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glitch07deity · 6 months ago
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Wanted to do this too; Favorites from the series <3
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mechanicalinfection · 9 months ago
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Clowntrap Colored Sketch Ko-Fi comm for @/AbandonedClown on twitter !!
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rongrii · 1 year ago
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Clowntrap requested from Instagram!
Sorry to everyone who is scared of serial killers and clowns at once :’D
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bunnysuitconman · 10 months ago
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Patreon request for BonBon_Bananza on twitter!
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volatile-shorty · 2 years ago
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ellie said my clowntrap was cute so here he is. standing there menacingly
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skettibun · 1 year ago
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I am cringe, but I am free.
This was actually a redraw of an almost-three-year-old drawing!! Kinda crazy to think about but I'd like to NOT think about it-- here's the drawing in question!!:
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I was wanting to make a long-running fanfiction based off of a fnaf mobile game skin set but unfortunately school makes typing incredibly annoying! Maybe someday
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silvcrignis · 2 years ago
@lettherebemonsters needs the memesss {x}
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nachosforfree · 2 years ago
i never played ar but clowntrap is the best fnaf character
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silverxcristal · 2 years ago
What made you like Clowntrap
Tl;dr: His personality and story engaged me
Originally, I was going to skip all skins I don't like because why I'm forcing myself to do that again? However, there needed to be an explanation of why some skins are missing and came the idea or a Second HQ where all the rejected skins went, with the Arcade Mayhem being the culprits for this split
I had a reason for everybody to be rejected by Frosty/Shamrock to join, which add a bit of personality to faceless designs. Then came Clowntrap and i couldn't think in anything reasonable in universe to not join, I just didn't like it and I didn't had a deeper explanation for that
Then the idea of a roaming unit came and I went "ok what if he was designed but never released? What if he collected parts like in game? What if nobody knew and assumed he was a rental from the opposite HQ? What if never met Frostbear? What if he had a rivalry and attitude with the other Springtraps? What if he prefeers to be alone? What if he is used to be alone? What if he is bad at socializing and claims he doesn't need it? What if I give him a friend?"
And... I got attached to this design over the potential story
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shadowbrightshine · 1 year ago
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Clowntrap for your weary soul because I decided to remind everyone of his existence lol.
Thank you! I'll put it on my fridge
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glitch07deity · 1 month ago
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Great Milenko, wave your wand 🖤
Extra doodles below~
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muutosarchive · 2 years ago
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" There was a time I loved you like a brother, Henry. But that love died with my family. " (Clowntrap to Henry!)
there's a fluttering in his heart, when he hears that voice. that voice... it sounds like william, & perhaps henry was imagining the electronic sound that taints the man's voice now. perhaps it's a placebo, worming it's way into his psyche. the machines he had created, the tombs he'd forged. he'd brought this into their lives, & even though he hadn't built this prison -- it was still hard to look at. "i suppose that's fair. then again, i didn't take your daughter from you. that's an honor you saved for yourself, wasn't it?"
he seems to be good at that. "& what about my family? you doomed me to the same fate. now i have nothing left but bringing peace to everyone affected by this." no daughter, no family.
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t3m-official · 1 year ago
Kate's Art Dump #0
Warning; This post will contain mentions of mentions of sex & nudity
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"A Bite At Freddy's Thumbnail" This is the thumbnail for my playthrough of the FNAF fan game, A Bite At Freddy's.
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"Bois And DJs" I have an AU/OU(Alternate Universe/ Original Universe) called WarScream, a massive crossover AU i have been working on since 2019. Here we have my versions of Duke from Duke Nukem, Pinnhead from Hellraiser, Daft Punk's Guy Manuel, and Marshmello.
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"Chibi Kate And James" These are chibified versions of these characters that represent me and my boyfriend James.
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"Two Himbos, One Nightguard" Am i a simp? Yes, if this happened to me irl would i enjoy it? YES! But i doubt this will ever happen in real life so instead of being upset that this will never happen irl, i just decided to draw it.
