#clover can have long sleepovers at the other guys places guys
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Something that I find very interesting, as well as heart warming in regards to Clover and Martlet's relationship, is that according to Flowey, no matter what choices Clover makes in a Neutral Route, what lies Flowey tells to Clover, what he tries to paint Martlet as, whatever tricks he tries to manipulate Clover with, and how many times he RESETS, it will always end with Clover choosing to stay with Martlet instead of going to Asgore, and Martlet choosing to adopt Clover so they can live a better life with her regardless of their misdeeds. With the heavy implications being, that upon the hundreds of thousands of different variations of runs that Clover did before Pacifist finally happened, if it wasn't for Flowey always intervening when things didn't go his way, Clover would always end up living with Martlet.
martlet and clover friendship kills me dead 1000 times btw. love them. they need to be talked about more
#asks#i need to talk about them more ........#clover would live with martlet if they were revived guys. please listen and hear me guys please#clover can have long sleepovers at the other guys places guys#if only flowey wasnt a loser nerd
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Hi Annabelle! I checked your profile and wasn’t sure if your requests were open or not. If they aren’t, please feel free to ignore this.
However, if they are, I was wondering if you could write something about Pezzy with a (preferably black) plus size female reader? I was thinking the guys (Droid, Grizzy, Puffer, and whoever else is in that group idk them all) do another sleepover stream, and they keep asking Pezzy to invite his girlfriend since nobody knows what she looks like. He gives in and has her come over, and everybody (stream audience included) is shocked because she’s so pretty. Like, they don’t understand how Pezzy got her because everyone thinks she’s out of his league. At some point she goes to the bathroom real quick and everyone is asking if it’s a joke or something but still can’t believe he’s serious about it. (I feel like Grizzy would be really happy because she’s black lol) She comes back from the bathroom and starts making dark jokes or has the same sense of humor as everybody else there, and the guys are like “oh yeah, she’s definitely dating the right guy” or something and they accept her, and have a really fun rest of the stream. When it ends, she lays down with Pezzy and reassures him that she loves him and doesn’t want anyone else.
Sorry this is so long, I thought I saw something that said the more detailed the better so I hope this is more than enough information lol. Love your work!
Hello!! They are open even though my adhd makes me procrastinate asks but I’m trying to push them out! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this ask, i appreciate it so much. I really hope you like it, if I missed something let me know and I’ll rewrite it!
Sleepless Worries
Black!Fem!Plus Size!Reader X Pezzy (FT. Grizzy, Puffer, and Droid)
using puffers sleep stream to base this off of, the one where Droid and Pezzy had matching onesies
Warnings: Grizzy uses the n word. I AM A BLACK WOMAN SO CHILL BEFORE YALL COMMENT. Some cursing, sexual humor, unhinged chat, I don’t know if pezzys ever dated anyone plus sized, if he has then my bad lol, if there is any spelling errors please let me know and I can edit it. I will not tolerate hateful comments or bullying, you will be blocked.
In all honesty, Pezzy thought you were gonna say no.
He’s asked you a million and one times to meet his closest friends, you always told him no. You wanted to make sure you and him were truly gonna work out before you both met each others people. He knew why you were nervous. You were unlike any of the women Pezzy ever dated, and although you never really felt many insecurities about your size, you knew how cruel the internet could be so you didn’t feel ready at the time to put yourself in their view.
But here you were, getting ready to join him on Puffer’s sleep stream. You figured he would ask you, the entire stream the boys were pestering him to invite you, which in turn roped chat into pestering him and Pezzy is indeed a weak man when it comes to you. Sue him for wanting to cuddle his baby as chat scares the shit out of them with scuffed audios.
By the time you were ready, you heard your front door open and close, knowing that your lovely boyfriend let himself in with his extra key. You laughed to yourself as he bursted into your room, adorned in a green onesie with a four leaf clover on the front. He instantly lit up when he saw you.
