we like, and I just.. don’t want popcorn right now.”
“The other day when we went out for fast food you dipped your fries in your milkshake. People do it, but you don’t. You usually dog on Chris for eating it that way. You just decided it was a great food combination all the sudden?” Richard interrogated. He pulled at the pocket of your sweatshirt.
“And what’s this? It’s not very cold out and you’re at a party. I’ve dealt with these signs firsthand, (Y/N). Trying to hide something?”
“Richard, I can’t tell him.” He broke you. He saw right through you.
“How far along are you?” He sighed.
“About… about two months… or more…” you averted your eyes to the floor.
“Two months?” Richard shouted without realizing it until after. “You have to tell Zabdiel, he deserves to know.” He was softer with his words this time.
“Richard, I can’t tell him!”
“Tell me what?” Zabdiel interrupted, standing near the kitchen door.
You rapidly shifted your gaze to your confused boyfriend.
“I,” you nearly whispered, “I…”
Tears began to flow like waterfalls down your cheeks, sending Zabdi into a panic.
“Amor, why are you crying? What’s wrong?” The giant hurried to your side and wrapped one lanky arm around your frame, his thumb on the opposite hand wiping away every tear he could.
“I’m pregnant,” you finally blurted out.
“P-please don’t hate me.” You mumbled after a moment of deafening silence.
“Amor, mírame mi vida, how could I hate you?” He tilted your chin up.
“I don’t want th-this to wreck everything you’ve w-worked so h-hard for,” you were sobbing at this point, choking on the words you’ve been thinking over and over since you found out.
“It won’t, I promise, it won’t,” he hushed you, holding you close to him as if his life depended on it. “We’ll figure it out. Baby, it will be okay.”
“But your fans don’t like me already,” you sniffled, using the cuff of your sweatshirt’s sleeve to dab at the tears your boyfriend missed.
“Well, Richard has Aaliyah, doesn’t he? Y él todavía está aquí.” His manly arms trapped you against his abdomen.
Your dainty hands reached up and held onto his biceps while your head rested on his chest. “I guess so…”
“You know what?” He dropped an arm and rummaged through his pocket to grab his phone. Zabdiel, still holding you close with his other arm, extended his phone into the air. Hidden in his embrace, the only thing the camera could see was your puffy, wet eye and Zabdiel’s happy, goofy smile. He added another photo of the two of you that you had taken on your third date.
“What are you doing?” You whined.
Instagram was pulled up on his phone. His thumb moved at a rapid pace as he typed the caption: “Today is the best day of my life. I found out my beautiful novia is pregnant with my beautiful baby. Estoy tan feliz. I hope you’re all happy for us, too. Te amo mucho, mi vida @(your insta handle) ❤️”
His phone blew up the second after he hit ‘Post.’ The majority of the comments were nice and congratulating.
“Way to steal the limelight, guys!” Joel shouted from the other room.
Zabdiel gave you a squeeze as you both chuckled.
“I told you it would be okay. Us and our future baby will be okay.”
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anninhiliation · 3 years
Zabdiel Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
Baby Ya Te Dije (Smut)
Basketball AU (Fluff)
Beg (Smut)
Everytime (Smut)
Family (Fluff)
Games (Smut)
I Thought You Wanted This (Smut)
La Puta Almohada (Smut)
Let Me Prove It (Fluff)
One More (Smut)
Only One (Smut)
Room Service (Smut)
Side Street (Smut)
Suelta Me (Smut)
Tease (Smut)
You Like That? (Smut)
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cncoluv · 3 years
CNCO Sleep Over Spring Break
Warnings: Fluffy 
Setting: Four Seasons in Florida/Disney
Background: Thank goodness it is one day away from officially being spring break because I'm so sick of college right now. If I have to think about another advanced research methods class, my head will explode. It has been a crazy year and I have not talked to the boys that much between them being on tour and me having classes. I will call them after their shows and interviews every once in a while. But we all agreed that it has been forever since we have seen each other and that we need to spend time together since I have almost two weeks off of college and work. We all agreed that we should spend some time together during their tour in Florida since that was a place that I had not been to since I was young.
We all agreed that another sleepover was absolutely necessary so we could revert back to being children again to sing and dance all over again and not have a care in the world. It was refreshing because I have not had a break or a fun time in a long while, and I am sure they need one as well with the constant touring. While packing my clothes for tomorrow, I decided that we would go to a fancy restaurant and it would be my treat. I am sure I am going to have to fight them since they do not like me to pay for all of them at once because they are stubborn.  For the restaurant, I am bringing the most beautiful dress that I own, a deep purple dress with diamonds that gleam all over that in any light. The top of the dress has an off of the shoulder fit and it has leg slits on both sides that show your thighs, which is almost scandalous because it is very high up on the leg. It is a form-fitting dress so it shows off all of your curves in the correct way. You pick your 5-inch stiletto black heels to go with the outfit, and it matches perfectly, so you are super excited. You pick out your other outfits which are summer clothes mostly shorts and crop tops or tank tops with sandals or pretty dresses. You pick the first outfit that you were going to be wearing that next morning to see them which was a black and white checkered crop top with biker shorts and black converses.
When everything is packed and you wind down from the day you finally get to sleep, you get up early the following day, ready to go to the airport. You get up and get dressed to get on your flight, and you are wearing white shorts with a light and dark blue ombre crop top with white flip-flops. As you get on your flight, you are a little nervous, but you get over it pretty quickly because everything is going smoothly, and you are still excited to see the boys. You are slowly starting to come down off cloud nine by remembering you have feelings for one of the members, Zabdiel.
