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HL88 Link | Link Vào Nhà Cái HL88 Mới Nhất 2022
Như các anh em cũng đã biết thì ngày nay các tựa game giải trí liên quan đến cá cược đang cực kỳ phát triển và có bước tiến mạnh mẽ. Bên cạnh đó, các tựa game này còn góp phần làm giàu cho nhiều anh em tìm kiếm đến nó. Cho đến nay, có rất nhiều anh em đồng hành cùng các game cá cược và đã có các thành công nhất định cho bản thân mình.HL8 là một nhà cái cũng đã thành công đôi phần với thị trường Việt Nam nói riêng và thị trường châu Á nói chung. Nhà cái HL8 được thành lập vào năm 2010 và thị trường ban đầu là ở châu Á.
Nguồn bài viết : https://hl8club.net/
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Empresas apoyan a PyMEs a superar COVID-19
Consultores, alojamiento web, asesoramiento presupuestario: los especialistas en marketing están ampliando la ayuda para aliviar la presión sobre las empresas. "Las pequeñas empresas a menudo se ven presionadas y olvidadas, pero son muy importantes para la economía", dijo Chris Green, jefe de innovación de marketing de Footprint Digital, "y a nivel humano, saber qué hacer en un momento como este es difícil". " Con el brote de coronavirus que cambia el comportamiento del consumidor y afecta gravemente las operaciones cotidianas de las empresas en todo el mundo, algunos vendedores digitales van más allá de sus roles y ofertas tradicionales para extender servicios gratuitos y sin compromiso a las empresas afectadas por la pandemia. Desarrollando nuevas estrategias "Estoy sirviendo como 'emparejadora' entre pequeñas empresas que han sido afectadas por el coronavirus y los vendedores digitales que ofrecen servicios de marketing pro bono", dijo Lily Ray, directora de SEO en Path Interactive. Agregó que la idea se le ocurrió cuando se dio cuenta que no había una buena manera para que las personas necesitadas se conectaran con vendedores que ofrecían sus habilidades como voluntarios. " simplemente tratando de ayudar a las empresas a sobrevivir esta crisis actual", dijo Valerie DiCarlo de SEO Web Consulting . Los vendedores independientes como DiCarlo y los vendedores de agencias, como Geoff Jackson de Clubnet Digital. Él comenzó a apoyar bares y restaurantes locales en el Reino Unido la semana pasada, han estado extendiendo servicios de consultoría gratuitos con el objetivo de ayudar a las empresas a hacer una transición o mejorar sus estrategias en línea. La consultora de marketing digital Pamela Lund, presidenta y directora ejecutiva de That Pam Chick, Inc. , ofrece asesoramiento gratuito sobre presupuesto y mentalidad empresarial a las pymes. En Soluciones Web Mty, también hemos apoyado a microempresarios y emprendedores a salir adelante con sus negocios, sin preocuparse de aportar un solo centavo.
Oferta de apoyo por Soluciones Web Mty para PyMEs - Image by © Flint/Corbis Ayudar a las empresas a mantenerse en línea Algunos SEO ofrecen soporte técnico que esperan mantendrá a las empresas en línea y potencialmente aumentará su visibilidad. "Muchas pequeñas empresas independientes perdieron todo su flujo de efectivo de la noche a la mañana", dijo el consultor Joe Youngblood, con sede en Dallas. "Mientras que el alojamiento web y la administración no son servicios terriblemente caros, sus costos de repente se volvieron gravosos para muchos". En respuesta, Youngblood ha establecido Gain Local , un programa de ayuda para pequeñas empresas que ofrece alojamiento y administración gratuitos de WordPress, así como administración gratuita de Google My Business. Los profesionales de búsqueda con conjuntos de habilidades especializadas están encontrando formas creativas de ayudar: Shay Ohayon, propietaria del complemento de la aplicación Schema Mark , está proporcionando auditorías de marcado de Schema para las empresas afectadas y espera que más propietarios de empresas sean conscientes de lo que los datos estructurados pueden hacer por sus productos visibles orgánicamente. Muchas manos amigas ¿Las empresas están aceptando tus ofertas? En lo personal, y para ser honesto, el interés comercial ha sido un poco lento, y como creador de Soluciones Web Mty, establecí mi página de apoyo a PyMEs por Covid-19 que permite a los dueños de negocios, micropempresarios y emprendedores a encontrar sus servicios, con un grupo de voluntarios. Espero que este sentimiento haga eco en muchas más personas y empresarios a poder ayudar a quienes están batallando para mantener sus negocios. Y sobre éste tenor, "Hemos tenido cierto interés seguro, pero nada demasiado importante", dijo Geoff Jackson de Clubnet Digital , "Creo que el problema es estar frente a las empresas afectadas que estarían dispuestas o necesitarían considerar algo para superarlas. " Invitaciones abiertas "Esto no es una cuestión de desarrollo empresarial