“You don’t have to do this if you’re not ready, baby. They can wait as long as you want them to wait.” He, yet again, assured you. You loved how assuring he was to you but you were honestly getting a little annoyed with his constant reassurance.
You smiled and cupped his face with your hands, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, his hands immediately finding their place in your plush hips. “It’s okay, Pez. I wanna do this, I think we’ve made them wait long enough.” You laughed, enjoying the feeling of his hands on your body. He let out a big sigh, placing a kiss on your nose this time, smiling fondly as your nose scrunched up. “I guess I just wanna keep you to myself just a little bit longer.”
You kissed his cheek, shaking your head at him fondly as you pointed at your computer monitors which displayed Puffer’s stream, “Come on, babe, they’re waiting on us.” You gave him no room to complain as you grabbed your phone and blanket. Pezzy grabbed your bag which held your skin care, silk bonnet and your stuffed Yoshi that Pezzy won you at a carnival. What’s a sleepover without a secondary cuddle buddy?
Pezzy and you held hands as you walked the short walk back to the house, talking about anything and everything. He could tell you got a little more nervous the closer you got to the house. Your free hand was fiddling with the ends of your hair, a new wig that you installed that morning. “Don’t worry, they’re gonna love you. I think you and Grizzy will get on better than anyone.” He chuckled, feeling a bit better when he saw the smile on your face. You were close to the same age as Grizzy and you were black so he figured you two would be the best of friends very quickly.
You knew how much the three boys meant to Pezzy. His absolute best friends so the last thing you wanted was to make a terrible impression. Pezzy wasn’t worried about it though. He knew you. He knew the way you acted and the wonderful humor you had, he knew you would be just fine.
He gave your hand yet another squeeze when he unlocked the front door, laughing softly at the small jump you gave when you both heard yet another scuffed buzz lightyear commercial. “Unfortunately, that will happen a lot.” He mumbled.
“Pezzy? That you?” You heard Puffer ask, another voice, Droids, adding in, “Imagine it’s not. We might get murdered, dog.” He said, the rest of them laughing at the thought. Pezzy shouted back to them, pulling you along with him as he stepped into the room.
Puffer was kind enough to mute the streams audio so they could properly meet you without Chat hearing as Pezzy introduced you all to eachother. You gave them a smile and a wave, not exactly knowing why you were so nervous when all three of them smiled at you so widely.
“It’s actually crazy that you’re real.” Grizzy joked, all of you laughing as Pezzy threw his hands up and rolled his eyes. “Are you sure you’re not kidnapped?” Droid asked making Pezzy throw a pillow at him. “I’m sorry! She’s just too pretty man, it’s wild you bagged her.” They joked.
Pezzy set up some of your things on his side of the couch, kissing your cheek as you told him you were going to the bathroom, walking off into the direction Its almost as if the mood shifted a bit, the boys instantly fixating on Pezzy.
“….What?” He asked them, which seemed to open the floodgates. The boys instantly began questioning him. They thought it was a prank or maybe Pezzy felt that with all their jokes on their videos and streams, he felt like he had something to prove to them so he faked a relationship with you to get them to shut up.
To be honest, Pezzy felt a tiny bit of sadness that they apparently thought that he couldn’t get with someone as beautiful and great as you. When they noticed he got a little bit sad, they felt bad. They didn’t mean to come off as rude or mean, they were just genuinely blindsided by you. But from the way Pezzy looked at you, like you hung the stars in his sky, they were quickly losing their doubts.
You were silently laughing your ass off. You did your business and as you were washing your hands you noticed a certain bottle sitting on the counter. The bathroom you were in was shared between droid and Pezzy, so the fact that you found a bottle of lube just out and about made you double over in muffled laughter.
You knew it belonged to you and Pezzy. Droid was a virgin and Pezzy adored the ground you walk on so you know he would never cheat on you. You smirked to yourself as you got a wonderful idea, grabbing the lube as you left the bathroom.