He was so shy and did not show his feelings that much to the rest of the world, but to you and his family. He was always bubbly and fun to be around; one of the last things you remember was the kiss he left you with. You thought about that kiss for a while after it happened because it was one of the softest kisses that you did not want to end. His lips felt like the light mist of cotton candy that touches your lips, leaving you wanting more. When you reminisce over the kiss and how he acted the last time you meet, you realize that Zab might have been slightly jealous. The kiss sealed the deal of how he felt about you and how you felt about him, and leaving so suddenly after might have changed that, so right now, there are more questions that you have to ask him.
(Richard POV)
I really wish (Y/N) would get here. I need to see her and miss her so much. I’m glad that she agreed to come and join us. We haven't talked as much this year but especially since the towel dropped. I am still super embarrassed about it, but we talked about it, and she seemed as if she was okay but I still do not fully know how she felt. I don't want to lose her as a friend because of it, so I want to make sure she is okay. But I know last time I tried to talk to her, Zab got upset because he has a crush on her. I don't want to get in the way that he is always so much happier when (Y/N) is around.
(Zabdiel POV)
I can't believe that (Y/N) will be here really soon. We have not seen her in almost one year. I missed (Y/N) so much, and I still have not forgotten about that kiss from last year; it was terrific. Her lips felt like smooth silk with just the slightest touch of soft and velvety flower petals, and I still remember the hint of strawberry that I tasted from her flavored lipstick. I still feel the same way about her and she makes me feel different than any other girl I have been with before. I just hope that she somewhat understands how I feel about her, if not then it will be hard to explain to her without embarrassing myself.
--- Skips to the next day---
I am driving to Florida so I packed everything and headed out at 1 a.m. since it is an 8-hour drive and we want to spend the whole day together. I wanna go to sleep after this drive because so many people do not know how to drive. Like did they get their license from a freaking cracker jack box? But besides that, I had a music playlist setup and CNCO was the most of the songs. I liked their renditions of other songs from the Déjà Vu album. So that whole album was played about 3 times on repeat.
Once I got kind of close I was going to call the boys and let them know that I was only 45 minutes away from the Four Seasons at Orlando. When Richard answered the phone I heard Christopher laughing in the background which made me laugh. Then I told Richard I was only about 40-45 minutes away and he said okay cool see you soon (Y/N). I found it strange because he would normally talk to me for about 5-10 minutes before getting off of the phone. But I kept driving wondering why he ended the call so abruptly was it something I had done?
When I got there I let them know that I was outside and about 2 minutes later I saw them come outside the building. I went to hug the first person I had seen which was Erick, he had this adorable smile he looked different from the last time. He seemed more confident in who he was which was radiating off of him. Then I saw Joel had changed and had gotten more buff and had grown out his facial hair. He said, "I missed you”. You smiled and hugged each other.
When you look over you see Christopher and you both immediately start laughing at each other for no reason like normal. He hasn't changed much since the last time I saw him. He is still goofy and adorable and you hug him laughing. After laughing with Chris you look over to see Richard he looks at you and then looks down for a moment, you ask him if he is okay. He says yeah and you give him a confused look but you still hug him. Then you see Zabdiel, he smiles at me and stretches out his arms, and blurts out "I love you". Dead silence fell between the six of you, you stared at him and were about to speak he quickly turned and ran into the hotel. You are about to go after him but they tell you to wait a few minutes. You reluctantly agree and grab your bags, they help out but you ask Richard to stay back real quick to chat.
The other boys look but don't say anything, you ask him what is going on because he has been acting differently recently. He said in a higher pitch than normal "everything is okay'' you step in front of him and tell him to stop lying to you. He sighs and lets you know that he was still thinking of what happened last time with the towel. I reassured him that it was okay and for him not to be embarrassed about it and let's have a fun trip.
He smiles and you both shake on it and pinky promises not to bring it up again. Both of us are back inside and y'all are both starting to get into the elevator and he is asking how college is going. You tell him why you needed a break and get out of the elevator and he says "That sounds like a lot to do dang" you laugh and said, "so do you and the other boys, another album videos and choreography." He smiles and when you arrive at the Presidential Suite he gets the key card and puts it in the door.
It looked stunning and you marvel at all of the stuff that was inside, you smile but then and see all of the boys except Zab. You ask where he went and they said the room right there and all point at it even though the room is supposed to fit 2 people we made accommodations. I walked back there and asked Zab if he was okay. He just stared at me for a moment. He got up and walked towards me and as he was walking I could see a smirk starting to form on his face. When he came up to me threw me against the wall and kissed me…
Stay tuned for part 3!
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cncosstuff · 3 years
cnco lookscreens
fav or reblog if you save/use
or credit @forcolon and @bestpimentel on twitter
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emsy55 · 4 years
Dirty Secret (Zabdiel De Jesus Smut)
Note: I wrote this smut for @prettyboypimentel writing challenge. The deadline was in July, but I wasn’t using Tumblr anymore so i never finished it and posted it. I’m sorry that i’m so late with this, but i hope you still enjoy reading this!! I will post a life update soon with an explanation about why i disappeared. 
Warnings: Smut
@h-bea92 @cncogirl18 @sometimesbadalwaysboujie @papichriscnco @anninhiliation @ctrlcnco @prettyboypimentel
As soon as you see him walk in, you know it's too late. You'd just have a calm evening with your friends, no drinking, no crazy shit. But suddenly the plans changed. Your friend thought it'd be a good idea to go out. She wanted you to get drunk and find a nice guy you could take home. You know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
The only thing she didn't realize is that your Zabdiel, your ex, came home earlier from his promo tour than was originally planned.
And that brings you here. You're alone in the club, you've already lost all of your friends. You've had too many shots of tequila, you're horny as fuck and you're looking at your ex. You know that it's wrong and you know that your friends would kill you if they find out. But you can't help it. Every hot guy in this club is invisible, the minute you see Zabdiel.