y no estoy cobrando nada", dijo Lund. Esto hace eco del sentimiento de los otros vendedores que ofrecen sus servicios de forma gratuita. "Tengo la intención de mantener esta oferta el mayor tiempo posible", dijo Ohayon. Parte del temor con respecto a la pandemia proviene de que nadie sabe cuánto durará. Como tal, muchos de los vendedores que hablaron con nosotros respondieron de manera similar a Ohayon, afirmando que continuarían por el mayor tiempo posible o hasta que ya no sea necesario. Impulsado para ayudar "Las empresas están legítimamente preocupadas si pueden sobrevivir a las consecuencias de esto", dijo DiCarlo, "y, francamente, todos estamos en la misma barco". DiCarlo no fue el único voluntario que expresó un sentido de solidaridad con aquellos a quienes busca ayudar. "En 2001, cuando estalló la burbuja de las puntocom, perdí mi trabajo en una startup y pasé ocho meses luchando por el desempleo en el costoso sur de California", dijo Lund. "Esas experiencias me dejaron con mucha ansiedad por el dinero", agregó. También explicó que una de sus motivaciones era ayudar a otros a sentirse menos ansiosos por el dinero durante este tiempo de crisis. Otros citaron la respuesta de la comunidad de búsqueda como lo que los llevó a la acción: “Me ha impresionado totalmente lo solidaria que es nuestra comunidad" "El tiempo / esfuerzo que las personas están dispuestas a poner en esto (aunque sus circunstancias no son brillantes en el momento momento) es increíble." En lo personal, reiteró mi compromiso de apoyar a las pequeñas y micro empresas a darnos la mano. Accede a mi página de apoyo aquí.
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Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19
“Small businesses often get squeezed and forgotten about, but are hugely important for the economy,” said Chris Green, head of marketing innovation at Footprint Digital, “and at a human level, knowing what to do at a time like this is tough.”
With the coronavirus outbreak shifting consumer behavior and severely impacting the day-to-day operations of businesses across the world, some digital marketers are going beyond their traditional roles and offerings to extend free, no-commitment services to businesses impacted by the pandemic.
Developing new strategies. “I am serving as a ‘matchmaker’ between small businesses who have been impacted by the coronavirus and digital marketers offering pro bono marketing services,” said Lily Ray, director of SEO at Path Interactive, adding that the idea came to her when she noticed there wasn’t a good way for people in need to connect with marketers volunteering their skills.
“[I’m] simply trying to help businesses survive this current crisis,” said Valerie DiCarlo of SEO Web Consulting. Independent marketers like DiCarlo and agency marketers, such as Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, who began supporting local pubs and restaurants in the UK last week, have been extending free consulting services with the aim of helping businesses transition to or improve their online strategies.
Digital marketing consultant Pamela Lund, president and CEO of That Pam Chick, Inc., is offering free budget and business mindset coaching to SMBs.
Helping businesses stay online. Some SEOs are offering technical support that they hope will keep businesses online and potentially increase their visibility.
“Many small independent businesses lost all of their cash flow overnight,” said Dallas-based consultant Joe Youngblood, “while web hosting and management are not terribly expensive services their costs suddenly became burdensome to many.” In response, Youngblood has established Gain Local, a small business relief program offering free WordPress hosting and management as well as free Google My Business management.
Search professionals with specialized skill sets are finding creative ways to help: Shay Ohayon, owner of the Schema Mark App plugin, is providing Schema markup audits for impacted businesses and is hopes to make more business owners aware of what structured data can do for their organic visibility.
Plenty of helping hands. Are businesses taking them up on their offers?
“To be honest, business interest was a little slow,” said Footprint Digital’s Chris Green, who has set up Helping Small Biz Online to enable business owners to find his services, noting that “I still have roughly 5-10 volunteers for each business that comes to me, so it’s slow going.” Green’s sentiment was echoed by many of the marketers who spoke with Search Engine Land.
“We’ve had some interest for sure, but nothing too major,” said Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, “I think the issue is getting in front of the businesses impacted that would be willing or need to consider something to tide them over.”
