#cmon he’s natalie in this scenario
jeanmoreaue · 1 month
Tbh I don’t think Allison would have much more skill when it comes to survival than Kevin or Nicky. I also think Neil and Andrew would decide to keep Aaron alive as long as possible and they would say it was for his med student knowledge but they’d both know it’s bc Aaron was never actually an option even hypothetically
truueee this is such a good point although for some reason i’m kind of convinced that Allison would adapt better to the outdoors than Kevin or Nicky. Andrew 100% would use the fact that Aaron is a med student as an excuse to keep him alive you’re so right. i think it would be a breaking point if they ever tried to eat Aaron. Andrew would try to separate the group
also i know this isn’t what you asked but if this were yellowjackets, Aaron would be Javi and Andrew would be Travis. which would make Neil Natalie LMAO somehow it totally works. and Kevin is Lottie bc he would inspire people to commit cannibalism, but he would also be Jackie bc he would get eaten first <3 (also Dan is Taissa and Matt is Van)
link to prev ask lol (maybe helpful)
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lonelyyisthemuse · 5 years
Perfectly Wrong: part 2
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"You know I've known you 3 years, i know when you're not sharing something with me Cleo" her friend Natalie said. Cleo and her friends Thalia and Natalie were sitting in her hotel room, getting ready for the concert.
Cleo had spent the past 48 hours weighing whether she should tell her friends about her night with Shawn, which now seemed more like a dream. So far she hadn't said anything and it was killing her not telling anyone, but she worried they wouldn't believe her or they would just completely freak out. All Cleo wanted to do was gush to Natalie about how she had drinks with Shawn Mendes, and how he flirted with her all night, leaving her with a feeling like electricity running through her ever since that last touch. There was 2 hours before they had to leave for meet and greet, and Cleo couldn't hold it in any longer, she had to tell them so she could vent about how anxious she was to see him, what'll happen when she sees him, what he'll do. "Okay so i can't keep this any more and it's gonna sound crazy, but the other night i was downstairs in the bar and got a little tipsy and tripped backing into someone. But that someone was Shawn Mendes" she said barely breathing while rushing to get it out. Cleo felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders, she could finally talk about it even if her friends were staring at her like she was crazy.
"Did you just say... Shawn Mendes, as in the singer we're seeing in less then two hours" Natalie looked at Cleo in disbelief.
Cleo got up from the bed, trying to figure out how to tell them what had happened because it felt as surreal to her as it would sound crazy to them. "I honestly don't even know how this happened, I honestly don't know if it was real it feels too good to be true. He flirted with me you guys and i have to see him today. maybe i should just give someone my meet and greet, he probably doesn't even remember me". Cleo was pacing the room, how could she see him? what would she say? "yeah hey we had drinks the other night and you seemed interested so we should definitely see where this goes" Cleo thought, reluctantly telling them about the night.
"Are you crazy?!" Natalia and Thalia shouted at the same time, both getting up. Natalie walked over to Cleo grabbing her by the shoulders to face her, "so you're saying hes staying at this hotel? baby you have to go to meet and greet! this is literally fate..... holy shit all those times joking about Shawn falling in love with you are coming true!" she squealed.
Cleo just shook her head, "he is not going to fall in love with me, It was probably just a one time thing just for fun, nothing serious."
"so then why wouldn't you go meet him? if it wasn't 'serious' then just roll with that, you told him your whole life story! conversation will come easy, you only have to talk for like 3 seconds. But Shawn doesn't come across as someone who would flirt with a girl for no reason, so i agree with Nat" Thalia said, walking to the mini fridge. "I think this calls for drinks, I mean it only makes sense since that's how you met your future husband" Thalia joked pushing a beer into Cleo's hand.
An hour and a half later, plenty of arguing due to Thalia trying to convince Cleo to let her do her makeup and choose her outfit they were at the venue. Waiting in line Cleo kept fidgeting with her phone, she had no clue what was about to happen, what she would say or what to even expect. Thinking about the other night she couldn't help but smile, "i forgot to tell you guys about how i have an inside joke with him as well" she whispered not wanting anyone else to hear. "you know how i walked into him backwards well i continued doing that as a joke, and when i got out of the elevator he said that was our thing". Nat and Thalia both letting out squeals of excitement, leaving all eyes on them.
"We're just excited okay" Cleo said hating people stare at her.
They were a couple people away from their turn. Getting there late had unfortunately left them the last couple people in line. Nat trying to convince Cleo to go last, "cmon it will so surprise him and he'll be able to actually talk to you a bit longer because he won't be waiting for the next person, maybe you'll get his number" she said moving Cleo so she was behind her.
