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Researchers assessed 15 digital work platforms—among them Amazon Mechanical Turk, Scale AI and Appen—and found that all of them were “still far from safeguarding basic standards of fair work,” according to the report. “While the run for AI deployments gets public hype and momentum, workers behind the design, building and testing of these technological solutions, unfortunately, still face enormous challenges and experience unfair working conditions,” the report says. The basis for the report was a survey of 752 workers in 94 countries carried out by researchers from Oxford’s Fairwork team, as well as formal interviews with platform managers. The report’s authors then gave each platform a score out of ten based on five principles: fair pay, fair conditions, fair contracts, fair management, and fair representation; with a maximum of two points for each principle. Four platforms (Amazon Mechanical Turk, Workana, Microworkers, and Freelancer) scored 0 points. None of the platforms reviewed scored more than 5. A score of 10 out of 10, researchers note, “simply means that [a] company is complying with the bare minimum.” “We have very world-renowned platforms that are still among the worst scores,” says Jonas Valente, the lead researcher on the so-called “cloudwork” project. “We still have a very big problem with platforms that are not acknowledging the need to improve their workers’ conditions.” One finding of the report is that workers spend much of their time carrying out what the authors call “unpaid labor.” The report found that 250 workers on the five platforms most commonly used by AI companies to find gig workers spent 26.8% of their time carrying out what it calls “unpaid tasks,” including looking for work, taking unpaid tests, and applying for work. Taking that unpaid time into account, those workers earned an average hourly wage of $2.15 per hour—though the report notes that this pool of workers hailed from 51 countries where the cost of living varies significantly. “Still, the findings shed light on the persistent problem of low pay on the platforms,” the report says.
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[ad_1] Jonas C. L. Valente Tributário Compartilhar no Twitter Jonas CL Valente é pesquisador de pós-doutorado no Oxford Internet Institute e é responsável pela co-liderança do Cloudwork Project na Fairwork. Se você usa aplicativos de empresas de tecnologia líderes mundiais, uma vez que OpenAI, Amazon, Microsoft ou Google, há uma grande chance de você já ter consumido serviços produzidos por trabalho remoto online — também espargido uma vez que cloudwork. Organizações grandes e pequenas em toda a economia dependem cada vez mais da mão de obra terceirizada disponível por meio de plataformas uma vez que Scale AI, Freelancer.com, Amazon Mechanical Turk, Fiverr e Upwork. Recentemente, essas plataformas tornaram-se cruciais para as empresas de perceptibilidade sintético (IA) treinarem seus sistemas de IA e prometer que funcionem corretamente. OpenAI é um cliente de Scale AI e Remotasks, rotulando dados para seus aplicativos ChatGPT e DALL-E. As redes sociais contratam plataformas para moderação de teor. Além do mundo da tecnologia, universidades, empresas e ONGs (organizações não governamentais) usam regularmente essas plataformas para contratar tradutores, designers gráficos ou especialistas em TI. As plataformas de trabalho em nuvem tornaram-se uma oportunidade de proveito forçoso para um número crescente de pessoas. Um estudo dos estudiosos da Universidade de Oxford Otto Kässi, Vili Lehdonvirta e Fabian Stephany estimou que mais de 163 milhões de pessoas se registraram nesses sites. O Freelancer.com sozinho tem mais de 67 milhões de trabalhadores registrados, o equivalente à população do Reino Uno. Esses trabalhadores, muitos dos quais moram em países de baixa e média renda, trabalham para clientes que podem estar do outro lado do mundo. As empresas de IA estão usando mão de obra online para terceirizar a grande quantidade de trabalho manual oculto necessário para produzir seus aplicativos. Do ponto de vista do cliente, é difícil resistir à oferta. As plataformas de trabalho on-line apresentam a eles uma força de trabalho barata e frequentemente qualificada, disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. E a competição acirrada por vagas nas plataformas garante que a empresa contratante terá vantagem na negociação de condições e remuneração. Não é de surpreender que as empresas de IA estejam aproveitando essa oportunidade para terceirizar a grande quantidade de trabalho manual oculto necessário para produzir seus aplicativos. Mas para os trabalhadores do outro lado, a situação pode ser terrível. Eles podem passar