You stood in the entrance of the hallway, not wanting the stream to pick up on what you were about to do. “So, I’m fine with Pezzy having a side boy, but which of you side boys enjoy cherry flavor?” You asked, all of them turning towards you. Their faces held confusion until they realized what you were holding, instantly doubling over in laughter.
In between his laughter, Puffer nodded his head. “Yup, you’re definitely Pezzy’s girl.” He confirmed. The other two nodded their head, shaking their head as you threw the lube in Droids lap, laughing as he screams. Pezzy patted the spot next to him, smiling as you sat with them.
You were in between Pezzy and Droid, happily snuggling into the blanket you and your boyfriend were sharing. Puffer got up to fiddle with his stream settings, monitoring the chat. The boys promised Pezzy that if anyone was saying anything negative they would end the stream, without question. But from what they could see, the chat was full of compliments and simps towards you.
Pezzy handed you your Yoshi plush, smiling to himself as you and Grizzy chatted. You both were talking very animatedly about the newest horror game he recently played on his channel. You played it yourself so you knew about the game very well. He counted himself lucky, he had some great friends and a wonderful girl.
He zoned back in at the loud sound of you and Grizzy dabbing up, “My nigga!” Grizzy shouted, both you and his laughter contagious as the other boys laughed along. Puffer unmuted the stream, all of you screaming at the loud sound that chat sent in.
You felt good. These were people that you knew would be a constant in the life you were living with Pezzy, and you found no nerves about that.
The rest of the stream went on without a hitch. You blended very well with the chaotic energy the boys had, and chat loved your presence, everyone being extremely respectful. Of course you had the negative comments about your skin color and your weight but with reassurance from you they didn’t end the stream and the lovely mods took care of it for them.
Once the stream ended, everyone went to their respective rooms, you bunking up with Pezzy. You both exchanged little whispers and sweet words as you both got ready for bed. As you both laid down, his arms tugging you as close to him as you could be, you could tell he was still slightly bothered by the comments the boys made at the beginning of the night.
You pressed a kiss to his jaw, making him look down at you. “I hope you know, you’re all I’ll ever need. I love you, and no matter what anyone says to you, that won’t ever change my feelings. You’re it for me.” He smiled down at you, pulling you closer as he kissed you, his hand, holding your leg over his lap. He appreciated your words, sighing contently as the doubts finally left him. He watched you fall asleep, his hand rubbing up and down your thigh. He was grateful you got along with his friends and he honestly couldn’t wait to see his favorite people all together again.
With that thought, he fell asleep with you, the feeling of your gentle heart beat soothing him into a wondrous dream.
#masterlist#pezzy#elasticdroid#bigpuffer#grizzy#youtubers#fluff#black coded reader#pezzy x reader#plus size reader
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Prompt #15 Danbrey if you're feeling up to it! (NSFW or SFW! Your choice!) Hope you're having a nice day :)
Thank you! I went with SFW
Prompt 15: Nymph
Normally, Aubrey would obey the “no fires” warning sign at the edge of the woods. Both because she’s all about respecting nature and also she doesn’t want another safety lecture from Duck. Her roommate needs to study in their dorm, and she really, really needs to practice this set of tricks for her show in a few weeks.
The card and sleight of hand tricks go well, but when she segues into her fire illusions it all goes wrong. All her flash paper gets tangled in a vine that swears wasn’t there a minute ago and any time she generates so much as a spark a bunch of leaves fly into her face.
“Ugh, come on, work with me here.”
She spins around and discovers a tree is talking to her.
“Please work with me here?”
Golden eyes appear in the trunk, “No. You’re using fire. In the woods. The very flammable woods. So, sorry, but as long as I’m around you don’t get to run around throwing sparks.” The voice moves closer and Aubrey understands her eyes were playing tricks on her; it’s a young woman about her age who, up until a moment ago, was camouflage against the tree trunk. Her hair fades from speckled brown to blonde, and her skin is broken up in markings of different colors. Aubrey vaguely remembers Duck telling her that was how some predators avoid being seen in the forest, and wonders if she should be worried rather than noticing how her audience of one looks cute even with her arms crossed in annoyance.
