#clowned 4 l8r
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New blog so I can stop losing my posts! If I'm adding something to a post or I just really like it, I'll still put it here too
I post way too much and I keep losing everything so I'm gonna try keep most of my reblogs over here now!
#im not telling yall to follow it cause tbh i dont really mind if you do or not?#im just letting yall know cause rbs will probably be cut down a lot now#clowned 4 l8r#so i can delete it once ive moved everything!
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apisobscurus replied to your post: A Sweet clown with blood on his hands.
LM40 WH0 D035N7 H4V3 4 L1L L8R
this is fuckin wild
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-- eonianEmigrant [EE] began pestering isometricAstrourbanization [IA] --
EE: dude. i just realized that ur handle is like....hella long.
IA: 8r3aks th3 1c3 mor3 oft3n than not.
IA: ... S8)
IA: H3y.
EE: well shit i didn't know what i was sayin was so fuckin basic, lmao. gotta try to b more creative.
EE: whasup bro. i just remembered that talkin to pp on here is a thing i can do.
EE: like i can raise my socialization skill n also wear cheezy poof stained sweatpants 24/7. wut a tiem 2 be alive.
IA: To 83 fa1r, you could w3ar ch33sy poof-sta1n3d sw3atpants any of th3 day and soc1al1z3. 1f you'r3 not a fuck1ng noo8.
IA: H3ll, why 8oth3r go1ng that far? W3ar no pants l1k3 a r3al troll.
IA: 1 know 1'm not, aaay.
IA: So th3r3for3, 1'm as r3al as 1t g3ts.
EE: i mean. that's cool. if you want to free range it while we talk that's ok by me. i'm not gnna disparage ur lifestyle choices but i like to be a fab dressed dude and i can't be slippin up in the way ur suggestin.
EE: as the the only person pushin denim on denim fashion on skaia, i got a responsibility u kno.
EE: gotta edumacate the masses.
IA: 1 know what 1 must do now.
IA: Your t3rr18l3 r31gn of tyranny w1ll com3 to an 3nd on3 day... and 1 w1ll say you'r3 fuck1ng w3lcom3. 1t was m3, Aust1n. All along.
IA: D3n1m on d3n1m, jfc.
EE: it's fine if u don't understand. i don't expect ppl to understand right away.
EE: it takes time. B)
EE: altho since ur pantless ur already 1/3 of the way to full denim on denim.
EE: step 1. remove pantalones step 2. put on pantalones step 3. locate una jaqueta de mezclilla and put that on too
IA: N1c3 l3gs, da1sy duk3s mak3s a dud3 go woo-woo. Surpr1s3.
IA: Th1s was a s3gu3way to th3 1n3v1ta8l3 furry conv3rsat1on w3 w3r3 8ound to hav3. 1t's as 1n3scapa8l3 as d3ath and tax3s, 8roh.
IA: My t1m3 1s now.
EE: aight. i'm down to talk about furries. what about them.
EE: did u grow up in a horse infested hell hole like i did.
IA: Furr13s 1n da1sy duk3s. D1scuss.
EE: omg we have so much in common.
EE: ok let's talk about the concept of furries wearing skimpy clothing when they're already covered in FUR.
EE: ????????????????
EE: questions that have plagued me sine my youth, bro.
IA: Sh1t, you'r3 r1ght. L3av3 noth1ng to th3 1mag1nat1on.
EE: just when u think i've gone deep enuff i go even deeper. full forearm.
IA: W3 l1k3 to hav3 fun h3r3 on 3non1an3m1grant dot com.
EE: o bby u don't know the 1/2 of it yet.
IA: 1 know that 1 compl3t3ly lost my tra1n of thought. Mmmm.
EE: wut a shame now i'll never know what ur fursona's dick looks like.
EE: like exact dimensions down 2 every little ridge, knot and bump.
EE: btw if u rlly are a furry, pay me to draw that shit.
EE: i like to hustle around here.
EE: time is $$$.
IA: D1cks, dud3.
IA: Plural 83caus3 th3 only l1m1t 1s your 1mag1nat1on.
EE: back in my universe we only had 1 of those things and if you broke it that was tough luck.
EE: jk, i'm p sure dicks were in hot demand and supply was meetin it.
IA: 3h3h3h3. Sucks to 83 you.
EE: hahahhaha.