grande secção do dia procurando e se candidatando a empregos, tempo que não é remunerado. Para a maioria das plataformas, não há garantia de que as tarefas oferecidas não caiam aquém do salário mínimo. E se tiverem qualquer problema com o cliente, nem sempre há um processo de recurso evidente, colocando-os em risco de não serem pagos. Pelo terceiro ano, o projeto Fairwork, também sediado na Universidade de Oxford, avaliou 15 dessas plataformas cloudwork, uma vez que Freelancer.com, Amazon Mechanical Turk, Fiverr e Upwork. As empresas foram pontuadas em uma graduação de 0 a 10, de negócio com os cinco princípios do trabalho justo — remuneração, condições, contratos, gestão e representação. Os critérios de pontuação incluíam, entre outras coisas, se a plataforma pagava os trabalhadores em dia, se mitigava os riscos de saúde e segurança e se havia canais de informação claros e processos devidos para decisões que afetavam os trabalhadores. Os resultados foram baseados em uma pesquisa com 752 trabalhadores de 94 países, muito uma vez que informações coletadas dos gerentes da plataforma. Nenhuma das plataformas atendeu a mais da metade desses padrões básicos de trabalho decente. Plataformas freelance populares uma vez que Fiverr e Freelancer.com marcaram 2 e 1 pontos, respectivamente. As plataformas focadas em pequenas tarefas, uma vez que rotulagem de dados ou moderação de teor, ficaram entre as piores pontuações: Appen (3), Clickworker (1), Scale/Remotasks (1), Microworkers (0) e Amazon Mechanical Turk (0). Em média, os trabalhadores entrevistados ganhavam míseros US$ 2,15 por seu tempo de trabalho nessas plataformas. Os resultados apontam para quantas dessas plataformas não atendem aos direitos e proteções básicas dos trabalhadores. Devido à natureza internacional dessa indústria, as plataformas de trabalho em nuvem muitas vezes podem contornar as regulamentações trabalhistas nacionais, criando uma espécie de faroeste virtual onde os trabalhadores têm a perder. É preocupante que esse protótipo esteja se espalhando rapidamente – sobrecarregado pela demanda de empresas de IA e pela tendência maior de trabalho remoto e maleável posteriormente a pandemia. Notavelmente, algumas plataformas do estudo concordaram em fazer algumas melhorias, uma vez que Terawork e Comeup, que implementaram um piso de salário mínimo. No entanto, os maiores desafios do setor só podem ser resolvidos por meio de regulamentações que garantam que essas empresas cumpram os mesmos padrões trabalhistas que todas as outras. No nível internacional, a Organização Internacional do Trabalho está discutindo o desenvolvimento de padrões para prometer os direitos dos trabalhadores na economia do dedo. Esta é uma oportunidade de ouro para resolver os problemas enfrentados pelos trabalhadores em plataformas de cloudwork. No entanto, isso não será eficiente se os governos nacionais em todo o mundo também não se envolverem. Infelizmente, até agora, as discussões sobre a regulamentação da economia de plataforma se concentraram principalmente em setores uma vez que entrega de comida e carona. É urgente que os formuladores de políticas e reguladores considerem também os desafios únicos enfrentados pelos trabalhadores remotos on-line e coloquem a mesma força na procura de soluções para essa força de trabalho oculta, mas muito real. [ad_2]
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Nextcloud Hosting-Anbieter: Top 5 Services für sichere Cloud-Zusammenarbeit
Die Nutzung einer sicheren Cloud-Plattform ist heutzutage für Unternehmen und Organisationen von entscheidender Bedeutung, um effiziente Zusammenarbeit und Datenspeicherung zu gewährleisten. Nextcloud ist eine führende Open-Source-Plattform für Cloud-Dienste, die eine flexible und hochsichere Lösung für die gemeinsame Nutzung von Dateien, die Synchronisierung von Daten und die Zusammenarbeit in Echtzeit bietet. Wenn Sie nach den besten Nextcloud Hosting-Anbietern suchen, um Ihre geschäftlichen Anforderungen zu erfüllen, sind Sie hier genau richtig. In diesem Artikel stellen wir Ihnen die Top 5 Services für sichere Cloud-Zusammenarbeit vor, die Sie in Betracht ziehen sollten.
1) Provider X Cloud Services
Provider X ist einer der führenden nextcloud hosting providers, der sich durch seine erstklassigen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und hochmodernen Datenschutzfunktionen auszeichnet. Die Plattform bietet eine End-to-End-Verschlüsselung für alle hochgeladenen Dateien, sodass Ihre Daten jederzeit geschützt sind. Zudem werden regelmäßige Backups erstellt, um Datenverluste zu verhindern. Provider X gewährleistet außerdem eine hohe Verfügbarkeit seiner Server, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie immer auf Ihre Daten zugreifen können, wenn Sie sie benötigen.
