#clover's field
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coltrainbat · 2 years ago
Wow i'm glad you do. For Nick Vaughan i want to ask for a fluff. (i never say no to smutt by the way :) ) Reader came from another country to new york. They met while reader is walking at the city at night. They start dating and fall so hard for each other. They decide to movie in in a small apartment which is a safe, sweet home to both. The first one that they have❤
Also, a request that is deserving of multiple parts! 🥰
Nick Vaughan X Reader Series
Take Me Home | Part 1: Meet Cute
A/N: Ooft... did this take a while! I am so sorry for the delay for my love @atoosa22 but i hope you enjoy the first part of what is sure to be a very fluffy (and soon to be smutty) series. ☘️😘
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“Yeah mom, of course, uh-huh... yeah I’m heading home now… yes… it’s freezing here.” You pulled your keys out of the lock of your workplace, holding your phone between your shoulder and cheek as you listened to your mothers worries and concerns knowing she stood halfway across the world powerless while you were alone in the big city.
But there was no such thing as being alone in New York, all the sounds, the lights, the people. It never slept. But you certainly did.
3am and all you could think about is your nice, warm fluffy bed at home.
“Yeah mom, ok well I gotta go… I love you have a good day!”
You hung up, slipping your phone into your pocket. Tightening your coat around you, noticing the misty cloud that appeared when you breathed out. Fiddling with your keys in your hand, manoeuvring the teeth of the metal between your knuckles (just in case).
It was a 20-minute walk back to your apartment. What could happen in the 20-minute direct route to your apartment? 20 blocks. 20 minutes. Head forward. Shoulders back. One foot in front of the other.
Stragglers lined the street; sleeping homeless people, drunk patrons who have called it a night and a few bold individuals walking their dog.
You’re not alone. Never in New York.
You reached block 12 of your journey. With the building above it under construction a makeshift tunnel of plasterboard and wooden beams was your path. Poorly lit by a singular low functioning flood light above but with the rest of the street cut off, it was your only option.
The sound of your boots on the floor was drowned out by the sound of drunk male laughter. “Not every drunk man is a bad man” you thought as you followed the sound hoping to make it to the other side unfazed.
The tunnel was narrow, and the group of men took up most of the path, leaning against the walls, huddled in a group. Taking in a shaky breath you approached them, eager to pass without being perceived.
“Hey pretty girl where you going?” Mission failed as the man snarled at you. You bowed your head, suddenly becoming interested in the tips of your shoe that was until the presence of another matched you toe to toe.
He had blocked your path, forcing you to look up. “Hey when a man’s talking to you, you respond.” His voice was louder this time, agitated. You had heard it many times before in men. Angry men. Men who always got their way by force.
You clenched your fist around your keys, feeling the keychain make indents on your skin. The man had an audience, and he wasn’t going to relent.
“Why don’t you smile a little…” His hand edged towards your face but shot away suddenly at an echo from behind you.
“Baby hey why you walking so fast!” A man came up beside you, wrapping his hand tightly around your waist.
“Excuse me guys.” He gave a firm shoulder nudge towards the man in front of you, pushing him the side. Frozen in fear you let him lead you towards the exit.
You both walked in silence to the next block, far gone from the narrow tunnel.
“Thank you.” You finally let out.
“Oh, foreign that explains it.” He mutters. The fear in your body had now left, replaced with annoyance.
“What’s that supposed to me?” You pushed out of his grip around your waist. Now face to face with the man who technically saved your life.
He looked down on you, while a little wayward in appearance, he was tall and handsome a scruffy beard curving around a strong jaw. Even with layers he looked as though he packed a decent bit of muscle, enough to push your average creep down if needed.
“It means anyone whose actually from New York knows that when you look like that you shouldn’t be walking around it at 3am.” He spits, cocking his head to side in a condescending manner.
“For your information, I’ve done that walk many times since I moved here and that has never happened. And since when is it a woman’s responsibility to reconfigure their whole lives so creepy assholes don’t have a chance to take advantage of them?”
“That’s not what I meant.” He pinched his eyebrow in frustration.
“Well thank you for very much again and I hope you enjoyed your knight in shining armour moment.” You continued to walk, leaving behind your handsome saviour.
“Hey wait.” He jogged up behind you. You stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.
“God you do walk fast don’t ya?” His joke was met with your scowl.
“Let me at least walk you the rest of the way home?”
“Oh so you can know my address and then break in and kill me?” You scoffed.