IA: 8)
EE: i guess u could say it's nut my lucky day.
IA: Amaaaz1ng graaac3... how sw33t th3 sound...
EE: o that made me think of nother topic.
EE: r u religious.
EE: haven't gotten a chance 2 ask anybody about that shit yet.
EE: this is a good a time as any to ask about god right.
EE: right after discussin dicks.
EE: god(s), u don't wanna assume it's singular i guess just like penises, or penii.
IA: A nuth3r top1c.
IA: Also r3gardl3ss of d1cks to worsh1p as gods, not r3ally no.
EE: dang i was rlly hopin it would be something crazy.
IA: 1'm sur3 you hav3 a th1ng to talk a8out 1t though.
IA: As th3y say 1n th3 land of 1nnu3ndos and dou8l3 3ntr3dr3. F1ll m3 1n, 8ro.
EE: as much as i would love 2 double stuff u with knowledge ;))).
EE: yeah i got nothin. i'm just curious i guess.
EE: i'm not religious it's just 1 of my 2,000 spare interests.
EE: lol.
EE: the only religion is know of is the shitty clown one. does that also exist here or nah.
IA: N1c3.
IA: Unfortunat3ly, an op1n1on on r3l1g1on just so happ3ns to 83 th3 on3 th1ng 1 fall short on. Just d3p3nds on who you'r3 talk1ng to, 1 gu3ss.
IA: Th3r3's always th3 Follow1ng of 81l1ous Sl1ck. 1t's a popular Prosp1t1an th1ng.
EE: i never heard of that. i won't bore u with it tho if it's not ur thing.
EE: u never did tell me what u were up to btw.
EE: despite bein semi nude somewhere???
IA: Hang1ng at my condo. Plac3 to stay wh3n 1'm not work1ng.
IA: F1rst rul3 of th3 hous3 1s, no pants.
EE: wtf tho if u got ur own place why u creep at the dorms.
EE: just 4 the pool?
IA: 3v3ryon3 asks m3 th1s 8ut 1t's 3as13r to fr3qu3nt a dorm than 1t 1s a hot3l dur1ng th3 work p3r1od.
EE: o aight.
EE: that makes sense.
EE: guess who else has a super important job now.
EE: u don't nee dto guess imma tell u.
IA: Y3s.
IA: 3vadn3 was t3ll1ng m3.
EE: i'm workin 4 the gvnmt now.
EE: with a lady that has eight fuckin eyes.
EE: no joke.
EE: she can see all ur illegal hiphaps and now i'm her agent so watch out.
IA: Sounds l1k3 a 8last, dud3. Also t3ll N3va3h 1 sa1d sup.
EE: o u kno her?
IA: 3v3ryon3 knows h3r.
EE: >:/
EE: man here i was thinkin i was special.
IA: Ch1ll, dogg. You ar3.
EE: o dogg. bro...
IA: Th3r3's mor3 wh3r3 that cam3 from.
EE: //touches chest//
EE: i wsn't redy.
IA: Good th1ng 1'm g3ntl3.
EE: s-senpai...
EE: ://O
EE: t-taiyō o massugu watashi ni fakku
IA: G3t your w338ass 8ullsh1t out of my fac3.
IA: My pantsl3ss a8od3 1s sacr3d, can you r3sp3ct that pl3as3 and thank?
EE: watashi ni fuck u in the mouth.
EE: don't test me bro, i got like eight shitty swords with ur name on em.
IA: Mmmmm. 1 d3c1d3d 1 k1nd of l1k3 wh3r3 th1s 1s go1ng.
EE: i mean. i'm confused by u typing out "mmmmmm" like pennywise the clown but i'm glad ur havin a good time.
EE: that's all we're here 4.
EE: 2 have a good time.
IA: Sp3ak1ng of wh1ch... 1 got th1s comm num83r r1ght. 83caus3 1 hung out w1th a guy aft3r clu8 t1m3s and that's just what happ3ns.
EE: o it's story time now. ok i'm listenin.
EE: //shimmies up w/ popcorn//
EE: :o
IA: W3ll, s33. Noth1ng happ3n3d. 83caus3 1 d1dn't know 1t was on th3 ta8l3.
IA: And w3 had a n1c3 t1m3. Cut3 guy, d3af. L1k3s conv3n13nc3 stor3 food and fly1ng.
EE: das cool, das cool.