If you can choose between a disappointing one night stand with a random drunk guy, or mind-blowing sex with your hot ex, the decision isn't hard to make. Even if it means that you'll end up even more broken than before. 
Zabdiel can feel your eyes on his skin. He knows what he does to you. He knows that he's your weak spot. He knows that you'll always be his. He doesn't hesitate and walks up to you, wraps his big hands around you, and kisses you roughly.
His tongue dominates yours. He bites and sucks your lip. No one kisses like him, no one can get you this turned on with just a kiss.
But in a moment of soberness, you realize that you can't be seen with him in public. Your friends wouldn't understand. They've seen you cry for hours because of him, they'd never get why you keep going back to him.
You want to show them how strong you are, you don’t want them to see your drunk moments of weakness.
With instant regret, you pull away from the passionate kiss. 
“We can’t,” you say, still gasping for air
His dark eyes give you a serious look. His hands are holding you tight, he doesn’t want to let you go.
“Why? Because you don’t want to, or because you don’t want your friends to see us together?”
He knows. Of course, he knows, he knows you better than anyone in the world. He sees what he’s doing to you. He sees your hard nipples through your tight top. He knows how wet you are. 
You don’t answer, you just look at him and bite your lip.
“If you don’t want to do this, I’ll stop right now. You know I would never touch you without your permission princesa. But letting you go just because of your friends would be a waste, don’t you think?” He says, while his hand is cupping your chin, making you look him into his eyes.
He’s so damn right. You place your lips on his again. 
“You’re right, I want you. But we should get out of here. I don’t want them to see us.”
Zabdiel just nods and grabs your hand. You’re confused because he’s not going towards the exit of the club. He walks towards a man, shakes his hand, and says something, but you can’t hear what because of the loud music. Zabdiel grabs your hand again and walks towards a door in the back of the club.
“Who was that?” you ask confused
“My friend, the owner of this club. I asked if I can use his secret VIP room” he says with a smirk on his face.
You walk upstairs and get into a nice room. There’s a fancy bar with expensive bottles of liquor. The seats are black leather. No one’s here except for the two of you. You walk towards the big window that gives you a perfect view of almost the entire club. It’s glass, so the people could see you as well if they weren’t too caught up in being drunk and stupid.
Zabdiel grabs two glasses and a bottle of vodka and walks up to you. 
“Are you allowed to just take that? how do you even know the owner of this club and how did you get him to let you use this room?” you shoot all of these questions at him in just a few seconds. 
“Connections, baby,” he says and just smirks as he hands you a drink.
You drink it fast, you don’t want to sober up. You don’t want to think about all the logical reasons not to sleep with him. You want to be drunk and just focus on how hot he looks and how good he can make you feel.
You both put your empty glasses down and he kisses you again, this time with even more dominance. He wants to show you that he can still make you feel like he did before.
His hand smoothly slides over your leg, up to your thigh and under your skirt. You gasp as his long finger slips underneath your panties. But he slips it out just as fast and brings his finger to his mouth to lick it clean. 
“Just wanted to see how wet you are” He whispers softly in your ear.
Him teasing you this way is making you so frustrated, so you decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. You rub your hand on his hard dick and cup it tightly. But you pull away as soon as he did and stick out your tongue at him.
His eyes get darker and his large hand wraps around your throat. “Hmm really baby? You should know me good enough to know that I’m the one who’s in charge, not you. I’ve punished you so many times, have you not learned anything?”
His hand leaves your throat and he rips your clothes off your body. He grabs the small leather belt that it’s in your skirt and uses it to tie your hands firmly behind your back. His hand grabs your hair and he pushes you with your face down on one of the fancy leather seats. So you're bend over with your naked ass up, and your face down, pressed against the black leather. 
He stands behind you so that he has perfect view of your dripping pussy.
“Fuck, I love this view” he hisses.
After waiting for what feels like an hour but was just a long minute, he takes his own belt.
"are you ready for your punishment, baby?"
"Yes, please" you answer quickly, sounding so needy and desperate. Zabdiel can't help it but smirk at your reaction, he loves how dirty you are.
His belt hits your ass cheeks and you can't help but moan.
After spanking you 5 times with his belt, he asks you if you know why you're getting punished.
“I’m getting punished because i tried to tease you” your voice his shaking from all the pleasure this pain is giving you.
“Hmm correct. But also because you tried to turn me down because of your stupid friends. If you had listened to them, you wouldn't be having this much fun right now, and you know that."
“You're right, I’m sorry papi”
The belt hits your ass one last time.
He looks at your beautiful ass cheeks and the big red marks he just made. Seeing you tied up, with your ass up and face down, your ass red and seeing you enjoy it, is the hottest thing he’s ever seen. 
He doesn’t want to give in already, but when he looks at your wet pussy, he can’t help but touch it. He gets on his knees, puts his hands on your butt cheeks, and spreads them, so gets an even better view.
His warm tongue pushes inside your entrance, causing you to moan. He licks up and down your slit a few times, but then he gets up again. He doesn’t want to give you too much already. He prefers teasing you until you almost fall apart.
He takes you off the leather couch and positions you in your knees in front of him. He grabs a fist full of your hair as you put your lips around his hard cock.
You don't break eye contact while he fucks your dirty little mouth. Your hands are still tied behind your back as he thrusts deep in your throat. Your eyes are tearing up a little as you're moaning around his hard cock.
Your mouth gets filled with his warm cum and you swallow it all. You can see in his eyes how much he likes that.
He lifts you up and kisses you, this time he's more gentle and soft. His hands are wrapped around your body as his tongue is softly exploring your mouth. You like his rough kisses, but this is amazing as well.
After a few minutes of soft kisses, his dominant side appears again. He lifts you up and takes you to the big window with the view over the inside of the club. You can see everyone dancing and having fun.