Cleo stood in line, both her friend's had gone in leaving her alone with her thoughts. It was only a 5 minute wait but god did those 5 minutes feel like an eternity, she felt like time was slowing down and it made her even more anxious. The longer it felt the more thoughts came to the surface creating more and more scenarios. She couldn't shake the possibility of her walking out of that room with his number, she had jokingly daydreamed about this happening not thinking it would actually happen, I mean the chances were basically non-existent. What are the chances you end up staying in the same hotel as a world famous singer. Her hands were sweating she was so nervous, wiping her hands on her jeans every couple seconds.
It came to be Cleo's turn, she had spent the last 5 minutes overthinking every possible scenario she hadn't even thought about how she has to actually think of a pose for the picture, or what she would even say. The security guard cleared his throat taking her out of her daydream "it's your turn"
Walking towards the curtain she stopped, Shawn would be standing there waiting, not realizing that she would be walking through.There was nothing she could do now, unless she just ran but that wasn't Cleo's style. Taking a deep breath she walked through the curtain and there he was standing with his back towards her, laughing about something with the photographer. It took her back to their night, how he had laughed at her stupid jokes that definitely weren't funny, how he would throw his head back like he was now. She smiled at the thought. "scuse' me but isn't this a meet and greet not a comedy club" she didn't know where this sarcastic reply came from nor the confidence but it reminded her about the first couple sentences they said to each other, full of sarcastic remarks.
Shawn froze in place, he would recognize that voice anywhere; the girl he couldn't get out of his mind, hoping he would run into her again and here she was. He was right she was a fan, the biggest grin appeared on his face, trying to dim it down as he turned around. "Oh i'd beg to differ, I tell some pretty stellar jokes if i say so myself" he said laughing, he couldn't hide his huge grin anymore. "I honestly think we should just do the Q&A where i just tell everyone all my jokes"
She couldn't contain the fits of laughter that left her mouth, bending over holding her stomach. Trying to contain her laughter she stood back up "i was about to say that's an awful idea but the amount you just made me laugh, maybe you're right". Both laughing, the photographer reminded them they had to take a picture hurrying them along.
Shawn walked over to Cleo and whispered "You know I am so shocked to see you here, but in such a good way. I- I am about to be so brutally honest, i couldn't get my mind off of you the past two days and it's been driving me insane, and i'd really like to take you out while we're both in Paris" not wanting the photographer or Jake to hear, "and we should probably come up with a pose for this photo huh".
That made Cleo giggle. It took them a couple minutes to pick a pose and lots of urging from the photographer and Andrew, that Shawn only had a little more time till Q&A. They ended up landing on a pose with Shawn behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her small body. They both had huge grins on their faces when the photo went off because they couldn't stop laughing, you could see the excitement and happiness in both their eyes. " So you want to take me on a date? how're we gonna do that without anyone noticing us" Cleo had always imagined what it would be like dating him, constantly being recognized, little to no privacy, and she didn't know if she could handle that, she hated being the center of attention, even if it was just because she were dating a superstar.
Andrew Shawn's manager was signaling to Shawn he needed to get ready for Q&A, "Okay I know with my lifestyle their isn't a lot of privacy but i do want to take you out and i'll do my very best to make sure we're as discreet as possible, can i get your number? i'll message you tomorrow and we can plan this more, as i'm sadly running out of time here as much as i want to talk to you for much longer".
Cleo gave him her number, both of them smiling like idiots. Shawn hugged her tight before he left to go prepare for the Q&A "i'll see you in the other room" he winked walking out of the room, leaving her giddy with so many emotions.
The next day Cleo woke up to a bunch of texts from a random number, which could only be Shawn. He had texted her telling her the plans he had made which were that they'd meet in the hotel bar, have a drink, and then go to dinner. She smiled and laughed that he wanted to meet in the very place fate had placed them both at the same time.
Last night had been surreal and she couldn't believe she had finally seen him in concert, she had cried so many times last night she couldn't even count. But now she was going on a date with him, it felt unreal and like a dream, how had she ended up in this situation, in the same hotel as Shawn Mendes which seemed impossible, yet was happening. She replied to his texts which lead to them texting the rest of the morning.
The next night she was in her room getting ready for her date, she had made sure nat and thalia were there, so she wouldn't back out. She needed all the moral support she could get, she was nervous as hell and her anxiety was at an all time high. Two hours later and she was ready, "You're going to do amazing, he's just a regular guy with.... millions of fans, but just forget that last part and you'll be FINE" Nat reassured Cleo.
She headed down to the hotel bar, while in the elevator she couldn't help but get excited and small surge of confidence. He is just a regular guy, conversation came so easy last time she reminded her self. She walked to the bar and got a seat at a table. Fifteen minutes went by, she was early of course she wanted to have time to get herself together. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around, She couldn't stop her mouth from falling open as she saw the man standing before her.
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