2) SecureCloud Solutions
SecureCloud Solutions ist ein vertrauenswürdiger Nextcloud Hosting-Anbieter, der sich auf Datenschutz und Sicherheit spezialisiert hat. Die Plattform verwendet hochmoderne Verschlüsselungstechnologien, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Daten vor unbefugtem Zugriff geschützt sind. Darüber hinaus verfügt SecureCloud Solutions über ein redundantes Rechenzentrum, um Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren und eine nahtlose Verfügbarkeit Ihrer Daten zu gewährleisten. Die Plattform bietet auch benutzerfreundliche Funktionen für die Zusammenarbeit, wie z. B. die gemeinsame Bearbeitung von Dokumenten in Echtzeit.
3) DataGuard Hosting
DataGuard Hosting ist bekannt für seinen Fokus auf Datenschutz und Datensicherheit. Der Anbieter verfügt über ein leistungsstarkes Sicherheitssystem, das Ihre Daten durch eine starke Verschlüsselung und mehrere Sicherheitsebenen schützt. DataGuard Hosting bietet auch DSGVO-konforme Dienste, die für Unternehmen, die in der Europäischen Union tätig sind, von großer Bedeutung sind. Darüber hinaus bietet die Plattform eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und eine intuitive Dateiverwaltung, um die Zusammenarbeit zu erleichtern.
4) CloudWorks Collaboration
CloudWorks Collaboration ist ein zuverlässiger Nextcloud Hosting-Anbieter, der sich auf die Zusammenarbeit in der Cloud konzentriert. Neben einer hohen Sicherheitsstufe bietet die Plattform eine Vielzahl von Tools, die die Produktivität und Effizienz Ihrer Teammitglieder steigern. Sie können Dokumente in Echtzeit bearbeiten, Kalender und Aufgaben gemeinsam verwalten und sichere Videoanrufe durchführen. CloudWorks Collaboration zeichnet sich auch durch erstklassigen Support und eine hohe Benutzerfreundlichkeit aus.
5) TrustNet Cloud Services
TrustNet Cloud Services ist ein renommierter Nextcloud Hosting-Anbieter, der einen Schwerpunkt auf die Sicherheit legt. Die Plattform verwendet SSL-Verschlüsselung für die Datenübertragung und bietet zusätzliche Sicherheitsfunktionen wie Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung und IP-basierte Zugriffssteuerung. TrustNet Cloud Services verfügt über ein zuverlässiges Netzwerk mit hoher Verfügbarkeit, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Daten immer zugänglich sind. Die Plattform bietet auch automatische Backups, um den Schutz Ihrer Daten zu gewährleisten.
Die Auswahl eines zuverlässigen Nextcloud Hosting-Anbieters ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, um eine sichere und produktive Cloud-Zusammenarbeit zu gewährleisten. Die vorgestellten Top 5 Services, nämlich Provider X Cloud Services, SecureCloud Solutions, DataGuard Hosting, CloudWorks Collaboration und TrustNet Cloud Services, bieten erstklassige Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, Datenschutz und eine benutzerfreundliche Erfahrung. Bevor Sie sich für einen Anbieter entscheiden, ist es ratsam, Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen zu bewerten und die Dienste zu vergleichen, um den besten Nextcloud Hosting-Service für Ihr Unternehmen zu finden. Für uns stellt Onyxhosting.de den besten Anbieter dar, der Ihnen als kompetenter und zuverlässiger Partner zur Seite steht.
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So since I'm working on getting better at art so I can do that full-time, I put in for some part-time jobs. They're, well, not exactly glamorous, but I can work on them whenever I want. I wanted to know if anyone else here had any experience with stuff like this.
I put in for TELUSinternational and Cloudworkers, and reviews on them are contradictory. A lot of the reviews are like "3 stars" but the text I've read is like "this job is so flexible and not a bad gig" or some shit. But I know people on Tumblr are honest asf so I thought I'd bring it up here lol
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Cloudworks Principal, Geoff Creaghan, works with higher education clients to implement Oracle ERP solutions. He teaches his two children to be involved in the community and has devoted his efforts to serving Habitat for Humanity. He is a University of New Brunswick graduate and triathlete who enjoys swimming, running, home renovations and Crypto/Blockchain. He is a member of the St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club.
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The Learning Technologist Imagined
The Learning Technologist Imagined

Fig.1. Prof. Jilly Salmon author of ‘E-Tivities’
Inspired by a couple of talks given by Prof. Gilly Salmon at the 5th Coursera Partners’ Conference in The Hague in March 2016 I have been working on a way to take her ‘Five Phases’ of online course design and turn it into a ‘workshop’ model that could be used to help design courses, and to compare courses, their affordances and learning outcomes.