Zabdiel gets behind you and wraps his arms around your naked body. His soft lips place wet kisses in your neck while his hands play with your hard nipples. He starts to nibble your ear and his hands travel to your wet pussy. He softly rubs his thumb over your clit. You let your body rest against his strong body and enjoy the pleasure he's giving you.
He loves seeing you with your hands tied behind your back, but when he goes down on you, he needs to feel your hands through his hair. So he takes the belt off your wrists.
"I untied you, but I'm still in charge, understood?" He hisses while he puts his hand around your throat. You nod and he gets on his knees and presses you with your back against the glass.
He places his hands firmly on your hips. He loves teasing you, but he can't do that right now. He missed the way you taste way too much. His tongue goes immediately to your wet pussy.
You scream out in pleasure, he knows exactly what to do. His hands are holding your hips tightly as his tongue moves from your clit to your entrance.
He starts circling the tip of his tongue over your sensitive nub, while he enters two long fingers inside you. He curls his fingers, touching the perfect spot. Your hands are going through his hair, exactly how he wants it.
It doesn't take long before your legs start to shake. You're lucky that his hands are holding you tight, otherwise, you would've lost your balance. While you're still shaking from your amazing orgasm, he gets up and kisses you. You still taste yourself on his lips.
He suddenly turns you around and pushes you against the glass. If someone in the club would look up, they'd see your beautiful tits pressed against the glass. There has to be someone that knows about this room, there has to be someone that's looking up. And that thought turns you on even more.
You and Zabdiel both love the risk of getting caught. He has fucked you everywhere.
He grabs a fist full of hair. "I know what you're thinking baby. You want someone to look at us, right? You're hoping that someone is seeing how good I'll fuck you, aren't you?"
"hmmm yes Zabdiel, I want them to know how good you can fuck me."
He smirks and slaps your ass before he enters his long dick inside you. His hands are grabbing your ass, spreading your butt cheeks. Your hands are on the glass, so you won't fall as he thrusts hard and deep inside you.
He's fucking you from behind, so good and deep. Exactly how you want him. Zabdiel has a weakness for your boobs, but he for sure can appreciate your ass as well. Especially now that he's in the perfect position to admire it.
"Fuck, your ass looks so good princesa. I might fuck it too one day. But of course only with your permission", He hisses in between his small moans.
It's not something you've fantasized about, but the thought of him fucking all of your holes turns you on. You love being his, you love giving him your entire body.
"Fuck, yes, you know I'm all yours Zabdiel" Of course he already knew that, but he loves hearing it again.
His thrusts get a little slower, but still so deep. His hand travels to your pussy and he starts playing with your clit. Before you know it, you're seeing stars. Your orgasm is so intense, and he can feel it from the way you're clenching around him.
Your legs are too weak to keep standing up and he knows that, so he turns you around and you wrap your legs around him. Your chest is pressed against his as he kisses you passionately. You're moaning into his mouth as he thrusts into you.
He starts biting your bottom lip and you just know that he's close. You start getting even more excited, you missed him cumming inside you. You absolutely love feeling his warm cum inside you.
You moan with him as soon as he reaches his orgasm. Seeing him like this is so incredibly sexy. Even after his orgasm, he doesn't let go of you yet. He keeps kissing you heavily, it seems like he doesn't want this moment to end. And neither do you.  
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cnco4ever · 1 year
Help everyone! 🫣
I used to write a few years back and would like to get back into it. I'm thinking about writing a CNCO fanfic and this is where you guys could help 🤞
Any suggestions? 😁
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txgxxn · 4 years
repost: CNCO’s extreme “who’s who?” with eng subs ♥
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cncohdamn · 5 years
Zabdiel - 30: “One more chapter”
Word count: 572
This lowkey might be self-serving lmao
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“Amor,” he whined, “come home soon, porfa.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle. Your big, strong man turned into a big baby all because of a cold.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be home soon, baby. Just try and sleep in the meantime.” The phone was pressed between your shoulder and ear while you compared two cold medicines, eventually putting both in your basket just in case. You walked down a few more aisles and selected a few more things: cough drops, a few different soups, juice, NyQuil, throat spray, the works. Though he wasn’t that clingy of a person he wanted to stay on the phone with you while you shopped. Occasionally you’d hear him sniffle his plugged nose or let out a cough.
“I’m at the checkout mi vida, so I’ll see you soon, ¿bien?”
“Bien, amor,” Zabdiel managed to say in his sick, raspy voice. “Te quiero.”
“Te quiero más,” you hummed, ending the call and slipping your cell into your pocket.
You checked out, grabbed your bags, and drove back to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend.
“I’m home!” You called as you stepped through the door and emptied the bags onto the counter. You grabbed a bag of lozenges and headed into the bedroom, only to find Zabdi in his pajamas, sprawled out on the bed with the blankets a mess, some crumpled up near him, some half on top of him and trailing off the side of the bed and onto the floor. He was cute. A mess, but cute.
“These might help your cough,” your words were soft. While handing him the pink bag of strawberry lozenges you crawled into bed with him, sitting up against the headboard. “Do you want me to make some soup or get you a cold cloth?”
“No, gracias mi alma.” He said and opened the bag, grabbing a drop and putting it in his mouth. You could hear the hard candy clink against his teeth as he swished it around.
“Read to me.”
The request made you laugh a little but you slid out of bed and skimmed your bookshelf. Eventually, you decided on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, a book the two of you had read alone and together a million times. You propped yourself up against the headboard with your legs out straight. Zabdiel wriggled closer and laid his head on your thigh. While you read the book aloud your other hand played with his hair and massaged his neck and upper back. You had read a couple of chapters when you heard his stomach grumble.
“I’ll go make you some soup.” You went to place the book down onto the nightstand and get up when his arm placed itself on the side of your other thigh, blocking you from leaving.
