facsimile-tech · 7 years
A noir-themed video playthrough of 1989′s “Caper in the Castro,” Earth’s first queer video-game lost to time until late 2017. You, private detective Tracker McDyke, receive a frantic phone call from your close friend(...!?) kidnapped drag queen, Tessie LaFemme - as you search San Francisco for your friend, you unwittingly uncover a conspiracy that’s been hiding in plain sight ....
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cmralphart · 5 years
Music I Don't Mention Enough
Music I Don’t Mention Enough
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I rarely talk about the music I listen to when I am creating, and I really should mention it more often. Music plays such an integral part of everything do. Obviously, it’s a big component of my short films – but beyond that, I listen to music when I am drawing, painting, designing and building 3D objects.
Music helps me create a rich and varied creative landscape of ideas, patterns and…
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cmralphart · 5 years
Winter Break
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    Above: Winter Break – 1920×1244 pixel Printable Digital image given out to my Art Peeps mailing list. If you’d like to receive free art work, just add your email address here. 
  As I embark upon my winter break for 2019 I am already thinking about 2020 and what projects I intend to tackle.
I think I will finish my coffee table digital art book, Intersection, in 2020. Although I have not…
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cmralphart · 5 years
Why Real Artists Get Discouraged
Why Real Artists Get Discouraged
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A banana, duct-taped to a wall went on a sale at Art Basel Miami Beach this week — priced at around $120,000. And, according to the gallery behind the work, two of the three editions have already sold, with the last now going for even more.
It takes me days, sometimes weeks to finish an illustration. I am nearly 65, no illustration I have ever made has ever sold above $100.00  My work has never…
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cmralphart · 5 years
New Policy
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Next year and every year thereafter, my studio will be closed during the month of December. Between repeated power outages, sick cats, random loss of the internet – I am getting farther and farther behind in my commitments this month BOTH personal and professional. This is stressing me out big time and is no fun – at all.
The mechanical pencil pictured above was my Christmas present to myself…
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cmralphart · 5 years
Hard at Work
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I’m cutting and trimming the laminated bookmarks today and Jack is busy checking the quality of each bookmark to insure you get the best possible product.
Just got to be careful where you put your tail, Jack!!
Until next time …
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cmralphart · 5 years
Production Line
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Bookmark Production UPDATE! All bookmarks have been printed ( and I did not run out of ink, Thank the Printer Gods ) Next will be trimming, laminating and corner rounding with my mysterious new tool …
As I am wrapping-up production on the Bookmark Orders I have my sights set on my next project, tonight I designed the logo for it and after I get all these bookmarks in the mail I will be doing my…
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cmralphart · 5 years
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30 Bookmarks in 30 days Plus 10 short films – COMPLETED. Ending my series of Illustrated Endangered Species Bookmarks. I created 30 bookmarks in 30 days along with 10 short films. The Final Film can be found here:  Until next time ...
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cmralphart · 5 years
Seeing the Finish Line
Seeing the Finish Line
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Set #4 is done – 4 more days to create 6 more bookmarks and release the Final Film!
Although at times creating 30 bookmarks and 10 short films in 30 days felt so very daunting – I saw it through and I am so elated that I have!
This project has changed so many things about how I will approach my work going forward – there will be a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT of the new Roll-Out in a couple weeks after this…
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cmralphart · 5 years
Ecosia and Better Place Forests
Ecosia and Better Place Forests
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I have decided to have my ashes handled by Better Place Forests when I leave the planet.  I made the decision based on a lot of things – but most of all, because I’d like to be useful in my passing.
But back to the living!
ECOSIA!! Have you heard of it?
I switched yesterday and have noticed NO DIFFERENCE from using Google except that I FEEL GOOD ABOUT USING IT!
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cmralphart · 5 years
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Drawing & Filming the Pangolin Drawing & Filming the Pangolin today. Such a very interesting and very endangered animal. It is the most trafficked mammal in the world - over 1.2 MILLION have been poached in the last decade. Heartbreaking.
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cmralphart · 5 years
Will I Make It ?
Will I Make It ?
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Until next time …
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cmralphart · 5 years
First Bookmarks Are In The Mail
First Bookmarks Are In The Mail
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I want to thank everyone for being so supportive of this project. I am enjoying the process immensely, from the design, drawing & painting to the film making – it is such a pleasure for me. And being able to pass 50% of the profits on to the World Wildlife Fund is also a wonderful feeling.
We are reaching the halfway point (15 of the 30) and I will continue to post my progress and new films both…
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cmralphart · 5 years
Battling Discouragement
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Although the Whale making-of video got 128 views the ones that followed got less than 10 views each. The people who DO watch the making-of videos say they love them and that warms my heart.
It takes me most of each day to make those videos and I enjoy making them but the question is –  if less than 10 people are going to watch them, should I even continue putting-in all the work it takes to make…
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cmralphart · 5 years
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One more to go for my first set of 6.
I have a laminator arriving tomorrow and will be offering this first set soon. 50% of the sales of these bookmarks will go to the World Wildlife Fund.
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Until next time …
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cmralphart · 5 years
The Power of Negative Energy
The Power of Negative Energy
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ABOVE: Blog stats showing a peak readership when I reported my stalker incident.
I’ve been tracking the stats here and it is so clear that negative energy sells. HAHAHA!
I subscribe to a YouTuber who reports the same thing. She does DIY electronics tutorials and she has been amazed that her audience triples or more when she posts a rant video. She makes money from her YouTube channel and…
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