“I’m sorry, I just really need to practice for my magic show because if I bomb it’s gonna suck and no one will ever book me again. So like, what if I promise to keep the sparks small?”
The woman shakes her head. Before Aubrey can react, branches reach down and pick up all her supplies, dangling them out of reach.
“I’m not giving them back unless you say you’ll stop with the fire.”
“It’s flash paper, it barely produces any sparks at all!” She jumps, misses her deck of cards, jumps again and promptly collides with her tormentor, sending them both to the ground.
“Oops.” She tries on her best smile as the woman blinks up at her. Pink flowers bloom up her arms, which is just so fucking cool.
“Are you, like, a wood nymph or something?”
“I’m a dryad, but I think humans just call anyone who lives in the trees nymphs, so that works too.”
“That’s amazing. I wish I could do real magic. Maybe not plant magic because of my whole persona, but any kind would be super rad. Oh!” she sits up, allowing the nymph to do the same, “I know, what if you stayed and watched me practice? That way if the sparks land somewhere they shouldn’t, you can just smoosh them out like you have been. Or we could take turns doing tricks? Not that, like, your magic is like a parlor trick, but more like we could each take turns showing off? What do you think?”
“I think…” the nymph toys with a strand of hair, which shimmers to light green as she walks past a new stand of shrubs, “I think I’m not doing a great job chasing you off. But I also don’t think I want to?” She gives Aubrey a shy smile, “will you do that trick with the rings again?”
Aubrey does a mental fist-pump as her supplies are once again within reach, “You got it.”
“Dani, look!” Aubrey holds the pet carrier up to the tree, “I brought my assistant to meet you.”
“Wrong tree, Aubrey.” The nymph appears to her right.
“Dang. I thought I was getting better at spotting you.”
“You’ve done it on the first try twice this week, which is better than basically any other human has ever done.” They sit on the grass, which thanks to Dani’s intervention no longer irritates Aubrey’s skin or has unwanted bugs in it. She reaches into the carrier, rubbing the white rabbit’s nose “this is Dr. Harris Bonkers, right?”
“Yep! Thank you for using his full name; he worked hard for the diploma.”
Dani laughs in a way that suggests she understands this is a joke but not what the joke is.
“Do you want to let him out? He could nibble grass while we talk.”
“Um, I mean, he’d love that. Right up until something ate him.”
“Here, I have an idea.” Dani twirls a finger, sending up walls and ceilings out of woven branches until she, Aubrey, and the rabbit are in a beautiful gazebo of greenery.
“Wow.” Aubrey whispers as Dr. Harris Bonkers leaves his carrier to happily munch the grass and clover.
Dani scoots closer, “Hey, Aubrey, what’s your favorite flower?”
“I like, um, I think they’re called Penstemons? I also really like cherry blossoms but they’re not in-” The entire roof of the gazebo explodes in pink petals, “season.”
Dani winks, sending the walls into bloom with bright red and deep orange flowers, “they are now.”
“Can I open my eyes yet?” The nymph sits on a tree-stump, fingernails still painted deep green from two nights ago. She and Aubrey spent until about two in the morning in the nymphs’ house, since she wanted to see how human sleepovers differed from dryad ones. Aubrey suspects they both played up how much cuddling between attendees was normal for the sake of being closer.
“Not yet, lemme just get this--hah, okay, you can look now!”
Dani uncovers her face and daffodils burst through the ground at her feet.
Aubrey smirks, spins in her new stage outfit: a satin, flame red top, black jacket, black skirt, sparkly red fishnets, and her Doc Martens, “ta dah!”