“I would of been happy with a cup of thank you coffee.” He rubbed his neck, smirking at you.
“I don’t even know your name and you want to come back to my apartment?” You looked at him like he had two heads.
“Well, it’s Nick, and if that’s not good enough its Nick Vaughan born 14th of June 1981. Professional failing trumpet player, full time adored son, part time knight in shining armour, and my social security number is 79-.”
You put your hand up to stop him “Ok ok I get it you’re not a murderer.”
“Hey you cut me off at the best part!”
“Oh really?”
“I’m also the guy who makes sure a pretty girl who just had to deal with a drunken creep gets home safe.”
You pursed your lips inward to hide the smile threatening to come up as he called you pretty.
“Fine.” You let out.
“Wait a minute…” He stepped closer, holding out his pointer “What if you’re…” His finger threatening to push past your coat and touch the exposed skin of your chest. “The murderer.”
“Y/N, foreigner, passport holder of [your country], professionally [dream job] but also full time, loving daughter and occasional victim of drunken creeps.”
He thought for a moment, looking up at the skyscraper above him “Yeah that checks out.”
He held out his elbow, edging you to thread your hand in it. You looked at his arm in confusion.
“You’re cold I promise it’ll make you feel better.”
You were cold and his strong arm was inviting and with your limited experience of his arms around you, you knew that you liked it and it wouldn’t hurt to be able to savour the feeling this time. You begrudgingly slid your hand through.
Nick: “Is it rude to ask why you are walking home this late?”
Y/N: “Pushing it but if you must know I was closing at work.”
Nick: “Alone? They make you do it alone?” His voice laced with concern.
Y/N: “I’m not 15 so yes, they make me, an adult women close up shop at the end of the day.”
Nick: “Remind me not to start questioning the independence of a clearly very strong-minded woman.”
Y/N: “You learn quick, too bad you seem to be 30 years too late.”
Nick: “3 sisters, so excuse the natural instincts.”
Y/N: “Fair enough.”
Nick: “How do you drink coffee from where you’re from?”
Y/N: “In a mug.”
Nick: “Funny.”
Y/N: “I know. Now my turn.”
Nick: “Shoot.”
Y/N: “Why are you walking alone this late?”
Nick: “I’m a musician.”
Y/N: “Yes, but not a vampire so…”
Nick: “Most gigs are at night as well as drunk people are more likely to give up their cash.”
Y/N: “So, you’re a hustler?”
Nick: “I prefer the term opportunist.” He smirked at you.
“This is me.” You motioned towards the front step of your building.
“It’s pretty late-”
“I should let you go-”
You looked at each other, letting out soft laughter.
"Thanks for walking me home. I guess I owe you that cup of thank you coffee."
Nick grinned. "I'll hold you to that. How about tomorrow morning?"
"Sure, why not?" you replied, surprised by your own eagerness.
"But you're buying, you know struggling musician and all."
"Goodnight, [Your country]."
“Goodnight, Nick.”
As he walked away, you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach. Opening the door to your apartment, your back hitting the door as you slid to the ground, grinning like an idiot.
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budgieflitter · 2 months ago
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nine persons
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yellowtrinity · 6 months ago
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the ape shitt siblings
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rikouto · 2 months ago
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troloyunu · 4 months ago
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i am safe ending and i am axe ending 🔥🪓
(id in alt text made by @motifenjoyer thank you so much!!)
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gghero · 2 months ago
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axe ending is the funny ending. to me
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tinsil · 2 months ago
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if the parts are replaced, does the identity remain?
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dixoterin · 1 year ago
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she is a normal and sweet girl
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whatrobotsneed · 7 months ago
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did you see it? you were in the captain’s quarters, weren’t you?
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stitch-n · 3 months ago
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weabooii · 1 year ago
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Sleep a Way Out!
Thoughts/ some explanations below the cut
It's a little disappointing to me that even though Zero abducts everyone in 999 at night, none of them seem to be in their pj's. So this is what I imagine their pj's (or in some cases, clothes worn around the house) would look like.
(left to right)
Ace's boxer fit is purely vibes based. He just seems like that kinda guy.
Lotus: I tried to bring some of her girl boss energy into her pj's. I imagine she wraps her hair in silk so it doesn't get messed up at night.
Clover just seems like she would chill in an oversized cutesy onesie.