“One more chapter,” he argued, hugging your legs.
“Fine, one more,” you grinned and returned to your previous position, book in hand. A few pages into the chapter you started to hear faint, nasally snores.
“Zabdi?” You whispered.
No answer.
Trying not to disturb him you carefully put the book on the stand beside you, but you dare not move. He needed his sleep and his head and arm trapped you in your current state. You only smiled and continue to rub small circles on his shoulder blades, resting your head against the wall and closing your eyes, listening to his breathing and taking in the moment.
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anninhiliation · 4 years
Side Street
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Disclaimer: DO NOT COPY MY WORK I DO NOT GIVE CONSENT TO ANYONE TO PUBLICIZE MY WRITING. This is my original writing, born from my thoughts and creativity. Things like this take days, hours, months sometimes to create. You have no right to steal it and claim it as your own. If I find out you did so I will make a scene so loud your grandmother will be ashamed to have a bloodline linked to you. 
Warning: 18+ it’s me guys 
Harshly you parked the car on the side of the road in a quiet neighborhood.
“Cariño que haces?” he questioned furrowing his dark brows together.
You couldn’t wait to get home, not with how good your boyfriend looked. You picked him up from his training session right after he took a shower at the gym. Fresh cologne lingered on his skin, mixing in with his body wash. It was a perfect melody that perfected his natural scent. You could tell he was sore and tired from practice; he was gone all day preparing for his first match. Recently he took up boxing as a new form to work out and really got into it. Thoughts flooded your mind, seeing him shirtless in the ring with just a pair of basketball shorts and sneakers that went past his ankles. The sweat that would glisten off his olive skin. Picturing the stern face, he would make as he gave his all to his competitor. That same stern face he’s given you after pushing his buttons a little too hard.
Desperately you undid your seat belt and climbed over to the shotgun seat. Straddling his firm lap you crashed your lips onto his letting out a content moan when his hands wrapped around your hips.
“Esto" you muttered into his lips.
“Me di cuento” he grinned showing off those dimples you love so much.
Fingers snuck underneath your t-shirt and dug into your warm flesh. You grinded your hips down to his making him harden underneath you. A throbbing sensation on your lower lips grew stronger as your arousal seeped through your folds. Your fingers roamed down his torso, feeling every crevice of his muscles. He had been working out for some time now, and the results had already begun to show. His new found strength was definitely a huge plus. Yet, it wasn’t the physical change you cared about, but rather how it changed the way he fucked you. Lasting longer, able to thrust up into you with more force, having more energy to last longer. And not to mention his sudden change in confidence, it all riled you up. His grip loosened as he explored your body. Slipping under your jeans and panties he kneaded your ass and groaned.
“Zabdiel” you whined out as you clenched around nothing.
Feeling how hard he was under you mixed with how ruined your panties were at that point made you even more desperate. Zabdiel undid the button to your baggy jeans growling a frustrated “mierda” as you unstraddled his lap and semi stood up to wiggle out of the jeans. His large hands pulled down your panties as the rough fabric of the jeans pooled between your feet. Before getting back on his lap you pulled down the elastic to his gray sweatpants and briefs letting his erection spring free. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, but you were too needy and desperate to taste him just yet. That would be for later, after you had a load stuffed inside of you, and you were able to properly taste him. You pampered his neck in soft kisses as you got back on him. Your soaked folds wrapping around his tip as you slowly sunk down on him. A moan of relief escaped your lips as he stretched you out. 
“Fuck Zabdiel” you whined just wanting to see the galaxy already.
“Fuck mi amol” he groaned “So fucking tight.”
His thick english accent had your heart fluttering and walls clenching. This is the feeling you were craving all day. To finally have him wrapped around you was so blissful. You lifted your hips back up before quickly slamming back down. This was not the time to drag things out even though you would love to have him this close for as long as possible. Setting a fast and desperate pace your nails dug into his biceps. 
“Más” you whined out tilting your head back already feeling so greedy.
He gave into your wants, thrusting his hips up with all his force. The car squeaked and groaned with every thrust. You were both lucky that the windows were tinted dark enough so no one could look in as there was still daylight out. Your moans grew louder singing his name over and over in-between needy cries and pleas. Zabdiel lifted your shirt up and pulled the cups of your bra down. He marked your breasts, making you clench around him. One hand grabbed your side as the other toyed with the breast not in his mouth. Zabdiel moved over to your other nipple, causing your breathing to hitch as you tugged on his shaven head. More and more pleasure built up as he slightly adjusted his hips and rammed into your g-spot. His name faded from a coherent song into an incomprehensible rythmn. Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as you entered further into cloud nine. He pulled on your hardened bud with his teeth as he twitched inside you. Zabdiel was just as close as you were, his cum swelling up in his balls ready to release into your warmth at any moment. The pleasure tied a knot in your lower abdomen, making your walls squeeze his shaft. His thrusts lost their tempo as you could barely even move your hips. Your thighs vibrated around his thighs as the knot snapped. Zabdiel rode out your high, letting you travel the stars for as long as possible. As you were coming down Zabdiel cursed out your name and white strings of his seed shot inside you. Filling you up to the brim. A few slower thrusts milked out the last of his juices. You rested your forehead on his as you both caught your breathe. 
“Por que tu no manejas a casa“ You giggled “y yo te limpieo“. 
Tags: @mind-of-tavia​ and @flamediel​ this wasnt the blurb you were talking about but this came to mind as i was doing that. oops.