EE: i mean u got his digits so there's always next time right
IA: Y3ah, 1 gu3ss. Th3n 1 wond3r wh3th3r 1t's worth 1t.
IA: 8ut th3n 1f 1 hav3 to wond3r, th3n 1t's pro8a8ly not. L8r.
EE: idk i mean not necessarily.
EE: it depends on why u wonderin.
EE: me talkin like i got a fuckin atom of exp w/ this shit. but ignore that for now. haha.
IA: H3 cut3 8ut th3n 1'm just... gum wrapp3r and mag1c mark3r, 8ro. Factor all of th1s 1nto a pot3nt1al hook-up.
IA: 1 don't 3v3n know 1f th3 gum wrapp3r 1s h1s, lmao. May83 h3 found 1t on th3 ground.
IA: 1 m3an 1 gotta 83 at l3ast worth som3 k3tchup sta1n3d 8urr1to pap3r. Do you g3t what 1'm say1ng?
EE: mm yea i feel u. i mean mb he was just tryin 2 to be quirky? but who knos.
EE: i'd say if u got doubts ur probably right ,just don't do it.
EE: i wouldn't wanna be somebody's 2nd or 3rd choice even 4 a hook up.
EE: i wouldn't want them 2 be like "man if I GOTTA sleep with this guy i guess iw ill"
EE: u kno.
EE: that would suck.
IA: Y3s. 81t3s a l1l 1nto th3 3nthus1asm and not 1n th3 fun way.
IA: Anyway, g3n3rally "1t sucks" 1s a good way to summar1z3 1t up.
IA: Thanks, man.
EE: np dude.
EE: haha.
EE: nobody's ever asked me bout shit like that b4.
EE: i can live vicariously thru ur shenans.
IA: W31rd. K1nd of l1k3 w3'r3 8ros or som3th1ng.
IA: 8ro...
EE: n so it was written n so it shall b.
EE: they were bros from that moment on.
EE: jk, we were bros b4 that.
EE: time is relative actually so we were always bros and simaltaneously not bros.
EE: bro, i gots 2 bed. again.
IA: 1 was just your 8ro 1n wa1t1ng, my guy. Th3 for3v3r 8ro.
IA: Also y3ah, cool. R3st your fac3.
EE: aight. take care, man. B)
-- eonianEmigrant [EE] ceased pestering isometricAstrourbanization [IA] --
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I just sat and binge-read the first 14 chapters of this and only stopped because I'm about to pass out. I literally can't recommend this highly enough: it's so funny, there's great characterisation, realistic relationships, a fun universe that works really well, Karkat and Dave are hilarious, especially together, Eridan and Nepeta's appearances were both amazing, the pesterlogs are all formatted to perfection, the vocabulary is splendiferous, every part of it was just fantastic.
If I have the spoons when I'm done reading it, I will be leaving one big ass comment to better sum up everything I love about it, but for now take this word vomit of adoration
Who The Fuck Writes A Ten-Page Rant?????
Also on ao3
Based on a post by @unintelligible-screaming
Chapter 1: An Angry, Angry Rant
This was stupid.
That is exactly what you were thinking when you began watching this YouTuber’s videos at three in the morning.
Keep reading
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This is so cute!💖
You're a hero! This is exactly what I needed in my life!❤🧡💛💚💙💜
How To Make Your Own Clown Doll ! (A Guide)
Hello good people !!
I have made a few clown dolls before, and someone submitted a question asking if I followed any guide for them or had a guide myself. I sorta made it up as I went for the first doll, but I have learned better methods of doing things since then!
Here is my guide on how to make some dudes for yourself!
You will need:
Fabric for the body - I used an off-white fleece for the torso and limbs for this one, but have previously used a thin off-white sorta cotton fabric, which works better if you want floppier/thinner limbs!
Fabric for the clothes - Use whatever you want, honestly! I used some cool stretchy silver-metallic fabric for mine but have previously used cotton and polyester patterned fabrics !
Polymer clay - I used Sculpey III for this one, but for my previous two I used some other kind of Sculpey that was very very light and airy, which made it hard to sculpt properly without squishing it! If you want to add any detail to the face shape, use some firm polymer clay !
Posca pens (optional) and acrylic paints - Acrylics are used for the base coat on the head. I used the paints for the details too previously, but used posca pens on this one which was much easier to do the face details with! Either works just fine, though : )
Faux fur - for hair! If you want a bald clown or one with just a hat without hair, you don't need this!