Snake: My historical fashion obsession rears its head. He's wearing a Banyan, which is a European gown/lounge wear from the 1700s based on the Kimono and possibly other Indian robes if I recall correctly. The flower on its sleeve is a Chinese Lantern plant. He's holding a chamber candle stick as well. His cap is just based on stereotypical goofy historical pjs, just for fun.
Junpei: I couldn't bring myself to remove what I saw as some of the most iconic parts of Junpei's original design so I just remixed them. Instead of a flannel shirt he's wearing flannel pajama pants and instead of "bisexual sneakers" he's wearing one bisexual slipper (the other one got lost). I was originally intending to give him a generic college or baseball tee but while I was replaying through Ai the Somnium files I spotted the 999 reference by Sunfish Pocket and thought it would be fun to give him an old Lemniscate shirt instead.
June: She has to be wearing purple. Her fashion sense seems to be very natural, with a lot of knitting and textile ornamentation which lead me to think she'd probably wear a nice, simple cotton nightgown. And the bunny slippers are a little nod to her backstory.
Santa: You know, I just get the impression that Santa sleeps in the same clothes he wears in the game. And with a build like that he's definitely getting enough sun to have some embarrassing tan-lines.
Seven: Again, kinda like Santa, I get the feeling his pajamas could be the same clothes he wears in the game. But the shower sandals are a must.
Guy 9: There just wasn't enough for me to go off of for him. So I deleted him :) Sorry. He blew up.
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coltrainbat · 2 years ago
Nick Vaughan X Reader Series
Take Me Home | Part 1: Meet Cute
A/N: Ooft... did this take a while! I am so sorry for the delay for my love @atoosa22​ but i hope you enjoy the first part of what is sure to be a very fluffy (and soon to be smutty) series. ☘️😘
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“Yeah mom, of course, uh-huh... yeah I’m heading home now… yes… it’s freezing here.” You pulled your keys out of the lock of your workplace, holding your phone between your shoulder and cheek as you listened to your mothers worries and concerns knowing she stood halfway across the world powerless while you were alone in the big city.
But there was no such thing as being alone in New York, all the sounds, the lights, the people. It never slept. But you certainly did.
3am and all you could think about is your nice, warm fluffy bed at home.
“Yeah mom, ok well I gotta go… I love you have a good day!”
You hung up, slipping your phone into your pocket. Tightening your coat around you, noticing the misty cloud that appeared when you breathed out. Fiddling with your keys in your hand, manoeuvring the teeth of the metal between your knuckles (just in case).
It was a 20-minute walk back to your apartment. What could happen in the 20-minute direct route to your apartment? 20 blocks. 20 minutes. Head forward. Shoulders back. One foot in front of the other.
Stragglers lined the street; sleeping homeless people, drunk patrons who have called it a night and a few bold individuals walking their dog.
You’re not alone. Never in New York.
You reached block 12 of your journey. With the building above it under construction a makeshift tunnel of plasterboard and wooden beams was your path. Poorly lit by a singular low functioning flood light above but with the rest of the street cut off, it was your only option.
The sound of your boots on the floor was drowned out by the sound of drunk male laughter. “Not every drunk man is a bad man” you thought as you followed the sound hoping to make it to the other side unfazed.
The tunnel was narrow, and the group of men took up most of the path, leaning against the walls, huddled in a group. Taking in a shaky breath you approached them, eager to pass without being perceived.
“Hey pretty girl where you going?” Mission failed as the man snarled at you. You bowed your head, suddenly becoming interested in the tips of your shoe that was until the presence of another matched you toe to toe.
He had blocked your path, forcing you to look up. “Hey when a man’s talking to you, you respond.” His voice was louder this time, agitated. You had heard it many times before in men. Angry men. Men who always got their way by force.
You clenched your fist around your keys, feeling the keychain make indents on your skin. The man had an audience, and he wasn’t going to relent.
“Why don’t you smile a little…” His hand edged towards your face but shot away suddenly at an echo from behind you.
“Baby hey why you walking so fast!” A man came up beside you, wrapping his hand tightly around your waist.
“Excuse me guys.” He gave a firm shoulder nudge towards the man in front of you, pushing him the side. Frozen in fear you let him lead you towards the exit.
You both walked in silence to the next block, far gone from the narrow tunnel.
“Thank you.” You finally let out.
“Oh, foreign that explains it.” He mutters. The fear in your body had now left, replaced with annoyance.
“What’s that supposed to me?” You pushed out of his grip around your waist. Now face to face with the man who technically saved your life.