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#Cloudworks#collaboration#coursera#creativity#Daphne Keller#e-tivities#futurelearn#HangOuts#Jilly Salmon#JISC#lms#MOOC#mozilla#oxbridge tutorial#Rosetta Stone#spaceded#the OU
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Golden skies July 27th 2022
#photograhers on tumblr#foryoü#orginal photographers#backyard#following#photography#landscape#nature#foryou#sunset#georgia#golden clouds#cloudcore#cloudporn#mycloudyskies#my daily clouds#cloudwatching#cloudwork
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pretty game
#it's so. beautiful#i'm nutting every minute from the sunsets and the cloudwork#like shit dude it's all so good#it's ace#red dead redemption 2#red dead redemption 2 spoilers
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#engagement #photo #session #wow #wedding #Theknot #photography #socal #Sunset #cloudworks #California #orangecounty #laguna #LagunaBeach #socal #surf #surfcity #sunset #sunset_pics #adventure #travel #beach #southerncalifornia #beautiful #beautifulsky #waves #surf #surfers #surfing #cinematic (at Laguna Beach, California)
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should chit sang have tattoos?
should- in my perfect mind's eye, chit sang is covered in a mixture of beautifully done linework and the weirdest stick n pokes imaginable!
(new hc he's also the guy that his buddy will call over whenever he's trying to offer his tattooing services in boiling rock bc one of chit sang's arms is just a progress map showing off his friend's improved talents, starting with the star-shaped scar on his shoulder all the way down to some pretty impressive cloudwork around his wrist)
#he also has leopard spots tattooed in him bc i said so <333333333#good morning this was a very fun thing to daze about as i made my coffee lmfaoi#chit sang#ask#anon#on him* not in him lmfao i need to drink more coffee
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The podcast Saturday 7 pm CET is about.... Anime.
Come listen to us live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/workingonitp
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Blog #6: The Myth of being employed by Youtube for Digital Labour (Esan)
In the chapter, What is the sharing economy? (2019), Ravenelle posits that the sharing economy is a collection of app based technologies, focusing on the lending or renting of assets and services for profit or a higher good. Accelerated by the convergence of technological and social forces such as smartphone ubiquity, cashless payment systems, customer review sites and unemployment, the promise of trust, disruption and autonomy within the sharing economy are actually misrepresentative of reality. The author categorizes platform based gig-economy services under the sharing economy as well. Firstly, Ravenlle argues that the trust divide is widening as the prioritization of cost and convenience over community results in more Gesellschaft than Gemeinschaft. Next, the increasing casualization of labour has transferred financial risk from entrepreneurs to workers fuelling the rise of the Precariat. Finally, she emphasises that increasing social inequalities have caused a pivot from a sharing to an on-demand economy.
I definitely agree with Ravenelle that disguised capitalist agendas have shifted the sharing economy towards an on-demand economy, diminishing labour power. Furthermore, the creation of robust digital platforms for part-time or freelance digital labour has become far more exploitative, as compared to traditional employment. Referencing the sharing by Dr Soriano, ambiguities in both web-based and location-based services offered through Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) platforms have fundamentally resulted in the Precariat.
In my last blog post, I likened digital labour on YouTube to the traditional employment model, arguing that user generated content uploaded by creators was not free labour or exploitative. However, in line with Ravenelle and Dr Soriano, I now realize that the underlying assumptions of digital labour I had were flawed. The digital model is severely exploitative given the ambivalent marginality workers are subject to. Focussing on web based services or ’Cloudwork’, platforms like Fiver or Upwork outsource jobs which supposedly solve unemployment and ensure healthy work-life balance. In reality, these platform intermediaries are ‘digital sweatshops’ where workers experience precarity and informality due to the unequal relationship between clients and employees.
For example, while Youtubers’ videos can be monetized, this form of user generated content does not account for the spectrum of ambiguities creators face. The lack of employer transparency, stringent worker evaluation criteria as well as the absence of wage regulation or benefits are just a few ambiguities faced by digital labourers as a result of the power asymmetry with BPO platform intermediaries. Likewise, subject to precarity in the form of vague community guidelines and regulations, Youtubers may have videos removed or demonetized, regardless of the time, effort and capital invested into its production. Therefore, the ambiguities in digital labour have compromised labour relations for Youtubers and other digital workers.
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