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girlbabyvelez · 4 years
Royals // Chapter Seven
Summary: Joel finally gets the letter about the wedding date and is on his way to see you while the King of Ecuador finds out the truth about you and your traitorous actions.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: mentions of cheating, treason and murder
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July 1
I’m writing with big news from Ecuador and some changes in our alliance. King Manuel has set the date for Chris and I’s wedding during the announcement of our engagement. It’s set to be on July 18 which is sooner than expected but it cannot be changed. Every ambassador and royal from South American countries have already heard and we need them ready to support Joel on the throne. But I cannot be married without you guys here, please hurry. 
I love you all. Mi familia es mi fuerza y los necesito aquí.
Princessa Y/N
Joel’s eyes scanned over the letter one more time, he was in disbelief at the notice. Joel should have expected that King Manuel would pull something like this, Ecuador was desperate as the situations between Colombia and Ecuador got worse, they couldn’t afford to wait any longer. Now he needed to pack and leave as soon as possible, he wouldn’t let his sister go through this alone since she was doing this for him. 
He quickly stood up from his chair, folding the letter back up neatly before exiting his room and heading to the throne room where he knew his mother would be, planning and talking with the nobles to sway them to crown him king. The corridors seemed long and winding but eventually he made it to his mother. 
“Mother.” He called her attention, every noble turning to respectfully bow at him. He smiles at them before his mother joins his side. He led her away from all of the nobles and deeper into the corridors, once he knew it was safe he turned to his mother and handed her the letter.
“The wedding is a little over two weeks away. We need to leave now.” Joel whispers to his mother as she quickly scans your letter. She shakes her head in disappointment before looking back at her son. 
“I cannot believe them. But you’re right. We don’t have enough time. Go pack your things mijo.” Your mother demands as she hands the letter back to him. He nods at her words but she continues her demands. “You are going to go with Israel. The nobles are still wary so I can’t leave but once they are married you will need to return for your coronation.” 
“She’s going to be upset that you aren’t there.” Joel whispers. He knew that it was a tough situation for her to be put in and if it wasn’t for the future of Mexico then your mother would be by your side. “I’ll be by her side the entire time.” 
“Gracias mijo. Give her my veil and love.” Your mother whispers as she turns to push him to pack but before he leaves she speaks again. “Make sure that she’s happy and protected Joel.”
The room was dark, private, and quiet as it always was when they met. They were away from prying eyes and eavesdropping ears that came with the castle and court members. This was the most lonely inn at the closest village which was beneficial for them. This was how they had been meeting for months, discussing their plan.
He knew by the placement of the moon that it was well past midnight and she would be joining him soon. The two of them had become as thick as thieves, planning the ultimate plan of sabotage. They each had their own reasons of course, she did it because she loved Chris and he did it for his country. 
“Salazar?” She whispered as she stepped into the room at the inn. He stood up from his place on the edge of the bed and stood up to greet the girl. He closes the door behind her and locks it, ensuring maximum privacy from the rest of the world. This still needed to be kept under wraps.
“Evalia. Have you heard anything?” He questioned as he led her to sit down on the bed beside him. She nods at his words and a smile crosses her face at the thought of the good news.
“The king is getting suspicious of you and Y/N. Just a few more sightings and he will know.” She tells him. She was close to getting you out of the picture, the plan had been working successfully.
“Okay. That’s good. And how are you doing with Chris?” 
“He’s still avoiding me. But once Y/N is known as a traitor I will be there for him.”
“You need to work faster Evalia. Once the alliance is broken, Colombia will move in. And we need to be sure that Chris will never be a threat again.”
July 3
The wedding was 15 days away. 15 days of your freedom left and each day seemed to be getting harder for you. Chris refused to leave your side whenever you were in public, it was his way to keep his eye on you and keep his parents happy. But what he didn’t know was that Salazar kept meeting you in secret, trying to get you to make the alliance with him. Your mind and soul were torn, you didn’t want to betray Christopher and the alliance you had for the majority of your life, but you also didn’t want to be trapped with Chris in a miserable marriage for the rest of your life. You had already experienced happiness with him and the pain he caused you took away all of your hope and happiness. So today you found yourself distracting yourself from your thoughts. You lounged in the library, holding tightly onto the book in your hand as you allowed yourself to be taken to another world.
“How are you doing?” You heard him ask which effectively pulled you from the happy fictional world to the terrible reality you were living. You sighed and flick your eyes from the pages over to Christopher, who was leaning against one of the bookcases with his arms crossed as he just stared at you.
“And what do you care Prince?” You retort before focusing on your book again.
“Come on, humor your fiance.” He walks over to the table you were lounging at and sitting before you. You roll your eyes at him but continue to keep your eyes focused on the book instead of Christopher. There was still plenty of thoughts and emotions to unpack with him and you weren’t ready. 
“I’m fine.” You lied but you couldn’t fool him, he learned how to read you over the past few months. But he knew that you weren’t going to be willing to open up to him anytime soon.
“What are you reading?” He asks, easily changing the subject. You just wanted him to leave you alone, you didn’t want to have a conversation with him. 
“Just a story about two lovers.” You answer quietly. He watches you for a moment, your eyes scanned the book in front of you and you looked tired and sad. He knew that it was his fault, the night with Evalia should have never happened yet it did. He just wanted to turn back time and make things normal, he wanted to relive the happy moment when you confessed your love for each other. 
“Can we talk?” He questions as his emotions run high at the memory. 
“About what? You made yourself pretty clear last week.” You snap. 
“At least hear my side of the story.” But you shake your head at his words. You knew that the only thing that would come out of his mouth were going to be excuses. You were worth more than that, you deserve the truth. 
“No. You don’t get to cheat on me then proceed to make excuses.”
“I’m not making excuses. Come on like you didn’t betray me when you went to Salazar.” He retorts. This causes you to slam the book down on the table and look at him with anger in your eyes once again. You couldn’t believe that he was throwing that in your face again when you would have never turned to Salazar if Chris hadn’t cheated on you like that.