Open invitations. “This isn’t a business development thing and I’m not charging anything,” said Lund, echoing the sentiment of the other marketers offering their services gratis.
“I intend to keep this offer going as long as possible,” said Ohayon. Part of the fear regarding the pandemic comes from that no one knows how long it will last. As such, many of the marketers who spoke with us responded similarly to Ohayon, stating that they would continue for as long as they could or until there is no longer a need.
Driven to help. “Companies are legitimately concerned if they can survive the fallout from this,” said DiCarlo, “and frankly, we are all in that same canoe.” DiCarlo was not the only volunteer to express a sense of solidarity with those she is seeking to help.
“In 2001 when the dot-com bubble burst, I lost my job at a startup and spent eight months scraping by on unemployment in expensive Southern California,” said Lund. “Those experiences left me with a lot of money anxiety,” she added, explaining that one of her motivations was to help others feel less anxious about money during this time of crisis.
Others cited the search community’s response as what drove them to action: “I’ve been totally blown away by how supportive our community is — the time/effort people are willing to put into this (even though their circumstances aren’t brilliant at the moment) is amazing,” said Green, adding “the whole experience has been really affirming that way.”
More about marketing in the time of the coronavirus
Businesses should limit, not disable, their sites during temporary closures, Google says
Small agencies brace for impact, but say remote work isn't slowing them down
EU Android search choice screen’s impact delayed due to COVID-19
COVID-Consumers: Pessimistic, but spending more online
The post Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19 published first on https://likesfollowersclub.tumblr.com/
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Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19
“Small businesses often get squeezed and forgotten about, but are hugely important for the economy,” said Chris Green, head of marketing innovation at Footprint Digital, “and at a human level, knowing what to do at a time like this is tough.”
With the coronavirus outbreak shifting consumer behavior and severely impacting the day-to-day operations of businesses across the world, some digital marketers are going beyond their traditional roles and offerings to extend free, no-commitment services to businesses impacted by the pandemic.
Developing new strategies. “I am serving as a ‘matchmaker’ between small businesses who have been impacted by the coronavirus and digital marketers offering pro bono marketing services,” said Lily Ray, director of SEO at Path Interactive, adding that the idea came to her when she noticed there wasn’t a good way for people in need to connect with marketers volunteering their skills.
“[I’m] simply trying to help businesses survive this current crisis,” said Valerie DiCarlo of SEO Web Consulting. Independent marketers like DiCarlo and agency marketers, such as Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, who began supporting local pubs and restaurants in the UK last week, have been extending free consulting services with the aim of helping businesses transition to or improve their online strategies.
Digital marketing consultant Pamela Lund, president and CEO of That Pam Chick, Inc., is offering free budget and business mindset coaching to SMBs.
Helping businesses stay online. Some SEOs are offering technical support that they hope will keep businesses online and potentially increase their visibility.
“Many small independent businesses lost all of their cash flow overnight,” said Dallas-based consultant Joe Youngblood, “while web hosting and management are not terribly expensive services their costs suddenly became burdensome to many.” In response, Youngblood has established Gain Local, a small business relief program offering free WordPress hosting and management as well as free Google My Business management.
Search professionals with specialized skill sets are finding creative ways to help: Shay Ohayon, owner of the Schema Mark App plugin, is providing Schema markup audits for impacted businesses and is hopes to make more business owners aware of what structured data can do for their organic visibility.
Plenty of helping hands. Are businesses taking them up on their offers?
“To be honest, business interest was a little slow,” said Footprint Digital’s Chris Green, who has set up Helping Small Biz Online to enable business owners to find his services, noting that “I still have roughly 5-10 volunteers for each business that comes to me, so it’s slow going.” Green’s sentiment was echoed by many of the marketers who spoke with Search Engine Land.
“We’ve had some interest for sure, but nothing too major,” said Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, “I think the issue is getting in front of the businesses impacted that would be willing or need to consider something to tide them over.”
Open invitations. “This isn’t a business development thing and I’m not charging anything,” said Lund, echoing the sentiment of the other marketers offering their services gratis.
“I intend to keep this offer going as long as possible,” said Ohayon. Part of the fear regarding the pandemic comes from that no one knows how long it will last. As such, many of the marketers who spoke with us responded similarly to Ohayon, stating that they would continue for as long as they could or until there is no longer a need.