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"V For Vengeance" This is a comic series that has three planned entries and will be about V, a man(Or ball) who must avenge his family after his baby was killed and his wife was kidnapped by a cult that caused the death of his baby. I actually posted this on another blog...But because i have decided to just stick with one big blog, you will eb seeing this content here!
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"T3M TV Logo" T3M TV is a project of mine that will be a combination of different series i have on my channel(T3M Productions).
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"T3M Productions Christmas Special" This will be a part of a Christmas 2023 merch line for my Youtube channel(Here is the store if you're interested ^^). And to explain the lore this has for my Youtube channel(Yes, my Youtube channel dose in fact lore), basically Kate and the others have spent all of November and most of December working on a massive Christmas special with 200+ hours of content!
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"Springtrap And His Family" So in my AU, Springtrap is not only trans male, but is also hecking chonky! And Clowntrap and Toxic Springtrap are two alternate personalities. Spring Bonnie is Springtrap's adoptive son, and the one who is blushing a lot is Springtrap's husband Fiv(This is a version of Fiv, a character that belongs to one of my best friends, @facadesinternalveil).
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"Sociallly Rejected Pizza Plex Logo" SRPP(Aka, Socially Rejected Pizza Plex) is my animation brand and this is the logo you will see at the end of all of my animations. The two characters here are Rixanne and Pixel Kate, two trans bisexual animatronics who love each other.
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"Shiz'N'Shank Save Christmas" Shiz and Shank are two characters that originate from a Tik Tok account of mine and eventually showed up on my main channel during The Plush Kate Arc(Will explain that in a different post), They are both puppets in my main channel, with Shiz being bought from a store called Island Style and Shank being found half berried in some sand.
Originally the two were frenemies but eventually became lovers! I plan on expanding their story more with comics and maybe even a animated series down the line, who knows.
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"Radioactive Foxy" Now you may look at this and be thinking Kate what the actual fuck is that?! , and to explain, because i wanted to. I wanted to give Radioactive Foxy a bizarre design(And also to clarify my version of Foxy is trans female and Radioactive Foxy is one of Foxy's forms). Besides, me and normal have been divorced since i turned 13.
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"Lupin Blue And Patra Pink" Now i haven't really watched that much Super Sentai in a bit, mostly because i have had some burnout with Kingohger and how fast it feels like the story went for that show and how early certain things have shown up in the show. But i have decided to post this art of my versions of Lupin Blue and Patra Pink from Lupin Ranger Vs Patra Ranger.
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"Kitana" It's Kitana and one of my friends(Who doesn't have a tumblr yet) is a massive simp for them.
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"Ghostface Power Up Forms" One of the things i like to do is give characters these fun or crazy or wacky power up forms. So here we have Ghostface and three of his power up forms. Metal Ghostface makes Ghostface fire proof and gives him these two flamethrowers and a flamethrower knife thing(This form is based off of a scene in a Stab movie in Scream 2022(Aka, Scream 5) ). Next is Space Quartz Ghostface, this let's Ghostface breathe in space and fly really fast!
And finally there is Galactic Lion Ghostface. Ok, so this requires me to explain my version of Ghostface. My version is a man named Sharely King, he was the baby of a space god and was adopted into the Kruger house hold when Freddy's dad found him in a Forrest. Years later. Ghostface would gain The Galactic Lion Driver, a device that gives Ghostface the power he would've had if he was never sent to earth.
This power up gives Ghostface the ability to:
Run at lightspeed
Create blackholes with his claws
Can make the planets align so he can use a devastating attack called The Solar Blast
Can turn into a lion made out of stars and space itself that has a blackhole stomach
Gives him access to a giant mecha ship called Don Lio(Note he dose not have to have the power up active to summon Don Lio)
Can summon a giant mecha clone of himself called Obake no kao(Which is Ghostface in Japanese)(And this mecha requires the power up to be active)
Can summon a thing called a Planet Clone(He has a total of 9 of these) that can assist him in battle
And if you think that makes Ghostface the most powerful character in my AU...Welllllllll just you wait(Because he ain't the only brokenly over powered one in WarScream).