“First off, I didn’t sleep with Salazar-” 
“No you just became a traitor.” He barks at you. You sigh and rub your hand across your face. You were frustrated and tired of this constant back and forth with Chris. You felt yourself slouch in the chair and look at Chris. He looked at you and he was instantly filled with guilt for snapping at you. You looked even more tired than before if it was possible.
“Chris why are you here? I just want some peace and quiet.” You whisper softly. 
“Because we need to figure this out. We will be tied together for the rest of our lives. We have 15 days to get it together Y/N.” He says truthfully.
“To get what together Chris? We can’t even have a simple conversation without being at each other’s throats.” 
“So let’s figure it out.” 
“I can’t. Not right now.” You say. He sighs at your words and you quickly get up without putting the book away.  “I need to go get ready for tonight.” And with that you left him sitting at the table alone, the book was now in his hand as he watched you walk away. 
The guard stood quietly, hidden in the shadows as he kept a close eye on you. He had seen you speaking to Salazar earlier and now he was watching as Salazar grabbed onto your arm and pulled you into another corridor. He knew what this meant and his duty was fulfilled. He turned on his heel as he walked into the King’s office, quickly bowing before stepping up to King Manuel.
“My lord. You were right. Princess Y/N is conspiring with the enemy.” The guard spoke once the King waved his hand, signaling he could speak. The King looked from the letters on his desk to the guard, fury crossing every feature of his face. 
“Bring my wife and son. We need to discuss the future of our alliance with Mexico.” He orders once he was able to fully process what this meant for the future of his country and the future of his son. 
“Yes sir.” And the guard quickly left, looking for the prince and the queen as quickly as possible. 
Soon Queen Yenny and Christopher had found themselves in the King’s private office. He sat tall and serious as he looked at his queen and son. And he held Ecuador’s copy of the alliance with you and Chris in his hands, holding it dangerously close to the fire of one of his candles. Chris watched in confusion at his father’s actions, wanting to step forward to ensure the contract was safe but his father spoke before Chris could say anything.
“The alliance is over. Y/N has been seen with Salazar on multiple occasions.” The King informs. “This is treason and a crime against our family. And she will pay for it.” Chris could feel his heart stop at his father’s word. Even though he should feel angry at you for continuing to see Salazar, he was scared and worried for you. His father would go to great lengths to punish you for it and he knew that his father would take your life for it. He still loved you, even if everything was hard and tense between you, he had grown to love you and that love never leaves easily. But now he needed to save your life.
Taglist:  @phanislife124 @bbyyelyah  @zabdisamor @xxxstormyninixxx  @babecita-1 @yashuazbabygirl @getmealifepls @cyaneaa @codename-nyx @cncoh-damn @mamacamacho @smoljoelito @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @ladykxxx08 @la-undercover-latina @lostpil52 @undeadspazzattack @plentyoffandomss @babyyynatty @juneninetynine @cnchoe-imagines @valeriiaaass @moonlitzabdiel @damnthoseyes  @ourkarlanicoleuniverse @niallisworld @multi-fandomgoddess @california-creator @ ego-allie-bap @zabdicl @chellybear98 @sometimesbadalwaysboujie​ @estoy-enamorado-de-ti @nochillnelly @ericksmamita @cncoamor @you-kinda-smell-like-christmas @pizzaspirits​ @josiemara​ @deniseasonrisa @nqbmf @afro-doll @h-bea92​ @the-almond-dinger​  @miericksongo​ @cncosoftie​  @ohitsnicolexo​  @midnightjmadness
Note: if you still are reading this, ily and the next chapter will have more action hehe and it will be longer. Also an Hasta chapter is coming soon too hehe
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cloudfiveclub · 5 years
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@undeadspazzattack inspired me to make this meme ily HAHA
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 4 years
Chapter two: Be careful who you make friends with.
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Christopher woke up this morning with the cheesiest smile ever on his face, is this what it meant to like someone? He'd completely forgotten how that felt. He'd only talked to Amora for first time yesterday and it was brief, but she still had him smiling like an idiot.
As christopher was proceeding to get ready, tying his tie in the mirror, Natalie walked in, "someone's in a good mood this morning" she cooly stated while going in to kiss him, christopher quickly turned his head so she kissed his cheek "yeah I was and now I'm back to being in a bad mood" he rolled his eyes at her. "Come on Chris didnt you used to love me" she whined in a nasily voice at him, he sharply turned his head to her with cold, dark eyes "once apon a long time ago and you know exactly why I don't anymore".
Christopher looked down at his watch and he had to fight the little smile that was trying to make its way onto his face, Natalie caught him fighting the smile "where are you going" she anxiously questioned him, Christopher turned striding towards the door, not even bothering to look back at her "to work" he responded emotionlessly, Natalie started jogging out the door behind him "well why don't I go with you, we could have some fun on your desk in your office, like we used to" she said in a sultry voice dragging her nails down his chest, christopher removed her from his body and with a hard look on his face told her no, Natalie started to get frustrated "why not" she asked him with sass in her voice, he looked up at her with that same hard expression plastered on his face "you know exactly why, now stop bothering me" he uttered with venom dripping from his deliciously plum lips.
Chris had finally made it out into his car where zabdiel was waiting in the backseat for him, "Buenos dias pendejo" he smiled at Chris as he sat beside him.
As they pulled up beside the café as usual zabdiel turned to Chris "you ready to see your girl again" he chuckled, Chris grinned for a second before wiping it off his face "she's not my girl and you know she never can be".