Driven to help. “Companies are legitimately concerned if they can survive the fallout from this,” said DiCarlo, “and frankly, we are all in that same canoe.” DiCarlo was not the only volunteer to express a sense of solidarity with those she is seeking to help.
“In 2001 when the dot-com bubble burst, I lost my job at a startup and spent eight months scraping by on unemployment in expensive Southern California,” said Lund. “Those experiences left me with a lot of money anxiety,” she added, explaining that one of her motivations was to help others feel less anxious about money during this time of crisis.
Others cited the search community’s response as what drove them to action: “I’ve been totally blown away by how supportive our community is — the time/effort people are willing to put into this (even though their circumstances aren’t brilliant at the moment) is amazing,” said Green, adding “the whole experience has been really affirming that way.”
More about marketing in the time of the coronavirus
Businesses should limit, not disable, their sites during temporary closures, Google says
Small agencies brace for impact, but say remote work isn't slowing them down
EU Android search choice screen’s impact delayed due to COVID-19
COVID-Consumers: Pessimistic, but spending more online
The post Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19 published first on https://likesandfollowersclub.weebly.com/
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RT @ClubnetDigital: So we just investigated what the reason was for a large amount of space being consumed on one of our public dev servers. This one hosts our own demo version of Magento 1.9. Just the 6308720 (not a typo) SESSION files in /var! 😳😬 #Magento #WebDev
So we just investigated what the reason was for a large amount of space being consumed on one of our public dev servers. This one hosts our own demo version of Magento 1.9. Just the 6308720 (not a typo) SESSION files in /var! 😳😬#Magento #WebDev
— Clubnet Digital (@ClubnetDigital) July 15, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/fbeardev
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Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19
“Small businesses often get squeezed and forgotten about, but are hugely important for the economy,” said Chris Green, head of marketing agency innovation at Footprint Digital, “and at a human level, knowing what to do at a time like this is tough.”
With the coronavirus outbreak shifting consumer behavior and severely impacting the day-to-day operations of businesses across the world, some digital marketers are going beyond their traditional roles and offerings to extend free, no-commitment services to businesses impacted by the pandemic.
Developing new strategies. “I am serving as a ‘matchmaker’ between small businesses who have been impacted by the coronavirus and digital marketers offering pro bono marketing agency services,” said Lily Ray, director of SEO Company at Path Interactive, adding that the idea came to her when she noticed there wasn’t a good way for people in need to connect with marketers volunteering their skills.
“[I’m] simply trying to help businesses survive this current crisis,” said Valerie DiCarlo of SEO Web Consulting. Independent marketers like DiCarlo and agency marketers, such as Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, who began supporting local pubs and restaurants in the UK last week, have been extending free consulting services with the aim of helping businesses transition to or improve their online strategies.
Digital marketing agency consultant Pamela Lund, president and CEO of That Pam Chick, Inc., is offering free budget and business mindset coaching to SMBs.
Helping businesses stay online. Some SEO Companys are offering technical support that they hope will keep businesses online and potentially increase their visibility.
“Many small independent businesses lost all of their cash flow overnight,” said Dallas-based consultant Joe Youngblood, “while web hosting and management are not terribly expensive services their costs suddenly became burdensome to many.” In response, Youngblood has established Gain Local, a small business relief program offering free WordPress hosting and management as well as free Google My Business management.
Search professionals with specialized skill sets are finding creative ways to help: Shay Ohayon, owner of the Schema Mark App plugin, is providing Schema markup audits for impacted businesses and is hopes to make more business owners aware of what structured data can do for their organic visibility.
Plenty of helping hands. Are businesses taking them up on their offers?
“To be honest, business interest was a little slow,” said Footprint Digital’s Chris Green, who has set up Helping Small Biz Online to enable business owners to find his services, noting that “I still have roughly 5-10 volunteers for each business that comes to me, so it’s slow going.” Green’s sentiment was echoed by many of the marketers who spoke with Search Engine Land.
“We’ve had some interest for sure, but nothing too major,” said Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, “I think the issue is getting in front of the businesses impacted that would be willing or need to consider something to tide them over.”
Open invitations. “This isn’t a business development thing and I’m not charging anything,” said Lund, echoing the sentiment of the other marketers offering their services gratis.
“I intend to keep this offer going as long as possible,” said Ohayon. Part of the fear regarding the pandemic comes from that no one knows how long it will last. As such, many of the marketers who spoke with us responded similarly to Ohayon, stating that they would continue for as long as they could or until there is no longer a need.