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"Funtime Freddy Simp" Look i know the man is canonically a sadist who kills kids, but that's because of his programing. Poor boi just wants to entertain people but instead he gets reprogrammed to kill. So if you just removed that coding, he would go back to being a nice friendly boi who would give lots of hugs and cuddles!
And as we see, Funtime Freddy has taken a liking to my OC because of her seemingly being part Funtime Foxy.
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"Fredbear(W/O Suit)" In my AU, Fredbear is this mecha armor being piloted by a man named Kung Jin(Note that he is never called this and is called Fredbear because any trace of his old name is erased). Kung is this armored man with no memories of his past, and he seems to be happy about that. So whenever Fredbear needs to be faster or fight better, he comes out of the mecha suit(His transformation goes like this).
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"FivTrap(Redesign)" The original version of FivTrap was just a combination of Fiv and Springtrap. But i decided to give it a redesign and add in Clowntrap, Toxic Springtrap, and Spring Bonnie into the mix, so that means this combination is bassically the power of one family coming together!
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"Final Spartan Sheets" Just some spartan OCs.
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"Engineers Little Helpers" Engineer has two little helpers in the form of Helpy and Fixy. Helpy and Fixy are partners and help Engineer with repairs and even can be used as a power source for Engineers weapon, The Fixer Upper.
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fnaf-sxc · 1 year ago
Just a random question: if you were to choose songs to represent your gijinka animatronics what would they be?
For all of them or individually? I have a few songs I associate with them that I can share. Others are situational or shipping related so akjsldhsa
Black Heart was designed after music/with music in mind, espeficically 2010's K-Pop [Bigbang]
But out of that his main song is Cupid by Jack Stauber
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But Blank Space by Taylor Swift goes well him him
Toxic and Sham is funny because they both have one ssigned 2010's pop song about the other.
Buttercup by Jack Stauber from Sham's pov and Two time from Toxic's pov works too of their relationship
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Lockdown is such a banger fnaf song-- is vague enough to be open to interpretation
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I havent work much with it outside my brain, but I associate this with the 3 main bosses of the Rental Service. The same lyrics with a different music shift and a different meanint [8bit, Goldie and RXQ in that order]
Flaming ive had the chance to apply two of them
RXQ has a bunch of songs associated like lmao.
"AaAAaAaAa" from nashimoto-p (vocaloid) Darkest desire from dheusta and dawko Let me out by apangrypiggy and dawko im not in love by crystal castles (their relationship with Flaming) Superstar by CG5 [their relationship with Frostbear]
I dont want to explain why- but ive drawn this song with RXQ before [when they were Glitchtrap]. Not something I will share anytime soon but oof. Is deep.
Edit: Alright just one part
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There is a limit of 10 videos so I had to cut a bunch of things but ajkslhdasjkd yee
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trapton · 2 years ago
" Well one of us is going to have to change." (Clowntrap to Springtrap lol. )
🔧 @lettherebemonsters ( 𝚒𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 )
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"𝚘𝚑 -- you think you're hilarious don't you?" he unlatches his shattered jaw. (yet less-so than his counterpart, so it would seem)… a haunting laugh echoing off metal walls, tainted by his accent. hinges releasing & contracting to mimic the swell of it. 𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚔, 𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚔, 𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚔 go the suit's eyes. seeming to take the other in. "has anyone ever told you, that you've got pretty eyes?" 𝚙𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚕𝚎.. well, one anyway.. yes, he'd quite fancy that. "that's about all that's pretty about you, isn't it?" mechanical head tilts, his metal ears curling & extending with a whir.
"it seems from where i'm standing, you're the only one of us wearing clothes..." [...] "my suit wasn't initially designed with anything more than a vest & bow-tie. shame, really..." he continues. "which reminds me.. 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎?" there's a slight robotic tinge to his already distorted tone. a growl of an inquiry, not so hauntingly amused as before. used in slight warning, depicting his anger at the obvious likeness.
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micsmasmuses · 2 years ago
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" What's the matter? Don't tell me you don't recognize your dear old daddy." (Clowntrap to Michael!)
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“You did not just call yourself that to my face.”
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