As Christopher got out of the car he seen her, walking down the street, There she was, Amora, she looked just as breathtaking as yesterday, today she wore a burgundy coloured dress that hugged her figure wonderfully and stopped just above her knee with a black blazer on over it, her hair was left down today, her curls bouncing as she walked, he also noticed she'd chosen to wear black flats today. Christopher walked to door beside her, zabdiel walking behind them snickering at how nervous they both looked. Amora broke the silence first "good morning Christopher" she cheerily said, Chris looked at her with a genuine smile "good morning Amora, I hope you're doing good", she giggled "alot better than yesterday thats for sure" her giggle was like music to his ears, a sweet melody that Christopher wouldn't mind hearing for the rest of his life, he quickly shuck those thoughts out of his head and remembered what he told zab, she could never be his, he would never put little angel of a woman in danger. Christopher held the door open for her and watched as her ass swayed from side to side as she walked in. Amora had gotten her coffee first and had sit down at a near by table to drink it, just as Chris was waiting in line for his coffee the bell above the door rung to signal someone had walked in, to Chris' horror he turned to recognize exactly who it was, he turned to zabdiel "what the fuck is he doing here" zabdiel shrugged his shoulders telling Chris he didnt know. The mystery man gave Chris a devious smirk before turning and walking straight over to Amora, Christopher was internally panicking, if so much as touched one hair on Amora's head he wouldn't hesitate to pull out his gun and shoot him on the spot, Chris strained his ears to hear what they were talking about, he asked her out on a date, but Christopher knew what his true intentions really were, if he thought that he was going to hurt Amora he was wrong very wrong, Chris would do anything to protect her, he knew Amora was no longer safe obviously his enemies had found out about his soft spot for her and were planning to use it against him, he knew he'd have to take Amora somewhere safe, where they'd never find her, now he just had to figure out how to get her to go with him before they took her.
This is the second chapter to The Gang Leader fanfic, should I keep going?
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emsy55 · 4 years
Their sex tapes (CNCO Headcanon)
Note: so @yatusabess was posting things about who of cnco would have a sex tape leaked and what it would look like. And I couldn’t stop thinking about it so I decided to write a headcanon. This is just my personal opinion of how I think it would look, feel free to share your opinion if you think that it would be different than what I wrote😊
2nd note: I know I promised a headcanon of “masturbating in front of each other”. Don’t worry, I will post it in a few days, this is just something I quickly wrote bc it was on my mind.
Tags: @h-bea92 @cncogirl18 @sometimesbadalwaysboujie @papichriscnco ​ @erickcolonbrianfan92
message me if you want to be on my taglist :)
Warnings: smut
I think most people get a little uncomfortable while making a sex tape
But not this motherfucker
He would fucking love it
He would even look straight into the camera with a stupid smile on his face, he would probably wink at the camera as well and stick out his tongue
But I don’t think the sex would be very different. He always gives his girl all he’s got so it’s no different now when he’s getting filmed
Fucking hell, his hands😩 for some reason they always turn me on, so I would love to see his hands when he’s choking his girl😩
I also think this tape would be fucking long
He’d film everything, even when he just started making out with his girl, and then the foreplay, the sex, and even the aftermath
I think this motherfucker is so damn good with his tongue so I’d love to see a close up of that😝
Holy shit
Richard’s sex tape would for sure look like a professional porn
He’d make sure that he gets filmed from the right angles. That his abs and muscles look good on the video
He’d even make some close-ups
He’d take the camera and film how his dick pushes inside her pussy. He’d start going really slow and deep inside.
He would also make a close up of his hands around her throat. He’d film her face when she cums
He would be even more dominant than he usually is
He would make sure that he makes his girl scream out of pleasure and make her cum multiple times.
Watching this video would boost his ego sooo much
I don’t think he’d admit it but he would be so turned on by watching himself fuck his girl
I don’t think he would act differently
He wouldn’t care about the camera
He would just place it somewhere in the room and not look at it
His eyes would be on his girl, like always
But even though he wouldn’t focus on making a good video, it would still look fucking good
Like, we’ve all seen his dance moves
I’m 100% sure that he has some moves in the bedroom too
Fuck, I can totally picture how hot he’d look while he’s thrusting deep inside his girl
His fucking legs would look soooo hot, like they look so hot in shorts so just imagine seeing him fully naked
He also wouldn’t mind if his girl would be on top for a while, not the whole time though, I think he likes to switch positions
He would love to see his girl ride him and have her bouncing titties on tape
Fuck, I can totally imagine him grunting and moaning softly😩
I would loooove to see his face when he cums, it’s definitely so hot
I’m 100% sure that he would look at the camera a few times
He would get reminded that he’s getting filmed and he would be distracted and look at the camera and probably start laughing like a little kid
I think his girl would have to tell him to focus again
And then he would try to look as cool as possible on the camera
He would put some extra effort in pleasing his girl, making sure he has a really good video
I’m sorry for all the Erick girls but I think that the sex would be way better when he’s not getting filmed
He would just be too distracted by the camera
I think Erick would definitely moan during sex, but I could see him holding back his moans when he gets filmed because he’s a little embarrassed
But the sex would still be good
He would still please his girl and make sure that he films her when she’s cumming
I think his girl would have to convince him to make a sex tape bc he would definitely not be into it right away
But we all know how petty he is
So I think if the boys and fans would be teasing him with his innocence again, he would want to make a video just to prove to himself that he’s not as innocent as people say
I think his sex tape would look funny and hot at the same time
Like, he would be flexing sooo hard
Trying to dominate his girl but it wouldn’t look real at all
But in some way, I think him trying so hard to be dominant would still look sexy
He looks like a fucking Greek god so watching him and his great body in action would be fucking sexy
Even though he’d try to be dominant, I’m sure that he’ll be so sweet to his girl
He’d give her lots of kisses and make sure that he’s making her feel good
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tristebrujilda · 3 years
i’m starting to get back into writing again and i’ve just gotten back to stanning cnco <3 i write all my stories and post them on ao3 ,, i have this really cool concept for an english cnco fanfic :>
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