“Wow.” Dani sighs, but says nothing else, making Aubrey a little self-conscious
“It really looks good?”
“It looks amazing, fireblossom. No one will be able to take their eyes off you.”
The nickname makes Aubrey’s face match her shirt, “Are you sure you don’t want to come? We could, like, get you a seat in a corner or something so no one would notice you look a little plant-like.”
“I wish I could, Aubrey. But I’ve got work to tend to out here. Plus, I’d be so excited to see you up there, impressing everyone, that I’d fill the whole theater with roses before I knew what I was doing.”
“Good point.” Aubrey sags a little; she’s so pumped for the show, but all she can think about is proving to Dani that all her time practicing in front of her paid off.
“Hey” Dani hops up from her seat, cups one of Aubrey’s cheeks and kisses the other one. It tingles, like rubbing a mint leaf between her fingertips, “good luck tonight.”
The show goes better than expected. There are some hiccups in her first two tricks, but her friends are in the front row and cheer her on as she gets the hang of things. By the time she hits her fiery finale, she has the crowd eating out of the palm of her hand like they’re Dr. Harris Bonkers.
“You did great!” Duck bear hugs her in the green room as Barclay hands her flowers.
“Glad you think so! And, um, thanks you guys. It means a lot that you gave up your Saturday night to come see my act.”
“You know we’d never miss it” Mama hugs her, “we;re so proud of you kiddo, forging your own path like this.”
“And it seems we are not the only ones who enjoyed the show. Look.” Indrid holds up a second bouquet. Tucked among the pink blooms is a card reading “fireblossom.”
“That from the gal you were tellin me about?”
“Yeah” Aubrey cradles the bunch of cherry blossom stems, “she couldn’t make it tonight but, um, I hope she can meet you guys soon. I think you’ll like her. Especially you, Duck, she’s super into plants.”
“Right on. Now, who’s up for some celebratoryholyshit” Duck stops abruptly in the door, “y’all, come look at this.”
The venue has several windows, since during the day it’s a cafe. One of these windows, with a clear view of the stage, is wreathed in honeysuckle. Stranger still is the path of flowers and leaves trailing from the crosswalk, down the opposite sidewalk, and into one of the pedestrian only paths that leads to the green belt around campus.
“Yeah, Aubrey?”
“Please put these in a vase for me.” Aubrey hands him her bouquets and sprints out the door, a rainbow of petals coating her shoes as she runs. Soon there are no streetlights to help her navigate, just the starlight and the river of greenery beneath her feet.
The nymph, coaxing an ailing Elm back to health, turns in surprise. Aubrey throws her arms around her, ever changing hair catching in her face and mottled green dress soft under her hands.
“You came.”
Dani snickers, “what gave it away? The fact it looked like a meadow exploded downtown?”
Aubrey giggles, pulling back to bump their noses together, “Yeah. Just...what made you change your mind.”
The nymph caresses her cheek, fingers coming away glittering from her make-up, “I couldn’t stay away. I saw all the work that went into your act and, and I, uh, I’m also just so into you, fireblossom. I wanted to be there for you, even if I wasn’t in the room.”
Aubrey’s heart threatens to burst out of her chest. To keep that from happening, she pulls Dani into a kiss. The nymph laughs against her mouth, cups the back of her head and holds her there, teasing her tongue between her lips when Aubrey parts them. By the time they separate to breathe, the taste of orange blossoms is on her tongue and her fingers are tangled in gold-green strands of hair.
“Um, you can totally say no to this, but my friends and I are meeting at Mama’s place to celebrate the show going well. There would only be a few of us, and they’re all pretty chill.”
Dani tucks a flower behind Aubreys ear, “I’d love too, fireblossom. But first…” she grabs Aubrey, spinning and dipping her into another kiss, so deep that the stars in her eyes outshine the ones in the sky.
When the nymph guides her back up, both of them laughing in their embrace and all Aubrey can think to say is, “wow.”
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