Driven to help. “Companies are legitimately concerned if they can survive the fallout from this,” said DiCarlo, “and frankly, we are all in that same canoe.” DiCarlo was not the only volunteer to express a sense of solidarity with those she is seeking to help.
“In 2001 when the dot-com bubble burst, I lost my job at a startup and spent eight months scraping by on unemployment in expensive Southern California,” said Lund. “Those experiences left me with a lot of money anxiety,” she added, explaining that one of her motivations was to help others feel less anxious about money during this time of crisis.
Others cited the search community’s response as what drove them to action: “I’ve been totally blown away by how supportive our community is — the time/effort people are willing to put into this (even though their circumstances aren’t brilliant at the moment) is amazing,” said Green, adding “the whole experience has been really affirming that way.”
More about marketing agency in the time of the coronavirus
About The Author
George Nguyen is an Associate Editor at Third Door Media. His background is in content marketing agency, journalism, and storytelling.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/search-marketers-are-volunteering-services-support-to-help-small-businesses-get-through-covid-19/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/03/search-marketers-are-volunteering.html
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Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19
“Small businesses often get squeezed and forgotten about, but are hugely important for the economy,” said Chris Green, head of marketing agency innovation at Footprint Digital, “and at a human level, knowing what to do at a time like this is tough.”
With the coronavirus outbreak shifting consumer behavior and severely impacting the day-to-day operations of businesses across the world, some digital marketers are going beyond their traditional roles and offerings to extend free, no-commitment services to businesses impacted by the pandemic.
Developing new strategies. “I am serving as a ‘matchmaker’ between small businesses who have been impacted by the coronavirus and digital marketers offering pro bono marketing agency services,” said Lily Ray, director of SEO Company at Path Interactive, adding that the idea came to her when she noticed there wasn’t a good way for people in need to connect with marketers volunteering their skills.
“[I’m] simply trying to help businesses survive this current crisis,” said Valerie DiCarlo of SEO Web Consulting. Independent marketers like DiCarlo and agency marketers, such as Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, who began supporting local pubs and restaurants in the UK last week, have been extending free consulting services with the aim of helping businesses transition to or improve their online strategies.
Digital marketing agency consultant Pamela Lund, president and CEO of That Pam Chick, Inc., is offering free budget and business mindset coaching to SMBs.
Helping businesses stay online. Some SEO Companys are offering technical support that they hope will keep businesses online and potentially increase their visibility.
“Many small independent businesses lost all of their cash flow overnight,” said Dallas-based consultant Joe Youngblood, “while web hosting and management are not terribly expensive services their costs suddenly became burdensome to many.” In response, Youngblood has established Gain Local, a small business relief program offering free WordPress hosting and management as well as free Google My Business management.
Search professionals with specialized skill sets are finding creative ways to help: Shay Ohayon, owner of the Schema Mark App plugin, is providing Schema markup audits for impacted businesses and is hopes to make more business owners aware of what structured data can do for their organic visibility.
Plenty of helping hands. Are businesses taking them up on their offers?
“To be honest, business interest was a little slow,” said Footprint Digital’s Chris Green, who has set up Helping Small Biz Online to enable business owners to find his services, noting that “I still have roughly 5-10 volunteers for each business that comes to me, so it’s slow going.” Green’s sentiment was echoed by many of the marketers who spoke with Search Engine Land.
“We’ve had some interest for sure, but nothing too major,” said Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, “I think the issue is getting in front of the businesses impacted that would be willing or need to consider something to tide them over.”
Open invitations. “This isn’t a business development thing and I’m not charging anything,” said Lund, echoing the sentiment of the other marketers offering their services gratis.
“I intend to keep this offer going as long as possible,” said Ohayon. Part of the fear regarding the pandemic comes from that no one knows how long it will last. As such, many of the marketers who spoke with us responded similarly to Ohayon, stating that they would continue for as long as they could or until there is no longer a need.
Driven to help. “Companies are legitimately concerned if they can survive the fallout from this,” said DiCarlo, “and frankly, we are all in that same canoe.” DiCarlo was not the only volunteer to express a sense of solidarity with those she is seeking to help.
“In 2001 when the dot-com bubble burst, I lost my job at a startup and spent eight months scraping by on unemployment in expensive Southern California,” said Lund. “Those experiences left me with a lot of money anxiety,” she added, explaining that one of her motivations was to help others feel less anxious about money during this time of crisis.
