cloudsworn · 3 months
log 1.
waaa... long time no see.
figured i'd want to restart this kind of things with updates, kind of give a general idea of my progress and how i want to do things? like this i figure i can probably manage... something fhks
anyway, my life here has been hectic <3 but i'm getting back into the swing of things, slowly? right now my main goal is to get back into shifting as a whole- my break was long. so i feel like though i want to return.. its a bit difficult to get the next direction in order? weird feeling! ill let you know if i get any major updates, yeah? see you later. happy shifting. - cloud
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cloudsworn · 3 months
log 2.
okay. hi. so this update came quicker than i thought.
last time i mentioned my main goal was to get back into everything, and it still is, but i've suddenly been hit with a sudden excitement for everything.. it's a nice feeling i think.
i have a couple drs ideas in mind but i'm having a bit of trouble thinking about which to put my main focus on which is.. a problem i have not had in a good while. suffering from success... i'll let you know if i decide on one, yeah? happy shifting! - cloud
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