He looked down on you, while a little wayward in appearance, he was tall and handsome a scruffy beard curving around a strong jaw. Even with layers he looked as though he packed a decent bit of muscle, enough to push your average creep down if needed.
“It means anyone whose actually from New York knows that when you look like that you shouldn’t be walking around it at 3am.” He spits, cocking his head to side in a condescending manner.
“For your information, I’ve done that walk many times since I moved here and that has never happened. And since when is it a woman’s responsibility to reconfigure their whole lives so creepy assholes don’t have a chance to take advantage of them?”
“That’s not what I meant.” He pinched his eyebrow in frustration.
“Well thank you for very much again and I hope you enjoyed your knight in shining armour moment.” You continued to walk, leaving behind your handsome saviour.
“Hey wait.” He jogged up behind you. You stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.
“God you do walk fast don’t ya?” His joke was met with your scowl.
“Let me at least walk you the rest of the way home?”
“Oh so you can know my address and then break in and kill me?” You scoffed.
“I would of been happy with a cup of thank you coffee.” He rubbed his neck, smirking at you.
“I don’t even know your name and you want to come back to my apartment?” You looked at him like he had two heads.
“Well, it’s Nick, and if that’s not good enough its Nick Vaughan born 14th of June 1981. Professional failing trumpet player, full time adored son, part time knight in shining armour, and my social security number is 79-.”
You put your hand up to stop him “Ok ok I get it you’re not a murderer.”
“Hey you cut me off at the best part!”
“Oh really?”
“I’m also the guy who makes sure a pretty girl who just had to deal with a drunken creep gets home safe.”
You pursed your lips inward to hide the smile threatening to come up as he called you pretty.
“Fine.” You let out.
“Wait a minute…” He stepped closer, holding out his pointer “What if you’re…” His finger threatening to push past your coat and touch the exposed skin of your chest. “The murderer.”
“Y/N, foreigner, passport holder of [your country], professionally [dream job] but also full time, loving daughter and occasional victim of drunken creeps.”
He thought for a moment, looking up at the skyscraper above him “Yeah that checks out.”
He held out his elbow, edging you to thread your hand in it. You looked at his arm in confusion.
“You’re cold I promise it’ll make you feel better.”
You were cold and his strong arm was inviting and with your limited experience of his arms around you, you knew that you liked it and it wouldn’t hurt to be able to savour the feeling this time. You begrudgingly slid your hand through.
Nick: “Is it rude to ask why you are walking home this late?”
Y/N: “Pushing it but if you must know I was closing at work.”
Nick: “Alone? They make you do it alone?” His voice laced with concern.
Y/N: “I’m not 15 so yes, they make me, an adult women close up shop at the end of the day.”
Nick: “Remind me not to start questioning the independence of a clearly very strong-minded woman.”
Y/N: “You learn quick, too bad you seem to be 30 years too late.”
Nick: “3 sisters, so excuse the natural instincts.”
Y/N: “Fair enough.”
Nick: “How do you drink coffee from where you’re from?”
Y/N: “In a mug.”
Nick: “Funny.”
Y/N: “I know. Now my turn.”
Nick: “Shoot.”
Y/N: “Why are you walking alone this late?”
Nick: “I’m a musician.”
Y/N: “Yes, but not a vampire so…”
Nick: “Most gigs are at night as well as drunk people are more likely to give up their cash.”
Y/N: “So, you’re a hustler?”
Nick: “I prefer the term opportunist.” He smirked at you.
“This is me.” You motioned towards the front step of your building.
“It’s pretty late-”
“I should let you go-”
You looked at each other, letting out soft laughter.
"Thanks for walking me home. I guess I owe you that cup of thank you coffee."
Nick grinned. "I'll hold you to that. How about tomorrow morning?"
"Sure, why not?" you replied, surprised by your own eagerness.
"But you're buying, you know struggling musician and all."
"Goodnight, [Your country]."
“Goodnight, Nick.”
As he walked away, you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach. Opening the door to your apartment, your back hitting the door as you slid to the ground, grinning like an idiot.
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margocooper · 2 months ago
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Клевер гибридный, или Клевер розовый, или Клевер шведский (лат. Trifólium hybrídum). Октябрь 24. Swedish clover (lat. Trifólium hybrídum). October 24.
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ooj1sannn · 24 days ago
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killing cutie
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mariam246810 · 9 months ago
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Zero escape 999 fanart
I finished the game recently and im still in awe about it. The story and concept were so good!!!
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floccesytowne · 1 month ago
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