Decorative trims and such - I used some pink frilly elastic trim, blue dotted non-elastic trim, white elastic frilly mesh, buttons, a silver bell and some blue velvet ribbon for this guy! You can literally use whatever you want (ribbons, bows, pom-poms, lace, etc) to make your clown look cute!!
Varnish - Use spray varnish if you can! It'll help prevent the face paint from smudging (all 3 of mine have had this happen using varnish with a brush). It is possible to use varnish with a brush on them but be careful with it! I used sculpey gloss varnish.
Tin/aluminium foil
Basic sewing supplies (needles, thread, pins, scissors)
1. Make a ball out of the foil, a little smaller than the size you want the finished head.
2. Cover it in a layer of Sculpey and sculpt the face shape you want. Include a pretty thick neck with the base at the bottom WIDER than the rest of the neck. This will be how the head is anchored to the body!
3. Bake the clay, let it cool, and sand it down so that it is nice and even without any finger-prints!
4. Paint a base coat on it with acrylic paints!
5. Paint/draw on whatever face details you want using acrylics or posca pens! Let your creativity flow!!
6. Varnish it!
7. Draw out the body pieces (torso and limbs) on your body fabric. You'll need two torso pieces, four leg pieces and four arm pieces. Honestly there's no method to what shape to draw, just draw what shapes you want them to be! (Remember to reverse each second piece though so that they match up when sewing them together). I used a rounded rectangle for the torso, and chose to make the legs on mine very long!
8. Cut out all the pieces and sew them together with the CORRECT sides facing INWARDS and the WRONG sides facing outwards. Once sewn, flip them inside out. MAKE SURE TO LEAVE THE TOP SIDE OF THE TORSO UN-SEWN TO INSERT THE HEAD!
9. Almost fully fill the body with plastic pellets, and only partially fill the limbs (I filled them about 1/4 full)! If you don't have those, use dry rice like I did (or dry lentils) or sand! If you use sand, ensure sure you make your stitches REALLY close together so sand doesn't come out of any gaps! If you want the limbs to be chunkier, fill them with more pellets OR stuff the rest of them with poly-fill or cotton wool!
10. Insert the neck into the torso and sew the opening tight around it, like this! The wide base of the neck stops the head from coming out : )
11. Sew on the limbs! The stitching doesn't have to be perfect here since the clothes will hide it!
12. Make the clothes! You can make whatever kind of clothing you like; I just made a baggy little jumpsuit sorta thing for my guy! To do this, I laid the clown out on the fabric and roughly drew the shape for clothes around him based on what I wanted! Flip it, lay it down in the fabric again and then trace this to get the second jumpsuit piece!
13. Use the same method of sewing the pieces together with the CORRECT sides facing each other so the WRONG sides are facing outwards. Then turn the clothes inside-out so that the right sides are now facing outwards! MAKE SURE TO LEAVE OPENINGS FOR THE HEAD AND LIMBS TO COME OUT THROUGH!
14. Put the clothes on the clown!!
15. (Optional) Glue fake fur on the top of the head in the style you want it! I used hot glue because I didn't have anything else, but fabric glues and all-purpose glues would be good too! If you don't want hair, just skip this step!
16. (Optional) Hat!! Cut out a wide triangle shape, sew the opposite sides together and then sew a circle to the base if you want a pointy hat like my dude's one (I don't have photos of this sadly but I'm sure there's a tutorial out there of how to sew a cone)! Then glue the base to the top of the head.
16. And finally, add all the trims and extra bits you want to make them look super cute !!! I just sewed on some ribbon to the base of the hat and around the ankles, sewed some frilly elastic trims around the neck, added a little silver bell to the hat, sewed frilly trim around the wrists and ankles and then sewed two buttons onto the front of his clothes!
And then, your little clown is done !!!
I hope this comes in handy to anyone wanting to make their own clown dude!
I would appreciate any reblogs and such of this to help spread the clown joy !!
Have fun !!!
(Small note! I would appreciate if you didn't copy any of my clowns directly! Please use this as more of a guide than an exact tutorial to make this specific clown! Being creative with yours is much more fun!! :•D)
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saving this 4 l8r bc they cute clowns
dreampngs set 6
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