Others cited the search community’s response as what drove them to action: “I’ve been totally blown away by how supportive our community is — the time/effort people are willing to put into this (even though their circumstances aren’t brilliant at the moment) is amazing,” said Green, adding “the whole experience has been really affirming that way.”
More about marketing agency in the time of the coronavirus
About The Author
George Nguyen is an Associate Editor at Third Door Media. His background is in content marketing agency, journalism, and storytelling.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/search-marketers-are-volunteering-services-support-to-help-small-businesses-get-through-covid-19/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/613862447065006080
0 notes
Search marketers are volunteering services, support to help small businesses get through COVID-19
“Small businesses often get squeezed and forgotten about, but are hugely important for the economy,” said Chris Green, head of marketing agency innovation at Footprint Digital, “and at a human level, knowing what to do at a time like this is tough.”
With the coronavirus outbreak shifting consumer behavior and severely impacting the day-to-day operations of businesses across the world, some digital marketers are going beyond their traditional roles and offerings to extend free, no-commitment services to businesses impacted by the pandemic.
Developing new strategies. “I am serving as a ‘matchmaker’ between small businesses who have been impacted by the coronavirus and digital marketers offering pro bono marketing agency services,” said Lily Ray, director of SEO Company at Path Interactive, adding that the idea came to her when she noticed there wasn’t a good way for people in need to connect with marketers volunteering their skills.
“[I’m] simply trying to help businesses survive this current crisis,” said Valerie DiCarlo of SEO Web Consulting. Independent marketers like DiCarlo and agency marketers, such as Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, who began supporting local pubs and restaurants in the UK last week, have been extending free consulting services with the aim of helping businesses transition to or improve their online strategies.
Digital marketing agency consultant Pamela Lund, president and CEO of That Pam Chick, Inc., is offering free budget and business mindset coaching to SMBs.
Helping businesses stay online. Some SEO Companys are offering technical support that they hope will keep businesses online and potentially increase their visibility.
“Many small independent businesses lost all of their cash flow overnight,” said Dallas-based consultant Joe Youngblood, “while web hosting and management are not terribly expensive services their costs suddenly became burdensome to many.” In response, Youngblood has established Gain Local, a small business relief program offering free WordPress hosting and management as well as free Google My Business management.
Search professionals with specialized skill sets are finding creative ways to help: Shay Ohayon, owner of the Schema Mark App plugin, is providing Schema markup audits for impacted businesses and is hopes to make more business owners aware of what structured data can do for their organic visibility.
Plenty of helping hands. Are businesses taking them up on their offers?
“To be honest, business interest was a little slow,” said Footprint Digital’s Chris Green, who has set up Helping Small Biz Online to enable business owners to find his services, noting that “I still have roughly 5-10 volunteers for each business that comes to me, so it’s slow going.” Green’s sentiment was echoed by many of the marketers who spoke with Search Engine Land.
“We’ve had some interest for sure, but nothing too major,” said Geoff Jackson of Clubnet Digital, “I think the issue is getting in front of the businesses impacted that would be willing or need to consider something to tide them over.”
Open invitations. “This isn’t a business development thing and I’m not charging anything,” said Lund, echoing the sentiment of the other marketers offering their services gratis.
“I intend to keep this offer going as long as possible,” said Ohayon. Part of the fear regarding the pandemic comes from that no one knows how long it will last. As such, many of the marketers who spoke with us responded similarly to Ohayon, stating that they would continue for as long as they could or until there is no longer a need.
Driven to help. “Companies are legitimately concerned if they can survive the fallout from this,” said DiCarlo, “and frankly, we are all in that same canoe.” DiCarlo was not the only volunteer to express a sense of solidarity with those she is seeking to help.
“In 2001 when the dot-com bubble burst, I lost my job at a startup and spent eight months scraping by on unemployment in expensive Southern California,” said Lund. “Those experiences left me with a lot of money anxiety,” she added, explaining that one of her motivations was to help others feel less anxious about money during this time of crisis.
Others cited the search community’s response as what drove them to action: “I’ve been totally blown away by how supportive our community is — the time/effort people are willing to put into this (even though their circumstances aren’t brilliant at the moment) is amazing,” said Green, adding “the whole experience has been really affirming that way.”
More about marketing agency in the time of the coronavirus
About The Author
George Nguyen is an Associate Editor at Third Door Media. His background is in content marketing agency, journalism, and storytelling.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/search-marketers-are-volunteering-services-support-to-help-small-businesses-get-through-covid-19/
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